UPDATE! Kit Harington filming Season 8 at new location with other cast members!

Jon Snow being in this location means there are mild spoilers ahead!
Jon Snow being in this location means there are mild spoilers ahead!

Ever since we learned Game of Thrones would return to the Croatian city of Dubrovnik one final time for its eighth season, there have been persistent rumors of Kit Harington’s involvement. That’s all they were, nothing but unconfirmed hearsay … Until today!

After a relatively fruitless first day of filming, this second day defied expectations. Croatian site 24 Sata shows Kit Harington dressed as Jon Snow in Dubrovnik, specifically at Minceta Tower, a Dubrovnik location we have never seen as King’s Landing:

Kit Harington on the walls of Dubrovnik, the set for today's shoot
Kit Harington at Minceta Tower, today’s new location / Photo: Grgo Jelavic
Kit Harington chills between takes
Kit Harington chills between takes / Photo: Grgo Jelavic
Kit Harington and showrunner D.B. Weiss chat between takes
Kit Harington and showrunner D.B. Weiss chatting / Photo: Grgo Jelavic
Jon Snow walks down the stairs of the tower, to the city walls
Kit Harington walks down the stairs of Minceta Tower to the city walls / Photo: Grgo Jelavic
Jon Snow walks and talks with a mysterious black-clad companion
Jon Snow walks and talks with a mysterious black-clad companion / Photo: Grgo Jelavic

UPDATE: Jutarnji List has even more spectacular photos of Harington at the tower:

Photo: Tonči Plazibat
Photo: Tonči Plazibat
Photo: Tonči Plazibat
Photo: Tonči Plazibat
Photo: Tonči Plazibat
Photo: Tonči Plazibat

DubrovnikNet, meanwhile, shows Harington with two men dressed in black:

Photo: Vedran Jerinić

As you can see, Jon is done with the man-bun experiment he began in season six, after Melisandre cut his hair (oh, and resurrected him.) However, the rest of his look is very familiar: he’s still wearing his winter clothes down south, which may mean the capital has succumbed to the cold, as teased in the season seven finale … or it could also mean that Jon Snow still hasn’t learned to dress appropriately for the south. As you may remember, at the dragonpit summit he was the only one wearing such heavy furs. Of course, it’s still in question whether this is supposed to be King’s Landing or not. If it is, what is Jon Snow doing back there? If it isn’t, where does this scene take place?

More intriguingly: who are the men in black hoods, tunics and furs? They sure look like men of the Night’s Watch, but none of them are the only crow who is both alive and a proper character, Edd Tollett. Are they new Night’s Watch (or perhaps Northmen) characters? Of course, they are more likely to just be extras — nameless guards for Jon.

UPDATE: Slobodna Dalmacija has photos featuring a woman who looks like Emilia Clarke does with her new blonde hair and black thick-rim glasses. Though many have speculated it’s her, we can’t confirm that’s the case. She could just as easily be a woman from the costume department who also looks the part, as others have suggested.

Photo: Tonči Plazibat
Photo: Tonči Plazibat
Photo: Tonči Plazibat
Photo: Tonči Plazibat
Photo: Tonči Plazibat
Photo: Tonči Plazibat

Hafþór Björnsson has been much less shy, sharing this photo of himself in Dubrovnik:

Share your speculation in the comments section below!

Thanks to Boo for the tip!


  1. Awesome.

    Although … this “overseas” stuff irks me. Whenever I see it, I think “since when are they filming in the States?” It’s not been a common word on WotW, which always seemed to take a more global perspective by just naming the country.

  2. Definitely don’t think it’s Edd – looks more like Neville Longbottom. Isn’t there a northern character who kind of looks like him? I can’t even remember anymore. Maybe I’m thinking of Grenn.

  3. Am I the only one who’s confused with all these shooting scoops?

    So Jon heads back south to KL AGAIN (third time going south since becoming as KITN), as well as his (possible) jaunt North of the Wall…all when the WWs are on the march in Westeros? Is he planning to actually lead as King at any point?

    No wonder Winterfell falls 🙁

  4. dee:

    Although … this “overseas” stuff irks me. Whenever I see it, I think “since when are they filming in the States?” It’s not been a common word on WotW, which always seemed to take a more global perspective by just naming the country.

    I can see how it comes across that way. But I’m not even American! It was my very conscious way to avoid the spoiler of Jon being in King’s Landing, at least in the title. “Overseas” here doesn’t even refer to the States; it’s overseas from the show’s HQ and main filming location, Northern Ireland.

  5. Apollo,

    That’s actually a good thing because it’s going to be hard to develop a timeline. And ultimately that will lead to more surprises when it airs.

    Also, Jon has much bigger problems than governing the North so I don’t think it’s that problematic for him to be away from it. Especially if Winterfell does fall early on in the season as spoilers have been indicating. Jon and Dany’s next destination after dealing with the Night King will obviously be the occupation of King’s landing. It seems very likely that is the destined locale for a final battle.

  6. The bloke beside/behind him looks a bit like Rory McCann. But not quite.

    Also looks like the bloke they’ve cast to play the leader of the Golden Company. Could be him.

  7. Jon’s hair looks longer and more like his pre-season 6 hair (where he started tying it in a ‘manbun’).

  8. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man: Also looks like the bloke they’ve cast to play the leader of the Golden Company. Could be him.

    Kinda looks like Harry Strickland to me too, but it’s so hard to tell for sure. Hopefully someone with zooming skills can get a better look.

  9. Let’s consider the clues:

    – No fake snow – is winter over? Or has it still not hit King’s Landing fully?

    – No Longclaw? – well, I can’t see it, anyway. Don’t think he’d be able to sit on those steps if he was wearing it.

    Does this mean he’s been disarmed, like at Dragonstone? Or does he feel comfortable enough to walk around King’s Landing unarmed now?

    – No Lannister soldiers – If he was a “guest” of Cersei, wouldn’t you expect to see a few Lannister soldiers dotted around, if not escorting him personally around the castle.

    Also if, say, he was preparing the defences of King’s Landing for the Army of the Dead, you’d expect to see a few more extras hanging around, I’d have thought.

  10. This is confusing stuff.

    These particular photos show him filming in an area that I don’t believe we’ve seen for KL scenes. I don’t remember a big stone arch with stairs leading to an elevated walkway… Even if a very good assumption, is it still an assumption that this will be King’s Landing? Yes, Dubrovnik locations have mostly or all been for KL but is it possible they just thought this specific area would be best for a scene that’s elsewhere?

    If it is KL it’s just odd that he’s the only major character with an unknown, younger looking fellow wearing northern style gear. There are seemingly no gold cloaks or Kingsguard around either which I would think indicates his presence is unknown or Cersei is no more… I don’t think she’d allow him to walk around freely.

  11. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    Those are all really good questions, IMHO. But we simply don’t know how much of a take this scene really is. If it’s just a tiny 2 second bit of them walking the ramparts or such, given the camera angle and such, then I don’t know that you can discern much if anything at all as to the ‘absence of evidence’.

  12. Thanks a bunch for the photographs !

    I have a very dumb question : are we absolutely sure they are filming scenes that as supposed to take place in King’s Landing ? I seem to recall, with only a limited degree of certainty, that they used different sections of the Walls of Dubrovnik a locations for both King’s Landing and the House of the Undying (or possibly another Essosi setpiece).
    Is it King’s Landing for sure or could it be another “southern” place ?

    ETA Clob is both faster and smarter than me! ^^

  13. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    Yeah it’s a real pickle. I’m stumped as to the lack of Lannister guards and indeed any House Stark guards- especially if this is the Red Keep. This mysterious chap almost looks like a companion as opposed to an escort. And that costume looks familiar but can’t recall why.

    Jon almost looks lonely walking on those steps. Could it be that there are very few people left after the wars?

  14. Ser Broccoli McBroccoliface,

    I didn’t spot the director. Though, if it’s for the finale, the director (or rather, one of the directors) may appear in the photos after all; the showrunners are directing the finale, and Dan Weiss is there. Of course, as showrunners, writers and producers, they are often on set, so Weiss being there doesn’t mean this scene is in the series finale.

  15. ACME,

    Possibly white Harbour? The Dubrovnik harbour is unmistakably Kings Landing though, so if he’s shooting there, then I’m not so sure.

  16. Clob,

    Lannister banners were spotted yesterday, though that may have just been for yesterday’s scene. We don’t know for a fact this is King’s Landing, but that’s the obvious answer.

    As for those suggesting it could be White Harbor, that’d be neat, but… White Harbor should look Northern, even if it’s a major trading town located in the south of the kingdom. This looks like … well, King’s Landing!

  17. Apollo,
    The harbour is most certainly “King’s Landing only”, you are completely right. But the stairs, the walks, the walls themselves could be identified as other places, I suppose. If the shots do not include the harbour itself, nothing looks more like a big stone wall than another big stone wall, wherever it is on the globe… Or Planetos ^^
    Storm’s End ? A bit of Casterly Rock we have not seen yet ? As you rightly mentioned even White Harbour, since it was built by the Manderlys who were originally from the south, could have southern influences in its architecture. But that would not explain the Lannister banners…

  18. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man:
    Let’s consider the clues:

    – No fake snow – is winter over? Or has it still not hit King’s Landing fully?

