The city of Girona is filling up with the stars of Game of Thrones, as production prepares for the filming of a huge season 6 today. We’ll be sharing the latest spoiler confirmations and photos below!
As for sightings, Jonathan Pryce, Eugene Simon, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, John Bradley, Hannah Murray, and Maisie Williams have all been seen around Girona in the last day.
Maisie Williams was seen out last night, relaxing after work with her bosses David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.
SPOILERS from today’s filming!
Several photos from filming confirm the leaked spoilers concerning a major sequence filmed around Girona Cathedral involving Tyrell soldiers and Sparrows.
The first two photos below give us a great view of the Tyrell armor, with new, distinct helms.
Also spotted today filming were Sparrows, on the steps of the Cathedral, as expected. With Jonathan Pryce and Eugene Simon in town, it looks like the Sparrows and their strong arm, the Faith Militant, will be making a strong showing for this scene.
A woman in a plain Sparrow dress readying for filming on the steps. With the long brown hair, and the spoilers we’ve heard recently, this appears to be Natalie Dormer preparing for her big scene, with Jonathan Pryce standing by.
#GameofThrones #girona pic.twitter.com/97yGdeJFo5
— David fussio (@Davidfussio) September 14, 2015
We also have a brief video clip of the Tyrell soldiers marching into the city.
Y sigue el rodaje de Juego de Tronos. Guerra en la Catedral de Girona. pic.twitter.com/GQs6TrQSx8
— Carles Ponsí (@carlesponsi) September 14, 2015
UPDATE: More views of the people, Sparrows/Militant, and horses of the scene!
Wow #JuegoDeTronos #JocDeTrons #GameOfThrones #Girona #Catalunya pic.twitter.com/boxfk4TtfR
— Alèxia Pomar (@alexiapomar) September 14, 2015
#JocDeTrons #JuegoDeTronos #GameOfThrones #Girona !!! pic.twitter.com/xFOXspgA2q
— Alèxia Pomar (@alexiapomar) September 14, 2015
EXCLUSIVA #JocdeTrons a la catedral de Girona amb exèrcit dels Tyrell i Sparrows Fotos X.Isern cc @JuegoDeTronosTM pic.twitter.com/rP3FzzIocG
— Els Bastards (@ElsBastards) September 14, 2015
Another interesting photo tweet shared today, unrelated to the big scene, but rather to the Arya scenes from this week in Girona: labels from her costumes, revealing some details about episodes-
Les etiquetes dels conjunts d roba que ha utilitzat l'Arya Stark a #JocdeTrons #JuegoDeTronos #GameOfThrones #Girona pic.twitter.com/DzNAvuKgq4
— Westera_Girona (@WesteraGironina) September 14, 2015
UPDATE #2: Another photo of Natalie Dormer, Jonathan Pryce and the Faith Militant. I believe that is also King Tommen (Dean-Charles Chapman) standing between the two of them. Director Jack Bender is also in the photo. Bender’s presence indicates this scene falls in episode 5 or 6 of this next season.
Més fotos EXCLUSIVES #JocdeTrons a Girona: Natalie Dormer @Nat_Dormer i el director Jack Bender cc @JuegoDeTronosTM pic.twitter.com/JwzXFPElvY
— Els Bastards (@ElsBastards) September 14, 2015
Thank you to WotW readers Luka Nieto, Apollo, Dutch Maester, and H. Stark for their great assistance with finding the info for this post!
Wun Wun
Hodor. This is my first comment! But wtf is Missandei in Westeros for?
Exciting times for all GoT fans. From what we have seen and heard next season will be fantastic.
I would assume Girona is base camp and they travel to other locals for filming?
Gregor Clegane,
Interesting the Tyrell uniforms are so plain given they are rich, eg look at Lannisters with unrealistic fold out eye slits which are tricky on mass manufacture
That said if they are the largest army, it then makes sense they would go for something practical that is easy to mass manufacture. Plus depends on whether these are Tyrell specifically or bannerman 9Tarly?) soldiers?
Guess we can look at the older uniforms as a House Guard?
Whatever the truth of it all, looking forward to it
Tyrells have been big players in the show,it was about time to see some military activity from them.
Waiting for some pictures of Jaime as well. Looks like an interesting fliming week.
I hope there’s an Olenna spotting.
I’m excited to see this scene play out!
Gregor Clegane,
Um there was no suggestion Missandei was in Westeros.
You aren’t muddling the names of Natalie Dormer (Margery) and Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei)?
So Braavos and KL shooting in full progress in Girona at the moment. Good to see Tyrells out in force. Hannah Murray is so pretty.
Imagine Randyll’s face when fat, weak, cowerdly Sam, brings home a hottie.
How come John Bradley always tilts his head to the side in the fan photos? Is he shy, trying to look shorter, or what? I know it’s not relevant at all but it bugs me. LOL
I really like the Tyrell armour. Especially how the helms look thorny lol.
Any word on Tommen in this scene? There was word that he emerges from the Sept as well. Which raises all sorts of very interesting possibilities.
