Filming begins in Girona today and the images are coming in thick and fast!
Catalonia Today and El Punt Avui shared the following pictures of Season Six filming in Girona today:
That last picture of course displays the Lannister/Baratheon banners, confirming that Girona will indeed be used for both Braavos AND Kings Landing this year, as previously speculated. Diari de Girona also acknowledged this in an article earlier today, along with some more filming pictures, including this one of Benioff and Weiss:
More filming pics can be seen here.
We even have some video footage, courtesy of 324.cat which can be viewed here. It’s mostly in Catalan, but there are some brief interviews in English and be sure to check it out at 01:48 for a glimpse of the Sparrows!
Meanwhile, ara.cat has also spotted some Braavosi extras, and is encouraging those in the area to tweet about the filming with #JocdeTronsGirona
Finally we have two pictures of the sets being built in Almeria, courtesy of La Voz de Almeria , who remark on the speculations that this will be Vaes Dothrak. What are your thoughts, folks?
The banners of the baratheon and lannisters are in the same place where they were building that stage, so it will probably be for the trial by combat of Cersei and not for Izembaro’s theatre!
I really hope the visual transition from Dubrovnik to Girona isn’t too jarring.
Looks like the scene will be for KL Cersei trial not Braavos’s theater. I never thought it would make sense to do the Arya “Mercy” chapter after they had her butcher Ser Trant.
Accordingly to instagram Nikolaj is in Banyoles, very close to Girona, any news about it?
So it looks like Oldtown isn’t happening, it was just an excuse to get Sam out of Castle Black in time. And give him some family time in season 6.
Sean C.,
I binged watched S1-S2 recently, and I could honestly see no difference there, so personally I will be fine.
And you know that…..how?
Those costumes never seen before, must be Oldtown fashion.
The first pic and the one after the steps pic.
They look like the ones Tyrell servants wear.
What outfit is that guy with the giant black and yellow carpet looking thing.. What storyline will he be in
Looks like they will finish filming the outdoor KL scenes first. Almeria now definitely looks like Vaes Dothrak to me.
Why should Oldtown not be happening??
Shane snow,
The 21st century production crew storyline? 😀
I get goose bumps when I see actors in costume, obviously getting ready to shoot scenes, even if they are just extras.
Whomever said “there will be no Oldtown”…what is your reference point for this statement? There is like what…..6-7 months left of shooting? This has just begun. It doesn’t do a body good to worry for what is yet unknown, borrowing stress for no reason at this point. 🙂
I am just getting more excited as we are getting more and more photos and even a damned DRONE. Pffffffft.
are we sure about that? The banners look pretty simple and their being contrasted instead of intertwined seems a bit curious. Also, a trial by combat would not take place on a stage, and a trial AGAINST the Lannister Queen would not be decked out in Baratheon and lannister banners, but in signs of the Faith, wouldn’t it?
Maybe the stage is indeed for a play, and it is a play about the Baratheons and the Lannisters and their incest and the murder of King Robert, much like the play in the book was
Can’t edit comment, and spoiler tags don’t work. Mods?
If you look at all the photos, you see that is used to block off the set area.
Sean C.,
To be fair none of the exterior KL locations from season 5 (steps of Baelor, walkway in ep. 3, streets in ep. 4/6) were used in previous seasons. And no one noticed. So I wouldn’t worry too much.
I just think this website should be called “Vary’sLittleBirds” or something. You guys find everything, thank you so much!
We finished the server change this morning. Not sure if there are still hiccups? I’ll check in with Oz and Dame.
Nikolaj was in Banyoles this summer vacationing with his family. Are these newly taken photos or ones from late July being reposted or shared just now?
Sue the Fury,
Sue do u have any insight about Nikolaj presence near Girona?
Sue the Fury,
I can’t edit my previous post but I really don’t know, I saw it today for the first time https://instagram.com/p/7K1nxtEg9i/?tagged=juegodetronos , I didn’t know he was here this summer
That picture of Nikolaj in Spain is from July:
Sean C.,
Depends what you’re filming.
In any event the banners look like the trial by combat to me and Almeida is clearly Vaes Dothrak.
If this is supposed to be Vaes Dothrak, the Dothraki’s architecture has improved remarkably in the last five years. Honestly, it just doesn’t look like any Dothraki structure we’ve ever seen. Last time we saw it, the temple of the Dosh khaleen was made of unprocesed wood and twigs; this building looks much, much more advanced. And the surrounding buildings don’t look Dothraki at all! However… I have no idea what it could be, if not for a Dothraki temple and village. Maybe the red hue of the buldings is supposed to imply a Red God connection? I’m just lost here.