    – No Longclaw? – well, I can’t see it, anyway. Don’t think he’d be able to sit on those steps if he was wearing it.

    Does this mean he’s been disarmed, like at Dragonstone? Or does he feel comfortable enough to walk around King’s Landing unarmed now?

    – No Lannister soldiers – If he was a “guest” of Cersei, wouldn’t you expect to see a few Lannister soldiers dotted around, if not escorting him personally around the castle.

    Also if, say, he was preparing the defences of King’s Landing for the Army of the Dead, you’d expect to see a few more extras hanging around, I’d have thought.

    Any possibility …but there will be fake snow in the streets[i read it yesterday in the previous article of the WOTW]..Also yeah its weird that he hasnt Longclaw..maybe he will be disarmed for to have an important conversation with someone ..with Cercei perhaps[Lena Heady is rumored to be there filming this month]..Cerceis Lannister soldiers now are not wearing the classic red Lanniter armor but a black armor[similar to Mountains armor] and maybe could be there as Cercei supposed to is alive during the most time in S8..There will be a final battle with NK/Cercei at the end..The NK will be there [ we sow the hand of the NK on SUV yesterday]..perhaps the KL will fall like Valyria

  19. Luka Nieto,
    Yeah, that’s the thing, at this point until/unless we see some additional photos the best assumption would be KL. Without anything showing a correlation between the banner picture and/or the ones by the water we can’t be sure of much yet. It does look like it should be in KL/Red Keep. If not it would have to be another rather formidable stronghold/castle. (* such as possibilities like ACME provided)

  20. Yeah, I’m wondering if they’re shooting a bit in Dubrovnik but could possibly be another GoT “location.” I know the Davos/Gendry scene when they’re about to leave King’s Landing last season was actually filmed in Gaztelugatxe. With the quick turnaround between Northern Ireland, Iceland, and Dubrovnik, perhaps Jon Snow does actually go to King’s Landing but Kit filmed in other locations to create a sense of Winter?

    Also was D.B. behind the camera at all or is he just there as producer? I ask because D&D are directing the last episode …

  21. Luka Nieto,

    I’m not so sure.. White Harbour is largely made up of whitewashed buildings and this is from the wiki:

    “Castle Stair is a street with steps. It is a broad white stone way that leads up from the Wolf’s Den by the water to the New Castle on its hill”

    A long shot granted- but fun to speculate until we get something concrete (pun totally unintended) 😝

  22. I guess it’s possible it could also be for Dragonstone. Of course going back there would raise questions as well, such as wondering if they had to retreat from the wights to the island…

  23. Dark Sister,

    Possibly may be Storms End…Jon/Danny[im wonder if Emilia will be in Dubrovnik too for filming]maybe there to have a conversation/deal with the chiefs of the GC [if they decide to betray Cercei]who they will arrive to this place first[as they do in the books with FAegon]..Its just only a speculation ..but we will see..Also i dont think D.B will be there for directing..In the previous WOTW article/photos we saw David Nutter to be there for filming[check in]

  24. I actually kind of prefer the man-bun just because it seems more formal and separates him from the rest of the wild bushy haired dudes. 😛

  25. Personally, I believe the end of the NK fight will take place at Storm’s End. It is a major location we have yet to see, it is called “Storm’s End” and was built with the help of Brandon the Builder just like the Wall and Winterfell which means it also likely contains secrets and magic to help in the battle that this version of Bran will remember placing in the build. Storm’s End is South of KL but not so far some of the architecture could not be similar. This picture could be Storm’s End or maybe it is KL but my money is on what other’s have guessed: White Harbor, based on the description of that location.

  26. White Harbour is a good guess, were it not for the absence of snow.

    Winterfell has been covered in snow for months and the S7 finale saw Jon’s raven struggling through a snowstorm in The North.

    You’d expect White Harbour to have a healthy coating of snow if that’s where he’s supposed to be.

  27. ACME,

    Yup – I’m thinking that this very well may NOT be KL – could it possibly be another depiction of one of the Wall locations?

  28. Yeah I’m not sure I believe this is King’s Landing. As some have mentioned, it’s possible that this is White Harbor. Don’t see what a member of the Night’s Watch would be doing down in King’s Landing, and I don’t see why Jon would be down in King’s Landing this early if David Nutter is indeed the director filming.

  29. To be honest, this could be literally anywhere. I find hard to believe jon is just walking through kings landing, without at least a few lannister soldiers around. Unless Cersei has become another person, she would never allow dany’s “pet northerner” to just roam around freely in her city. It could be casterly rock, storm’s end… even highgarden or some tower in riverrun. Remember, last year they used the trujillo castle for both highgarden and king’s landing battlements in the finale.

  30. Where is the snow if it is White Harbor? To be honest I could ask the same question if it is King’s Landing, but if this was a stand in for another location in the North than the weather is way off. I think it is what it seems to be. King’s Landing. Now why he’s there, seemingly allowed to move freely, probably by episode 4, I have no idea. But I’d be surprised if this was anywhere other than the obvious…King’s Landing.

  31. As for the lack of Longclaw. He has his sword belt on and if it’s Kit on a break, surely the Longclaw prep could be lying somewhere.

  32. We have seen this tower as a location before in s2 of GoT for the entrance to the House of the Undying-just different view

    Also this must be a dragon entrance for Jon?? Why else would he be filmed in public in a different country walking done a load of stairs unless it was for a dramatic entrance🤔

  33. Dark Sister: I know the Davos/Gendry scene when they’re about to leave King’s Landing last season was actually filmed in Gaztelugatxe

    That was filmed quite close to Gaztelugatxe, in the same province even, but it wasn’t the same place.

  34. i dont think its KL, jon is too calm to be KL and no one with him, even guards, with cersei, euron and NK there at some point, unless is one of the final scenes of the final episode and everything is okay.

    and theres no snow, even yesterday with nutter that for sure until episode 4 will have snow.

    thats weird

  35. Eim:
    We have seen this tower as a location before in s2 of GoT for the entrance to the House of the Undying-just different view

    Also this must be a dragon entrance for Jon?? Why else would he be filmed in public in a different country walking done a load of stairs unless it was for a dramatic entrance

    Danny allows Jon to rides Rhaegal [entrance of Rhaegal to him] or NK landing in the front of him for to fight.

  36. Eim:
    We have seen this tower as a location before in s2 of GoT for the entrance to the House of the Undying-just different view

    Nice catch!

  37. there is other photo, one that looks that dany is there too. and looks exactly like her, dress, hair, cape, everything,

    i think its white harbor.

    in season 7 when they were filming in the castle that was meant to be highgarden and was, the scene with jaime and bron on top of the castle was for KL, the final episode looking danys army.

  38. Luka Nieto,

    Ahhh, thank you for the clarification. I remember it being mentioned in one of the featurettes last year but couldn’t remember if it was the same location. I know they did mention the similar rock formations that were in the background of that scene, which gave it away 😂

  39. Which photo?

    there is other photo, one that looks that dany is there too. and looks exactly like her, dress, hair, cape, everything,

    i think its white harbor.

  40. lolpol:
    there is other photo, one that looks that dany is there too. and looks exactly like her, dress, hair, cape, everything,

    i think its white harbor.

    in season 7 when they were filming in the castle that was meant to be highgarden and was, the scene with jaime and bron on top of the castle was for KL, the final episode looking danys army.

    give me a link for this

  41. lolpol,

    No, that’s some male crew member. There’d be photos if she were there. Emilia is busy tomorrow with two work events and she was seen in London on Monday.

  42. Why isn’t Jon Snow in Winterfell spending quality time with Arya?

    And where is Ghost? You know, that direwolf whose picture is on the side of milk cartons?

  43. lolpol,

    Where is the snow if it is White Harbor? It can’t be White Harbor. The weather is way too off for it to be a location in the North. It’s just not logical for them to show Winterfell blanketed in feet of snow and there to be not even a dusting in another location North. And with the presence of Nutter it means it’s either episodes 1, 2, or 4. I don’t see any scenario where it is suddenly spring with no more snow in the North by episode 1, 2 or 4.

  44. orange,

    The same could be said of Kings Landing.

    Remember that the sea often prevents snow and ice on the shore.

    Also: it could be spring in KL at this point.. although the Mountain has been spotted now. Perhaps they’re shooting multiple scenes.

  45. Daaaaamn!

    Just get hyped from these pictures? It’s been too long from any new Game of Thrones or ASoIaF stuff lately. Hope there is new book coming this year (right) and next year is BIG. Can’t even think how this all is going to end.

  46. WRT the updated pics.. the blonde girl has her hair in a bun and isn’t in costume..could be anyone.

    Edit: saw the second pic. Yeah, could be her.

  47. Apollo,

    It’s Nutter and his usual crew though. Unless they are planning to put something he films into an episode he’s not credited as the director of, it’s going to be either episodes 1, 2 or 4. While I guess it could be possible it is now spring by episode 4, I would have my doubts with two episodes still to go.

  48. i saw Emilias blonde-silver hair there..So Jon along with Danny in KL for to fight together the NK and Cercei?….. or for to be King/Queen ?A lot of speculations..

  49. Clob,

    Is no director present in these pictures? It would help with a timeline since we know who is directing each episode.

