If your shelves are already groaning under the weight of Game of Thrones collectibles and memorabilia of all kinds, don’t stop now — add another shelf, because you’ll want to make room for this new stuff courtesy of Funko and McFarlane Toys.
First up: Yes, that really is a close-up of the gorgeously detailed Drogon Deluxe Figure from McFarlane Toys, the brainchild of Spawn creator Todd McFarlane. The company creates highly detailed resin figures and has released several Thrones characters, including a stunning undead Viserion that will be released in April. Specs on the Drogon figure aren’t available yet, but we can guess that it will be similar to Viserion, whose wingspan measures more than 16 inches.
Next, in their quest to create an adorable, big-headed version of every fictional character who has ever been created, Funko announced a new lineup of Thrones Pop! Vinyl figures at this week’s London Toy Fair. Each of the five figurines — Jon Snow, Daenerys, the Night King, Cersei and Tyrion — comes seated on the Iron Throne, so that we can all continue to argue over who ends up ruling over Westeros long after the series has ended.
Funko also announced a line of their 5-Star figures — Jon, Dany, the Night King and Tyrion — which are smaller and more cartoon-influenced than the Pop! Vinyls: think smaller heads and big anime eyes.

A new Pop! Ride: White Walker on Horse is coming soon as well, and an assortment of keychains and pens you can check out at the source:
There’s no release date yet for any of these new collectibles, but we’ll keep you posted! After all, you can never have too many toys.
Yep I’ll be getting these. I have the majority of the GoT funko pops.
I like how the smaller ones all have an animal companion, except Tyrion – he has wine. Lol.
They made an undead horse look cute.
The Walker on the horse looks a little like Stewie Griffin, actually.
I bought my son (now 23) a slew of those McFarlane dragons when he was a kid. Probably still have a carton of them up in the attic somewhere. Beautifully detailed beasties they were, too, and never too cutesy. I’d keep an eye out for the GoT line, but don’t know where to start looking, now that Toys R Us has gone out of business.
Those anime-style Funkos don’t appeal to me at all.
They remind me of the Thestrals from the Potterverse. Also Binky, DEATH’s steed from the Discworld.
Do you have Jaqen H’Ghar? He’s the only one I missed out on that I am still sad about 🙁 I was so happy when I got the Beric with the flaming sword last go-round.
No, I’m missing Jaqen, Mag the Mighty, and 6″ Drogon. Those are the only 3 I don’t have from #24-#70. I’m missing some of the older ones like Robb, Renly, Ygritte, Hodor, Grey Wind, Jaime (the Kingsguard one I have the golden hand Jaime) and the regular sized Rhaegal and Viserion (I have the 6″ for both). So out of the 70 numbered pops I’m missing those 11. I have the Jon/Ramsay double pack which isn’t numbered and I have all of the keychain pops. It’s weird there’s no #36, but two #38’s (Margaery and the Iron Throne). And yeah, the Beric pop is one of my favs.
Still waiting for a Theon pop.
I do have to respect their commitment to doing half a million choices for the same handful of characters among a gigantic cast (whittled down since the start, admittedly), whilst ignoring the blatant omissions for whom people’re pleading. XDD As for me, I might be interested in the wee dragons, since I don’t have them (actually, that’s untrue; one of the Dany Pops is holding one as a baby on her arm.) But still. The little key-chain Davos and the Jon/Tyrion/Dany pen toppers are cute, though four versions of each of those last three people is more than enough. Tyrion’s the only one I kinda like in the 5-Star form; Jon’s sort of weird, the NK’s even creepier, and Dany looks like a baby. xD
All I have to say to Cersei is grrrrrr.
And the NK’s horse reminds me of a Thestral, too.
Jack Bauer 24,
I’d like to see a Theon one too and a Missandei one
I love the pops – its the only GOT memorabilia I collect but I wish we could get Theon and other characters rather than all these thrones – i already have the Iron Throne (the Hound sits on mine).
That Drogon looks amazing! I want it!
Granted they are the most popular characters, but yeah now with this upcoming wave we’ll have 6 Dany’s (7 with the Dany on Drogon pop), 5 Jon’s and 4 Tyrion’s.
We have 2 Bran’s but only 1 Arya and 1 Sansa which is strange and the Arya is from way back in the second wave. And we have a Yara, but no Theon.
