Jon Snow’s circle grows wider by the minute, it seems! Tim McInnerny, who played Robett Glover, the hard-nosed northern lord of Deepwood Motte in two episodes of season 6, will be returning to Game of Thrones.
McInnerny was spotted in photos taken of the actors on the set recently. Several photos from that same batch were published in The Daily Mail, but the one of McInnerny was not. Twitter user PAP4U, the source of the set photos that were first seen in The Daily Mail, later posted a few of those images on their own account, along with this new photo that includes McInnerny in a robe, getting ready for filming.
It appears the actor may have been overlooked, but when fans came across the images on Twitter, WotW readers noticed Lord Glover. Nice work!
The images:

#WinterIsComing #Belfast #Irishthrones Its amazing the things you see in the Northern Irish Countryside
— pap4u (@PAP4U) September 28, 2016
#winteriscoming #irishthrones #watchersonthewall #GameofThrones Whats with the cool shirts? Do they work?
— pap4u (@PAP4U) September 30, 2016
The Daily Mail published more photos today from the Game of Thrones set, of Kit Harington hugging the redheaded young woman they label Sophie Turner’s double. We also saw her the other day in costume.
Initially we assumed that information was correct, given her presence in a scene with Harington, Gwendoline Christie, Liam Cunningham, and Aidan Gillen. However her place with the show is unconfirmed at the moment, so we can’t be 100% certain she is a double, as opposed to being an actress with her own part to play. We’ll keep our eyes peeled for more info!
Robett Glover!
That same user has a photo of Kit and apparently Jeremy Podeswa so I’d assum he’s directing that episode or episodes.
Tormund’s daughter would have been my guess, not a double but usually i am wrong.
Yeah, I tend to think that she is not a body-double at all but a brand new speaking-role…
Let the speculation begins ! I could see her being the daughter (or related) of a northern lord… perhaps Wylla Manderly, who knows…
Tormund’s daughter, as stated above, is a nice proposition as well, since we know he has some in the show-canon !
Lord Glover’s look seems to be a bit more disheveled than it was in S6. His hair and beard look longer and somewhat unkempt. Also, is the beard fake? The way McInnery is pressing down on it and looking in the mirror looks like it’s not his real beard.
Glad he didn’t get Greatjon’d. Jon needs some big bearded loyal northmen surrounding him. Good looking new girl, definitely highborn. Could be Alys Karstark, doubt she is Sansa’s body double. Perhaps a wife for Tormund.
Ok Now I’m just confused… Sophie is in London now, she’s still a blonde and not a single pic of her on set…
Plus why would Sansa’s character have that belt fitted, it’s usually used to carry a sword. who is that with Kit in his header background? So it seems this guy has more photos.
Ugh, an earlier post dissappeared into cyberspace. 🙁
In it, I complemented the acting chops of Tim McInnerny and how glad I am that he’s back… Though I always thought he was Galbart Glover, the Lord of Deepwood Motte. Robett Glover is his younger brother and heir in the books, and apparently a bit of a 007 (theories abound among book readers. “Glover. Robett Glover.”) In the books both brothers are staunch Stark loyalists.
As to the red-haired young woman. She’s not Sophie Turner’s body double, she’s that northern girl with a high-stakes scene from casting calls. I’m seeing her as the show equivalent of Alys Karstark.
Looks to me from that series of ‘hug’ pix that Kit is being mightily protective of his shoulder bag. I wonder what consequences are threatened to actors who let anyone else get their hands/eyes on the scripts!
That red haired gal looks familiar, like I’ve seen her in a movie or tv show before…
Just double-checking and these pictures are from Tuesday from when WOTW posted the first batch of them. So she could well have been in Belfast then. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kristofer Hivju and Bella Ramsey were present too. Just not pictured.
Sue, any word on who’s directing which episodes?
Are you suggesting that the bit part actress is trying to steal the GoT script from Kit?
I think you’re barking up a wrong tree. Nobody would try to nick anything in the full glare of the paparazzi. Why would she, anyway? They’ve all signed non-disclosure clauses, and anything she might be remunerated by the yellow press wouldn’t match the damages some US court would inflict on her. So, no.
The Northern plot thickens!!
Glover’s dialogue last season was one of my favourite things, very happy he’ll still be around. Although it didn’t actually occur to me he WOULDN’T be.
