In this Saturday’s interview round up, Maisie Williams talks Arya with Nylon and the end of Game of Thrones with her fellow cast mates at The Hollywood Reporter. In a video interview with IGN, Daniel Portman discusses Pod, Brienne, Sansa and that damned candle in the window.
On the cover of Nylon, Maisie Williams goes into taking on the role of Arya Stark, what it means to her and her character’s fan impact.
Arya is really popular with a lot of people because she’s just a broadly funny character—witty, dry, ballsy, feminist.

She goes on to defending the role of women on Game of Thrones and the controversies that arise surrounding them:
They’re written as whole characters. Of course, there are elements in the show where women are treated badly, but it’s representative of that era. And yes, it is disturbing watching a woman get raped on-screen, but it’s also disturbing watching kids getting killed, babies getting killed, horses being killed, basically everything you can think of on the show being killed, murdered, tortured.
She even jokes her mother’s role in ensuring she understands the harsh themes she’s exposed to on set.
For a lot of the most violent scenes, my character was there. I was there for the filming of Ned Stark’s beheading, I was there when Joffrey got his arm bitten. I was there for a lot. So it was more intriguing than scary for me to watch how it was all cut together. [on the nude scenes] My mum was cool with that, too, like, ‘It’s where babies come from.

Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) even chimes in on her TV sister:
“I’m very protective of her as a friend and as a quasi-sister. It’s important for people to know that, despite all of her badassery and extraordinary circumstances, Maisie is still just a normal teenager and isn’t immune to the effect that words on social media can have.”
Williams continues her interview over at Nylon where she goes into the endless adjustment to fame and growing up in the spotlight, future roles, and more!
We recently reported that Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and DB Weiss were considering shortening the final season(s?) of the series. While some fans were pleased, some were not. Maisie Williams has some comforting words with The Hollywood Reporter that may ease some.
We’re building up to a massive downhill sprint. That’s what it feels like. We’re getting more riled up. At the end of this [season], people will obviously be waiting for the next season of the series, but it will feel like the end is in sight.
Fellow co-stars of Thrones John Bradley (Samwell Tarly), Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton), Kristofer Hivju (Tormund Giantsbane), and Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy) share their thoughts on the end of this incredible journey.
Bradley: You get the sense that stories are coming to a conclusion
He also describes the next season as one of “redemption” where “loose ends are tied up.”
McElhatton: They can move so fast as writers. They can cut swathes of people, just killing people off. Suddenly, a person’s gone, and that journey’s over, and that journey’s over…with all these characters, [the writers] can move incredibly fast with the storytelling.
Hivju comments on tv series’ knack for rebooting storylines in their sixth season which he contrasts with Game of Thrones.
This is a big journey for all the characters. It’s one big story. We don’t have to redefine the essence of the show. We’re just continuing.
Alfie Allen shares the fan view on the end of the show:
No. I want it to carry on forever.
Same. But with even chances of a spin-off already being debunked, we may need to accept that all good things must come to an end…even Game of Thrones. Head on over to The Hollywood Reporter where Bradley compares the series to Breaking Bad and more!
In a video interview with IGN, Daniel Portman (Podrick) teases going back to “square one” this season by calling last season “a series of near misses” for Pod and Brienne on their mission to save Sansa Stark.
Let’s hear from you guys! How do you feel about the end of Game of Thrones? Did the cast ease your worries? Let us know below!
Roose is a dead man walking. All his interviews are giving me this sense.
Love Alfie Allen’s quote! 😀
Mr/s Martin, Weiss & Benioff ,
You do realise that a woman in the top 5% IQ is basing her 50th birthday celebrations
( delayed by a week to co-incident with the UK viewing in the early hours)and closing 3 companies that she runs on a Monday so she can can watch., and re-watch each episode of the forthcoming series.
*deep breath first step is admitting*
My name is Rosie, I am a GOT addict….
McElhatton’s quote makes me all the more certain that Roose is getting offed early on this season. Fat Walda, too.
I’m starting to think that Snow won’t be resurrected until episode 5 or later….especially if they are thinking 3-4 seasons left….
No they said two shortened seasons?
