“I choose violence.”
While Jaime weighs his options, Cersei answers a request. Tyrion’s plans bear fruit. Arya faces a new test.
Have a look at the official episode photos here.
“No One” is directed by Mark Mylod, and written by David Benioff and Dan Weiss.
Cian: Between King’s Landing, the Riverlands, and Braavos, there certainly seems to be a lot of confrontation lined up for this episode. I’m particularly looking forward to Sandor presumably reuniting with the Brotherhood Without Banners after three seasons.
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Hulk smash!!
Hold the door (Cleganes on the loose).
Can’t wait, so much and we are moving forward at a breakneck speed!
IF Stoneheart is in, I think the Hound is toast.
The waif seems someone who has seen a ghost! I am looking forward to Arya’s story and to Cersei with the sparrows
Judging by the marks on the Mountain’s armor it looks like Lancel is gonners.
Death predictions for this episode? Hmmmm……
Hopefully we get some answers on arya mystery ….I still think arya is the original arya …she will leave on the ship while someone else pretends to be arya (((waif thinks it’s arya )) …gives a chase …turns out it isn’t really arya (its no one)last scene of the episode hence the title …….waif gets stabbed in the back …While arya ‘ s ship sails away …
also we might finally get confirmation that the Knights of Vale will join the battle …(we, not jon)
expecting to see something big in mereen …super imp ….In action
and umm yea “”I choose violence “”…..
Did anyone notice that Cersei’s facial expression when she says “I choose violence” is different from the first trailer of the season?
I prefer the bossier first one 🙁
I hope we get some Rickon/Ramsey scenes … Art Parkinson said something in an interview about “looking out for the small details” which leads me to believe that he might have a scene or two before the battle …
I think in terms of screentime it’ll be something like this:
1. Riverrun- still some set up to do, and then the climax
2. King’s Landing- choosing violence, I think this’ll be the King’s Landing climax (a LOT of death). Should be fun, and some decent screentime.
3. Meereen- in the trailer there appears to be some sort of a battle outside Meereen, and it wasn’t set up at all. I think the shit will hit the fan here, so we need some solid screentime to get from point A to B.
4. Arya I think will have one long scene, and again this is the arc’s climax. Don’t think it’ll take too much screentime, though.
5. Sandor will have one scene, mostly action with a bit of talking
Storylines that may still appear:
6. Bran I think will show up, doubt he’ll disappear all the way up to the finale.
7. I think we’ll get Ramsay again, probably with Rickon. Just one scene to remind us he exists ahead of the battle.
8. The North. I think we’ll have Davos finding out about Shireen (with the fallout left for episode 9)
I guess one or two of 6-8 may end up missing the episode. Or all of them, for all I know. Greyjoys will only reappear in the finale, which is why we caught up with them last week. Dany will reappear to save the day in Meereen after it goes to shit, so not in episode 8 (9 or 10, depending on if 9 is North only or not). Sam will only show up again in the finale, Euron moght not show up at all (only next season) and if he does it’ll also be in the finale.
Let There Be Hype!
Off topic: When are we going to get a Curtain Call for Anthony Morris (the Tickler)? It’s been four seasons already, and still nothing.
Remember how Sophie Turner said she doesn’t want Sansa to survive? Do you think there’s a reason behind it, or was she just having a bit of fun? I did a re-watch of broken man and I see her facial expressions showing something. I won’t elaborate because I don’t want the SS brigade ripping me a new one. And I’m probably wrong anyways.
But yeah, pretty bummed there’s seemingly going to be no Jon (or Bran although disappointed in his scene the prior ep) coming up. It sucks having to wait another week and 2 days to see them. Honestly, that is the anchor for me right now in the show. Without their presence the other goings on don’t mean that much to me. Though I do admit a fault of developing a one track mind sometimes.
I have watched the Arya scenes over and over and one moment she looks/seems to be Arya and the next I doubt it and the next (frightened Arya bleeding through the streets) I’m sure it’s her again. I so hope we get the answer as to why she was out in the open without Needle/or who was pretending to be her.
I’ve waited all season so far to hear Cersei say “I choose violence” and for once I’m cheering her on. Anomaly, for sure, but it’s time to fight back and Lancel is a great face…er….place to start, IMO.
I don’t think we will ever see LSH, but that’s JMO. Bring on Sunday~
I am finally starting to get excited about KL again.
Farewell Lancel and some more faith militants.
I think she’s trolling.
I’m just as disappointed about the lack of Bran and Jon scenes. These are the most important storylines on the show right now imo.
All I know for a fact is that certain persons in the Riverlands better lock up their chickens.
Looking forward to this! With Arya, I’m preparing to have my mind fucked! : )
Yeah me too. She almost looks scared in this one.
Can’t wait to see what happens to Arya, even though I can’t imagine how she’ll make an impact in the grand scheme of things to follow (particularly the war between the living and dead).
Honestly? I think The Hound is taking over the “vengeance in the Riverlands” storyline. Maybe even Arya will join up with him to give it that needed Stark factor. D&D seem to like re-pairing Arya with her older, male companions (RIP Yoren) so I could see it.
Do you not understand that Jon will be the featured player (with Dany) in S7 and S8? They are paying service to the other stories to make room for the BIG story in the final episodes. You people really need to stop whining about Jon. It’s obvious he’s endgame so relax.
What on earth is going on in Riverrun? I really hope Brienne negotiates a deal to get the Tullys out, because otherwise, it looks bad for the Blackfish. I don’t like the look Brienne is giving over her shoulder. Yeesh. We’ve seen Walder Frey and the Lannisters celebrating in the trailer, so I’m crossing my fingers that it’s over regaining the castle, not for killing the Blackfish. No, Jaime, no. DO NOT.
With the promotion this week, it seems like the producers are hiding something big. I’m not sure what! Could be LSH. Could be some crazy twist in Arya’s storyline. Could be an extended Dany scene. Could be the Northern storyline.
In the trailer, I wonder who Sandor is swinging that axe at.
I’m really exited towards this episode, even I grief from the dead of the Utopia from Brother Ray from last episode.
I choose violence is finally happing, Jaime and Tyrion had also a big appearance in the preview and in the promotional pictures, so for all the people who are House Lannister like me, it will be a great episode. And I like it, that Jaime is back with Cersei, I’m so sorry, but I ship them and it makes sence for Show-Jaime.
Hear me roar!
I still don’t see it either. But I look forward to finding out.
His head is coming off.
no matter what theories people have ……..when the waif gets killed everyone will be cheering ….
and yes that cersei scene is one of the most awaited scene this season ……shold be epic ….
don’t give up on lsh ( don’t know much about that character ,,))
FINALLY get to see Tyrion again..missed that smexy mug and need Dany there pronto s they can blow that joint and get to Westeros
definitely ready to get answers to the “Ayra” drama from last week
excited to see the stuff hit the fan in Kings Landing
Will cheer The Hound as he wrecks vengeance on the people who killed Brother Ray and hopefully makes his way to whatever place Ayra returns to in Westeros..
I do think something a bit major is gonna happen since the have been playing close the vest promo wise for this ep (pics and trailor all showing pretty much same things) so we might get surprise visit with Bran and company or Winterfell
I would like at least one scene to see how Bran is coping with what happened to Hodor. His guilt levels must be insanely high now.
I just realized the “I choose violence” clip in the episode preview is different than the trailer.
Looks like they went w/ a different take
Wonder when we’ll get the “do you like to play games, young man?” line from Ramsay.
I hope never
Red Viper,
here’s to hoping the small detail was the small size of shaggydogs head meaning the umbers are playing ramsay and shaggydog is still alive, its a stretch I know but Im an eternal optimist.
BF better not die
Quadruple that plus 1…..dang I’m ready
I know it’s ridiculous, but I’m actually hoping for LSH again. I’d given up all hope, but this season has brought it back, especially last episode.
Dee Stark,
I know, I will be so upset. I want him to ride to Sansa’s aide.
Props to HBO and the show runners for (intentional/unintentional) stoking all this Arya/Waif conspiracy theories. It’s truly been a fun week in the fandom. And I’m sure none of it will be true.
This. I also feel there is a twist/reveal coming up we haven’t seen coming. Read about so many theories, I’m just going to enjoy the ride.
No way you dont bring him back to get rid of him the next episode after having the Rev repeatedly say “the gods have a plan for you.” If he confronts LS, the Hound says I protected both your daughters.
Ayra is going to Westeros, I think we are all largely agreed there. Don’t ask me how it will pan out before she does. My head hurts!
Sandor will wreak revenge on the BWOB and then what? He needs a purpose.
I’m hoping he hooks back up with Ayra, it’s feasible logistically after all if Ayra heads for Riverrun.
Imagine Sansa with Brienne as her sworn sword and Ayra with the Hound. Oh the fireworks if the Stark girls reunite!! ??
Well I like this idea which means it won’t happen. I just love the thought of it. Don’t mind me ?
Dee Stark,
Same, but if the spoilers are true
I think we may get a snippet of Ramsay in episode 8 so his angle of the storyline will be fresh for episode 9. I really hope Rickon is somehow allowed to do some subtle things to give the Boltons a bit of a hard time.
Dany: Shit must happen soon in Meereen for Dany to leave Essos by the end of this season. Where are the other two dragons?
Arya: Anything is possible, including the reappearance of Syrio. Maybe Syrio then Jaqen nurtured Arya as a weapon against the Walkers. Maybe she passed the test by not killing Crane. idk.
