The Game of Thrones Cinematographers and Editors Line-up for Season 7

Greg Middleton, standing over Kit Harington in "Home"
Greg Middleton, standing over Kit Harington in “Home”

A Guest Post by Ryan Neuner

Way back in June, we learned who would be helming Season 7 of Game of Thrones, and in October, Watchers on the Wall discovered the directors-episode line-up. However, we weren’t quite certain as to who the directors of photography and editors for each of the episodes would be. But now, after a little research and with some speculation of my own, I’m happy to present you with the season 7 line-ups for both of these important jobs!


A director of photography (also referred to as a cinematographer, or DP for short) works directly with a director during pre-production and production. Most DPs work on the same episodes as a specific director, with whom they probably have a standing relationship. This holds true for all the cinematographers for Season 7. Also, given that their job ends when production wraps, all the cinematographers are essentially finished with their work on Season 7.

The cinematographer for episodes 1 & 7 is Gregory Middleton, who worked with director Jeremy Podeswa. Having shot all 4 of Podeswa’s Season 5 & 6 episodes (including “Home,” for which he received an Emmy nomination), Middleton was Podeswa’s obvious choice for Season 7. Back in August, he told Deadline that he would be working on the premiere and finale of Season 7, and tweeted this in January:

The cinematographer for Episodes 2 & 3 is most likely P.J. Dillon, working with director Mark Mylod. Dillon served as DP for one episode in Season 2, and shot both of Mylod’s Season 6 episodes. His resume lists him as working on 5 Thrones episodes, and with 3 already under his belt, that leaves 2 for Season 7. And while it doesn’t specify that they’re Mylod’s episodes, Dillon’s collaboration with him in Season 6 makes me confident that he shot these episodes.

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Rob McLachlan and director David Nutter scouting Morocco. (Photo: Rob McLachlan)
Rob McLachlan and director David Nutter scouting Morocco for a previous season. (Photo: Rob McLachlan/

The cinematographer for Episodes 4 & 5 is Robert McLachlan, working with director Matt Shakman. McLachlan is a veteran of 6 Thrones episodes (including “The Rains of Castamere” and “Mother’s Mercy”), and has twice been nominated for an Emmy for his work on the show (for “Mhysa” and “The Dance of Dragons”). A recent article by the American Society of Cinematographers states that McLachlan has shot 8 episodes of the series, which gives him 2 for Season 7. McLachlan doesn’t explicitly say that he worked on Season 7, but the article heavily implies this by stating that he spoke to the ASC “shortly after returning from Northern Ireland, where Thrones’production office and stages are located.” With the other cinematographers already paired up with the other directors, McLachlan is left with Matt Shakman. And with Shakman being a new director on the show, having a celebrated veteran as his DP makes perfect sense.

Finally, the cinematographer for Episode 6 is Jonathan Freeman, who worked with director Alan Taylor. Having worked on 8 episodes of the series, including 2 of Taylor’s Season 2 episodes, Freeman is another seasoned Thrones veteran. His resume confirms him as working on Season 7, and it lists the directors of the show he’s worked with as Taylor, Daniel Minahan (whom he worked with on Season 3), and David Benioff (Freeman was the DP for the Season 4 premiere “Two Swords,” which Benioff co-directed with D.B. Weiss, who received the sole credit). However, seeing how Taylor’s the only director listed who’s helming an episode in Season 7, and given their collaboration in Season 2, it’s clear that Freeman shot this episode.

So to recap, the directors of photography line-up is:
Episode 1: Gregory Middleton
Episode 2: P.J. Dillon
Episode 3: P.J. Dillon
Episode 4: Robert McLachlan
Episode 5: Robert McLachlan
Episode 6: Jonathan Freeman
Episode 7: Gregory Middleton

Katie Weiland at the Emmys
Katie Weiland at the Emmys


Much like cinematographers, editors work directly with the directors, sifting through footage and stitching together shots under their guidance. Thus editors often work with only one or two directors a season, like the editors for Season 7.