Ooo potential TWOW spoiler, the Tyrells are now apparently using sharks in their army – that is quite clearly a fin (dorsal not Jones) in the middle of the second picture down from today’s filming 😉 Sadly the photo of the steps, like most taken by ordinary fans and passers by, isn’t high enough resolution to see if that is Margaery or not, although it’s obviously a sensible assumption. We need to get spies out there with really expensive professional camera equipment for optimum potential spoiler opportunities 🙂
I like the look of the Tyrell armour. The lack of Tyrell soldiers was one of the little details that annoyed me in previous seasons.
We’re so lucky to have all these fans providing pictures and videos from filming in Girona. I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS FANDOM.
I still can’t get over how different Eugene Simon looks compared to his appearance in the first two seasons. Wow.
I am abnormally happy to have been mentioned in a WOTW post 😛
Thanks, Sue!
Not a huge fan of the Tyrell’s armor, perhaps I’m the only one. Just doesn’t fit in with the rest of the world’s armor so far, at least to me.
So I found this on twitter: https://twitter.com/WesteraGironina/status/643451133269274624/photo/1
The description says those are the labels on Arya’s costume, Interesting that it goes from clean to wet bloody.
Not much, but I thought it was worth posting.
Maisie and I both have a tendency to wind up with the so-called “demon’s eyes” in our pics, I see.
Hopefully I don’t turn into an assassin too!
The couple on the left of that D&D, Maisie picture are in for a surprise when they realize they’re not who the photographer was looking at.
Ghost’s Lunch,
Tyrells had more elaborate armor in previous seasons with Renly, but it looks like the new costume designer decided to do her own thing.
Glad to be of help! I’m almost certain that’s Natalie D on the steps with Jonathan Pryce. Also, it appears that it could be her (or her stand in) being escorted into the palanquin (although the hair colour/style looks a bit off).
Can’t wait to see what else we get to see- it’s clear the producers are limited in their ability to stop the public being present which is great news for us!
Little off topic but has there been any Aidan Gillan filming sightings ? Curious to know what LF is up to.
Davos 4 king,
That’s all I know of.
why does the Tyrell’s armour suddenly look so tin-like and cheap when it looked brilliant in previous seasons, we even saw the Tyrell guards with Lady Olenna last season on the steps of the Sept of Baelor and they looked awesome – now, they just look clunky.
Those are personal guards. I expect this to be the mass produce armor for the infantary.
Anyway I’m reallly happy with the look of the armor.
I agree, it really stuck out to me. It’s basically the flower accent on the helmet and just plain plate-ish mail. Perhaps it’s just the switch from designers, but I feel more worried than I should about the costumes in-general now.
Because you’re watching spy photos taken from a cellphone camera and not something shot on HD with proper lighting.
GOT Fan,
I noticed that as well. Probably doesn’t want to have his head lopped out of the pic!
Is that Tommen in the sedan coach?
The issue isn’t with the photo, it’s the fact that it’s basically a helmet accent and regular plain plate. Doesn’t feel like it fits in with the world created thus far to me, especially considering how much income they have to have such plain we’re broke designs for their armor. Meh, huge meh.
For people complaining about the armour,this looks like it’s meant to be war armour.Yes,we had Tyrell guards with more elaborate armour but that’s the point,those where knights,guards,etc.These are supposed to be men in combat gear ready to fight.They look awesome.
That is what I was thinking. They are ready for battle.
Ser Gerold Dayne,
My toughts exactly, this is armor for a huge army. Unlike what we’ve seen until now, wich where guards, to high lords, of course that armor is more decorated. This is armor thats produced in huge numbers, of course it’s a bit simpler, and anyway I don’t see that as a bad thing at all. I’m more the pleased with this armor.
Exactly what I was thinking when Stannis’ soldiers went into battle,… oh they’re not battle ready, too stylized…
TBH I’m more worried about the shift in design taking me out of the show than just the fact it’s plain.
Any clue as to what episode this will take place in? I saw some on twitter say episode 8 but that seems a bit late to me considering that Jaime is supposed to be heading to the Riverlands.
also, the man in all black standing close to Natalie and Jonathan Pryce resembles Jack Bender.
Jon Snowpenhauer,
Stannis’s armor decorated? They had simple armor, even more simple then this.
It’s a different style, yeah. But it’s not taking me ”out of the show” at all. I’m happy we get more diversity, in armor design.
D&D on the prowl once again. Those guys average an STD a night – at least.
God of tits and wine,
they are married…
Damn!! those Tyrell soldiers look freakin´awesome!! That armour just looks heavy as shit like I wouldn´t mind walking into a battlefield with that on.
Great to see the show give each house an iconic armour
It’s your opinion and I respect it but context it’s also imporatant.These are foot soldiers,probably a massive army brought to spill blood in KL if it has to be done.It’s just infantry,armour it’s perfect for what they are.And armour like that it’s still extremely expensive for the technology they have.Consider the big numbers and it suits the Tyrells very well.
