Game of Thrones won four Emmy Awards tonight, at the live ceremony held at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, bringing the show’s total for this year to an astonishing twelve awards! This demolishes the record previously held by The West Wing, who won nine awards in 2000.
Game of Thrones picked up wins tonight in the categories of:
- Outstanding Drama Series
- Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series – David Nutter for “Mother’s Mercy”
- Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series – David Benioff and D.B. Weiss for “Mother’s Mercy”
- Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series – Peter Dinklage, his second win in this category
Game of Thrones won the first eight awards for the 2015 Emmys during the Creative Arts Awards ceremony a week ago.
Many of the show’s stars were in attendance at the live ceremony tonight, strolling down the red carpet, and joined Benioff and Weiss onstage when Game of Thrones won the big prize for best drama series.
A huge congratulations to the producers, writers, directors, cast and crew of Game of Thrones for their wins this evening!
Happy birthday, George.
Its about time, ive been waiting for this show to get recognized. So happy for the them.
To everyone everywhere….
Good luck getting GRRM a better birthday present than he got tonight! XD
12 wins for GoT. Even for HBO, that is completely amazing! HBO must be over the moon. 😀
Glad that it happened on GRRM’s birthday and he was there taking part in it! 🙂
I still can’t believe it. I’m really happy. Haters who called this one the worst season of the show must be seething, haha.
Damned impressive! Usually you’d expect something like this only in a “farewell” season: even outstanding TV shows usually lose more than one nomination because, well, there usually are multiple outstanding TV shows. (And the one lost nomination, best actress, had two nominees, which often undercuts the chances of either nominee.)
I do feel a little bad for Mad Men, but for every show that wins, there usually are 3-4 others that were good enough to win. (Hell, there probably often are more shows or representatives of the shows “good enough” to win than there are nominees…..)
Color me Impressed!
Well, they will just do what the Tolkien fans who hated the Lord of the Rings movies did: insist that they and only they know what is “good” in a film/show, and insist that the nominating committees actually know nothing about what makes films/shows work.
They won! And Peter won too! I actually did not think this would happen and I did not know if would make me this happy.
Indeed! He couldn’t have wished for a better birthday present. It’s like winning a championship in a major sport league. Throw a parade!!
I kind of look forward to GRRM’s post-award articles, each and every year, where he talks about GOT losing a big award or another… it’s going to be weird reading happy thoughts from him!
Nah. Haters are just going to dismiss the Emmys as meaningless.
I’d like to dedicate tonight’s awards to the kind denizens of westeros.org who believed the show was pending cancellation and otherwise an abomination.
…what, too soon?
This is GRRM’s first Emmy, right? I assume he didn’t win for Beauty and the Beast and he’ll be getting one as producer on this series?
This was a pleasant surprise tonight!!
I am honestly one of those that thinks Season 5 of Game of Thrones is likely not its best, but even the worst season of such a high quality show is deserving of respect and in this specific case, many, many awards!
Congratulations Game of Thrones, cast and crew alike!
A well deserved professional acknowledgement to your quality and skill for each winner and to each nominee (no less deserving)!
Maybe GRRM will be inspired (to complete his book) by the boatload of awards tonight and write faster than his turtle sigil!!
A man can dream.
It will be more common now that he’s not obsessing about the inanity surrounding the Hugos!
The fun part will be the people who so desperately want to believe that GRRM hates the series coming up with ways to twist his words into criticisms….. (“If you read between the lines, then you can see that GRRM is saying that Arianne’s role would easily have won Best Supporting Actress if the Idiots hadn’t cut the role!” and stuff like that….)
Yeah! Maybe he’ll double his speed to two words a day! 😀
I told my husband I’d take a shot for every Emmy they got tonight.
It just feels so good to bathe in the delicious warmth emanating from the righteous fire shooting out of all the haters’ eye balls right now. Great night.
Not only not too soon, but not repeated enough! (Hence my quoting it.)
We can put it another way: add the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences to the long list of people who better comprehend what GRRM is doing than the people at westeros do!
Hmm, your husband probably has gone from quite pleased to now worrying about whether he’s going to get puked on overnight…..
Well, I think this was probably the worst overall season (still good and entertaining mind you!). But I am really happy that they won the honors. It feels long overdue for the show.
Happy birthday George!!! I hope it isn’t too “bittersweet!”
Also, why wasn’t Stephen Dillane nominated? And why Emilia Clarke (nothing against her but still….)? Dillane was my standout actor this season.
Hahaha, good one.
But I thought the series was supposed to the really bad now? I mean, that’s what the book fanatics wanted everyone to think…
People on tumblr are seething right now!!! They said if only this is for season 2 or 3 it will be so much fine. But I don’t care, I’m really happy right now!!!!!!!
Suck it, haters, book purists, suck it all!!!!!!!
I would celebrate along with you guys, but it’s almost six in the morning where I’m from and getting plastered at this hour would be kind of worrying.
I’m not even a hater of Westeros honestly, but I will admit I get a pleasurable feeling in my tummy and a wide smile across my face thinking of Paul Dooley in Breaking Away replaced by Linda saying “Emmy!”
Game Of Thrones is also now tied for most total Emmy wins for a series ever.
I’d agree that this was the *weakest* season, but there were people who overreacted big time, and went all Nostradamus-like about S5 signaling the downfall of the show, how D&D were ruining everything, etc.
Now D&D won some Emmys, so much for “ruining” the show, eh.
Also, I think Alfie Allen/Iwan Rheon deserve the nom even more than Stephen. I love Stannis, but those two always do an incredible job.
I’m having so much fun now reading the rationalizations of crazy book fanatics —that is, those book readers who are crazy fanatics; I’m not saying the book readers, a group in wich I’m included, are crazy fanatics. But the minority of them who are kind of bananas… Oh, it’s so fun. I hate to promote him, but just for this once go to AngryGOTFan’s Twitter and just… witness the meltdown!
Ha ha, oh god that’s painfully accurate, but we all know GRRM is delighted. What a kick ass birthday!
I was genuinely shocked when they won. Feels like a show that got recognized because it finally deserved to be, maybe not for its very best season, but for cumulative extraordinary feats of directing, acting, cinematography, casting, writing, music, everything.
Also I consider this a makeup win for season 3.
Luka Nieto,
When I first heard about that guy’s Twitter, I thought it was comedy. Turns out the dude’s totally serious.
Congratulations to everyone involved in this remarkable show. And best birthday ever for GRRM.
These major wins were a big surprise. I do wish Lena had won her own trophy, but I think the last three seasons will have plenty of good material for her winning in the future. Hopefully.
Man, there are going to be a lot of hungover people flying back to the UK and Spain. 🙂
Ser Blount Sarkasm,
Dillane wasn’t submitted, so he could not be nominated. Not that he would have been, I don’t think — Dinklage has an unbreakable lock on GOT’s first nomination in that category, and as yet there’s been insufficient support to get them two nominations at once. Coster-Waldau really should have been nominated over Dinklage in Season 3, for instance, but the Emmys don’t typically work like that (The West Wing won Best Supporting Actor four times in seven years with four different actors, but that was incredibly unusual).
