The Game of Thrones panel at San Diego Comic Con has just wrapped up. The panel was by all accounts an enjoyable success and we expect a video of the panel to be online soon enough. But for now, another treat today! The panel ended with the unveiling of our first season 7 tease- “Game of Thrones Season 7: In Production.”
Check it out:
Were you able to glean any hints from the props and sets in progress in the video?
And in case you missed it earlier, GoT also released the season 6 blooper reel and we’ve got that posted up already.
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Whoa a Season 7 line of dialogue already?! The season is ONE YEAR AWAY and Dinklage is already filming?
“Welcome home my Queen”!!!!!!!
Sansa’s Ch??? Chair?
Sophie is really against Jonsa … and again talking about Littlefinger and how Sansa wanted all the credit and didn’t think Jon is ready to rule … She is making Sansa look worse. Sophie knows nothing.
Nice. July and already hyped. Also I think Sansa will die next season. You know, bittersweet ending…Jon losing his family but win the war. I buy it.
“Were you able to glean any hints from the props and sets in progress in the video?”
Yes: lots of funeral stones, some Greyjoy and Arryn shields, something with Sansa’s chair (I’m guessing more scenes in the Winterfell hall at the table), lots of black dresses for Queen Cersei!
Any interesting quotes from Benioff and Weiss at today’s panel?
The “Welcome home, my Queen” sure surprised me. I figure it’s just a recording they had Dinklage do special to tease us, not that it’s an actual line they’ll use in the show.
I’m going with “Sansa’s Chambers”. Maybe.
Jack Bauer 24,
Not really, no. It was more fun. Check our Twitter. But I like I said in the post, we’ll have a video posted soon enough.
I agree. Looks too big to be a chair.
That was a voiceover. It sounds like it was done in a booth.
Sansa’s Ch… SANSA’S WHAT?! What is it?! What does it mean?! 😉
In all seriousness, seeing the shot of that map at 1:30 – covered with the tokens featuring what are presumably Lannister lions, Daenerys’s ships, and Dorne – gave me serious chills. So did hearing Tyrion say “Welcome home, my Queen.” at the end. That line was obviously recorded specifically for this video – none of the cast members have received scripts yet – but I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear an identical line when Dany and her newly-minted Hand finally set foot on the shores of Westeros early in Season 7. And when it happens, those sam chills will return, even stronger than they were today.
In this moment, I’m acutely aware of just how far away the summer of 2017 is. Damn it all …
Something along the line of “still in to George’s imagination”. I think meaning following his story.
Great Twitter feeds of the panel today. Thank you Watchers on the Wall for all the re-tweets too.
The production video…..gave me chills to hear Tyrion say that. And ALL those painted eyeballs on stones. YIKES.
she has always been like that, dont get it why she always has to say that Littlefinger should rule. And we cannot take her comments seriously, she doesnt have the new script and always makes up things. And why she also does have to put down Jon:/ Thats why I like Arya more:)
That was an amazing tease!
Oh dear how are we going to survive this year’s hype?
‘Welcome home, my Queen’ *faints*
Sansa’s Chamber.
As expected of her. She’s lost the plot.
Yeah, the Jon not being ready to rule quote is something. I really don’t like her putting down Jon to prop up her own character.
“Welcome home my Queen” In Tyrion’s voice!!!
I can’t wait to see Dany in Westeros!
She really is and she should stop it already. It took a long time for people start to like Sansa and i’ve seen Sophie complaining about this many times, but now she’s the one turning fans against her character. Also, she really shouldn’t run her mouth against Jon because it almost gives you the impression that she’s jealous. She comes off as jealous of the main characters also whenever she talks about Dany or Arya. I like her but she haven’t got a clue about Sansa.
Flayed Potatoes,
I find interesting the war map. It’s focus in Dorne and has some signs of boats and direwolves. Also, the direwolf wax … maybe there will be some first communication between Queen Danny and KITN.
God these guys write fast.
Sigh. I knew Sophie would upset me at Comic Con, and sure enough she has!
I’d be curious to see D&D’s reaction to any Jon/Sansa questions though.
Sounds like we’ll be getting good stuff in the Citadel!!
Oh my, what a teaser that was. I too got chills there at the end. Those were a lot of painted stones for the dead.
Walked away from the live Tweets with a few thoughts that came from the cast and I liked it.
1. There is no Jon/Sansa. She said that they have known each other as brother and sister all their lives, it would be wrong in their minds.
2. Anyone who doesn’t understand R + L = J shouldn’t be “there”. That was said by Michael McElhatton. Everyone nodded in agreement.
Time to move on. I wonder if Sansa’s reactions towards Jon have to do with how she learns who he really is. Just a thought. Also…
Loved Isaac Hempstead Wright saying “he wonders how Jon will take it when he finds out Bran is the Wizard of the trees and when he tells him his father isn’t who he thinks it is”
So do we think that means that Jon learns this from Bran?
Relax. It is just joke.
I really don’t think it’s that serious though. she’s just trying to drum up excitement/speculation about the show and the possible conflicts between the characters. I really doubt she’s jealous of her costars she’s allowed to have an opinion that’s different from what the audience thinks.
That just gave me all those goosebumps all over again!!! Soooooo exciting!!!!
By the looks of it, the Citadel might become my most anticipated storyline next season because I’m not looking forward to all the Sansa drama that’s probably going to happen.
Mmmm … Why did they show Winterfell’s kennels and the cell of Septa Unella????? … Maybe Sansa adopted Ramsay’s dogs … and we’ll see more people in the cells at King’s Landing …
Those are lions, not wolves. It’s the Lannister armies they’ll signify, possibly when Daenerys and her council are discussing invasion plans.
Sansa’s Chamber Pot? Could be anything. I’m hyped though! I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens with Cersei.
the lannister tapestry is beautiful…expecting lots of red and gold in The Red Keep!
I am gonna call it now and just say I will want EVERY one of Cersies’s gowns this season.. those looked GORGEOUS
all those stone eyes have me really wondering…what is gonna happen that there are that many dead to bury???
lots of swords and armor being forged..the gold armor.. The Mountian getting new duds or our favorite King-slaying Lord of Casterly Rock?
I vote “Sansa’s Chamber” being written on the box
“Welcome home my Queen”… THAT is why we love him.. every last “meh” scene from last season will be forgotten if I see hear him say that EXACTLY that way as Dany walks into the Red Keep after taking Kings Landing
They’ve likely been writing scripts since Jan/Feb. But yes, compared to GRRM, they write fast 😉
Thank the Gods!
Yes, that’s my line 🙂
Is there anyone who doesn’t write fast compared to GRRM? xD
Jack Bauer 24,
I’ll be stealing and using it a lot it seems 😛
They explained a very long process that involved brainstorm, cards, outline and then scripts …
I think S7 will be great. They have 2 more months to write the scripts and they have only 7 episodes. And also, they have only 4-5 storylines at the beginning of the season.
Many storylines will get 15-20 minutes every episode now.
The show will return to its S1 structure.
A) You know these characters aren’t real, right? No one in their right mind would be “jealous” of a fictional character. B) I’ll bet she knows more about the character and what’s coming then you do.
Isaac, at least, seems to believe it will be Bran who breaks the news to Jon. I know they don’t have the scripts yet, but IHW must have gotten some indication from the writers as to what Bran will do with all the information he got from his visions. What else can he do but share it with his brother/cousin who is as driven as Bran to stop the White Walkers? And I don’t see Bran telling Jon about the WW and not about his true parentage. I can’t wait to watch Kit and Isaac on screen together again.
I have to disagree with that. Jon was Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, proven leaders have shown faith and respect for him (Jeor Mormont, Mance Rayder, Stannis Baratheon) and he turned his once greatest enemy into his greatest allies (Wildlings). I would say Jon has more Leadership experience than most who become Lords/Kings. Besides, Ned ruled the North well for years and was beloved, without being good at courtly politics. Jon is the most suitable person to lead the Northerners through the Long Night.
