The major additions for Game of Thrones season five were unveiled Friday at San Diego Comic Con, leaving some to wonder if that was it for new roles this year. But of course, there are several small parts in every season of the show, and fresh info has to come to us at WatchersOnTheWall.com, filling us in on more of what we can expect to see next year.
According to our sources, several roles are being cast currently, including an unnamed character that matches the description of someone familiar to readers of A Feast for Crows.
The information below contains light spoilers!
The show is seeking an actor to play a thirtysomething Dornish man described as confident, fierce and charismatic and most notably, skilled with riding horses. They’ll have fight scenes that take place entirely on horseback. The character interacts with the main cast in an important sequence, and is considered someone you wouldn’t want to tangle with.
Based on the details provided, it sounds like this is an equivalent to the book character Ser Gerold Dayne, aka Darkstar. The actor is only needed for a week’s worth of filming, suggesting that the character’s part is considerably reduced compared to the book counterpart.
Update 7/27, 10:25: I’ve just heard back from another source who is confirming that the Dornish horse rider, despite the resemblance to Darkstar, is just a minor character and not meant to be him.
Three more characters give hints as to what Daenerys Targaryen and the denizens of Meereen will be encountering in season five. The show is casting for a young man to play a captured vigilante, referred to as a “Son.” It looks like the Sons of the Harpy storyline will be heating up next year.
We’ll also be seeing a young Unsullied fighter who likes to spend time at Meereenese brothels, enjoying the affections of the women in his own way. The character is unnamed, but from the description is a clear equivalent to the character of Stalwart Shield, from A Dance with Dragons. Along with the Unsullied man, the show is searching for a woman to play the part of the brothel worker comforting him.
We’ll be seeing a ship’s captain in two episodes next season, working with a main cast member. The role is quite small but the captain is carrying an important passenger.
Intriguingly, WatchersOnTheWall sources also tell us that Brienne will encounter an elderly serving woman who becomes her ally in dangerous territory. The character will appear in a few episodes, though the role is small.
The last role our sources came across was particularly interesting in how specific it was, and yet still unnamed. Game of Thrones is searching for a man in his fifties, required to be thin and having a long, thin face, to play a character with financial cunning and steeliness. The character has several scenes over two episodes.
Sue the Fury: There’s a lot to speculate on here. The Brienne business is curious. It sounds like the show is inventing something for her to do, which is not that surprising given the way she’s running out of chapters from AFFC already. As for the Thin Man, I was wondering if he was another Iron Banker or possibly the ship-insurance salesman that Arya encounters in A Dance with Dragons. Or something else entirely. As for Darkstar…I think a limited Darkstar is probably a very good thing. Because Dorne is very sunny, and he is of the night, okay?
*Note: The spoiler button on the toolbar is not functional at the moment. Spoiler coding should be entered manually for the time being. Instructions are in the FAQ. Sorry for the inconvenience!*
Awesome scoop!
Thank goodness all those theories about
He’s my favorite character in the Mereen arch!
On a side note, Stalwart Shield is
I love small roles are being included!
Curious about the woman meeting Brienne.
Fantastic job WotW! 😀
Glad that
doesnt seem to get cut !
Have the cast anyone for Arya’s story next season? Im sure i remember the Waif being announced but she wasnt in the comic con video so they might not have found anyone yet
ooooh. Nice tidbits.
I actually am not sure that boat trip is for
. It just mentioned ‘an important passenger,’ not a few. I figured it was either Tyrion making the trip, or
Great news, great sources and.. great spoiler tags! 😀
We’ll be seeing a ship’s captain in two episodes next season, playing against a main cast member. The role is quite small but the captain is carrying an important passenger.
Hurrah for more casting news! Although a Darkstar clone isn’t what I was hoping for, this is a great scoop.
Glad that GreyWorm will not be the show’s Stalwart Shield. I may be the only one but I like his relationship with Missandei.
The elderly woman ally for Brienne is curious. Her journey in AFFC was a bit tedious at times but I liked her chapters with Septon Meribald and Elder Brother. If the show needs something for her to do, why not include those characters?
I also thought Iron Banker for the thin man with “financial cunning.” Maybe he appears in KL to remind Cersei of what is owed.
Yeah, it actually can be for Tyrion and
I agree.
This probably means that Griff is cut, probably along Young Griff. This is a huge deal.
I don’t like it at all.
Hey look, something else pointing toward LS being cut. What a shame.
Still no news for the Greyjoy uncles as well…
This is the first time i’m disappointed by a casting season. I didn’t find the Sand snakes interesting in the books, so I didn’t care for them being cast. Looks like D&D chose to focus on Dorne and had to sacrifice too much for that.
I’d rather have one or two Sand Snakes, two or three scenes with Doran throughout the season and that’s it. Leave room for LSH, Jaime negociating in Riverrun (the Jaime/Blackfish dialogue is pure gold if I remember well, it would be so dumb to cut it), the Griffs, the Kingsmoot, etc… I know they said they want to end in 7 seasons, but please, make room for the good, important stuff and show it.
edit : I tried to spoiler tag some things, but it doesn’t seem to work 🙁 sry
Great stuff! Lots to consider. I know that most people hate the character, but I am stoked to see a
Good. D&D read my twitter rant. NO DARKSTAR NO WATCHING.
