Game of Thrones filming is beginning later than usual this year, with shooting set for September. That means that the usual preparations that take place in advance of filming should be happening any day now. We’ve had our first Belfast-related sightings of the season today! Gwendoline Christie and Iain Glen were spotted heading to the Northern Ireland city that serves as the home base for Game of Thrones production. The actors were seen on the London-Heathrow to Belfast flight this morning.
And he’s reading a script! What does it SAY.
— Claire McGowan (@inkstainsclaire) July 25, 2016
The Game of Thrones stars at Comic Con noted they hadn’t received any scripts yet but either that’s changed quickly, or Glen was reading a script for another project.
A photo posted by @wlondoncycling on
It’s not known what their purpose in Belfast is, but usually there are costume fittings that need to be handled well before any filming. There is also the possibility of a script read-through but usually that happens much closer to the beginning of filming. My best guess would be they were in town for season 7 fittings.
Thanks to Cami for the tips!
Good that we will see Jorah again is s7!
Jorah of the Andals LIVES! Yes!
Glen as good as confirmed he’d be back some months ago, then awkwardly tried to back-pedal.
I agree that wardrobing is the most likely explanation. Maybe Jorah finally has to wear something other than his customary pirate shirt.
As if Jorah needs costume fitting, he is still wearing the same shirt! 😀
Hahaha…my first thought was, “why would Iain Glen need a costume fitting…oooo, maybe he’s finally going to get a new costume.”
The most exiting part of this is that Jorah might be changing his yellow shirt lol
Or maybe they are rehearsing fighting scenes? Iain said in an interview that they start preparing these scenes a few weeks before they start filming. That’d explain him reading a script.
Not that I don’t want to see him burning that infamous yellow shirt lol
Brienne should have a new Stark outfit now, right??? She should change also the pommel of Oathkeeper …
Glad Jorah will make a come back soon …
Aaaaaaand that’s all I need to be happy for Season 7. Well, it’d be nice if Tom and Rory were back too, but I think it’s a safe bet on Rory. And you know, if they all stayed alive.
Anyway, Iain you handsome devil. Woof.
So filming is set for September-February? I thought Liam said filming begins the last week of August?
Jack Bauer 24,
Liam said “Five weeks from now,” which should be considered an estimate- but five weeks actually leads to September.
OMG!! Jorah is back! And sooooo happy to see…..it begins!!!!!! Wooohooo!!!!
Rhaenys Stark,
Handsome indeed. Roarrrrrrrr
Rory will be back for sure I worry about Tom though. I wish we could see Jaqen again and definitely in a new costume. No more rags please.
In five weeks. So, yeah, August 29 is the monday they start filming, it seems.
I wonder what Brienne will be up to this season. I guess it probably depends on how much time is meant to have passed in between the seasons.
If we start at Winterfell a few weeks after the events of last season then she should realistically be back at Winterfell, preferably acting as Sansa’s conscience.
But there’s presumably a lot of temptation for the producers to keep her in the Riverlands. Throw any combo of Brienne, the Hound, Melisandre and Arya together and let the fireworks commence.
There probably was once a time where Jorah’s yellow shirt was white. But that was long, long ago
Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,
Thing is, Jaime travelled from River Run north to the Twins and back south to Kings Landing by the end of Season 6. Brienne left River Run before he did, so logically she should be back at Winterfell ages ago. Not that the show will care about that lol
Yay, glad Jorah seems to be back!
Jorah must come back. His last words have to be ‘I am not an Andal’
Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,
If Brienne was going to be back North, she’d have been back for the big “King in the North” scene in 510, I expect. That she wasn’t shown there, or anywhere, suggests that for at least the first part of Season 7 she’ll still be in the Riverlands, probably interacting with some combination of Arya, Melisandre, the Hound, and the Brotherhood (not coincidentally, all of those also being characters who have to be not at Winterfell yet to let the assumed Stark internal tension play out).
for those that can’t wait until next year to get your dose of iain glen, he’ll be returning for three more episodes of “jack taylor” a bit later this year. that’s episodes 7-9, makes for a great binge in the winter months (if you have winter, which we don’t in california).