Still love Lena …will be rooting for her Emmy in 2016!
He is totally serious, yes. Among other things he is that I won’t mention because it would go beyond impolite. Let’s just go with a more neutral… “dishonest.” As in “making up rape accounts”; that kind of serious dishonesty. For real.
This, plus add Kit, even tho I am happy for Peter (who should have gotten it for the year previous, but better late than never
Really thrilled it got best drama. About bloody time!
Me too. I always thought he was doing it as a parody.
I do wish this show would stop with the farce that Emilia is any kind of best actress though 🙁
In fact, I would argue the show’s writing is what makes Dany such a good character, and not really the acting.
Everyone looked awesome. Wish Lena would have won.
Tyrion Pimpslap,
If it was a parody, it would be shockingly unfunny. If you wanna be offensive and insulting (and little else), your comedy best be on top form. His isn’t.
Luka Nieto,
When will that opportunistic hack shut up for R’hollor’s sake? He’s almost worse than Lindaario because on top of being a shrill and cruel voice in the fandom he’s also extremely dishonest with his constant GrrM-misquoting loathsome clickbait.
GOT has its best award night & half of the comments here are some bullshit about negative bullshit NO ONE BUT YOU IS BRINGING UP.
I used to think it was a parody account, too.
I had just been over there reading, Luka, after someone mentioned it on the other article.
Melt-down may be putting it mildly.
To be fair, we’re having fun with the negativity. But you’re right: It is GRRM’s birthday, and Game of Thrones won 4 Emmys, 12 in total, and even broke a record! We should focus on that 🙂
Agree about Alfie/Iwan absolutely but have to say that, out of the male cast, Stephen had some of the strongest material this season (IMO). Not that I would take away from Peter or Lena being recognized at all but I would’ve loved to see other actors get recognized as well. Jack Gleeson should’ve been nominated in Season 2 or 3. Season 4 had strong performances from Rory McCann and Maisie Williams, deserving of some award “love” (if not win). Lena could’ve easily been nominated in Clarke’s place for any season. Michelle Fairley had a great season 3. I am all for seeing the actors get accolades, just wish the recognition wasn’t confined to only popular or controversial characters. With that said, excited to see Peter win again but definitely thought the best episode of the season was “Hardhome”. How that didn’t get nominated for direction and “UUU” did is kind of mind-boggling.
Pretty absurd that this season won. I don’t think I’ve talked to anyone (bookreaders and non-bookreaders alike) who felt this was one of the stronger seasons of the show. But to say that it was the best season of any television drama for this year is ridiculous.
I’m glad Game of Thrones finally won, but like others have mentioned, it feels more like a “let’s finally give them the award” than a “this season deserves recognition.”
I’m still laughing at Peter Dinklage’s WTF reaction when his name was called.
Tyrion Pimpslap,
You still think that’s the case? Calling the show and Benioff and Weiss all kinds of names may be how some book fanatics he may poke fun at work but I think it is too far to take on a regular tweet by tweet basis or blog post by blog post for a parody as some point. And throwing shit at WotW in the process btw.
If he’s doing parody, his shtick got really old and tiresome. But I’m having a feeling he’s genuinely believing what he types.
Okay, I hear you there about overreactions. Dorne did stink like a pile of shit that fermented in a steaming bath of horse piss though. We all felt like Jaime drinking from Locke’s water bottle. I even thought that using Jaime in Dorne was a good idea initially… but boy was I wrong. Anyway…
Regarding Alfie and Iwan, I thought their season was #4.
To be on the record, I am excited about the future of the show. If anything, I thought this season was a bit rushed (maybe understandable given the source material).
Nice article about GoT’s record breaking Emmy year…
Fuck it, they deserve it on Hardhome alone. I watch a lot of TV (whoops) and there have been no 20 minutes like that ANYWHERE
Good point. I am among those who much prefer the books to the TV show. I am also among those who thought that Season 5 was the weakest season so far in many respects. However, I am very pleased to see the show get lots of Emmys. Even at its worst, it’s still better than most TV. And I don’t think that I am that atypical of the so-called book purists in feeling that way.
Maybe it’s time to calm down a little from the polarizing us-versus-them-and-no-middle-ground hyperbole, what do you say?
Oh, man. I don’t know what went wrong in the Dorne arc. It started well enough, I mean, the interactions between Bronn and Jaime in the beach, even the fight with the Dornish guards. “There are no sharks in Dorne”. Made me laugh.
But as soon as they entered Dorne, ergh. All common sense flew out of the window, with them entering the Water Gardens and trying to take Myrcella with them in plain daylight, and knocking Tystane out in the process. I mean, so much for arriving in secret and being “stealthy”, ye guys.
It was all…*sigh* I must say, though: I can’t complain about Rosabell’s boobs. And the thought of “Bad Pussy” winning an Emmy for best writing puts a grin on my face.
That probably says more about the company you keep than about the quality of the season.
Except that: 1) the show has won plenty of awards in the past; 2) the show still has more seasons to win awards, and, 3) there were other shows out there that would have won if that was how they made the choices.
Sean C.,
Hi Sean, yeah… that’s exactly what I’m thinking. Dillane should have been submitted just like Coster-Waldau should have been submitted for S3. I guess I hate the politics of different shows pushing their horses. BUT…. congrats to Peter Dinklage on the win. He does deserve it… if not for this season (which was still extremely well acted)….
I’m so happy GoT has broken another record tonight! This show and this amazing cast deserve it.
i m in tears omg
This is some of the best shade anyone has thrown on this site.
Wimsey is great at throwing classy shade 🙂
He’s not wrong, though. For example, the non-rational part of my brain is always surprised whenever the right wing wins in my country, because literally no one I surround myself with would vote for a right wing party. That’s just not the company I happen and/or choose to keep. The same goes here. Plenty of people thought Season 5 was among the best! Most major critics, for one.
heh. Well, it was a borderline truistic statement. Almost all “everyone I know….” statements say a lot more about the company you keep than whatever follows.
Well, I try to write it as if Grandmother Crowley from Downton Abbey were saying it….. 😉
At this point, I don’t think you will ever convince me that AngryGOTFan is not satire. That’s not how someone who sincerely believes the things he is saying talks.
If they get more award wins, it results in HBO giving them more leeway. If they didn’t win we’d be hearing a lot of “they’re not letting us take risks” talk.
Of course, they define “risks” as “staying close to the books” or complex narration like flashbacks etc.
So overall this is good news in the long run.
This picture of everyone together backstage kills me. Happy flight back to Belfast for 8am set call.
And this one with Amy Shumer: https://twitter.com/amyschumer/status/645806383883915264
Your logic there is just impeccable. What strange world you must be living in.
It isn’t good news in the short run, isn’t it, though? Since Season 5 was just so incredibly mediocre. Nothing to do with it veering away from the books, of course; it was mediocre in its own terms! Except… faithfullnes to the book is unconditionally good, as you just said, so… What are you saying, exactly?