I’m boycotting Funko until we get a Theon figurine. Who’s with me??
The ones with the animal companions are awesome!! So is the McFarlane Drogon! I might have to try to get that one
GoT merchandisers seriously underestimate the amount of Theon love that exists among hardcore fandom. Underdogs, prodigal sons and redemption-seekers are right up there in our hearts along with cripples, bastards and broken things.
give me all of them!
OH DAMN, Ten Bears, ASNAWP!!!!
I have to get that one!!
The Arya figurine has beautiful detail, but the face doesn’t much resemble Maisie.
I’m having fun reading the product descriptions, which were clearly not written by a native English speaker. Jon is described as a ‘decorated individual’ (perhaps a reference to his glorious curls?). Viserion is said to have breached the Wall at ‘Eastside’ (some Manhattanites I know will be surprised to hear this).
It all reminds me of the amusing little column-fillers that New York Magazine used to print under the header ‘The Mysterious East’: cryptic instructions in mangled English found accompanying products cheaply manufactured in Asian countries. Fun, innocently PI humor, but probably harder to find now that Japan, Taiwan, Singapore etc. have upped their game in the contemporary world economy.
Yeah, the face is a little off, unfortunately. I can probably overlook it. The Jon one is pretty sweet.
I know the Rock Candy’s are more cartoony, but this Arya releases in a few weeks https://www.amazon.com/Funko-35554-Rock-Candy-ThronesArya/dp/B07J6HT726/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1548266750&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=arya+rock+candy&dpPl=1&dpID=31y73jpPyaL&ref=plSrch
Jack Bauer 24,
Yeah, that’s one of the “cartoony” ones that I like. I’m pretty sure I’d like one of these 5-Star figures with her and a little Nymeria companion.
Jack Bauer 24,
Elvish Arya!
DROGON. I could care less about the rest, I want the dragon.
Yeah, obviously the most popular characters will have the most variants because they’ve got to make the most of what will sell best…but geeez, this is excessive. I suspect the variety of distinct and cool outfits Dany’s worn is partly to blame. xD
But especially for the end of the series, they could go back and do a bunch of characters who never got figures. I’m not a Sansa fan, but I know people’ve been clamoring for a red-haired Sansa since forever.
Jack Bauer 24,
Would Theon come with a detachable… “favorite toy”?
I don’t know. Everything about that figurine is awesome – the S7e4 costume, the VS dagger in one hand and Needle in the other – but they messed up her face. The eyes are too close together.
“The Arya figurine has beautiful detail, but the face doesn’t much resemble Maisie.”
I just saw you already said what I just said a few minutes ago.
Nothing personal, Ten Bears, but I just hate hate hate it that so many people’s go-to association with the wonderfully complex character of Theon is the fact that he was gelded. His arc, and Varys’, and Grey Worm’s, are the author’s way of pounding it into our dim little heads that the appendage doesn’t make the man.
You’re right. Merchandisers underestimate or overlook the amount of love among the hardcore fandom for certain characters. You’d think they’d want to maximize their licenses’ profit potential.
Which is why I am surprised that aside from Theon, they have not come out with…
Hot Pie.
For whatever reason, his character resonates with the fandom. How difficult would it be to make a figurine of a cook holding Wolf bread? Or kidney pie, of course with a microreservoir for gravy. Because you cannot give up on the gravy. No gravy, no pie. It’s as simple as that.
You know, you’re right and I apologize. I’d blame the explicit early scenes with Ramsay and Balon, the incessant [cringeworthy] c*ckless “jokes”, or the S7 fight on the beach in which Theon’s mutilation was played as an “advantage”, but what I wrote was juvenile. Consider this a self-reprimand.
Many if not most of the characters have suffered some kind of permanent, disfiguring physical injury. It disserves them to focus on their outward appearance, rather than “the content of their character.” – MLK
Ten Bears,
(loses cognac)
EDIT: Sees Firannion’s adult response, feels guilty.
(finds more cognac)
I second, third, fourth, and fifth this motion!!! I’d buy the butter out of a Hot Pie. x-} Alas, I’d imagine such a fan-fave being one of the rare/exclusive/hard-to-get, and almost immediately overpriced, Pops.
LOL–personally I can appreciate both Theon’s character depth -and- the notion of his accessory being a…boxed sausage… XD;
Anyone knows if the iron throne pops are “detachable” and ables you to put another pop on it?