Riverlands: Sandor’s a wild card, might go to King’s Landing to fight UnGregor, might go North to protect Sansa, might do both and meet Arya in middle, might do neither, stay in the Riverlands to kill some Brothers, then meet Arya. No clue.
Riverrun: Brienne tells Blackfish about Sansa and he goes north, giving Riverrun to Jaime, avoiding certain death for him and his troops. Having southerners, wildlings and northerners converge North is a symbol for humans putting aside their differences and uniting against the big bad. It’s an old chestnut, but I think it’s where both books and show are going.
King’s Landing: Cersei has to go mad enough to set fire to the Red Keep (Dany’s visions in the House of the Undying) so I predict disasters: Tommen dies. UnGregor loses. Jaime doesn’t return in time. Anything.
Oh my goodness yes – I’d love to see that
If LSH makes into the show I will personally deliver a warm cookie to everyone that believed when I didn’t. I still don’t. For my money it just doesn’t make any sense, that person has been dead for three seasons, what point is there in bringing her back as a Pez Dispenser? It would have been great somewhere in Season 4. Late in season 6? *shrugs* With that said, I am ready to eat my hat as I promised I would do if she showed up.
Totally can’t wait for Sunday and simultaneously dreading it at the same time. 10 weeks goes by much too fast. 🙁
Mostly interested in the Arya arc. While there are questions over all the plot lines, this one really has everyone scratching their collective heads in confusion. Well done to the writers and directors. Ya got us all on the run.
Yes, I noticed that too. In the original Season 6 trailer Cersei says “I choose violence” in a strong, defiant way. In the ep 8 preview she says it in a more subdued, nervous way. It’s interesting that the final edit has such a different tone; she almost looks frightened by what she’s about to unleash.
Epic moments guaranteed from:
Hoping for epicness from:
Jaime (honor your oath!)
Dany (hoping she’s making ceiling shake!)
Sansa (hope she somehow gets Manderley/Cerwyn to turn)
Exactly. All the people fantasizing about the array of different outcomes, truede has already given most answers ( though I suppose you could argue that none of these are actually 100% certain ).
In King’s Landing:
The Hound:
why? he saved aryas life. if LSH knew why would she kill him?
It’s hard to believe that with all the theories swirling around this week that one of them or a combination won’t be close. Although, throwing in the Syrio looking figure, the blue suited fellow and the (unofficial/changed/disappearing) synopsis line of “Arya is not alone” muddy things even further.
Five days later and after reading all of the ideas I still think it was Arya the whole time, explaining the unusual actions to the ship captain as thinking she needed to act confident and cocky for him to take her serious. If it was someone else I hope it’s shown to be a glamour of a different nature than the faces the FM use. none of that multiple faces of Arya stuff.
I don’t know either but I’m leaning towards the return of the BWOB being brief, LSH-less and mainly there to service the Hound’s story. It feels like they’ve brought him back to stay, maybe not to the very end but for a while yet.
Still, I think it’s a fair criticism to wonder where the implications, the fallout, the feelings about him coming back to life?
It feels weirdly like a thing people are joking about (like Brienne) but no one is wondering about (Sansa??) or talking about (wherefore art thou Mel?)
One who waits,
I predict that the Lannisters celebrate with the Freys just before Jamie puts his sword through Walder’s neck. Then all hell breaks loose and Frey blood is spilled everywhere. Goodbye Freys. Unfortunately if this is true, the
won’t happen (as it looks like it won’t anyhow).
Do you mean Lyanna Stark or Lady Stoneheart?
Now I want a warm cookie!
I totally feel you on the anticipation/dread feelings. I’m already worried about what I will do with my life after the last episode!
I can actually kind of see it going nowhere as far as the theories go as well. Maybe the knifing was just bad stuff from D&D and the directors. Maybe she IS just wounded, but she recovers (help from the actress?), basically kills the waif and leaves. D&D have done wonderfull things, but they’ve totally messed up these kinds of things as well. Expect nothing and you will never be surprised, I guess.
Wherefore actually means ‘why’, not ‘where’ 🙂
ghost of winterfell,
Yes. Hodor especially, but also Summer, Bloodraven, all the Children. Bran really messed up.
It doesn’t look more frightened to me..
just more….twisted…
more unsettled…
I find it even scarier
That sounds cool! I do wonder what the deal is with the Frey/Lannister party in the trailer, though. If Arya’s not taking Walder out, perhaps Jaime has a Red Party of his own after talking with Brienne. Maybe her words sink in after a while.
He still needs to find out why Cersei did her Walk of Shame. Surprised the reason hasn’t come up yet, because everyone in King’s Landing has been talking about it.
Yeah, her eyes look fully enraged and mad. She’s probably still livid that the Sparrows have converted Tommen.
Does anyone else think that Cercei seems lawfully timid, scared, or I don’t know, not aggressive, when she chooses violence? I remember in the original trailer it seemed she said it with sneering confidence but that’s not how I read it in this preview
Miss Stark,
I don’t see why the BWB would turn against the very people they fought for unless if they’ve gotten new leadership. We will just have to wait and see.
I wouldn’t mind Sansa taking a dirt nap. Many fans like her, but I’m not one of them. I pity what she’s been through, but I don’t think she needs some huge redemption. I could see her being the Bolton’s last victim by the end of this season. Something bitter sweet. Ramsay stabbing her while he’s dying, something like that. Then Sansa telling him that she is carrying his child. It would play into a what Game of Thrones likes to do at the end of a season. Have a main character death, followed by a revelation that is absolutely gut wrenching. I don’t see how she plays a bigger role going forward, unless she becomes very important to Littlefinger’s desire and the showrunners decide to use her to build on Littlefinger’s ultimate endgame. Which could happen, but I think that will play out with or without Sansa being in the show. They need more screentime for Jon Snow, Bran, Arya, Dany, Tyrion, Euron, Jaime and the KL Crew. I guess you could put Sam in there as well since they dedicated so much time to him during the Tarley reunion episode. With only 15 potential episodes remaining after season 6 they have a lot of ground to cover and too many characters with the amount of time remaining. It also doesn’t help that they keep bringing more characters back like the beloved undead uncle and The Hound.
Agreed. I think he has to find out about Lancel if he’s going to finally write her off. His current mindset is so far from the book mindset. If my prediction is true, I think you’re right, he’s going to have to find out and likely that’ll be this week. Who’s going to tell him? It would have been perfect for Blackfish to tell him last week, just to see the hurt. Maybe Sansa knows and she told Brienne? I don’t know, but that would be a nice dramatic shift for Jamie’s arc.
Demon Monkey,
Well, it is Lancel that she is siccing the Mountain on. I’m sure she has at least a small amount of pity for him. Or maybe not.
Miss Stark,
I keep imagining some sort of end scene montage as everyone in Westeros simultaneously witnesses a catastrophic event (massive wildfire explosion, white walker magics, Doom 2.0 or something)… camera flashes to everyone’s reactions looking up before they’re all destroyed… last face will be LSH lol.
Miss Stark,
Me too, I would so love that
It must mean something that first thing he commented on upon seeing Jamie was his nieces’ returns
That scene is obviously after the showdown with the sparrows. She’s in the throne room. Either being questioned about the incident or going to finish the job. Me thinks there will be happenings in KL this week.
We already know that
Or maybe Bronn or Pod could tell him?
The “Arya is not alone” could just as well mean Lady Crane.
Theres nothing wrong with asking for more Jon even in episode 8. Episode 9 and 10 are going to be jam packed
After a savage off season of OVER HYPING his death, I think we have grounds to demand more Jon stuff even though we know he is end game
I wonder whose story the Hound will support going forward? Will he hear about Sansa as well? I get the impression that he will exact revenge upon the amalgamated Lem Lemoncloak and perhaps realize that they are a rogue BwB group. Maybe he runs into Brienne & Pod as well? Maybe BF as well? Fun!
I was surprised that they dedicated so much of the past episode to the Hound, which does seem a bit promising for the Riverlands action to come. He ain’t gonna be a fighter for the Faith though.
The Wolves of Winter,
That’s a good point. Both of these guys have to know.
Demon Monkey,
They used a different take in the preview.
I don’t think it seems timid.
I think she seems just very very disturbed and unsettled.
I like it more.
I believe they are holding off the Jaime Cersei break until the very end when she does something horrible, and he has to make the decision to kill her.
Ummm no.
OT: I just bought a Knight of the Seven Kindoms
I look forward to reading it.
Oh yeah, I’ve been waiting for the Mountain to smash those heads ever since season 5 finale, FINALLY!
Yes, very good point. Bronn, at least, certainly knows. I can’t guess what, specifically, would cause him to bring up the subject. But it’s certainly not hard to imagine Bronn saying something like, “Look you half-witted, one-handed, love sick puppy, don’t you know that while your captive ass was sitting in your own shit Cersei was….”
Because I’m sure Bronn would break the news to Jamie at least that gently.
Dee Stark,
Honestly, I think part of it has to do w/ the fact that GRRM might never have meant Jon’s death to be an end of book cliffhanger.
He stated many times, he wanted ADWD to have far less cliffhangers, and include the entire battle of ice and fire…
I’d imagine Jon’s resurrection might’ve been meant for ADWD… But unfortunately, we’ve been waiting on that cliffhanger for 5 long years.. 5 long years of tin foil crack pottery…
That may be the case. Valonqar and all…
yeah that’s too bad.
I wonder why he started adding more characters to ADWD instead of moving forward Jons story.
HA! That’s how I want him to find out now.