  50. orange,

    Weiss is also there though, so it’s possible that there could be multiple scenes being filmed (battlements, streets, harbour) that take place in different episodes.

  51. as it has been said, that is not emilia. its a costume lady. emilia is in london right now.

    if the mountain is in dubrovnik, then i bet lena is too. crossing my fingers we get photos of her tomorrow.

  52. joojenbro,

    It was presented as speculation, not as fact, so there wasn’t really much “fact-checking” to do. The suggestion that it’s this crew member makes sense, though, so I added it to the article.

  53. It would make sense to have the survivors of the Watch with Jon. They’d probably feel safest with him.

  54. Also if D.B Weiss is there with Kit there’s a possibility this could be the very last episode since David and Dan are the directors for the finale?

  55. Luka Nieto,

    It’s interesting that Jon’s hair looks different in different photos. In the photo by Vedran Jerinić where Jon is escorted by two unidentified men he still wears his man bun. In the other scene his locks are loose or secured with a clasp between the takes. Can these be two different scenes or are they just experimentig with Jon’s hair?
    As for his misterious companion, for me his costume looks a bit Tully but that may be just a coincidence.

  56. Inga,

    You’re right! It’s the scales on the shoulder region… I knew I’d seen similar costume before!

    The castle architecture is similar to the RR set, especially the round turret. And this could explain the lack of snow.

  57. Inga: It’s interesting that Jon’s hair looks different in different photos. In the photo by Vedran Jerinić where Jon is escorted by two unidentified men he still wears his man bun

    I don’t think he does. It’s just that the wind isn’t blowing the hair to every direction in that photo. But I think you can still see the hair is free.

  58. joojenbro:
    That’s not Emilia, that a woman responsible for costumes



    Why isn’t this site doing fact-checking anymore?

    It’s not emilia. Its Zjena Glamocanin from the costume department.


    Yeah..but She will spotted there too in the next days ..Danny will take place in the battle for the KL in Jons side ..Thats for sure

  59. Inga: As for his misterious companion, for me his costume looks a bit Tully but that may be just a coincidence.

    The “hat” on the man on the right looks a touch more Frey-esque to me… Didn’t they all use to wear the sort of headgear that was strangely reminiscent of the peasants in Monty Python’s Holy Grail ? 😛

  60. ACME,

    BTW, that man on the right cannot be a Frey. They’re all gone, thanks to the Many-Faced Goddess. 👸🏻

    (From S7e1:)

    Jaime: “Even Lannisters can’t survive without allies. Where are our allies now? You saw what happened to Walder Frey and his family.”

    Cersei: “I heard. How could we ever trust a man like that?”

    Jaime: “We couldn’t. He was a useless, old coward, but the Freys supported us. Now they’re all dead. Whoever killed them is no friend of ours. We need allies. Stronger, better allies. We can’t win this war alone.”

  61. Not read all the comments yet, just wanted to say ooohhhh the hair is flowing again, it’s crying out for a crown. Be still my beating heart😍👑

  62. Ten Bears:
    BTW, that man on the right cannot be a Frey. They’re all gone, thanks to the Many-Faced Goddess.

    I am genuinely sorry to disagree with you on this but I sincerely hope this is not the case.

    What made Arya’s poisoning of the Freys acceptable was the idea that she had somehow selected those who had taken part in the Red Wedding (“the Freys who matter”). If it turns out that she killed all the Frey men indiscriminately, including those who may not have been at the Twins when the massacre happened and those who were too young to kill anyone at the time, then Arya did not mass execute assassins, she committed mass murder. And the latter is far less acceptable, I believe.

  63. I think I see Preston Jacobs in one of those pictures… still not understanding GRRM’s writing… just like D&D.

  64. Ser Broccoli McBroccoliface:
    Whose directing this scene? Can anyone tell?

    David Nutter is directing it, there are photos of him on location.

    There are Lannister banners in photos so these scenes are likely to be Jon with Cersei and the Mountain.

  65. Artemisia,

    no one will be spotted there in the next few days since they wrap up tomorrow and Emilia’s doing a promo round for SW and some charity event in London tomorrow

  66. joojenbro:

    no one will be spotted there in the next few days since they wrap up tomorrow and Emilia’s doing a promo round for SW and some charity event in London tomorrow

    but there will be a final battle who Daenerys will be involved…So i expect Emilias photos in the next days.

  67. ACME,

    All the Frey men were involved in the Red Wedding, at least on the show (there are a few exceptions in the books).

    “Tell them, Winter came for House Frey”… That implies to me that all the Frey men died there, justifiably

  68. Agree, there is nothing to suggest that Dany is there. At this moment we know Jon Snow, Cersei and the Mountain are involved in filming but it may be different scenes. If they are filming together we can assume Dany is either Pregnant in the North, dead or involved in some other plot line we do not know about.

    I’m also very interested to understand why Davos is not there as hand of the king that one is even more strange.

  69. Ten Bears,

    Even if Arya killed all the male Freys, their household servants/soldiers would continue to wear the same attire, I guess. But I wouldn’t make much of that. Sure, Jon may visit Riverrun at some point, he may even recruit some Frey soldiers – Jaime is more likely man for the job, but now they in the same team, so there are ways for both Tully and Frey soldiers to join Jon’s entaurage at some point. However, storywise it’s not all that important (except for the fact that the showrunners have to wrap Edmure’s story somehow). The game of thrones itself should culminate in KL, most probably with the NK joining the fray. So, Jon will have to come to KL for the ultimate showdown and that means that Cersei will certainly try to take an advantage of that. What I don’t like is that the unidentified man behind Jon carries the sword, whereas Jon seems to be unarmed, though on the other hand he seems quite relaxed, so I don’t know what to make out of all this, except of a highly probable confirmation that Jon will come to KL in the second half of the season.

  70. Can we be sure it’s another location it was part of filming in Dubrovnik yesterday which seemed to imply Cersei was meeting some of importance. It’s possible that this was Jon or it could be seperate we don’t know for sure from what I can tell.

  71. Artesmia we know you like Dany as a character but there is absolutely zero to suggest Dany is involved, in fact the evidence points to her not being involved. There could be several reasons for this if it’s Kings Landing and Cersei is meeting Jon either she is pregnant and being kept safe somewhere, dead or perhaps gone full mad queen herself.

    Hell we don’t even know what episode this is other than it’s either Nutter or D&D directing the episode so most likely either 4, 5, or 6 if it’s Kings Landing.

  72. Jon Snowed,

    Actually, I think that the scene is directed by D. Weiss which would place it into Ep 6 and explain the absence of the Lannister soldiers/banners in it.

  73. Ten Bears:
    Third picture from the top: Is that a cigarette or a doobie in Jon Snow’s left hand?

    Yep, Kit likes his smokes – probably the ‘funny ones’ also 😀

    In the picture below that where he’s chatting with Dan Weiss you can see what looks a cigarette (or a joint) perhaps tucked behind his ear and sticking up through his hair?

  74. Artemisia: but there will be a final battle who Daenerys will be involved…So i expect Emilias photos in the next days.

    Sure we can expect those things, but we have no idea what is being filmed here (Kit doesn’t looked dressed for battle). We don’t even know if the stuff Kit is filming here is supposed to be King’s Landing; it could be anywhere really.

  75. There are rumours that Isaac is also in Dubrovnik and I think you could be correct Inga, that would explain Jon not having LongClaw, the unrecognisable guys escorting him this could be one of the final scenes of the season with Jon now King of the seven kingdoms – I don’t see any other reason for him to be there otherwise.

  76. Jon Snowed:
    ,the unrecognisable guys escorting him this could be one of the final scenes of the season with Jon now King of the seven kingdoms – I don’t see any other reason for him to be there otherwise.

    His half-siblings aren’t there, Tyrion nor Davos are there, Daenerys isn’t there; one would hope that he’d spend one of the final scenes of the season amongst at least one of those characters.. Not someone we’ve never seen before. IMO, at least.

  77. Apollo:
    Black Raven,

    It’s a cigarette,I don’t think the director is gonna let the Kit get stoned when they only have a few days to shoot.

    Haha… I agree – The actors getting stoned on set is not a good idea! Perhaps afterwards when the filming is wrapped 😛

  78. As I said above I could come up with reasons why Dany would not be there not least because there is a reasonable chance she could die but no Davos, Sam or Tyrion strikes me as strange as I expect those three to survive and counsel who ever is left to rule.

    The fact that Jon doesn’t have longclaw and is accompanied by people we do not recognise adds so much more mystery to this though. He’s either a prisoner again without his confidants or he feels no threat in his surroundings i.e. he is king.

  79. Jon is still wearing his Stark leathers, so it seems he’s not been crowned as ruler of the 7Ks here.

    I’m gonna stick with him being at Riverrun, to mobilise what’s left of the Riverlands.

  80. Jon Snowed,
    You’re ignoring that it’s NOT confirmed to be King’s Landing. It might be, it might not be. This location in Dubrovnik has not been used before so they could be using it for any number of locations just because they liked it.

  81. First this I thought when I saw these images was that maybe this is meant to be Riverrun. Although KL is probably more likely.

  82. ACME,

    True. The dialogue in S7e1’s cold open made it clear that all of the Freys Arya terminated “helped slaughter the Starks at the Red Wedding.” So there must be innocent young Freylets running around.