I am hoping to see Tormund’s daughters and they could very well be ginger as well! With all of the fighting between Hardhome and Battle of the Bastards he never really had an opportunity to introduce Jon to anyone. They had the meeting with all of the clan leaders of the wildlings but the slaughter happened just after that and it’s been constant fighting ever since. I think that could happen. Glover is there…does anyone know if he has a daughter?
No, there’s been no word since the official first announcements about directors.
Whenever Tim McInnerny appeared in a scene last season, I kept expecting Blackadder and Baldrick to show up next. I know him from comedy, so it’s different watching him play such a serious character, and he does it quite well.
This interview seemed to suggest Podeswa’s doing the first two eps. again.
Other than that there’s no indication as yet.
Doesn’t look like a body double to me unless it’s a distance shot or from the back. Her chest is twice the size of Sophie’s ?? (pics in the DM article)
From his Twitter account:
@WatchersOTWall yes quite a bit but have to sell pictures first before you see them
So there’s still a possibility of other cast members being in there
Finally some Northern news! So thrilled Glover is back. I hope we get to see Manderly and Cerwyn too. And I hope they stay loyal to Jon lol.
My guess is the boy is an Umber child or one of Glover’s kids. The girl could also be one of Glover’s kids or Wylla Manderly or Alys Karstark. She can’t be Tormund’s daughter if she’s wearing Northern clothes. I hope we can find out what scene they’re filming. Maybe they’ll adapt Alys’ storyline in ADWD. It would make sense with Jon being king and all.
Stating the obvious but Alys Karstark isn’t a red head. Its sort of an important plot point, she looks like a Stark.
As I posted in another thread, I think that she may be Catelyn in a flashback. Was that debunked? If so, I missed it. The boy could be a young Peter…
My wish came true! Not only Lyanna Mormont is back, but Robett Glover too! Always liked the actor, and I love the character he portrays. I’m so happy he’s back!
Catspaw Assassin,
Oh Darling !
Glad to have his return confirmed even though there never was any real doubt, I believe. Lord Glover is an interesting character, more complex than first seems, and Tim McInnerny does a spectacular job portraying him.
I wonder who he will call a “foreign whore” next season… ^^
I adore that character and the actor who portrays him… You never know with whom or with what you are going to connect and I was very surprised to see him bark at Sansa…so many facial expressions when he´s talking to Jon,so subtle his voice changes…I wish to see his character´s part bigger and meatier 🙂 🙂 🙂 ps.he looks sooo dif in real life!
I admit I am becoming perplexed now who this person is. I figured a Sansa body double like most, but with the news that Sophie Turner is nowhere near filming now I don’t know. I don’t think with only 13 episodes left they’ll be introducing a daughter for Tormund. I think it’s safe to say that part of his book character has been skipped. But if not a Sansa double then who.
First off, delighted to see Tim McInnerny back as Robett Glover. I felt that he gave us a rounded view of the Northern lords in season six, and the whole Ironborn taking his castle and then it being taken back thing hints that – like the books – this character went south with Robb. That could be interesting for Jon given Glover’s comments on Robb’s rule in 607. Also, McInnerny is an amazing actor and I loved the contrast he portrayed in 607 vs 610. More of him, please, definitely!
Secondly, Alys Karstark is probably my favorite minor book character, so I will be delighted if she turns up in season seven in any form. Karstark and Umber are the two main families that actively supported the Boltons in season six, and so their representatives would be an interesting addition to season seven. It would give a dimension to the political aspect of the Northern plot in season seven beyond LF/Sansa vs Jon.
Also – not a theory, but a concern more than anything; LF planted Olyvar in Loras’s bed in season three, and I don’t think such a thing would be beyond him now. If LF was to discover that Jon loved a wild and willful redhead then wouldn’t he try to plant one in Jon’s bed as a spy? I am not saying I am sure this will happen, but the thought entered my mind the other day and it does concern me. It does fit in with the way LF has operated in the past. That said, the redhead could easily be the daughter of one of the Northern lords Jon is dealing with.
The question that most comes to my mind is – if this redhead is not Sophie Turner’s double, then why is Sansa not involved in any of these scenes alongside the other Northern characters?