It’s a great book. You’ll love it. Hope Martin will continue with more stories.
I´ve only noticed now but when Umber is before Ramsey and Karstark he says to them about the wildlings taking Winterfell “if they got Jon Snow leading them yes, he knows this place better than any of us will ”
In Ep. Lothar and BlackWaleder say to Walder Frey about BlackFish taking Riverrun : “He suprised us, he knows the castle better than anyone”
Little forshadowing 😉
Southerners helping the northmen retake Winterfell and ending Bolton rule is not what i had envisioned. Would it be so hard to make Manderly come to the rescue instead of the Vale?
Well, I always took that scene as meta. Ray keeps saying that he doesn’t know what the powers that be are, just that someone has to be pulling the strings and that “they still have plans for Sandor Clegane”. I think, in a way, the true gods of Westeros as mentioned here are the writers of the story, and they still have plans for the Hound. This being a story, the Hound’s role would be introducing us (the viewers) to a character.
And inside the story, it’ll be quite ironic and Thronesy for Ray to be very wrong, and the Hound to not have much of a purpose after all. That is, if he dies this season. It’s also possible he tells the BWB about Arya, and that affects something going forward.
Dee Stark,
I’m assuming you are talking about Sansa dying? I’m not opposed. I think it’d be very emotional and make for a good episode. Littlefinger losing his obsession. Ramsay killing his own heir would be powerful. Mainly because he hasn’t killed or maimed anything in this show that’s affected him personally. It’d be crazy to see him care for anyone other than himself. Jon Snow has been separated from all the loss that has happened to his family since he’s been at the wall. So having him see it first hand would be life changing. Perhaps that would break him out of his funk going forward. It would also be interesting to see what would happen with Brienne after she returns.
In the trailer Jaime does say “I love Cersei and if I have to slaughter every Tully who ever lived to get back to her, I will” to someone. I don’t know who though.
And then the beautiful line you just wrote. 🙂
I think it’s Ayra too. Maybe using a bit of bluster so the captain wouldn’t dismiss her out of hand and having a bit of a nostalgic moment on the bridge which caught her out.
We last saw her staggering through the streets bleeding, so my money is on someone coming to her aid.
Maybe Syrio as a FM with a healing potion, maybe she salted a potion away just in case but somehow she overcomes debilitating injuries. Perhaps Lady Crane plays a part. No idea! She’s off to Westeros though, of that I’m in no doubt.
Martin himself said there’s no LSH on the show. No point in holding any hope.
Little word play.
Hoyti Von Totiy,
The “Not alone” line came from one of the fake synopses, so you can disregard it.
The bad pussy have one enemy on the show apparently and its the Lannisters. They will be back, the only Lannisters left in KL are Cercei, Kevan, Lancel and Tommen. I feel they are going to assassinate Tommen which makes Cercei go mad. People saying Tommen will fight the trial…..unrealistic. The Sparrow will never put his puppet in danger and neither will Cercei. They will probably demand trial by 7, knowing Cercei can’t find 3 people to fight for her. Either way it goes , house bad pussy will have some part to play.
I don’t think the Jaime-Cersei break will ever happen. I’m still not entirely sure it will stick in the books anyway.
How about this: Jaime ends the siege, pays Bronn to take a chunk of the Lannisters to go help Sansa and races back for King’s Landing. He gets there too late to stop Cersei’s plan for the Mountain from going pear-shaped.
(My latest guess? The Mountain accidentally kills Tommen, and the High Sparrow says the Gods no longer recognize male-primacy and that Maergery is the Queen. This is backed up by Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes popping up, saying that Dorne will honor the new Queen…)
Cersei loses her shit, unleashes Qyburn and the little birds on Kevan and Pycelle so they can’t stop her. Then she sets the wildfire and lots of people die.
Jaime sees it from outside the city, manages to get in and pull Cersei, badly burned and dying, to safety. She dies in his arms.
With nowhere else to go, Jaime heads back North. And he’s captured by Lady Stoneheart… “Sword or noose?” she croaks.
Utterly defeated and broken, Jaime says Noose.
Hoyti Von Totiy,
It sucks that Little Finger is involved but the Vale getting involved in favor of the Starks doesn’t bother me mostly because that is what they wanted to do from the beginning. It was Lysa who prevented the Lords of the Vale from marching north and joining Robb. Then again I get your point about the awesomeness of the North taking care of the North without Southern intervention.
Beer Island,
Remember, Dorne doesn’t recognize male-only succession (that’s in the books, but it’s nodded at with the “weak men” line from Ellaria on the show)
So… Dorne could easily support Queen Maergery…
Not only that but in Badpussyland the are no other highborn with the claim to the seat of Dorne so 4 crazy puzzis can overtake at will.
D&D made aBIG mistake by adding the Dorne storyline in the show, and even a BIGGER mistake in the way they decided to cut it from the show.
Flora Linden,
I look forward to it very much
For those who aren’t her fans, there has never been a question. For those who are, there will never be an answer.
Yeah, but doesn’t Dorne hate Highgarden? At least they do in the books.
Hoyti Von Totiy,
Dorne at least had an endgame in trying to aid Dany in taking back the Iron Throne. I’m not sure what the endgame is now. That entire plot line is completely different now.
Too be honest with you, if Ramsay kills Sansa in episode 10, that means that Ramsay wins.
I think Ramsay has a lesser role to play in the future
Many here think that Jon will become king in the north. I disagree completely, in fact I think Sansa will become queen in the North and unite the north to fight in the great war. Jon’s role is the PTWP, not a king. At least not yet.
I dunno. Whats Sansa’s role in the great war to come? that why I think Queen in the North is most likely in episode 10
Maybe, but enemy of the enemy is my friend and all that. Wasn’t there a rumor Oleanna was in Dorne this season?
More and more, I’m thinking some of the stuff we’re expecting this season just isn’t going to happen. The Bowl of Clegane, for one. Maybe the unleashing of wildfire.
I still think the season ends with the Dothraki disembarking in Dorne, the Wall falling and Jon being legitimized by the new Queen of the North
You may well be right. Still I think it’s more likely now than it was in season 5, which is still rather unlikely.
Ramsay isnt getting close to Sansa as he is dying. Jon will be the one killing him and he isnt getting past Jon to get to her
Sana isnt pregnant (the scene where she jumped off a 30 foot wall would have taken care of that) so..no
you could ask the same “whats her(his) role” question about any character except Bran,Dany and Jon (and prolly Tyrion). They are ALL expendable once the REAL game starts.
HBO Hungary’s questions for this week:
1) Will Brienne convince Blackfish to join Sansa’s army?
2) Will Jaime get inside Riverrun?
3) Will Dany return to Meereen?
Quite obvious questions for this episode. What do you think guys?
Pod should also know, as he was Tyrion’s squire and Tyrion was using Lancel to spy on Cersei.
I really hope someone tells Jaime soon.
Dee Stark,
I guess you think Bran is dead meat then? It’s the only way Sansa gets to rule Winterfell. Technically if she rescues Rickon he has claim to Warden of the North over Sansa. Unless the rules are changed.
I’m not opposed to what you suggest. I just like the thought of Ramsay being stabbed by Sansa, with him stabbing her as well with a hidden weapon. Then her reveal to him that she’s carrying his child before his death. It’d be tragic for them both, but Winterfell would be taken back to use in the fight against the White Walkers. A win and a loss. Very fitting for this show.
The Wolves of Winter,
I think he’s talking to Edmure in that clip. Bronn could be there too though. I assume he’s going to
No Bran is not dead meat lol
Okay let me clarify. I think Rickon will die, cause why else was he brought back. He has had no role before. Sansa will become queen. Bran is not going back to Winterfell any time soon. SO in his absence, Sansa will become Queen in the North. Bran is not meant to rule or be lord or prince or king in the North. Hes the three eyed raven.
Your suggestion is bittersweet, but I would rather Sansa lives and Ramsay dies a horrible death by Sansa, or Ghost. That’s even more awesome that he is mauled to death just like he kills everyone else
There’s no way the Hound is toast. They wouldn’t bring him just to kill him off immediately. Remember, the Hound (unlike other characters who were brought back to be killed off such as Osha, Balon Greyjoy, and the 3ER crew) was presumed to be dead. As such, he wasn’t a dangling story thread that needed to be snipped like the above mentioned characters.
If the Hound was brought back from the “dead,” it’s for a heck of a good reason, and that reason is not to quickly get killed off by another character. It’s to either be the motivation for Arya to fully get off the vengeance path, to pass on Littlefinger’s betrayal of Ned to Sansa, or for the much hyped CleganeBowl.
One of Roose Bolton’s 20 good leeches,
Oh, no! Not you, too, La Leechy League. Say it ain’t so!
There was a leak recently. It was written to a publisher from Martin about A Song of Ice and Fire before he wrote the first book. It was his pitch where he laid out the general story before it was written to get it funded. The story has very much changed since this pitch, but in it he has a few characters that will survive till the end. It’s not known if this will still be the case, but all of those characters are still alive at this point. I won’t post a link, you can find it if you’d like, but it’s interesting none the less. It also points to who could not be expendable in this series until the very end and the list is small.