  83. Not ignoring it all, it could be other locations but that seems unlikely. I have seen speculation it could be Riverrun but do we really think Jon is going to make another detour there? Winterfell or another Northern castle makes zero sense to me.

  84. Jon Snowed: Winterfell or another Northern castle makes zero sense to me.

    At this point I wouldn’t say it makes any less sense than being alone with random nobodies in KL. He could be in a number of locations that wouldn’t be a “detour” if they’ve been forced to retreat.

  85. Perhaps the other guy is the leader of The Golden Company, after pledging allegiance to him.

    But where IS Ghost? And Davos? 🙁

  86. Apollo:
    Jay Targ,

    Not if they’re all dead.

    I suppose, though I was under the impression that the ending was supposed to bittersweet.

    Jon Snowed:
    The fact that Jon doesn’t have longclaw and is accompanied by people we do not recognise adds so much more mystery to this though. He’s either a prisoner again without his confidants or he feels no threat in his surroundings i.e. he is king.

    Or as Clob said, it’s possible that this is not King’s Landing; a possibility that I am finding more and more likely.

  87. Ten Bears:

    True. The dialogue in S7e1’s cold open made it clear that all of the Freys Arya terminated “helped slaughter the Starks at the Red Wedding.” So there must be innocent young Freyletsrunning around.

    How would she know?

  88. Ten Bears,
    It should be pointed out that in the books, and it appears to be so on the show, Walder keeps his family close. His male heirs are essentially his army. Book-Walder is around 92 so he has a lot of them. So… pretty much all of the adult Frey men were involved in the Red Wedding in one way or another (killing Stark bannermen, Grey Wind).

  89. Apollo:

    Jon is still wearing his Stark leathers, so it seems he’s not been crowned as ruler of the 7Ks here.

    I wouldn’t put it past Jon to insist on familiar garb even as ruler of the 7Ks 😅

  90. Jon Snowed:

    David Nutter is directing it, there are photos of him on location.

    There are Lannister banners in photos so these scenes are likely to be Jon with Cersei and the Mountain.

    Oh my firstborn for a scene between Cersei and Jon. Especially if she learns his true parentage.

  91. Isabelle,

    Absolutely. They showed Joffrey fussing over clothes and appearance for a reason. And as Sansa pointed out last season, Jon’s as far from Joffrey as it’s possible to be.

  92. Isabelle: ruler of the 7Ks

    Thoughts on that phrase… Will it be Eight Kingdoms? I mean, what does happen with the land beyond the (destroyed) Wall? If the NK is eliminated will the climate become a wee bit better, more seasonal? Certainly just a few hundred remaining wildlings won’t go back and just be alone with all that land and its resources…

  93. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man:

    Absolutely. They showed Joffrey fussing over clothes and appearance for a reason. And as Sansa pointed out last season, Jon’s as far from Joffrey as it’s possible to be.

    Yep, yep, all this. If these pics are truly showing post-war-for-the-dawn Jon, adding a man from the NW to his council or at least granting them an audience whenever they come a-calling would also be in line with what we’ve seen.

    And if anyone complains about his Starky wear, well, hopefully there’ll be a direwolf to set them right. Jon’ll set all kinds of KL trends!

  94. Clob:

    Thoughts on that phrase [7Ks]…Will it be Eight Kingdoms?I mean, what does happen with the land beyond the (destroyed) Wall?If the NK is eliminated will the climate become a wee bit better, more seasonal?Certainly just a few hundred remaining wildlings won’t go back and just be alone with all that land and its resources…

    Assuming only parts of the Wall fall, it might be easier for them to rebuild the damaged sections in preparation for any potential future Wighty uprisings. Then they’d only have the Gift to settle, and that will probably become part of the North. Unless a hypothetical ruler grants the Wildlings an independent state of sorts, free from any “kingdom” affiliation / obligation?

  95. If this is King’s Landing, then that’d mean D&D decided that it’s important for Jon to be seen physically walking around the city, even at the risk of spoilers.

    Which would seem a bit indulgent and unnecessary if he’s just being escorted around as Cersei’s prisoner or as a guest. I mean, look at what they’re filming – him walking down some steps and along the ramparts with a couple of extras. Did they really need to do this on location?

    If he was leading the defence of King’s Landing, then where are all the soldiers? Where are all the other main characters? Where are the props? In Season 2 they showed the walls of King’s Landing as a hive of activity leading up to the Blackwater.

    To my mind, they don’t go to the effort of shooting Jon walking around King’s Landing unless he’s King.

    That’s if it’s King’s Landing.

    But maybe I’m getting ahead of myself.

  96. Isabelle: If these pics are truly showing post-war-for-the-dawn Jon

    Speaking of climate again, I’d like to think that when it’s post-war it will sunny and warm with no need for furs. I mean for the end of the show of course, not suggesting they won’t have regular seasons. KL shouldn’t be super cold anyway… 😉

  97. Clob:

    Speaking of climate again, I’d like to think that when it’s post-war it will sunny and warm with no need for furs. I mean for the end of the show of course, not suggesting they won’t have regular seasons. KL shouldn’t be super cold anyway… 😉

    Jon had better ready his black furry swimming trunks!

  98. The guy next to Jon could simply be the person who rowed the boat to shore. Looks a bit like the cloaked guys rowing boats during Hardhome

  99. Why would Bran be in KL though? It’s gotta be somewhere else. Either that or they’re using that location to film multiple scenes which would take place in different settings.

    Though, I suppose if Winterfell falls they might have no choice but to head south.

  100. Inga:
    Luka Nieto,

    As for his misterious companion, for me his costume looks a bit Tully but that may be just a coincidence.

    Agree…that’s what I thought, as well. Of course, that could be what I want to see because it would confirm speculation that Jaime stops by the Riverlands on his way North. I really want to see Edmure again.

    Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    I hope that you are correct because that would be perfect.

  101. I think it’s worth noting that he also is not armed. There was that script leak a few months back that said Jon Snow gets taken captive by Cersei in Kings landing. Also important to know if Weiss is there as producer and show runner or as director bc if he is there as director then they are shooting for the series finale because that’s the episode that he and Benioff are directing.

  102. Isabelle,
    Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,
    Mr Derp,

    If this scene really belongs to Ep 6 (as evidence suggest, including Bran’s presence), IMO both Jon’s attire and absence of numerous extras/props and even the snow can be explained.

    First of all, I still believe that the battle for KL will be in Ep 5 and that most of it, especcially the battle sequence, will be filmed in the newly built set in the NI. Therefore, this scene with Jon and, maybe, some other scene with Brann will be right after the battle, early in Ep6: that would explain both absence of snow (NK has fled to his den and KL enjoys the weather of an early spring); Jon’s attire (maybe he is on the way to mount his dragon and chase the NK down to his den – that would explain Bran’s presence and filming in Icelend, too), as well as the presence of some random extras – new friens found at the battlefield.
    On the other hand, it may equally be Jon’s return after the NK is done – maybe, he just landed with a dragon on the top of that tower and is on his way to see his family in the great hall (though I would expect a more chareful return on the king).
    One way or another, IMO there are only three key locations where Jon can be in the last episode: KL, WF, and NK’s den beyond the Wall. A stop at Riverrun to wrap up the Tully/Frey succession mingt be a possibility, but hardly.
    The only thing that really confuses me is where’s Longclaw? Maybe, Jon is going to lose it during his final stand against the NK? Though the most simple explanation is that the sword it’s just under Jon’s cape or that we’ll see someone bringing it to him.

  103. Clob,

    Good point, and to throw us all off because we all can’t even figure out where they’re at much less any type of spoiler having to do with the storyline and plot.

  104. shermizzle,

    Yeah, it’s not Rory McCann. My initial comment was before we got larger images and all you could really see was a bloke who looked bigger than Kit with a beard who looked vaguely Hound-ish. But since we got the larger images, it’s clearly not him.


    Re. Longclaw, it does sometimes get hidden under the cloak but you’d think that we’d get a glimpse of its distinctive pommel in one of these many shots. Especially since there are a few where the left-hand side of the cloak is billowing out and it’s still not obvious.

    Its absence really would be intriguing, since we’ve rarely seen him without it aside from in his own quarters and when he was a prisoner on Dragonstone.

    You’d think that if he’d lost it he would be carrying a new sword instead.

    It’s a mystery, that’s for sure.

  105. So basically we may potentially be looking at photos from the series finale? That seems pretty wild. I’m not sure though since both Weiss and Nutter have been spotted in the general area. Maybe they’re shooting side-by-side for different episodes at the same locale?

  106. Until now I only enjoyed reading WotW – rspct, I like the articles and the discussions very much, because You are very respectful, but nevertheless humerous and sometimes lit btichy. I like it. Thanks to You all.

    But now I can’t hold my feet calm anymore and must blow out my tinfoilquestions:
    Why does nearly everyone expect Jon becoming king of the seven kingdoms?
    Why does nearly everyone expect, he wants to be?
    He wasn’t just excited to be proclaimed as king in the north, he took this titel as a means to gather the northern people behind for the aim fighting the NK and his WW-army and to have a better status (than as Stark-bastard or even NW-Lord-Commander), when he goes south to convince Daenerys and Cersei to join this big fight. He didn’t choose it, he didn’t want it.
    After he was brought back from nowhere by Melisandre, he was doomed to fulfill…
    And there was nearly nothing left inside from old Jon, before-dead-Jon, no wishes for his own – until he met Daenerys…

    When I saw the pictures above my first (and second and third…) thought was: there he goes, leaving everything behind (Longclaw also), seeking home, wherever it might be.
    There is nothing left for Jon Snow, his active fate in saving the world is fulfilled.