Unfortunately the show cut out most of what showed Jon growing into a leadership position in the books. They cut out stuff like Alys Karstark, Jon discussing the Wildlings with northern lords, Jon making terms with the Wildlings to let them through the wall (giving up jewelry, weapons, and captives), Jon seeking secure means by which to attain food, negotiating with Tycho Nestoris, etc. Instead they just put him in more action scenes.
Eh… Jealous of their storylines. Sophie herself said once that she used to get really upset because everyone hated Sansa and loved Arya. She’s been “shading” Dany in her interviews for years too. She doesn’t like the fact that people doesn’t see sansa as a strong female character “just because she doesn’t got dragons and doesn’t know how to fight like arya, doesn’t mean she isn’t a strong character” or “Dany can’t have it all, can she?” something along those lines. Look it up online, there’s tons of comments like that from her. She’s also has been quite unprofessional about the whole Jonsa thing. I get where she’s coming from, I understand that Kit is like a older brother to her, since she was 12 when they met while he was already a grown man in his 20s. But she doesn’t write the scripts and it’s not up to her to decide which way sansa will go next season. She’s an actress and it’s kinda like her JOB to do whatever the writers want to.
Sophie has an established history of making inaccurate statements about her character that goes back several seasons.
I agree with you … Sophie said Sansa didn’t believe Jon was capable … But I just read tweets … I’m waiting for the video.
Maybe Sophie thinks she must support her character believes … or she enjoys to discuss with Kit. She prefers to fight Kit than love scenes …
They have been writing since January…
People who think Sophie isn’t basing her comments about Jon on what D&D have told her are funny. Even Liam brought up the possible friction between Jon and Sansa. This is going to be a thing. It’s part of what happens when you greatly alter Sansa’s storyline and merge her with the Northern storyline/Jon so soon. I’m not complaining about this, I’m just saying I don’t expect sunshine and lollipops between Sansa and Jon in the books. She is her mother’s daughter, and while she doesn’t despise him, she will still treat him as a bastard, and would be expected to feel like he has no place being the head of the Stark family.
I read Sophie said she would kill D&D if there was some Jon/Sansa thing … Now, that would be funny to watch knowing she is so against Jonsa. Unless they told her Jon and Sansa will fight next season and she would be upset they lied to her again.
sophie will just make her character the most hated on the show she really pissed me off there..
Just dont want to see the Starks fighting each other:/; Just want to see Arya and Bran reuniting with Jon and Sansa. I hope that this is just some speculation from the actors on the show and that Sansa will actually be the one to take down LF. But it might actually happen that she will become jealous of jon when they hear about Jons real heritage.
I’m tired of the Jon-Sansa betrayal drama and we are only one month past the finale. If this is the direction that her storyline takes, then so be it but make it have a purpose. I don’t want to see “drama for drama’s sake.” And I sure don’t want it to take up lots of precious time if it is not absolutely necessary to the end game.
(Apologies for the negativity.)
I saw some Stuff Sophie said about Jon snows ruling ability… Ummm. Why? Lol
I wouldn’t be so sure about Jonsa. Maybe Littlefinger will manage to convince some Northern Lords to distrust Jon and prefer Sansa as the legitimate heir … so after some rivalry about who should lead the North … the solution could be the marriage when they find out they are only cousins.
It definitely teases that Dany makes it to Westeros….whether or not there’s a battle at sea with Euron seems vague, but unlikely.
I’m curious too. At first I thought maybe they’d be for some of the nobles that died in the Sept, but seeing as how there are no bodies, it can’t be for them. I don’t think there are any KL nobles left for Cersei to kill. And those eyes can’t be for anyone in the North, since they don’t follow the Seven and Jon will probably want everyone burned from now on. Hmm, maybe there will be mass casualties in Dorne.
As usual Jon/Kit fans going for the jugular of anyone who dares to criticize -even just joking- flawless Jon Snow; but of course they are the only ones entitled to throw all the other characters and actors under the bus . Sophie was just joking, for all we know she seems to be a good friends with Kit and Emilia and especially with Maisie. She doesnt sound jealous or causes fans to dislike Snasa, the only ones who sound jealous are his fans tbh
Dee Stark,
I was thinking maybe it has something to do with some decision he makes next season but as far as I know the actors don’t even have the scripts yet. I don’t see how she can come to conclusion he’s not ready to rule a this point.
Tyrion Pimpslap,
Agree. It’s a bunch of people dwelling in fan fiction of a happy Stark home, which, of course, is shitty drama. I don’t doubt Sophie likes to troll and have fun (seriously, lighten up, people), but anyone who thinks they know the direction of the character better than the actress playing her is simply kidding themselves.
And all the Sansa haters should just go to the Game of Thrones Facebook page since Sophie just posted a live shout out to everyone. (sorry, no idea how to link to a live feed)
I don’t think anyone was suggesting she wouldn’t make it to Westeros, only that she wouldn’t make it with her fleet entirely intact. It’s known they were scouting Spanish castles for battle scenes for Season 7 anyway. Warm weather castles for battles? Seems likely her forces would be involved.
oh god…just imagine the poor sansa fans having a “what the hell are doing?” look on their face hearing sophie’s answers on the panel….and she just show me why i will always put arya over sansa but anyway issac was interesting and i think about this but HOW jon will react about “the truth”? Number one I think, a careful distinction needs to be drawn. Jon isn’t a Targaryen. Jon is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna. There’s a key difference there. Jon won’t do what he does heroically because he’s a Targaryen and only Targaryens can be heroes, that’s silly. Hell, I doubt if, by the end of the story, more than a handful of characters are even aware Jon was the son of Rhaegar. His story is not a House Targaryen story (in contrast to that of Daenerys, which is very very much a Targaryen story): he’s not going to claim the Iron Throne, he’s not going to rule the Seven Kingdoms, he’s not going to fly with a dragon banner fluttering beside him and his breastplate decorated with a ruby three-headed dragon.
He is, however, a child of prophecy, and that’s my second point. Jon is an in-your-face classic hero, right – the one who starts as a down-on-his-luck boy, roses in this ancient institution, and becomes an obvious leader against a major supernatural threat. He’s pointedly and immediately sympathetic from the first. So obviously, a good classic hero needs this miraculous birth story, right (something something gods and wonders always appear), and he has one! Rhaegar, the lost silver prince, last Prince of Dragonstone, handsome and chivalric, this guy who was apparently great at everything; Lyanna Stark, beautiful and brave, willing to stand up for the defenseless, a scion of that most cherished family, House Stark.
But then you realize – Jon doesn’t get a power-up from that parentage. Instead, everything is totally fucked up about that. Rhaegar broke every chivalric and dynastic code by absconding with Lyanna – daughter of the Lord Paramount of the North, sister of his future Lord of Winterfell, the betrothed of his Lord Paramount of the Stormlands. Given his melancholic personality, I don’t think he ever really loved her; rather, he needed a mother for his third head, and saw that she fit his prophetic designs. I tend to doubt whether Lyanna was actually happy in the tower of joy; she might have been pleased to run away with the handsome crown prince as though her life was a daring song, but would she really have been happy living for several weeks and months after with a gloomy man, in a faraway lonely little keep in Dorne, never again seeing her beloved brothers? That’s really sad.
So instead of being the ideal prince, the son of the great Rhaegar and the lovely Lyanna, Jon is the prophecy-conceived child of a prophecy-obsessed prince who was willing to throw his realm into war to fulfill what he thought was necessary and his captive teenage vessel. Jon only exists because Rhaegar thought his conception would fulfill a prophetic vision (much in the same way Rhaegar himself was conceived). It’s glorious and horrible all at once: sure, Stark and Targaryen blood make a potent combo, but fuck man, you got it in the worst possible way. Poor Jon has lived his life in a crisis of identity, and now he finally gets the answer to his biggest personal question: his father is the man whose actions led to the death of Rickard and Brandon and was the villain of the popular telling of Robert’s Rebellion, his mother was the woman that prince ran away with, about whom his adoptive father rarely talked because the memory of her made him so sad, and his adoptive father spent his entire marriage hiding the truth of Jon’s parentage from his beloved wife because he couldn’t risk his best friend murdering baby Jon for the accident of his birth. Poor Jon. He’s going to be devastated by that news. And that revelation is going to become a question for the remainder of his arc – am I a hero because I choose to be a hero, or because I was destined to be a hero from before I was born?
