HBO releases stills from episode 1 “Dragonstone” featuring Brienne, Meera, Cersei and others


HBO has released has released stills from Game of Thrones‘ season premiere episode, “Dragonstone” photographed by the incomparable Helen Sloan. Though some of them retread familiar territory, a few offer a glimpse into where our characters will be kicking off season 7. So let’s get into it!

First and foremost we see Meera Reed, not in the wilderness, not pulling Bran behind her but at the Wall! While we figured from the trailer (and common sense) that she and Bran would return to civilization eventually, it’s nice to know that they’ll be reaching their destination in episode 1.


Speaking of the Wall, there’s shot of Dolorous Edd leading some men of the Night’s Watch with torches. Are they heading out to face some White Walkers? Or are they just jealous of Beric Dondarrion’s amazing flaming sword? We’ll have to wait and see.


We also get a nice look at Brienne and Pod together resuming Pod’s training.

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Next we have two stills from King’s Landing. We get a look at the poor sod commissioned to paint Cersei’s ginormous Risk boardgame map of Westeros and a nice shot of our Lannister Queen clutching a cup of wine (because why wouldn’t she be?)

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Then there’s another still of Lyanna Mormont. It’s a variation of the other ones we’ve seen of her, but from another angle, so it offers no new information as to the context of her scene. But hey, now we know Lyanna will be definitely be appearing in episode 1.


Last but not least, we have two stills of Daenerys arriving at on Dragonstone. Though we’ve seen quite a lot of coverage of Daenerys in Dragonstone thus far, it’s understandable: this is the Mother of Dragons returning to her ancestral home. It’s kind of a big deal.

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So, what do you think of the stills? Are there any characters we haven’t scene yet you’re eager to get a first glimpse of in episode 1? Tell us about it below.


  1. Woohooooo! I’m so excited! I’m getting my deviled dragons eggs and chicken Littlefingers ready for my pre-show feast on Sunday!

  2. Notice the vines above the man painter… fall colors and dying… Winter Is Here #HODOR

  3. Meera is my damn hero!

    Pod, don’t kill Brienne…please! I’m worried.

    Listen to Lyanna! ………(both of them)

  4. Damn Brienne is training Pod really hardcore lol. Have some mercy!

    Poor Meera! She needs a soft bed and a hot soup.

  5. Do we know what time the red carpet premiere starts?

    And if we will be able to see it live in some channel?

  6. I can imagine Brienne telling Pod “Keep your shield up or I’ll ring your head like a bell”, but they don’t appear to be using shields this time.

  7. There’s at least five brothers left still guarding the wall, that’s good, I suppose.

  8. Black Raven,

    Yep, after 2+ years, I finally did it 😀

    Great stills. Especially interesting will be to see Meera and Bran arriving finally at Castle Black. I hope Jon will meet up again soon with his half brother, but guess for now he’s down the road in Winterfell.

    If they do meet up, I wonder if Bran will tell Jon about his ‘visit to the past’ and that he knows who his mother and father really are 😉

    Guess we’ll have to just wait and see….

  9. mariamb: My hero as well. She needs a nice, long vacation.

    Where Edd and the boys are headed?

    They’re meeting Meera. You can see Edd’s ear and some of his hair in the Meera picture. Plus some of the brothers, out of focus.

    Yes, and Meera is an absolute hero. Now a nice hot bath, a massage and a soft bed!

  10. mariamb,

    Ed’s ear (Shades of Bronn/Pod) and the other two black brothers are also in the picture with Meera. Presumably they’re going to open the gate and, since they probably can’t get a real good look at their visitors from the top of the wall, they are prepared to greet any wights who happen to be calling with the torches.

  11. Meera looks fabulous!
    But what’s that sword she’s got?
    Could it be… Dark Sister???

    I don’t remember if she had a sword on her when she was hightailing it out of 3ER’s cave and dragging blitzed-out Bran on the sled.

    On another note… Shouldn’t there be a (inter)national holiday declared between now and Tuesday? Who wants to go to work? Who’s going to get any work done if they do go in to work?

