Just as every other single day of filming in the picturesque Gipuzkoan town of Zumaia, the fourth day of the shoot has been photographed from the Santa Klara country house. Its privileged view of Itzurun beach has again been exploited by onlookers to give us a look at a few scenes —One with six of the starring cast, including one who just arrived; and another with two key main characters and perhaps a lesson on dragon-petting.
Before we go into Zumaia’s filming, there is a bit of news that may interest the locals such as myself: Zumaia’s official site reports that once Game of Thrones ends filming on Saturday, the set will be available to visit intact on Sunday the 30th. So if you live near Zumaia and want to get a look at the finished set, the 30th is the day to do so!
First, the Daily Mail shows the cast unwinding between takes for this morning’s scene: Emilia Clarke, Peter Dinklage, Kit Harington, Liam Cunningham, Nathalie Emmanuel and the Master of Whisperers himself, Conleth Hill, who arrived to Zumaia yesterday:
This morning’s report is not as stirring as it was in previous days, in which our insatiable hunger for learning more was indulged beyond belief. Still, it’s good to be sure that Varys will be on Dragonstone‘s shores with Dany, Jon, Tyrion, Davos and Missandei. We saw him at Gaztelugatxe, which also acts as Dragonstone, so it’s not a big shock.
In the afternoon, however, things got more interesting, as photographs surfaced in an Emilia Clarke fansite’s gallery showing these same characters —Jon, Daenerys, Tyrion, Davos, Missandei and Varys— in the shores of Dragonstone… And perhaps they weren’t alone! The cast and crew were spotted holding a few different dragon heads. The small painted head is used as a reference for the VFX team, so that in the future they know exactly how the dragon’s colors and texture should look like in a particular environment. Meanwhile, the large grey head is usually used for contact with the actors, so that the human performer is really touching something resembling what the creature will look like, instead of miming in the air, which tends to look incredibly fake.
We can’t know what the sequence entails for certain, but it sure seems to involve a conversation between monarchs and Jon petting a dragon —And going by the colors of the reference head, it would be Rhaegal. That would be a pretty big deal, wouldn’t it?
Still, they are shown goofing around with the heads in many pictures, so we should consider this might just be one of the producers’ ways of messing with the paparazzi. Even with that prudent warning present, one has to wonder if they would go to such highly technical and time-consuming trouble just to confuse us. There is also the fact that we can also see a sequence being filmed in which Daenerys is looking up at the sky.
In the end, both of today’s would-be-scenes could be one and the same, as they shared a cast of characters (well, not counting the dragon.) Admittedly, we have little to go on, especially for this morning, but feel free to theorize on the comment section below!
However, before going on our traditional speculation frenzy in the comment section, please let’s consider that those who might have read this particular spoiler may not want to be aware of other spoilers, especially those which have gone unreported in this site. Please, ONLY discuss what is what is revealed, mentioned and linked in this report. Other spoilers MUST be discussed in the forums or, failing that, properly tagged.
Hodor again? lol
Jon should pet Rhaegal, sure.
He will ride him ! I can feel it!
I like how the makeup artist is touching up Varys’ noggin. 🙂
Ok, set phasers to HYPE! Rhaegal! Jon and Rhaegal! This pleases me!
Have you guys seen Sophie Turner’s latest photo she put on her instagram? Hot damn.
I repeat myself I will totally freak out when this scene airs.I can’t wait!!
Thank you for saying why the second one was smaller and painted or it would’ve seemed like a baby in comparison lol!! I don’t know what we are going to do when these leaks stop coming. We are being really spoiled right now lol!!
Jon petting a dragon is gonna be bittersweet for me..like he is truly losing his Stark side…especially as he hasnt interacted with
Ghost in a couple seasons…crazy I kniw.but Ghost needs more love..he guarded jons dead body for godness sakes!!
It’s good to get evidence that Varys will be on DS when Jon and Davos are also there. Varys can get all sorts of info from the Northerners. The dragon petting scene could be fun, with Daenerys introducing her children to Jon and Davos (after they saw them from afar during their arrival) and they get a closer look. I wonder how Varys feels about dragons – he stood quite far from them and looked a bit shell-shocked in Season 6 when Tyrion went to free them.
erhmegerd! Jon petting a dragon! ehrmigerd!
Wakes up to see if I just dreamed it…
Nope. The pictures are still there.
And, Luka, why are you saying it’s the green dragon? Given that they’re all CGI and the dummy in these pictures is just dull grey.
Let’s be real… real or not. I”M SO HYPED!!! Salivating over here asking my mom to make me lemoncakes.
As I said in one of the other threads, it would be great to see a Jon/Ghost scene with a comparable Jon/dragon one later on to give a visual nod to the two sides of his heritage.
I cannot wait to see all of these characters interact on screen. The combination of characters with history, characters who have never met before and the last two Targaryens meeting at their ancestral home potentially without the knowledge that they are related……………
ETA: please let Jon meet Rhaegal, please let Jon meet Rhaegal, please let Jon meet Rhaegal!