First up is Crispin Green, who is, according to his resume, working with director Jeremy Podeswa. This means he’ll be cutting either one or both of Episodes 1 & 7. Green has edited 9 episodes for show over the past three seasons (3 each year), including all 4 of Podeswa’s. This makes me fairly certain that Green is handling both of Podeswa’s episodes this year.

Next up is Tim Porter, whose resume specifies that he’s cutting Episodes 2 & 6, and therefore working with directors Mark Mylod and Alan Taylor. Having edited both of Mylod’s Season 5 episodes, his working on Episode 2 is no surprise. Additionally, Porter is the perfect choice for Episode 6, as he has edited the biggest episodes in recent seasons (he cut both “Hardhome” and “Battle of the Bastards,” winning an Emmy for the latter), and the shortened season gives Episode 6 the “big episode” status that would normally be with an Episode 9.

This leaves Episode 3 with Jesse Parker, whose resume records him as working with director Mark Mylod. After working in the editorial department for a few seasons, Parker took over as head editor for Mylod’s Season 6 episode “The Broken Man.” With Porter editing Mylod’s Episode 2, Parker will again have one episode this year.

The last editor is Katie Weiland, whose resume states that she’s
working on Episodes 4 & 5 with director Matt Shakman. Weiland has 16 Thrones
episodes under her belt (including notables “Kissed by Fire,” “The Lion and the Rose,”
“The Watchers on the Wall,” and “Book of the Stranger”), and won an Emmy for editing
“The Dance of Dragons.”

To recap, the editors line-up is:

Episode 1: Crispin Green
Episode 2: Tim Porter
Episode 3: Jesse Parker
Episode 4: Katie Weiland
Episode 5: Katie Weiland
Episode 6: Tim Porter
Episode 7: Crispin Green

Needless to say, Season 7 is in good hands. Everyone listed here has worked on the show
before, and most have been nominated or awarded for their previous efforts.
What do you think of the line-ups?


  1. It’s sometimes easy to forget all of the other essential members of the production crew when the writers and directors get most of the credit, so I’m glad to see these people get some recognition.

  2. Seeing my name up there… ?
    It was my pleasure to write for this great website. Hope you guys liked the article!

  3. Wish I could just sit there and watch them at their work. Would be boring to most people, but I’d love to watching them argue over cuts and all that…

  4. Ryan Neuner,

    Thank you! And congratulations.
    I’m sure I’m not alone in saying how much this kind of “behind the scenes” information is appreciated.

    Based on what you’ve reported, it looks to me like Episode 6 will be the real standout of the season.

  5. Jack Bauer 24:
    Any word on episode titles?

    I would expect The official season 7 poster and Trailer before we get episode titles XD
    Trailer should be coming by the end of next month XD

  6. Any idea why the guy who directed Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards, and Winds of Winter isn’t directing any season 7 episodes? Miguel Sopchak (sp?) Seems odd he’s not directing anything since he directing 3 of the most jaw dropping episodes in the series.

  7. Extra Stark, Please:
    Any idea why the guy who directed Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards, and Winds of Winter isn’t directing any season 7 episodes? Miguel Sopchak (sp?) Seems odd he’s not directing anything since he directing 3 of the most jaw dropping episodes in the series.

    Talented directors are in demand and get many offers to work on other projects…

    I am sure D&D would of hired Miguel if they could have

  8. Flayed Potatoes,

    Firstone and flayed potatoes,

    Thanks for the responses.

    Kinda figured a good director like that would be in demand. Just hoped to see his name again. Dude gets it done.

  9. Extra Stark, Please:
    Any idea why the guy who directed Hardhome, Battle of the Bastards, and Winds of Winter isn’t directing any season 7 episodes? Miguel Sopchak (sp?) Seems odd he’s not directing anything since he directing 3 of the most jaw dropping episodes in the series.

    I believe he had other projects, really hoped he made time to come back for the last season, really pumped to see who they picked to Direct season 8.