It has to end at some point. I just hope they can find the right balance between good storytelling and epic battles without feeling rushed. I also hope there is room for some complexity and it doesn’t just turn into humans and dragons vs White Walkers. I think 13 episodes is close to being enough for the end game storylines. I can see not needing 20 episodes, especially if the filming requirements make it impossible to produce as many episodes per year. Still, 15 or 16 sounds better than 13.
That’s right….I wonder if they will make it 3 after all…..either way it’s nice to see a show end on a creative note and on their own terms…as much as I want to see it continue for more than 2-3 seasons.
I feel like the news of shortened final season(s) has really dampened the mood. Everyone was riding a high from the last week or so of new content and now it’s like someone called the cops and the party’s over. I don’t get why Weiss and Benioff decided to drop the news now, when the whole negotiation process isn’t even finished and nothing’s set in stone. At least we still have a full season coming our way and it’s almost here!
Fading to black on the final episode of GoT is going to be immensely depressing. I, you, know the feeling from watching the end of so many favorite shows in the past. However, GoT is and has been at a level I haven’t been before for a show. I’m talking about years of reading articles and participating on sites like this on a daily basis, being a huge fan of the book series before the show started and became a huge hit, buying merchandise, watching episodes again and again year around, shaking with anticipation for the start of every new episode, cheering and crying with joy when it finally won the best drama emmy last year, etc. etc. I’ve had other favorites but nothing I’ve been so invested in. Yes, it’s going to be a sad time after the final episode. It would help if we got news that a spin-off or prequel is going to be created, but I know those are never quite the same… That’s enough thinking about it for now. :/
Hodor? I read this an hour ago, how come no comments!?
Edit: Oh, there the are… they weren’t there! Much better….
Sooner or later there will be another. The first show I followed that was this immense was Lost. When the series was nearing it’s end Breaking bad was already in its first seasons. After Lost, Breaking Bad grew more popular. In the last years of Breaking Bad, the first seasons of Game of Thrones were finished and that series was becoming enormously popular. So yeah, what will the next one be…
I’m thinking Property Brothers.
Decent fan made trailer.. combines all the content thus far for season 6 –
A vaild point TFT, I am older and remember Twin peaks etc.
The problem is with GOT that you are making a TV series out of a series of books (written from POV) that have yet to be completed. When Peter Jackson did his thing with LOTR it didn’t matter that there were 3 films a year apart, we book readers knew the endgame. This time we don’t. You are not alone Clob I have cookies 🙂
I get that we should take comments from actors with a grain of salt but…
They can move so fast as writers. They can cut swathes of people, just killing people off. Suddenly, a person’s gone, and that journey’s over, and that journey’s over…with all these characters, [the writers] can move incredibly fast with the storytelling.
…this is exactly what some are worried about. We know that they are capable of wrapping up a storyline as quickly as possible if they want to. What people are interested in is if they can do it both quickly and effectively.
Roose can’t die, because he was never alive, being a vampire and all.
That’s a good point. Bringing up that the show will be done soon was a great way to put a damper on everything.
I agree
But the latest article says two shortened season so I don’t see it going for three!
I have been having trouble seeing comments
I have to refresh the page to see new comments even though I go to the main page and click on the article it’ll show 0 comments until I click refresh
Assuming he means including this season – ie three seasons in total left but the last 2 are shortened
they want to shorten the season. A lot come back of him would be kind of anticlimatic then.
they should make next season 10 episodes and then the last season 4 or 5 mega episodes with a full 10 episode budget plus add 20 million. Make it a huge event air every episode in theatres and on tv. That’s the only way I wont be upset by the news of shorter seasons.
I imagine this season will tighten up some loose threads as well as close off stories that wont play in the end. I expect a smaller “main cast” by season 7. If a shorter season means better production and a few “episode 9’s” then bring it on.
I don’t mind the shortened seasons, as long as there’s quality and less filler (bad poosey, Daario etc.).
The only thing that worries me is an abrupt ending where Dany takes the throne after barely even being in Westeros. That would be lame.
Also, why isn’t this post showing up on the main page? I had to click the twitter link and then refresh multiple times to even get all the comments to show.