Looks quite green to me. There are two heads, as I explain in the article. For two different purposes.
Damage control
Yes, I’ve wanted a Rhaegal/Jon connection for years, I hope this happens. Who would ride Viserion though? Oh! Tyrion of course 🙂
Speculation aside I wonder if we will see a Eddard Stark conversation between Jon and Varys. There weren’t many, if any, past events rehashing between Jon and Sansa nor Jon and littlefinger in season 6.
***MAJOR POINT regarding Daenerys now that I have a closeup of her costume:
Daenerys has switched back to wearing the “Targaryen style” fashion that her brother Viserys wore back in Season 1.
I explain this more in the “Costumes” section on Game of Thrones Wiki, but check it out:
Michele Clapton directly explained in the Season 1 featurettes that Viserys is older than Daenerys and was a child during their father’s reign, so he actually remembers what the old Targaryen fashion style looked like, and still imitates it.
The features of the Targaryen style are:
*Peaked shoulder cuffs
*Close-fitting sleaves made out of a separate undercoat from the main garment (the Tyrells have peaked cuffs made out of the same main garment)
*Tall collars, preferably with dragon scale embroidery
*An asymmetrical cut to the front of the coat.
*….A blink or you’ll miss one, but on very formal occasions, a short cape worn *off of one shoulder* – again, asymmetrical, to contrast with the symmetry of the more “Western classic” ones like the Tyrells. Viserys briefly wore such a one-shoulder cape during Daenerys’s wedding (see linked image)
Daenerys’s NEW costume in these shots:
*Has peaked shoulder cuffs and (apparently) close fitting slaves formed by an undercoat.
*Has a high collar,
****Asymmetrically has a short cape hanging from only ONE shoulder, just like Viserys!!!
The front has a symmetrical cut to the coat though, plus she retains the “active” look of riding boots – she still has some traces of her older stuff. Maybe she’ll shift costumes as she goes along.
Luka – you are killing it! Nice one! ??????
Heh, as I was strolling through these pictures, I gave a delighted yelp at the sight of Varys, then a right old chuckle at the pic where the make-up department are powdering his shaved head. That’s some dedication to a role by Conleth Hill, to shave off his luxuriant thatch every year for the role.
But all that was forgotten when I went into Jon/dragon meltdown.
Yeah, I feel the “Where’s Ghost?” thing.
Jon! You’d better not abandon your most loyal and trusted friend for this newfangled, fancier pet! Don’t you know what happens to Starks who lose/abandon their wolves? Dragons are great but wolves are who you are! Gaaaaaah!
I cant wait to see this full scene when its finished. I hope it is Rhaegal. I always preferred Jon to be his rider if it ever came up. I also hope Rhaegal’s the dragon that does the fly by when Jon’s going up the stairs in that other scene.
I honestly thought that Jon was wearing the dragon head in that one photo earlier today. ?
Perhaps Dany will bond with Ghost? ?
I would hope that, at the very least, Ned gets an ‘I knew your father; he was an honorable man’ mention when Jon and Varys meet. Varys was, after all, the only person who visited Ned in the dungeons following his arrest.
We have not seen the last of Ghost and Jon will always be Lyanna’s son.
Personally I prefer the idea of Jon / Viserion. Jon has so much symbolism with white, while Bran has a lot of symbolism with green 😉
I don’t see how anything bad could happen to a dragon though, since that would ruin the whole dragon has three heads thing? Unless the show is totally ignoring that stuff now.
Everything we’ve seen has to be taken with a grain of salt now.
He hasn’t lost his Stark side he never will the show just has lost the budget lol.He doesn’t even know he has a Targ side.I bet the dragons will though.
Give me a poster of Jon standing with one hand petting Rhaegal and Ghost sitting by Jon’s side.
Please let Jon pet Rhaegal. Please, please, please. * Season 1 Sansa voice: “It’s all I’ve ever wanted!”*
We are being spoiled on a daily basis. I’m going to suffer from serious withdrawals when they go back to Northern Ireland. 🙁
well… link it.
Yes, Luka darling, I can see… But the dummy dragon heads just look dull grey to me. I cannot for the life of me see any green.
Be that as it may, it’s no big deal, I don’t want to argue with you – and I want to thank you for all your brilliant reports from your Basque country. WotW is lucky to have you reporting “on the spot” and giving us balanced, factual and fun reports. Thank you.
As to the green dragon… Rhaegal… It’s kind of d’oh! that it’ll be Jon’s. Named after his father, not the biggest but possibly the fiercest and the one with a mind of his own. Yep.