The implication in the source’s info is that the passenger IS the main cast member though it’s not spelled out. I somehow don’t think it’s a new character.
Nice, you’ve got the first exclusive inside information on the new side.
The new Lord Commander takes out a lone with the Iron Bank. I imagine that is the role the man is up for.
Edit: I see others think the same way. Reading spoilers on a mobile is set up yet.
These are all very intersting, looking forward to see what comes from the roles. Awesome to see that you are still getting the scoops!
Also, I don’t know if it has already been mentioned but I’ve had no success when trying to few spoilers on my iPad.
Sue the Fury,
But what captain has a problem with his passenger besides Tyrion and JonCon?
edit: are the spoiler codes not working?
I’ve watched them slowly turn Season 5 into Game of Dornes hoping, hoping, hoping they’d somehow not take the final step and cast that silly little waste of words- Darkstar- and now here we are.
D&D are basically making the same mistake Martin made- Oberyn was sexy and interesting, so let’s throw in a bunch of Oberyn juniors (Sand Snakes and Darkstar) and see what sticks.
All the sexy Dornishness in the world is not going to keep most casual viewers – if- YOU DON’T HAVE AN ACTUAL TYRION PLOT. Getting really nervous about what seems to be a lack of Tyrion plotline casting .
I still can’t see spoilers when I tap on them :(. The passenger riding with the captain is either Tyrion or Jaime. We know Tyrion is on a boat. We know Jaime is going to
. The thin faced man is probably Reznak Mo Reznak or someone involving Dany’s storyline. Also, fucking Darkstar -_-. I really hope Bronn or Hotah kills this tool
My first thought was that the captain is probably the one on who’s ship Tyrion and Varys are on. If that’s the case it says nothing of the Rhoyne voyage, or Griff and fAegon.
Then again your sources don’t say two important passagers (Tyrion and Varys are both important IMO), so it could be Rhoyne and both Griffs cut.
Dorkstar says that and I’m going to squee! That line is so bad, I’ve become attached to it lol
Very curious about Brienne! My speculation on her joining the Vale team is looking good so far. Serving woman in Sansa and LF staff (?) Maybe.
EDIT: Spoiler code is not working. I’ve checked my post twice to make sure I’ve got them. I see other people have posted the same issue. Just confirming.
Il admit it, Im actually pretty happy that Darkstar has made the cut in some form. Was fully expecting this part to get the chop. Dorne is looking very busy for next season.
I didn’t say anything about there being a problem with his passenger? Hmm, maybe I should change the wording if there’s some confusion there.
Interesting news! Thanks as always for breaking the news, Sue!
Look, I think that Darkstar in the novels is a complete cartoon, an utter joke of a character. His signature line – “Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night” – caused me to laugh out loud when I read it … and not in a good way. That being said, he does have one very important role to play, so if they’re focusing on that role and cutting pretty much everything else, then he could work. Maybe after he attempts to assassinate Myrcella, then another character (Hotah? Jaime? One of the Sand Snakes?) will actually kill him, thus dispensing with the need for Obara and Hotah to hunt him down. With Arianne likely gone, his past romantic entanglements are likely to be played down as well, unless they give that backstory to one of the Sand Snakes.
I’m glad to see that Stalwart Shield (or his equivalent) made the cut. The show has done a good job of humanizing the Unsullied, but so far Grey Worm has been the only recognizable face among their ranks. It sounds like Stalwart Shield’s attempts to figure out how love is possible even with his mutilation will complement Grey Worm and Missandei’s burgeoning romance nicely. His casting also decreases the likelihood that Grey Worm or Missandei will fall victim to the poison that was intended for Daenerys, which had been causing me some concern since I like both of those characters a great deal.
There are multiple possibilities for the ship’s captain and who he could be ferrying. He could be bringing Tyrion and Varys to Pentos, although that would likely be a one episode arc at most. He could be smuggling Jaime into Dorne. He could be ferrying Tyrion and Aegon down the river, or he could be taking Sam, Gilly, and Aemon to or from Braavos.
The elderly woman who Brienne interacts with does sound like she could be an original character, unless they’re going to give her elements of a character like the Elder Brother or Septon Meribald. I’m very curious to see what happens with her story.
Finally, I can think of two possibilities for the thin man with “financial cunning and steeliness”. The first would be another representative of the Iron Bank, possibly the one who travels to King’s Landing to negotiate with Cersei (Noho Dimittis), although I wonder if the show might use Mark Gatiss’s Tycho Nestoris for that role. The other possibility is the Braavosi insurance salesman who winds up being Arya’s first assignment as a faceless assassin. I’m eager to find out!
EDIT: Unfortunately, the spoiler tags don’t seem to be working for me at the moment. I’ve made multiple attempts. Are they showing up on others’ screens? If not, I would appreciate it if Sue or another administrator could obscure the parts of my post that discuss specific plot points.
I’m waiting for the Mad Mouse to be cast.
Which code did you use? When I edited your post, I didn’t see any brackets lying around in there inactive. Hmm. Some who had issues had accidentally left out slashes, etc. No big, it was easy to edit.