Also, as thrilled as I am that the show won, the fact that it got it this season vs any other probably has more to do with the change in the rules for Emmy voting than anything else. If they’d made the change earlier, it probably would have won for a previous season (I’m going to say anything 3 on) and if they hadn’t made it it probably wouldn’t have won this year either.
“Happy” and “8 am” should never be put into the same sentence……
The “it won for the show, not for the season” talk reminds me of the negativity from people who weren’t happy that Return of the King swept the Oscars in 2003, saying the film itself wasn’t worthy (bah).
Well, get over it y’all. :p
‘Cause Game of Thrones just won the Emmys!! 😀 😀 😀
I still think it would have won. Breaking Bad is over, and the Emmy voters had completely soured on Mad Men after giving it nearly every award(except acting) for its first four seasons.
The Dragon Demands,
I don’t think that anybody considers flashbacks to be complex narration. In many shows, they happen in every episode and are key parts of every story. It certainly is a rare show that never does them.
As for sticking to the books being “risky,” yes it would be, but not in a good way. If you look at last year’s Booker nominees, you have a collection of great novels. However, you also could describe them as a collection of terrible TV or film scripts because you just wouldn’t write those stories that way if you were filming them instead. Good material is one thing, and good scripting is another.
I’m afraid not even you have a chance of convincing him of that simple fact.
On Mad Men…I think the show squandered a lot of goodwill with the Megan debacle and never quite regained it. Nor has Mad Men been able to sustain the buzz like Breaking Bad and GOT past its second season or so.
If you watch the Outstanding Writing bit, when Benioff goes up to collect his award, Liev Schreiber, who’s seated right next to the aisle, gives him an approving thump on the leg. It’s very cute.
I love how Conleth Hill’s expression in these photos is all :D:D:D:D.
Indeed: I mean, who cares if it had better reviews than any of the other nominees that year?!?!? Clearly the award was for the whole series and they were ignoring the copious flaws that the reviewers also managed to ignore! (I mean, seriously, weren’t you just stunned that Scouring of the Shire was not included at the end? I mean, everyone one: except, of course, for the 99% of the audience that thought the film ended 2 endings before and looking for an empty soda cup into which to void their bladder….)
Luka Nieto,
Should I get my shading ready, then?
Actually, it says absolutely nothing about the company I keep. I don’t know what you’re trying to say here: that my friends and family have some kind of agenda? That they hate things that are recent and like things that are older? What’s more likely, that all the people I talk to have some mystery factor in common that has led them to hate Season 5, or that they just liked Season 5 less?
People are going to say they liked one particular season the least. That’s a given. I don’t know why this is something you felt necessary to contest or respond to if you aren’t going to add anything of value. I know it’s not a statistically significant survey. It’s anecdotal evidence. But you’re disparaging it for literally no reason. I wouldn’t even point this out if your fanboy cronies weren’t high-fiving you after you said it, as if you made some kind of amazing insight.
I don’t know what point you’re trying to make here. Yes the show has won and will continue to win awards. That doesn’t mean this season automatically deserved to win Best Drama Series at the Emmy Awards. Quit acting like these awards ceremonies aren’t political.
Shade away 🙂
I think sleeping tonight has become an increasingly unlikely prospect. It’s certainly not gonna happen now; it’s 6:40AM. Caffeine here I come.
I agree that it wasn’t GOT’s best season(I think it was somewhere in the middle so far), but it probably was the best drama this year.
I agree with you for one, on the point that it may have taking a while for the Emmy people to take GoT seriously. Even, from how I interpret it, a few quotes from this article about GoT’s record breaking Emmy year, D&D agree with you, in a way…
Backstage, the showrunners were asked by reporters why Thrones finally won this year. “We knew that there would be some resistance at first to a show set in this genre … we knew it would take awhile,” Benioff said. “But we’d hoped if we did our jobs and if we were fortunate enough to be blessed with the cast and crew that we were blessed with… and if we got lucky, that we’d get there eventually.”
Wimsey – Were you aware you have “fanboy cronies?” 🙂
I’m still grinning over all the hardware, with best drama being the sweetest of all.
Before I go finally to sleep I would just like to mention that all the wins tonight were undoubtedly because of Maisie Williams’ lucky charm penguin. Nothing beats the power of a penguin in a tuxedo!
With these words of wisdom I take my leave, party on, ladies and gentlemen!
Nymeria Warrior Queen,
I want fanboy cronies… Can I get some? 🙁
Just because you couldn’t hold your bladder or the old lady next to you would let you get out of your row and reach the toilet in time there’s no need to generalize, eh?! 99% my foot.
The Scouring of The Shire was expected. And some who had the foresight to use the bathroom were nicely enjoying their popcorn. I still love the movies though don’t get your panties in a bunch.
What’s the “Megan debacle”?
Congrats to the entire team who put their blood, sweat and tears into making this show the wonderful juggernaut that it is. That’s really what these awards are all about. And they definitely deserve it.
Scouring of the Shire sucked, and I was glad Peter Jackson cut it.
There, I said it.
I dared to venture over to imdb and westeros.org. Dunno whether to laugh or cry…such bitterness oozing out of those places.
Anyway, congratulations GOT cast and crew and GRRM.
Please, don’t cry. Laugh! It’s good for the soul! Schadenfreude, on the other hand, may not be. It’s still so damn enjoyable, though.
A lot of fans didn’t like how the character became such a big focus of the show. It also didn’t help that she replaced Betty, as January Jones had much better chemistry with Jon Hamm.
Nope, although all of that is possible. What it means is that like associates with like. For example, one reason why many Americans believe that voter fraud got Obama into office is because “everybody I know” voted Republican. Now, if you look at voting maps, then you’ll see the obvious explanation: individual areas of the US tend to vote heavily Democratic or Republican. Moreover, even within areas, people tend to associate with those most like themselves.
Ah, so they are all political, then? Well, then enough written….
Clearly, the Game of Thrones fanbase is gerrymandered.
Congrats Game of Thrones! I am proud of the show tonight & was especially excited about the Best Drama win–the competition in the category was brutal!! I don’t think S5 is the strongest of the current 5 seasons but WHATEVER, I’m happy to see the show win this recognition nonetheless. And man, Lena earned an Emmy this year. I hope Cersei’s arc continues to prove as interesting & that she’ll get some more good material in S6.
Game of Thrones wins a record-breaking number of Emmy’s & the comments section is full of negativity, anti-book reader sentiment, & commenters are picking fights with each other. Brilliant.
Megan was a character who assumed central importance in the show by virtue of marrying Don. Megan more or less ate the show, but unlike other characters who eat their shows, she wasn’t played by an actress with the charisma or talent to warrant that type of prominent exposure. As a result, viewers and critics took umbrage at Megan being shoved down their throats at the expense of other characters they preferred, but Weiner, the showrunner, insisted on placing Megan front and centre instead of downplaying her role accordingly. Megan faded into the background eventually, but by then, the damage was done.