Jorah the Explorer!
Jorah: *coughs politely*
Quaithe: “Oh shit……”
Preferably as little as possible, in return for wearing as much as possible the past couple of years. Lol. ?
Sean C.,
610, that should be, obviously.
Sean C.,
I agree. Brienne will be part of Arya’s storyline. Maybe only for the first half of the season.
Maybe she was captured by the Brotherhood without banners!
costume fittings are very important, don’t be late. The thought of Jorah getting a new shirt makes me happy (and that he’ll be back)
There have to be some characters who stay in the Riverlands, or at least not head north, yet. Someone has to be around to run into Gendry!
Maybe he’s getting a volcano hand like Victarion. The prosthetic for that would need to be fit.
House Phoenix of Despond Slough,
This was my first thought since both are fighting roles. Intriguing!
That’s true. Although, Brienne and Pod did leave Riverrun without their horses. If Season 7 starts with them still on foot then it could be feasible that they’re still somewhere south of Moat Cailin.
Sean C.,
I’m also inclined to think that she won’t be present at Winterfell while the Sansa/Littlefinger/Jon tensions play out.
I’ve got this vision of Arya encountering all of the others at various points or all at once while in disguise, learning vital information and insights into their characters/intentions, before probably killing Melisandre.
Hope people are keeping their eyes open for Bella Ramsey, Tim McInnerny and Sean Blowers. I don’t want them to be GreatJon’d
Still holding out hope?
One of Roose Bolton’s 20 good leeches,
I agree!
So happy Jorah is back. With the show getting rid of so many characters this season, I thought for sure they had written him out like Daario.
For now I assume Brienne will be in the Riverlands for a bit (where she’ll run into Arya, the Hound, the BwB). The annoying drama in the North needs time to unfold before they all get there. I’m curious to see how long it will take to get Bran to Winterfell.
Nymeria Warrior Queen,
I also though that Gendry could show up in the Riverlands. He could have returned to look for Hot Pie and Arya. They were his friends. I suppose D&D will want to close that storyline, right? They brought back uncle Benjen and so many other characters.
Maybe Hot Pie tough Arya how to make pyes. And Brienne could go ask him if he met Arya …
I hope Jorah goes back to Qarth to visit Quaithe since she hasnt been utilized since Season 2. She was drawing some type of protection for a guy going through Valyria so maybe she can stop the Greyscale and provide some cool insight to Jorah. Would be nice to bring her back for another scene at least since her appearance was odd in the Second season.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I think a pretty cool and workable way to bring Gendry back into the story would be for Davos to reveal his existence to Jon Snow and travel south to King’s Landing / the Stormlands to find him with the aim of rallying the Stormlands behind him and against the Lannisters / the White Walkers.
Gendry may be a bastard, but so is Jon Snow. The only thing stopping Gendry claiming rights over the Stormlands is the backing to assert his claim. The support of the North and the Vale (the Stormlands/Baratheons’ former allies) and Stannis Baratheon’s former Hand might be enough to sway it.
Given how little time is left the producers will probably avoid such unnecessary convolution and just have Daenerys conquer the Stormlands when she invades. But I think it could be an interesting way to bring back a long lost character and maintain the intricacies of politics and allegiances that the show has done so well in the past.
The only other way I could envisage Gendry returning is if he turns up at some crucial moment in Arya’s plot, to act as her conscience or as a reminder of who she was before the violence and vengeance took hold of her.
If Jon needs to rally the Stormlands, he already has someone for that. Or at least Sansa does. The only Stormlands lord who has been mentioned is Selwyn Tarth. And remarkably, his daughter and heir is Sansa’s sworn sword.
The Stormlands are more likely to support a known, well-respected lord, one of their own, than an alleged bastard son of a now dead king.
Not that I don’t want Gendry back. I do. But his claim to the Stormlands is thin and unproved.