Oh yeah, good point
American Gods hits the screen next year! That could go quite a few seasons, if they decide to tell all the tangential stories that the book does.
And Neil Gaiman just announced on the anniversary of Terry Pratchett’s passing that he got a posthumous letter from Sir Terry urging him to go on without him to write a TV version of Good Omens! That should be awesome, with modern CGI. Fancasting Crowley and Aziraphale could keep fansites hopping for awhile, too.
Now that the financial viability of high-production-values fantasy cable TV has been thoroughly established by GoT, I think we can expect to see more such stuff being produced. Personally I would love to see some of Guy Gavriel Kay’s historical-fantasy novels adapted for the screen. They’re immensely cinematic.
The fact that fans knew GoT was ending by 2018 was depressing enough and then for D&D to mentioned perhaps shortened seasons is just too much, it’s like Ramsey flaying someone, well…maybe the wrong analogy. Anyway this is all over the web and fans are not to happy about it, so hopefully D&D can find an exciting way to extend the show, even if its by a few episodes. If they feel burned out a little have Bryan and a few others handle some episodes to take the slack off D&D.
Deesensfan…is that pic of you?…. If so I could sit and watch GOT reruns with you for the rest of my life!…sorry I know this isn’t the place for such things..
Hahaha! Man you’re a Hero .
The only reason I could think of why Benioff and Weiss would make the statement this week that we might have shortened seasons is contractual. Money. Trying to pressure the suits at HBO. You pay them more, they give you more episodes. Is there honestly any other reason that makes sense? Think about it. Why would you intentionally seek to dampen everyone’s mood when you’re on a promotional tour for your new season? That makes little sense. If this was an actual thing they wanted they could have very easily waited to drop this info on the public until the midway point of the season or even after the season. But you drop this massive info 9 days before your new season premieres? This makes sense in what way? There’s more to it than meet the eye in my opinion.
The closer the season gets, the more i can wait. It’s like that feeling when you’re excited for Christmas, but then you know it’ll be over….
Sir Jakester The Snakester,
That is me! Thank you:)
No worries. We’re all friends here!
Wouldn’t that be fun!
Joffrey’s Cunt,
Ugh. I agree. It’s bittersweet. I want season 6 now but I cannot imagine waiting for season 7.
orange: There’s also the possibility D&D are so brain dead right now they forgot they can’t think out loud like that. They also recently reeled off how much shooting that had to do , in five countries, within roughly the same amount of time as past seasons.
It feels like they’re concerned about the logistics of filming, knowing the endgame stuff is going to be massive to shoot, plus the sense they’re getting as they’re writing s7 that there aren’t 20 episodes of story left to tell. There are, though, more than 10 episodes worth. Then HBO’s probably like, “Hey, we did this short split with Mad Men,” ignoring that nearly everyone HATED that they did that. I hate Amazon/BBC is doing it with Ripper Street.
It was frustrating to hear from the actors about the show needing to end.. Somehow it was told to them that’s what fans are upset about. Completely missed the point. That’s not why this news made us angry. It’s HOW it will end that has us upset. Shorter seasons I can see. But there’s a point where the season feels too short, and that it just cuts off the plot instead of being a natural stopping point.
Go girl!
Right?! And really, these are the good days. There are seasons coming up. It’s not done yet. Still time to look forward too. ☺
And how you know that it won’t be a natural stopping?
D&D are not your bitches. They don’t own you or anybody else anything.
They were publicly discussing the end from 2013.
S7(part 1 or 2) or S7 and S8 will be renewed very soon. After new season premieres. As always.
So nothing unusual.
This show became so great because nobodies on the internet never influenced D&D .
I don’t even know how I will feel after its all over
Here I am, in bed on a Saturday night – moping about GOT hahaah
The reason why they would make the statement this week is because they are doing a lot of interviews right. The volume of interviews will plummet once the season starts, and thus questions about spinoff will become very infrequent.