Anyway, we will be switching over the spoiler code pretty soon and it will be a lot easier then. It would be helpful if people could be specific about what platform or type of smartphone they were using when they have issues, just so we have that data. And thank you everyone, for your patience! This post warns of light spoilers in the heading so I’m not too worried about spoiler coding in the comments on this one, to be honest. The discussion is obviously about a spoilerish topic. The spoiler coding thing though is our top priority right now.
Awesome that the new site is up and running. I was really getting tired of ferrying through the load of crap on fansided/WiC.net to get to the actual content. Like the way spoilers are handled on this new site 🙂 EDIT: the edit option here is a big improvement on the one from crapsided 😀
Great that they’ll cast Darkstar, never really got the hate, he’s cheesy as hell sure but not incompetent like many readers seemed to think. The old geezer they’ll cast will probably be an equivalent to the insurer in my opinion. Not looking forward to the crap they’ll serve us in Brienne’s storyline next year.
Now, just a quick test of some of the functions (nothing interesting here)
EDIT: it appears Spoilers don’t work on my device as well. I’m using a normal laptop, so that’s odd. Just confirming the troubles.
test test test
I once knew a man from Nantucket
What does code do?
ding dong
Great! This is why I followed you to WatW 🙂
Sue the Fury,
Android HTC One. I used this code (I’m making a mistake with a dot after the word spoiler, so you’ll see it). Hopefully. They disappeared completely even when I went in to EDIT the comment again.
I’m trying again. With quotes this time.
Sue the Fury,
My issue is on ipad2 and iphone5. I have to copy the whole text and paste it in the reply box in order to read the spoiler.
No rush, just letting you know. 🙂
Sue the Fury,
Thanks for clarification. It was the “playing against” that maid me think “disagreeing.” I didn’t realize how much I wanted news about certain people in the story being cast until I thought there was news about them being in!
I think the problem now is that you and I both just went in and tried to edit your post. 🙂
Let me fix it for now.
I think the interesting thing is the implication that there is still quite a few stuff left to cast. A bit surprising though.
The way the post is worded for the captain who has an important passenger who is a main character, I’d say that the most likely suspect (by far) is whoever smuggles Jaime into Dorne. The second choice is whoever is taking Tyrion to Pentos but I don’t think we’d need to see him in 2 episodes for that storyline since I would imagine Tyrion and Varys show up in Pentos very early on (like E1).
Any other speculation on that casting is pretty far off-base IMO.
Couple weird hopes:
1. I think Tyrion and Varys should stop in Dorne for 2 episodes before going east. Tyrion and Varys can break the fourth wall and introduce all these new assholes to us in a way that nobody else can. If you are going to introduce 5000 new Dorne characters- at least give us a couple narratives we trust to tell us who they really are.
2. Brienne’s old lady is probably churchy, right? But it would be kind of cool if the old lady was actually one of the Children. Brienne could become a proxy paladin to Tree Bran- and that could either be cool or suck.
3. I miss Gendry! Throw him into Sansa’s plotline to give the shippers something to talk about, but then have Sansa pick Littlefinger because she knows she needs to learn from him.
Hey you! Lol nice to see you’ve found the site you bookfan 🙂
One major thing that I oddly can’t find on here… What’s the WotW’s stance on Indigo? Has FaB gone soft? Or will the crusade continue from here?
I’ve just heard back from another source who is confirming that the Dornish horse rider, despite the resemblance to Darkstar, is just a minor character and not meant to be him.
I’ve added this info to the post above.
The character may seem like Darkstar…but it won’t be him. So that’s good. Because some people really should stay in the books.
As far as the ship’s captain, I think his passenger is Tyrion and it is on the journey to Pentos. Now that Varys is traveling with him, I can see why we may spend more time on this part of his journey. Any word on whether Roger Allam will be back as Illyrio?
EDIT: Also having trouble with spoiler tags, I think. What should it look like in the “preview” after we have added them?
You won’t see the blur out for spoilers in previews. Which is one big reason why I don’t like them, and want to switch back to the black bars.
I’ve been checking around on Roger Allam but haven’t found anything yet.
The entire Dorne storyline should stay in the books, tbh. The levels of pointlessness there reach 9000 and beyond.
I trust D&D enough to hope that they’ll do something interesting with it and that it’ll become relevant to something.
Nice. So they really are going through with it. Will they go all the way
I’ve always considered that a possibility. In any case, this leads me to believe that the whole Queenmajer plot will be resolved within one episode and that this Darkstar will be in two scenes (meeting the plotters and then the fight scene). So it’s looking like a mid-season episode (I’d say 4 or 5). Also, I am now 100% sure that Darkstar is actually Doran’s man.
Stalwart Shield is nice- I was actually beginning to think that they’ll give his role to Gray Worm given his relationship with Missandei. This makes me think that
I have no idea what they’re doing with Brienne.
Ser Pounce FTW,
Those two are going to be kept secret as long as they can. Similar to Ramsay Snow in season 3. Fury scooped that one from a photograph.
I knew you would all miss me if I didn’t drop by eventually :p I’m seriously glad to be reunited with all you fine people, crapsided just didn’t feel like home anymore. So happy that I stumbled over this site by accident 🙂
Those news are the main reason to follow your (new) side instead of WiC (which has become … stupid … since the fanside took over).