Wasn’t Alys looking like a Stark only relevant in the books
Since we’re past that point in the show, I don’t think Alys Karstark needing to look like a Stark matters anymore. And besides, Harald Karstark was a redhead.
If Alys Karstark appears on the show, it won’t be in anything like her original context, so she can look however the show wants her to look. I don’t particularly think this is Alys, but that’s not really a consideration.
She and Tormund aren’t there because having multiple redheads with dialogue in a scene is dangerous. This is also why Mel didn’t speak any time Sansa was present last year.
Haha! Well done, Sean C!
Hey now I resent that! (Totally a ginger myself – have the color they were going for with Sansa which is kind of like a really shiny copper penny)!! Where’s the comments about soul-sucking gingers? It kind of fits Melissandre though ?. Dammit
I don’t think the girl is Tormund’s daughter, because she’s not dressed in anything close to wildling style. They specifically referenced Umber daughters last season, and the plain dress plus sword belt would fit with that. She could take something like an Alys Karstark role and marry Tormund to seal the Northern/Wildling alliance.
Of course, they could actually make her Alys Karstark, but given that the Umber girls are established and Karstark ones aren’t, I would think they would go that way.
Kit/Jon still loves the gingers, doesn’t he?
If it’s a completely new character, I think it’s someone who knows how to fight posing as Sansa for a dangerous mission. My two guesses are Tormund’s eldest daughter, the only reason I say she would be posing as Sansa is because she wasn’t dressed in Wildling clothing, and Hagen’s daughter who might’ve been spared in the retaking of Deepwood Motte by the Glovers.
I just don’t see the show having a character who could pass for Sansa’s twin. This must be a Sansa double/stand in.
If Robbett Glover is around for this scene as well then it definitely points towards an Umber/Karstark oath pledging/coercion scene.
Glad to see Tim McInnerny back too.
I barely recognised him when he first appeared, despite seeing him in about 20 or so different shows over the year.
Really, why is that? I don’t understand what this means- why would it be dangerous to have multiple redheads in a scene?
Ooh, I wonder! 😉
Foreshadowing, much?
If we had more than 13 episodes left I would totally buy into Sansa and the Northern Lords getting worked up over the prospect of Jon marrying a “foreign whore”, but I think that will ultimately become a non-issue one way or the other.
Catspaw Assassin,
My Lord… success… behold…
No way is this ginger haired girl Sansa’s body double! That is unless Sofie Turner has had a ‘boob job’ in the meantime 😀
Dany, right before Drogon burns his scalp off?
Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,
As Chief Engineer Montgomery “Scotty” Scott would say, it’s green! 😉
Arya Serious,
Yes, he references “He’s prettier than both my daughters” — in season 5, I believe.
Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,
Eventually maybe. But Targaryens slaughtered their Lord, his son, and his daughter. And 300 years b4 that, Targs forced them to the knee and took the North. Watch RObb’s KoTN scene. It was referenced. So, shits gonna hit fan over the Targ business. But as the wall falls or something happens, they’ll shut up, when they got fire breathing weapons to fight for them.
Anyone else seen this?
ugh! When will this dieeee….
West of moon,
When will people learn not to upset the woman with the giant fire-vomiting bewinged lizards ? 😉
Oh, I agree ! There will be quite a lot to cram into those 13 hours so a full-blown, multilateral, marriage-induced angerfest is unlikely. 😉
However, the inclusion of that expression (“foreign whore”) was telling, I believe. I felt it was a direct callback to Lord Rickard Karstark (who called Talisa a “foreign bitch”) and offered a glimpse into the darker side of the Northern nobility’s psyche.
Like Karstark, Glover had every right to resent the Starks : the former lost two sons, including one who was horribly killed while the latter witnessed his loved ones’ sufferings; and both felt let down by Robb.
Lord Glover’s speech could have stopped there; it would not have lost any of its undeniable emotional impact and it would have stood clear of any further parallel with the man who murdered two innocent children out of spite and revenge. But it did not end there. Au contraire, the showrunners decided to add some embellishments and have Robett accuse the Young Wolf of getting himself and his men killed and brand Talisa a “foreign whore”, thereby making him sound suspiciously like a Rickard Karstark cover artist.