People are just super intolerant to anyone who even suggests Jon is not the only special snowfalke of all the special snowflakes in the land of Gary stues and any woman who may be as cool and a special snowfalke as gary stue is a mad villian and whore (Dany and Sansa) because there can only be a chosen one Gary Stue and that is Jon. They would hate Arya if she suddenly becomes a threat to Jon being king of the seven kingdoms, A zor Ahai, the prince that was promissed, the last hero, the king in the north and basically, the best politician and every cool title out there, they will probably wish him to be the 3 eye raven too.
You’re doing the same thing with Sophie/Sansa that you accuse people of doing for Kit/Jon: being defensive and making excuses. She said something dumb. She has a history of doing this.
If anything Sansa fans are the most notorious for this type of overly defensive behavior in which all criticism of the character is dismissed as heresy. I dare say more so than with any other character. *ducks and prepares for verbal assault*
o/t but I just saw the trailer for Liam Cunningham’s new movie called “Childhood Of A Leader” and it looks really interesting. I don’t always look forward to the extracurricular films the actors do but this looks good.
No one said Sophie’s jealous at her co-stars lol
I SAID she “comes off” as jealous of some of the main CHARACTERS storylines.
She’s totally allowed to have an opnion and people are totally allowed to disagree, especially when she claims to know sansa better than anyone and yet seems almost always clueless about her own character. Do you see Kit Harington wasting his time going on about the mistakes sansa made in season 6 or how she kept crucial info from his character? nope. Jon is far from being flawless but so is sansa, and yet you don’t see the Kit putting another character down to prop his own, do you? Also, why would the Jon fans would be jealous of sansa?
Sansa is just a second-tier character. And the show has a track record of destroying any character who goes against Jon (unless they repent and side with him like Tormund). So bring on Jon vs Sansa & Littlefinger. It won’t end well for the latter. BTW I don’t consider Sansa a true Stark. She’s way more Tully, Lannister, Bolton and Baelish than Stark. Si there won’t be any Starkbowl in my eyes.
Ah, Ramsay remains a player….knew it.
Bye Cersei.
Bye Sansa.
Welcome to Queen’s Landing, Dany. 🙂
‘Jonsa’ is not a real thing. There has been no foreshadowing on the show of that ever happening, only in the minds of some fans who are seeing what they want to see.
Can’t believe people are actually asking the actors about it. These are ACTORS. Sure they have some insight into their characters but they are not necessarily going to be aware of all the wild fan theories floating around. So if they get asked about this type of nonsense please don’t then criticize them for not coming up with an answer that satisfies you.
not really but because some like you who said that forget that sansa doesn’t have leadership (jon),charisma (dany),tactical skills (stannis),culture of the region,politics of the region,doesn’t know the real threat of what’s coming etc if being writting a letter make her the new sun tzu good with you but you can stop being a obviously “not a jon fan” and see that sansa is sadly seen as a turncloak who was raped and beaten by the ennemy while jon is a man who got a nice reputation in the region,pray their gods,look like their cherish ned stark and came back from the dead he is a figure of strengh…so his choice was mlade out by logic and pragmatism jon answer to all of what the north ask of a leader…bravery,honor and tradition….
I’m not accusing anyone, just making an observation. I’m not a fan of Sansa, her character never interested me to be honest, but it seems unfair that people criticize Sophie so much for making a joke or just giving an opinion. Just because you dont agree with her does not mean what she says is “dumb” (again with the aggression). I’m not defensive or making excuses for anybody because there is nothing to be defensive or make excuses for. If anything the tone of your anwer is way more defensive that whatever I said.
Sam Torres,
Cause it’s really that weird when viewers rally around a hero of a story, right? If Jon fans are ardent that’s just a testament to how the character has been built up, which means we’re supposed to be rooting for him. I mean, what has Sansa done that should make us choose her side, if there does indeed end up with sides to be picked?
Seriously. D&D, Sophie, Liam, and Kit have been banging this ‘Sansa vs Jon’ drum since late S6. Honestly, I could see the initial lovey-dovey feelings between Jon & Sansa start to shift in 6×05 when Littlefinger whispered in Sansa’s ear about ‘half-brother’ and having an army loyal to her. She didn’t have an answer when Brienne asked her why she lied to Jon, she started throwing shade at Davos, and was questioning Jon’s ability as a leader, all the while withholding vital info from him. There were some moments where Jon & Sansa looked downright annoyed with each other and I wonder how things would have been if it had been Robb & Sansa or Jon & Arya working together instead of Jon & Sansa.
IMO, this tension is not coming out of nowhere and the show was laying the groundwork in S6 for an eventual rift between Jon & Sansa in S7. While I do think Sansa loves Jon, it was ingrained in her by her mother and society that Jon is a lowly bastard. She’s trying (calling Jon a Stark) but it’s gonna take some time for her to let go of all those negative feelings for him, and having Littlefinger around is not going to make things easy.
This was fun but I do miss the old days when there would be actual news (casting, premiere date, etc) dropped at SDCC. Sigh-
i think some are a bit too sensitive but that because she play that the entire season…if it is a joke i don’t get it…if its her opinion i agree with some by saying that it doesn’t make any sense and is quite dumb even more when the character she is bashing isn’t her own…i never saw kit say those kind of things and he know how to make jokes…sometimes i just have the feeling like a lot of people that she is analyse the situation and not the actress and on my opinion some of what she said were serious…
“Sansa didn’t tell Jon (about the Vale knights) because she wanted all the credit and it was a more dramatic moment when they all showed up. And it made for better television” “ -Sophie Turner #SDCC
Wow, so Sansa is really that selfish? I can’t believe.
Well, tbh Kit doesn’t seem the kind of actor who gives a lot of interviews or the most approachable of the cast, he seems more private imo, so it’s only logic actors like Sophie or Maisie get asked more than he does.
I dont think Sophie is”putting another character down to prop his own”, I think she was just joking or simply giving her own opinion, but for some reson Jon fans read criticism=putting Jon down, which I find a little bit hypocrite because his fans are the ones who always try to throw characters like Sansa/Dany etc under the bus to prop Jon, so…
I believe the remarks were made to the Jonsa people. The ones that somehow have this wild idea that Jon and Sansa will become a couple, not that a rift won’t form between them. There are probably few that don’t think it’s a possibility that there will be some tension between them as it pertains to leading. Sansa has no idea how to lead though.
wow, you sound more bitter than the people you just described.
Sophie Turner made an unfair comment, period. In her mind, her character is this real clever player, according to her sansa also has “suffered more than anyone on the show”. She does have quite a history of making lots of inaccurate comments about sansa. If Sansa was this mastermind that Sophie claims she is, maybe people wouldn’t be so upset, but she really isn’t. She has been played over and over and the smartest thing she’s done this season was sending that raven to Littlefinger. Oh, and that super vague advice she gave Jon about Ramsay. That’s about it. And Jon suddenly is the dumbest character on the show because he made the mistake of trying to save his baby brother, not succeeding and going full rage mode charge the bolton’s army by himself. Suddenly the bastard who actually cares more about the north than any other living stark does not deserve to rule, even though he was chosen by the north itself to do so.
ALSO it’s not really the fans’ fault that Jon has been groomed to the hero of the story, blame GRRM for that.
They should have just kept Sansa’s storyline the same as the books. That way she’d still be skipping around the Eyrie dreaming about boys and doing nothing important. Then Sophie would have nothing to make up about her character.
I have tended to think for years now Sophie Turner is utterly lost. Her comments literally every season are head scratching and leave more questions than answers. She seems to understand the least amount with this story of any of the cast. The comment that Jon isn’t ready to lead is a perfect example of that. That has literally been the ENTIRE point of the character Jon Snow’s plot arc thus far. From Mormont’s steward, to hanging around Mance, to becoming Lord Commander, to hanging around Stannis…it’s all led up to this. He’s been around leaders or commanders or Kings from the middle of the first book/first season. Why does Sophie think that is?