Luka Nieto,
The Dothraki got a bigger budget. 😉
Budget is one thing, this is another one. Seriously. They’ve changed specific designs in the past, but they’ve never changed whole styles. Imagine if next season the Northeners dressed as Dornishmen. This is as much of a change, in my eyes. Unless it’s not Vaes Dothrak at all.
Luka Nieto,
It could be many things. Anyway it will not look like in these pics, remenber my friend CGI can do wonders.
Yep, the server change seems to have botched editing and spoiler coding somehow. I’m sorry. We’re working on it. That wasn’t supposed to happen and doesn’t make sense, but we’re on it.
We don’t seem to be discussing the same thing. CGI can do wonders, yes… so? I’m saying this doesn’t look like Dothraki architecture, which can be easily achieved (certainly easier than what’s shown there) without any CGI whatsoever. These buildings just look different from everything we’ve been shown about the Dothraki. CGI has nothing to do with this.
Luka Nieto,
I dont really see the diffference… Its a dothraki, tent.
And about the CGI i mean the exterior can be modified, make it taler, or from another matterial….etc.
The important part is the inside, wich we can’t see.
Just want to say ‘Well Done, Sue.’ These spoilers and story hints really make me excited for the show. This is some great scoop.
Also, #DronesOnTheWall!
No it isn’t. If it is, they changed the architecture completely. This was a Dothraki building back in season one. This is it now. If you really think they look remotely the same, except for the general shape, I don’t know what to tell you. I’ll just say this: when did the Dothraki start building windows?
Great pictures, thanks!
When you think about it, it’s quite smart to shoot Essos and Westeros scenes in the same area… It adds to the confusion… Now, there’s no big spoiler possible about Dany (something like : “Emilia Clarke was spotted in Dubrovnik/another Westeros-shooting location, it means her character has landed in Westeros!”).
Just from these pics, the transition of KL from Croatia to Spain should be seamless to 99.99% of the audience, since most won’t even know they moved the shooting location.
A video from the set. Looks like a stunt double for Maisie or Faye
Luka Nieto,
If anything, it shares the design aesthetic of the little we’ve seen of Volantis, particularly the windows.
Many things will happen in the last books that we don’t know of, it could be anything but these two suggestions…
And by the way, I doubt Cersei will have a trial. She is safe in the castle with the Mountain and her army, she has no reason to put her life in the hands of the High Sparrow again…
Wow. Arya jumping around Braavos like a master assassin is exactly the kind of thing I wanted! To be honest, I expected the TV version of Arya’s training to be a bit more action heavy than the books. In the end, if anything, it had even less action.
Those structures are exactly the same shape- look at the internal shot, a clearly circular building with a sloping roof and a dome type structure at the top. Where are you getting windows from? The tent isn’t complete yet…that’s the supporting frame that you can see.
Jack Bender twitted a photo where he’s on the set on a coast. Kingsmoot is in 6×05/6×06
Luka Nieto,
I agree, this looks nothing like the established Dothraki architecture. Too much stone in the nearby village, windows and the big stairs leading up to the temple (I bet this building is a temple or some other public building). If there are Dothraki on this set they will probably attack this settlement.
My best bets are somewhere in Essos or even Dorne.
Luka Nieto,
Agreed – on first glance it does seem like the type of landscape that would fit, but the building is all wrong….
I do not remember season 1 well but did we ever see the building outside? I only remember the interior. And Vaes Dothrak is a permeant city so I would assume that the buildings could be made of stone.
Hm. Interesting. If the Kingsmoot is mid-season, there could be enough time for Yara to take Theon there, maybe?
A couple of Tyrell soldiers on the pics.
So now not only do we know that the kingsmoot is in the mid-season, but also that it’s probably written by Cogman. Bryan tweeted that he’s been working with Daniel Sackheim and Jack Bender, so he’ll pen episodes 3, 4, 5 and/or 6 (only two of those 4, going by past years.)
Thanks for this. I gave you credit on this finding on another forum.
Luka Nieto,
If they’re doing consecutive episodes again, Cogman should be writing episodes 4 and 5.
Yeah it could work! Here’s my theory : in the first 5 episodes, Theon and Sansa go with Brienne and Pod to one of the “Northern lord” to hide, and they find Yara in the cells… And then they split : Sansa goes with Brienne and Pod to find Rickon at the other Northern stronghold, and Yara and Theon go back to the Iron Island to find their father dead… And there comes the Kingsmoot. And in episode 8 or 9, Euron attacks Oldtown.
That is very good to know! Means there’s time for proper set-up for Theon, Yara, and the three brothers.
Luka Nieto,
My guess would be 4 and 5. Like S5, I think he’d be more comfortable doing one episode and the one right after it, so that the events he’s writing are closer to each other.
Sorry to be off topic, but did anyone see Amanda Peet on Jimmy Kimmel last night? She was really funny and gave a tidbit of news – that Dave B. actually hired the guy that imitated Jon Snow the best and flew him to Ireland. (He was on Jimmy Kimmel last spring). Thought that was pretty cool.