Yeah it’s interesting, the vibe I get as a show watcher is that Ramsay will take out Roose and Fat Walda and seize power at Winterfell for himself
I can see the convo in E7 last season as being thematically relevant in the sense that the two bastard Snows in question (Jon and Ramsay) have ascended to being at the head of armies and holding real power and influence etc etc which will be interesting if explored right
However, book Ramsay is volatile, he has excellent rat cunning to outwit Theon but he lacks broader strategic cunning that Roose has as alluded to with the whole “boots out of Barbrey Dustin” dialogue.
Book Roose has excellent strategic cunning, I’d put him on the same level as Tywin or Doran Martell so I can’t see book Ramsay ever getting the better of him. I do reckon Mance has the cunning, the wit to gauge and handle whatever this creepy leech stuff is and obviously the Martial skill to be the one who does get Roose though,
As for the wider talk, we expected 7 seasons of 10 episodes, so 70 episodes, if we get two shortened seasons, that is about 73-4 episodes or so
Splitting it in half of thereabouts allows for two years worth of HBO’s financial resources to fund the end-game battles etc
If the reason for fewer episodes is an artistic choice based on the story they have left to tell, I am totally fine with it. If it’s purely logistical… Then yeah, not so much. It would be a shame to rush the end (The Wire season 5 or last season of Boardwalk Empire anyone).
As mentioned above, it may be part of a PR pitch for more money. Or let’s face it, this thing may have just overtaken their lives to a ridiculous degree and they just want to make it more manageable. But again, money could solve that.
One thing that wouldn’t make much sense if it happened. Why would the North rally around Sansa? She’s a Bolton now, married to Ramsay, she did so willingly. Being abused by her husband doesn’t change that fact. It’d make more sense for her to join up with LF and arrive to the battle with the Valemen, who are being led by LF.
Yes it does. In the books Arya(Jeyne) is a Stark too and many northeners fight for her beside Stannis. Sansa still a Stark.
Alfie, Iwan and Michael tuesday guest on Jimmy Kimmel 🙂
you snow nothing,
It definitely seems to fit with what we’ve seen so far, although I keep getting this nagging feeling that they’re giving away an awful lot of the plot in these trailers, and so there could be some misdirection going on.
But Arya’s younger (not marriage ready), so fArya is that as well, and they believe she’s being forced to.
No northen lord was at the wedding. Sansa could easlly say LF and Roose forced her.
They have no way to know if she agreed or not.
Well. you’ve got a point.
This may bother some people.
But to me rules, like inheritance or marriage, don’t really matter in time of conflict.
Like LF said, ”chaos is a ladder”.
During these times, in my opinion, no one has the rules on his side and most of the time they don’t matter at all. Because it’s a free for all. Whoever wins makes the rules.
I didn’t know about American Gods! That should be intriguing! 🙂
I think Orange makes a very fair point. Besides, I barely have seen any interviews from D&D at all. Which question did they ask D&D? I think D&D could easily answer: “Probably two seasons”, and everyone would still be happy. The possibility of two shortened seasons is something that should be said after the season ends, and D&D must know that as well.
Today marks the first day of the longest week of 2016.
wow couldn’t be more obvious in their double standards policy. We all know about R&R threads regarding the show. The same thread, but book edition, was made and closed by the mods soon after…go figure. Hypocrisy is what I can’t stand the most.
OK, with all this talk of endings when do we start talking about “the next game of thrones”? Black Company anyone?
Kit Hairyton,
The ”LONG” Night word says something for you? It would be lame for a one season ”long” night. Doesn’t matter if it 6 or 10 episode. 13-20(season 7-8) would be enough for that. Maybe you just don’t have imagination how it can be after the
Roose, Ramsay n’ Reek: the Talk-show.
Nice one!
Season 6 is the shortest season through the first seven episodes combined so far. Really odd with all of the returning characters and locations.
What’s happening guys and gals?
I’m helping with some site testing this morning, so pay no attention to my pointless comments.
Hard to believe we are 7 days out.
The Long Night is the outcome if the Walkers win and overcome Westeros. The Battle for the Dawn will be the focus of the climax of the show, not TLN.
OT: I don’t remember, and I couldn’t find the information in the archives : when did we get the episode preview for the premiere last year?? Was it on friday, or a few days before that?