So, once again, Sophie, very nice, funny young woman, but totally and completely lost about the show she acts on.
I think you are missing the point many of us are making: this is not about the characters and their actions, but about the rude attitude some Jon/kit fans have towards other characters/actors they perceive as a “threat” or have the nerve to say something his fans dont like.
Is the trailer out,already?! 😉
Does anyone remember a scene in season 6 trailer with Euron on a ship during a sea storm? Or I imagined it? I’m confused now
people should begin to accept that a friction between jon and sansa can happen and stop believing that they will stay together because “they are familly” 90% of the great houses of westeros have conflict inside…greyjoy,baratheon,targaryen,martell,lannister,tully why not the starks?didn’t sansa betray her familly in martin’s original story in 1993?jon betray his love ygritte fir duty why not a sibling who never was that close to him?they never acted like a team in season 6 until the very end
and the “jonsa” thing will not be happening people 🙂
-sophie turner was even suprise by the question on her interview
-they have WAAY to much trusted issue for now so romance is almost impossible
-they lived and knew each other as brother and sisters
-jon prefer the “action girl” type and women of character while sansa is the traditional lady
-i don’t think sansa storyline is to end up with a handsome prince for obvious reasons
the most possible romance for him on the show is dany i know it isn’t the most popular theory but the parralel and coincidenses cannot be denied kit and emilia even joke about this and said both that if they ever meet each other it will be a “fight or fuck” situation
the most possible romance for him on the show is dany i know it isn’t the most popular theory but the parralel and coincidenses cannot be denied kit and emilia even joke about this and said both that if they ever meet each other it will be a “fight or fuck” situation
I totally agree with you, it’s the natural progression of the story if you think about it.
Finally, I found a video, incomplete though.
Let me explain something to you: Sophie Turner has been saying this ever since the season finale. I have watched her interviews and she sounded quite serious about it. I don’t know if she was serious in the comic-con panel because I haven’t seen the video yet, but I can speak for every other interview I’ve seen with her. Since you’ve mentioned Maisie she also does not bash another characters, neither does Emilia Clarke or anyone else from the cast. You do not see Jon’s fans complaining about another cast member, because they just stick with their own characters. In the behind the scenes video from ep 9 Kit Harington could go on and on defending his character, he could bash sansa for not telling jon about the Vale army and he didn’t. While Sophie did not missed the oportunity in the same video to diss jon and put sansa on a pedestal.
If you want to complain about Jon’s fans you should at least check your facts straight. As I said, Sophie has done this many times, even sansa’s fans get upset with her from time to time because of some comments.
Well according to EW’s twitter Sophie’s exact quote on the Jon leadership question was the following:
“Sansa doesn’t think [Jon Snow] has the intellect, knowledge, experience that she has, and I concur.”
That’s pretty cut and dry right there. I don’t see much room to misinterpret that quote.
I think for most of the people making the comments it’s not about being a “Jon fan” and Sansa being a threat. Everyone here should be a fan of the show mostly. It’s just that Sansa hasn’t earned anything that she feels is deserving nor has she done anything that can truly be seen as an intentional threat. Sophie keeps making comments that perhaps can be seen as being the point of view of Sansa’s. Many of them don’t tie in with what we know from the show and books as Orange wrote above:
Sophie’s comment about Jon not being ready sounds more like the naive, uninformed Sansa talking. She doesn’t know all of what Jon has gone through and that every step of the way he’s EARNED the following of most of the men with him. He hasn’t asked for or expected any of it. The cream just rises to the top. As a fan of the show that Sophie should be, she should also see that Jon should lead and not Sansa.
Oh, Sophie…She really doesn’t read anything beyond her own dialogue, does she? I have to think it’s just trolling at this point. I mean, I’m all for her digging her own character, but lets be real. What knowledge? What experience? What intellect? Jon already knows how to write letters asking for help. What else you got? Because based on what we’ve seen over the past six seasons, Sansa couldn’t lead a moth to a flame. Seriously, Jon has nothing to prove at this point. He’s been getting shit done for years. I mean, he actually accomplished more at Castle Black during his stint as a corpse than Sansa did during their entire recruitment campaign. Think about that. Dead!Jon is literally better at uniting people to fight for him than Sansa is.
I’m currently trying to imagine the reaction of Sansa’s fan base if Kit started running his mouth repeatedly about how superior Jon is to Sansa and how she’s not fit to lead, and…yeah. That would go over REAL well. Of course she’s entitled to voice her own opinion. People are also entitled to voice their reactions to her statements and correctly point out that other cast members have somehow managed to build up their characters without shitting on fan favorites who understandably get more attention.
that is quite unfair since they actually good reason agains sansa and the “active” fanbase are actually the stannis and dany fans the jon fanboys/fangirls exist but its a minority compare to the stannis and dany fanboyz
I don’t recall Euron being shown on a ship in a storm, just the bridge. The trailer had a shot of a ship in a storm and that turned out to be the one Sam, Gilly and baby Sam were on. It’s in episode 3 (“Oathbreaker”) immediately following Jon and Ed talking for the first time after Jon’s resurrection. (11:48 on HBO Go).
Bless you. You said it all and I wish someone could send her your comment so that she can MAYBE just maybe start seeing the light.
-jon try to save littlebro = lets forget anything he did in the past seasons,he never never mance,jeor,quorin and stannis and what they saw in him he clerly isn’t ready to lead and he is the dumbest character ever
-sansa send a letter = she is a “boss ass bitch” and best player in the game even if she was outsmarted by everyones for 5 seasons fuck that shit she is a female version of randyll tarly she need to take the glory and be queen the north
gods help you sphie turner now you are truly lost…
It’s not the first time she says this and I wonder why she has said it many times because Jon hasn’t given me the impression that he can’t rule. On the other hand it’s the opposite. I don’t think it comes from jealousy or anything those are fictional characters. I’m just curious where and why she has come to the conclusion that he can’t rule and he’s a sissy and he’s naive. I actually think that after everything he has done, and his death, rebirth, and the events of the battle and the king of the north , he is exactly the opposite of that. So.. Just wonder if her and I are watching the same show lol
Well, imo the actors don’t take the characters/the show as serious as the fans does; it’s just their job, they just give their opinion when they are asked or even joke about it, which I think it’s cool. Lets not forget this is a fictional story, nothing to be taken so seriously, and nothing that deserves to be so harsh on an actress/character. I get fans can be super passionate about the show, but there is no need to get so harsh on someone. Take a deep breath and calm down.
WOW. Holy sh*t. Jon doesn’t have Sansa’s knowledge & experience?! WTF has he been doing the last 6 seasons, if not gaining the skills he needs to lead and rule? Did Sophie just start paying attention to Jon Snow once they started sharing scenes? I am flabbergasted by her comments right now.
That she has??? from where??? I don’t get it!
I haven’t watched the panel I will later
Another video, first part
Well I hope she is trolling. Because I don’t know if I can recall anything quite like what Sophie Turner has been doing since season 6 ended. And I say this as someone who doesn’t really even like the character Jon Snow and find him somewhat boring and dull if I’m to be honest. But Turner’s quotes have now reached very bizarre status. This is not what you’re supposed to be doing. You don’t knock another character on your own TV show or film just to make the character you play look better. What the hell?
Really? I’m not very active online, but at least on this site Ive noticed a lot of people are super harsh on any character that a)could be a potencial love interest for Jon or b) somehow could paint Jon in a “bad light”. Daenerys is criticized over the top, even in articles that doesn’t even mention Dany/Emilia there is a portion of kit/Jon fans who always find a way to say something negative about her. Now that Sansa could antagonize him, his fans started being really nasty with her. I suppose I don’t get why his fans cannot being supporting of Jon without trashing other characters/actors. But whatever, to each their own
If she is she should probably stop doing it. Seriously, who in their right mind wants GoT to end with Littlefinger on the iron throne!? Does she realize that for that to happen pretty much everyone else must be dead?
Sansa pregnant, perhaps? Ramsey, tho’ dead, not really out of her life & Sansa’s threat – ‘Your House will die’ – not so much. Awful possibility producing no good solutions and terrible consequences whichever path one chooses.