    I thought, yes, the black man behind him ist a NW-brother, asking Jon to come back as Lord Commander, but he said no, nevermore, and left him standing there.
    (btw: the other guy seems to me simply as a crewmember with bobbycap, dressed in black like most of the others)

    My tinfoil thinking: this could have been the very last shot.

  107. Shane,

    No “script leaks” here, bogus or otherwise !!!

  108. cos alpha,

    “Why does nearly everyone expect Jon becoming king of the seven kingdoms?”

    That is a very good question. And I agree with you: he didn’t ask for it and wouldn’t want it. For him, being KitN was a means to an end, not an ambition.

  109. *ahem*

    There are some wild and crazy and not so wild or crazy rumours out there about what is coming for Season 8. Real (unlikely) or not, can people KINDLY STOP F*CKING TALKING ABOUT THEM HERE, PLEASE????

    Seriously, I seek out all leaks and spoilers and read the last page of books all the time, but there are many people here who don’t want even completely unfounded spoilers (not theories) bandied about.


  110. R’hllor help us! ..could be that the leaked script pages were true? I pray to the lord of light that they weren’t true.

  111. joojenbro:

    Why isn’t this site doing fact-checking anymore?

    How about taking it easy on the amazing people who run this amazing site?

    If the mods had waited until they could confirm the woman’s identity, a day or two would have passed during which dozens of people would have been posting links to newspapers and Instagram and Twitter and the gods know what else, complaining vociferously about the fact that WotW wasn’t on it. Instead the mods posted the story right away, and clearly stated they hadn’t identified the person in question. And that gets them… a complaint that they don’t do “fact-checking” any more?


  112. Edward,

    Would you please STOP with the “leaked script” stuff already?


  113. I’m not sure which pic some of you are looking at, but the other man in the black cloak looks to be more Jon’s age. As much as I want to see Howland Reed and Meera again, I don’t think it’s Howland with Jon. Howland would be much older, as old as Ned would have been.

    Where ever it’s supposed to be, Jon is very relaxed. If he were on edge, worried, he’d have a weapon. The hair wouldn’t be loose, either. When you are in battle, or worried about being accosted in the street, you don’t want to be blinded by flying locks of hair, no matter how luscious that hair might be. No matter, I still love seeing pics of him. I hope this is a finale shot, and he’s taking a victory walk through KL. Too much to wish for? Maybe that’s the sweet of bittersweet

  114. He is headed to White Harbour should be the 1st lace he lands off of the ship unless they go get married at the Citadel the man could pass for someone from the Citadel.
    The clothing look close to the Tully soldier attire worth mentioning anyway but doubtful.

  115. Thronetender,

    “I hope this is a finale shot, and he’s taking a victory walk through KL. Too much to wish for?”
    He’s waiting to watch a military parade in his honor.

  116. Clob:

    Certainly just a few hundred remaining wildlings won’t go back and just be alone with all that land and its resources…

    I would venture that “that land and its resources” don’t amount to much in a medieval context. It can’t be farmed.

  117. cos alpha,

    Well many expect him to be king for a number of reasons: 1) If the Targaryen line of power is restored then he’s the rightful heir to the throne, regardless of who has the dragons 2) people seemed to like promoting him without asking for his approval, 3) in the books there are many hints of Snow being King – now that could be just his current KitN title or can also allude to the Westeros crown and finally the most important reason 4) he DOESN’T want to be King. Jon didn’t want to become Lord Commander, Sam decided that he needed to be. Jon didn’t even entertain the idea of being Lord of Winterfell and yet the northerners proclaimed him King. Kingslanding would be hell for Jon, a crown a curse but because Jon is Jon, he’s very likely to end up dead or with a crown he never wanted.

  118. I think this is King’s Landing and a good portion of this will actually be CGI’d into rubble and ruin. I see Dan there so this might just be the one he is directing (the last one obv)

  119. Shane,


    Stonehand Greyfeather,

    I believe you’re all newcomers or infrequent posters here, so please heed the advice of Ten Bears and others: no discussion of leaks in WotW comment sections! Leaks ruin the watching experience for lots of GoT fans, so this site is a safe haven. However, you can address them in the Forum section. Click on Forum at the top of the WotW page, then click on Quarantine. FWIW, I wouldn’t trust any of the current leaks, including phony script pages.

  120. Looking at the guy next to Jon, the armor and belt buckle, that looks like a guy from the Neck, House Reed?

  121. I haven’t read through all the comments, so I don’t know if this was mentioned already, but honestly, my instant first guess was that the man with the cap to Kit’s right looks like a gaoler. And I don’t want to say it but *gulp* perhaps the man on the left is an executioner, or maybe a guard for those waiting to be executed? Not that I’m saying they’re imprisoning Jon Snow … maybe he’s visiting another character?

  122. It’s not Dany in the pics, the three main actors filming in Dubrovnik are apparently Isaac (Bran), Kit (Jon) and Lena (Cersei). We know Nutter is there and also at least one of D&D so we know this is not from episodes 3 or 5 as Miguel is directing those.

    The location is most likely Kings Landing but not confirmed and there may be multiple scenes or an extension of one.

  123. Ok ive had a good look at the photos again and here is my take;
    This isnt principle photography, its a walk thru. I expect to see this locale again for the actual shooting. !
    This is Kings Landing!
    In this scene, JOn just landed on that turret on a Dragon!!

    Kings …Landing 😉 get it
    Ill get my coat

  124. Jon Snowed:
    Agree, there is nothing to suggest that Dany is there. At this moment we know Jon Snow, Cersei and the Mountain are involved in filming but it may be different scenes. If they are filming together we can assume Dany is either Pregnant in the North, dead or involved in some other plot line we do not know about.

    I’m also very interested to understand why Davos is not there as hand of the king that one is even more strange.

    Emilia Clarke will involved there..Its rumored to be filming the next days ..for sure..Cercei will capture Jon [Lena Heady will be there for sure]..that will force Danny to go in KL to save him..NK [Vladimir Furdik on a SUV]also is there..So there will be the final Battle between Jon/Danny and NK/Cercei ..Emilia could not there for now ..because Danny is giving birth into the Vale or into Dragonstone..As for theory Danny goes mad ..that theory have debunked in S6 by Cercei ..This theory just dosnt hold water and doesnt make sense..If there is a MQ that is Cercei and probably will be soon and Sansa[i see her jealousy for Danny and her love psychosis for Jon making her somehow crazy like her aunt Lyssa was for Littlrfinger and Catelyn ]..There is no time and place for another one villain..Also there will be Cercei too[a Lannister banner was spotted there yesterday] ..That says she is still in charge and Jon will go there for conversations..and might get end up locked on the jails of the Red Keep ..She will force Danny to KL to save her new husband..So Emilia will be there filming on the next days.Its expected.

    Jay Targ: Sure we can expect those things, but we have no idea what is being filmed here (Kit doesn’t looked dressed for battle).We don’t even know if the stuff Kit is filming here is supposed to be King’s Landing; it could be anywhere really.

    it could be in Riverun after Winterfel destroyed talking with Jaime about defending KL and marching to kill Cercei too.Danny will be is on the Vale [somehow safe]giving birth but i think we will see photos from Emilia filming scenes in Dubrovnik soon

    Ten Bears: Tom Wlaschiha is back this season?
    Could be

    Bran’s actor, Isaac Wright, is there too, alongside Kit.


    ..thats only rumors ..not confirmed photos

    I’m not sure which pic some of you are looking at, but the other man in the black cloak looks to be more Jon’s age. As much as I want to see Howland Reed and Meera again, I don’t think it’s Howland with Jon. Howland would be much older, as old as Ned would have been.

    Where ever it’s supposed to be, Jon is very relaxed. If he were on edge, worried, he’d have a weapon. The hair wouldn’t be loose, either. When you are in battle, or worried about being accosted in the street, you don’t want to be blinded by flying locks of hair, no matter how luscious that hair might be. No matter, I still love seeing pics of him. I hope this is a finale shot, and he’s taking a victory walk through KL. Too much to wish for? Maybe that’s the sweet of bittersweet

    We know that you love Jon..but you shouldnt to expect that to have a happy ending with him being king in the end..That is expected by the 99% of the fans and its just cliche and a very very happy ending..He is brought back for to fight the NK and to die a hero ..Magic will die in the end and he is man resurrected by magic..so will die along with it ..Jon is a tragic character..and tragic characters.. had always tragic endings..He while dying will offer the Throne to Daenerys and to his son with her..That will be 100% bittersweet ..This is GOT so you should not to expect the expected things ..but the unexpected.

  125. With Isaac presumably there also, I had a thought… if Winterfell is indeed destroyed, it would only make sense that the surviving Starks will have to go someplace else. If we figure that someone eventually got around to letting Edmure out of his dungeon, I’d assume he’d go straight back to Riverrun to retake his seat there, and since he’s the uncle of the Stark kids, it would be sensible for them to head there.