And, at the risk of being a Negative Nelly, I do not think it is an auspicious sign… ^^
I cannot shake the feeling that the Northern lords are going to cause some disturbance in the Force. After all, for all their talks of “fealty” and “the North remembers”, we might have seen more instances of disobedience, disrespect and downright (back)stabbing from Northerners than from any other group on the show :
– Grey Wind had to chew some of Greatjon’s fingers to remind him not to tell his Warden to go f*ck himself;
– Karstark figuratively spat in his King’s face and decided to go rogue with his revenge;
– the Boltons… Nuff said;
– Night’s Watch brothers killed their Lord Commander. Twice in a row (Edd must fear the trifecta ^^);
– Smalljon betrayed Rickon;
– at the Battle of the Bastards, the Umbers and the Karstarks were willing to kill the Starks while the overwhelming majority of the other Lords were willing to let them die.
The North : come for the scenery, stay for the mutiny 😉
Black Raven,
That’s what I said too, earlier in this thread.
same. she looks really familiar to me
Beard watch 2016? 🙂
Maybe Sansa’s storyline diverges from Jon’s, but Jon always has to have a redhead near him 😀
I’m also happy Glover’s back! He did such a good job, and I’m a sucker for continuity.
The redhaired girl could well be Alys Karstark. House Karstark is a loose end right now. Lord Harald backed Ramsay. It’s unclear if he was killed in the fighting or if he went back to Karhold. They could go the road of having Alys escape Karhold and come to Winterfell. Jon could need a new romantic interest. AND Harald Karstark is redhaired, so there is that. Maybe they cast a redhaired man deliberately, in order to bring in his sister in season 7. Jon likes redheads.
It’s got to be deliberate trolling at this stage.
I’m not a troll. I just happened to see that last night and I haven’t been reading through all the comments on here lately so I didn’t know it had already been discussed and confirmed false.
Someone noticed the hilt of the sword the double has is the same as Sandor’s sword (last seen in the fight with Brienne).
lol at :
Did you catch the little tic under his eye just before he turned round to “bark”?
Canal Cat,
If that is the case, then it must be Sansa (body double), and not another character.
Just speculation but given Jon’s focus is the war against the WW, then he could go south seeking support for that cause, leaving Sansa at Winterfell as she is the Stark’s Lady of Winterfell. Surely Jon and his support in the North are going to be looking for allegiances. In the meantime Dany is Westeros bound, also looking for support. It seems logical to me that Jon and Dany would be a believable alliance. The show has used Tyrion as the bridge. He has interacted positively with Jon, Sansa and Bran in the past and I find it hard to believe there isn’t a reason for that.
As Hand of the Queen, he could easily broker a mutually agreeable pact between them. Maybe I’m way off but it works in my head anyway.
This new redhead is NOT Sophie’s double. She is 6 inches shorter! and when standing next to Kit the difference is clear. She has huge breasts! Sansa, not so much(tiny that way). She is wearing green! I have checked, and Sansa never ever wears green. Blues, grays, white, tan and black, but no green. She is wearing a sword! Sansa would never. The hair is similar color and style, but much longer than Sansa’s appeared last season. The HIGH forehead and very square jaw, are different from Sansa and visible from far away. I think this is a new character. Maybe daughter of Lord Glover, being offered up as a bride.
She Bear of Mormont,
I just find it incredibly strange that the show would include a new character who is so strikingly similar to Sansa. The show even changed the names of Osha/Asha because of the similarities, so why would they present us with this doppelganger? Red hair okay, but why not change it to wavy or curly- that would convince me it was a different character. She looks way too similar to Sansa, and it would be an easy thing to make her look less like Sansa (curls/waves etc.) I think this is suppose to be Sansa (body double).
Brienne, Pod and LF (characters who have only been associated with Sansa so far) are present in this scene being filmed, with Jon. It’s only Sansa who is absent, as far as we can tell, which is pretty surprising. Brienne is Sansa’s sworn sword. I don’t think she would leave her side. If Jon were to leave Winterfell with Sansa in charge, Brienne would have stayed back.
ghost of winterfell,
Good point. You’re right so I’m very much in the dark again then. Fundamentally I can’t see this actress as a Sansa body double, particularly given her vital statistics They have us stumped it seems.
ghost of winterfell,
Maybe something happens to her early on (not death related).
The pap has taken a lot more photo’s than that. Just because there are no published photo’s of Sophie, doesn’t mean she wasn’t there. These photo’s are from a few days ago. Before Sophie was noted to be back in London.