Jack Bauer 24,
Yes, I’m sure D&D have been filming numerous scenes with Kit in Spain, at the expense of any actual location shooting, solely to throw off people’s expectations
If this is horsing around or an attempt to throw us off they have gone to a lot of trouble, aren’t those screens around Jon pictured with the dragon head used for CGI?
i didnt mean Jon “knows”.. just that from an audience perspective we are seeing him at DRAGONstone..with the DRAGON queen..petting a DRAGON…its kinda in your face TARG TARG TARG…
and it prolly is planned that way…we have had 6 years as Jon=North=Stark, seeing him south with all the Targ implications is obviously setting up DaddyTarg reveal..but
dammit.. I WANT Ghost there giving the dragons the stink eye saying “back off bitches..thats MY human”
Jack Bauer 24,
No buddy it doesn’t work that way.EW is just on HBO payroll and they are doing damage control.Very poor I must admit haven’ they heard of the Streisand effect?But no they are on a tight schedule and we have seen actual scenes being filmed.It’s different than inviting Sibel Kiekilli on set for two days.
those two are not even right for that.. LOL
It is funny that the actors have to hold up these heads while acting.
It is really nice to see Dany smiling, it would be great if she and Jon could have a few light hearted moments.
Alba Stark,
I’m sure Jon will say Good Bye to his wolf before he leaves for DS and tell him to guard his sister. That’ll be a nice touch, at least some part of him will look over Sansa, otherwise he’d risk being haunted by Ned’s ghost 🙂
The Dragon Demands, Interesting stuff! I said it before, I think the red they used on Viserys and Dany’s new cloak is very similar to the one they used for Mel’s clothes. also Dany’s red cape looks quite dragon-scale-y to me…
Ah, haha, I can exactly hear the Sansa whine you refer to. And add my voice to it, haha!
As to daily filming spoilers… I just take the view that after they dry up, we’re really into the long night and just have to grin and bear it. Early filming spoilers are almost like an extension of the season, like we’re given a season-and-a-half. Soon we’ll be into the real dry season. Or the long night.
I’m hoping we will!
I’m wondering if you share my crackpot theory that VARYS is the one who helped Ned hide Jon’s identity! And may possibly revealed if we have anymore TOJ flashbacks
Yup the moment that baby opened his eyes in the season finale we were headed for the Targ avalanche.I would give anything for Ghost to give the stink eye to the dragons lol.
Quoting the wise words from Alexandre Siddig
“They misinform the crowd and they give them tidbits to send them in wrong directions. I am almost positive that those four episodes [of season 5] were leaked by HBO themselves,…. I can’t tell you that for sure; that’s just my opinion, but it’s games; everybody’s playing these games.“
Poor Ghost.
Season 8: Ghost vs. Rhaegal. PETBOWL!
Speculation for the upcoming season can be fun, but honestly, some people probably deserve to be fooled by D&D with all of the insane spoiler leaking and over-analyzation going on. I find it fun to guess what may happen too, but ultimately, I’ll happily settle for watching the shows when they air on tv to find out what happened instead of regurgitating all kinds of wild internet speculation for the next 8 months or whatever.
In the photo closer to the bottom Emilia is holding a distinctly green head.
I’m also anxious to see how Rhaegal and Viserion are towards Tyrion after their little encounter last season.
I dunno, it looks like the dragon head Kit is holding is bigger than the one Emilia has. And the bigger one is just one color. Are my eyes deceiving me?
Mr. Derp,
I am with you on that one.
igor Carvalho,
Well by looks of things, it’s Rhaegal he’s interacting with not Drogon. Which makes more sense. Drogon is bonded with Dany. And a dragon only bonds with one person (for as long as that person lives). Why would Jon be having moments with Drogon and not his father’s namesake?
yeah the one Kit is holding is much larger.. maybe Drogon is playing nice with Momma’s new friend?
In the real world, this exposure must be a boon to the Santa Klara country house tourism business.
Good on them. Good on GoT production on leaving a lot of money in the local economies. No wonder many places (like Visby/Gotland in Sweden) vye for position.
Yup. This is classic misdirection.
Hmm. I’ve never considered this. Have you read the books? Taking into account the shows’ penchant for streamlining plot points and story arc it’s possible!
I would not be surprised if yor theory is true.
Jack Bauer 24,
What do you think is misdirection?
“The cast and crew were spotted holding a few different dragon heads. The small painted head is used as a reference for the VFX team, so that in the future they know exactly how the dragon’s colors and texture should look like in a particular environment. Meanwhile, the large grey head is usually used for contact with the actors, so that the human performer is really touching something resembling what the creature will look like, instead of miming in the air, which usually ends up looking incredibly fake.”
This is a bit of a confusion, Conleth Hill appeared a few days ago in peek pics from the set. Did he go away and come back?
According to the article
“The small painted head is used as a reference for the VFX team, so that in the future they know exactly how the dragon’s colors and texture should look like in a particular environment. Meanwhile, the large grey head is usually used for contact with the actors, so that the human performer is really touching something resembling what the creature will look like, instead of miming in the air, which usually ends up looking incredibly fake”
Luka Nieto,
I can’t wait on your report from the actual set.