    Except, Maisie and Sophie don’t seem to be there right now… I wonder if they, or Sansa at least, would maybe instead head for the Vale with Lord Royce and the KotV? I’d hate to see the Starks split up again, though.

    Of course, as mentioned with Weiss there, it could also be a scene in King’s Landing for the finale instead. All these little disjointed tidbits of info floating around!

  126. I see that there is quite a lot of speculation that this might be the “final” scenes of season 8 and that people believe and want to believe that Jon is now King (I mean it could be true – remember the Maggy the Frog prophecy? It could have been covertly referring to a male as opposed to a female rival) but I think that’s a stretch.

    Firstly, Nutter is there, possibly suggesting that at the latest, this is episode 4. Even if this is a “final” scene directed by Weiss, why no Davos, Tyrion, Jorah, Gendry, Sam etc? And why Bran????? Unless Bran is there to tell Cersei that he remembers she and Jaime caused his fall? But why would that be relevant or neccessary at this point?

    Has it not been reported that the producers have decided to film fake scenes this season to throw people off the scent? What is the betting that this has to be a genuine scene?

    My guess is that this is King’s Landing and if it’s true that the Mountain and Lena have been filming in or around the location, that this is a diplomatic mission to see Cersei and ask again that she commits her soldiers to combating the Army of the Dead. Perhaps he wants to warn her that they are coming her way. His Northern garb, being without Longclaw and visiting with Bran and perhaps a NW member could be entirely in-keeping with this possibility, judging as he was made to abandon his weapons and was wearing Northern armour when he visited Dany at Dragonstone last season.

  127. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    Some tinfoil for you here, what IF longclaw does break and he needs a new sword. It HAS to be valeryian steel for the NK and wights, who has one? Sam does, heartsbane….heart, nissa nissa, azor ahai….tinfoil tony out

  128. Tinfoil Tony:
    Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    Some tinfoil for you here, what IF longclaw does break and he needs a new sword. It HAS to be valeryian steel for the NK and wights, who has one? Sam does, heartsbane….heart, nissa nissa, azor ahai….tinfoil tony out

    I dont think AA is Jon[otherwise that will be cliche]..but Jaime[the one to kill his mad lover/sister for a burning sword]and Widows Veil[reforged by ICE the actual Lightbringer]will be Lightbringer no2 and Jaime to stab NK with this in the back[straight to the heart]..Heartsbane will used by Sandor..He is the only who doesnt have a VS sword to fight there and fits for this big sword..he can use comfortable big/heavy swords on the battlefield with brilliant precision.For the small stature of Jon that sword is to big/heavy and too uncomfortable to use it..

  129. So it looks like Jon does go to King’s Landing after all, and meets up with Cersei (WHY???).. and since it’s unlikely to be from the finale and with Nutter being present in Dubrovnik, I think episode 4 seems to be the most likely placement for these scenes.

  130. ghost of winterfell:
    Lena and Kit filming together?


    I saw the photos…So that means that Cercei will capture Jon?i saw some Lannisters soldiers [red cloaks ,armor and boots]

    ghost of winterfell:
    So it looks like Jon does go to King’s Landing after all, and meets up with Cersei (WHY???).. and since it’s unlikely to be from the finale and with Nutter being present in Dubrovnik, I think episode 4 seems to be the most likely placement for these scenes.

    maybe he to talk to her that the NK is marching South on KL and to try to piss her to help..and she to get the chance to capture him..Also there is and her pet and her soldiers.. ..That might means that Jon will captured like Ned in S1 by betrayal[Tyrions betrayal]..

  131. Tinfoil Tony,

    I’ figured. I wasn’t sure if the person was referring to a new set of leaks. I’m just happy that we can do some good ol’ fashioned speculating this time around since we didn’t get that pleasure during the hiatus for season 7.

  132. ACME,

    What about Danerys crucifying all the masters without regard to their guilt in the crime she condemned them for? Not being snarky but am just curious if people would say there is a difference.

  133. Jay Targ,

    Okay, so with D&D and Nutter both on set, these scenes could be from Episode 1, 2, 4 or 6.

    Well, that narrows it down. 😀

  134. Ok I still think John just landed alone on a Dragon on the Top Turret and had walked down to be met by someone to go to speak to Cersei.

    However, im still curious that this could be a Bran (present) vision he is showing Jon what Cersei is up to (i.e. she aint planning on coming to help him) this would explain why he is both unarmed and why hes even in same scene as Cersei ?

  135. Jay Targ,

    this must be an amazingly important scene for sure. Maybe just turning up to tell Cersei, Im the rightful King of the Iron Throne and here is the proof! Targaryen blood bitch

  136. Artemisia,

    Martin has long cited LOTR as an influence and that ending was ‘bitter sweet’. No reason Jon and Dany can’t marry and both live in the end. Aragon married his Arwen and that was a happy ending of sorts – the bitter sweet (in the movies) is that Frodo was never himself again and chose to leave the Shire behind. After rewatching Season 7, I think they will both survive – there was a lot of obvious foreshadowing pointing towards it. I do agree magic will die – but that is likely the dragons themselves. It’s already hinted at – Viserion dies and suddenly Dany is pregnant – a living child replaces the dead dragon. So I expect in the end her 2 other dragons will die to save the world and she and Jon will have 2 more children to add the one they’ve hinted at her conceiving last episode. I know a lot has been said about Jon being born of magic or being a wight, etc..but the reality is if he can get Dany pregnant – then he’s a living human being, as is she, so I don’t expect him to go poof!

  137. Wow cracking find that Ghost so it’s pretty clear that it is Kings Landing and Cersei is welcoming Jon to Kings landing.

    So many questions now on the back of this, is Dany dead, does Jon know he’s the heir to the 7 kingdoms and why is Cersei welcoming him?

  138. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    Given that Jon was at sea, heading towards Winterfell at the end of last season, I doubt he would be running off to KL in the first 2 episodes itself! Ep 4 or 6 is more likely, if Nutter is there, then it has to be episode 4 I’m.

  139. Aquila,

    Wow. Thanks for those. These photos are making it look like events will play out differently than many of us think. I notice Dan and Dave are both there,must be an important shot, or could be the finale, or maybe they’re always this hands on I don’t know.

  140. ghost of winterfell,

    I honestly don’t know anymore.

    Quite frankly, these shots have unnerved me in the same way the spoilers about Jon going back beyond The Wall in Season 7 did.

    I just can’t fathom a satisfactory explanation for why Jon would be back in King’s Landing, alone and unarmed and seemingly at Cersei’s mercy, only a few episodes after he marched off north to fight the Army of the Dead.

    One thing that should also be remarked upon is that Cersei does not look noticeably pregnant in these shots.

  141. Jon Snowed,

    I don’t think she’s exactly “welcoming.” The men in black in the above photos look like a jailer and a potential prison guard, but who knows. Perhaps the photos above are not meant to be King’s Landing and the shots of Jon and Cersei are for a separate scene in KL.

  142. Edward,

    its all good.

    I completely agree though, i spoiled last season for myself and i think thats why i enjoyed the season the least out of them all.

    I do love to speculate though, i have no real clue why on earth jon is in KL with cersei..

  143. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man: One thing that should also be remarked upon is that Cersei does not look noticeably pregnant in these shots.

    I was thinking the same thing, but then again, we can’t really see her below the upper body in these shots, so it’s difficult to say.

  144. Artemisia, genuinely not trying to pick an argument here as none of us knowing what is happening all we know is that there supposedly three main actors filming we know Kit/Jon and Cersei/Lena are definitely there the third person is thought to be Bran based upon unconfirmed sightings there is nothing to suggest Dany is there.

  145. I am starting to think that they might just be trolling the fans. Why are they standing in front of a window here? But hiding behind umbrellas at other times? They might just be shooting completely unrelated scenes of Cersei and Jon. But it would be easy to have Kit dress up as Jon Snow and stand around there for 10 minutes in front of the window while the paparazzi are snapping away.

  146. Boudica,

    Very possible, but it seems like such a monumental waste of everyone’s time. Perhaps they have such a lengthy filming schedule for season 8 to make room for fake shots though.

  147. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    Yeah I agree. If this is a Cersei imprisons Jon who then needs to be rescued storyline, my TV is not going to survive this lol. All those gold Cloaks and KGs around and no one with Jon, I don’t like this at all.


    Why would Nutter be there if D&D are directing though. If this is the final episode, then it’s a big surprise….Cersei still alive and in control of KL.

  148. Fully agree Edward I’m avoiding leaks but absolutely fine with the odd quite ambigous photo like this where we can speculate safe in the knowledge none of us know.

  149. Maybe at this point Cersei is surrounded and Jon is meeting with her to try and convince her to surrender?

  150. in a logic sense this would be episode 4, since nutter is there, but its really weird DD giving lena and kit close instructions and the wheater without snow again…

    i really hope is episode 4 before the final battle, cause in episode 6 they still talking without trying to kill each other makes no sense.

  151. Artemisia,

    We know that you love Daenerys..but you shouldn’t expect that to have a happy ending with her being queen in the end..That is expected by the 99% of the fans and its just cliche and a very very happy ending.