You are at this very moment still the only one reporting that info! 🙂
Two other questions for the administrators:
1) In the post I quoted beneath, the sections under spoilertags disappeared.
2) Is there a list of which emoticons actually work on here? That’s something new and I really like it 🙂
:'( so glad that there are other people who see this. Sometimes I feel like a madman shouting into the dessert when I claim this. People always bring in Varys or LF, instead of looking at the obvious, like those two are the only ones who can work through proxies/henchmen.
Just a quick check, do you believe that after certain events Darkstar is still Doran’s man or do you believe, like me, that he has actually gone rogue?
Ok – I’m a slow Hodor … How do I uncover the spoilers?
I hope you’re right!
Patchy Face,
It should work when you click or tap on them.
Great job! I love this site! Who could the captain be carrying?
Brienne’s story really needs changing, her AFFC chapters are not really interesting. Can’t wait to see what they will do with the character!
They should appear when you click on them. I know some people have had some issues with that, particularly on mobile/ipad.
My hunch:
Aegon and his bunch are in, and Arianne is already with them when we’ll see them. That’s my hunch. There’ll be talk of Doran’s daughter and Trystane’s sister all over the season until we finally see her with Aegon.
hey WotW, amazing job <3
you guys ARE the best.
But what would she be doing with them? All the news is pointing to the fact that the Arianne ship has sailed, not that she’s on another ship 🙂
Can I ask what all the hate is about for Darkstar? Is it just the overbearing cheeziness of that one line? Just curious. I don’t have a feeling either way – but I’m curious. Everyone rags on that line. (Ok, the way you said it in the post, it’s pretty damned funny.)
I LOVE Septon Meribald and Elder Brother, and would love to see the former, particularly his “but there was a war…I can tell you that much” soliloquy. It’s beautiful, one of the best passages in AFFC….
(PS -Sue, et al, the site looks great. So glad to have you back, so glad to have some scoops back too, so great work!)
Ser Pounce FTW,
I’m not worried. That storyline helped me unravel the mystery of Varys. If he is simply going to help Dany then the mystery of his background is pointless. A man wanting to raise the daughter of his former king is pretty cut and dry.
Grey worm will live!!! Hopefully the whole Stalwart Shield thing will lead to a montage of Dany making the Stalwart Shields out of the slaves and Barristan training his slave knights to angry music
Casting for Brienne is curious… I’d assumed she’d just be in like two episodes like Asha or they’d kill her off this season, but maybe she survives Stoneheart in the books and we’re transitioning to what she does after it with hints of AFFC material
The captain won’t be for Jaime… they’ve never made their original journeys have any characters on them, they’re usually off screen. It could be Griff fingers crossed.
I want Northern casting! Manderly! The Mountain Clans! Barbrey Dustin! I want them all!
The option top of the comment section to unveil all spoilers should definitly be added, it was a very useful one !
I think Darkstar became the symbol of what a lot of people didn’t like about Feast for Crows.
He has a corny super hero name, a cheesy line and looks like some emo twilight fan fic character. Then he tries to do something terrible and even manages to fail at that.
Darkstar just felt force fed on me as a reader- “this dude is brooding and sexy and you are really going to think he’s edgy and cool because I’m telling you he’s cool, Okay?” – You have to earn my thinking you are cool!
Yeah that line is pretty bad, it mocks itself. And he’s one of those characters that is supposed to be a badass like Oberyn or Jaqen, but he’s not that interesting. And he doesn’t have a sense of humor. I don’t know. He’s a little emo. I mostly poke at him for fun of it.
Mh… the spoiler tags didn’t work for me either… – Ok, got it.
Yeah that’ll come back. We had to take it down when working on the spoiler situation, but I love that feature too so we’ll get it back for sure.
Brienne’s AFFC storyline specially with
is the most enjoyable to read in AFFC imo. It reminded me of LOTR in a way. I am sure though that it will get cut in the show because it will be expensive to adapt it onscreen. I guess we have to do with the old lady.
I apologize if my spoiler tags don’t work.
sloanzilla: I miss Gendry! Throw him into Sansa’s plotline to give the shippers something to talk about, but then have Sansa pick Littlefinger because she knows she needs to learn from him.
Spoilers are tricky at the moment. I use the spoiler button. Then switch the with [ ] . Finally make sure a space is between the bracket and the word. “]word” will not work,
“] word” does. Same for the closing tag.
Hope that helps.
Sue the Fury,
But it’s still possible he’ll be assuming Darkstar’s role, no?
I’m still very curios about LS and Brienne. Sigh. Do we really have to wait until next season to find out if she’s in or out?!!!
Thanks, as I edited, I figured it out by my self. I just clicked “spoiler” and that creates the wrong code. I forgot about that.
Just a reminder too that the toolbar spoiler button is not working. We should probably disable that toolbar until we fix everything, it’s just confusing. Or maybe people are using it anyway? Hmm.
Instructions on how to do spoiler coding are in the FAQ as well. This is a temporary situation. (And like I said, this is a really a topic about light spoilers anyway, so using the codes isn’t much required in this thread.)