Plus Rhaegal the green dragon was laughing at Tyrion’s joke last season when he asked them “Don’t eat the help.” Plus Tyrion petted Rhaegal before he removed his chain and then Viserion’s. 😉
OMG Hilarious… quote of the day! ?
i didnt catch that reading first time.. and it would make sense for it to Rhaegal..just more foreshadowing…
Damn..wheres my “Prince” casting announcement so i can really get hyped lol
I’m LMAO at the show using its EW mouthpiece, James Hibberd, to do damage control. Look, D&D, you lied to us last year about Jon Snow being “dead, dead, dead” and you didn’t fool anyone then and you’re not fooling anyone now. Having the Shae actress show up on set for one day is far different than having your lead male actor spend a week in Spain just to throw us off. You fucked up, now deal with it. And besides, the two casual viewers I know have zero idea what is going on in Spain. I doubt 99% of the audience knows, it’s just us fanatics that know about the leaks and spoilers.
I have indeed. Since fAegon got cut and Varys headed to Slavers bay I’d wondered about this possible twist.
Seeig Jon, Davos, Tyrion, Dany, Missandei, Varys standing together around dragons and Jon probably petting one is surreal. He’s gonna ride a dragon. They wouldn’t include just for fun and Rhaegal is so fitting.
Some of the scenes being filmed.
Honestly I don’t expect to see much I didn’t see on my last report. But I’ll still try 😉
Good to see Varys (and his new costume)! His absence in other scenes made me worry, but now it’s OK. His presence on Dragonstone was expected, and I still have hopes for his final sparring with Littlefinger.
As for Jon patting a dragon, predictable as it was, it’s still cute.
And I wanted to make a comment on the directors: if Allan Taylor is directing Ep 6, it should be the climax after Tyrion’s suicide mission to KL which going to be in Ep 5 (Jon’s departure with Jorah, Davos, and Gendry now looks like Ep 5 too: could be the closing sequence IMO setting whatever is to be set for the epic sixth). Ep 7 seams to be quieter and orientated more to great conversations and interactions, rather than action sequences. I still wonder, where the big battle with Cersei and Euron will fit, but now it looks like it could be as early as Ep 2.
exactly.. if he just showed up in the hotel or at dinner with the cast..yeah I could see them as having some fun with us.. but Kit’s butt has been on set all day, everyday for 4 days obvioulsy filming something
there is a reason they keep the GOOD stuff for closed indoor sets with people under big time NDA’s..we wont know everything which is good… and what we have seen this week wasnt a huge shock to anyone who has been following the story
(except for the Gendry/Tryion/Davos thing..and the Jon/Jorah/Gendry/Davos thing.. those were a surprise… but we still dont know FOR CERTAIN what those are all about)
Jack Bauer 24,
Yeah no it doesn’t work like that.
I’d say episode 1 is even possible. Team Dany are already partway through their voyage and storylines are never extended at sea on the show.
All she has to do is face Euron and land at DS. Especially with Jon possibly arriving in ep3.
I explained it in the article.
The large grey head needs no color. It’s just there so that the actors can interact with a physical object. It’ll be completely replaced with a CG dragon.
The small green head is only used for reference. Different environments and lighting create a different look on a dragon’s colors and texture, so they use that merely to get an idea of how the dragon should look in this particular environment.
That was in Gaztelugatxe. This is in Zumaia.
Jack Bauer 24,
You really think they just invited Kit to shoot for numerous days to thrown people off? HBO simply understimated peoples will do get spoilers. They need to do these scenes and it leaked on pictures. It will only create buzz but they need to deny it to save their faces at least a little bit.
Besides, EW is payed by them. They get exclusive info on Game of Thrones thiings.
Sean C.,
The one scene that doesnt make sense to me is the first scene with him and Daenerys we saw photographed .. the one when he walks down the stairs and speaks to her by the water while she looks over the horizon
He’s wearing his fur but she’s wearing the same outfit we saw her wearing today and yesterday. And in the scene where he departs DS with Davos and Jorah and the rest, he doesn’t have the fur either, n’or when he arrives.
It’s really hurting my brain.
Geralt of Rivia,
Not to mention these locations are planned long in advance and they are on a very tight schedule.Also the actors have better things to do than pretend to film scenes in Spain like I don’t know actually filming the scenes they are meant to film.They really think we are stupid lol.
Benioff and Weiss are masterminds. They knew filming outside would leak. They know what they’re doing.
Irina Stark,
Don’t worry about it.He is probably wearing it for dramatic effect lol.So it looks good when he comes down the stairs.
Irina Stark,
He put his cloak on and took it off again. These scenes aren’t on the same day at DS… I don’t see what the confusion is?
Jack Bauer 24,
They didn’t waste a week filming just to fuck with us, sorry.
I’ll be thrilled if it is in fact Rhaegal who Jon bonds with. Too much awesome symbolism there to ignore. Plus, he already has a white wolf and black raven in the books, and I want him to have the full pet color set.
You’re right, I’m sure most people had no idea. Good thing EW just tipped off their entire online readership to the set leaks. Gold stars all around.