Thats why I like it.
It’s just so easy now to know who’s who. Every great house has a unique look, wich I think is great.
Even so, this armour looks like something more akin to the armour of the knights of the Vale, Highgarden’s look has been established as being more elaborate, decorative and with less steel plate. Some sort of cape (like that which Loras, Renly and Brienne S2) would be a great improvement IMO, maybe I’m being pedantic but these things matter to me.
GOT Fan,
Google “fat guy in fedora”. That’s what I see whenever there’s a new picture of Bradley
Loras is the heir to Highgarden, of course his armor is richly decorated. Same with Brienne. She is a lords duaghter and heir to tarth.
This are simple frontline soldiers, they are the first to die. You don’t give them expensive looking armor.
I don’t watch TV to see armor that would actually “look” like it works. All the foot soldiers of all the houses where we’ve seen their armor has a specific styleized set. They’ve all looked great, including Stannis’, looks even greater if as you suggest they weren’t that flashy, which they weren’t.
They had a specific design that looked awesome and fit in with the world that has been built.
This argument that they’re foot soldiers doesn’t mean anything, we’ve seen everyone’s foot soldiers and they haven’t been nearly this plain. They had a style that goes with just the plate, the Tyrell’s have a helmet with a slight flower aesthetic to it which in itself is not bad, but doesn’t fit with the rest of the world that has been built.
Gotdamnit! I’m using mobile chrome on a note 4 and this website is so unstable. It’s a good thing the NFL is back on bc my GoT fandom takes a backseat until February, hopefully things will be sorted out by then
Jon Snowpenhauer,
Oh right! I’m not getting into a debate about this non-problem. I’m sorry you don’t like the armor, but I’m not going to enter an argument with you about this.
Hi everyone. Can you comment on the following? I am trying to determine what we know so far & what is new, possibly from WoW. Thanks. POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOLLOW
1- scene from Sept with Tyrells. Appears there will be some type of altercation to release Margary – in DwD Margary is awaiting her trial and thinks she will be exonerated – this may be scene for show (not depicted in books)
2 – Sam in Oldtown and Horn Hill – from Feast
3 – Greyjoy moot – from Feast
4 – Theatre troupe – from Mercy chapter pre released WoW – depends on continuing storyline in WoW
5 – Jaime in Riverlands – from DwD/Feast
6 – Battle at Winterfell – NEW WoW
7 – Arya/Waif assassin scene? NEW WoW?
It is.
First Label:
Second Label:
ARYA _ERO [hero? aero?]
ttrs from 8.47
Third Label:
Clean Green
Ep 8 Sc 45 (Friday)
Sounds like the chase scene with the jumping and such with the Waif is from Episode 8 (assuming these are legit)?
Then don’t? It’s purely subjective, but I don’t think it’s subjective in the fact that it doesn’t look like it fits with the style that has already been created. Perhaps I shouldn’t be expecting that considering the huge change in designers, but I don’t want to see a huge stylistic change 6 seasons into an 8 season show. Even if you think it fits in, I think we can agree that doing something like that wouldn’t be good, right?
For those of you that like it, great, more power to you. But to suggest that it fits in with what has been established is insincere, and not fitting in to what is established takes some of us out of the show, which I particularly enjoy and would like to avoid.
GOT Fan,
My boyfriend does that (tilts his head for pics)! Someone once told him that it makes the pose look more natural. It doesn’t! I wish he’d stop. LOL
Jon Snowpenhauer,
I wouldn’t say these designs are of a quality consistent with Game of Thrones’ normal work, but I suppose you’re right about the footsoldiers, I was just hoping for something more like what we briefly saw of Renly’s encampment in season 2.
What are you saying? You will not watch the show because of it? Please…don’t go there. I would understand if there would be a recasting of a mayor player. Whining about some armor. ..ughh.
Then I guess it’s a matter of taste,this details do matter for me too and I love the armour.
John Brads could be doing that to give his face a slight profile so it doesn’t look so fat.
Nobody is saying that, I’m saying that I don’t want to suffer through the rest of the show with a huge stylistic change, this isn’t about not wanting to watch the show, it’s about losing some of the immersion because of the design.
I feel like some people are so averse to any sort of negative sentiment, warranted or not that they overreact when they see it.
@Ben I’m agreeing with you.
God of tits and wine,
We are sorry for the inconvenience. We are now on a more robust server but the set up is taking longer than we expected due to some events we have no control over. Oz has been working practically around the clock to get things smoothed out. Again, sorry for the problems and please understand that we are working as hard as we can to get the site stabilized.
Jon Snowpenhauer, Mihnea, Newbietothegame, Ben, Ser Gerold Dayne,
Should this debate be called Armorgate?
Jon Snowpenhauer,
I can confidently say, that to me this fits perfectly in the show, and is consistant with what we know of the reach (knights with flowers,..etc.)
You can say YOU do not like these armors/design, but don’t say it like it’s fact, that it doesn’t fit in the show. I think they fit perfectly.