But we should be using the brackets like this [ ]
and not the code with these < spoiler > spoilers comments < / spoiler >
Oz has been working on the coding and should have it fixed pretty soon.
Personally I think he is, though my source wasn’t able to give me any more specifics than what I posted.
I’m wondering if he’ll take on a bit of Arys Oakheart’s role and
Always been, always will be. Doran wanted
Am I the only one thinking that important passenger is Arya? Sue, is it specified that the captain is a new character? Perhaps the actor who appeared in The Children isn’t available and they’ve cast someone else?
Awesome scoop, btw! This is definitely the place to be. So happy to have this site up and running!
Yeah so they cast all the Dornish characters except Arianne and Quentyn, so the POVs :)). Yeah, let’s cast simple not complex characters like the Sand Snakes and give them all of Arianne’s attributes.
I thought Doran’s character defining trait was that he didn’t want children to get hurt? Myrcella even played in the water gardens, not to mention hurting Myrcella would anger the Lannisters now, which 1) would be a war he couldn’t win and a war he knows he couldn’t win and 2) would ruin his err… future plans
Fury, by any chance, wouldnt you know if there are any casting planned for the Northern storyline and if they have happened as of now or not yet ?
(Man’s gotta take any chance to know if Wyman, fArya and Val are in it this year ! ^^)
Sue the Fury,
Yeah, I don’t see why they’d cast a character for a fighting role in Dorne if it’s not to fill Darkstar’s role. Otherwise they’d just use extras.
Sue the Fury,
Ah – that explains it. Looking on iPad & won’t uncover. Thanks though & love the new site!
OK, tell me what you think:
1. the fierce rider: I’d say it is something to do with the Myrcella storyline. If it’s not Darkstar, it’s someone like him. A friend of Trystane’s or the Sand Snakes perhaps?
2. the captured vigilante “son”: hmm, should be a Son of the Harpy. But I can’t remember them actually capturing one in the books. Maybe I just forgot.
3. the Unsullied and the prostitute: straight from the books; glad they kept that, since it made me cry.
4. the ship’s captain: “working with a main cast member” – could be
– the captain of the ship that takes Tyrion and Varys to the Free Cities
– the captain of
– the captain that takes
– the captain of a ship that takes Theon somewhere, e.g. the Iron Islands, on Ramsay’s orders
I think they may cut all other water-based storylines, so I’m going to go with Tyrion or
as the main cast passengers.
5. the elderly woman: is anyone’s guess. New storyline, people! What dangerous territory could they be referring to?
Let the speculation begin!
6. the long-faced financial whiz: Could they be re-casting Tycho Nestoris? I hope not. I loooove Mark Gatiss and want to see more of him on GoT. I’m thinking it could also be Arya’s
That would be GREAT!
Can’t wait!
Could the ship’s Captain be a recast? I’m wondering if we’ll see Arya’ s journey and IIRC, she’s treated like a very important passenger aboard the ship.
It’s mostly a hunch, although it makes much more sense in the show than in the books if Trystane is combined with Quentyn. The reason is that there’s a lot of emphasis put on someone in Arianne’s group being the snitch while she describes each and every one of them as a long time trust worthy friend. Darkstar obviously stands out from them. Then there’s the part where Doran calls Darkstar “the most dangerous man in Dorne” even though he
Later Doran sends Obara, Hotah and Balon Swann after Darkstar. There is a lot of setup on Darkstar being important later on, but clearly he isn’t important enough to be cast on the show (which makes me think that he himself isn’t important, just the role he plays). If Trystane=Quentyn in the show, Doran would obviously want to
so that’s something.
Just beat me to it! This was my first thought when I read “important passenger”
But we wouldn’t need him for two episodes. They have enough to cover without having random Arya-on-a-ship scenes. In the books she just arrived at Braavos right off the bat, and I am almost sure the same thing will happen in the show.
Some possiblities for the ship captain that has not been mentioned yet are
– The captain of the Selaesori Qhoran, that brings Tyrion und Jorah from Volantis to Slaver’s Bay.
– Davos is brought to White Harbor not on Sallador Saan’s ship, but by some random ship.
-A captain of the fleet that brings Aegon and the GC to Westeros.
/Edit: spoiler tags aren’t working for me, too
Oh bummer, I think Darkstar went rogue. I agree with Mormont here:
Darkstar really is the most dangerous man in Dorne. Not only because he’s a great warrior, but also because of the knowledge he has (imagine the rift he could cause between Doran and Arianne) and because he’s an insane warmonger.
The fact that he failed to finish the job, does not take away from his prowess as a warrior. GRRM has stated that anyone, from Jaime Lannister to Barristan Selmy, would have failed to complete the job. His victim lucked out when the horse moved away, after that, he was outnumbered and needed to flee.
I definitely agree to a certain extent, it was just my initial instinct given that she’s treated like a VIP. However, we could get an episode of some chat aboard the ship regarding bravos and the hobaw, then the drop off. I’d much prefer if she went straight into her bravos story though.
As for the show having too much to cover for random storylines, that has never troubled them before!
What are the “dangerous territory”options? It must mainly be populated with established characters. Eyrie (would that be dangerous?), the north (Boltons, maybe she hears of
I will hope for the latter!