Irina Stark,
You are right. That one-on-one scene is the only one – AFAIK – where Jon is dressed in his furs! Why is it suddenly so cold for him? 🙂
It would be great – in the show – if Varys masterminded this. It was Varys who saved Tyrion too – and I am a believer that Tyrion is a Targ too. So it could be really fitting, IMO, if Varys was keeping an eye on all the Targs, and is now with them! 😀
OH MY GOD, they’re definitely trolling. That big ass grey head Jon is holding is supposed to be Drogon but not in season 7. I think this head was used for scenes in season 5. Like when Drogon visits Dany in ep 2 ( https://youtu.be/fTpc7aRFEhs?t=88 ) or when Drogon is in Dany’s face in Daznak’s Pit ( https://youtu.be/utrGvDu_HKE?t=316 ) or even when lazy Drogon doesn’t want to take Mommy back to Meereen after the events at the fighting pits ( https://youtu.be/758ngufgRcc?t=43 ).
The green head Dany is holding is a younger Rhaegal. Season 4-ish. When Dany chains him up in the catacombs. https://youtu.be/oTY0gzUGTHc?t=83
Drogon and Rhaegal are MUCH bigger now.
They’re trolling SO HARD. Do not fall for it!
I honestly think that Kit and Emilia would make a great couple in real life.
Jack Bauer 24,
Yeah the masterminds who swore up and down that Jon was not coming back and thought it wouldn’t get out.They knew filming would leak and their only plan is what we are seeing the article in EW by their buddy James.The production of this show is too big and too expensive for them to spend this much time trolling a few thousand fans on fansites.It really doesn’t make sense in any way you look at it.
They’ve been using those heads for three years. Which is kind of the point. The head doesn’t need to be of the same size as the dragon currently is in the show. In fact, it’s better for the VFX team if it’s smaller.
Unless you are suggesting they filmed a whole two weeks of fake stuff in two different locations with Jon (which I don’t think you are), Jon is really going to Dragonstone. If he’s going to Dragonstone, why wouldn’t he have a scene with the dragons? Why would this particular shoot be a fake, if it’s something we’re expecting them to film?
They might not use everything but they filmed those scenes. That’s a fact because they have few days before moving to other places was it with Gaztelugatxe, Zumaia/Itzurun beach Sevilla/Italica. They’re on tight schedule and D&D talked about how it’s a tough process.
They have this huge table in the office where everythiong is scheduled as date/who will shoot/actors/where whole thing planned out in months advance. Locations are scouted even before and schedule for actors, because they do have other project or could’ve been doing other movies. It’s not just Game of Thrones. They ven tight security for outside shooting? Why?
Even from logical point of view Jon is going to DS. If those scenes of him arriving and leaving does not count? Is he gonna teleport himself out of there? 😀
this getting ridiculous. In Spring I was shipping Jon and Sansa, now after all these last photos from set I came to terms with Dany and Jon, and started shippinng them. And Sophie goes and posts this….I give up..I guess Kit looks good with anyone
That confused me too. Maybe it’s one of the last scenes of the season, when they will leave Dragonstone to go to the North?
Dany is a wearing a brown leather cloak in just one scene too (looks awful mind you), but they don’t need to be wearing same outfit/ ensemble every day.
No because there are photos of Team Jon leaving and he isn’t wearing his fur.
Even if they were trolling, why wouldn’t they just let us think we know what’s going to happen, and let us find out next summer. Why would they essentially tell us they’re trolling? lol. I gotta say this is a very sad attempt at damage control.
Irina Stark,
I think dany had her first outfit on in that scene..the brownish one we saw first..the one without a cape so think that is a different day
Why do they need to change the sizes?Did you not read the article?The green one is just for guidance and the grey one is for the actors to touch.It’s not how the dragons are in reality.Also Rhaegal is smaller than Drogon so his head would be the same size as Drogon in season 5.
Jon has his fur in the boat. It’s on the picture. Why he wear it with Dany? Windy day or maybe simply their choice because it looks better. Could be stylistic decision.
As for dragons. Luka said it clearly. Big one is for interacting with actors, smaller one just for a guidance.
We can’t assume chronological scenes by the order of filming. I would guess that they did all of the filming they were going to do on the islet path in one chunk but could contain multiple scenes; arrival with the assumed dragon fly-by, a scene with Jon and Davos speaking privately, some scenes with various people such as ones with and without Varys, the furs wearing Jon coming down to speak with Daenerys… So, there are probably scenes fromm multiple episodes on that path just as there will be on the beach, which were also done in a filming group. I wonder if the Jon-Dany scene while he’s wearing furs isn’t after he returns from wherever he went.
…Varys has new clothes too.
They are filming for the same among of time as previous seasons (6 months) with 3 fewer episodes, less characters then ever before and less locations then ever before (no Braavos or Meereen). They might spend some more time in post production for the CGI this time, but that has no bearing on the actual filming schedule right now. So yeah the schedule should be no where near as hectic as it has been in the past. 6 months, 7 episodes, fewer directors, trimmed down cast.
I know. What confused me is Jon’s cloak. He didn’t wear it in any other scenes, so far, and I assume it means it’s colder in that scene, or they are leaving to somewhere colder. It would make sense that Winter is more noticeable at the end of the season.