(I just need to know when I’ll get my next GOT fix.. ;p)
Nvm, found the answer:
It wasn’t an official HBO promo, but a CNBC promo, released on the friday before the premiere.
Game of Thrones returns next Sunday!!!!!!
If not for crappy Vinyl, we could have had GOT already today or even last week.
It was, it has all the marks of an official promo. HBO just never really publishes the episode 1 promos anywhere afaik.
True. Thankfully Vinyl ends tonight and we’ll have GoT back next week!
Everyone needs to chill out. D&D change their story on how it’s gonna end all the time. Just relax.
Even if it does end with 7 and 6 episode seasons, why is that such a bad thing? If the episodes are all killer and no filler they could be the greatest seasons of the show despite the ep count. Let’s wait and see how it plays out before we lose our shit.
Hello there! I’m not a computer person, so I’m not sure, if it’s me or you, but just to let you know, on Chrome and Firefox I’m still at 8 days and 12 hours from the premiere 🙁 The humanity!! For some reason, the site does not refresh. I have to go on twitter and click on the link for the article and even then it’s not up to date. Sorry in case this that has been said a gazillion times before:)
PS. Also Sorry if this is a double post, I can’t even see my own comment…
EDIT: Oh! This should have been an answer to OZ’s post.
Probably to test the waters. The next seasons scripts need to be written and finished up – there isnt that much more time to decide wether or not they make a shorter season.
I can’t get the page to stop loading in order to refresh and see the comments. On my phone I’m stuck on Friday news.
(heavy breathing)…It feels so good to be able to say this at this point
My body is ready.
I understand. We switched servers and are still experiencing some propagation issues. If you go into your browser settings and delete your history and cookies, it should come back up current. Let us know if this helps and please keep us informed.
This will be the longest week ever, unless they release something new to tease us. Btw aren’t we expecting some behind the scenes from spain this week?
Demon monkey,
I had the same issue. Same as above… if you go into your browser settings on your phone and delete the history, the site should be current when you bring it back up.
Amidst the cognitive dissonance that D&D’s recent statements have caused amongst the fandom (somewhat of a tempest-in-a-teacup kinda thing really, IMO, since their declarations were frankly not all that different from their previous statements) it’s interesting for me that EW’s recently published nonspoilery “review” of the upcoming “The Red Woman” described the episode as a “crowd-pleaser”…Hmm.
Seven more days until the end of our long winter! 😀
Blanche Holstein,
8, for us here in the ”Old World”………..
The only way for me to see new comments is to comment.
I have been scouring the interweb for news. I was reading a blog on TOJ and became unnerved at the prospect that they might not show us Lyanna. I’m also concerned about someone else playing an adult Ned. Why couldn’t it be Sean Bean? What will they show us? I suppose I do trust it will be well done but I’m a little nervous about it. I don’t usually get hung up on changes from the book, but I do hope they do it justice.
Does anyone remember which episode this is supposed to be in? As I recall it was mid season. Dont u think it would be cool if it were pre-Jon being rezzed? Or is that to predictable?
Demon monkey,
Did you try clearing your history and closing out open tabs?
It’ll be worth it! 😀 😀
I did, thanks!
Demon monkey
I am having some of these same issues and have tried clearing everything out to no avail. I have to google the website for new posts in order to read them – very weird
I know right? I wonder if HBO regrets wasting that much money on Vinyl. I heard the first season had a budget of $100 million, which is insane.
Flayed Potatoes,
Are you not enjoying it?
Demon monkey,
Yeah I have to refresh the page
So I got I will see 30 comments but then refresh and see 92 comments
With respect to the problems: when I first load a page here it shows an old version. If I refresh then I see the most recent one.
There has been many hints in season 5 about the north standing behind SAnsa “the north remembers” — lyanna Mormonts message to Stannis
You will for sure have some families that won’t want to. but The north rallying around Sansa will make so much sense
Thanks, Oz! Deleting the browser history works for the first time, but every time I refresh the site, it jumps back. So I have to delete the browser history every time, before reloading the site, so I can see new comments etc. (on Chrome). And apparently, I can only post comments with the IE… 🙁
I commented response to Oz and it disappeared
Did this a few times and it finally stuck
Kit Hairyton,
So you don’t have imagination how can it be worked out. I have. That’s all.