In other news, I looked up Gemma Whelan’s CV and it lists GoT under 2014 with “multiple seasons, ongoing” written beside it in brackets. Does this confirm Yara will be in season 5?
I know The Kindly Man isnt going to be in the show (if the Jaqen rumours are true) but why is there no mention of other characters from Arya’s arc? (The Waif, Dareon etc)
I really hope they arent cutting most of her story just to make room for Dorne. She wasnt in season 4 much so i hope she gets more screentime next season (which she should since she has plenty of material left compared to others)
The Waif was on the casting call, they just may not have settled on the actress yet. And it stands to reason that Jaqen coming back, he’ll take on the role of the Kindly Man.
Doubt that Dareon is on the show.
Great scoop! Thanks!
Any word on Joe Dempsie returning? I want shirtless Gendry back. : (
I sincerely doubt that Arya’s storyline is getting trimmed in any significant way, especially for Dorne. The Waif was on the first leaked casting call, so she’s in for sure. Daeron (or an equivalent stand-in) is less certain, but he would be a minor role to cast – probably two or three episodes at the max – so it’s not a surprise that we haven’t heard anything about him. Tom Wlaschiha taking on the role of Arya’s mentor (either as Jaqen or as the Kindly Man with a new face) makes a lot of sense as well.
Arya is a fan-favorite character, and her training in the House of Black and White is likely going to be one of the most popular storylines during Season 5 for both Sullied and Unsullied viewers alike. If anything, she should have even more screentime this season than she did in Season 4. As popular as Arya and the Hound’s adventures were, Maisie Williams only appeared in 6 episodes during Season 4 – a record low for her. In all 3 previous seasons, she was in 9 episodes, and I think that there’s a good she’ll be in every episode of Season 5, or close to it. Her combined material from AFFC and ADWD line up almost perfectly for a kick-ass one season arc. Minor details may be changed, but the overall narrative should remain the same.
No Darkstar makes me immeasurably happy. It was bad enough that we were introduced to a bunch of characters that promptly did nothing for the next two books, but when one is as utterly ridiculous as he was it’s just plain awful.
Thanks for the info, hope that means the Greyjoys are getting more attention. With the show focussing on Dorne I think it’s unlikely that we will get Euron and Vic this season so what is Yara going to do?
I wouldn’t say it confirms it, “ongoing” can also mean that she will appear in the series somewhere down the line. But It is pretty likely that we will see Yara in the next season anyway.
– And I’m adding “Computer Literate” to my resume right away 😀 Seriously, does that count as a skill these days? Pretty much everybody is a “Computer Literate” in 2014.
I was hoping there would be some news of northern casting. Although the ship captain could in theory be from Davos’ storyline.
I’m not too worried yet because usually casting news trickles in until September. I just think Wyman Manderly, Barbary Dustin and Robett Glover are too important to cut. Theon/Boltons and Davos have to have something to do next season so I think there’s still hope. At this point we should assume fArya is out but I don’t think it’s necessary to include her.
The Greyjoy uncles and Young Griff can be pushed back to season 6 IMO. They can just change up the Meereen battle and do it without Vic and have him stay in Westeros. Whatever Euron is up to is off page anyway so it can remain off screen in the show. YG doesn’t do anything interesting in Essos. He’s only there for the reveal. I do wonder what they’ll have Tyrion do though. I’d love to see the weirdness in the Sorrows stay in.
I’m glad that Stalwart Sheild is in because it means Grey Worm won’t take his place. But I’m also sad that he’s in because it’s one of the saddest parts of the whole series.
I’m hoping the old lady Brienne meets has a similar function as the Ghost of Highheart so we can finally start hearing a little prophecy. I’m sure I’m reading way too much into it though!
Speaking of Brienne’s AFFC storyline, I wonder if Randyll Tarly will ever be cast?
Re: Yara,
if the
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We realize the frustration with the spoiler issue and are working to resolve it as we write this. Please be patient as we get the bugs fixed.
Thank you all for supporting WotW! This is your site and we will work feverishly until all issues are resolved.
Ohhh, shiny. Now there’s some food for thought. Thanks for the tips!
Hmm, good detective work. She could just be on retainer, on-call if you will. Can they do that do you think, even if she doesn’t end up with any substantial scenes?
Yeah, I’m kind of glad they may be cutting Darkstar. I think the badass quotient in Dorne will be filled very well by the Sand Snakes.
Putting the focus on Ellaria and the Sand Snakes builds very directly on the connection the audience made with Oberyn. That anger and desire for revenge will pull show watchers in big time. Think of the conflict and sense of danger when a certain handsome main character arrives in Dorne on his mission. (I’m being vague because I can’t get spoiler coding to work). I have a feeling Dorne is gonna be awesome in season five.
Yeah, if they do indeed go the
route, it’ll be a great, conflicting experience for us as audience members. We’ll be absolutely frothing at the mouth for revenge over Oberyn’s death,
Fun news to return home to!!!
First impressions without reading any comments….
My guess is the mysterious man in his fifties could be the new Master of Coin in King’s Landing.
I won’t miss Darkstar..