The thing that puzzles me is if they talked offscreen about everything that happened to them, as was heavily implied, then why would the character Sansa not believe that Jon “has the intellect, knowledge, experience that she has”? Of course she would, after he told her about all the leaders, commanders, and kings he’s been around.
So….is that what Sansa believes or what Sophie believes? It’s an honest question from me, because she phrased her answer under the guise of it being Sansa who doesn’t believe those things. But then was quick to add “and I concur”.
I hope whatever is left of Roose and Ramsay get’s revived by the White Walkers. Walking dog shit would be pretty funny, and I just want Michael back.
Thank you! I was mixing two different scenes
You would be surprised at how many people actually want this..
Even here I have seen posts that have no problem with that as long as starks are fine and jon is kitn and sansa as his queen..
They just don’t care about other characters..
Its not really surprising she said that …
What people lack is looking at the perspective of different characters…sure sansa can think jon does not have abilities she has ..
But that does not make her opinion as fact or true…she simply doesn’t know the growth he had at the wall ..
And she obviously is wrong here like always
This always happens with mostly with starks and jon fans who just can’t understand that people may view them differently and don’t love them…
For what its worth I completely agree with you and thank god iam not the only one seeing this happening ..
Lol I hope this is not serious post or you are trolling …o
If not then exactly what you are basing this on …
no really you should check again like twitter,facebook,melty and MOSTLY youtube most of bashing come from the dany and stannis fans who are actually in war to each most most of the conflit between the jon and dany fans are base on a pure “rivalry” because the two chracter have both contrast and parralel but the “hate” is in minoriy for sansa i must give you my honest opnion i never liked the character since the books and i will get killed for this but most of her fanbase are the one who begin to talk bash on jon since the battle of the bastard the fact that she wrote a letter and that jon ignore her “vague” advice make him a proud arrogant dumbass to their eyes and joan of arc for sansa…
Sophie has talked about wanting Littlefinger on the throne for years. She has said many times that she likes dark storytelling (and psychopaths); I assume, if that’s her real attitude, she likes the idea of the show having a dark and cynical ending.
Lololol, what knowledge and experience has Sansa shown so far? This is bizarre and very unprofessional of Sophie Turner. I have never seen any actor do this before.
Based on the size it has to be Sansa’s chamber pot. All the foreshadowing points to her being a heavy dumper.
I really hope that sophie was just joking, teasing us a little bit for the rumored next season rivality between sansa and jon, because if she really thinks that jon is not capable to rule but sansa is, boy we are watching a diferent serie.
I do agree that sophie seems obnoxious in this panel, but after all she is just 19, i hope she matures soon.
Reading through these Sansa/Sophie rants and meltdowns . . .oh wait, I just realized – I don’t care.
Reading the reactions on twitter about the painel and people are dragging Sophie/Sansa left and right wtf
What she said?
“Sansa believed it was more of a joint effort, in terms of the Battle of the Bastards. She thinks that she and Jon should be king and queen of the North. I don’t think Sansa thinks Jon is fit to run the North. He doesn’t have the intellect, or the savvy that she has. And I concur. He’ll make the right decisions, the moral decisions, but whether they’ll benefit anyone is something else.”
Maybe Sophie is trolling. Maybe she is trying to be funny or controversial. Maybe it’s what she truly believes. Regardless, it’s bizarre and seems a bit out of place. I like Sophie but I don’t want to listen to this sort of commentary for 12 months. If Sansa’s future lies with LF and in the Vale and not with Jon and the North then I would prefer to see it play out in the context of the show rather than hear about it from one of the actors.
Rhaenys Stark,
The way I’m surviving the wait is…Star Wars.
She’s 20 (Feb. 21, 1996) and drinking illegally in the states, but whatever, I agree. 😛
“He doesn’t have the intellect, or the savvy that she has. ”
What she’s talking about? The only thing she did was send a letter to Littlefinger lol Now she’s overestimating Sansa. She wanted her home, now she has it. She’s Lady of Winterfell.
The North needs someone to lead them in fights, they need a warrior, that’s why they chose Jon to be king.
I agree with you. I pay for my HBO subscription for a reason. I set aside time to watch the show for a reason. I really don’t care for all of these comments. Especially since they don’t go with anything I have seen on the show. I don’t see any of the set up for these remarks, and it gives me the sense that this is the set up. Like you said, I want to see it all played out.
While she worded it rather harshly, is she really all that wrong? Jon has been learning to be a warrior, a commander of armies. He only just barely got into the politics of it all in season 6. The show hasn’t done a good job of showing that Jon could navigate the politics it takes to be a King (or Queen).
Sansa meanwhile has been in KL since season 1, directly witnessing the game of thrones, even being used in the game. She knows politics and what people are capable of. She’s learned manipulation tactics, she’s lied in order to gain ground (in the cake when she sided with LF regarding Lysa’s death), she learned to play people in order to gain something for herself. Hell she lied and manipulated Jon into taking Winterfell all the while holding back crucial information.
I’m not a Sansa fan when compared to Jon, but I don’t think she’s completely wrong in this case.
That’s more the case that the show thinks Sansa’s actions in Season 6 were more impressive than they were. Sophie has a history of overhyping (not that I blame her; she has to try to make things sound interesting), but in this case, everybody involved with the show has been singing from the same hymnal, that Season 6 showed Sansa as a formidable gameplayer. Hence why, e.g., Isaac said that Sansa is now “a superb diplomat”.
You need to be a leader to be King or Queen, especially in the North. Sansa has shown no leadership skills, let alone ruled anyone. Jon has successfully infiltrated an enemy camp, led battles, showed that he is capable of seeing the bigger picture even if it means doing unpleasant things (sending a letter asking Roose for help in season 5) and turned his once biggest enemy into his best ally (the Wildlings). He inspires loyalty, which Sansa has yet to prove. She couldn’t even rally any men to her cause throughout the entire campaign, despite being confident that flashing her “I am a Stark. Obey me” card would have all corners of the North loyal to her. Jon on the other hand, brought the giant to the fight (preventing a siege) and had men willing to die for his corpse. Sansa turned to Littlefinger as a last resort and kept extremely valuable information from her war counsel, that could have won them the battle. There is nothing savvy about that.
Experienced men have praised and trusted Jon, almost making him their heir in some way (Mormont, Aemon, Stannis, Mance). I think I will trust their judgement of Jon over Sansa’s.
Also, Jon is allot like Ned and he managed to rule the North well as a beloved and respected Lord, despite being bad at courtly politics. The North wants someone who can get their own hands dirty and protect their own. With the Long Night coming, making Sansa QitN would be an ill choice. Somehow, I don’t think the Night’s King will care for how savvy she is.
I certainly won’t be attacking Sophie Turner for her opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own, even celebrities. However, that doesn’t mean I have to agree with her words (or Sansa’s mindset, apparently).
I guess she really does think he’ been doing nothing but playing with broomsticks :/
Dee Stark,
Yeah, I seriously don’t get where she is coming from either. I mean, if she were trolling fans for laughs that’s one thing, but she has to know the kind of things she’s saying will also make her look uninformed at best and at worse irk the audience. Who would put that out there for themselves? Is it possible Sophie doesn’t watch the show and seriously doesn’t know what Jon’s story line has been over the seasons up until their characters got scenes together? Lol.
Is it possible there could have been a falling out between Sophie and Kit? I don’t know, like probably something we know nothing about but maybe it has something to do with the heartfelt letter she wrote him when she thought he was off the show, maybe she took offense at his reaction? I’m grasping at straw here….
But Jon’s character isn’t in a vacuum. He interacts with others and vise versa. So how can we be supportive without also speaking to the goings on around him? What, with our head in the clouds we’re just supposed to say only positive things and completely ignore the effect other characters have in the story line when there’s any kind of friction? Or is it just cause Sansa is a Stark kid and we aren’t allowed to speculate negatively about any of the Starks?
Kit and Sophie have been seen hanging out in pubs multiple times in recent months.