TLDR: think Poochie from The Simpsons.
See, I can only speak for myself, but I love book readers, because I love the books. I am a book reader myself. Where is this “anti-book reader” sentiment? I simply detest fanatical purism in all its forms; I can and go get along with many Christians, but people shouldn’t be surprised I’m not pals with the relatively few fundamentalists among them, right? The same logic applies here.
Also, schadenfreude is not negativity. The purists are being negative; we’re having fun with their negativity. Big difference. Is it 100% healthy? Hell, no.
I’m a fan! (I even bookmarked your blog.)
Fortunately, I’m not the stalking type of fan, so don’t get too worried. It seems that I’m the shading type of fan. Bwah ha hhhhaaaaaa……
heh, the funny thing is that some Tolkien fans initially tried to claim that “everyone they knew” could “tell” something was missing at the end. However, after the multiple endings became an “in” joke on TV shows and late night comedy, that claim started to look a bit farcical.
(Then the complaint became that Peter Jackson failed to invest the time to set up Lotho’s takeover of the Shire as Tolkien so brilliantly did; it really must have been brilliant, because Lotho was mentioned once in the opening chapters with nary a hint that he had been buying up the entire Shire for years….)
Bah! You are just bitter that one of your protege’s got the knife in that chapter….. 😀
The Emmys opened up voting to all of the academy members this year. The odds are actually smaller that GOT won because of politics this time.
Luka Nieto,
Schadenfreude is fun. And hard to say backwards. Or forwards, for that matter.
Aka, business as usual!
(And it’s not “anti-book reader sentiment” as most of us are book readers; it’s really more an amusing poke at those who insist that the show is bad because it does not use the books for scripts. So, it’s an “anti books-make-good-scripts” sentiment.)
Possibly the best comment on fandoms ever! (It is either than, or William Shatner’s Saturday Night Live sketch from 1986…..)
The show does really deserve these awards. It is somewhat of a shame that Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington could not have been there as well. I hope they will throw some parties in Spain and Belfast as well.
Thanks, but I already understood what you were saying.
Your politics analogy doesn’t work for two reasons. First, it deals with something measurable. We can know with certainty how many people voted for who, which lets us also say with a great deal of certainty that a person’s group of friends is not representative of the overall population. You can’t do that with TV show season preferences, since we don’t know what the true preferences of the population are. Second, with politics there are well-researched factors that correlate with political alignment: race, age, gender, income. This is not the case with TV show season preferences. It’s one thing to tend to hang out and talk to people who like the shows you like. It’s another to exclusively hang out and talk to people who rank the seasons of a TV show the same as you. I mean, you’re pretty much alleging that I only hang out with people who dislike season 5, which is a silly.
I mean, sure, you’re technically allowed to say to someone “oh, well maybe it’s just your friends who didn’t like season 5.” But since you have no evidence to indicate or reason to believe that the general population feels differently, it only serves to invalidate my post (which is annoying)!
It is not just politics for which this holds: it is but one example. Reactions to entertainment also fits this.
At any rate, general audience marks for this season equalled or exceeded those for Season 4. That is an independent line of evidence suggesting that the year was well-received in general.
Really? No evidence? I mean… just look up IMDB ratings, what critics had to say, and the Emmys themselves, which this year were more of a popularity vote than ever before.
This is just great. But I can’t not be disappointed that Lena, who deserved it the most, didn’t win.
I suspect she would have had a better shot if she’d gone naked herself, as opposed to using a body double. The use of a nude double to do the walk of shame with CGI trickery was well publicized.
I did love the shoutout to the shame bell in the awards ceremony.
I’m just basking in the glow of the wins tonight, and couldn’t care less about the naysayers of any variety, because I simply don’t consider them worth any thought. 🙂
What would’ve been even better: The Emmy scriptwriters giving the host and presenters repeated lines in which they use the word ‘less’ ungrammatically, at which point a tiny clip of Stannis saying ‘Fewer’ appears on the overhead screens each time.
GoT now has a total av 26 Emmys and now is the drama series with the most emmys together with West Wing and Hills Strret Blues.
WOW! I was out of the loop, didn’t even realize the Emmy’s were tonight…
Did not expect all those wins! Haha, wow. Despite the controversy this year, it’s the most acclaimed season yet! AND it’s GRRM’s bday?!? LOL!
(Lena getting robbed/snubbed is the only downside. Brutal.)
I’m so happy for both D&D and GRRM and their wins, GRRM won it as one of producers and D&D as writers, GRRM must be so happy too that his colleagues won it for writing.
It’s a shame though that there is no emmy for fan blogging, GRRM invested so much time and energy in it, but he won’t get the recognition for it.
Again, congrats for everyone involved.
Worst season gets the most awards….shows how dumb Emmies are…
True King,
Says the person who spelled it “Emmies”.
Why isn’t David Nutter directing ‘Game of Thrones’ this year (season 6)? He just won an Emmy, but he doesn’t work there anymore.
Really impressive awards for impressive programming. I just got into GOT (first time I had HBO) and am now obsessed. As for the “haters”, whiners really, here’s the thing: a book and an adaptation for film or stage are different things. The two, ok, make that three art forms – books as literature, stage plays as theater and literature and film scripts as the basis for what is essentially a visual presentation are different things; have different values and different goals even if they are telling the same story. This year while rapidly running out of rope (i.e. previously written production material, aka the novels), the production team kicked everything up a couple of gear and ran for the edge of the cliff just hoping there was a dragon somewhere to catch it all. It worked beautifully. My commendations to the cast and crew.
As for the folks at HBO, would you now seriously consider an HBO Fantasy Channel. I may be dreaming but it would be so impressive for someone to produce the definitive Dune series or a Ray Bradbury anthology series or dramatizations of Olivia Butler’s works or… wait for it: Dhalgren.
That’s BS. Look at the top-rated episodes on IMDb :
5 episodes from S5 are in the TOP20. 9 episodes from S5 are in the TOP30. The audience loved S5, you just can’t argue with that.. And it might be time to realize that your opinion (and your friends’) is just that, an opinion (and an unpopular one at that).
Hi everyone. I’ve been reading this site for a while and have decided to de-lurk to add my twopence. As a fan of the books and the show I agree that season 5 was not its best, but I think that’s mostly due to deficiencies in the source material. Books 4 and 5 were the worst of the series and the most difficult to adapt to a television format. I think the show did a good job, given what they had to work with and their production constraints. Even at its worst, GoT has remained my favorite show, and the one show I can’t wait to see next season. It’s the only reason I subscribe to HBO.
I’m a big fan of Mad Men and Downton Abbey, too, but I was much more entertained and impressed by GoT this past year than by either of those. The last season of Mad Men was marginally better than the one before it (Don’s affair with Sylvia Rosen was tedious and THE WORST season of the show), but it was still not very good. I haven’t seen the other nominees for best drama, so I can’t really make a judgement about their merits, but I will say that I’m bored to death with political, medical, police procedural, and anti-hero tropes so it’s nice to see a non-conventional genre (fantasy) win for a change.