Dee Stark,
I also wouldn’t mind seeing Ramsay and his dogs ripped apart by Ghost. I just have a feeling that a character of importance is going to die soon and they won’t be coming back. My money would be on Sansa, Cersei or Margaery. Bran got a free pass after escaping the Walkers and his half dead uncle kinda confirmed his importance. Snow just died and was resurrected. Who else then? Dany won’t die (if she ever does) until she gets to Westeros. Tyrion is going to be riding a dragon soon. Someone has to die. It’s the freakin’ Game of Thrones.
fierce as a wolverine,
Meh, at this point, I’m having a hard time seeing how Jaime completely flies off the handle even if he does find out. Plus, it’s not like Cersei can’t argue she hasn’t been punished for it.
I think the tragedy of Jaime is that he came close to redemption, but couldn’t get there. I think he and Cersei die together. There is no happy ending for him.
That could happen.
Dee Stark,
Yes I agree with you. No way Sansa is going to die. I riot other wise.
Well, yes, there has been a lot this season that could certainly point her direction. But there sort of has to be in the Riverlands.
Very excited for this episode! Last season was amazing. I’m not thinking this episode will be as good as HH, doubt many will be, but I am looking foward to see what they’ll do.
Also, Euro’s starting!!!!! Time to kick French ass!(just, let me dream for couple of houres..)
Dee Stark,
I started this season thinking that the reason D&D set Sansa on this path was to make her QITN. But now, I’m honestly really doubting that. I think this is a season of personal growth, but also to allow Sansa to take back her home and the Stark name for herself.
But I’ve just seen no evidence that the North is at all in favor of her rule. In fact, the show has really made a point to show Northern lords (and ladies) smacking Sansa down and give her an eye-opening into the way power and loyalty really work. I’m somewhat grateful for that. I think a lot of people would just think it way too unbelievable that the North suddenly bows to Sansa.
Even if Sansa brings the Vale and the North wins, I really don’t see all those Northerners loving Sansa and wanting her to rule at all. There’s just no indication of that. What they DID show was that the only one who gave them her support was Lyanna Mormont, and it had zero to do with Sansa. If anything it was Jon, because Jon fought the WWs.
Whether or not the Vale saves the day, I think the guy fighting on the field – Jon – will be the one who gets the support. He’s still the one leading the army. And before you mention him being a bastard, I think the show has clearly shown the North now values strength over legitimacy.
But I think they’ve also shown Sansa isn’t just going to be shoved aside, and she’ll play a big role. What exactly that is, I’m not sure. I don’t think Jon will stay in Winterfell forever? Seems completely likely he’d appoint her the Warden in that case.
3 more episodes left, only 3 fucking episodes left before the dreaded “LONG WAIT” begins.
And if something was to happen to D&D the WAIT will never end like with GRRM.
Yeah, you make good arguments, but I personally disagree.
Maybe they will change their loyalties to follow Sansa.
And to be honest, they didn’t have much good to say to Jon either.
If Jon and Co win, the major houses will be gone (Umbers/Karkstarks). The smaller houses will bow to whoever.
I dunno. I don’t see Jon being “king in the north”. (I would love it though, because Jon is my favorite, and it would be ironic considering he isn’t actually Ned’s son)
Btw the casting information about searching for S7 castles makes me think that the Wall actually doesn’t fall (which I already thought).
If Tommen dies and/or Cersei tries to burn KL – and Dany is landing in Dorne – doesn’t that plunge Westeros into turmoil, with the Iron Throne open? That’s perfect timing for Euron’s pillaging too. Dany wins the Iron Throne, which is not much of a win anyway, and then the Wall falls, when Westeros is the most destroyed, when some of it’s biggest families and lords have been wiped out.
Dee Stark,
I agree. I go back and forth but I just cannot see the North declaring her the Queen in the North.
The “Watchers” filming coverage about Arya’s jump scene also had her rolling down the steps over vendors produce , It defies belief & possibility that a gut-stuck girl could ever do any of these stunts
& add to that there was something “off” about the whole scene. I suspect that the stabbing was a dream created by her fear of danger.
She could wake up beside the candle & look down at herself & see she is unwounded & use more caution.
Demand?? Feel entitled much?
We shall See 🙂
Yeah, I agree that Jaime is probably not getting the story I’d hoped for. I just find it interesting when an author can make me despise a character so thoroughly, and then bring me to a point where I’m sympathetic to him and am hoping he gets a happy(ish, this being Game of Thrones…) ending. But you are most likely right.
*grabs pom poms and cheers* Well stated m’Lady.
fierce as a wolverine,
The one thing I’ve never been able to decide is if Jaime lives till the WW invasion, or fights the Walkers. As much as I believe the theory that J/C will leave the world together, I hope we don’t lose all the Lannisters before the WWs. I just think it would be so interesting to see all the chaos they wrought, all the people that were hurt for them to keep the Iron Throne, be all for nothing
So there are two possibilities:
Riverrun and Riverlands (The Hound) 15 mins.
Meereen 12 mins.
King’s Landing 10 mins.
Braavos 15 mins.
Winterfell 2 mins.
The North 2 mins.
Both credits 3 mins.
Riverrun and Riverlands 15 mins.
Meereen 12 mins.
King’s Landing 12 mins.
Braavos 16 mins.
Both credits 3 mins.
Dee Stark,
Jon’s storyline has always been centered around learning how to lead and bringing people together to fight the WW. It’s why his character has been at the Wall from the first season, learning about the real threat and the bigger picture. He could be KITN because people will follow strength and they will see him leading them into battle. Both the books and show foreshadow it. Sansa will not take that role away from him and lead armies to fight WW imo. Her storyline has never been tied to the WW and out of all the Stark children, she has been the only one less exposed to the fantasy elements in the story.
Her storyline has been focused on her imprisonment and learning southern and Vale (technically southern) politics. Actually she’s supposed to be in the Vale learning how to manipulate and eating lemon cakes, which is one of the reasons everyone was shocked she got sent to Winterfell last season.
The greatest damage is that Joffrey and Cersei’s inability to stop him, probably took out one of the world’s greatest hopes against the White Walkers in Ned.
I think we can assume Ned would have honored his vows and stayed on the Wall. Now, if someone would have been able to convince that pig-headed oaf that the Wildlings were not the true enemy…
Gary Oak,
Nothing really interesting happens, like everyone has come to expec
Agree with your thoughts. Well Dany was a week away two weeks ago, and that’s enought time for Yara and Theon to travel half the globe so I’d expect her back this week. If not Drogon is an awfully slow dragon.
But I hear you, it’s time for some resolution to Meereen and I truly hope that some knowledge (other than just Dany getting on the IB boats and selling to Westeros) comes of the Meereen experience. I understand she had to get her army and grow up a bit. But other than having some truncated version of the Battle for Slavers Bay, I hope that she learns how to control dragons in battle before she burns half of Westeros (the half that Cersei hasn’t already burned) to the ground. 🙂
As do I. As tired as I am of Ramsay, still it would be good to have a pre-battle scene to set where he stands with Rickon and the Karstarks, Umbers, and the rest of his army.
Corbyn Stark,
Ha. Maybe. They do seem to share a bond in ADWD. As I remember, Mel communicates with Ghost in a way that Ghost looks at Jon likes he does not know Jon.
At the very least, we’ll probably still have Tyrion.
It would be nice to see these consummate political players come to a sudden realization that there are bigger issues at hand than keeping a Lannister backside warming the Iron Throne.
Not really holding hope so much as trying to understand what the point of the BWB is now. I’d give LS a 30% chance now, I’m still very certain she has no place in the show.
That said, Martin wouldn’t really have said anything else even if LS were in. Because LS is very viral in the media and was like this since season 3, and saying anything that could even vaguely hint at her appearance would be taken out of context and plastered all over the media.
Still, if LS is in, it would be far too late in my taste. It seems pointless to add her NOW, and not a couple of seasons ago. Her time has passed.
Martin could have simply not say anything, if she was in.
He gave 2 interviews where he said she isn’t in. In my opinion, it’s beyond clear.
I think it’s for all 3 of those reasons. I can’t see them having a character as popular as Sandor just roaming around the Riverlands. Also, considering his strong connection to 2 other character arcs (Arya/Sansa), it would not only make sense to have him join one or both north. I guess I could envision a Brienne/Sandor meet-up but the impact wouldn’t be nearly as heavy as if he were to hook-up with Arya again, unless Brienne tells Sandor what is going on north and he joins her back up to Winterfell. And after 4 seasons, a reunion of sorts with Sansa would be cool, too, considering all that has happened to her since he offered to take her away from KL during the battle of the Blackwater. Plus, my SanSan heart would explode. The writers won’t “go there”, of this I have no doubts, but I always felt he would pledge his sword to her. Hearing what she has been through, I can’t imagine him not making the same vow to her he did in Season 2.
Still, I think it will be Arya he joins on another trip North. The whole Cleganebowl thing will come but not until next year. The writers won’t pass the chance of bringing this to screen. I feel it will be north and it will be in the snow, outside WF, because that would be awesome. 🙂 I write fic in my head all day obviously.
Yeah I’ve been thinking that, seems they used a different take,
Similar to how the line delivery in the micro trailers was different to how the lines were expressed in the show scenes
I still can’t get past that Sandor is back. We’ve got 16-17 hours to go (depending on overage/double eps when we get to the end, etc…) and Sandor is back!
That tells me one of two things:
1) His arc is very short, and he plows his way through random Brotherhood types only to run into an undead buzzsaw in LSH and is maybe dead for real by the end of the season (Can we all remember that LSH will not just be killing random Frey doofuses, but potentially Jaime and Brienne and the Hound too)
2) He has a major part to play in the Stark kids’ story or back with the Lannisters. Maybe Clegane Bowl or maybe not. (I think that if it happens, it won’t be for Cersei’s freedom. Too much has to happen for that.)