And I don’t agree on changing the style in S6. As there is nothing to change from. Until know we saw only High lords/Pretenders to the IT or personnal guards with armor from the reach. Not the common soldier, wich we see now.
Of course it looks different from what we saw until now, but thats the point. This will be the first time we see the Reach army from up close. (S2 barely counts, we saw at max. 2 or 3 scenes.)
I’m also glad that it has its own unique design. A simple design is still a design.
I’m glad it doesn’t look like the complicated Lannister armor or the rough looking Baratheon one.
I made my point clear, I hope, so this will be my last post on this matter.
Simple plate armor like the Tyrell soldiers are wearing was the most expensive in medieval times, mainly worn by knights. The more elaborate, the richer the lord or knight. The vast majority of troops wore chain and leather. To equip their mass infantry in plate, a nation would have to be wealthy like………….China:)
Dame Pasty,
Thanks for all you do for us Dame!
Flora Linden,
The horses look differently to me, too. There are too many white horses and not even black and brown ones. Clearly, D&D are horse bigots.
Flora Linden,
Not for me. No furher comment on this topic from me.
I like the armor, and look foward to see what else new they’ll bring in S6. 🙂
Jon Snowpenhauer,
To anyone that feels some type of way about tyrells armor, I say look at the freys armor and compare the two. Freys armor is far from elegant. And what kind of helmet even is that, looks goofy af
Jon Snowpenhauer,
Look,it’s just one last thing I want to say on this subject.It’s ok if you don’t like the armour or you believe it can be better.No problem with that.As it’s ok for me to like it,no problem here.But I just find your point about continuity and changing the design a little bit off.Why?Because we never had Tyrell infantry in the show,we never had a Tyrell army visible in the show.Design for knights,guards and high lords was not changed during the seasons,we have proof from last season compared to season 2.So there is no “shift” in design,this is the original design for these troops.If you don’t like it ok.But there was no other battle with these troops fighting so this is actually the original design,there is no change.
We’ve never seen Tyrell soldiers. Only knights. There has been no change at all.
If that’s Bender, it means this is happening in the mid-season, which sounds about right, I guess.
God of tits and wine,
And armors from the Vale.
Did anyone notice the black horse’s armor was Highgarden. Jaime wouldn’t be riding that, so who is? Lord Tarley? I know House Tarly has it’s own sigil, but if he is now the commander, he would ride a HG horse. The dark horse and it’s cool armor scheme are badass, shall we call him Darth Tarly.
Speaking of Tarly, who is playing him, can those with access to CV’s search UK actors in their 50’s and see if anyone new has GoT. Like Ray Stevenson, Nesbitt, Brendan Gleeson, McTavish, etc. The only reason D&D wouldn’t release the names is it has to be a game, an actor wants his/her name to be public knowledge that they are in GoT, therefore D&D must have posted clues online.
Firstly, this isn’t a matter of not making your point clear. You’re trying to say I’m wrong and that it does, but really you cannot say that because for one, there is a new designer, so it’s going to look different. That was expected to an extent, but this kinda pushes that for me. It’s not some huge deal, but it is quite quite noticeable. I don’t think their armor alone is going to really ruin much for me, I’m worried about how stylistically the rest of the show might change. If this is just a one-off, no biggie, but if it’s a sign of what’s to come in-general I think it’s well worth worrying over.
Also it doesn’t matter if we haven’t seen it a lot, we haven’t had a need to see Tyrell soldiers in the show, so what we do get it important, and we have a different design, one that was actually much more befitting of the rest of the world that was created.
A simple flower-esque helmet is just lazy to me, I’m sorry. Perhaps if the show was designed that way to begin with it’s really not a big deal, but the fact we’ve had an award winning designer doing an absolutely amazing job season after season, then to abruptly switch to this, yeah it’s off-putting and I don’t see why people cannot state this.
Flora Linden,
Perhaps! and don’t even get me started on the architectural and anachronistic changes to King’s Landing and the Sept of Baelor over the course of the series. Seven hells.
Flora Linden,
Jon Snowpenhauer,
Because we like this new design? Because this, for many is not a problem at all? Because, have you ever tought, people might simple enjoy this?
And are also exited with what the new designer will bring, and too us there is nothing to worry?
EDIT: I never tried to present my opinin as fact, that’s why I said ”my point”. What I wanted to say is, that your statement, that this does not fit in the show is not fact.
Blanche Holstein,
Thanks! Really, Oz works so hard, so much more than I do, but he’s quiet. Like the wizard behind the curtain. He deserves a big thank you fruit basket or something. 🙂
So because others might enjoy it, those of us that don’t shouldn’t say anything? I actually don’t particularly dislike the whole Sansa arc of the show, yet a lot of people dislike it. I don’t think just because I was OK with it that it is then a Voldemort situation for everyone else.
Jon Snowpenhauer,
There is misundersanding here. I have no problem with you not liking the armor.
What I tried to argue, is that your statement, of the armor not fiiting in the show is not a fact.