Judging by his nickname he is probably some Stannis fanboy still butthurt that he got killed in the show even though he will 100% get killed in the next book,but whatever let him think that Stannis will actually be a end game player, dreaming is nice for anybody .
I had no idea that Bryan Cogman is so tiny.
Huge congrats to the show, and every award well deserved. However I really feel Alfie has been overlooked in not even being nominated- he was simply outstanding in S5, and if it were me I’d have put him forward over Peter any time (although I’m in the UK so not really sure what the nomination criteria is).
Y.E.S.S.S … F.I.N.A.L.L.Y.Y.Y
God i’m bloody thrilled right now, congrats to every single hard working person who’s somehow involved in the show and to all of you WotW community.
So bloody glad!!!!!
All the hate, all the purists, people yelling doom.
This is just perfect.
As somene who absolutly loved S5. I simply enjoy seeing those who irrationally hate this show, the purists, who insult the writers, actors,..etc. Being proven that millions of people love this show.
That they are in an overwhelming minority. And I can’t imagine how hard it must be for them to see the writer of the books, praise this ”horrible fan-fiction”, hopefully this will finally put those ridiculous statements about how GRRM hates the show, away. Doubt it….
There will be people who will say that the Emmy’s don’t metter, or that they bought the awards, or its political,…etc. But deep down they will still feel that anger of hating something that millions of people love.
(of course, they will go to westeros.org now, surrounding themselves with other purists and Linda herself, and will continue to say that everybody hates the show, ”because no one they know liked it”.)
I’m sorry that I brought this back, but as a book-reader who loves the show, and was insulted for lliking it, by the people at westeros.org, this is like cristhmas for me.
What a way to start my morning!
The best 🙂 What lovely news! Great for D&D to be recognised. I may not have liked every single thing they did, but what they’ve put together and accomplished is extraordinary! And next season sounds even more exciting!
Luka Nieto,
Really, would you please, PLEASE cut it out? I’d like to enjoy the good news here. I’m not on either side of the fence, and I am so happy for GoT to finally get the recognition it deserves (except for Lena, who should totally have won, too), but you guys are making me feel bad about that.
Yes, schadenfreude is negativity, especially if it is directed towards people who haven’t even attacked you first here. You started this whole attack on the critics of the show before they even showed up to weigh in. And you did it knowing that you had the stronger arguments for once. That’s like kicking someone who is already down and not making a sound. Couldn’t you have just enjoyed it without holding your triumph over other people’s heads? Sheesh.
Oh don’t get me wrong,
And YG, well here I’m just a bit angry that my theory was proven wrong.
I don’t agree with everything they do, but I see no point on focusing on those things. Like some people do with the ”bad p***y” line. This is just how I wach TV/movies, I simply don’t bother with the things I don’t like, instead I focus on the things I enjoyed.
After being called a ”moronic idiot, who can’t understand the books”? When I read all the books 3 times?
Or ”that I probally liked Transformers too”?
Or being called ”stupid” for enjoying a TV show?
This is the least they deserve. Yes I need that to feel good, I like proving to these people just how much in the minority they are. Yes I enjoy holding this triumph, so they can see just how wrong they are, not that they wil ever admit it.
So yes, if they can call me ”idiot”, ”moron”,…etc…etc. I think I can say that they are in a minority and that their opinion is not fact. If they can insult other people, then I have the right to savour this moment, and stick it in their faces, to prove to them that they are wrong.
To answer your question. No I don’t need to do it, just like they didn’t need to insult the writers, actors,..etc. But I enjoy seeing them rage, that a TV is succsesfull.
I’m glad the show did so well. I thought Peter Dinklage deserved the award last year (though to be fair I hadn’t seen all the shows he was up against) – I thought he was superb in the trial scene last year. But still an Emmy is an Emmy.
YES! I’m dreaming with you!! This is another one of the reasons I really love GOT, it still astonishes me that not only does a show like this exist, but is a mainstream favorite. I sometimes think that some of the adaption disappointment comes from people who are too young or those who simply don’t remember a time when a straight-up fantasy shows like this would never be considered or done so very poorly that they became laughable and/or sad. Just thinking about how bad it could have been, makes me appreciate all the efforts of GOT even more. With GOT proving that the mainstream has shifted to include broader enthusiasm for Fantasy, hopefully this will lead to more 1st-class productions.
George receiving a birthday cake & a song while his Emmy sits nearby https://instagram.com/p/74Z4y-if24/
This clearly proves that Martin hates D&D and the show…I mean you can clearly see it, look in how much pain he is, it must be difficult to stay near people you hate..
I have been seeing the news for a while now, and i was suprised like a most of you. But it took a while to feel happy, it was just so strange. Game of thrones is one of the most awarded shows right now. More than Mad Men and all the rest. Highest ratings, highest awards, most fans.
haha I knew they’d have someone try to do damage control with regard to Kit’s latest interview. Maisie claims it’s fabricated lol
Although i’m very disappointed Lena didn’t win. Well i’m glad it went to Uzo Aduba, she was my other favorite in the category.
Oh wow, a win for Peter! Cool, except he wasn’t that special this season.
But Lena will have to win one! Maybe next year. She looked freaking gorgeous btw.
(And boooooo no emmy for Amy Poehler!!! Booo!)
I’m not going to bother reading all the negativity in this thread because most of you are damaged and should seek help for that (and I’m not being facetious).
Here is the reality of the Emmys and every other major award show in Hollywood:
IT IS A POPULARITY CONTEST FIRST. Then it’s a social action contest. Then it’s a momentum contest. And somewhere in the distance it is a contest about quality execution and talent.
So, GOT receiving these awards now is more or less about its popularity and quality over several years, not about the quality of the show now (though, quality as determined by whom?). That is why you see certain people and shows (like MODERN FAMILY) winning often, because they are familiar to the voters.
Do you actually think most of the Academy voters bother watching the shows they’re voting for? Sure, some of them take it seriously, but most of them are busy, or just vote based on what they’ve heard… and it’s been this way for decades. The voting bodies have even tried to curb this problem and FORCE people to watch in order to vote. But the general public barely notices any of that and just go along with the mass media interpretation of quality. And as long as the masses let them get away with voting for things that don’t exhibit the level of quality some consider award-worthy, the process will continue to allow it to happen.
Spoiler: the process will allow it to continue to happen for… probably ever. Because no one is going to change human psychology and laziness any time soon.
So get over it… or stop watching award shows, if you are so sensitive that it causes you to shit all over everyone’s enjoyment.
Season 5 was visually stunning, congratz GOT crew!
Ratings on IMDb always go down over time, so it’s not much of a valid point.
Yeah because this show wasn’t recognized or validated until tonight. Thank god.
Yes, it’s a popularity contest and no one has yet to successfully define what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Mostly people just want to have fun and that’s what they get out of award shows. Also a pat on the back that everyone always craves. So it doesn’t matter if a TV show or movie makes sense or not. It’s not like reading and analyzing a book. If the visuals, shock value, etc. appeal to everyone’s salacious interests then it will be a successful show. Kudos to everyone involved because they do what they do very well. This show has alleviated boredom like nothing else before it.