Valahd time
Hoyti Von Totiy,
Tbf it could be a case of the Valemen smashing the Bolton/Umbers/Karstarks in the field
But then if Ramsay retreats back to Winterfell, then the Wildlings sneaking into Winterfell under Jons leadership becomes strongly relevant etc
A nice way of spreading the Jon and Sansa glory I suspect…
Someone (Bringdownthewall?) said:
“I wouldn’t mind Sansa taking a dirt nap. Many fans like her, but I’m not one of them. I pity what she’s been through, but I don’t think she needs some huge redemption.”
Sansa’s always been my least favourite Stark, mainly because she opted for the Lannister party line and Joffrey, and unintentionally caused Lady to die and then Ned. Besides, I have contempt for passivity, which is what she displayed for 5 seasons. Littlefinger awakened her curiosity and Ramsay finally bullied her into a sense of self-worth and self-possession. My motto is “No more dead Starks”. That said, I wouldn’t mind losing her, but if we do, I want her to go out in a blaze of late-won glory. And however that happens (preferably killing Littlefinger), I don;t want her to be carrying Ramsay’s child. The very idea that she might have his little demon dwelling inside her makes me sick.
I never understand th complaints about Jon sitting out an episode. His character gets WAY more than enough screen time, IMO.
Yeah I don’t think they support Margaery though. They are going to destroy her title, she will also be mad at them. They will most likely jump on the Dany train. Remember Oberyn got killed avenging his sister who was married to Rhaegar, Dany’s brother. So that’s a natural ally IMO. In the end I don’t think it matters much. The Starks will win back the north and the south will be in utter chaos when Dany gets there. I don’t see what kind of organization under who’s leadership will be there to try and stop her, huge army and dragons.
I’m looking forward to this week’s episode even more than usual. Cersei choosing violence in King’s Landing, Jaime facing off against Brienne and the Blackfish, the Hound seeking vengeance against the Brotherhood, Tyrion attempting to keep Meereen from sliding into chaos, and Arya paying back the Waif in blood! After the release of the pictures, I’ve accepted that we’re unlikely to see the North this week, but hey, perhaps there will be a surprise scene or two. Regardless, I think it’s going to be fantastic.
Part of the reason I’m looking forward to the new episode so much is because I burned out on this week’s discussion pretty quickly. Normally, the high from the previous episode carries me to at least Wednesday before I even start thinking about next Sunday, and so many amazing things happened in “The Broken Man” that were worthy of celebration. We got the return of Sandor Clegane, the introduction of Lady Lyanna Mormont, Jaime and Bronn reforming the dream team, and the Queen of Thorns, just to name a few! But across most of the Internet (less so here, to give you all credit) it all seemed have been overshadowed by the Arya conspiracy theories, each one more elaborate than the last.
Theories are nothing new for fans of GoT/ASOIAF, of course, and they can be delightful in moderate doses. But it seems like almost every episode of Season 6 has spawned at least one theory that took off like wildfire and sucked most of the oxygen out of the air for a week. Episode 1 (and most of the offseason)? When and how Jon might be revived by someone other than Melisandre. Episode 2? Tyrion Targaryen. Episode 3? The Umbers are spearheading a grand conspiracy against the Boltons, complete with a fake direwolf head. Episode 4? The Pink Letter was written by someone other than Ramsay. Episode 5? Bran drove the Mad King mad and caused every other major event in the series through time travel. Episode 6? Dany is on her way to becoming the Mad Queen, and the “villain”. And of course, the ceaseless drumbeat of Cleganebowl (which I do not believe is happening this season, and definitely not in the context of Cersei’s trial by combat. Perhaps they’ll face one another later).
I don’t put much stock in any of those ideas, but at least I humored them as part of a healthy and lively debate. The Arya theories were different. I don’t if I found them less substantial than the aforementioned, or they were just the last straw. But I hit my breaking point. By Monday evening, I was done with them all – and this was before the photo surfaced with the Waif standing in front of a shadowy figure, who some people are now convinced is Syrio Forel (I think it’s a big stretch, and not one I’m keen on).
At this point, I just want to see what happens next and enjoy the story as it unfolds. We’ve only got three episodes of Game of Thrones left before the long offseason begins! I want to savor these characters and their interactions. I want to marvel at the writing and the direction and the production values. I want to savor the little moments of beauty, and find meaning in the deaths and losses that are sure to come. So as best I can for the next three weeks, I’m going to resist allowing the Internet to wrap me in its tinfoil-y embrace. Bring on Episode 8, and the simple, honest truth.
Oh, and blood! Lots of blood. The last two episodes were relatively light on death, and I enjoyed them very much. But I think we might see heads roll in every single storyline this week. Literally, in the case of those sparrows who run afoul of the Mountain’s wrath. 😉
I think that’s an incredibly overwrought idea that really wouldn’t fit with the show at all. Also the logistics of it don’t make sense at all. How would Ramsay and Sansa even interact during a battle sequence? She’d have to be damn close to “stab” him. I don’t think Ramsay needs a bittersweet ending – and besides, I don’t think he actually gives a damn about Sansa (for instance neither he nor anyone else had said anything like, “she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen” or any other indication of attraction for that matter), the only reason he’d be sad if she died is because his claim to the North would become even more precarious.
Also, Sansa isn’t pregnant. People are constantly repeating this ridiculous idea. If she was, it would have been mentioned in at least some fashion by now (we’re three episodes away from the end). To me, Sansa having Ramsay’s child is an incredibly contrived “tragic” plotline. Boring!
I think Sansa will become Queen in the North, and then next season…? Well, it’s not like we know what’s on the cards for any of the other characters really, so who knows?! I suspect she is involved in the great battle against the White Walkers though (if there even is one – it may be more like guerrilla warfare when the time comes).
Ooh, I like these posts!
1) I think he’d been willing to if he wasn’t under siege.
2) I think so.
3) I hope so. No more stops in the desert to speechify, please.
I think we will hear someone say, “not today” wonder who?
This is gonna be a big one! If rumours are correct, then episode 9 will be all in one location. Which means that most storylines only have 2 episodes left to wrap things up (episode 8 and 10).
Im predicting that we will get:
Full Arya & Waif fight – 5-10 min
Siege of Riverrun (or some of it), Brienne & Pod arriving – 15 minutes
Kings Landing Violence – 10 min
Mereen talks (and maybe some action) – 10 min
Daenerys check in (I mean, she reallly has been lacking episodes this year) – 5 min
The Hound? LSH? Something special? – rest of the time that is left
Gonna be spectacular!
1. Yes. Given a choice between withdrawing to help his niece and certain death for him and his men, I think he’ll choose to go north.
2. Yes, if Blackfish goes north.
3. Yes.
Well, judging from last year, episode 8’s are kinda the new 9’s…
I am also hoping that Sansa & Davos go on a recruiting mission after Davos finds out about Shireen. Sansa needs to learn some things about diplomacy if she is ever going to be Queen of the North. I have a feeling that one of the flayed persons in the trailers
I feel as if there is a lot of potential to really hurt us right now with surprising deaths. Possible for me:
– Lancel
– Blackfish
– Benjen
– Rickon
– Pod
– Tyrion
– Brienne
– Sandor
– Arya
I really do hope that won’t happen.
Sansa won’t be Queen of the North. When LF told her of his plans to make her wardeness of the North last season, it basically meant the opposite will happen. Jon will be legitimised and he’ll be KofN and Sansa will support this.
I honestly love that I don’t know what will come of Sansa next season, I like the idea of Sansa and Davos developing their relationship next season. Sansa’s had such abusive and opportunistic mentors it would be sweet to see her learning from Davos who may see a bit of Shireen in Sansa. I speak this into existence.
It’s clear Sansa’s role has always been the political and not the magical but I want her to be exposed to some of the more fantastical elements since she has the Stark blood running through her veins. Bran needs to reunite with Sansa asap.
King in the North,
Arya will survive this season. I flit between her being dead right at the end of the story, or her surviving because she’s Mr Martin’s wife’s favourite character ?.
Gahhhhhhhhhh where does the time go!!!!!
Jared, hope your boards went well! And that you are rested up. I can understand how by now, seeing new drama emerge can be draining.
Thanks for good wishes, but my boards are actually still a few weeks away! Class was cancelled today because the instructor unfortunately fell ill. As such, I had a few free hours, and I decided to check in here to see what everyone’s been up to! On weeks like this one, reading through a bunch of far-out theories can be draining, but being reminded of the enthusiasm of this fandom brings a smile to my face. It’s a nice respite from hitting the books. 🙂
No one important.
Actually it was the Arya theories that kept me going this week! Yeah there were some that were just way out there, but I love when people are really thinking about how something might work. Saw some really interesting ideas, as well as reminders of book scenes and converations. I do agree the Syrio thing was just, oh come on. Seems too often people all over the internet pick some little thing and it spreads like wildfire (heh). But it was still fun for me. Heck at least people weren’t scratching each other’s eyes out. Now, what pulled me out of the conversations wsa the constant Sansa and Jon thing along with the Iron Man pirate. Way too much bickering over this. Scrolled passed lots this week, but its all good.
