We have some fresh photos today, taken by an Instagram user of Game of Thrones filming in Ballintoy, Northern Ireland. The photos appears to be of actors costumed as Ironmen, by the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge.
The actors/extras don’t appear to be filming at the time of the photo, given where they are standing, and how.
Our sources yesterday confirmed for us that a major Iron Islands scene was shot there in Ballintoy, with new season six actor Pilou Asbæk as Euron Greyjoy. Filming is expected to continue around Ballintoy Harbour for the rest of the week.

Jumping back over to Spain, where Girona is ready to begin filming, we have a fresh update on what’s going to happen there. Maisie Williams is reportedly in town, but we have more indicators that the city will serve as King’s Landing as well with a new photo (shown below).
DiariDeGirona reports that a scene is planned for filming that involves a horse walking up and down the steps of Girona Cathedral. Preparations have been made for the scene to be safely done. Shooting around the Cathedral is expected from September 11th to the 16th.
Other preparations are being made in the city including costume fittings for extras. Trailers and trucks have filled an area set side in Devesa Park. DiariDeGirona also mentions that at Palau Firal, the fittings continue with local extras being dressed as characters such as “monks, indigents, merchants, prostitutes and House Tyrell soldiers.”
The set preparations continue, of course. This piece turned up on Twitter, labeled “King’s Landing Gates” and “Girona.”
King’s Landing Gates (Girona) #GameOfThrones #JocdeTrons pic.twitter.com/VVgNgzXttp
— Gerard H. Serra (@GerardHSerra) September 2, 2015
The stairs in Girona- photos from DiariDeGirona:
Visit DiariDeGirona for the complete gallery of photos!
Good news 🙂 But are we gonna see the pines? Yasha better not disappoint.
My god Im so hyped :3 I need whatever info about scenes in the sixth season. Whats that horse??? Tyrell soldiers?? Yeah, it seems that everthing’s going nuts is King’s Landing.
Nagga’s ribs?
The House of Black and Gold,
I think we need to let go, The location brings little to the story, the entire point of that scene is Euron taking control, not where he does it.
Oh cool, I have a picture of my daughter on the Carrick-a-Rede bridge from earlier this year when she was over there for a college trip. 🙂
My mother and I went to Carrick-a-Rede when we visited Ireland in the summer of 2013. Quite a walk across.
I really want this to mean that Arya is going to KL to seek revenge, but I know it’s more likely Girona is doubling as KL and Braavos.
We knew that already. Oldtown and Braavos, actually. The news is that Girona will be King’s Landing as well.
“The realm might have a second Kingslayer, and there would be war inside the city, as the men of the lion and the men of the rose made the gutters run red.”
Oh yes, but who’s gonna make the first move Olenna, Littlefinger, Mad Cersei…Varys even, hey if Petyr can teleport so can he.
Is it possible to see what director is filming the Ironborn scenes? It would be great to know what episode the Kingsmoot is in. Hopefully it is in the first two episodes.
Just a thought, if Euron is filming at the rope bridge might they be intending to
Concerned that the heavy Iron Island focus is substituting for normal Jon Snow air time 🙁
My opinion exactly!! They kept
Not convinced a Storm did the deed in the books! 😛
Could filming underneath the rope bridge and near the sea
Hope to see jon snow
Cover your spoilers, everyone! Thanks.
Alexandre Dumas,
There’s nothing to indicate the amount screen time for each storyline for now at least so…
Daughter of Winter,
I expect at most, what Oberyn got in S4, so about 20 min
Maybe the horse is
Great news! Really excited towards the ironborn plot!
Oh yeah, all hell’s about to break loose. My guess is Cersei lights the blaze by setting Frankengregor loose on the High Sparrow and maybe on Tyrell family members too.
Sue – did you get confirmation that this Pilou Asbæk is definitely Euron? Most people are getting hung up with the age difference between him and the 70 year old actor that plays Balon (Patrick Malahide).
And regarding this priest? Was this the same character that you reported before from one of your earlier castings?
Thanks for your outstanding work.
Yeah ”most people” is 3-5 people who judge this guy before they even saw him in the role. I wouldn’t call this ”most people”.
Seriously tough, have we learned nothing from the Oberyn fiasco.
Alfie Allen has been reported to be staying near the Iron Islands set. Hmmm….
Sue, have there been any rumblings of Patrick Malahide returning?
Pics in costume or it didn’t happen! 😉
Nah, I’m sure he will rock this boat as Euron! I trust the casting.
I’m just a bit confused about the “rugged pirate, in his 30s, lots of speaking” role. Sure he isn’t THAT? And we all get distracted from the real Euron??? *tenfoldtinfoil* Was there casting news on this role already?