    It goes both ways, dear. Both outcomes can be labeled as happy and cliche endings. Don’t think you’re being edgy and subversive because you want Khalessi on the throne like 99% of casual fans.

  152. the thing IS, these photos today CONFIRMS jon is in KL indeed.

    this location was always for KL, even in season 7, leena e Nikolaj show up in this same window and the scene was in season 7, 1 episode.

    so jon is in KL, nutter is there, i hope is episode 4, makes perfect sense for it.

    just the weather without fake snow is what bothers me more and make me think this could be final episode, and i hope its not.

  153. Wolfish:

    I would venture that “that land and its resources” don’t amount to much in a medieval context. It can’t be farmed.

    Land is always valuable in itself, and will become more so as the population increases. The land beyond the Wall has a lot of resources beyond cultivation already, despite being frozen; lumber, animals for food/skins/fur, fish, gold, ores and minerals. They do mine in Westeros. As an example, Casterly Rock sits on top of a massive mine (now depleted). All of those resources are what people in Westeros depend on. WE even depend on those types of resources.

    I brought up the question of the climate after the assumed defeat of the Night King. One has to wonder how much of the magic surrounding him is effecting the weather. If a normal seasonal climate takes hold there could be periods of very decent weather and warmer temperatures (like Alaska and northern regions of Canada). Perhaps it would never be conducive for good farming but there could be windows of time for growing certain types of plants.

    With most or all of the thousands of wildlings and an army of undead now gone from beyond the Wall the main predatory threat is gone. Animal numbers should rebound and increase, especially if the climate isn’t so harsh. No, I would say the land will be extremely valuable.

  154. Flayed Potatoes,
    ghost of winterfell,


    Jon’s credibility is already hanging by a thread following the way he’s been depicted over the past couple of seasons – reckless, incompetent, naive, the “Northern fool”, Sansa’s “dolt brother”, etc etc.

    I’m expecting Season 8 to redeem his character, not undermine and emasculate it even further.

  155. Justelaine:
    Big fan, long time lurker here — and I think you are all wrong.Some of these photos have appeared on WoTW before.Check it out:

    Posted onDecember 14, 2016bySue the Fury· 67 Comments

    No. The photos are new. You may notice Cersei is wearing a different dress, Kit Harington is there this time, and other differences. The location is the same. They’ve been filming there since season two.

  156. It’s more than possible that both Nutter and D&D are directing as the scenes will span two episodes presumably 4 & 5. We know that a scene was shot of someone arriving into Kings Landing by boat and there were Lannister banners hanging, we know that Nutter directed this scene we just do not know who arrived. The logical assumption now is that it Jon and possibly Bran too. We still do not know the circumstance of arrival, prisoners or guests.

    The filming today could easily be from Episode 5 and this is either a parlez or Jon/Bran are prisoners type discussion. The fact that Jon is unarmed but not in chains suggests to me that there is at least some level of positive respect between the relevant parties.

    I’m adding 2+2 to add five but I’m now leaning towards Jon/Bran are there either as prisoners or pleading for support having lost the North if so Davos is most likely dead.

  157. You are indeed right for some reason I had it in my head that D&D were doing the final two but it’s Miguel doing E5, in that case I think this is indeed E4.

  158. ygritte:

    How do you know that for sure? Are you going off of some purported spoiler/leak?

    that just speculation my dear


    Martin has long cited LOTR as an influence and that ending was ‘bitter sweet’.No reason Jon and Dany can’t marry and both live in the end.Aragon married his Arwen and that was a happy ending of sorts – the bitter sweet (in the movies) is that Frodo was never himself again and chose to leave the Shire behind. After rewatching Season 7, I think they will both survive – there was a lot of obvious foreshadowing pointing towards it. I do agree magic will die – but that is likely the dragons themselves.It’s already hinted at – Viserion dies and suddenly Dany is pregnant – a living child replaces the dead dragon.So I expect in the end her 2 other dragons will die to save the world and she and Jon will have 2 more children to add the one they’ve hinted at her conceiving last episode.I know a lot has been said about Jon being born of magic or being a wight, etc..but the reality is if he can get Dany pregnant – then he’s a living human being, as is she, so I don’t expect him to go poof!


    Flayed Potatoes:

    We know that you love Daenerys..but you shouldn’t expect that to have a happy ending with her being queen in the end..That is expected by the 99% of the fans and its just cliche and a very very happy ending.

    It goes both ways, dear. Both outcomes can be labeled as happy and cliche endings. Don’t think you’re being edgy and subversive because you want Khalessi on the throne like 99% of casual fans.

    I know that you are a hopeless Jon fanboy…also the 90% of the fans they except her to die [because they hate her..go check the social media if you dont believe me..full of Danny haters/Jon hopeless fanboys/girls who wants her to die and Jon to have the Throne]and Jon be on the Throne..But that is too predictable and out of GRRM ideology ..He will have Jon dead in the books and the show also in the end..Jon is born to die a tragic hero…and tragic heroes have always tragic endings

  159. Artemisia,

    Most of twitter is all “yaaaas Khalessi, slay queen”. Just look at all the twitter posts WotW makes after every episode airs. Casual viewers love her and expect her to be queen at the end. Jon and/or Dany on the throne is not unpredictable at all.

    Also, I didn’t know you read the season 8 scripts and now know with such certainty what happens with Jon’s character and all the others, when you’re here speculating just like all the other “hopeless Jon fans”, claiming Sansa is jealous of the great Daenerys and has some love psychosis for Jon that will turn her into Lyssa Arryn 2. LOL

  160. Artemisia,

    If this thread turns into yet another Team Dany vs. Team Jon fan-war, I’m going to launch into a full-on defense of the Night King.

  161. Flayed Potatoes,

    The twitter has some Danny fans ..but very less..Jon has more fans than her in the social media..She has only some ..30%-35% fans over there..while he has 65%-70% fans

    Flayed Potatoes:

    Also, I didn’t know you read the season 8 scripts and now know with such certainty what happens with Jon’s character and all the others, when you’re here speculating just like all the other “hopeless Jon fans”, claiming Sansa is jealous of the great Daenerys and has some love psychosis for Jon that will turn her into Lyssa Arryn 2. LOL

    No i didnt read the scripts..i just only speculate and i dont expect either Jon and Danny to be alive in the end or to claim the Throne..It would be fair if both dies and no one claims the throne in the end ..As for Sansa i noticed her character being dark based on what i had see on the show ..She there has become a much more controversial darker character there and a character who cant stand anymore

  162. Flayed Potatoes,

    Jon becoming the King isn’t a happy ending for him. The perfect ending for him would be to build a good, quiet life and family somewhere in the North. Jon does not want to be the King, and he certainly doesn’t want to rule over all of the Seven Kingdoms.

  163. Ten Bears:

    “I hope this is a finale shot, and he’s taking a victory walk through KL. Too much to wish for?”
    —————- He’s waiting to watch a military parade in his honor.

    i think i love you.

  164. Boudica,

    Yes very true. I should have clarified that it would be a happy ending for viewers, since he’s a hero. Jon himself would be absolutely miserable.

    Btw long time no see! I hope you’re doing well 🙂


    Where on earth are you getting these percentages? Did someone conduct a poll on GoT viewer preferences on twitter?

  165. Ten Bears: If this thread turns into yet another Team Dany vs. Team Jon fan-war, I’m going to launch into a full-on defense of the Night King.

    I will support you all the way on this one ! All Hail Westeros’s Mister Freeze, long may he reign !

    Artemisia: She there has become a much more controversial darker character there and a character who cant stand anymore

    OK, I am very ashamed of myself because I know what you meant and we, non native English speakers, all make mistakes, me as often if not more so than anyone else… But the idea of Sansa being a character who cannot stand anymore makes me laugh. The poor girl, just repeatedly falling over…
    It may be the birth of a new “crepes of Winterfell” moment. 😉

  166. Boudica:
    Flayed Potatoes,

    “Jon becoming the King isn’t a happy ending for him. The perfect ending for him would be to build a good, quiet life and family somewhere in the North. Jon does not want to be the King, and he certainly doesn’t want to rule over all of the Seven Kingdoms.”

    Yes, that’s what I think, too, although I’m not sure, whether quiet life and family would fit to his charakter. He is a warrior, brought up as one, and there were times, when he his only wish was to be a hero…
    I can’t imagine Jon sitting at home, playing with small kids, talking about the weather with his wife (Daenerys?!), reading books, twirling thumbs… when his former life was full of action *boring*
    And ruling the north wouldn’t be much better than ruling the seven kingdoms, ruling is ruling. It’s not that he isn’t able to rule (to command), quite the contrary as we saw, it’s everything, but not what he appreciates.
    If the show should end in this way for him, it would be very very bitter for me, no sweets at all!

  167. ACME,

    Wow! You’re a “non native English speaker”? I would’ve pegged you as an English literature professor.

    Out of curiosity…what’s your primary language, if you don’t mind sharing….

  168. Ten Bears,

    You didn’t know? Our dear ACME is one of those Frenchwomen we envy so much for their seemingly effortless intelligence, impossibly broad knowledge of the arts (both pop and high), and joie de vivre… and she probably subsists on a diet of bread, cheese, and wine while maintaining a size 4 figure. 😉

  169. Dan76:

    Kings… Landing get it
    I’ll get my coat

    Increasing numbers of us are gathering in the alley to drink, smoke, and discuss Jon’s… abs. Feel free to join us.