90 % of the comments are about jon and Sansa XD
anyway, they’ve been working on the scripts since January right ?
can’t wait for more filming leaks 😀
Go Hbo and Game of Thrones <3
Well done on just ripping off someone else’s meta from tumblr lol
Also it’s about time sansa haters grew up. Jon was lukewarm this season and plain boring compared to 1-5. He fell into ramsay ‘s trap and if he’d had the Knights of the Vale with him from the start he would have made the same mistake and had all of them killed by ramsay ‘s arrows. Jon and Sansa are my favourites but season 6 Jon was disappointing and monotonous.
Really nice of HBO to give us fans this and to have Peter even do a line special for this “Welcome home my queen” really made me happy.
Thank you!
Flora Linden,
May I join you in this “not-caring”?
We’ve seen this before with GoT and other shows. The cast takes a “position” or tries build-up a certain point of view, something to agitate the fanbase and keep them guessing, and the story ends up moving in another direction entirely. They’re still performing between the scenes and with media.
Sophie Turner at it again I see. Either she really, really loves trolling fans, co-stars even, or she’s not very smart.
“Sansa didn’t tell Jon (about the Vale knights) because she wanted all the credit”
I mean, this is like the dumbest, most controversial thing that she could have said.
Effectively rendering the fan theories true. So Sansa did infact know the Vale army was coming and yet she was willing to play hundreds of men as pawns–men who went to a war primarily for her cause, don’t forget–all so that she could ultimately satisfy a childish urge of ‘getting all the credit’.
Dee Stark,
I just think Sophie just worded it wrong. I understand her gest though.
She basically sees Jon Snow the same way same way she saw he father and oldest brother. He is a great warrior with good leading skills and a very high standard of honor and morality.
I think she just meant to say that Sansa can see his honor and morality being used against him, like it was used to murder her father and brother and she doesn’t want to see that happen.
Give her a break, she’s 20 and didn’t have time to think about and articulate her wording. She just meant that Jon Snows sense of morality and honor can be used against him because their world is full of cutthroats and dishonorable people.
Dude, she said that jokingly.
Her immediate response was in agreement that she should have told him about the Vale.
You couldn’t see that? It is pretty obvious unless English is your second language or something.
I am by no means a Sansa lover or some huge Sophie fan but I understand everything she said on this panel clearly and you guys seem to be taking statements out of the context of her gestures and making it out to be Jon Snow bashing.
She clearly didn’t like that fact Sansa didn’t tell Jon and put the blame on D&D attributing it to “good television”. How can anyone not see that?
nvm going to watch th full panel
Sean C.,
Ah OK good. What is the legal drinking age in the UK? Here it’s 21 but really don;t think it’s enforced if one’s only a year or two shy of it.
Those bastards, tormenting us like that.
Jon still couldn’t get any of the North men to fight for him. Sansa inspired loyalty from LF, and he’s someone who comes with a lot of power. It was the Vale Knights that won the battle, not Wun Wun or some Wildlings.
The knights of the Vale won because Ramsay’s army was focused on and blooded by Jon’s army. Just because one of the two armies waited until the last moment to enter the fray does not mean that they deserve all the credit.
The Knights of the vale won the battle but not because of Sansa.She didn’t inspire shit in littlefinger.That was his plan all along as he told Cersei last season.Her biggest asset has been being a catelyn look a like
You nailed it. Many have become dismissive of even the slightest drama and tension among the Starks and their personal favorite characters, because they think have the rest of the story figured out already and–in many cases–are pushing for an unrealistically happy ending, one that is far too “sweet” and not not nearly “bitter” enough to be thematically believable. This fanbase has changed more over the last two or three years than it has since ’96. I don’t know if it’s a generational thing or simply a product of the show has brought in a more generalized audience, but it’s strange to see this happen so abruptly. It’s like everyone has forgotten the prominence of cynical themes and unpredictable developments in relationships to the overall story–a primary reason many of us love the story in the first place–and now expect all of that to disappear just because Season 6 (which was great, mind you) had a more hopeful note than most. Now, it is baffling to try to tell why Sophie is saying the things that she’s saying, but it’s hard to deny that–unlike what many of the fans are pushing– a deterioration in Jon and Sansa’s relationship is perfectly in keeping with a lot of Martin’s themes and the promised bittersweet ending. Personally, unlike many, I never expected the political/intra-family drama to simply vanish, even when the war against the WWs rises to the forefront. It can’t just go away–after all, this IS a game of thrones, not a “game of save the world from teh ebil bad guys” (though this more traditional fantasy concept also seems to be coming more into play as well, for better or worse).
Ultimately, a lot of people are denying all of this simply because they don’t want it to happen and/or it goes against their own theories, but since when has this been the kind of story where the fans always get what they want? I thought we pretty much all understood that by now, and really, it wouldn’t be nearly as interesting if it was!
Lots of sweet summer children around this site, isn’t it?
First of all, Jon had 3 northern houses on his side + the wildlings. And he is a bastard and as far as the lords knew at that point he was also a NW deserter. Most of those houses that turned him down was actually still healing from the events of the red wedding, the ironborn invasion and the boltons twisted ways of demanding loyalty from the north. Aside all that, the buzz around the north is that Jon is this legend in the making swordsmen/warrior. He let his emotions got the best of him at the battle of the bastards, but I don’t know how differently he could’ve reacted after seeing his baby brother die, despite all his efforts to save him. Furthermore, Jon has lived in the north all his life. He risked his life many times to protect the realm while sansa think she has suffered more than anyone else and therefore is entitled to have things handed to her, including the north, even though she has done NOTHING to earn it. She might be a trueborn stark but she it’s the least stark of the bunch and spent most of her life despising a place that she now feels entitled to rule.
ALSO, she didn’t inspire any loyalty from Littlefinger. That’s was actually HIS plan all along and she just got played by him once again. And last, the battle was a joint effort. The knights of the vale only showed up when both armies were already weakened, since Ramsay did us the favor of shooting arrows on his own men. Had not wun wun been there the vale army wouldn’t have been able to break the siege. So yeah, in the end sansa’s precious home and revenge were granted because the giant and the wildlings were willing to die for Jon, not her. The day sansa starts to thinking in anyone else other than herself MAYBE she might have a chance of getting some love from the northern folk.
Wun Wun broke the gate and Jon’s archers stormed Winterfell because of this. How would the Knights of the Vale siege Winterfell? They’re cavalry with no siege weapons. Should they throw horses at the gates of Winterfell? lol They couldn’t have done it without Wun Wun, the Wildlings, and those Northern houses that took a huge risk to join the Starks.
The Wildlings went to fight because Jon died for them and they should be able to do the same thing in return (as Tormund said). Davos convinced Lyanna Mormont to give them her soldiers because Jon (like Jeor) saw the bigger picture and knew the WW were coming (as Davos said). All the people on Jon’s army were there because of Jon (not Sansa or even Rickon). They rushed into battle with Davos and Tormund because they thought Jon was worth saving and they were loyal to him.
Littlefinger was going to bring his army regardless, as he said in season 5.
The Glovers and the Manderlys would have most likely joined if they had a larger army to fight the Boltons (as depicted on the show). Here’s where Sansa could have come in handy by accepting the Knights of the Vale from the beginning and use them to unite the rest of the Northern houses. Her efforts would have certainly been more acknowledged by the Northern lords if she had been open about it.
A dark Jamie face reflection at 1:37! #HYPE
So yeah, in the end sansa’s precious home and revenge were granted because the giant and the wildlings were willing to die for Jon, not her.
Exactly. I cannot understand why some Sansa fans feel the need to downgrade Jon’s role and achievements, or turn a blind eye to the truths of what we’ve seen in the show, in order to prop her up. They both did good (aside from her withholding information and having a haughty attitude even after he stood there and said he won’t let Ramsay touch her again and wants to protect her which I think was, no matter how naive, very sweet.)