The armor looks fine to me. We can’t even see the front or back clearly in that light. There may be some design that isn’t visible. I guess it wouldn’t be GOT without some complaining, though. And that’s okay.
WTF, Richard Grant’s Agency removed GoT from his portfolio, why? There is no reason to, everyone knows he’s in, Nina and D&D need to stop this nonsense, I’m clueless has to the why’s.
I’m not trying to pass my subjective views on the style as fact, I do however think if you think their armor fits in with the style and world we’ve been presented thus far, you’re reaching (nothing? tough crowd). I mean when the northern soldiers out-style those of Highgarden I tend to think there is a problem with their designer. Olenna needs to make a serious call to her Gucci ASAP.
So,who is the second horse for?White one could be Jaime but if Marge goes with him there’s obviously a second rider.
Jon Snowpenhauer,
I don’t think I’m reaching at all. A simple design can be chosen from multiple reason, not all armies need to have fancy armor, and a simple design can easly look better then some more complicated armor. And neither does the Reach need to be more fancy then the Northen army, different regions, different culltures have different tastes.
I don’t see why the reach has to have a very decorated armor.
When I think of knights, I think of simple plate armor. Not some fancy decorated thing or over complicated design. But a simple plate armor with a simple helmet.
It is you now who tries to say your opinion is fact by saying that i’m ”reaching”, but that is simply your opinion, in my opinion this armor fits perfectly for the reach army, and GOT’s style.
I have no problem at all if you don’t like the armor, it is a perfectly legitimate opinion, but saying this does fit in the show, is not a fact. but also an opinion, legitimate, but not fact.
Jack Bender with Tommen, Margaery, High Sparrow and a septa
: D
Jack Bender,so this is episode 5 or 6.
The return of Septa Unella!
Which northern soldiers are you referring to? I can’t really agree with you that the Starks or the Baratheons have soldiers with more elegant armour. Lannisters though, they look really sharp.
Starks: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5d/e7/8b/5de78b3440f12420f8a9c006326d8746.jpg
Stannis: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/38100000/Stannis-Baratheon-stannis-baratheon-38169919-4256-2832.jpg
Renly (not Tyrells right?): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ba/80/a3/ba80a33bfb276ea8812dead8bb1e91d9.jpg
Lannister: http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb35yo807N1r3xo1qo2_r1_1280.jpg
Out of this lot I would say that the Tyrell ones look the most expensive and probably most suited for field battle.
Ser Gerold Dayne,
Yes. It does seem slightly strange though. If this doesn’t happen until episode 5 or 6 then what is Margaery going to be doing for the first four episodes? She needs to have some scenes since she was absent at the end of last season.
Previously I had thought this would probably be around episode 3, so this is a little bit later than that.
Andreas Stark,
Tyrell armor definately looks more expensive and effective.
Episode 5 or 6??? Ugh, that’s disappointing. I guess King’s Landing will just be spinning its wheels for the first half of the season.
What is Tommen doing there?
I have this headcanon that Gilly will arrive looking dirty, bedraggled and plain as usual, and then Sam’s mother will get her cleaned up (perhaps wash her hair thoroughly to get rid of years of dirt and grease and bring out the red), put her in good clothes and Randyll’s jaw will DROP. Like ZOMG! Sam bagged himself this?
I don’t know, but it’s good to see him be a little more proactive and go to rescue his queen. Perhaps he goes first, has an argument with the Sparrows and then Jaime shows up on horseback?
Jon Snowpenhauer,
It’s very shiny and un-dented. Maybe it’s intentional, but it doesn’t seem to have the same worn look as everyone else’s.
She’ll probably have a few scenes in her cell and with the High Sparrow in the first few episodes. I doubt her first appearance in Season 6 will be this scene.
I have the exact same headcanon!!!!!!!!!!! Only 1 difference, it’s Dickon who will be stunned
What episode is this thought to be?
The lateness of these images in the season could suggest Margaery’s trial may come before her release/extraction hence the necessity to march up to the sept and demand her release, pure speculation of course.
EDIT: although Finn Jones has implied that his trial (likely to be at the same time as Margaery’s) will be the climax of his arc and so will be at the end of the series – still hoping for Dragonstone siege however
Why are there no news on Cersei and Tyrion? 🙁
The fact knife cuts both ways, so I don’t even see the point in continuing to use the word.
That being said it’s not about looking fancy, it’s about the blandness of the armor. The northern armor is pretty blah to be quite honest, but it is laden with stylistic accents that make it identifiable and stylish even though it’s pretty bland for what it is. You can tell where people are from just by looking at their clothes, it’s that stylized. I feel like we’re losing that a bit if this is any indication. Highgarden troops here, other than their helmet are indistinguishable from someone who is doing a knight cosplay imo. I doesn’t fit in with anything on the show thus far, it’s just bland, and GoT has not been bland at all up until this point, even on the more bland of houses/regions.
Finally a shot of NCW on set!
