Diocletian’s Palace confirmed for season 5 filming

Diocletian's Cellars

Location shooting in Croatia is almost here, and Game of Thrones has once again booked the cellars of Diocletian’s Palace, according to the local Split news.

The ancient Roman palace served as a filming site for the show in season 4, hosting Emilia Clarke and a large number of actors and extras serving as Unsullied soldiers and Meereenese slaves. The narrow passageways of the palace and its cellars were the main shooting areas.

Season 4 scene, set in the cellars
Season 4 scene, set in the cellars

Split.com.hr reports further that this year, filming will take place in the cellars of Diocletian’s Palace for a total of 8 days, from September 8th through the 16th. They’ll be spending four days on the east side of the cellars, and then four on the western side.

These portions of the UNESCO World Heritage site are believed to be entirely inaccessible to the general public during this time.

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Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of WatchersOnTheWall.com


  1. I loved this place last year, it gave off an incredibly apt feeling for the slaves and the escalation for rebellion! Love how they’re utilizing so many old, cool places this year.

    (Funny interview with Vulture that Sophie did, she takes the piss out of Kit a bit!!)

  2. Is this the place they used to lock the dragons on season 4?

    I can see someone getting burned there . I can only think of this scene happening there.
  3. 8 days of filming? That’s quite a lot, isn’t it?
    They’ll probably use the cellars for some dragons scenes, but 8 days is too much for just that. Maybe more slaves scenes, or something else?

    It was.

  4. I believe it is. I don’t know if they explicitly confirmed it, but it looks like it, and the dress she wore in the chaining is the same dress Emilia was wearing when she was seen outside Diocletian’s Palace. I think most likely that’s why they have it booked again, but I don’t have any info to confirm that, just pure speculation.

  5. Balerion The Cat,

    Such a long shooting schedule implies some… complex scenes. Involving CGI and actors. Ahem.

    This early? Could Trystane get French fried at the end of the season if the Pit is in episode 9? I guess it’s possible that it’s just standard dragon visit scenes.
  6. jentario,

    I think they’ll keep the ‘taming of the dragons’ for the Battle of Meeren, probably season 6. If Daznak’s Pit is in episode 9 and episode 10 is Dany meeting the dothraki with Drogon, that means 2 episodes with quite a lot of dragon CGI so I doubt they’ll afford that scene. It makes more sense to save it for later on imo.
  7. If they really intend to cram the last two books into just two seasons, they better not leave anything from AFFC/ADWD for season 6 (and add some of the stuff Martin moved to TWOW)!

  8. I think this place is very suitable for the room that

    Arya went to with the kindly man to choose a new face in the house of black and white
  9. The place is considered an UNESCO Heritage site, I can’t imagine any fires being allowed there, altho I guess it would be CGI….

    You know all of these posts that show the different places of filming are bothering me because I am not there!!!!! I have traveled around when I was younger and saw many wonderful places, but never been to Spain (cue music), or the Balkans, and would so love to go visit. Ah well, I will travel vicariously as I watch the show!

  10. Are Bran and Co even in season 5?
    There has been zero news about them so far.
    Anyone knows if Isaac or Kristian has started filming yet?

  11. Bread,

    They are. Isaac said he has more action in season 5, so presumably he gets some visions/dreams where his legs work like in season 3.

  12. Nymeria Warrior Queen,

    As someone who’s lived in Croatia from 1992 to 1997, on Ciovo peninsula near Trogir as well as Seget Donji and the city of Pula, I can tell you that you would not regret going anywhere on the Dalmatian coastline. Only negative is that certain places tend to inflate the prices to ridiculous measures. Croatia is a mostly undiscovered gem, especially if you are from North America

  13. I've seen many posts stating that Daznek Pit will take place in episode 9. I must have missed a rumor or clue given during an interview but I don't agree with this. D&D have expressed multiple times their desire to produce 7 seasons, I believe Season 5 will throw us into tWoW material. I mean, there will only be 2 seasons left for Dany to reach Westeros, conquer it, get her things together and battle the others. I believe episode 9 will depict the Battle of Meereen. Dany´s flight will take place either episode 5 or 6. We will see her facing the Dothrakis let's say ep 7 or 8 and we will see some events of tWoW. Does anybody agree? Sorry for the bad english, I live in Costa Rica.

  14. Lucius First Of His Name,

    D&D didn’t contact Neil Marshall (GOT’s resident battle director) about season 5, which likely means there’s no big battle episode in it. We already know almost for sure that the battle outside Winterfell is in season 5 (we know about a battle meant to be filmed in November at Iceland, so lot’s of snow, that has to be pushed out of Iceland because it grew too big and too long for Iceland’s short daytime schedule- so it pretty much has to be the battle of ice unless D&D are planning to add a Hardhome subplot with a whole sequence there). Either way, the Battle of Winterfell/Hardhome (probably Winterfell) is not going to take up a whole episode.