My page a day calendar quote for 2-Sept.
A book can be as dangerous as a sword in the right hands.
-Haldon the Halfmaester- A Dance with Dragons
Alexandre Dumas,
Don’t expect much from Jon’s arc in season 6. He’s either dead for good or will have less than 15 minutes of screentime. Unless Kit shows up in Belfast again at some point in the near future, I’m leaning towards the possibility that all of Jon’s stuff has already been filmed.
Undead Ice Kraken,
Confirmed he’s not Euron by Sue.
My guess is, he’s a extra during the kingsmoot.
Alexandre Dumas,
Sorry, but I could have gone all week without hairgate/Jon Snow talk. This is great news, can’t we just be happy with that? *sigh*
Burn that city to ground!
Here you go, from the previous Euron thread. In the wiki Euron is said to be born in or before 267AC so by the time of AFFC/ADWD, or where we are now, he would be around 33 years old.
Thanks to: Tywin on the Hill, for finding this
Whoa – I didn’t say I had an issue with the casting. Slow down there.
He looks like Alfie, I think he’s perfect.
Because it isn’t as if there are several months of filming left.
Most stuff at the Wall is filmed in the fall. Once October and November roll around Kit will show up again.
Wow. Didn’t realize that. That would make Victarion & Damphair probably between 30-32 yrs old then. So is Balon Greyjoy just A LOT older than his brothers? Hmm. Interesting. It’s def not unheard of for nephews and uncles to be close in age.
Sean C.,
Yeah, just like Lena, she gave birth, so most scenes will be filmed later this year.
If we don’t have more Kit shightings by december, then i’ll start too worry
Yeah, while Euron, Victarion and Aeron are about the same age, I think Balon is just much older. (around 10 years, would be my guess.)
Those are book ages, though. Most characters in that generation are a good 15-20 years older on the show.
In the books Ned was born in 263, which would have made him 36 in the first season. It’s hard to use book ages as a guide for the show.
If you think about it, just about every character in the books seem older than they actually are. I always envisioned Balon’s brothers in their early to late 40’s and Balon pretty much how he is on the show.
Durrandon’s Fool,
This was as a response to people saying he has to be older.
Durrandon’s Fool,
Also, a 36-year old in our world is much younger than 36 in the world of ASOIAF.
I tought Euron was around 36-42, while Vic, around 32-34. But weird thing, I always imagined Vic younger then Aeron, probaly because how Aeron looks.
April 2016 can’t be here soon enough.
Book info below:
Salty Dornishman,
Ah! I forgot! Well there is your explenation then.
Thanks for this info, I tottally forgot about this!
That was my point. If you age him up like most of the people that are close to the same age in the book (Ned, Robert, Stannis, Cat), you would expect him to be somewhere around 50 or 60 in the show.
Not that it really matters. I’ll bet they picked the right guy for the part.
Quibbling about age conversions between adaptations of a story makes me feel a bit like I’m trying to figure out who would win in a fight between the Hulk and Thor. They’ll (hopefully) pick the outcome that works best for the story the want to tell.
LOL, good point. Book Tyrion sounds like a creepy old man, when in reality he’s only 26 or 27 in the books. I think I mentally age up most of the older generation–Ned, Cat, Cersei, Jaime, the Hound, etc.–to their show ages, anyway.
If Kit isn’t seen anywhere near Sapochnik, then worry. If Jon is resurrected , it will be in ep 9 or 10.
Durrandon’s Fool,
Even if they age him, he would be around his early 40’s, no where near 50’s or 60’s. I can easly see Pilou play a man in his early 40’s.
But i wont talk about this anymore, I made my point preaty clear, I belive. Age does not matter one bit, If he can act the role, wich I have no doubt, I fully trust the casting department, thats all that matters.
Durrandon’s Fool,
Wasn’t most of the aging up of characters because of the requirements of dramatizations? I mean, Dany is 14 in the books. You can’t show a 14 year old having sex.
Salty Dornishman,
Not sure if you’re talking about the book or an invented excuse for the series, but in the books
yup thats the main reason.
Why do they need the horse to go up and down the stairs? Lots of Tyrell soldiers sound exciting. King’s Landing need to see all hell break loose with the Sparrow, Lannisters, Tyrells fighting each other to the death and utter destruction. 🙂
I’d forgotten this quote, but seeing it out of context makes me think: Wow, Citadel foreshadowing much?
I’m thinking more along the lines of a fatal one-boy-king cavalry charge on the Sept in a desperate attempt to free Margaery. It’s high time that GoT/ASoIaF add ‘fall from a horse’ to the long list of ways in which people are likely to die in a medieval society.