I like the role in the books more than many, but there is no room for him in the TV series.
Maybe the Captain is smuggling Jaime into Dorne as suggested… If the Ship Captain is carrying Tyrion I think that adds another nail into the Young Griff coffin! No surprise to me, but I still would enjoy seeing the character on the TV series….
If Brienne is in Frey or Bolton territory she might need help to elude enemies…
I’m glad we will see Stalwart Shield and Sons of the Harpy! I did not like the idea some had for Grey Worm taking that part and I found the Sons to be one of the best part’s of Dany’s storyline in Meereen.
I tried to edit the post after and by adding spoiler tags but it did not work. They disappeared after I saved the edit.
Manual spoiler coding:
[ spoiler ] Spoilery material [ /spoiler ]
Just take out the spaces between the brackets and “spoiler” or “/spoiler.” It’s identical to the other coding but with brackets instead of (erm) pointy brackets.
Also, from Fuelpagan up-thread:
Hear hear! I wonder if there are any casting calls for
Ser Pounce FTW,
Marrying him I suppose. This will mainly cut her Dance with Dragons role and start giving her the Winds of Winter role.
I was wondering about/ hoping for the Green Grace as well…
I wonder if it’s possible they
I doubt show watchers will want to see her punished for the actions of her family. She’s truly innocent in all of this. I was talking about a general climate of hatred of the Lannisters. It is something very relatable as a hook for the casual audience. And if rumors are true Dorne will be a very dangerous place for
And thanks for the help with spoilers!
Ser Pounce FTW,
yeah where will LS fit in here. I am gonna be seriously pissed if they have kept us waiting for her and then she never shows up. That would be to spit in the face of book readers when they could just come out and say she is not it it instead of all this crap they are pulling
do you guys have any scoop about any more characters being cast for King’s Landing?
My two cents:
[SPOILERS! I guess the spoiler function doesn’t work so I’ll just say it a few times before the bulk of the post]
The ship’s captain is the one who smuggled Jaime into Dorne as mentioned in the Obara audition. Tyrion won’t need a ship captain to interact with since he’ll have Varys. While Jaime will have Bronn to talk to, the ship’s captain will at least have to interact with Obara for her to get her info.
The financial fellow I presume is the insurer that Arya kills.
As for the elderly serving woman, my guess is a recast Masha Heddle. She is still alive in show canon, since Hot Pie mentioned the Inkeep who hires him in s3 as being a woman. “She said she never had better,” he says about his brown bread. So if Brienne runs into Heddle, she could still be on track for a meet up with the BWB and hopefully LSH.
You’re welcome! My thanks to Fury and Fuelpagan for teaching me! 🙂
Very true. GRRM denies the reader “easy revenge”. There’s usually some ambiguity involved. I love that about the books. It would be great if the show includes
i hope you are right and LSH is there because to cut her on the show would totally make RW nothing more then a massacre with no consequences for the actions of the Freys,Boltons and Lannisters. Quite frankly if LS is not on the show D+D should get hanged themselves. Because to deviate that far from the books would be insane
I’m glad they cut her, pretty pointles character …if you think bad actions have consequences you are for a dissapointment….in life and in the books
she is the revenge figure for the starks and the “mother” of the stark children, The only thing pointless is your post here. Do you really think GRRM would resurrect Cat to become pointless. She has big arcs with Brienne and Jaime. and her role keeps expanding who knows what her role in Winds are. You are beyond dumb if you think she is pointless.
And what are you talking about. It did have consequences for the Freys in the books and she is planning a RW of her own. Noway is she pointless. I think you should read the books again and get back here. And who says she is cut anyway
You can just stop watching the show.
I happen to agree with his post so I do not find it pointless…
Different strokes and all that. Why so touchy?
I’m not certain her role is cut yet honestly, but I never considered her a certainty on the show anyway. She was always more likely to be cut than make the series. Unless she does something more in the next books her part is quite minor. Even if she does do something of great import in the next books, that does not mean it translates to the TV series.
Revenge can be carried out by others with little loss in the TV story’s narrative. Besides, the importance of the Red Wedding was in fact the massacre – not LS’s revenge to come later. They may have Brienne do something different than the books and that itself would basically eliminate a place for LS.
And I disagree with you about who or what LS is. I personally find LS very tragic and not hopeful or good in any way whatsoever. She is NOT the Stark kids mother. Catelyn Stark was and she died. LS is a twisted and dark undead force obsessed with revenge. Catelyn was so much more than that. LS is not Catelyn.
Do you know something we others don’t or is it just a stupid guess ?
yeah she is tragic i agree but she is also a revenge figure for the starks. So that is great for any Stark fan.
Also if she is not on the show. Why did they have Beric and Thoros, Brotherhood, Berics resurrection, Briennes promise and Oath and Pledge to Cat. All that stuff would be for nothing if she is not on the show.
I want LS in the show too, but saying that D & D should be killed if they don’t do it is way out of line.
Beric and Thoros are on for a number of reasons that have little to do with LS.
Firstly, they interact with Arya and the Hound etc… More importantly though, The concept of a Red Priest being able to resurrect could be far more important for
than for LS.