If LF is there and Brienne and Pod are there, then it is likely that Sansa is there. In fact, where were Lyanna Mormont and Tormund? Wouldn’t they be there too?
Flayed Potatoes,
I also had that idea that something might happen to Sansa, but when I thought it through, Halfman’s idea began to look more reasonable.
First, I also have the feeling that Jon will have to march south at some point: if Dany suffers a defeat in the middle of the season, Cersey will be able to send some of her troops to the Vale and Riverlands which I expect to be leaning towards Jon too (at least partly). And/or Jon will be forced to march south to distract Cersey from Dany, especially if their alliance is established at that point.
One way or another, Jon will go south together with Davos and some of his lords (Lord Glover may be very much on board, as he knows how it feels to be besieged and get no help). Littlefinger will be going with him too, but Sansa will be suspicious, so, it’s reasonable to guess that she will send Brienne and Pod to watch Jon’s back.
They have hairstyles specific to ther regions. The hairstyle is just a northern one I think. And when I looked up Lord Glover he is supposed to have a very young daughter so unless they change that for the show it is probably someone else’s daughter.
Flayed Potatoes,
Sansa does wear green, shown in her under dress here:
I doubt it. For starters, Dany would have to go North to cement the alliance or send someone like Tyrion (and it seems to early for that). And based on reports the battle scenes in the south involve no Northern armies or Kit filming in Spain with the Southern characters. I think the Northern and Southern storylines will be separate, since the show is building up Dany/Tyrion vs. Cersei and Jon vs. Sansa/Littlefinger for season 7.
Arya Serious,
Yeah I’ve said in another post she could be either Glover’s daughter or Alys Karstark or some other Northern lady.
Agreed, Winter has arrived and the North is facing an invasion by the WWs, Jon will not be making a 4000 mile round trip at this point in the game.
The composition of the crew, and the fact that Kit, Gwen and Daniel Portman are wearing cooling vests suggesting that their full costumes include armour, would suggest to me that it’s some sort of armed expedition — except I’m not sure why Littlefinger, who’s a non-combatant, would be there.
Arya Serious,
Yes, the Northerners may have a similar hairstyle. However, why red or why not change the hair texture (curly, wavy). A redhead with the same complexion, same hairstyle and texture just speaks to me that this is Sansa.
Oh, you have misunderstood me. I don’t see Jon going anywhere further that Rivrerlands and/or the Blood Gates of the Vale and I expect that only in the second half of the season AFTER Dany suffers her midpoint defeat, because only after that Cersey will become a threat to Robin Arryn and Edmur Tully (if the later regains some position in the Riverlands).
And regarding the alliance between Jon and Dany, they are natural allies already. How long will it take for them to know about each other’s victories? Bran saw Dany and her dragons in his visions: wouldn’t he tell Jon that they have to do anything to earn her support? And when the Queen of Thorns learns about the KITH, wouldn’t she see him as an ideal ally and match for Dany enabling squeezing Cersey between the South and the North? And Tyrion… Jon and Dany don’t need to meet to forge an alliance of even get betrothed: their teams can simply exchange some ravens, and the deal will be sealed (which will be very frustrating for both of them, and for Sansa too).
Sean C.,
If that armed expedition heads in the direction of the Vale (presumably threatened by Cersey), Littlefinger will absolutely have to be involved.
The Vale is safely behind the Bloody Gate. And since these scenes appear to involve those Northern children, I don’t see any reason to assume it has anything to do with the south. Particularly as, based on Podeswa’s presence, this is very early in the season. What would Sansa do while every other major character (bar Tormund) marched south?
I’ve tried to read through and get the “thoughts and plots” that people are putting out in threads. As I’ve written it myself, I do agree with your comment that Jon himself won’t travel too far beyond The North as his main focus is The Wall and the NK. If we’re going to get a meeting/reunion between Jon and Daenerys/Tyrion I think they’ll have to go to him. I really DO think that The Riverlands are a focus for him in trying to build against the NK though and anything beyond that may be with emissaries sent to seek support. Perhaps this is where Lords Glover and Manderly become more important. I can see Cersei trying to demand allegiance from the northern houses, being denied by Jon but unable to do anything about it with her attention needed against Daenerys. Still, I do think and hope that Jon and Daenerys storylines are kept mostly separate and the eventual, expected meeting between the two won’t be until the very end of the season, setting it all up for season 8.