  10. Extra Stark, Please,

    I remember reading an interview where he said that he wanted a break from the regular 6 to 9 month commitment and that he’d love to return for the final year.

    He’s also working on a feature film, but there’s still no date set for production to start, so I assume that it’s on hold until after he’s done one or two season 8 episodes.

  11. King in the Southwest:
    Extra Stark, Please,

    I remember reading an interview where he said that he wanted a break from the regular 6 to 9 month commitment and that he’d love to return for the final year.

    He’s also working on a feature film, but there’s still no date set for production to start, so I assume that it’s on hold until after he’s done one or two season 8 episodes.

    Good to hear, should be a great lineup of Directors. The last season should pull out all the stops 🙂

  12. D&D want Miguel back as well. Remember that he was on the panel at comic-con last year. There were a lot of cheers when the topic of his return for S8 came up, from the crowd and panel.

  13. Very nice compilation, Ryan!

    Your DoP list sums up the combinations we’ve seen in many photos from the shooting locations – you can check out some of those pictures here: Directors of Photography.

    The cinematographer for episode 6 was totally unknown to us up to now – good job identifying Jonathan Freeman!

    By the way, it seems an additional cinematographer participated in the shooting of season 7 – Fabian Wagner, who filmed 6 episodes of GoT up to now, including “Hardhome”, “Battle of the Bastards” and “The Winds of Winter”.

    He obviously did some shooting for episode 1, and he may also have been the one who shot the wolf scenes in Canada with Maisie Williams for episode 3.

  14. Ser Bergh,

    Is it confirmed that in Episode 3 there will

    be wolf scenes with Maisie filmed in Canada? I’ve been on board the Arya-Nymeria reunion hype train ever since the Maisie in Calgary stories a while back, but wasn’t aware her wolf scenes were confirmed, let alone that they’re going to be in a particular episode. Are there any other details I missed? Inquiring minds want to know.
  15. Ryan Neuner,


    From what we have seen from the locations they were shooting ..this year too will be an lovely to see these DOP’s work.

    Last year we had a video released showing us the workings of these men and year before that A day in the Spain was released..
    Looking forward to whatever they have in store for us this year ..

  16. can anyone predict what the first shot of season 7 is going to be? You know, given that the last season ended without a cliffhanger….

  17. King beyond the Wall II: can anyone predict what the first shot of season 7 is going to be? You know, given that the last season ended without a cliffhanger

    I’d think it would be shots of Dany arriving on Dragonstone, since hers was the last magnificent scene of S6. Then for contrast, scenes of Cersei in KL. Then Bran and Meera, to remind us that what’s going on in the icy North will be the focus of the story this year – although I have no idea how Meera will be able to get Bran to the wall now that Hodor is gone, and Benjen semi-wight plopped them at the base of a tree and rode away.

  18. Ten Bears:
    Is it confirmed that in Episode 3 there will

    Well, the leaks

    we got long before the news of Arya filming in Canada gave us details about the Arya / Nymeria storyline. That’s not official confirmation ofc, but as up to now all of those leaks were 100% accurate as far as we could judge them, I’m pretty sure the Arya / Nymeria parts are also legit…
  19. I don’t think the first scene of S7 will be Dany

    apparently she ends episode 1 arriving at Dragonstone

    I have a feeling it could be Bran/Meera at the wall.

  20. Thanks, everyone!

    Ashara D,

    Me too. I originally thought she might be the DP for Mylod’s episodes as she worked with him on Season 5. Hope she’s back for Season 8.

    Ser Bergh,

    Thank you for this, good Ser. Nice to see on-set photos of the DPs. As for Fabian Wagner’s involvement, I did not know about that. Though I highly doubt he’ll be credited in the title sequence. It’s quite common for one or two scenes an episodes to be filmed by a different DP than the one credited in the title sequence (I they’re credited as “Additional Photography by _” in the end credits). Usually it’s a DP who’s working with another director in the season, but Wagner’s not. Very interesting. I guess he finished filming Justice League and was available to help out. Can’t get enough of his work, though!