  12. In that picture of Meera, do the NW brothers behind her have their swords drawn? I wonder if they’re encountering unknown visitors. Meera doesn’t look worried though.

  13. mariamb,

    Hey m! Good to read you again. I cannot wait for the horn to sound (once?) and CB’s portcullis to be raised to greet Bran and Meera! Tremendous moment even without Jon/Sansa.

    (Were they followed though?)

  14. Edd!!!! Delighted to finally get a picture of him – figured Bran would meet him, but great to have it confirmed. I can’t wait to see what their conversation is like. Does Bran admit who he is? And I am really looking forward to a Bran/Meera talking scene – will he confide in her about what he saw in the ToJ Part 2 vision? So many questions!

    And Meera can maybe, possibly, finally get the eggs and bacon she was daydreaming about with Hodor.

    Delighted to see we get Lyanna Mormont in episode 1 – I wonder if this is from the Northern Council scene featured heavily in the first trailer and in the promotional stills HBO already released?

    And Brienne and Pod! Either they reach Winterfell in 701 or are already there. Either way it is great to see them back in the North. Wasn’t there a still of Brienne in the Winterfell courtyard with Tormund released? Perhaps this is from the same scene, and their encounter comes from Tormund watching Brienne train. Of course, Tormund is probably one of the few people Brienne has ever encountered who wouldn’t find her training a young man in arms absurd.

    Given the title of this episode is Dragonstone, I wonder if we’ll spend a sizable chunk of it with Team Dany? She’s been wanting to go home since the very first episode, so it’ll be really emotional to see her finally get there. I wonder if Dany landing on Dragonstone will be how we first see her in this episode, or if we’ll get a short clip of her on the boat – sort of like we had with Theon in season two?

  15. Ten Bears: I don’t remember if she had a sword on her when she was hightailing it out of 3ER’s cave and dragging blitzed-out Bran on the sled.

    She does but it seems like it would be a stretch or a mighty coincidence if it is Dark Sister. When they first got to the cave and those wights exploded passing through the barrier their swords clattered at the entrance. In “The Door” a couple of them were propped up against the wall at the mouth of the cave. It’s one of those that she grabs when she runs back to Bran. She only puts it down for a couple seconds to throw the dragonglass spear and picks it back up. As it was filmed I’d say she just has a junk sword that a wight was using.

  16. Ten Bears: In that picture of Meera, do the NW brothers behind her have their swords drawn?

    A couple do but most are resting their left hands on the hilts while sheathed as they tend to do. There doesn’t appear to be any danger. Edd definitely would if he thought there was any.

  17. Ellie Kendrick is a beautiful woman, but damn does Meera look absolutely terrible in that shot. She’s really been put through hell, dragging a very tall and heavy Bran for miles in freezing weather. What a trooper. She needs a warm bath to save herself from that frostbite that seems to be nibbling at her nose and cheeks.

  18. Yeah, the photo of Edd with the other NW brothers holding torches looks like it’s from the same scene where they are going out to meet Meera. You can see Edd off screen in the Meera photo.

    The NW is also working on their beard game. I’m impressed.

  19. By the look on Meera’s face I’m guessing Bran just told Edd, “No need for horses. We can make it to Winterfell just fine on our own. Can’t we, Meera?!”

  20. I do wonder if Meera dips out on Brann once he gets to Winterfell. Seems like he’s safe at that point, and I’m sure she wants to go home and tell her family what all has happened (her brother died, for one).

  21. Clob,

    Meera had the sword when Benjen dropped them off at the Weirwood Grove, its got to be Dark Sister. I am also of the Longclaw is Blackfyre tinfoil club.

  22. Ten Bears,

    It’s not Dark Sister. There was no setup whatsoever for Bloodraven’s identity in the show last season (if anything, his comment about age suggested otherwise), let alone that he had a Valyrian steel sword. That would have been mentioned by now.

  23. Ten Bears,

    I think Meera threw the sword into the sledge when she was running out with Bran and poor Hodor.