Jon Snowpenhauer,
Well you’re right, no point in disscussing this further.
I think the armor looks very good, and fits GOT just fine. And the armor looking like a simple kinghts armor. Thats why I like it, its this what I think about when everyone speaks about knights from the Reach.
Loras having a fancy armor is expected, but not a comman soldier. Look at the northen army, it looks like the armor they wear are personal/family armors, with patches and simple leather armor. In other words, cheap.
This looks mass produced, given to the soldier by the Tyrrells/Ollena,..etc. In other words, expensive.
No, I agree, but those scenes don’t seem to go anywhere until half way through the season. That just seems quite a long time. Cersei was arrested in Episode 7 of Season 5 and is released from the Sept in Episode 10. Margaery, on the other hand, was arrested in Episode 8 of Seapon 5 and (apparently) won’t be released until Episode 5/6 of Season 6. That seems a long time to me, even though she won’t have been in that many episodes in between those episodes.
Hopefully Margaery won’t continue to just use naive little Tommen as a way to get power after this.
She may have indoor scenes we do not know about.
Exactly. Still seems a long time though.
Another pic!
Well it could be that something it’s happening to Margaery or Loras or both in the first episodes,or the Faint does something early in the season.Hence the military Tyrell intervention.
I think this scene will be in episode 6×02 or 6×03 and will be used to introduce Randyll Tarly. It makes no sense to show the Reach army without showing it’s best commander – especially if he is to be introduced in this season anyway. Jaime will be there as the representative of the Kingsguard (maybe Cersei and Jaime believe that the Faith kidnapped Tommen against his will since he disappeared at the end of season 5) and will surely do most of the talking, but I think Randyll will stand right behind him commanding the Tyrell troops he brought to King’s Landing on order of Lady Olenna.
After the situation is cleared and Mace has returned from Braavos, they could send Randyll back to the Reach. We know he is at Horn Hill in episode 6×05 and/or 6×06 for Sam’s visit. After that he could head back to King’s Landing to join the Small Council or to Oldtown to deal with the Ironborn threat (the Kingsmoot will be in episode 6×05 or 6×06 as well, so there will be no Ironborn attack before 6×08 I guess).
After Jaime successfully cleared the conflict with the Sparrows (and angered Cercei one more time by freeing the Tyrells) Kevan could send him and Bronn away on a mission to the Riverlands – whatever that will be: Siege of Riverrun? Vale invasion? Lord Walder asking for assistance in dealing with the outlaw band who hanged half his family? I don’t think there will be major events in the Riverlands in the first half of the season unless some other main characters – maybe Sam and Gilly if they travel to Oldtown by cart – cross the area prior to Jaime and the Riverland characters are (re-)introduced through them. If the Riverland plot starts in episode 6×06 or 6×07 there would be enough time to get all the involved main characters there for the season finale (Jaime+Bronn, Brienne+Podrick, Arya?, Littlefinger+Sansa??).
I also think that Tommen (Sandsnakes?), Kevan and Pycelle (Robert Strong? LF? Varys’ little birds?) will bite the dust in the second half of the season and Cercei will burn King’s Landing to the ground and head to Casterly Rock in the season finale.
Episode 6 for the Jaime scene confirmed
The scene is in 606.
The King Who Cares,
Director Jack Bender is in the scene, which means these events take place either in episode five or six, not two or three. The Horn Hill scenes are also being directed by Bender; Lord Randyll can’t be in two places at once.
The King Who Cares,
This scene is episode 5 or 6,someone posted a picture earlier with Jack Bender on the stairs between actors,extras and crew giving indications.
Those banners they bear are Loras Tyrell’s. Am I the only one who finds that interesting?
Twitter’s working for you? It’s down for me
The King Who Cares,
I think Tyrells (Olenna?) will send troops to KL, Jaime at the request of his son will take charge of them, free Marge (and Loras?). Then Jaime will be off to the Riverlands, etc., and something bad may happen to Olenna. Hearing this news, Randyll will ride over to KL (ep. 7-10) and take charge of the Tyrell army in the last third of the season. Given the events of Season 5, the Tyrells will have an army ready for battle with their best commander at all times in KL, to protect their interests (Marge, Loras).
I’ve noticed that, too.
Maybe he thinks they’re doing a close-up ‘heads only’ shot. But it’s starting to irritate me too, a little. Perhaps he thinks it’s a flattering angle.
At first I was bothered because the helms seem nonfunctional. You want blows to glance off, right?, not to get caught on an edge and torque it to snap your neck. But then I was like, “Dude [to myself], it’s just visual interest for a TV show!” And now I’m just interested in the scene. Besides, I don’t know what I’m talking about when it comes to helms, and I know that!
Down for me as well.
Try the mobile app. It’s working.
Yeah, Twitter is working just fine on mobile.
Haha with Benioff’s moobs I somehow doubt it. Besides, they’re American, neither of them would want to divorce if they can help it. They’ve even complained about the show’s schedule negatively impacting on their marriages, and at least one of their babies was born in NI. Not so easy once the kids are in school, though.