I think it’s more likely Gendry just shows up blacksmithing or something and that he’s been hiding all along, afraid the Red Woman would find him and take him back. I actually wouldn’t be shocked if Melisandre didn’t run into him and he goes to run from her. She gives him a “you have nothing to fear from me now, boy, there is a new King, a King in the North…” speech.
I will hold out hope until the final scene of the final episode. 🙂
Well, while I realize most of us, at least on first watch, were looking for what was in the Frey pie, but on second viewing I noticed that pie crust looked rather flaky and delicious. Maybe Hot Pie did teach her. 🙂
Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,
I like your idea, but I have a feeling the focus for Jon and Co. will be the White Walkers. The Lannisters are rather inconsequential, comparatively speaking.
“I don’t fight for the Starks. I fight for Lady Catelyn.” I wonder if she will fight for Jon or just be a protector for Sansa. Which she will need if Petyr Pedophile sticks around.
I think if Gendry is going to be back, it will be in Arya’s storyline. I like the idea of him being sought out as the heir to the Stormlands, but they probably won’t have time to go into it.
So glad Jorah is confirmed for S7.
As for the North, I hope we see something more than the sibling rivalry. Jon surely has to hear that the last Targaryen (as far as he knows) is on her way to/ in Westeros and that she has 3 dragons. He should realize that those dragons could be useful against the WWs. Their spheres will have to collide sooner or later.
Brienne will always be Sansa’s sworn sword. The only way she will fight for Jon is if Sansa wishes it.
Perhaps it is costume fitting, though can’t really think of why Brienne of Jorah would change
Unless Jorah goes to a colder Climate (Westeros in Winter – Citadel perhaps?) and Brienne may end up with a Fur Cloak of somekind given that walking around in armour isn’t suitable for the northern winter
Would have to say Pod needs a new costume, has been “galivanting” all around Westeros with Lannister themed light-armour and no one ever pulled him up for it. It certainly isn’t suitable for Northern winter now…
Most likely though I reckon stunt related work is most likely, given either of those can realistically be in combat roles
Who is to say it is costume?
Could be grayscale prosthetics, as the grayscale overtakes his body.
I wonder when we will ever hear the end of Tyrions joke about walking into a brothel with a honeycomb and a jackass….he said it in season 1 at his trial in the Eyrie as well as season 6 in the pyramid, he never gets to tell it all lol
Sean C.,
SHUSH. All hail the pirate shirt! But … if he heads to Westeros for treatment in Oldtown, I expect that whole “winter” thing would require some new threads.
Jorah getting a new shirt, brings a smile to my face but…..
It will also feel sad, we have known that shirt since S1!
Now, this is a mistery I can get behind!!
Agree re: Gendry and Jorah (and it took until season 6 to bring Uncle Benjen back, so they could revisit Gendry).
As far as the Northern plot is concerned, there was a scene between Jon and Sam at the end of season 5 in which they discussed the fact that dragonglass and Valyrian steel were the two things that seemed to kill White Walkers – if one of them could join the dots regarding dragonglass, dragonsteel and dragonfire, then we could end up with the basis of an alliance. Even if Daenerys and Jon are to put together some sort of alliance, it will not go smoothly. And as far as the sibling rivalry thing goes – I wonder if Sansa will try and push Jon towards making a claim for the Iron Throne? I think he would have no interest in it whatsoever as he understands what the true war is about, but it would move Sansa forward in what she has been trained for – the Game of Thrones. And therein would lie a conflict.
I always had this weird idea that Arya, if she runs into brienne will ask her to kill jaime to prove her loyalty to the stark sisters. They showed her contemplating on killing jaime while at twins and in the show everyone is aware of jaime giving his sword to brienne so they are aware of the close relation between them. This introduces a diluted version of lady stoneheart too (which i still dont understand why everyone wants so badly in the show)
Amazing Jon Snow tribute video 🙂
Hmmmnn… Nice, weird idea. I’d be okay with that.