    As for other scene I think we should see Sam: the episode is called Dragonstone and dragonglass (which can also be called dradon-stone I guess) should be one of things for Sam to start his research from.

  24. Lightbringer: Meera had the sword when Benjen dropped them off at the Weirwood Grove

    I know she did. She picked up a sword at the mouth of the cave and kept it through the tunnel and out. What I was saying is that it’s highly unlikely to be anything more than one of those junk swords the wights were using, especially since it was in the same location where they blew apart crossing the magic barrier. The sword she’s shown with in the picture above looks like a junk sword.

    As has been said, there was no mention of the sword when they were safe in the cave so it’s doubtful to show up out of the blue now with Meera. One would think that a Valyrian steel sword with such history would be cherished and mentioned, even by an old man in a tree. Finding and using it against that Walker rather than throwing a spear would have been the time to introduce it if they were going to.

  25. Inga: I think Meera threw the sword into the sledge when she was running out with Bran and poor Hodor.

    Picks up a sword at the mouth of the cave when she runs back in.
    Puts it down next to Bran when she’s shaking him to warg Hodor.
    Picks it up to fight off a wight that runs in.
    Puts it down for a second to pick up and throw the spear.
    Picks it up again and carries it the entire way through the tunnel to the door.
    Slides it into her belt as Hodor starts pushing the door closed.
    Still has that same sword from the mouth of the cave.

  26. Ten Bears,

    I wonder if people in the UK (or elsewhere) for whom the show is available in the middle of the night will call in sick on Monday???? I’m on the west coast, so it is live at 6pm….which means I can get a few re-watches in before bed 🙂

  27. Ali Oop: I’m on the west coast, so it is live at 6pm….which means I can get a few re-watches in before bed

    I’m central time so 8 pm first air but I’m the same. Since the series started I’ve watched every episode at least twice but normally three times each Sunday night during the season… and then at least part or all of it again most nights until the next episode. 🙂

  28. Clob,

    Thank you. I only remember the moment when she put the sword next to Bran. But anyway she has it and, though it may be just a random sword, the showrunners can still find a way to introduce the Dakr Sister, if they need that. For instance, someone from the Night’s Watch may notice the Valyrian blade and ask some questions and then it won’t be hard to put two and two together revealing the identity of the former Three-Eyed-Raven.

  29. Ten Bears:

    Shouldn’t there be a (inter)national holiday declared between now and Tuesday?

    Ali Oop:

    I wonder if people in the UK (or elsewhere) for whom the show is available in the middle of the night will call in sick on Monday????

    I’m taking holiday — there will only be one thing on my list that day! 🙂

  30. Excited for these stills- especially the shot of Meera, but why with the Masonic symbolism in the shot of the painter??? Dah. I want this wonderful fantasy world to remain a fantasy world! (And yes- I understand the use of common tools- I use them every day)

  31. Sister Kisser:
    Excited for these stills- especially the shot of Meera, but why with the Masonic symbolism in the shot of the painter???Dah.I want this wonderful fantasy world to remain a fantasy world!(And yes- I understand the use of common tools- I use them every day)

    You are kidding about the Masonic symbolism, I hope. Right? Riiight?

  32. Those torches better be to warm up the water for Meera’s foot spa…

    The Night’s Watch looks as fashionable as ever in their little black number.

    I really enjoy the idea of Cersei having a ginormous map of Westeros painted on her floor; the Lioness wants to be able to walk all over her enemies. So she does, because she is the queen and she can do whatever the hell she wishes, including clutch her glass of wine at 9:30 in the morning. It’s her party and she’ll chug if she wants to.

    Brienne is trying to set Pod on fire with her mind, by the look of it.

    Lyanna is faithful to herself. But I am somewhat fascinated by Baldy McBeardedguy behind her. Who is he ? What is he looking at ? Where does he come from ? The man is an enigma and I demand answers.

    Daenerys be starin’

  33. Ten Bears:
    Meera looks fabulous!
    But what’s that sword she’s got?
    Could it be… Dark Sister???

    Ugh. Please tell me we’re not still trying to push R+L= J+M. Meera isn’t that important of a character. To introduce her as Jon’s twin sister out of the blue this late in the game would be bad writing, period.