Azor Asshai,
I don’t know if maybe it’s more so the book readers who feel as if they know the characters very well, how they really think and feel, and have had their favorites in mind for years, that are having the hardest time accepting any twists that don’t seem organic to the people/story they’ve read thus far. If I had read the novels prior to watching the show I would most likely find it hard to keep them a bit separate as well. I know the script writing has been criticized and I do see some faults in it but when it comes to Sansa they actually have foreshadowed from the very beginning her character. Now, most thought well she’s young, she’ll grow out of it, and then were sidetracked with the horrors she had to endure and which built up a sympathy for her but as I’ve said before, suffering happens to all kind of people, saint and sinner alike and while emotional trauma can make a better more compassionate person out of someone it can also enhance any underlying negative traits.
No at least for me I’m not against conflict between her and Jon.It could happen and it has nothing to do with the books.On the contrary I am sure some form of this conflict will happen in the books too because of Robb’s will and the fact that lf wants to press her claim on winterfell through the vale.Tbh I think that they will make it look like lf is turning her but she’ll turn around at the last moment and kill him.I would not be against her turning dark betraying Jon and dying in the process but I know that won’t happen.My problem is that Sophie and the writers wants us to think that she was in the right at the expense of Jon’s character and I don’t get that at all.
I know I’m late to the comments and haven’t really read through them but if Sansa does turn against Jon I really think it will be with supporters with disdain for the wildlings. I was of the train of thought that she would win northern support after the battle of the bastards by condemning the desimated wildlings forces since so many northern and even vale houses are inherently against them
I really think most people aren’t even buying the whole conflict thing because to be honest, all this talk of sansa turning on Jon sounds too deliberate. When I watched the behind the scenes video the first impression I got from Liam, sophie, kit’s comments was that they were all reading their lines from a teleprompter lol it sounded incredible staged to me. But the point is, I think what is making people frustrated is the sophie turner bashing of jon snow. I tried to imagine Kit Harington doing something similar and putting a halo on jon snow’s head and going on about how superior and smarter he is over sansa, and I really can’t picture kit doing something like that at all. I’m sure he’ll hear about sophies thoughts on his character and will have a nice laugh on how silly that girl is but it doesn’t mean it isn’t annoying and a bit unprofessional on her part, if you ask me.
The same Wildlings who got roped into the fight because of her? (see Pink Letter)
That would make her look extremely ungrateful. I hope that’s not the case.
my sweet summer child….
I don’t think it was inspiration Or loyalty from LF
what evidence do you see her comments that show exacly that it just a joke?and even that was still bashing like it or not…and the “she is only 20” argument isn’t going to work…i mean come on she is not a child issac or even maisie who also like trolling remeber the “jon is dead you will next season” never bash other character…sophie did that the entire season “jon is naive” “jon was influence by patriarchy and accept it (sexist)” “he don’t understand her pain” etc and lot of bullshit like that…
A dornish Tyrell,
What in the seven hells is happening with this comment section???
Damn, I had forgotten how annoying and clueless her comments about Jon throughout this season were. IIRC there’s even a behind the scenes video with her complaining that Jon doesn’t listen to her and that they need more men, and the fandom literally going nuts like “but how can jon listen to her if she doesn’t tell him she has a solution for their lack of fighting men?” oh and don’t even get me started on the whole “jon doesn’t listen to sansa because she’s a woman” BS.
And you’re spot on about Maisie and Isaac. Maisie even got annoyed when interviewers wanted to talk about jon snow when all she wanted to talk about was Arya. Isaac is such a chill guy and even though his character is the legitimate lord of winterfell and also a very powerful wizard, you really don’t see him bashing Jon for being proclaimed KitN and even said that he thinks Jon is a leader and Bran not so much and isn’t interested in claiming his lord/kingship rights. He actually understands the big picture, something that neither sansa or sophie does.
the writers must have told them there wll be conflict between sansa and jon and sophie is citing the reasons why she thinks her character would have the need to go against her brother,all actors are biased to the characters they play and some are more attached to them than need to get mad everytime sophie does an interview,its her opinion and perspective,whats the big deal?
who is to say that jon wont make a stupid decision next season?maybe trusting LF? i have a strong feeling he will make a huge mistake that will backfire on him majorly and i also have a feeling sansa wont survive season 7 but who knows.
Jon still couldn’t get any of the North men to fight for him. Sansa inspired loyalty from LF, and he’s someone who comes with a lot of power. It was the Vale Knights that won the battle, not Wun Wun or some Wildlings.
Inspired loyalty? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHA Tell me this is a joke. LF is planning this attack in Winterfell since Season 5, Sansa is a excuse for his own interests. We can only hope that she won’t become his puppet again but, after reading Sophie’s comments, I’m not so sure…
And nope, without the castle the war wouldn’t be over. And it was only with Wun Wun’s help that they got it back. The Vale Knights helped, but they didn’t won by themselves.
House Adder,
this sansa vs jon thing is a headache i swear lol i cant wait for them to be seperated MY GOD!
But Jon’s character isn’t in a vacuum. He interacts with others and vise versa. So how can we be supportive without also speaking to the goings on around him? What, with our head in the clouds we’re just supposed to say only positive things and completely ignore the effect other characters have in the story line when there’s any kind of friction? Or is it just cause Sansa is a Stark kid and we aren’t allowed to speculate negatively about any of the Starks?
What I’m saying is that his fans always trash other characters and actors, regardless if they say anything about Jon/Kit. I remember a post here, I don’t remember talking about what, but it suddenly became in this “lets make Emilia/Dany our punching bag” and they started trashing on her and comparing her with Jon/Kit, and the article didnt even mentions her or has nothing to do with her. It was just pure hete from his fans specifically. His fans can be super agressive with better actors (like they did with Peter with the Emmy nom), potential love interests (Dany) or anyone who doesnt see Jon as a flawless character (Sophie/Sansa). Just look at this very same post, they just butchered Sophie for having a different opinion, saying she should shup up, calling her dumb, clueless, and attaking her like she said something horrible and terrible. His fans are always blowing things out of proportion, just look how they reacted about a simple opinion.
I so agree! I don’t like where this seems to be going but I do believe the writers have always intended for Jon and Sansa to have some conflict. The actors said it. The writers said it. We saw signs of this in season 6 and it could possibly “blow up” next season. They need to create drama and tension in the North, while the 2 queens prepare to fight each other down south. The wall isn’t coming down in the middle of the season so they need to make the North storyline interesting until then. I’d hate this for sure so I’m already preparing myself. If the conflict doesn’t happen, well and good. If it does, at least I’m prepared for it. LOL
Dude, you should go read other foruns and realize that not only Jon fans hate Dany or Sansa, you keep saying that but it’s not even true lol Both of them are hated since the books and for a lot of reasons, and I’m not even sure Jon is that loved either, I’ve seen many people hating him too (probably not so much here, but in other comment sessions).
Welcome to the internet, where people will not accept or agree with everything you say.
When I saw that, I was like, “No, Sophie. Don’t say that! You’re killing Sansa!” Anyway, I believe it’s really more for “better television”. I LOVE 6×09 but that Vale rescue is the lowlight of that episode for me.
This is getting fooking out of hand. You Sansa vs Jon debaters, take it back to the bloody threat where you started. Stop hijacking every thread posted with your infantile crap.
Look at the fooking video, what has your blabbing to do with it? NOTHING!!!!