    So, if the Battle of Meereen was in season 5 you would assume it’ll be a whole big battle episode perhaps intercutting with the battle of Winterfell. And since we know Neil Marshall isn’t returning, we know this isn’t the case. I guess there’s still a chance that David Nutter is doing both battles, but I find it unlikely (and I think that would be a big fuck you to Neil- it’s bad enough that he is only given battles to direct but now they even take THAT away from him?).

    In any case, the speculation of the Daznak Pit happening in episode 9 is because that’s the only other fitting climax point for the Meereen storyline other than the battle (which we think isn’t in season 5) and would also allow Tyrion and potentially Trystane to arrive to Meereen on time.

  15. Greenjones,

    The scene will be shot in the old city of Dubrovnik with a few hundred extras in attendance, it is confirmed. and…you will get to see what you desire, and even more from “behind” the scenes…

    Also, I have confirmation that Arianne will not be cast, something I have been saying for a long long long time… her role in the books will be divided between Ellaria, Trytane and some of the sand snakes…

    Great new site you have here!

  16. Patchface,

    Though TMZ framed the question in a pervy way, I was more wondering whether or not this would effect the shooting rather than

    the nudity itself. I’m not SO desperate to see Lena naked (I’ve seen 300 and Waterland after all), but it is important for the scene.

    And it’s likely to be one of the biggest/climactic moments of s5. Wotw has confirmed it would be shot in Dubrovnik, but I was wondering if TMZ, as loathsome as they are, had new info that anyone here could verify.

  17. Greenjones,

    I know what you meant Greenjones, I was just jesting…and I agree with the importance for the whole plot. Other than that I stand by my previous statements…

    I know I know I know…

  18. Greenjones,

    I was working on that actually, I have some conflicting circumstantial information…will get back on that in a week’s time. All I can tell you right now is that Lady Lance has been discussed and is being considered…

  19. Casting I’m really looking forward is the Winterfell arc one (Northern Lords, Jeyne…)

    Cant wait to get some news on that !

  20. Darjan,

    i can confirm that any filming up that coast or even in pula or the istrian peninsula would be amazing. motovun (sp) would make for an amazing shot of a keep with town.

  21. Patchface:

    The scene will be shot in the old city of Dubrovnik with a few hundred extras in attendance, it is confirmed.and…you will get to see what you desire, and even more from “behind” the scenes…

    Also, I have confirmation that Arianne will not be cast, something I have been saying for a long long long time… her role in the books will be divided between Ellaria, Trytane and some of the sand snakes…

    Great new site you have here!

    Gosh Patchface, I’m sorry that it is definite that there is no Arianne. She does have a significant part in the source material after all. I think I can say that without it being a “spoiler” (still haven’t got my head round them yet). As I saw the show before I became acquainted to the books I have possibly been upset less by the changes than long-term book fans (mind you there have been some changes which were in my opinion at least stinkers). I do hope that now that the show has became very successful the show-runner don’t start treating the audience with contempt.

  22. Dame of Mercia: As I saw the show before I became acquainted to the books I have possibly been upset less by the changes than long-term book fans (mind you there have been some changes which were in my opinion at least stinkers).I do hope that now that the show has became very successful the show-runner don’t start treating the audience with contempt.

    Contempt? This is part of a normal adaption process… Characters are removed or combined all the time.

  23. ash:
    The place is considered an UNESCO Heritage site, I can’t imagine any fires being allowed there, altho I guess it would be CGI….

    You know all of these posts that show the different places of filming are bothering me because I am not there!!!!! I have traveled around when I was younger and saw many wonderful places, but never been to Spain (cue music), or the Balkans, and would so love to go visit.Ah well, I will travel vicariously as I watch the show!

    Thank you but Croatis is not a Balkan country (nor is Spain an African country in case you were wondering)..

  24. Lars: Contempt? This is part of a normal adaption process… Characters are removed or combined all the time.

    I realise things are changed in adaptation. I was thinking of things like mentioning the Greyjoy uncles in Series 1 and ignoring or reducing them in number later in the series (if the family trees on the HBO site are to be believed) and thinking the audience would be too daft to notice. I suppose it’s possible anything relating to Greyjoy uncles could take place off-screen. Though I absolutely hated Euron.

  25. Dame of Mercia,

    The same can be said about Trystane being “Doran’s youngest son” as mentioned in season 2. Point is, they can do an easy workaround and say that a couple of Greyjoy uncles died in the rebellion and that Quentyn had the flu. Obviously, it would have been great to get them all (and I still think that cutting Arianne is just inherently a stupid change) but I think we should wait and see what they deliver before we judge it. Maybe it’ll be great in it’s own way.

  26. Marcus,

    Hmm, it is according to Encyclopedia Britannica, Encarta and such like. They all state in relatively similar terms that “commonly known as the Balkan states [are]: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, and Bulgaria. In addition, the southeastern part of the peninsula includes Eastern Thrace, the European part of Turkey. “(Encarta)
    Spain, on the other hand, isn’t put within the confines of Africa by any encyclopedia I could find, so I guess that comparison wasn’t quite apt. I am, of course, totally willing to believe Croatia is not a Balkan country despite what those encyclopedias say, but would you care to elaborate?

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