Although I think you are one of the worst people to ever exist (on the Internet, not real life), you have a good point. Well said
Of course it isn’t. Nothing is a valid point if it praises the show.
Not Metacritic. (Where S5 has a 91/100 raiting)
Not Rotten Tomatoes. (Where S5 has a 97%, batter then S4, from the critics, and 88% from the viewers)
Not the raitings. (Wich have reached an all-time record)
Not all the awards they recived. (Record breaking..again)
Nothing matters, the only opinions that matter are from those who hate the show (AKA ”proving I’m right”.)
Give me a break…
Yes, and today especially! We’ve had five seasons and counting–there’s bound to be SOME disagreement, and there’s certainly a time and a place for criticism/to acknowledge that D&D aren’t perfect. (Who is?) But now, time to celebrate. The show and the people behind it got recognised in a big, big way, which is fantastic for them and great for us as viewers. The more success Thrones enjoys, the more HBO will support it (budget, creative freedom, etc), and the better the show will be. And as others have said, what a win for fantasy!!
Well done everyone! Was it the best season of GoT? Probably not, but I still think Season 2 was a lot worse. Furthermore, who cares, the show really deserves this award for five fantastic seasons and it was still a brilliant season of television.
In fact, I’m glad we won for Season 5, because the book purists’ outrage is even funnier to watch.
I’m sick, so I took a free day from work. Tought it will be a very boring day.
You can’t imagine how happy I was, when I saw that GOT won Best Drama/Best Writing.
I knew this would be a sad day for the purists.
Thats how I knew, it will be a good day for me
Fortinbras: ,
Meanwhile the only proof you have provided that people thought S5 was the worst is your friends’ opinion. Doesn’t really look like a valid point to me.
I find it kind of sad that we have to prove (over and over again) that there are people who think that GOT is a good show.. on a GOT fansite.
Oh I’m not suprised at all.
You should have seen the fandom in 2006 when AFFC came out, the fandom just broke it half. This is mild rage. You should have seen all those, ”Dorne suckz more!!!”, ” No the Ironborn are worse!!!!”, and so it went, on and on and on.
I fully expected S5 to be flodded with haters, mostly those who liked AFFC/ADWD…
While those who disliked the last 2 books, I expect they liked the more focus narative of this season,
So while it’s easy to say this is a Show vs. Books, in reality its just a continuation of AFFC/ADWD where bad vs. AFFC/ADWD where good. After all, you rarely see show watchers only, entering this kind of debates. It’s mostly book-readers.
This is a shame really. Lena headey gets nothing but Peter Dinklege who phoned this season in and had no relevant scenes wins? and Mothers mercy, the worst written episode of the entire series gets 2 wins? This is why I can’t take the damn Emmys seriously, gots deserves some Emmys but these were all the wrong ones.
Worst written episode?
Without a doubt. Not well directed either for that matter, most of it visually makes no sense.
Cry some more please,also how was Mother’s Mercy the worst written episode,do you book purists even try to use arguments or are you just used to throw shitty hyperboles all the time ? I wonder how do you deal with real world issues in fact i would like to hear your stance on the refugees crisis,i’m sure an epic clusterfuck of unintelligence would come from you but at least it would an entertaining clusterfuck .
Ridiculous, Mad Men should have easily won best drama. Season five was GOT’s worst.
You must get used by people all the time due to your on-point perception skills.
Lol this isn’t about being a book purist, but of corse that’s the only thing you can say. I rank a song of ice and fire, and gots, as two completly different entities, and for years I’ve said that seasons 1-3 were better then the books; for me. Season 5 was an awful convoluted mess and mothers mercy was terribly written all around, was Unsatisfying, it’s visual continuity made no sense and was frankly just disappointing. I love this show but I’m not so stupid that I don’t address it’s bad episodes and this episode was awful. There were good episodes and good actors to nominate this season of gots that didn’t get nominated, instead the trash did.
You can’t spell nor use proper grammar but you expect me to believe you understand what “convoluted” means or what “visual continuity” is supposed to be? Or that you have any ability to judge quality? Come on. You are just repeating shit you’ve seen someone say somewhere and you want us to believe these are your actual opinions.
No one is buying it.
Speaking as a hater, I am:
– Pretty annoyed that the awards came for *this* season of all seasons,
– Mildly surprised at a second Dinklage win for this particular season,
– Also fully realizing that Emmys are not nor should be taken as the ultimate arbiter of what is good television
– Still happy that a lot of hardworking and talented people got some recognition. Whatever I think of her plotline this season, Sophie is almost certainly going to get a career bump out of this, which she heartily deserves. Someday my grandkids will be watching a show starring the great Sophie Turner as an elderly, scene-stealing guest actor and we will all sit around debating which of her hundred or so IMDB credits were her most awesome role.
And in the much nearer future I will be sitting in a movie theater watching Brienne of Tarth wielding a lightsaber while–get this–NOT being scantily clad. Which would never happen if not for D&D.
So, this hater is not totally happy but not shooting lasers out of her eyes or having some kind of internet hernia, either. All things being equal I’d rather them get awards for any season rather than no season. But mainly I’d like the internet to stop acting like Emmy awards erase all the legitimate issues of Season 5.
*Edit: Brienne is obviously not scantily clad in GoT, just saying that having a badass, fully clothed, female Star Wars character is going to be a nice change of pace.
My God can we just go once without people here insulting book purists? It really pisses me off, as there have been no book purist trolls in here for the last few weeks without them being deleted really fast. Just… ugh. I’ve said it before: people whining about the people whining about the books are worse than the people whining about the books.
On topic: Really nice and well-deserved wins. 🙂 Though I would have preferred Lena over Peter. But eh, that can’t spoil the party 😀
Good for the show!!! This was not my favorite season, and “Mother’s Mercy” was not my favorite episode, but whatever. Still a great show, and I’m very happy for it. I just wish Lena had won, along with Dinklage.
Even that I think is an unfair characterization. The people who vote on these awards are people heavily invested in TV (or film or music or whatever the awards are). What really gets a favorable response from them is effective communication of stories.
Now, where there is a bias is in the type of story that is told. The Emmys has long favored shows that tell stories about people who are betwixt and between themselves: a lot of the “darlings” of the Emmys over the years have been telling the exact same type of story as Thrones has been telling. (Mad Men, which has gotten a lot of discussion here, is a prime example of that.) Shows telling other sorts of stories just as well often do not get the recognition because, well, it seems that these sorts of stories just do not grab the Academy members as much. The Emmys are not alone here: the Oscars have shown much the same bias since the 1970’s or so. And, of course, literary awards like the Bookers have been showing this bias since, um, forever.
And there should not have been an argument: DORNE DID! And your mother wears army boots if you disagree!!!! (And why is it bad for mothers to wear army boots? No idea….)