I think of it this way; if he’s not British–when most of the southern Westeros characters who aren’t Dornish are played by Brits (like the other Greyjoys)–and he’s really young, he must have blown away the casting people to get the part.
Thats what I’m arguing.
I like that idea. A lot! Cersei losing both her remaining children so quickly. One due to her contriving to imprison his wife and bro-in-law. The second due to her and Jaime with a sneak operation to “abduct” Myrcella from the Martells.
His nationality is probably the most irrelevant thing here. He’s an actor. He should be able to play whatever the role requires (outside of, you know, a completely different race). Anyone griping about his nationality (not saying you, per se) would probably think an Irish actor couldn’t possibly play Abraham Lincoln.
Not all non-English actors are able to speak with the right English accent. That’s why it could be important in which country he grew up or which country he is from.
But from what I read here, I’m sure he will be alright.
Mads English accent is preaty bad, but people still wanted him.
Unless you’re super fussy, KL’s overall look doesn’t seem like it’ll be that big of a change which is good bc I was concerned
I’m excited. They are going to do it.
Baratheon/Lannister banners in Girona!
Well, in the books Tommen is 8. Hard to be a strong king at 8. In the show, he may be older but he’s been infantilized by Cersei. Not to mention he was kind of tortured by Joff, but then again, who wasn’t?
I still think he’s dead, but not by falling off a horse. I think it will be something Cersei-induced or Cersei-related. He’ll drink poison meant for her. Someone will kill him to punish her. Tommen’s function seems to be to further push Cersei towards madness. So his death will be something that does that.
I expect a much smaller screentime for Jon in season 6 and it’s understandable. With the news of season 8 basically confirmed, it could be split into two parts. There’s plenty of other things to do and develop. I’m thrilled with Euron and Iron Islands. Lack of screentime (a bit of material and some performances were below the par) was one of the reason, why Dorne was such a letdown for many fans in season 5.
Hmmm…Baratheon banners??
So the plaza is standing in for KL?
Hear me out:
Presumably that happens this season, right?
Tommen is a “Baratheon”.
Lion of Night,
I wonder if Margaery and Loras will also demand trials by combat and if they’ll require one each, since their crimes are linked.
It’s part of the scene the’re building for Arya’s arc. I remember seeing those curtains just below.
The spectacular location was the only reason I hoped to see the Kingsmoot included in the show. Otherwise, the Ironborn (with the exception of Asha and the Reader) all just seem like trope randomly destructive Vikings to me. Been there, got pillaged by that. Unless the dragonhorn really works (which I doubt), or Euron’s attack on Oldtown is truly critical to how events play out at the Citadel, I could have been perfectly happy to see the whole Ironborn plotline dropped. (And I’m not even one of those people who hated AFfC and ADoD.)
Geralt of Rivia,
We’re all assuming that Jon is alive. I would find it funny (but not really) if we were just being trolled by GRRM and Jon was in fact dead.
Just had a random thought. What if the Red Priestess they’re casting is an amalgamation of the dusky woman and Moqorro? Perhaps as a companion to Euron as she/he was to Victarion? Just thinking that we don’t really know where this other priestess is going to be!
So maybe that´s part of “Mercy” 🙂
Maybe the fact that they already
a Faceless Man causing that death.
Seriously? Did you read the same book series that I did?
I think it is. I wonder what the play will be. Some big bloody event in KL. Tyrion kills Joffrey and then kills Tywin, maybe.
Interesting news! I’m personally hoping at least part of the havoc that will probably take place in KL is caused by a Dornish character (who, I pray to the seven, will be better developed this season). The Iron Islands story will probably be interesting too. I hated Vic with all my forces but I do think the others have potential. I hope they give Gemma some good material to work with.
We kind of do. An audition for the part leaked, don’t you remember? She is in Mereen, interacting with Tyrion and the others.
Okay, granted, Daniel Day-Lewis played a magnificent, thoroughly convincing Lincoln, after reportedly spending a year or more preparing for the part. But consider this: Another very fine actor from the UK, Tom Wilkinson, who had a great track record of playing American politicos including Benjamin Franklin, Joe Kennedy Sr. and James Baker, was utterly unconvincing as President Johnson in the otherwise-great ‘Selma.’ To any American old enough to remember the LBJ era, he sounded absolutely nothing like the iconic Texas twang of that larger-than-life figure, and it definitely detracted from the film. So acting talent by itself won’t necessarily nail an interpretation.