Ahhh, okay 😀 That is brand new info.
But if the scene takes place in episode 6×06 I wonder when Jaime will be off to the Riverlands. There must be some kind of aftermath to this (especially Cercei’s reaction and Kevan sending him away on his mission), so he and Bronn will probably be in King’s Landing til 6×07. Considering the travel time he won’t be in the Riverlands before episode 6×09 (the same for Arya), so there can’t be much plot development this season.
It also makes me wonder what will happen in the first half of the season because all the “big” scenes will be in episode 6×05 – 6×10: Jaime vs. the Faith, The Kingsmoot, Tarly family dinner, Northern battle, Riverland story and probably Dany returning to Mereen with the Dothraki(?), Arya returning to Westeros(?), Cercei’s trial by combat(?), Cercei’s burning of KL(??)
I’ve just found this The scene is in episode 6.
The King Who Cares,
Just because we know about these moments doesn’t mean they’re necessarilly big scenes or that there aren’t much bigger scenes planned. We basically know very, very little about the next season and we shouldn’t forget that just because we get a glimpse at some things, they are not at the main events of this season (per se). At least we just don’t know.
EDIT: Also, that looks a lot like Septa Unella, doesn’t it? Any Hannah Waddingham sightings?
Nice suspenders. Anyone see a giant beanstalk and a golden goose? 😉
If something like this happens, I’m afraid Gilly will be married to Dickon. Whether Gilly wants to marry Dickon won’t matter, she’ll be imprisoned once again, this time in a much nicer jail. I think Sam’s decision to leave Gilly with his family could turn out to be a big mistake.
Unella actress is in Spain
Ashara Dayne,
Benioff’s wife did say she almost divorced him after Jon was killed…..
Arya runs from Braavos in episode 8, not long to get back to the Riverlands
She’s actually in the photos- she’s the septa we see.
An episode off or traveling, and the last climactic episode to do whatever it is she’s trying to do in the Riverlands. Hopefully killing Walder Frey or something.
Love Waddingham’s Unella. She was so great with the shame bell.
Uuuuh. New titbits!
1. Lancel was present, we kind of knew that. But Olenna was there too. Mace may have been, too (though it’s uncofirmed.)
2. There were about 200 Tyrell soldiers.
3. Today the filming focused on the horses going up the stairs; tomorrow it will focused on action.
That last bit is particularly interesting, because I thought this whole encounter was supposed to be ultimately non-violent? A waste of 200 Tyrell extras, maybe, but that was what was previously reported, right?
Sue the Fury,
Thank you!
Great to have her back! : )
Luka Nieto,
Wonderful that Olenna was there. What’s up with LORAS, though? Why is no one thinking of him? Also, action! Hope Jaime will be the hero and lay the smack down on some Sparrows, scoop up Marge on his horse and get the hell out of there with Tom in tow. 😀
EDIT: Sounds like Mace may also be present? They say unconfirmed but reliable rumor.
I have a bad feeling that Cersei will blame Jaime’s “betrayal” completely on Olenna and arrange to have her killed. 🙁
Loras is fucked. Literally if reddit rumors are true. (Search for Finn on the site and you’ll find them)
Erm. Loras isn’t a third son on the show, so the three roses (I’m not even sure you can see all of them) are a pure concidence I think.
Yes, this is funny. It’s like, what’s even happening in the first half of the season?
Sansa, Brienne and Dany, I hope. With copious flashbacks.
Anyone knows what happened to that Arthur Dayne type of character that was cast? Totally forgot about that dude and the TOJ thingy.
Flora Linden,
You think Randyll Tarly would marry the heir of Horn Hill to a Wildling bastard born of incest? No, maybe Sam won’t give her true background, but I’d guess even without knowing the truth, Gilly is obviously lowborn and a Wildling.
If Margaery isn’t being released till episode 6, then I think she may truly be broken and have genuinely converted
Love the armor and the spears. It would be nice to see them in action, just hope they don’t go on the Stormtrooper route and have someone stab or cut right through the armor.
Ok I NEED this to happen. I need this Gilly makeover scene and if it doesn’t happen I will be sad. Lol.
As for the Tyrell armor, I think it looks awesome and totally practical for battle. There will be small embellishments visible on the show that aren’t visible in these low-quality pics so everyone complaining about the armor needs to cool their jets.
All in all, I’m really excited about this turn of events. The Tyrells should get revenge on Cersei.
I have lost count: how many cities is Girona playing next year? King’s Landing, Oldtown and Bravos? Or am I missing one?
I am really curious to see what the heck they are doing here: getting Arya to the Riverlands still seems like it’s missing a couple of key steps. And I am trying to imagine what the story could be that build up in Bravos with blindness and a theater troupe could have a culmination in the Riverlands.
(Of course, not knowing the story makes it really tough to speculate!)
This is so exciting! Thanks to everyone who made this news possible!
Ok, now, serious.