Jack Bauer 24,
Come on now. HUGE difference between having a former actress of a B-level character on the show for a day walking around waving at the cameras and what is happening here with having a bunch of million dollar actors filming together for days at a set location. No one can possibly believe they would waste this much time and money on filming a bunch of fake outdoor scenes just to mess with the specific subset of fans who enjoy spoilers. Sure they might leak fake script info and such, but that’s completely different type of information.
Now, I could believe that they would get one of the actors to play with the dragon head or put on a specific outfit for a few minutes while filming a scene just to have fun with the onlookers, but not something as elaborate and wasteful as what would be implied in the article with set photos and videos we’ve seen.
EW is notoriously in the pocket of Game of Thrones as far as assisting them with issues such as dispelling spoilers.
Jorah says screw that! 🙂
At this point Jon is going to become a spokesperson for PETA lol.
Geralt of Rivia,
Exactly they scheduled two weeks of shooting in these places in Spain got the actors there just to film fake scenes lol.Appart from being impossible it’s also suicide.Why am I surprised some people think they are trolling when last year people kept fearing Jon was really dead even though Kit spent all his time in Belfast and was photographed on set lol.
Please, would they really be wasting money by filming “foilers” with a full crew and cameras for days and days?
That article is damage control, pure and simple.
Not suggesting the past two weeks have been fake. I’m saying this supposed dragon-petting-scene is fake and meant to throw us off. And it’s working! Let’s take bets, you guys! haha This is clearly soooo fake, c’mon!
NOW I see the green dragon head. In the last picture. It’s a toy Emilia is mucking about with between takes, so it means nothing.
I don’t even know .. I get that some people say he put in on then took it off and so on but when he gets off the boat and shakes hands with Tyrion = no coat
When he confronts Theon = no coat
When leaves Dragonstone with the guys = no coat
Today with Davos and Missandei on the beach = no coat
Then …
The ONE and ONLY scene of him and Dany ALL alone = COAT
If Dan and David tried to mess with us with that sort of romantic one on one set up, then that’s so messed up.
Gee the heads are only used for a point of reference for the actors and the VFX.
See! Something is going on here.
Irina Stark,
As I mentioned above, the scene when he’s wearing the coat could be a later episode after he’s returned to Dragonstone. They have to film everything for the season that they’re going to in that location.
Irina Stark,
In the scene where Jon leaves, if you look in the boat, there is a cloak there, clearly visible (you can see it best in the still image of the boat being readied – it’s next to Gendry). It’s likely he’s just not wearing it in the scene with the boat. I imagine that scene with him walking down to Dany as a farewell late in the season before he heads up north again. It’s probably a more protracted and poignant farewell scene between he and Dany right before we see them leave in the boat.
The things we obsess over in the off-season 🙂
Irina Stark,
I don’t think it’s hard to think that the Jon in the coat scene alone with Dany will be a separate scene for a later episode. We don’t know the context of it, but it was a scene that they actually did film in many takes.
Jack Bauer 24,
Yeah no it still doesn’t work that way.They don’t have time or money to fuck around with us.They do have fewer episodes but the sequences they are filming are more complex it requires time.Also they said they barely made it last year so clearly more time was needed.And they eliminated the locations you said but they will have new ones that’s not a factor.
It’s not about filming fake scenes. It’s about leaking fake spoilers that kinda coincide with what’s being filmed and spoiled by set photos but things are not what they seem. Plot details, character’s motivations are not what random posters claim them to be. We’re only seeing small tidbits of what may transpire, we don’t know the context and details. Those are just outlines. Everything’s been just too convenient and neat. And it’s 8 months away. There’s something at play here. A way to combat any future actual spoilers?
One thing is to have Sibel for a day, Shae was killed on the show. Not one of the main cast members, why not bring others? I mean they underestimated power of people and will to get spoilers. Even scripts are done in advance and radical changes are simply impossible. But part of me hope Jorah stuff is not legit but probably is.
They brought whole crew, actors for it. They have better things to do, shoot indoor scenes or things. Kit is playing with dragon head but Jon is bound to meet, pet and geta dragon. 😉
Irina Stark,
Oh, but it’s simple. I imagine after Jon’s arrival they will have some interaction indoors (maybe a dinner or something), and then Dany will go out to chill: I suppose the first meeting won’t be that smooth, if Jon tries to talk her into going to the Wall, while she still has KL to take, or if someone (Melisandre?) breaks news about Jon’s true parentage and his potential claim to the Iron Throne and/or the PTWP prophecy. So, Dany will go out to think everything through and maybe Jon will notice that she is staying outside for too long. So, as a proper northerner he will put his cape one and go to check her: I guess both of his fathers would rise from their graves, if he allows her to catch cold. And then well have an intense but intimate tete a tete which will almost definitely end with Jon wrapping Dany into his cape (or whatever is the word). And taking into account that putting a cape onto a lady’s shoulders is a part of wedding ceremony it will be suggestive and sweet etc.