This is an interesting thought; to add to this…would the faith allow Loras to represent himself, he is after all one of the best fighters in Westeros and therefore they might try some technicality to prevent this scenario, since the chances of him winning are fairly large.
KL banners over Girona plaza
That is quite unexpected. I imagined that particular set would depict Braavos.
But it would still be an indirect result of something poorly-thought-out that Cersei did that backfired on her. The question is, would she have enough insight to realize that her own petty jealousy and vindictiveness toward Margaery were to blame, so that she would feel regret? Or would she act like a typical narcissist and blame it on everyone else?
I think it would be wonderfully ironic to create a parallel between Sansa’s naive knights-and-ladies fantasies and Tommen’s mostly book-learned notions of what it means to be a strong ruler, by having him take a doomed action inspired by the exploits of some bold prince or knight out of history.
I remember seeing that audition. Unfortunately, the only thing which sticks with me from it is how awful I found that particular actor’s reading, not the content of what she was saying.
I am sure that I read the same book. While I am not so keen on the “old man” part, book Tyrion was pretty nasty looking and he was also pretty shrewd/intelligent. Not that TV Tyrion isn’t intelligent, I think he is….but Peter Dinklage is actually very hot….book Tyrion is not. Really far from it…
I never imagined Tyrion to be more than 30 in the books. I thought that it was clear that he was still a young man by modern standards. And ‘nasty’ or ‘creepy’ to me implies mean character or behavior, not the fact that he is unsightly to behold. No way that it would ever have crossed my mind that he was a ‘dirty old man.’
Dragonhorn WORKS beyond any doubt – it will even be on the cover of Winds of Winter
It’s on the fake photoshop cover that’s been floating on the net for years. There’s no real cover yet and probably won’t be one until the announcement of the release date. I highly doubt that the horn will work but even GRRM isn’t imune to cheap plot-devices.
To go back even farther, when everyone got their knickers in a twist over NCW and his “giant nose” looking completely wrong for Jaime Lannister.
Hand wringing over casting is a long and proud tradition in the GoT online fan base.
Sean C.,
Wouldn’t they have Tyrell banners up their too, to play towards Mace’s ego.
Oh I hadn’t thought of that, that the drama could be set in Braavos and the flags be a facet of the scenery.
I’ve been listening to some GoT book audio and while I mainly like Roy Dotrice’s voice his “stage” Welsh accent for Tyrion annoys me and I usually like a Welsh accent. I don’t think that does the character any favours, but maybe you read a real book rather than listen to audio. Oberyn sounding “stage oirish” gets my goat too.
Sean C.,
Bending Knee,
You know that cover going around is a fan made cover right?
Both his children were already in captivity when he last appeared in 509 and he didn’t seem to know in that episode, so they might choose to keep it that way. I think he’ll be going back to KL however.
Btw I think Tyrion is 24 when the book series begins so pretty young.
in totally unrelated news, if anybody is craving yet ANOTHER cover of the Rains of Castamere…
hoping I can get away with a spammy off-topic post since it’s the off-season. but if not, go ahead and delete ‘er and we’ll still be pals.
Honestly, now that I think about it, I find it somewhat hard to believe that things in King’s Landing are going to calm down to the point where royals will be taking trips to the theater.
The location with the banners is probably for Cersei’s trial for combat
Uhhh, Tyrion does tons of creepy stuff in the books (book 5 especially). He’s a much much grayer character in Martin’s work than in the TV show. I’d go so far as to say that book Tyrion is basically a sympathetic villain who tricks the reader into thinking he’s a hero with his humor and pathos (and I say this as someone who loves book Tyrion.)
double post
Robert Render posted on Aug. 28 that he would be filming 3 days “next week”, which makes it this week. Filming Iron Islands stuff, I bet; not Spain stuff.
Luka Nieto,
If you look back at the Mercy chapter, you see that
As such it could be just the decoration for the play in Braavos.
Depends on whether he did the deed on his way to Oldtown or not. Notoriously difficult to keep tabs on these Faceless Men!
Was that confirmed as legit? They had that lad auditioning for someone too but I forget whom. Think that one was revealed to be a fake though.
Hate to be pernickety but Day-Lewis ( although holding dual nationality) was born and raised in England. His dad was born in Ireland but had English descent and he moved there when he was 2 and was brought up there.
Sorry, but we’re claiming him! He looks good with our Laurence Olivier. 😛
heh, you did not need to put “GoT” in there! (If you can find a fanbase for which this is not true, well, I will be shocked!)
Tyrion is hardly “creepy” in Dragons: he’s almost suicidally depressed and almost always heavily intoxicated. That’s not “morally gray”: that’s just someone who in our world would be prescribed a bucket of prozac every day. But that’s his contribution to the story: he has to dig his way out of that and re-attain Tyrion (or something higher).