  21. I have never known so much Hollywood, insider jargon, when it comes to what people’s title’s and role’s are behind the scenes in my life, until I started visiting this site.

    Now I know all about how ratings and budgets work on top on it!

    I have learned so much about how a show comes together and the thousands of people it takes that all have important roles that contribute to this shows success.

    It takes more then great actors, writers and directors as every regular on this site has come to realize to produce an epic churning machine like GoT.

    This is why HBO would be nuts to put a wrecking ball to this crew.

    D&D are going to leave, that is fine. But please HBO DO NOT disassemble this beautiful machine you got here.

    Please leave as much of it intact to have a flawless handoff to the next brave producers who will run the spinoff.

    I beg of thee!!!

  22. Ten Bears:
    Ser Bergh,

    Is it confirmed that in Episode 3 there will

    It’s confirmed. I dunno if it’s confirmed for episode 3 specifically, though.

    I think it’s a safe bet D&D want Miguel to return at least for the last couple of episodes of the series, if at all possible, given their past comments.

  23. King beyond the Wall II:
    can anyone predict what the first shot of season 7 is going to be? You know, given that the last season ended without a cliffhanger….

    Hmm… I would bet on Bran/Meera and a vision…

  24. King beyond the Wall II:
    can anyone predict what the first shot of season 7 is going to be? You know, given that the last season ended without a cliffhanger….

    I would guess either Daenerys arriving in Westeros, or perhaps something in KL – Cersei and Jaime reacting to Jon being named KITN would be great; something to link into the end of last season and establish where we are time-wise before moving on.

  25. Previous Season endings and beginnings:

    Season 1 ending scene: Daenerys giving birth to dragons
    Season 2 beginning scene: Jousting at Joffrey’s Name Day in King’s Landing

    Season 2 ending scene: White Walkers marching on the Night’s Watch
    Season 3 beginning scene: Picking up where Season 2 left off, after White Walkers attack the Night’s Watch

    Season 3 ending scene: The Mhysa scene with Daenerys being accepted in Yunkai
    Season 4 beginning scene: Tywin re-forging Ice in two swords

    Season 4 ending scene: Arya setting sail for Braavos
    Season 5 beginning scene: Cersei’s prophesy

    Season 5 ending scene: Jon Snow being killed by the Night’s Watch
    Season 6 beginning scene: Picking up where Season 5 left off with the Jon Snow killing.

    Season 6 ending scene: Daenerys setting sail for Westeros

    Potential Season 7 beginning scene: Based on the above trends, it’s hard to say where they will start in Season 7, but it seems like they pick up in the same place where they left off in the previous season ONLY when there is some type of cliffhanger. However, when there is no cliffhanger, they seem to start the season in Kings Landing. Therefore, I predict that Season 7 will start off in King’s Landing with Cersei, but not sure of any details regarding what the scene involves.

  26. Mr Derp,

    Nice. I used to notice the pattern too.

    S1. Starts with Ice/North, ends with Fire/South
    S2. Starts with South, ends with North
    S3. Starts with North, ends with South
    S4. Starts with “Ice” melted by “Fire”, ends with Stark in the South (considered to be mid of the series)
    S5. Starts with South, ends with North
    S6. Starts with North, ends with South
    S7. Probably starts with South, ends with North

    Considering the leaks, the Night King breaks the wall

    S8. Probably starts where S7 finale left off(North) and ends with South(crowning, maybe?)

  27. Icewalker,

    Thanks. On my previous post I considered the Season 2 ending to be a cliffhanger, but on second thought, it’s really not. However, most of my post still stands.

    * So far, GoT opens all seasons in either King’s Landing or in the North.
    * So far, GoT tends to close seasons with Daenerys, but not always. If it’s not Daenerys, it’s been the White Walkers, Arya, and Castle Black.

    I agree with you on the season 7 ending and, for now, I’ll agree with you on the season 8 beginning and end.