Of cause, Dany may play an independent women and refuse Jon’s cape along with his protection, but based on the other scenes filmed (especially those showing Jon taking front and center), I think she’ll accept.
guys, help, im getting a little bit crazy here abou season 7, in the bad way:
The leaks have proven right until now:
the ones i most disliked:
Littlefinger put sansa against arya, and get killed ater bran helps sansa finds out he is evil and sansa order arya to execute. [ i will quit this show if this absurd happens, this would be jus the most absurd shit i ever see in tv history, why a guy we fear and put the game of thrones to WORK, would get killed this way and puting two little girs against each other??? really i refuse this crap is real until the very end.]
Randdyl tarly getting killed burned by danys dragons [ OMG, like wtf a thousand times, the reach is on danys side, theres no context on world that can explains this crap happening]
Lady Olenna drinking poison confessing to jaime she killed joffrey [ Another WTF 1000 times, why the hell she would be sorry for killing jofrey and confessing and killing herself??? theres no logic on that at all]
Dany refuse to believe jon about the WW [ WHAT?? she is the one who must should beliave jon, she is the one who saw more magic and shits like that, this is just with out any logic]
the ones i dont know if i can or not understand:
The marttels and the tyrells being defeated soon in the season pr not be with sany since episode 1 [ really strange, until we know the contex of this is really weird 2 big houses being defeated that easily or not being with dany since episode 1]
Jon wants to cacht a WW or wight to show westeros the ww are coming [ makes sense to jon at least try to put all the seven kingdons unite against the real threat, and jon knows cersei is her enemye but jon dont know she is nuts at the point of dont care if they are fighting the dead or not, so we can undestand jon try to make peace with the enemies for the greater good.]
Dragon killed and being revived bi NK [ i saw some people crazy about that, but makes sense the nights king wants every thing too add to his arm even animals, dragons, all. and makes sense he be able to revive anything dead and put it to his side]
the leaks im ok with:
Nymeria coming back [nothing wrong with it]
Euron killing tyene with poison whyle elaria watchs [ ok too, nothins unbelieveable]
sam discovering some proves that elia and rhaegar marriege was canceled and a prove that jon is indeed soon of rahegar and his name shoud be aegon [ Not unbeliveable as well, jon to get know as raegahr son needed a real prove, not bran or howland telling people, no one would bealive, and his name being other is nothing too much]
Jorah getting healed in oldtown and going to dragonstone after [ nothing worong with this too]
The mountain spliting in half the wight bought by jon and everyone seeing the think jus dont die. [ fine too]
cersei trying to get pregnat again to the profecy be wrong and in the last episode she lost che baby [ not wrong with this too for me]
But the first things are horrible in the worst way possible. im praying for be false beacuse if not im quiting the show, is jus absurd, sewer level of thing.
It’s not a toy, it’s a specific tool we’ve seen used before.
I don’t know why so many people want to be in denial 🙁
If it makes you feel better, you can believe it, but I’m pretty sure you’re wrong.
Jon a Targ who doesn’t know is one goes to Dragonstone.Meets Dany and her dragons and you think they would never have him interact with them.Like I knew this scene would happen without having any pictures or spoilers.It’s just logic.
I’m starting to think that people are either not reading or being deliberately dense.
Big dragon head = prop used to simulate the character for the scene. So actors aren’t petting a tennis ball. Close to the size of the CGI.
Small dragon head = what the colours and features of the dragon in the scene will be. For reference only.
They are not faking a week of scenes. Could they throw in one or two misdirections? Of course, they could do that at any time. Heck yeah maybe the dragon heads are a fake out. That’s why we really can’t be postulating ridiculous meanings and theories to a few snapshots. Theorize away, of course, but breathe once in awhile ffs.
EW just shot themselves and HBO in the foot. Silence isn’t just the name of a ship, it’s also a good tactic that they failed to use.
Irina Stark,
He has his fur in the boat as they’re leaving. If not this, they’ll do other indoors or outdoors elsewhere. Hype is building, point is they’re meeting. Rabbit is out of the hat.
igor Carvalho,
Well you could wait and see how things work on screen and put everything in context and see their motives.Or you could quit while you are ahead.
True: if Dany is
Jack Bauer 24,
It’s in the boat you can see it clearly in the pics
Along with the EW article, this also smacks of damage control. It’s the timing of it. With the plot leaks and photos of Kit/Emilia all over the internet and with a contingent of people suggesting it’s predictable and cliche. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sophie was asked to post a picture of her and Kit, just to throw the Jonsa shippers a bone.
oh my goooooooooooddd Please read my comments before replying. I said THIS is fake. I know Jon is probably going to meet, pet, tickle, and get a dragon at some point but this is not that moment. They’re playing with these heads to throw us off. How is that so difficult to understand??
Luka Nieto,
I think the Unsulled and Grey Worm might be trolling: we saw them in one photo, but they were absolutely missing in other scenes and no Unsullied extras have been cast for Dragonsttone/Zumaia as far as I understand.
