Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 1 “Winterfell” Video Recap Roundup

Arya Jon Needle 801 Season 8

You’ve waited, and waited, and waited some more! But now that the season eight premiere is finally behind us, it’s time for your patented Watchers on the Wall Video Recap Roundup, featuring analyses, reviews, reactions and a few funny additions!

Kicking things off we have Westeros History, with an into almost as good as the show’s!

The ever lovin’ Ozzy Man with his take on our first episode!

Some Smokescreen with their episode one breakdown.

Got Academy get philosophical as they ask ‘who is the ruler?’

HappyCool with special guest reviewer Erik ‘Blackfyre’ Kluth

The smashing Rawrist with a premiere breakdown.

Some Thrones Talk, courtesy of Collider.

And finally, of course, we have Dem Thrones!

We’ve also got some glorious reaction videos, like this one from Blind Wave:

This cosplay-tacular one from The Normies:

And, of course, all the awesome chaps at the Burlington Bar:

Last but not least, it’s not quite a recap, but a little animated story depicting the time David Benioff challenged Jason Momoa to the slap game. I think we can all guess the outcome…

There’s also this wonderful (and unexpected) Game of Thrones collaboration with… Sesame Street, of all things! Did you want to see Elmo teach Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) and Cersei (Lena Headey) respect? Well, probably not, but I’m sure now you do:

That should occupy your viewing schedule until the next episode, right?

Did I miss your favourite recap video? Sound off below!


  1. Dem Thrones: “{Bran’s} strength is smoking the weirwood weed…”

    Best description of Bran yet.

  2. Glad to see Blind Wave getting some love! Their love and enthusiasm for the show is very infectious. Just look at how emotional they got when Sam found out about his father and brother, and when Jon found out about his true parentage. I love their discussions as well. They’re always fun and insightful.

  3. Thanks for this thread! I always check out Smoke Screen and Ozzyman, but it was good to have some of my other old favorites linked in one place.

    Great job.

  4. cozmeesah,
    I have a ton of them I watch. I never even considered it until a couple of seasons ago. For some reason it’s strangely enjoyable to see other people react to this show. It’s surprising to see how similar almost all of them do react to lines and scenes considering how different opinions can be when reading them written online.

  5. another Sesame Street skit… and with Peter and Lena… it was great! Lena especially, her face trying to take this red creature seriously, so Cersei! lol

  6. Great review from Ozzyman. I always roll up laughing watching that one 😀
    Smoke Screen was good also. I’ll check some of the other videos later. i.e. the shorter length ones. How some of those video reviews can be as long as the episode or longer beats me!

    I’ve now come to the conclusion that my TV is totally fucked! I’ve now seen S8 Ep1 about 5 times on Sky Atlantic, but it was watching the Burlington Bar’s TV thumbnail along with the crowd’s reaction that I could actually SEE and HEAR what was happening when Tormund and Beric entered Last Hearth and encountered Edd with some other Nights Watchmen.

    Perhaps I ought to fly to New York and watch the remaining episodes in the Burlington Bar rather than on my shitty TV at home 🙂

  7. Benioff had told that story about Momoa before , I figured the emergency room was in Belfast not they he flew all the way back home first!

  8. Thanks for the compilation Geoffery! You make it so easy to check them out. I am new to some of these so it will be good to try them out while waiting for ep 2.

    Along with OzzyMan, my favorite is Alt Shift X, which has not posted yet for Ep 1, S8. Last year these compilation posts got me watching Emergency Awesome, which I now also seek out and like.
    Thanks again!

  9. Not a video, but will Axchucker (sp?) be doing the hilarious Twitter recaps? Weren’t they linked on WotW?

  10. Black Raven:

    I’ve now come to the conclusion that my TV is totally fucked! I’ve now seen S8 Ep1 about 5 times on Sky Atlantic, but it was watching the Burlington Bar’s TV thumbnail along with the crowd’s reaction that I could actually SEE and HEAR what was happening when Tormund and Beric entered Last Hearth and encountered Edd with some other Nights Watchmen.

    Perhaps I ought to fly to New York and watch the remaining episodes in the Burlington Bar rather than on my shitty TV at home 🙂

    Pretty sure this Burlington Bar is in Chicago

  11. That animation is everything. 😆
    “Because if I beat the khal, I AM the khal.” And how Dan is ALWAYS THERE.

    Ozzy always gets to the point, I especially love his breakdown of the Theon/Yara rescue.

  12. Got Academy is quite interesting with all the psychology talk. So many of these are the same talking points over and over with slight variation, but this is one of the ones that stood out for me… and it wasn’t too long, lol

    Westeros History with Radio Westeros is a must, as is Ozzy Man and Alt Shift X.

    Westeros History… it is 2h20m long… is it really worth it? I hesitated to start it because it was so long! I like GOT talk, but I have a limit 🙂

  13. Do you guys know what happened to “What the Flick?”. I used to enjoy some of their reviews

  14. viki,

    I hesitated before I started to watch WH at first (because of the length of their videos) but now I have watched all of their videos and love most of them. Their history videos are their best (watch Great Empire of the Dawn) but the GoT live streams are good as well.

  15. Better late than never! Finally here is the video from Alt Shift X for S8 Ep1.

    Enjoy 🙂

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