Sean C.,
The Vale is safely behind the Bloody Gate? I don’t think so. It’s best knights are in the North, it’s lord is a wacky kid… If Cersey can afford sending some troops to the Vale at some point, she should definitely use this situation counting on Jon’s unwillingness to leave the North. However, if Jon comes from the rear, Cersey’s troops will be forced to surrender in no time.
On the other hand, I do agree that the northern girl and the boy hardly have a role in this scenario, especially if they appear early in the season… unless Cersey is sending some of her troops to the North right in the beginning of the season. In fact, I can see Euron making a raid on the Northern coast to hide his true intentions, but yes – it’s complicated to guess how these two new characters could fit it. Everything looks like, the girl and the boy has just escaped some grave danger (maybe with the help of Brienne and Pod) and are coming to Jon to ask for help, but in this case they should be coming to Winterfell, and then Sansa should be present… Well, maybe she is just sleeping, if the company indeed arrives in the middle of the night.
I’m not seriously suggesting that a fellow cast member would snatch the script. But Kit’s body language in these photos could be interpreted to mean that he has gotten into the habit of hovering closely over that bag wherever he goes, for fear of the fallout if an unauthorized person got their hands on it.
Maybe there will be a scene in which some drama is created by another woman being seen from a distance and mistaken for Sansa.
That is the best explanation I have read so far.
The Bloody Gate is an all-but-impenetrable defensive perimeter. It doesn’t require an army to garrison it, that’s why it’s useful.
Moat Cailin.
Exactly! It’s doesn’t need an army to protect it. If we’re talking about The Eyrie as it is in the books there isn’t any force on foot that’s going to do anything. They could leave 10 men guarding the goat trail and that would be enough. With seemingly little importance in the grand scheme of the final plot it doesn’t appear likely that they’d even bother much with including it in the story though. Even less so after they completely changed Sansa’s story by removing her from that location and giving her Jeyne’s story arc.
“Cersei” btw 🙂
I agree – I cannot see Jon and Daenerys meeting until either 707 or 801. I would prefer 707, as I think that and the fall of the Wall would be a stunning end to season seven and I feel we need at least a couple of episodes to develop the inevitable alliance between Jon and Daenerys. A meeting in 707 would also hopefully give Jon time to know of, and to process – to an extent – his true identity, before meeting Daenerys.
Well I don’t give a monkey’s toss who she! Just hope she does some nude scenes and flops out those magnificent boobs she has in front of the camera… That pair would put Dolly Parton tits to shame. Found this vid 😀 😀
Yesss…he had so many facial expressions that showed his anger at that impertinent girl! I loved it!! ¨and where was King Rob?!?! TAKING UP WITH A FOREIGN WHORE AND GETTING HIMSELF AND EVERYBODY THAT FOLLOWED HIM,KILLED!!¨…he barked 😉
Black Raven,
Huh? ?
You are right: the Vale can rely on its natural defences which are almost impenetrable. But remember what Bronn said in S1? Give me 10 good men, etc.
OK, I don’t expect anything serious, but what would be the first instinct of the nights of the Vale, if they heard that some shit was happening at the Bloody Gates? To march home, right? And that has a potential of trigerring all kind of frustrations and conflicts in Jon’s camp, involving Littlefinger, Sansa, the Wildlings, and everyone else. So, there is a probability that the showruners will use this plot to make Jon’s life more complicated.
On the other hand, they may invent something else. An attack on Moat Cailin can be an alternative… or a supplement. Whi knows? The only thing I am sure about is that Jon won’t be able to concentrate on the WW next season: there will be all kinds of troubles and distractions dragging him further and further south into the real game of thrones, cause that’s what this show is all about.
Working Sunday for Emilia?
Black Raven,
Come on now. I know it’s the crazy off season but this board has always remained classy.
True, I posted that video with tongue in cheek 😉
Was just a bit of light entertainment interspersed with all the speculation about what will happen in Season 7… Its a LONG wait 😀
For women, yet another reminder that it is our perceived social function to be decorative is a depressing, not entertaining, way to pass the time. Bad enough that we have to put up with the sexist crassness of certain politicians of late.