Now, let’s talk about Katrina again, too…. 😀
Well, it WAS the worst season… Doesn’t mean it wasn’t good 🙂 I love it when GoT wins Awards!
This is very much on point. Which is why I don’t go out of my way to watch awards shows unless it’s an excuse for a social get-together. But I’m still allowed to have and express feelings about said imperfect results, especially when the winning or passed over show is one that I’m emotionally invested in.
To be honest Peter didn’t deserve to win this year. He did nothing so spectacular in Season 5. They are nominating him basing it more on who he is, not what he did. Allen should have been nominated for Season 2, Coster-Waldau for Season 3, but I don’t remember that happening.
Lena should have won. Emilia also didn’t do anything so spectacular this year to deserve nominations.
I think that S4 was far better, but in any case I’m really happy for this awards. And Lena should have won, she’s awesome.
Game of Thrones is, simply, the most all-round entertaining series on television. That is down to all of its composite parts. So, well done to the thousands and thousands of people who have worked on the series and helped to produce such a high quality end product!
I’m very pleased that GoT has done so well at the awards. I don’t think this was the best season, no, but nor was it the worst. (Season 2 was the one I enjoyed least, simply because they tried to include every character/storyline in every episode, and it made for very choppy viewing.)
A pity that Dinklage gets all the attention though. He didn’t do much this season. In the absence of a category for ensemble cast, surely the Supporting Actor/Actress category should allow for other actors to get a mention. Stephen Dillane and Alfie Allen are just two names that should have been in the running before now, and that’s just the men.
I’m not disappointed that Lena Headey did not win: she was very good but the use of a body double should have been taken into account, and it seems that it was. Really don’t think Emilia Clarke should have been nominated this year though.
I offer up season 2 for your consideration.
Remove every shot of Lena’s emotional performance and that scene is nothing. Sure, the body double was very brave, but these awards are supposed to be about acting. Lena nailed it during the Walk of Shame and deserved that award.
Uzo Aduba entirely lacks the nuance that Heady brings to all of her scenes. Not to mention that Crazy Eyes on OITNB is purely a comic relief character in a comedy series.
#StillBitter lol
lol Dorne sucked. Ironborn sucked, too, but less. Everything sucked.
Anyhow, chalk me up as a reader disappointed with the last two books, and who preferred the show’s focus. I appreciated this season all the more, as they were working without the kind of material they had for volumes 1-3. They had to make huge changes, yet still respect the characters and end with everyone ready to start Winds. It couldn’t have been easy.
Seriously i dont get it why people call S5 the weakest of all. I mean for the first time ever in the show the story finally unfolds, like Cersei finally getting a bit of punishment, Kit fighting the White Walkers at Hardhome, Theon/Reek killing Miranda, Tyrion arriving in Mereen and meeting Daenerys and the huge amount of clues to who Jon’s mother is. Those events alone make S5 one of the best because all the previous Seasons build up to those events.
I agree,but Why Kit not is at Emmy Awards 2015?The season of GoT 5 is in the name of Jon Snow and ,of course, of Kit Harington…
“Remove every shot of Lena’s emotional performance and that scene is nothing.” – Well, obviously! But it would also have had much less impact without the nude shots.
I have no opinion about the winner as I haven’t seen the programme.
Because the only question reporters will ask him is whether Jon Snow is dead. There will be plenty more Emmy awards ceremonies that Kit will be able to attend with GoT.
Apart from the obviuous desire to avoid attention, Kit is still filming in Saintfield, isn’t he?
Kit wasn’t at the Emmys, even though he usually goes to those things, because he’s busy filming for season 6. Emilia couldn’t be there for the same reason. They had a busy weekend.
They are my actual opinions though, so now you are trying to discredit my opinions, awesome, you are clearly a decent person, right? And why is grammer and spelling suddenly a big deal on the Internet. I’m busy, I don’t have a lot of time but nontheless I still like to express MY opinion, one I’ve carried for many years now. And yes, I’m typing on a touch screen, auto correct is a thing and it’s annoying lol, it’s no excuse and if I regularly proofread my stuff, sure my grammer and spelling would improve but I’m not going to do that when I’m simply expressing an opinion on a fan site. I know you clearly don’t like or want to value that but that makes you the asshole not me. Sorry.
Some of the changes from page to screen in season 5 PUZZLED me rather than had me jumping up and down in rabid rage. I don’t want to say anything to spoil things for the Unsullied but Book Ellaria is not the vengeful harpy the show made her in season 5 – and the book Sand Snakes never wanted to hurt Myrcella. Giving show Sansa the story-line of a character that had been cut from the show adaptation – that’s difficult (to me at least) to judge one way or another – book Sansa hasn’t done much since SOS except hang round the Eyrie and somebody said her “new” WOW chapter was one that had been pushed back from ADWD.
I liked the show more than I disliked it though. I thought Lena was in with a chance. Haven’t seen enough of “Orange is the New Black” to judge the other lady’s performance.
Eceryone I know, and is also German like me, can not agree. That clearly means you’re wrong. – At least on the forward part, backwards is a bitch.
An HBO Fantasy channel would be cool.
I’d add Arthur C. Clarke’s Rama series and Richard K. Morgan’s novel Altered Carbon to the list. Maybe even Anne McCaffrey’s Pern series?
David Wingrove’s Chung Kuo series could be interesting TV, but there’ll be political issues and international relations stuff to deal with.
But if any network can produce a proper, definitive Dune adaptation, I’ll happily watch. It’s possible. 🙂
Lol You can’t do Stannis, so just stop. You’re just distracting from the argument and attack the form rather than the idea. Personally, I found that spelling mistakes are not always correlated with intelligence or correct interpretation or common sense, for that matter!
Look at it this way: your spelling is good. However when it comes to how many TV seasons this show is going to run your interpretation of the HBO executive comment lacks common sense. See? Spelling means nothing in many cases. Bet you’re still thinking it will be Season 7, part deux when they air it in its eighth year. I’m expecting now GOT to run season 7 part 3 myself, considering the recognition it got yesterday (that’s season 9 for anyone who’s not GF).
Hah! Lotho was a nice set up?! I suppose in a big enough fandom you can always find extremes like that… The reverse is that for example some ASoIaF fans said fAegon had no set up whatsoever in ASoIaF and I thought they were joking. But obviously not.
Regardless of how we feel about the Emmys and a slew of other issues regarding the books, the show and what have you, at least on this thread. personally I am glad and happy for the incredible wins and recognition for “Game Of Thrones”…well deserved!
And a heartfelt congratulations and toast of celebration for all the good and talented people in front and behind the camera, who work soo hard and soo tirelessly on behalf of us fans, so that we can enjoy a TV series the likes of which we have never seen and will probably not see for some time to come! All of you take a bow, you have certainly earned it and deserve it! Accolades and praises most appropriate!
Also a very Happy Birthday to the man himself, George RR Martin, the person really responsible for this, without whom at the end of the day none of this would have been possible! Much health, happiness and prosperity to you sir! Hopefully last night provided a nice present and a most deserved exclamation point in a long and illustrious career! Thank you for providing me with so much to enjoy, think and dream about all these years!