  34. Sister Kisser:
    Excited for these stills- especially the shot of Meera, but why with the Masonic symbolism in the shot of the painter???Dah.I want this wonderful fantasy world to remain a fantasy world!(And yes- I understand the use of common tools- I use them every day)

    Sometimes a compass is just a compass.

  35. Mike Murcia,

    I would love to know how long it took to draw and paint it. Amazing work!



    Very good question. Since we also do not see Elaria or the SS on that row boat, maybe she went with them on another mission…. none of them are fond of the Lannisters, Id assume they might go after Cersei

  36. RBloodworth,

    Uhhh…Where did that come from? I said nothing about Meera being Jon Snow’s secret twin. I simply asked about Meera’s sword in the photograph and wondered/hoped it might be Dark Sister, Visenya Targaryan’s VS sword that Arya described during her history discussion with Tywin. It’s my understanding from book readers that this sword was last seen with Bloodraven/3ER.

    I’m all for tinfoil theories, but even I wouldn’t try to float a R+L = J+M “theory.” Was there anything in what I wrote that gave you this impression?

  37. Sister Kisser: but why with the Masonic symbolism in the shot of the painter??

    Hah! The WWs are a slightly more agitated version of the Illuminati! Azor Ahai was one of them and his sole descendant is hiding in plain sight!

  38. Roberta Baratheon:
    Woohooooo!I’m so excited!I’m getting my deviled dragons eggs and chicken Littlefingers ready for my pre-show feast on Sunday!

    I’m making meat pie (well, homemade pot pie) and lemon cake. The premier looks good!

  39. Ol Edd, I guess he is the only main speaking NW left! In fact is Edd in charge?
    Way things were going seems there were only about 10 NW left!
    Odd how part of the plot revolved around Castle Black , now seems off to the side.
    I am guessing Jon does a launch from there this season.

  40. Inga,

    Given that episode names tend to have more than one meaning, I wouldn’t doubt such a thing happening. “Dragonstone” has to be about more than just Daenerys’s landfall; while that’s momentous in itself, there should be a less-obvious significance to the title as well.

    For instance, today’s Memory Lane was about the episode titled “The Broken Man,” which opened and closed with Sandor, but the only direct reference to a broken man came from Yara, addressing Theon. There was more than one (resurgent) broken man in the episode.

  41. Lord of Coffee: Sometimes a compass is just a compass.

    Ah, I think you mean a ‘pair of compasses’ ? A measuring instrument used for dividing lines or making measurements from grids on maps or for drawing circles? A ‘compass’ is a device with a magnetic needle indicating the direction of the Earth’s North and South magnetic poles. They’re not quite the same instruments 😉

  42. RBloodworth,

    Meera having Dark Sister has nothing to do with R + L = J & M. It’s about the Three-Eyed Raven having been Brynden Targaryen (born Rivers), aka Bloodraven, the last person who wielded it. He was Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, having arrived there on the same ship with his young relative Aemon Targaryen. He disappeared while ranging beyond the Wall decades before present-day events.

    As others have noted, his true identity has never been revealed on the show, and the reference to “sitting in this tree for a thousand years” (or words to that effect) totally screws up the timeline.

  43. True or not, I’m going to headcanon that the brother standing behind Edd is Brian the Ginger.

  44. Wolfish:

    As others have noted, his true identity has never been revealed on the show, and the reference to “sitting in this tree for a thousand years” (or words to that effect) totally screws up the timeline.

    And this totally bums me out. Was so hoping for BR, more Targ history, Dark Sister….. and was really holding out last season for the big Melisandre = Shiera Seastar reveal (which is fully a thing). Alas, no such luck.

  45. Jenny,

    I get to watch at live airing which is 7pm here. Unfortunately, I have family obligations most Sunday evenings and so I’ll have it taped to watch a few hours later. But it will be sooo hard to have conversations with my people when all I can think about is GOT premier going on! Errr lol.