  28. wow I’ve never really noticed this pattern. This is perhaps just wishful thinking on my part but given that euron is supposed to play a somewhat significant role this season, and given that we’ve not seen him since ‘the door’, I think it’s a possibility that we see the season kick off with him and his iron-born warriors probably with their ships already sailing on the sea.

  29. Maybe we’ll kick off Season 7 with Ed Sheeran’s ugly mug on the screen. I’m sure GoT fans would just love that…lol

  30. Well, I feel like wasting some time so lets take a look at the options by guessing at what the next scene for our characters might be (not including anything from leaks and nothing too specific from filming spoilers). Our options…

    1. Winterfell – Jon, Sansa, Davos, Tormund, Lyanna, Littlefinger, etc.:
    I’d say they’ll want to ‘get to the chase’ with our characters at Winterfell pretty quickly. That being, for lack of a better term, a small council meeting where they discuss what their next steps will be in uniting and fortifying against Winter and who brings it.

    2. Targaryen fleet – Daenerys, Tyrion, Varys, Missandei, GW, Yara, Theon:
    Approaching the coast and probably landing. Some think Euron’s fleet might attack them before landfall, but I don’t. I also don’t think there will be any strategy scene on the ship as Daenerys already decided where she’s taking them.

    3. King’s Landing – Cersei, Jaime, Qyburn:
    Doesn’t the first scene there almost have to be a discussion/argument between the sibling lovers?

    4. The Twins/surrounding area – Arya, (Edmure), Sandor & the BwoB:
    Whatever Arya’s next step is…
    Whatever the BwoB are doing if they’re still around and/or on the move towards The North

    5. Castle Black/near the north gate of the Wall – Dolorous Edd, Bran, Meera:
    With the assumption that Bran and Meera cross back under at that location it might be the only early season reason to have a scene at CB. Possible Bran vision for opening scene??

    6. Citadel – Sam, Gilly, little Sam, new Archmaester characters:
    He’s going to have to meet new characters and is likely going to try as quickly as possible to find some answers about the Walkers.

    7. NK in the Haunted Forest or wherever beyond the Wall…

    Other random options:
    – Euron and his fleet (in unbelievable, unrealistic numbers)
    – Jorah getting somewhere he can get help maybe
    – Melisandre somewhere
    – Olenna at Highgarden
    – Ellaria & the Sand Snakes (Are we suppose to think they were with Daeny’s fleet? I think I have been but don’t know for sure.)
    – Tarly family at Horn Hill
    – filming spoiler

    Gendry blacksmithing in KL

    – Sweetrobin at the Eyrie (HA!!)
    – HOT PIE!

    That’s pretty much everyone, right?
    If they were to do a cold open I’d change my guess at what the first scene is and those in it. Without that… I’m actually going to rule out Winterfell, KL and Daenerys’ crew for the first scene. They ended S6 with those three in order and showed just them in the recent teaser, but I’m going to guess that they’ll let all of them stew just a bit into the premiere. A couple of others are good options to start with, but out of the blue I’m going to predict…

    the opening scene will be with SAM at the Citadel.

    I guess that because the Citadel is still basically a new, fresh location that can offer an unseen visual to grab our focus right from the start. The story has led us to believe that what Sam will do there is important. That storyline location has the biggest major character addition that we know of, played by Jim Broadbent. We also know directly from Broadbent that he will be in five episodes. I think we’ll meet him right away.

  31. Very good suggestions I would say you are right with a lot of those although I am only aware of two episode 1 events from the spoilers and you are missing one.

    For what it’s worth I do believe Euron will be in episode 1, although he could appear from 2 onwards. I would say Bran reaching castle black is highly likely too. We are clearly getting some scenes at Castle Black, some of Arya, and definitely Kings Landing which is where I expect us to open.

  32. Jon Snowed,
    Yeah, there are scenes we’ve had some spoilers about that are supposedly in the first episode, or that should be early on in the season, but I was mainly looking at what the very first scene for each could be. There are also a couple unconfirmed leaked events that could fit as the very first scene of the season, but I avoided those.

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