Yes, this. I don’t need to study so I’ll probably still hang out, respond to what I like and ignore the rest, but like you look forward to what happens on the screen. Then come back to talk about it all over again 🙂
Cersei is probably trying to visit Myrcella & the militant Faith try to stop her. She’ll allow Lancel to run back to the High Sparrow to report what happened. She still needs Kevan. The next time we see Arya, weeks could have passed & her wounds healed enough to do parkour. The first shot will probably be where she’s been staying & with whom. I expect to see Fletcher at the Frey/Lannister get together.
GoT season 6 has focused on graphic hangings…. Queen Margaery Tyrell will be another one of the season 6 graphic hangings. This will cause Tommen to hang himself and Cersei freaks out… run for cover.
The High Sparrow will also capture and imprison Olenna Tyrell before she can escape King’s Landing.
I predict episode 8 will easily be the best season 6 episode for a full 7 days.
Not necessarily. Fetuses, especially in early pregnancy, are actually rather well-cushioned from shock by the amniotic fluid, uterine wall and abdominal muscles. The notion that women are likely to miscarry an otherwise-healthy, properly implanted pregnancy from falls, horseback riding etc. is pretty much an old wives’ tale.
Not if she has a date with No One.
Nope, it does me no good right now just to know he’s end game and will figure heavily in the seasons which are a whole year to 2 years away. I need him every week because the seasons are so short so yes I will continue to whine now and then if that doesn’t happen 🙂
In the trailer, it certainly doesn’t look like BF leaves with Brienne. The most obvious assumption is that Jaime storms the castle and BF and the Tully’s are all killed defending it, while BF tells Brienne to escape. Highly doubt BF is on the boat with Brienne, by the way she looks back at the castle.
While that’s the likely (and my least favorite) outcome, I do like to think that D&D will follow the books a little more but add their own twist. Have Edmure surrender the castle. BF tells Brienne to leave and that he and the army will meet her somewhere. Then BF and the Tully’s, having surrendered peacefully, march North.
Wishful thinking but one can hope.
Oops mistyped my handle there – should Ser NOT of course. Damn having to type it in every time I post!
Exactly, I took the Syrio thing as just a bit of fun and quite possibly D&D just having a bit of troll with the “Syrio Lives!” fan theory, as the composition of the pic seem too deliberate.
I’m still just hoping that D&D are going to pull off some believable outcome and nothing completely incredulous. Just wonder if what we saw was a flashforward and now we will have one of those narrated flashbacks from Arya talking to Jaqen to explain what we saw and how she pulled it off (not a trope D&D have used yet IIRC).
This would result in Jaqen possibly expelling her from Braavos on pain of death but otherwise free to live in peace with what she has learned. I’m pretty sure she will never have a new FM mission unlike some theories that have her given an assignment for a major character.
I like the idea of Fletcher at the Frey/Lannister celebration. That means we could get some long-awaited pie. Though I would love for that to happen, so it probably won’t.
One thing I’ll say, this season has been giving me a lot of things I’d been hoping for. Jon’s resurrection, Stark reunions, Benjen’s return, Margaery scheming, Arya reclaiming Needle, The Hound. It actually has me a little worried. I feel like a punch to the face is just around the corner.
Me too!! Doesn’t it always seem to go that way?!
Frey pie……could Ayra not call in at the Crossroads Inn and get Hotpie to bake some appropriate pies for her to take to The Twins?
Which reminds me, in the trailer the Freys and Lannister soldiers are feasting together. Why would the Lannister army bother going to the Twins after retaking RiverRun? It is much further north. Wouldn’t they just go back to Kings Landing?
Mods: was posting as Ser Not Appearing in this Series but they seem to get removed on posting after mistyping my handle once earlier?
WRT to the Syrio thing, I took it as a bit of fun and quite likely it was D&D having a bit of a troll with a popular fan theory, the composition just seemed too knowing and deliberate.
I wonder if “No-one” will give us a narrative flashback (a trope not yet use in GoT IIRC) as Ayra tells Jaqen what happened to explain it to the audience. I could see Jaqen telling Arya she must not return to Braavos on pain of death but is otherwise free to leave with what she has learned. I don’t think she will leave with an assignment to kill any of the major characters, only Dany would be unknown to her and there is no sign of the FM having a contract on her.
Just hope that we have a credible outcome, whatever happens, and that it isn’t something totally unbelievable,
Can’t post as Ser Not Appearing in this Series anymore 🙁
WRT to the Syrio thing, I took it as a bit of fun and quite likely it was D&D having a bit of a troll with a popular fan theory, the composition just seemed too knowing and deliberate.
I wonder if “No-one” will give us a narrative flashback (a trope not yet use in GoT IIRC) as Ayra tells Jaqen what happened to explain it to the audience. I could see Jaqen telling Arya she must not return to Braavos on pain of death but is otherwise free to leave with what she has learned. I don’t think she will leave with an assignment to kill any of the major characters, only Dany would be unknown to her and there is no sign of the FM having a contract on her.
Just hope that we have a credible outcome, whatever happens, and that it isn’t something totally unbelievable,
Miss Stark,
You can bet on it!
Many apologies for the multiple posts, they all came up several hours after I posted my first attempt at it!
I have thought all along that Arya was “no one” all along, and that the training she did with the waif wasn’t to train her but to test the waif. I could see this reveal being a major mind bender just as the Hodor revelation was. No way can D&D make this some silly dream sequence. It has to have some relevance to the story as nothing involved with Arya is just fluff.
For me, the reason I love this site is the camaraderie of fanatics sharing the same epic obsession, the insights gained from intelligent and uplifting posts such as your own, and the respectful debate of theories for what is happening and will happen in the story. As a Myers-Briggs ENTP, the debater, I am hopelessly in love with not only theorizing but with debating the merits of particular theories.
The “T” part of my personality usually keeps me away from the more tinfoil theories, but I couldn’t stop myself from wafting the Syrio flames this week. After all, that shadow does look like Syrio. And this season alone we have sixteen characters/actors come back from either being dead or from missing more than a season. Sixteen.
2. Isaac Hempstead Wright – Bran
3. Rory McCann – The Hound
4. Kristian Nairn – Hodor
5. Sibel Kekilli – Shae
6. Natalia Tena – Osha
7. Ellie Kendrick – Meera Reed
8. Art Parkinson – Rickon
9. Gemma Whelan – Yara Greyjoy
10. Paul Kaye – Thoros
11. Tobias Menzies – Edmure Tully
12. Clive Russell – Blackfish
13. Joseph Mawle – Benjen
14. Tim Plester – Black Walder
15. David Bradley – Walder Frey
16. Patrick Malahide – Balon Greyjoy
And yet it is still wild speculation, admittedly. I’m sorry. I’ll try to rein myself in. Limit the tinfoil. I’m not certain I’ll succeed.
Dee Stark,
Don’t think he will. In all likelihood brienne will strike a deal and the siege will end. So I’m guessing BF lives.
Does seem likely specially the way she says how she can still *feel in her body* it’s highly likely she’s pregnant. Or dying. Either way not big on Sansa. Of all stark kids . Sansa ‘STUPID’ Stark is the one and only Stark it wouldn’t hurt to let go of.
I still think it’s possible that Arya will die and her face will be taken and used by the FM in order to impersonate her in Westeros.
I would much rather see her be saved by a new friend or learn that she somehow faked her death. In that case, I imagine her running into Sandor in Gulltown as she arrives back in Westeros just as he’s trying to leave with the money he takes during his bandit killing spree.
I think my initial post came off as a bit generally harsh. I didn’t mean to discourage theorizing – that’s part of any healthy discussion! 🙂 Upon further reflection, I think I’ve nailed down why this week’s flurry of Arya speculation specifically rubbed me the wrong way. It’s not the act of theorizing – it’s the intent behind it.
Many of those theories I saw weren’t framed as eager speculation about what’s still to come – they were reactionary attempts to “fix” perceived holes in the scene. People seem to be very upset that Arya was wandering around Braavos in daylight, that she didn’t have Needle with her, that she allowed the Waif to get close enough to stab her. So they started creating theories that addressed those supposed inconsistencies, and gave Arya a more active plan.
The implication was that there simply must be something else going on, that it can’t be what it seems, because if it was, then “that’s not Arya” or “that’s bad writing”. Ergo, if Occam’s razor holds and the simplest theory turns out to be the correct one – that Arya was actually stabbed by the Waif, that she makes her way to Lady Crane and the acting troupe and receives aid from them, that she recovers, faces the Waif again, and beats her – that it will be a massive disappointment. To aggrandize things further, if there isn’t some long con in the works, then Arya’s entire time in Braavos was a waste.
I hate that mentality. I would rather see how the show resolves the cliffhanger it set up rather than rushing to judgment about the quality of the storyline (which I’ve quite enjoyed, even if others haven’t) or lamenting that the writers betrayed the character, because how dare a thirteen-year-old girl ever make a mistake. I’m not adverse to there being something more elaborate* going on – I just reject the idea that there has to be, or the storyline is bad. That way of thinking is too binary for my taste.
While I certainly wasn’t expecting Arya to get stabbed, I didn’t see it as a betrayal of her character or her training in any way. Viewers often have what I think are unrealistic expectations for characters – they expect them to be hypercompetent and entirely rational at all times, when that state is about as far from human nature as it’s possible to get. Is it so impossible to believe that a young girl (sometimes I think people forget just how young Arya still is), even one hardened by war and brutal training, would take a moment after securing passage home to stare at one of the great wonders of the world, let her guard down for a brief moment, and pay for it dearly? I don’t think it is.