  46. Sister Kisser,

    I vaguely recall (I hope I’m not conflating the books and show here) that the 3ER made a passing reference to having once been “Brynden.” The only way I can think of for the thousand-year lifespan and Bloodraven making sense together is if there were other three-eyed ravens that predated Bloodraven. I haven’t read all that backstory yet, so I don’t know.

  47. Hodors Bastard: Listen to Lyanna! ………(both of them)

    Ah, but what will Lyanna counsel? She actually seemed open to the idea of White Walkers: but, then, her family lost a lot to the Lannisters!

    Decisions, decisions: and weirwoods are awful decision trees….

  48. Sister Kisser: Thank you HB, for understanding, and for indulging me in this experiment in sarcasm. Hiding in plain sight, indeed!

    Erudite sarcasm is the best sort!

  49. If Meera had an ancient and famous valyrian steel sword that the 3ER gave her, they would have included a scene where the 3ER tells her about it and passes it to her to protect Brann with.

    Do you know how confusing that would be for average fans if Meera suddenly had a White Walker killing sword similar to Jons that she had been casually carrying around since they were at the cave?

  50. The draftsman has a compass, true, but the Masonic symbol is a compass on top of a square. Don’t think there’s any symbolism here.

  51. Sorry to drag up an “old” thread, but as to what the hero Meera deserves… I mentioned baths and massages and soft beds, but in an earlier thread Dornish Tyrell got it: a Finnish sauna.

    A Finnish sauna is nothing to do with anything sleazy. It’s a place for cleaning yourself, physically and also spiritually. A place of purification, a place of relaxation, a place of reflection. Leaving all your cares outside, just sweating, naked. The warmth gets right through your muscles and down to your very bones – exactly what Meera needs. Ideally, you’d dive into a deliciously cool sweetwater lake to cool off, but rolling in the snow in winter, or just going outside, with your skin steaming in the cool summer evening air achieve the same pleasant sensation.

    After a sauna, it’s very difficult to be anxcious about anything because you’re so relaxed, so clean, you want to savour that moment even in the modern world.

    I think even in the 21st century, Finns connect with who they were, who they are, through the sauna rituals. Nothing refined like the Japanese bath or tea rituals. Sauna-bathing can get quite boisterous (especially among young people), involve ale and beer.

    Oh, yeah, as a teenager, I had parties at my house when the parents were away. We always went to the sauna. Boys, girls, naked. Nothing sexual. (How many Americans have seen all their high school mates naked? Most Finns have.)

    The Finnish sauna can be incredibly zen, all spiritual, but it can also be incredibly fun, a party, in a non-sexual way. It’s really difficult to explain. “The sauna is warm” is as good as it gets as a welcome to visitors.

    I just want Meera to have a long, zen sauna bath, haha.

  52. Wolfish,

    I don’t recall that…. but, dang. What a cool opportunity to nerd out on some more history. Perhaps the 1000 years has something to do with traveling across a spectrum of time….? Not so much of a stretch when time traveling treenet is already an accepted element in the story.


    Yessir 🙂


    The symbolism takes many forms, and the square need not be present. That would be a bit loud, wouldn’t you agree? Plus- I see plenty of squares on that grid!


    One of my best friends growing up- his folks emigrated from Finland. They had a sauna in the basement of their house, so sauna gatherings are no rare thing for our group of friends. Since we have become adults, I have personally built three saunas for members of that crew. What a healthy ritual! I bet WF has a sauna…. what with it’s geothermal heating system…. Sauna for Meera! Sauna for Bran! Sauna for Sansa, sauna for Jon! Perhaps this is where Bran will let Jon in on a little secret….

  53. The one of Edd at the Wall is most interesting, when we last saw Castle Black there were barely any Nights watch left, are they going out to meet Bran/Meera or something else I wonder.

    On another note I’ve been reading several articles a day and I’ve only just cleared Wednesday’s news, I don’t think I’ll be able to catch up on everything before the premiere even at this pace of reading:-(

  54. Vincent Stark,

    Lol Kit trying to convince people he could die before season 8, yeah right Jon and Dany are here until the final season there is simply no doubt.

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