Perhaps with Game of Thrones‘ string of infamously multicolored weddings, it was only a matter of time before somebody decided to publish a coloring book based on George R.R. Martin’s infamously un-child-friendly series.
Bantam Books will release the official Game of Thrones coloring book on October 27th and Entertainment Weekly’s exclusive sneak peak offers us a hint of what we can expect.
The book will include black and white illustrations by Yvonne Gilbert, John Howe, Tomislav Tomić, Adam Stower, and Levi Pinfoldof of house sigils and characters including Cersei (as seen on the cover) and Daenerys’ beloved “children,” Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal.
You can check out the full sneak peek over at EW’s website.
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Dany’s 3rd dragon is Rhaegal.
But ooh! I suddenly feel the urge to color. 😀
Now you can decide exactly what shade of pink the fat mast is!
I pre-ordered this on prime a couple weeks back. No shame in my game this will be fun
Me too, T & W – Prime, but I haven’t got it yet. I also ordered a huge colored felt tipped pen set. I should be fun. 🙂
From the Tonight Show (Jimmy Fallon) last night:
“Regarding the new Game of Thrones coloring book that is coming out….If you’re a kid who likes Game of Thrones, officials would like a word with your parents.”
Well… I know what I want for my birthday.
Yes, think I will have to get this. What’s with the owl, Cersei?
I’ve had all my red crayons sharpened for months for this. They really should do a companion colored pencil set – “Lanister Gold”, “Ice Wall”, “White Walker”, “Latrine Green”, “Flea Bottom Bowl o’ Brown”, “Grey Wind”, “Moon Door Blue”, and the ever-changing “Jaqen”. It could go on forever.
Sister Kisser,
Think we should try looking for some kind of hidden symbolism in the owl and how some house with an owl on it’s House sigil is tied to the valonqar?
I thought this “anti-stress-coloring-books-for-adults” thing was a fad limited to my country, Brazil.
Every bookstore is now completely filled with all kinds of coloring books, with a gigantic range of themes, from “celtic mandalas” (whatever the hell that is) to skulls. It seems to be the new favorite pastime of housewives and elderly people.
Don’t know if its a good or bad thing, but I doubt I would have patience for that. Looks cool, though.
That would be great fun actually. I ordered a smallish 12 set of felt tipped pens from amazon (don’t want pencils – they take forever) but when I used to do this (eons ago) I had a 48 piece set that had such a fantastic variety of every shade you could think of. I thought I had it still, but checked and I don’t. So I went online today and just can’t find anything like what I want. I tried Amazon, Office Depot, Walmart, Arts and Crafts stores……
Anyone, any other suggestions???
John Howe? I’m sold.
I was skeptical of this, but it looks alright. Might pick up a copy.
As a GOT fanatic who is also a mom to a 5 year old who loves to color, I am super stoked! Coloring is better than mediating.
My sister and I had a big set like that when we were young (eons ago). Loved it! Have you tried actual artist supply stores? We have one around here (Chicago area) called Blick. Try there.
The black and white drawings themselves look daunting, but the example with the colors make them look so enticing! J C Davis, you would need some very fine-tipped markers to finish these properly. You may end up getting a set of pencils anyway. These will take vast amounts of patience to do properly; the spaces are so intricate, like the detail on the inside of Cersei’s sleeves. I don’t think I have that much patience these days, but I would love to see completed pics when some of you have finished.
And not forgetting “Any colour you like as long as it’s Take the Black”
I’m printing this images now lol
Thank you, Ashara – I went on the site and became so entranced by the idea of watercolor pencils, I’m like a little kid just thinking of using them. I may end up ordering a book and a set of pencils myself.
This was from a different art supply store called Prizm about using watercolor pencils. Doesn’t it sound like fun?! :
Watercolor pencils can be used with a variety of techniques to create endless effects. Try blending the color with a brush, dipping the pencils into water, drawing color into water, or even sketching dry and refining with brush work. You can even dissolve shavings into water to be used as paint.
Yeah, I think I’m going to do it. What’s the worst that could happen? My family lock me up for going into second (or third) childhood? If so, I will email finished pics from the loony bin.