Rhaenys Stark,
Great! Thanks for posting this. 🙂
Alba Stark,
Fist she would have to know that Jon got some claim to Iron Throne as a bastard but he doesn’t have an army to defeat Daeny and White Walkers are marching on the Wall so this should be his primary focus. Also I don’t think it would guarantee that people would fight with him as they don’t believe in these stories and Jon doesn’t look like a Targaryen to them.
But Brienne already sworn for Sansa. Sansa needs Brienne more than Arya … If she finds Arya, she will try to convince her to go North with her family.
Rhaenys Stark,
i love him
Jorah makeover? I’m in for that. Certainly hope he’s getting some warm clothes! I love both the Brienne and Jorah characters, hope they make it through S7 (and Pod of course!).
** Jorah approaches Daenerys from behind walking quietly and stiffly. She turns around and gasps in suprise only to see him hard as a rock **
I don’t xare about Jorah or Gendry. Don’t xare if anyone dislikes the fact of someone saying they don’t xare about them either. It is what it is. Deal with it. Some people just won’t xare about some things.
Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,
Brienne is important. She has a Valyrian sword and that is needed to fight the others. I hope they don’t kill her just cause Jon has a Valyrian sword.
Sean C.,
Maybe Brienne picked up Howland Reed on her way north…Riverrun to Winterfell almost twice as far as the Twins to Kings Landing. People get to caught up in travel time!
I always assumed the stormlanders were pro crown since Joff and Tommen were “Baratheons”. Pretty sure they instilled someone in control at Storms End since Tommen became King. Storms End would have been his seat.
ghost of winterfell,
Or the Others come running across the battlefield
Definitely possible, but Brienne’s father has been mentioned at least once in S2-6. None of those mentions have been negative.
Renly compliments Brienne and compares her to her father positively. (S2)
Selwyn Tarth offers 300 gold dragons to Locke for her ransom, which Jaime says is a fair offer. (S3)
Brienne tells Arya that her father said girls fighting with swords wasn’t proper, but then he relented and let her be trained as a proper warrior. (S4)
Brienne tells Pod about her father arranging a ball for her to meet suitors. (S5)
The Blackfish tells Brienne he knows and admires her father. (S6)
There has never been a mention of anyone taking over Storm’s End since Stannis went north, although I’m sure he installed a castellan before he left. No other Storm Lords have been mentioned. Jaime asks a brief question about Estermont to the ship’s captain only to be told he’s looking at Tarth. *cue lovesick face*
Lots of things are possible and logical and easy to assume, but if leadership in the Stormlands an issue, they are going to use the one character who gets mentioned and not just some new lord they introduce without preamble. Especially as Selwyn Tarth has been set up as well-liked and admirable and he already has ties to an existing character.
Boy howdy, loads of guessing already going on based on the report seeing two people on an airplane for Belfast. Already it is pretty much agreed, it is probably for some sort of fitting.
How Gendry came out of that, I don’t know. Other than one of the two showrunners said “they haven’t forgotten about him”, I am not sure how he ties into anything. Another bastard to vie with Cersei for the Iron Throne? I think he would say no thanks. He has had a taste of “you are the King” and it didn’t go well. I think he would want hell enough and gone from all of that mess. I agree with whomever said he will probably be found as a blacksmith somewhere by either Arya or Mel. After that, I don’t think he has any role to play, it would have been foreshadowed by now and we haven’t seen or heard a word of him since he rowed away. But you folks who like to hold on until death, at least there is still hope.
I believe that most likely is that some combination will meet up in the Riverlands. Brienne, Arya, The Hound, BwoB. No clue how that is going to happen and I am happy to be surprised.
I feel as if I knew too much about season 6. I might avoid spoilers for 7.
Haha I was just thinking about how he won’t need to be known as “Jorah the Andal” anymore in Westeros. That would be like me walking around saying “nice to meet you, I’m [name] the Caucasian.”
Rhaenys Stark,
Nice! There seem quite a few Jon tribute videos, lol. I have seen a couple of others.
I really liked this r+l=j video too.
so you think that Danys army can survive the winter. The dothraki and co. are not used to the cold harsh winter, lots of them will probably die during the time.