Alba Stark,
My thoughts too, that she is the daughter of a Northern Lord and Littlefinger is behind it. I hope they don’t try and marry Jon off.
The thing is, in spite of the threat of the White Walkers, I would be shocked if there wasn’t any reference to a potential marriage for Jon in season seven. As Tywin said to Tommen in season four, a king has a duty to produce an heir. I’m not saying he will meet someone and marry in season seven, but I would expect there to be a reference to potential wives – even if Jon then turns round and says he won’t be marrying until after the war. And for the Northern lords, they have a new king that they want to get onside with – a marriage pact is a good way of doing that.
But trying to plant someone in Jon’s bed would fit in with the way LF operates, and he will want to know what Jon isn’t telling him. Jon will not trust LF – even Sansa warned him not to in 610 – and so LF will need to try and get as much information on him from elsewhere.
Alba Stark,
I’m totally on board with this theory. And as I have already written somewhere, Jon will regret abandoning his Night’s Watch wows, when every eligible maiden will start running after him.
Word. Every single one of them.
Alba Stark,
There is very little doubt Jon has no trust for Littlefinger and I do not think they will ever share a nice cup of cocoa around the fire, talking about their lives, hopes, dreams and plans… Even though it could be fun ! They would realise they both developped something akin to a redhair fetish because they were both denied love and affection by the same redhaired woman. That would be cute, in a “page Doctor Sigmund” kind of way ^^
However, how “out of the loop” can Jon reasonably keep Baelish ?
For all intents and purposes, the former Master of Coin is, along with Lord Royce, the Vale representative in the North and the Falcons are the most valuable part of Stark-friendly forces, being better rested, more numerous (possibly) and better trained (maybe) than the rest. I do not know how many secrets one can keep from one’s most needed allies.
Furthermore, and on a depressingly pragmatic note, Baelish may currently be indispensable to the North because, to put it bluntly, he has money. Lots and lots of it. It is hard to assess the North’s financial situation but war ain’t cheap and after three years of it, the coffers probably do not look great. And they are going to need some funds : armies cost an arm and a leg to maintain and extra provisions for winter might have to be bought (who knows whether lords have had the time to take care of it in advance, with the endless series of crises their region has gone through for the past six years ?). Admittedly, the Manderlys are famous for their fortune but one can be notoriously rich and actually broke (^^) so only the Seven know how much disposable money they truly have and could contribute to the Northern cause.
Littlefinger has great quantities of cold hard cash. Might come in handy…
Arya Serious,
I think it’s a great idea that she is a version of Alys…. whose role was basically a girl passed around to save a House. So, I guess if she’s House building pawn so-to-speak… her being one of the Houses and marrying off to Tormund to form a new House or it being his daughter, whom is being married off, to form alliances. Either way, the theme is marriage —- forming and strengthening, set up for Jon and Dany. Lawd knows every girl in the North is gonna flock to Winterfell too… Marry me King Jon!
Alba Stark,
You bring that up, but it was reiterated by the High Sparrow, asking Margery why her and the King were not getting in the sheets, that the best way to strengthen is to have a child. I always took that as a backshadow of Rhaegar and Lyanna. And a future nod to Jon and Dany. As King and Queen, they must have an heir. Third head dragon and all. Just so I can weep when the kid is all that survives haha. Or at least Jon and the child. Eddard “Ned” Targaryen.
Her name is Megan Parkinson, she recently played a 17 year old on an episode of a show called Holby City. Im betting she’s the actress playing the 16 year old in the “high-stakes” scene
Oh you found her! I wasn’t having any luck so far. Thanks! I’ll post her up in the morning, credit to you.
Nice catch. If all the major Northern cast is present at this scene, and it’s introducing a teenage girl and young boy, I think the boy and girl have to be the heirs to Karstark and Umber, and the scene is about bringing them back into the fold. Probably assigning a warden to the boy and a marriage for the girl, once they’ve talked them down from continuing resistance against Jon.
If this girl is going to stand in for Sansa in a sex-scene then D &D must like big boobs as they’ve given Sansa a hell of a pair by proxy 😉
Why not bring in the whole Blackadder cast 🙂
Hahaha – No way is she Sofie’s body double. She will have the biggest pair of knockers in Westeros 😀 😀 – I just hope we get to see a scene where she flops’em out 😮