I don’t need Arya to be perfect and unfailingly competent to enjoy her character and her story. I just need her to be Arya – the same fierce and spirited young woman that we’ve watched Maisie Williams bring to life for the past six seasons. So far, I’ve seen nothing to undercut that. If there’s some massive twist in the works, I’m ready for it. But I don’t need there to be.
*I actually find the theory that Arya and the Waif are the same person – that Arya is experiencing some kind of dissociative identity disorder as she struggles to become No One, and the Waif represents the part of herself that believes she is No One and is trying to kill what remains of Arya – to be quite intriguing. I don’t it’s going to happen, but it would be cool if it did, and the evidence I’ve seen cited in support of it got me thinking in a positive way. I certainly like it better than the theory that Jaqen is somehow impersonating Arya, or that Arya rigged blood bags under her shirt in the precise location where the Waif stabbed her.
My feelings exactly!!
Especially about characters being human and making mistakes, and not a terminator who chooses the most efficient solution every time.
God damn, Jared, it’s like you are reading my mind….and writing my thoughts better then I ever could! 🙂
Wow, a resolution without bells and whistles? How quaint! 🙂 I agree – I’d like that just fine, but yeah people would be disappointed. I think we have Dallas to thank for starting fans conjuring up great theories as to what will happen. But as Ginerva said
Its all about the fun of of fandom! (and btw I didn’t see your post as harsh. Thought you made a good point And I think we’ve all had those moments of ‘ok Im done here’ and in need of breaks.
also agree with you about Aryas age. As I posted elsewhere, current studies on brain development show that children are going to be children,no matter how mature they seem. Yes in the middle ages they were expected to be mini adults, but they aren’t. Thats why I don’t blame Sansa for anything that happened in season 1 or this season for that matter, or blame Robb for marrying for love, or Bran for wanting to climb. Arya was going to do just what she did. Shes what, 12 this season?
That being said, I still think there’s a twist somewhere 🙂
If you end the last scene with Arya sleeping with Needle and the next time she doesn’t have it when she probably knows it’s not safe, then it’s kind of bad writing, and I hate this :/
Arya is quite a bit older than 12 now. They basically have been going a year per season: whenever the show makes reference to prior seasons, it’s about stuff happening years ago. And, let’s face it: it would be absurd to have Maise Williams trying to pretend to be 12! (I am not sure how old she was supposed to be at the outset: but basically add at least 4 years to that.)
This is part of why the “teleported” jokes, etc., do not make sense. We routinely have episodes in which weeks elapse from beginning to end. Heck, in the very first episode, multiple months elapsed! Heck, even “baby” Sam is now pushing 2….
Arya is one of the primary characters in this series. It is her mind and brain that are important, not her face. Ultimately, her primary contributions to this year’s story and the overall story will be how that mind evolves.
There is something funky going on here, and it is going to relate to making/breaking alliances and sides. Arya has broken from the FM. That is one part. However, something more is happening. We’ve already seen for Daeny, Jon, Sansa and Tyrion that prior choices by themselves and others have made their current goals a lot more difficult, and also forced them to seek for alliances that they otherwise would not have done. This almost certainly is going to go the same direction, although I am not sure how. Is Arya going to win Jaquen over to her side? Is she using the theater troupe to trick her former allies into thinking that she is dead? Will she be healed by a Red Priest or Priestess and therefore have a debt to R’hllor?
Stay tuned….
Why is it bad writing? Is it not possible that wearing a sword openly would create problems, and that she has left it hidden for a reason? And what if she had the sword? It would not have saved her.
Because the last time we saw her, she was holding it so close she slept with it. I suppose you can make the argument that it could create problems too but I’d say if you have somebody coming to kill you, be as prepared as possible.
But it is very possible (and I suspect probable) that Arya was prepared.
Do you mean that there were something going on that we don’t yet know? If so then yeah that’s cool.
Yes. And if there is not: then do not confuse a foolish decision by a character with bad writing. Stories are about how characters evolve: and Arya is still evolving. It is very realistic for a person to let down his/her guard when he/she thinks that the finish line is in sight.
True, but my point is they are still kids; when people complain about making some kind of error, they need to recall the kids they know that age.
Ok I’ll give you that :).
All the Stark kids (and Dany) were aged up by 3 years in the show. that would make Jon and Robb 17, Sansa 14, Arya 12, Bran 10 and Rickon 7 (and Dany around 16-17) as of S01E01.
How much time has passed since? I don’t know. Either 6 years (a year/season), but I don’t find it convincing, or about 3-4 years at most (which is more likely). In this case Arya would be around 15-16 in the show. (and she is around 12 in the books)
Yeah I get that but I think it’s weird to have her appear all ready to face the situation and then next episode not a care in the world (atleast visibly). And also if that’s the case I wonder what’s the reason we have spent almost 2 seasons of Arya with the FM, like what has she learned that actually matters.
Yes it would just make it seem that Arya has returned to being the very same person she was in the very first episode of the first season. If that is what the writers intend, that is all the Braavos sojourn results in – a return to innocence, or even the character’s death – then so be it, but it’s not exactly rewarding or seems to fit into any end game, so can’t say I see reason or purpose in the whole Braavos diversion.
Anyway, not long now to find out the truth (all together now: “We can’t handle the truth!”)
I find it extremely hard to believe that Arya would behave that way unless there was some trick behind it. It would be out of character for her to waltz around without a care in the world staring off at statues in the distance as if the most dangerous assassins in the world weren’t after her. Yes, characters make mistakes and they aren’t perfect (nor do I want them to be), but that isn’t the point. Characters still behave certain ways. And that is not how we’ve seen Arya Stark behave.
Thanks, Jared. I didn’t think you were being harsh at all. You are certainly one of the most respectful posters on here.
In real life, of course a girl can be many things. Hyperattentive one moment and completely clueless the next. But whenever a fictional character deviates significantly from their established path without proper setup, it is almost always meant to be foreshadowing. Take Margaery’s behaviour, for instance, in “Blood of My Blood.” Marg was obviously playing her games because she acted differently than the story had clearly set her up to act. If Arya actually had a momentary separation from her good senses when strutting all over town and lollygagging on the bridge, especially after being hyper-vigilant with Needle in her hidey hole at the close of the previous episode, then I’ll accept that path as quite different from the sort of storytelling D&D and GRRM normally do but still plausible within the realms of reality, as you’ve said.
IMHO the main problem with Arya is he wounds. I can imagine her being caught off guard but the wounds she got would be a challenge even to modern surgery. Therefore, people speculate how these stabbings could be not lethal and I hope that that D & D will provide us some explanation.
She’s 16 in the television series.
I’m happier with her being given a healing potion, forgiveness and a one way ticket to Westeros anyway. The thought of the FM killing her and then assuming her identity to return to Westeros and further their own agenda is just the type of gut punch this series has made me so paranoid about.
We don’t know what role the FM will play in the greater war, but judging from the books they are clearly planning many moves ahead.
The storyline given by HBO for that episode was Arya has a plan. We saw part of that plan at the very end. We saw the middle part last Sunday We see the finale tomorrow. She has learned, a great deal, and not just from the FM For the last 6 seasons she has been learning how to survive. Its all going to come in to play. Stay tuned, as they say (and its at this point that Jared goes screaming into the night 🙂
Nah, I’m fine. 😉 Talking it out with you all has been beneficial. I don’t think there needs to be a twist for the storyline to play out in a satisfying way, but if there is, I’m curious to see what form it will take!
Oh, very true! And we need to remember that this story (like most others) is fundamentally about human nature. And to that end, the story demands that they be imperfect.
Whatever way they choose to end it, my hope is that it will be wonderful. Arya is tied with Tyrion as my favorite character, and I’ve always craved a cool FM payoff. Perhaps I dream too big, but they really did hype the Hall of Faces in the pre-season: the “face” of Season 6 is the official poster of the Hall of Faces; one of the promo trailers is of the Hall of Faces; we had a promo game of inserting our own faces into the Hall of Faces; and there was a large Twitter campaign using the Hall of Faces. Tomorrow, we may be seeing the Hall for what may be the last time, in an episode named “No One.” Volastolat morghulis. All stories must die.
That is the sort of thing that could happen to a prominent secondary character. But this is the same thing as when people were suggesting that Jon Snow could be dead and that someone else could take over his “place in the story.” Arya’s and Jon’s places in the story are to go from Thrones Arya or Jon to Spring Arya or Jon.
What I do wonder is exactly what happened here. Did Arya let her guard down with the finish line in sight? That could happen. But how did she survive that stabbing? OK, she clearly was injured: but nowhere near as badly as she should have been. Something funny happened here, and I suspect that there will be a collective slapping of foreheads when we see what she did.
Well, we all can use two assholes.
My Theory is that Jacquen is Lady Crane.
…or at least, that Lady Crane is a faceless man. She said “…just like you.” when she told Arya her life story of coming from a village and having no money. Yet she’s titled “Lady”. Aren’t only high-born women called lady?
She also suddenly came out with “What’s your name?” Which sounded just like the way Jacquen asks the question. Arya perked right up and replied, “Mercy.” Then strangely, she asks Arya if she likes pretending to be other people. That last question is puzzling…except if Lady Crane is Jacquen.
I think I’ll pass on that…
Syrio was so simply brilliant, how can they resist bringing him back!
However; I don’t know if they are up to the task of putting words into his mouth. The writers no long have George’s writing to bootstrap the writing process.
Not until he finishes ASoIaF, however many volumes it takes.
Also they need all the sword fighters, warriers, generals, smiths they can muster to oppose the WWs. If they can bring back Sandor, they can bring back Syrio.