I know the feeling, I will be very selective with what I read.
According to his Facebook page, Bryan Cogman also just landed in Belfast. (Also — Happy Birthday to him!!)
NEVER ever get him out of his awesome yellow shirt and his even more awesome blue tie thingy. I won’t have it.
So excited Jorah is busy reading his script and probably learning to fight with his magic CGI arm… I live in hope 🙂
As much as I’d love to see Sam and Jorah hang out together, I’m kinda rooting for a Quaithe meet up first to give him that magic arm and maybe a prophecy about ice and fire OR a dire warning about the Kraken and the Night King or something? (Seriously, I feel like they dropped her in Season 2 for a reason. She’s pretty memorable and she seems to know a lot about protecting people from the trouble making Doom-and the only person she talked to or was seen by in the show was Jorah-so her show story is linked directly to him)
And as much as I’d love Brienne to bump into Howland Reed? Now that someone has gone into detail about how many times Papa Tarth is mentioned (HotPinkLipstick) and how Storm’s End basically hasn’t been mentioned since shadow baby days? I will be looking for him in the casting.
Wouldn’t Brienne tell her dad about this big thing she’s a part of in the North? I would love to see him. Heck, I would LOVE for him and Jaime to meet… Now I’m daydreaming 🙂
And Gendry. My last obsession. I’ll be looking for Dempsie because I really think he’s coming back in 7.
I know a lot of people don’t understand what the point of him is with Dany and Jon having greater claim, but it’s not necessarily about the Iron Throne at all.
We didn’t leave him mostly dead or actually dead or partially dead-we didn’t leave him baking bread with Hot Pie or settled in a small smith shop in the Riverlands.
We left him on a rowboat in the middle of his story-being saved from Mel’s fire after surviving those sexy leeches. Not only is he strongly connected to Arya’s story-and her heart (which she needs because she is getting way too cheerful about killing people) but he’s the very last Baratheon-bastard or no-and just like Robert’s greeting curse has affected the series for seasons after his death–what he said to Ned matters too. When he basically talked about how they always should have been family because of Lyanna… “It’s not too late. I’ve got a son, you’ve got a daughter. We’ll join our houses.” And then Arya and Gendry, before they had any idea who the other was, instantly connected and became a team. (he protected her, watched her so closely he knew she was a girl, stuck with her until bwb, where he stayed because he thought she was going back to be a “lady”) Also, he does have king’s blood–see sexy leeches.
Plus? He trained with the best armorer and weapons smith in KL and anytime anyone asked him if he could make something? He said he could.
So a Baratheon bastard with Robert’s youthful strength and stubbornness, with the skill to reforge Valyrian steel and possibly more, who was: saved by Davos (basically Hand of the King in the North now) bffs with Arya (a Stark/FM assassin) and a guy with unfinished business with Mel (she’s heading south)
Gendry’s story is not over. 🙂
I agree we are going to see Gendry again. I think it’s much more likely we just come upon in during someone’s travels rather than him being sought out as a possible heir. He does have king’s blood and that might matter.
He does bring a humanity to Arya. I would love it if she were put in the position of killing someone on her list and saving Gendry and she chooses Gendry.
I’ve been hoping for Selwyn Tarth casting for a while. He’s set up as an honorable, admirable, lord of a house with both Baratheon and Targaryen ties. If we are looking at the empowerment of women throughout the series, Selwyn is a man who broke convention for his daughter, let her be trained as a knight and let her join an army. That’s pretty progressive for Westeros.
I had actually hoped Arya would get caught on Tarth on the way over and to save herself from something would declare that she had met the Lord’s daughter and had word of her. I thought it would be a great contrast to Arya’s scenes with Tywin. Arya and Selwyn, after she had met Brienne, really would have been interesting.
Funnily enough, I was going to mention Selwyn Tarth in my Gendry theory as another potential supporter of Gendry’s claim if Brienne could be convinced to put in a good word with her father.