Decent? It’s crap! Damn that cursed music which is FAR TOO LOUD. You can’t hear what’s said at the plot points. It’s distracting, also builds to a wrong climax. Plus, it’s the wrong music to use when so much from GOT (that’s more appropriate) is available. There is no use of relative silence.
A great musician once said – It’s not about the notes you put in. It’s about the space you leave between them.
I dont seem to have the same problem as anyone, as I can see all comments when I open the article, but when on the main page, yeah, the list of most recent comments is stuck to yesterday and the correct number of coms doesnt appear on the links.
Anyway, no big deal in the end for me, and looking forward to tonight’s Memory Lane !
Emilia with the 7 Days HYPE!!!!!!
I think we’re all just ready for Thrones to come back next Sunday 🙂
The music ruins this video. Argh.
Regarding what comes after: In addition to Good Omens and American Gods, we’re getting BBC series’ based on His Dark Materials and Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency.
I’m going to watch 5.10 tonight at 9pm.
It’s like it never left!
Jack Bauer 24,
To be fair, it could just be that Thrones also needed more time. I don’t think HBO pushes back the most popular show in history for shits and giggles. I think it was mutually beneficial for Thrones since D&D say they’re always pushing up to the last minute to be ready.
And I think if they’re talking shortened seasons and pushing it back, it’s probably because if what we all think is going to happen does – the Wall falling, dragons in Westeros, or large battles (of a scope we don’t know yet), the typical filming time just isn’t going to got it. There will be so much more in the way of effects needed, larger set pieces, etc. You make get less lovely scenes of people strolling in the gardens of Croatia. If they’re pushing it up to the last minute each season to get done, I can’t imagine it won’t be difficult. There might be practical considerations that are not just “we’re tired”
Jack Bauer 24,
Totally agree
Just curious if people like it.
I am enjoying it as “pass the time” type show. But it’s no GOT , the wire vikings or sopranos.
You took the words right out of my head. The reason I think D&D would push for shortened seasons is directly tied to the demands of the production as we get closer to the end game and more battles, more dragon action, more CGI, and a bigger scope. They had four units filming simultaneously for the first time in series history this year and I think they can see that at a 10-episode order per season, that it might get even more hectic and complicated to meet that airdate. Ultimately we all want as many quality episodes as possible, as the GOT team is mapping out S7 and beyond, if they think shortened seasons are the best then I will accept that. Imagine a whole season of “Hardhome”-level awesome.
I’m loving the idea of both! And hoping that the BBC doesn’t water down Pullman’s anti-clerical themes for fear of offending the Church, the way that the filmmakers did with the big-screen version of The Golden Compass. I wouldn’t mind if they used the same sort of art direction as the movie, though; the Steampunkish vehicles were way cool.
Thank you !
Thank you. Probably double posted due to change to new server but thanks! ?
Not how aristocracy works. AT ALL. She’ll always be a Stark. Honestly!!!
That is true, but in the rewatch – it was nice of them to tell her ‘the north remembers’ but they couldn’t add ‘he’s a monster’ or some sort of warning not to go thru with the marriage – she goes into it so naive…
1 week to go woohooooo
Amreican Gods! Good Omens! Guy Gaviel Kay! Oh yes, bring it on!!!!! (Id always imagined Alan Rickman as Crowley; unfortunately that will never be)
Um, as far as the end of GOT goes – guys, the 6th season is just starting up – whats with the long faces? It will be what it is when it is. Lets get hyped now, just a few more days!
There’s a new promo. Has it been posted on WOTW?:
Can’t wait.
Apologies and correct me if I’m wrong but why haven’t there been any news and updates on WOTW these past few days…?
It’s been doing the same thing to me as well- the site will constantly take me to the page as it appeared on 4/16 whenever I try to access it. I’ve been able to get the most recent articles by clicking on the “Most Recent” tab on the “Popular Posts on the Wall” section listed below.