The dirty secret of the Emmy nomination process is that the people who vote on the nominations don’t really watch a ton of television. Indeed, they’re too busy making it. This has changed a bit in the era of DVR viewing and streaming, but not substantially. Actors who don’t have a ton of name recognition — or who aren’t on shows that Emmy voters are already watching — are often out of luck. That’s why so many of the same shows and actors keep getting nominated, year after year, with few changes to the ballot.
The exceptions? Shows that air on networks the Emmys always pay attention to and/or shows whose networks (or production companies) have cash to burn on huge “for your consideration” marketing efforts. HBO in particular has been associated with “quality TV” for so long that it can get Emmy voters to seriously assess pretty much anything it puts on the air. And the reason Netflix has made such a huge splash, even as a young network, is that it can afford to mount big ad campaigns.
Tywin of the Hill,
I was fully expecting something like this from.
The worst GoT season would still be better than the best Mad Men one.
Well… Once we’re discussing these highly technically proficient and well-acted shows, it all comes to different tastes, doesn’t it? I happen to agree with you, but I can certainly see how many people would disagree. For one, Mad Men and Game of Thrones are so different, at least superficially, that someone who absolutely loves Mad Men may hate Game of Thrones, and viceversa. I happen to love both, but I don’t see the allure in 60’s America or the rise of the modern ad agencies —neither as a place and time I would like to live in nor as a particularly fascinating time period to explore; and that’s why, while I enjoy the writing and the acting in that show, I had to plod myself through a lot of it. Game of Thrones also has high production values, from the technical to the more artistic, and I enjoy the acting and the story tremendously, so it is my favorite. But that’s just me!
Both wrong, I think Meereen sucked even more 🙂
The first book is great (one my fav. Science-fiction books), the rest of the series were not written by him, and in my opinion were terrible.
I never read the books. And book purists annoy me. But to be fair some of the comments here by people mocking those who read the books are just as annoying. You want to become just as weird and bothersome as the group you don’t like? Because you’re on your way. There is no monopoly on being arrogant. It can easily shift to you too.
Mad Men won it 4 times in a row. GoT had never won it.
A thousand thumbs up. It’s disappointing that this post on awards has slid into gleeful digs at irrelevant people.
So, you aren’t going to bother reading all the negativity, but then you turn around call most of the people here damaged and suggest they need help? Hahahaha…if that isn’t a study in hypocrisy, I don’t know what is, but, hey, whatever makes you feel better. *continuing to laugh*
Blind Beth,
In the past, I’ve vehemently disagreed with some of your posts, however I loved your post on this thread. I understand there are people who really, really didn’t like season 5, and I know you’re among them, but it made me smile to see your comment (forgive me for paraphrasing), “I’d rather see them win, than not win.” Thanks.
On a slightly different note: I fell asleep last night grinning over the thought of the cast and crew in Spain and NI waking up to the great news about all the awards. I bet the smiles over their morning caffeine rivaled the brightness of Dragon fire. 🙂
Just want to point out that there are a lot of us who are not book readers, merely just fans of the show… but as fans of the show we’re all pretty much in the same boat anyway. It’s not WotW or WIC where you can’t be a fan of both… it’s at westeros.org where it seems you can only be a book fan who hates the show…
I rarely see anyone here mocking the readers of the books. I *do* often see people at that other site mocking anyone who dares to like Game of Thrones the television series, or dares to regard its show runners as anything more than morons.
Well I don’t know what to tell you if you haven’t seen any. I mean there is post in this very thread mocking other people’s misspellings and grammar. That’s a sign of having no point at all and just being plain nasty. And for what? And there is obviously one poster in particular on this very thread that is taking great glee in all of this. And it is as annoying. arrogant and unneeded as the very book purists he/she likes to mock.
Sorry, I wasn’t clear; sure there’s plenty of nonsense posting and infighting here as well, it’s just that I rarely see it directed at people *because* they specifically like the books, and that is usually people who are obviously trying to troll others.
My fault, I didn’t make my point clearly.
It was the worst by far in my opinion and to be honest this was also the worst for Peter Dinklage not that he did a bad job he just didn’t do very much at all I feel, still happy they got so many wins though especially since it was GRRM’s birthday but they have been more deserving every other season than now honestly.
I still remember a local film reviewer completely bent out of shape when reviewing The Two Towers because they cut the confrontation with Saruman. But he consoled himself (in his review) with the fact that he would sometime later be able to watch the two films back to back with his self-proclaimed favorite scene included. Can’t imagine how it must have killed him when they cut the scene completely from the theatrical release and then on the extended version changed it to have Saruman kick the bucket early.
(I kind of wonder if that guy is a SoIaF fan, because I know he’d be going nuts about this show in the same way.)
I’ll just say this. I LOVE GAME OF THRONES. but everyone should know that all of these award shows are fixed, and at the end of the day all there used for is so Hollywood can throw another party and so companies can slap a sticker on their Blu-ray cover telling how many nominations/awards the movie/show got for marketing purposes. That’s it. I guess also for the selected few on here that are obviously captivated by them
Breaking Bad and The Sopranos didn’t win the best drama Emmy until their 5th seasons too. Breaking Bad’s season 5A was not better than any of the first 4 seasons, IMO. The Sopranos’ 5th season was arguably it’s best, but it should have won much sooner. In both of these cases, and in the case of GOT, it is rewarding the entire show, not just a single season, IMO. While season 5 was my personal least favorite season, it is similar to season 2 in terms of quality. Take away Dorne and some poor pacing towards the end of the season, and I probably liked it better than season 2. However, I am ecstatic that the show finally won, as I feel seasons 1 and 3 deserved it over the competition those years(I liked season 4 more than season 3, but Breaking Bad’s final season was stronger).
As for Dinklage, I don’t get the hate. He is the star of the show. I think he is award worthy every season. He had a standout episode in ‘Kill The Boy’. People seem to quibble with Alfie Allen and Stephan Dillane being overlooked, but in the case of Dillane, he did not submit himself for consideration.
It seems that Asimov’s Foundation series is going to happen, which should be amazing.
Beyond that, I’d love to see an HBO adaptation of Donaldson’s Thomas Covenant series, or (dare I say it) The Gap. I think that would make my life complete. LOL
Well it is the only change I personally disliked, as it didn’t give much closure to quite a major villain. The Ents should have killed him off in TTT or they should have kept his death scene in RotK in, imo.
I know I’m late on this but I just have to say that I am so excited and happy that Game of Thrones finally took home the big one on Sunday night. It was a deserved award for all of the years of hard work that the cast and crew have put into this show. And it feels like vindication for long-time fans of the show who have had to sit through some disappointing Emmy award nights.
Congrats to David, Dan, David, Peter and the whole team. Now let’s break the record again next year!
Replying a month later, but it’s good to see you commenting, Phil! Hope life is treating you well. Thanks for helping to kickstart this sector of the fandom several years ago.