The photo looks like the pants for his Kingsguard armor set, there are Kingsguard in other photos as well, possibly Jaime will be interfering in his official capacity as Lord Commander of the KG (rather than in his personal Lannister armor which is darker).
Glad to hear confirmation for Olenna, Tommen, High Sparrow, Marg, and Septa Unella!
I’m not surprised Loras isn’t there, I’d imagine he’s still (or forever) imprisoned…
Good to know it’s definitely 6.06
I would not be so depressed about the first half of the season however, still plenty of tension to be built for the KL storylines. Cersei is going to be flipping her sh!t. Plus I’d imagine there will be some resurrecting going on early in the season, Tyrion giving incredible one liners to Missandei, and Daario & Jorah having a bro-off 😉
Slightly concerned that it’s episode 6 if Jaime needs to get to the Riverlands later and hopefully have something substantial happen.
Now that I see those stairs and what is at the top, I understand why they switched from Dubrovnik to Girona- there was a lot of CGI at the Sept last year because if you know the stairs in Dubrovnik, they end with an open plaza at the top, the church is actually not facing down to the stairs but around the corner in the plaza. This was a better arrangement for them, and they could just put up the giant sever-pointed star banners and boom, Sept of Baelor for little to no CGI! Big budget saver!
Exciting!! Can’t wait to see any leaked photos for tomorrow! Thanks for the info Luka
I feel like this scene is getting a lot of attention for it probably being a small scene of Margaery getting released. Maybe she gets executed and this causes a riot between the Sparrows and Tyrell Warriors? That would be huge and I can see it happening. Guess we’ll find out soon.
That’s a cause for worry. Not elaborate enough and too shiny and new means poor attention to detail. And detail is a designer’s best friend
Ashara Dayne,
WTF?? Americans don’t get divorced? That is ridiculous and a very offensive stereotype. We’re not all born-again Christians, you know, especially in Hollywood! And Amanda Peet was joking with the host of a late night entertainment program. She jokingly said that she threatened to divorce Benioff if he killed her favorite character, Jon Snow. The host then asked if that meant that Jon is alive, and she said (jokingly) that she may have started divorce proceedings, ha ha. Geez!
Back on topic: I like the armor. It will look impressive in the sun. Thanks, everyone, for bringing us all of this great news, especially in a year in which NO ONE knows what’s going to happen! 🙂
Ashara D,
Yeah. I know she was joking. Thanks for pointing out the freaking obvious.
Alex Stroup,
I’d guess the reason this scene is getting so much attention is because the shooting of it is so very public.
It wasn’t obvious that YOU knew it in your response. Whatever. Misunderstanding. Try an emoji next time. 😛
I can’t wait for more “Confess!” and “Shame!”.
I have a feeling that the righteous Septa Unella is going to be one of many in Cersei’s crosshairs in S6.
If I’m not mistaken the casting call thing for him said they’d start filming around 25th of this month (or the 28th I think in what appeared to be the updated casting call).
Here it is how the scene goes apparently: the HS goes out of the sept wih Marge dressed as a prisoner. People cheer. He tells the crowd that she has converted to the Faith. At that moment Jaime appears on the white horse, in front of the Tyrell army and orders the HS to give him the Queen. At that moment the doors of the sept open and Tommen together with the Royal Guard go out. He/they-I didn-t understand well- no longer has the Lannister sigil, but the Faith one. Tommen has also converted to the Faith. People cheer. Jaime stays at the bottom.of the stairs looking menacing. No mention of Jaime going up the stairs
It does not mention Tommen being converted to the faith. And Jaime does in fact go up the stairs on his horse. The article mentions it.
Dutch Maester,
Where does it say? I am not a catalan speaker. Only a Spanish one, so of course I can be mistaken.
The article says: “aquesta escena mostra com els reis, aclamats tambe pel poble, s’ han entrag tambe al Fe. ”
What does this mean if not the fact that Tommen has converted to.the Faith? Are we talking about the same article? This one? It was published today
Jon Snowpenhauer,
Thanks! 😀
Natalie with a fan
Alex Stroup,
A “small” scene with 140 Tyrell soldiers in which something THIS game-changing happens? Sure. Such a small scene…
Dutch Maester,
There is an article that does mention this. I translated the specifics here.
I’m truly sorry if I caused offence. Of all the stereotypes of Americans I’ve ever been aware of, this isn’t one of them.
I was merely referencing the fact that there are many high-profile divorces in the U.S. (And many more that I’ve read about that aren’t high-profile) where the justice system appears to favour women and men are often left with far less than they’d hoped. Maybe this was the case twenty years ago and things have changed.
Wowowowjwjajahahawahahahahhhhh awesome hype OVERLOADDDDDDD
Yes! I’ve long thought this would happen. Not sure if it’s kosher on this site, but here’s the link to the reddit thread I wrote about a month ago, suggesting exactly this. If you’re not allowed to cross link to reddit feel free to delete this.
Flora Linden,
I doubt it. Randyll Tarly’s pride won’t allow his precious son to marry a wildling woman.