Lannister carriage filming in Girona
It’s great to see how those sets come to life.
On an irrelevant note, there’s a funny clip of Benioff’s wife, Amanda Peet, telling Jimmy Kimmel that if her husband killed Jon Snow, she’d leave him. When Jimmy asked her if he’s really dead, she told him she’s ‘in the process of getting divorced.’ heh She’s likely just joking about the divorce though…
Jaqen in Girona!
sooo… she’s not blind anymore?
Absolutly no reason to come to that conclusion just yet…
I’d guess it’s one of the four episodes. Nikolaj is in Girona too and it seems like one director is shooting all of his KL and Braavos scenes. If Jaime goes to Riverlands, that would require some screentime, so he won’t remain in KL too long. So I think it’s either Jeremy Podeswa there or Daniel Sackheim.
Based on the main picture: Stannis lives!
Do we know they were only filming with one director? Given past practices, they could have been filming for multiple parts of the Iron Islands story.
Not that the Kingsmoot being midseason doesn’t make sense, mind you.
I thought we decided that Nikolaj was not in Girona or is there something new that is not his vacation photos from late July/early August?
Hooray Captain Tightshorts!
Okay. Was it just me? I got an email notification of a new post from Petra on Day 1 shooting? Am I sniffing too much airplane glue?
Good point, i don’t know how everyone can be so sure about her trial happening i mean what exactly can force her for that to happen, idk we’ll see.
I got one too.
Cersei’s Brain,
When people accidentally hit publish prematurely, just click delete on the notification email and look awayyyyyy.
***neuralyzer flash***
Sue the Fury,
Did you just flashy-thing me?
Sean C.,
To my knowledge, that never happens. A director does not take over scenes from another director’s episode. The schedule is arranged in such a way that the directors can direct their own scenes.
Sue the Fury,
Oh no, you did NOT just use the flashy thing on me!! Put that thing away.
I love the flashy thing and wish I could have one in real life, right Nymeria Warrior Queen?
I’d love to have a flashy thing…
Although, in all honesty, I’m not sure who I’d flashy-thing more, myself or others.
Damn, that sounds a lil kinky.
Dutch Maester,
I wasn’t talking about that. They were filming multiple scenes in Ballintoy. Do we know they’re all from the same episodes?
Sean C.,
Oh I misunderstood you, then. It is actually a good question, and I would think they’re not all from the same episode. Sue mentioned different scenes, though they might all be aspects of the Kingsmoot scene. I don’t think we know for sure.
Dutch Maester,
I’m pretty sure the bridge scene isn’t part of the Kingsmoot though they filmed that yesterday. I did say that, that they might be from different episodes. In fact, I think it’s likely they’re not all in the same episode.
Yep. This. Construction is clearly only partially finished. And it looks to me like the inside of what you called windows are covered over with the sticks from season 1.
Thanks for all of this news, WotW!!
I think it’s possible that either Jeremy Podeswa or Daniel Sackheim filmed the Kingsmoot then once that wrapped, flew to Spain to film their Braavos/King’s Landing/Vaes Dothrak scenes. I think Jack Bender would have been there to film Theon’s Iron Islands scenes, Probably with Yara and Aeron. I would have thought by mid season, Euron would be attacking the Reach.
Of course they could also have gone back to using three units this season- does anyone know if they are? Excellent scoops this week btw!!!
Because there is no evidence neither in the casting or location department, and you’d expect that a big new location would leave some sort of trail. At least a couple of related castings in the leaks or a location…
My theory is: In the first few episodes, Theon and Sansa are on the run with BriPod. Ramsay hunts them down with his hounds and shit and Theon decides to sacrifice himself as a diversion and then Yara saves the day and kills Ramsay (which leads into the introduction to our newest crazy super villain Euron) and finds Theon there- enter Iron Islands storyline. Meanwhile Sansa and BriPod reach the Umbers, where they find Rickon and Osha and a big Northern uprising.
I thought that did happen in Season 5. Mark Mylod directed a Littlefinger scene in Croatia / King’s Landing. When they were spotted on location, everyone jumped to the conclusion that Littlefinger must reach KL by Episode 4. Yet he actually didn’t make it there until Episode 6. I assume they just didn’t want to bother flying Jeremy Podeswa out to Croatia for a one minute scene.
Sorry, my post got mangled. The above was intended as a reply to this comment: “To my knowledge, that never happens. A director does not take over scenes from another director’s episode. The schedule is arranged in such a way that the directors can direct their own scenes.”
Like I said, I think this did happen last year.
They’re not windows as such they’re openings filled with bamboo that are evident is S1and will be evident in S6. We never saw the DK tent exterior in S1 so we have no reference point.