For the love of God.
uhm… I don’t think you understand my point about everyone having the right to give their own opinion, but in a respectful way. This is a site to debate, if you can’t deal with people having a different oponion than yours, that’s your problem. Again, because you seem kind of lost, the problem it’s not the different opinions but the tone of the comments, get it?
phantom G,
I think that people are far too much invested in GOT fictional characters. It is a little bit scary when fans blur the lines between the actors and their alter egos in the series. Arya vs Sansa and Jon vs Sansa become somewhere down the road Maisie vs Sophie and Kit vs Sophie. And this comment section, and comment sections on Reddit are prime examples of internet bullying of those who choose to have different opinion or no opinion at all on the subject. It is sick and tiring reading all this BS.
if we forget Tri’s overeaction i think he have a point actually the jon’s fanbase was always descent since 2011 and open to debate haters and fanboyz exist but in a minority i personally find the sansa fans and sophie quite annoying because they dumb down jon to the profit of sansa and make her what she is not or not yet compare to jon…..a true leader if they are pissed because D&D dumb down their fan favorite and praticly give no personal devellopement this year… in the books jon is litteraly batman and he is really smart and at the same tactical level than robb stannis may take winterfell because he listen to jon’s advice and knowledge of the region they are because D&D didn’t acknowledge or explain jon is accomplishment as leader…it was pretty i clear in the past seasons and one scene in season 6 ruined everything put a unfair doubt on his skills just to make sansa on the spotlight and make a boss ass bitch for one letter and jon the dumbass who tried to save his little brother and not listening sansa’s “vague advice”. i admit that i feel a huge empathy for sansa but i never felt love for the character nor a understanding with her fans since i don’t think GRRM create sansa to be likeable…but that is just me
lord of blogfell,
I agree with you about season 6 rising Sansa as a character at the expense of Jon, tbh just in the last two episodes Jon felt like Jon again for me. I was hoping he would come back from dead more colder maybe or more resolute, I was surprise when this shadow of what used to be Jon made its appearance, and I think it was the producers way to show us how badass she is now, which I really appreciate, this was the first season I really cared about her character, but I wish it wasn’t at Jon expense.
And about the rude fans, I’m talking about what I see on this site, I’m not very active online, so I don’t know how things are with the rest of the fandom. I don’t mind super hardcore fans, I just don’t like when they take things too seriously and become agressive, because it’s all fiction, lets not forget that.
I think Sophie was joking, she probably doesn’t give two f#cks about what fangirls think, so she was just having fun. But regardless what she said, there was no reason to be so harsh on her.
by the look of all those eye stone, a lot of people die and The Mountain gets a mate? (Shame, shame, shame?)
Yeah for my part expect Jon vs Sansa in the books and in the show maybe but I’ve gone from 50/50 to 75/25 in favour of her being against him
Makes kinda sense, in Jons upward arc he’s had power thrust upon him but had opposition along the way, si in his KitN (lol at Kit in the North as well) expect Davos to be the new Samwell Tarly, Lyanna Mormont to be the new Joer Mormont and Sansa to be the new Alliser Thorne
Of course if Bran goes south of the Wall, he is actually undisputably King in the North as Robbs heir, hence the reason he was kinda, you know, the main Lord while Robb was away back in season 2
Of course he has his eye on much bigger things such as the title of 3-Eyed Raven but he can choose who he abdicates to
Not that this sort of thing prevented wars in Dance of the Dragons and Blackfyre rebellion, but it would make sense if he abdicated KitN to Jon but then goes further in saying Jon is also Rhaegars heir as so King of all Seven Kingdoms and by default King in the North,
Let’s not forget in all this, that if Arya decides to go back to Winterfell, she has a stronger claim than both Jon and Sansa (after Rickon) given Jon was a bastard and Sansa is a Lannister by marriage to Tyrion…but she doesen’t want to be a Lady
Witnessing what happens behind the scene doesn’t really prepare anyone for ruling either. Sansa wasn’t privvy to what goes on behind the scenes either. The things she knew, she only knew about because the people playing the game told her some of it. And you have to also consider that everything that Sansa knew about “ruling” came from Littlefinger. Contrary to what most people think, Littlefinger doesn’t have what it takes to be a good ruler. He’s a manipulator. Being a good manipulator doesn’t mean he can be a good ruler or even a decent one. He’s better behind the scenes. I am utterly confused at this whole Littlefinger being a great mentor to Sansa, showing her how to rule.
What Littlefinger is showing Sansa is how to manipulate and use people. I would say that if Sansa had learned anything from her time in King’s Landing, I’d say she’d be a great adviser or hand of the King. And before you throw tomatoes at me, Sansa, in the books, does know how to read political situations. Sure, she might not be as savvy as Tyrion…yet, but she’s young and she has the potential. I’d love that for her character.
Which is why this whole Jon-Sansa sibling rivalry annoys me. Ugh. It feels like a step back for Sansa. And Sophie’s comments isn’t helping any unless she’s under orders by D&D to spout these things to the media to get people hyped for the next season.
I loved the scenes of crypts and vaults and/or dungeons. And the eyes painted on stones.
Let me throw in my two cents on what “Sansa’s Ch-” could be: “Sansa’s Changing Room”? (Of course that should be “Sophie’s Changing Room” but they are teasing us.)
I have a question to anyone who has insight into filming. Seeing the scripts for 701 being put on the table, is that already for the actors read through? I think it would be too early for that.
So can we assume this is for the behind-the-scene folks, like writers, directors, camera team etc.?
I think Sophie is trying to explain her character’s viewpoint. It certainly seems likely that one of the major upcoming stories will be discord between Sansa and Jon.
I seriously doubt those r real scripts. I imagine it’s just a prop for the video tease.
Ghosts Lunch,
Sansa’s marriage to Tyrion was never consummated so it’s not considered legal or valid. Besides the fact she was married to Ramsey Bolton AFTERWARDS and that marriage was consummated.
This makes perfect sense since Sansa has always viewed Jon as an outsider. Her true selfish spirit hasn’t changed much since her childhood. Ppl tend to either become more loving from physical/emotional abuse or more cynical. I’m guessing Sansa will be in the second camp. I don’t see her really giving Jon the respect he deserves. I’m not a Sansa fan at all but I respect her character enough to not hate it. Family members can be our biggest allies or our biggest foes. It’s no surprise to me she’s going to cause problems for Jon. She’s the only antagonist I can see for Jon right now besides Littlefinger.
I’m not Sansa bashing but she is unlikely to be an end game player and her/Littlefinger conspiring against Jon before they are killed (probably tragically in Sansa’s case) makes sense for Season 7 as Jon can’t just sit there until the White Walkers attack in teh final few episodes can he.
I expect Season 7 will be heavilly focused on Dany fighting Euron and Cersei, Jon vs Sansa/Littlefinger with the finally being the wall falling and Dany heading North.
Wow! I love the last line! It seems to me that Dany will land in Westeros in the first episode (so no Euron attack haha) because they show us script of 701 right before Tyrion said that.
And if this video has a meaning behind it, I think Cersei will die in season 7, we will see big funeral, and we will see more fire.
As for Sansa, I don’t like it to be true but, will she be the new Ramsay? I find it interesting why they put Ramsay’s “I’m part of you now” in this video. I know nothing, but I bet the next season won’t be the very good one for her.
But, have no idea what will happen to zombie mountain. He will be shamed? I dunno.
Mag, she’s double, triple crossing you?
Flayed Potatoes,
What is the plot, because I seem to have lost it too.
Do you use Sophie as a trusted source on other things related to the Sansa character?
The birth of Ramsa!
D&D et al use rhetorical tricks to mislead. So, there are lots of ways to “listen” to a person. You can “listen” to their actual words – which Jon did, because he replied to her words – or, you can “hear” what they’re actually, really, saying. Maybe what she really means is Jon isn’t hearing Sansa. He’s not hearing her rage, her jealousy, her outrage, her shame; after all, she was the one destined for great things.
Although, I do think Jon both listens to, and hears Sansa. It’s why he told her that she must not fight a war with him. It’s why he recoiled at the pressure she applied to march on Winterfell. It’s why he became inflamed when she proclaimed that Ramsey had been playing at war far longer than Jon.
Btw..that statement, had a kind of dismissiveness to it…a kind of cloaked disrespect. We have been given many clues, for example: The look that passed around the Castle Black table when Sansa said that Jon is every bit Ned’s son as Ramsay is Roose’s… or something like that.
Sansa fundamentally disrespects her bastard brother, and it galls her to see him defy her low expectations of him….another one of her beliefs crushed.
What post?
Ice Spider,
Absolutely! I agree that Sansa will migrate to the cynical side….but it won’t be a far migration. She showed darkness when she was disloyal to Arya, in season 1. Some folks think it was an aberration, some think it’s because she’s a teenaged girl and teen girls are naturally nasty (that’s what one person suggested). There’s another possibility, that Sansa really is a selfish, mean, disloyal, ladder-climber in a pretty feminine package. Tyrion says how pretty Cersai is, yet she is a monster.