Brienne’s time with Cat was about more than setting up LS to me. It was about establishing Brienne’s character. That oath provides her motivations in the story for at least the next 2 seasons…. We have to wait and see what D&D do with Brienne this year and onward I guess.
I think LS and Stark revenge is more important to fans than the story itself. Fans can desire whatever they want though of course! My opinion is the revenge can come from anyone…. They do not need one specific character as a figurehead for it.
That said, though…
Even though I have never thought LS was needed on the TV series, the news that Brienne will be meeting an elderly serving woman makes me wonder if she may still appear this season. IF that lady is
I still don’t think LS is needed, but that is the first hint at Brienne’s story that makes me wonder…
Watch your language, young man.
sorry. But the point is you are as much in the dark as everyone else.
Wrong. He’s actually David Benioff. Can confirm.
Sue the Fury,
if i knew how to link to that darkstar “haterz gonna hate” pic i would. just imagine it. and also me laughing.
yeah right lol
Actually, I am Dan Weiss and I can confirm that was David Benioff. If you make him angry he’ll make more book changes, so proceed at your own risk.
Dammit Michael. Benioff was so pissed, he just cut the Septon Meribald speech.
He took it really personal. It’s a shame all those Greyjoys are getting cut now.
Just when they’d finally gotten in touch with Ray Stevenson to play Victarion.
Sue the Fury,
I’m glad to see that the new site will debut this info. Having the scoop first is a great plus and without your casting posts, the old site will suffer. Not to be too bitter but Fansided deserves that.
Do you think that it’s possible that the woman who helps Brienne is Masha Heddle (who as I wrote in my above posts, is still alive in show canon).
First of all, thank you for posting this new information. It certainly has me as intrigued as everyone else. Secondly, what a great site you’ve started. I hope it is a rousing success. I just started posting on asoiaf, saw the link to here, and am so happy I followed it. Finally, it’s great to see the levity on display. It seem some take the books so seriously, and while I love the books, as one who has spent time editing plays, I know, at least on a small level, what it is like to have to cut for time constraints. The cuts aren’t made lightly, and some of the cuts can be quite painful, especially when you’re as attached to the material as I’m sure the show runners are. Anyway, I look forward to future scoops, and interacting with fellow fans. It’s always fun to see the different theories people have.
Congrats. on getting your great new site!
I suppose so, though I don’t think of her as a servant, since she ran an inn. This would be a new actress and a different position, so it basically is a different character. But anything’s possible at this point, this info is pretty vague.
Bug/minor annoyance report:
If the site is freshly loaded and you hover over a profile picture that is “empty” (like mine for example) it increases but doesn’t go small again when you move the cursor away. The problem with that is that the picture covers parts of the post it belongs to when it is increased and therefore makes it hard to read the post.
Are you on a mobile device?
I’m on a PC and I use Chrome (Version 36.0.1985.125 m) ….
When I hover over an “empty” icon it immediately minimizes on its own without even moving the cursor….
In fact if I go back to that icon it will not maximize again unless I refresh the page.
but it is more meta than that, IMO. The author has told us, several times, that he is the most dangerous man in Dorne. We have never seen it. He’s kind of like Cobra Commander or something in that we are told he’s dangerous, but we’ve only seen him fail- no matter what the author says it is hard to take him seriously.
Just checked. Works fine in Chrome, just like you said, but I use Firefox 31.0. I have No Script, but I turned it off for this site to let the adds through, so I don’t think that’s what’s cursing it.
Sue the Fury,
Maybe expecting Brienne to go the Riverlands again is just wishful thinking on my part, but then for all Brienne knows Arya could have headed back to hang out with the BWB. Hot Pie told her about their previous association after all. Of course for all we know she has an entirely invented Vale storyline or something like that. Let’s hope we get more casting info that can tell us what she’ll get up to.
It IS NoScript! Don’t know why, but when I deactivate the add-on it works. I allowed all scripts for the site, so I don’t know what bugged out… Well, thanks for putting me on the right track with Chrome.
Glad I could help out with that tiny bit of information since my knowledge of site design and code is non-existent! XD
Now, you may not know exactly why, but you know the cause and at least you can avoid it by disabling an add-on or using a different browser.
You know what? Aegon is gone for sure. In fact, me and Dan are sinking the entire Essos on page like Atlantis as we speak. Seasons 5-7 will take place entirely in the North. If Michael speaks again, Dorne will follow Essos.
Damn, book purists are funny people.
Mads will be so pissed when we tell him his role was cut…
Yeah, he was so invested in the part and you could see that he really understood Euron ! =D
In an effort to help with the spoiler coding issue the above comment I posted appears as plain text on my windows phone. None of the comments by others seem to be coming up with any spoiler coding either for me. Spoilers on the old site always came up as black boxes on the same device. Hope this helps.
Edit: Forget it. Can’t get the spoiler thing to work.
Oh sweet summer child, you must be very young… she’s worse than the Freys and is there to show you precisely the opposite, that revenge is NOT good.
Double post
I’m pretty certain that GRRM himself has said that he regretted even creating
but I’m not sure why. That seems to me to be a pretty big indicator that she doesn’t really matter in the larger scheme of things and that she won’t have much to do in the upcoming books.
I didn’t like