And, let’s face it: who here has not done things that he/she didn’t later think of with embarrassment while on a prolonged bender?
(That’s rhetorical, by the way.)
Finn Jones said that the S6 finale is very shocking
Now there’s a remarkable claim.
he raped someone in A dance with dragons. thats definitely creepy. in general, tyrion’s thoughts and treatment of women in dance is creepy
ewwww at him saying that cersei deserved the walk of shame. i dislike him now 🙂
Hopefully Euron will kill Loras off. The character has pretty much been a joke on the show and I won’t miss Finn Jones telling us how shocking it’s going to be before each season!
heh, I could not help but to hum Pink Floyd’s “Mother” during some of their scenes last year!
As for Tommen’s fate, it would be most appropriate if it was some side-effect of Cersei’s actions.
Instead of throwing the Episode 10 script across a room, this time he threw it over a small body of water, he was so shocked
That guy kinda looks like an Umber…
Glad to see Loras will probably be getting a bit more to do this season. Hopefully, they can develop his character a bit more beyond being “the gay guy”.
If you’re miscast, no amount of talent is going to save you. Even in the case of DDL, he was absolutely miscast in “Nine” and it remains his weakest, bordering on bad, film performance. That’s why any good director worth their paycheck will tell you 60% of their job is done in casting (I think Spielberg actually put that number to it).
Sean C.,
Edit: deleted post.
aurane waters,
Can we pleas let the “Tyrion is a rapist”debate die? Tyrion did not take that slave girl from her home and sell her into a life of bondage, he wasn’t even rough with her. Tyrion only pointed out her obvious disgust with him: Sex workers are often disgusted by the people they service. I don’t see where Tyrion raped her. It seems you have a bone to pick with slavery, as slaves can’t say no to anything. Planetos is not our world, but sex with a sex worker does not make someone a rapist.
Don’t forget Loras’s future in the show is (theoretically) more valuable than the books as he is the sole heir of Highgarden.
I agree!
Finn Jones talked about going to a deeper and darker place with the character. Looking forward to Loras being salty and bitter about his fate.
Considering he plays a character whom Cersei served up to the Faith to be imprisoned, probably tortured, and possibly executed, for no other reason than to fuck with his sister, I’d say Finn Jones is perfectly entitled to claim that Cersei deserved the Walk of Shame. TV Cersei used Loras’ sexuality as a way of not only endangering his life, but also of demeaning and humiliating him (to hurt Margaery). It seems fitting that the Faith uses her sexuality against her by parading her naked through the streets to be called a whore and to be subjected to crude, sexual comments. Karma’s a bitch.
My guess is
Tywin of the Hill,
There are pictures of dressep up extras in Girona. Is filming starting today, then?
Looking forward to more meaty and darker stuff for Loras !
Sean C.,
For the luaghs….No deep meaning, just a fat guy who can’t get up.
Sean C.,
They made Yezzan a cruel, lanky and young slaver without his freak collection. Anything can happen.
Is the edit button working for everyone else?
well, those braids and costumes seem Bravosi, but not in photo 1
First one looks more like Mereen or Dorne.
aurane waters, M,
In the interview Gravemaster linked to it says “he wanted Cersei to get her comeuppance: “I bloody well hope so, she deserves it. She needs to be taught a lesson.”” I read that as meaning he wants something to happen to her in the future, rather than that it already has (which would be “she needed to be taught a lesson”). Unless I missed a bit he doesn’t mention the walk of shame at all so I was quite surprised you both think that’s what he was talking about.
Not trying to cause an argument here, I just thought I’d mention it, especially as many WotWers have English as a second language and might not pick up the distinction between past and future tenses 🙂
(Also, if you read it very carefully the preceding paragraph doesn’t actually make sense as there are some words missing. It doesn’t say what they think it does, but that’s just me being mischievous. And of course guarantees that I’ve made an error I haven’t noticed in this post! 😉 )
Game of Drones:)
Thanks for working so hard for all of us fans of the books and the show!!!!!
I usually view spoilers here and there, but this year….after all the ‘John Snow is dead’ business from the show producers…..I’m pissed. Payback’s a b*tch!!! As far as I’m concerned, I hope the entire season is spoiled…..the fan’s know how to play the “game” too, especially us book readers!!! I say “You want play?”….. We will take the Throne:)
Thank you Watchers on the Wall!!!
According to a comment on Alfie’s Insragram account, he was filming on the rope bridge- could this mean he has a hand in Balons demise? Or perhaps this is simply a shot of him returning to Pyke..