One of Sansa’s functions has been to show what happens to someone who wallows in unrealistic fantasies about what real life is like. She is not completely passive; she just does things that work against her while she is trying to get what she wants, such as lying about Joffrey and the wolf, and snitching on Ned’s plan to get her to safety. In essence,she wants the wrong things. Then she finds she must lie to survive about how she loves Joffrey with all her heart and so on.
Sansa’s behavior is in such a contrast to Arya’s engagement with reality, that I think Sansa is there to show us how focusing on seemingly correct behavior does not get us positive results, lady’s armor or not.
heh heh… and there’s that too.
Onion Knight,
How about she learns some plain old humankindness? Ten year old Lyanna Mormont told Sansa that her mother died fighting for Robb. Sansa didn’t even flinch. Here is a little girl who has lost her mother, not unlike Sansa, and Sansa offers no sympathy, no condolences. She knows nothing of the North and the pain it’s been through. If she wants to be queen, I think knowledge and empathy for the North must be prerequisite.
..same thing with Glover and his loss.
Dee Stark,
Ramsay should be done in by Ghost. Perfect show ending for him having used dogs to kill people multiple times.
This. You just made me realize what’s been bothering me for the last few episodes. It seems to have come down to only ‘what’s in it for me, screw the others’. Which is not unnatural, and there are a plethora of selfish characters in GoT, but there is no empathy, there is nothing. Look at how Jon’s face softens when he talks to Lyanna, how he closes his eyes when Sansa calls out Glover. She is empty, and it’s potentially dangerous even if not intentional. There was very true emotion towards Theon early in the season, a little to Brienne, some for Jon. She’s being reckless even in her disregard for Davos, her words about Stannis, her negotiating tactics. It’s worrying. Let’s hope that “House Stark is dead” doesn’t ring true.
Somehow, I don’t think that the climax to this series is going to be about raising mankind against the White Walkers! After all, mankind is the “evil” that the White Walkers were created to destroy. There is going to be a more profound solution to this, and the evolutions of Jon, Daeny, Tyrion, Bran, Arya and, yes, Sansa all are going to be important. Indeed, who are the closest parallels to the Walkers in the tale? The Unsullied. What else did the Children create to deal with their first mistake? The fate of the first Promised Prince almost certainly is connected to that.
heh, which one? And which ones should he break to fulfill that one? Jaime is in a bit of a Gödelian paradox right now.
Hmmm, I don’t know that Sansa wants to be a queen. Her goal right now is to restore her little brother to being Lord Stark, it seems.
However, Sansa is having her final delusions burned away. Sansa had thought that Northerners were loyal to House Stark simply because they were supposed to be. She did not understand that loyalty not only must be earned, but that it cannot be taken for granted: it has to be re-earned again and again and again. The actions of Robb, Jon and Catelyn have cost House Stark a lot of credibility and a lot of loyalty. And the Boltons, for all their perfidy, also have taken steps to uphold their duties by helping houses like the Glovers.
What should come out of this is a Sansa who learns two things. One, you choose allies based on expediency and debt, not on ideals. LF owes her big time. Two, once you have allies, then it’s not the purpose of their lives to support you or your family: even if they are your liegemen, then you have debts to them that you must honor.
I’ve actually had fun with all the theories as well, and this one is my favorite – the idea that the waif, or some version of the waif is the ‘no one’ aspect of Arya mind, trying to kill Arya and thus her becoming no one in her physical reality. It is a fight between Arya’s consciousness – is she Arya or will Arya ‘die’ and truly become no one, but it all happens in her head. If she maintains identity as Arya, she fails her test, as she was unable to left go of her past and become no one.
After Arya’s killing for Trant and the puzzling Jaquen death and face changing where she also sees herself before she is blinded – I think this is a clue to us that there is more going on, because clearly Arya is staring at a copy of herself on another person. I think this is where Ayra’s conscious self truly begins fighting, can she be no one.
If also would explain the puzzling attitude of the Waif. She is supposed to be ‘no one’ and not feel jealously, or envy, or hatred, or anything really – but yet she does, and often and it goes against what we are told to believe the FM are about. Detachment from self-serving desires, they live to serve. But if the Waif represents the part of Arya that hates herself… If we view all the Waif actions as Arya fighting with herself, the Waif always knows she is lying and is a step ahead. The Waif also know how best to get under Arya’s skin… calling her Lady Arya. The WAif knowing about Arya’s list. Arya’s desire to forget and become ‘no one’ is strong, thus Arya keeps losing to the Waif, but as she keeps struggling and fighting back shows her desire not to give up her true self.
This would also explain the scene where Arya is walking through the streets bleeding out… all the people have a strange reaction to her – one that does not seem to fit with the situation – but if it is all in Arya’s head, then she isn’t really injured at all, and all that the people see is a soaking wet girl acting really weird… would also explain how she can jump and run around in the next episode 🙂
Will be interesting to see how close some of these various speculations will play out – but if this was the solution, I wouldn’t mind.
Posted at the tail-end of another thread, and not discussed:
June 9, 2016 at 12:34 am
Arya’s Contingency Plan?
This girl is SMART! Better than any of the Stark kids, she takes care of *herself.* Always ambivalent about becoming a FM, she has been working on Plan B all along, starting with hiding Needle–just in case…
By now, she has furnished a hideout somewhere in Bravos. During the past few years, she has stashed there: candles and a makeshift table, clothes for diverse purposes, magic water and other potions, cash (begged, stolen, found) and maybe a spare face.
Jaqen issues an ultimatum (under penalty of Death?). She’s conflicted about it, and she’s in deep doo-doo. After poisoning the rum, she embraces Plan B, saves and warns Lady Crane. Waif and the rival actress exchange meaningful glances. After she retrieves Needle, we next see her in her cozy hideout.
I really *like* the theory that Jaqen may be impersonating her to test/punish Waif, and I read somewhere that Maisie Williams was directed on walking a certain way. Even so, this scenario might work as well:
Arya’s best bet is to fake her death and get outta town ASAP. She books a cabin on a ship leaving for Westeros tomorrow. As she leaves this meeting, she takes back her money. So in case she misses this chance, she can afford another.
She relaxes for a moment to behold the Titan Gateway to Home. Suddenly (intentionally?), she is ambushed by Waif–we glimpse W’s “real” face during the attack. W sees lots of A’s blood in the water, figures she is dead and exits.
This was a real fight with real blood, and Arya is in mortal danger. “What do we say to Death?” (Syrio Forel) “Not today!” She staggers back to her hideout, where she can cure herself overnight and board that ship tomorrow.
The next morning, she is (almost?) healed. She changes into pants and a blue shirt for her trip. For some reason, she must go to the “upstairs” level (not necessarily to the HB&W–I hope she’s too smart for that!). The Waif spots her, so she jumps “downstairs” to escape.
In the process, her wound starts to bleed again. She grips it with her left hand and heads to her hideout for medication, leaving a blood smear to lure W into a *dark* trap. Thanks to blindness training, Arya zaps her with Needle.
Bye-bye, Bravos!
P.S. Since Arya is left-handed, Williams was taught to use a sword with her left hand (I read this somewhere). For other purposes, she uses her genetic right hand. For example, when she stole Tywin’s message at Harrenhal:
I see your point, but I think the real purpose of the scenes was to show that Sansa has lost touch with the North, or even that her connection/understanding to the North was never very strong. Sansa is that cliche girl who dreams of leaving her proverbial small town for the glamour of the big city. Sansa never seems to have really taken to the northern ways, she was always putting on lady-like airs, preferred the new gods to the old ones, studied all houses of the south – ie preparing herself to leave WF behind.
Perhaps your interpretation is also true, she is thinking only of her needs, but I think they are also showcasing her using southern style politics (false compliments, flowerly words, etc.) – an approach that Cersei, Margery or Littlefinger would have used. That is not the simple and straight talking ways of the north. She failed to understand / remember that.
Totally agree! I will miss the HOBW and the FM when this is all over
Yes. Now lets hope she lives long enough to take action on those learned lessons! You mentioned above that this show is about human nature and making mistakes. I’d add to that the ability to learn from them.
Interesting idea I like it; certainly a lot of this show deals with characters dealing with their own conflicting selves. The only think I don’t like about it is the ‘all in her head’ meme is almost as bad as ‘she woke up and realize she was dreaming’ meme 🙂
btw what is the dif between a meme and a trope?
As is the faking your death trope 🙂
trope – a common or overused theme or device
meme – a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc. that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.
Makes sense as I don’t think I heard meme used before social media existed, but for reason was pairing the two and couldn’t decide which to use. So I should have written trope both times in the above post. Thanks that was a big help !
I do agree, Pigeon, that she’s empty. She never developed an identity apart from the one her family name gives her, it seems. I wonder what Sansa’s response would be if Jacquen asked her “Who are you?” What does Sansa believe in? What matters to her?
I don’t think she’d have a solid answer…and that is dangerous, as you say, because an “empty” person will go wherever the wind blows.
I like the idea that someone put forth – not in these exact words – that the House of Black and White, and everything that occurs around it, is really the interior of Arya’s psyche.
I question what’s real magic in this show, and what’s trickery. How can Jacquen be in two places at once? How can he fit a severed face over his own so that it looks realistic? How can he grow breasts? As far as I know, there isn’t a “Hall of Breasts” These kinds of things, in our experience, happen only in the dream landscape.
So, I like that explanation. It would be very cool, and very sophisticated if that’s what the writers are doing.