Ashara D,
I looked at Blick and they were pretty pricy. I just need some pens, nothing refillable or fancy. But I will check them again. Thank you for the reference. 🙂
Sorry. Doesn’t work. I have done poster sized pictures like this that have unbelievable detail and pencils just don’t do it. You do need a felt tip that can both do fine lines, like for outlining something in black, but also wider strokes for like all one color of a thing. But I appreciate your response. 🙂
You must not forget the “Indigo Star”!
That one dress maybe Cersei (not the cover, the dress with ruffles) is wearing does not look medieval at all.
Hodor’s Bastard,
Black Water, Red Wedding, Viserys Golden Crown, Dany’s White Wedding Dress, Dothraki Sea Wheat……
Just tossing more into the mix.
Hey People that are actually talented in art (not me) – can you tell me if it would be possible to color in this book with chalk? Talking about the type you get at an art supply store.
I could have sworn there was a “Red Comet” pencil crayon, but it seems to have vanished….
When I was a kid you could buy color-by-numbers sets with the brand name Venus Paradise. They came with the best colored pencils I’ve ever used. The leads were a little on the soft side, so easy to fill in spaces without breaking the points, and the colors were really vivid. I wonder if they still exist.
What is with the owl?
Ah ha! A Christmas present for the wife!
That’s because that picture is from the Outlander coloring book! They are both in the same article.
Do you know about the quality/thickness of the pages? I want to buy some Prismacolor double-ended markers but don’t want the colors to bleed through.
Make sure with Linda that you get the colors right.
Heck, imagine you screw up one of the Dornish skin colors.
Do…do the dragons in this have hind legs?
And people thought the next ASoIaF book wouldn’t be out before Season 6.
That would be funny if this book contained a connect-the-dots version of R + L = J ! 🙂
I kinda wish it was pornographic.
Just go to Michaels Arts and Crafts
Hodor’s Bastard,
stark white
ghost white
valyrion steel grey
stone men grey
red commet
lannister red
red god
children of the forrest green
tormund red
kingslayer hand gold
sapphire brienne
arya red
tyrion green
i cant stop
I don’t like Bolton Pink. When you paint with it, it turns to be a reddish black, like coagulated blood :/
I’ll probably pass on this – I’d rather draw something myself even if it was of a lower standard, mind you I haven’t ever tried to draw something from ASOIAF. The pictures in the colouring book are of a good standard I admit.
This is slightly off-topic – and I can’t remember whether GRRM’s football team of choice is the New York Giants or the New York Jets but I thought this was quite funny
One of the teams is visiting London and apparently bringing 350 rolls of lavatory paper with them because they don’t think the British variety is tough enough stuff.
Dame of Mercia,
The NY jets played the Miami Dolphins 2wks ago in London
I went online and didn’t see the sort of set I want, the kind with at least 48 colors in a set. Plenty of small sets. But I will check it again. I did buy a 34 pen set yesterday, but not sure how they will do. I want crisp vibrant colors, not dull. Pencils can look very dull and also if you have a large area, like the skirt on the picture above, you see the lines of trying to fill it in.
I don’t, I haven’t had this brand of book before and also it is considerably smaller than what I have done in the past. If it is like typical children’s books, it is not on that great of quality of paper. Hope this isn’t the case….but a crisp white sheet, reasonably thick.
No offense but this seems as useless as that Tyrion quote book. Feel sad for whoever wastes money on this .
Yeah right? Imagine that, people having fun! Presposterous!
Imagination….ever heard of it? Creating? Artistic endeavor? Just having a bit of fun? Don’t try to be a buzz kill because you don’t “get it”. Besides, it isn’t your money, why should you give a rats patoot!!!
God of tits and wine,
So did I! Can’t wait. I haven’t colored in years.
Bwah-hah-hah-hah! And don’t forget the Myrhish swamp, lol.
Not super positive, but pretty sure it’s the Giants, considering that Wun Wun (11) is a giant.
Dame of Mercia:
This is slightly off-topic – and I can’t remember whether GRRM’s football team of choice is the New York Giants or the New York Jets
Ooh let’s all colour in!
I don’t know where you are at but I always get my supplies form Michael’s. Depending on what you want to spend they have cheap to really expensive Primsa Colors. If you do have one locally you can go to their website and get a coupon for 40%-50% off one regular priced item. I got a large set of Primsa Colors that are normally $80 for $40. That what I do for any large sets of supplies, you can use a Michaels coupon daily.