But since I’d earlier discussed the possibility that Brienne might not be back at Winterfell by the start of the new season I figured it might not work as part of the theory.
Anyway, I agree with you that if the Stormlands feature in Season 7 then Selwyn Tarth could play a prominent role.
If the storm lords bow to Daenerys and Lord Tarth takes a lead role then that would give Daenerys another connection to the North/Jon/Sansa on top of Theon, Tyrion and Jorah.
1) Jorah’s yellow shirt, wide open to show his beautiful chest hair, is one of the sexiest things there are on this world. Yellow shirt fetish <3
2) I really hope it's prosthetics for the charred arm á la Victarion! It would be my favourite solution.
Lots of Ser Jorah love in here…..I’ll join the queue 🙂
Even if Daeny wanted to march North. She’s got three dragons than can burn down castle. Her troops would not be that awesome in winter conditions.
I suspect D&D may bring Gendry back for a quick appearance just to provide some fan service. Now, I am 100% in favor of fan service (suck it George!) as long as it is done well and doesn’t cause deviations from the main plot so I wouldn’t mind having Gendry pop in to provide a quick conclusion for his character.
But I do not want to see the show providing excessive screentime to him or any other minor character. At this point I want to see them really contract and concentrate on the MAJOR characters and storylines. The endgame is almost upon us and it must be the primary focus of the story going forward.
hahaha well , we’ve been robbed of the Jaqen bathtub scene at Harrenhal so the writers can redeem themselves now. Seriously though I would like him to appear in the show again but there hasn’t been any news about it so far besides fan predicitons 🙁
Um…maybe nobody cares that you don’t care and we are all just happy to hear the new reports for season 7?!
Lord of Coffee,
Exactly! Gendry will probably come back to provide some closer, but he’s not going to suddenly become a major player in the game.
Jaja I know dis. Jus joking around. I’m anxious for any news myself 🙂
Jorah could be showing up early to get a full body cast made for his final Stone Man form.
*sad trombone*
Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,
Rather than having “any combo” of characters interacting in the Riverlands, let’s just throw them all together at the same time. The Hound would be going for revenge against Brienne, who would be defending herself and possibly trying to protect Arya, who would be after Melissandre. Melissandre would be trying to re-capture Gendry (whom Arya would be trying to protect). Gendry would be fighting the Hound, having heard of his new association with the BwB. Throw in Miguel Sapochnik and we’ve got a winner!
JORAH!! I know that Iain was required about a month earlier for S5 when he had to prepare for battle scenes, so it may be the case again. Ill be glad to see him back in S7. Hopefully he lasts the distance or Ill be shattered
You like tributes? Check out this one and the others at his channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrJ5LGe-fTc
Agreed!! 😀
Me too. The show has set up Quaithe knowing a lot about greyscale. She also wears a mask that is very Red Priest-like (hexagons). Red Priests/Priestesses bring back people from the dead – why can’t they bring someone back from greyscale?
The only thing is: I had hoped Jorah would go to Oldtown for a cure and meet Sam and Gilly. But Oldtown hasn’t been set up for greyscale cure.
Hound will not take revenge on Brienne. He is on his redeeming path now and as was stated in s6 he rather admires and certainly respect Brienne now. Gendry is a total looser when compared to Hound. He would never had the chance in fighting with Hound and he would never fight anyway , he is not a fighter. Arya has more guts than him. Mel doesn’t care about Gendry any more. Actually nobody cares about him in the show.
He never was important. I can’t believe there are actually people who care about such a boring character.
Saw Gwendoline Christie walking up Queens Island towards the studio entrance yesterday at lunchtime
I am guessing Gendry still has a purpose. Valyrian steel most likely requires being forged by royal lineage, the breath of a dragon and spells. Mel speaks Valyrian, Dany has the dragonfire and Ned himself said Gendry does good work. Someone needs to make magical armor that will stand up in a confrontation with the Night King.
They are fine without him. They have plenty of blacksmithes and tones of armors in Essos/Westeros. He has always been a minor character and teenage girls wont’t change it. There is not time for this now.