  170. kathy:

    Aragon married his Arwen and that was a happy ending of sorts – the bitter sweet (in the movies) is that Frodo was never himself again and chose to leave the Shire behind.

    I would argue that Arwen giving up eternity for true wuvv was pretty “bittersweet” too.

    /snark (and not against you!)

  171. Clob,

    You make an excellent argument, although I would counter that of all of those fur and fish are the likeliest to bring in a profit… and fur and fish won’t last long if over-harvested. But don’t get me going on the history of the American West.

  172. Flayed Potatoes:

    Yes very true. I should have clarified that it would be a happy ending for viewers, since he’s a hero. Jon himself would be absolutely miserable.

    Btw long time no see! I hope you’re doing well


    Where on earth are you getting these percentages? Did someone conduct a poll on GoT viewer preferences on twitter?


    ACME: I will support you all the way on this one ! All Hail Westeros’s Mister Freeze, long may he reign !

    OK, I am very ashamed of myself because I know what you meant and we, non native English speakers, all make mistakes, me as often if not more so than anyone else… But the idea of Sansa being a character who cannot stand anymore makes me laugh. The poor girl, just repeatedly falling over…
    It may be the birth of a new “crepes of Winterfell” moment.

    Im Greek ..and English is not my native language ..Just i see Sansa going in the dark side..Remember what Ramsay said to her”im part of you now”[S6E10]means that you are like me now..Sansa the two last season has make some controversial things[like the lies to Jon for the Army of the Vale in S6 and the jealousy that she expose toward Jon/Danny relationship when Littlefinger said to her that they will marry]..Also the Conversation with Arya in the EP5 was full of hints that Sansa is going on the dark side..Arya tried to said that was responsible for their fathers troubles and death..because she choose her love for Geoffrey instead her family..thing that is true..but Sansa tried to excuse it by blaming Arya that she did nothing[while we know that Arya in S1E9 was ready to face the kingsguards and to save Ned..before Yoren finds her in the statue of Baelor..when Sansa was just swoon ]..I feel sorry for what Sansa passed from Ramsay and Geoffrey ..but i cant forget that she has many flaws..and those flaws are the reasons for what she passes ..She shouldnt to had betray her father ..for Geoffrey..

  173. Dan76: Kings …Landing 😉 get it
    Ill get my coat

    Oh, I always thought it was King’s Landing as in Tommen … landing .. in the courtyard.
    Don’t have to get my coat, I’m already gone. 🙂

  174. It was exciting enough to be asked to supply some of our dryrobe products to keep the cast warm while filming, but finally seeing them getting some use on set is pretty epic!! Good to see these photos! #winteriscoming #dryrobeterritory

  175. Wolfish:
    Ten Bears,

    You didn’t know? Our dear ACME is one of those Frenchwomen we envy so much for their seemingly effortless intelligence, impossibly broad knowledge of the arts (both pop and high), and joie de vivre… and she probably subsists on a diet of bread, cheese, and wine while maintaining a size 4 figure. 😉

    No, I did not know!

  176. Luka, Perhaps irrelevant but Minceta tower was already used before, in season 2,in a scene when golden cloacks are after Robert s bastards and running up those staires to get Tobho Mott. Also when Dany is trapped in the tower in Quarth and Jorah is running around it and screaming Khaalessi!

  177. I hope Jon gets to have some scenes without that gigantic fur cape on all the time. Thinking about last season’s King’s Landing scene where he looked overdressed and uncomfortable.

  178. Ten Bears: Out of curiosity…what’s your primary language, if you don’t mind sharing….

    I do not mind one bit : French all the way, bébé ! 😉

    Wolfish: You didn’t know? Our dear ACME is one of those Frenchwomen we envy so much for their seemingly effortless intelligence, impossibly broad knowledge of the arts (both pop and high), and joie de vivre… and she probably subsists on a diet of bread, cheese, and wine while maintaining a size 4 figure.

    I am thoroughly undeserving of such praise !!! But thank you ever so much all the same 😛
    You are dead right about the diet (cholesterol, schmolesterol) though you forgot pâtisserie. One does not simply live without a fraisier !
    PS For a second, I thought you meant a British “size 4” and panicked at the idea of an adult human managing to squeeze their way into clothes that small. But then I realised you were certainly referring to the US “size 4” which seems about right. ^^

    ygritte: What about Danerys crucifying all the masters without regard to their guilt in the crime she condemned them for? Not being snarky but am just curious if people would say there is a difference.

    In my opinion, Daenerys’s crucifixion of the masters, regardless of their guilt, was an utterly appalling decision. It was further emphasised by what we saw at the end of the Battle of Meereen : Tyrion asked the masters to choose which one of them would get killed and they picked the least guilty of them. From this, we can easily deduce that there is a hierarchy within the master class, that some of them are more powerful than others and, as such, guiltier. We can also deduce that the less important ones are more malleable, that they can be negociated with, possibly even persuaded.
    Crucifying 163 random slavers, many of whom must have been “low-ranking”, was worse than gruesome. Above all, it was idiotic.

  179. ACME,

    Were those Master Slavers.have been ”low ranking”?Wasnt idiotic..idiotic was when those Masters crucified 163 innocent children slaves..What bad did those innocent childrens to them for to have such gruesome deaths? Absolutely nothing..Your comment is just hilarious

  180. Artemisia,
    Yes, idiotic.

    Daenerys’s goal was to rid the Bay of slavery forever more and, in order to achieve that goal, she had to understand her enemies. As it were, the masters were not a cohesive unit : there was a hierarchy among them. Those whose families had been in the slave trade for the longest were the richest and most powerful, they were the leaders of their group. Those who had only recently joined the ranks of slavers had limited wealth and influence among their peers, they were the followers / cannon fodder of their class.
    The abolition of slavery would have affected these different groups in very different ways : the leaders would have suffered the most and the followers the least. As such, the latter could have been convinced or persuaded to free their slaves in exchange for a very reduced form of punishment. Doing so would have allowed Daenerys to gain allies and reduce the number of her enemies, thereby rendering said enemies easier to defeat, ideally by confiscating all their properties and money and redistribute it among the former slaves in order to bridge the structural economic gap left by centuries of systemic exploitation of the many by the few.

    It is a very novel approach known as “divide and conquer”. This strategy is so intellectually and politically groundbreaking that toddlers all over the world appear able to cobble it together when they pit one of their parents against the other in the hope of getting that toy they like…

    Daenerys chose another method entirely. By executing 163 random slavers, without any regard for their status within their peer group, she reinforced the solidarity between the remaining masters. The slavers used to be a class in itself but, thanks to Daenerys’s unique strategy, they became a class for itself. The increased sense of kinship and unity led all of them to pool their resources and resentment together to create and fund the Sons of the Harpy and, later, the army that attacked Meereen.

    Yes, idiotic.

  181. ACME:

    Yes, idiotic.

    I have to say, I absolutely agree with this – as Jon united his enemies in season five through his controversial policies regarding the wildlings, Daenerys united hers as she did not see the distinction in the slaver class. They ignored their differences and rose against her as one.

  182. ACME,

    Like the more recent senseless Tarly BBQ, Daeny’s crucifixion of slaveholders in Mereen (?) fed right into Cersei’s “Mad King’s Daughter”* propaganda campaign – as in Cersei’s slanted but fact-based speech to assembled lords in S7e2:

    “If the Mad King’s daughter takes the Iron Throne, she will destroy the Realm as we know it. Some of you are bannermen of House Tyrell. But House Tyrell is in open rebellion against the Crown. With their help, the Mad King’s daughter has ferried an army of savages to our shores. Mindless Unsullied soldiers who will destroy your castles and your holdfasts. Dothraki heathens who will burn your villages to the ground, rape and enslave your women, and butcher your children without a second thought. This is how Olenna Tyrell rewards centuries of service and loyalty.

    You all remember the Mad King. You remember the horrors he inflicted upon his people. His daughter is no different. In Essos her brutality is already legendary. She crucified hundreds of noblemen in Slaver’s Bay. And when she grew bored of that, she fed them to her dragons.

    It is my solemn duty to protect the people, and I will but I need your help, My Lords. We must stand together, all of us, if we hope to stop her.”

    * Good speechwriting: Cersei never calls Daeny by her name, and instead, repeatedly refers to her only as “the Mad King’s daughter.” I wonder how Daeny’s subsequent mass incineration of Lannister loyalist soldiers in S7e4 will play with Cersei’s audience?

  183. ACME,

    “Yes, idiotic.” ✔️

    (Forget “Fire and Blood.” House Targaryen’s motto should be “Yes, Idiotic”) 😉

  184. Jen A:
    guy on the right has a Frey look about him. The wore the same headpiece.

    “…the Freys supported us. Now they’re all dead.”
    – Jaime Lannister (S7e1)

    “Damn straight.”
    – Arya Stark

  185. Excellent Photos!! I am thinking the guy by Jon in Holland Reed………this guy looks like a aged Holland Reed………We can only hope!

  186. Ragnar: Isn’t that Gendry behind her?

    Looks like Joe Dempsie but why would he be carrying a backpack?
    Wouldn’t he be spotted in more photos?
    Most probably a crew member.

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