Ikr ? I’m getting paranoid, obsessing over the smallest things, every gesture, every facial expression, every article of clothing ..
And it’s all because of this damn meeting between J + D
I really do hope they shoot more scenes indoors that we can’t see because the ones that I’ve seen so far make little to no sense.
Throw us off… what? If it’s only logical it’s going to happen, and you believe they’re actually going to make it happen but just not today, it’s not throwing us off anything.
What if Rhaegal eats ghost … Jons targaryen side ending the Stark side
I thought the dragons were going to get bigger each season? They look a bit small to me ??
Wow. Im truly amazed sometimes where peoples minds will go, seeing some comments of people boycotting the show because they dont like whats happening? Thinking hbo would waste whats most likely millions on fake filming?
GoT has been reported to cost more then rome, its way to expensive to fake filming ar this stage. And pls relax on reactions to the leaks, even if true ive had no problems with how this whole thing is being played out. Hold off on judging until we at least see a episode.
Good stuff Luka, i cant remember but in the show did Ned ask for a pen and paper like he did in the books when talking with varys? Could varys know the truth about jon?
I thought about this possibility too when I first watched the video. And the scene is in the sunset, so it would fit the warm/intimate atmosphere.
The Unsullied were extensively used in a Dragonstone set, Gaztelugatxe; just not in Zumaia. Maybe they’re occupied elsewhere.
Are you just trolling now? Behave, please.
Haha, that’s quite the scenario, you really thought this through.
I think it’s strange that we’ve only seen extremely blurry photos from that meeting and a very shory video that doesn’t really tell much ..
I know everybody is getting hyped for Jon petting Rhaegal and stuff, but honestly I’m waaay more interested to see what those two were talking about while alone ..
It’s explained in the article 🙂
Basically: The sizes of these props do not matter for this and bear little relation to the size of the CG creatures.
so is this really Rheagal? I cannot really differ him from the other dragons. It could also be Drogo that Jon is going to pet or ride or whatever.
The fact HBO
That’s a good question. I’ve wondered about that too. Leaks:
I could be totally wrong, of course.
Possibly. But it’s still not completely out of the question.
If you know Sophie. She is against it as she can’t film with Kit these type of scenes and I mean intimate. Who is like her brother. To her and Maisie. She likes to troll but she said it constantly. This is her personal view, she can’t speak for the rest, producers and co.
This.People are only upset because they are not getting what they wanted.When I read them I was kind of surprised because it was nothing like I had imagined or anything I particularly wanted to happen apart from Jon and Dany meeting but that was bound to happen anyway.But I signed up to see and read somebody’s else version of the story not mine.They know what are they doing.And how can people make judgments on what makes sense or not,what works or not without having the full picture first.
I couldn’t agree more. Last season they couldn’t even afford adding direwolves in more scenes. It makes no sense to waste time and money just to confuse a few curious fans. Most viewers don’t even know about those leaked photos and videos.
Sheesh people, chill. Enjoy the pictures and don’t think so much about it. I don’t know what you expect from filming spoilers and pictures. These scenes are probably from many of the episodes to come. They do not film in order of the episodes. And we still know shite. So get up; walk away from the PC, phone or tablet; stretch and take a deep breath. Have a beer or a glass of wine.
I’m hyperventilating right now! Jon with Rhaegal??? Really? ???
My life is complete. Hallelujah.
Maybe you’d rather I tell you to “chill”, as you did with us?
And no, I’m not your parent, obviously, but keeping watch on the behavior of the community is pretty much the definition of a moderator, so when you post a message like the one I called you out for, yeah, you should take my warning into account and rectify your behavior. You could also keep up with the belligerence, but that isn’t going to help anyone, especially you. This is supposed to be a friendly community. Now, let’s discuss what’s pertinent, instead of arguing, please.
Right, that could very well be the case and the most plausible scenario the more I think of it.
Didn’t read them all but the boat love scene stuck with me. If he leaves with Jorah and the rest first and then comes back to DS to convince Dany to go North with him, then naturally he would have his coat and them being alone in that scene would make perfect sense.
I think we’ll know some important stuff tomorrow, its the last day of shooting in Zumaia so I expect it to be big.
Aaaaaand another uncovered reference to the leaks. This is getting out of control.
Okay, that scenario makes more sense than what I came up with.
Did Ned ask for a pen and paper when Varys visited him???
I’m aware of Sophie’s stance on Jonsa. I’m not suggesting that they’re going down that route on the show. It’s 100% Jon/Dany. I’m merely suggesting that it’s not out of the realms of possibility for either Dan or Dave to contact her and ask if she could post a picture of her and Kit. With the express purpose of throwing Jonsa shippers a bone and somewhat diffusing the claims of Jon/Dany being predictable or cliche. It doesn’t mean Sophie has changed her stance, it merely shows she’s capable of playing ball and being professional.
I think you mean her latest Photoshop experiment gone wrong.
It’s interesting that Ghost has ruby red eyes and silver fur.
Yes, it’s what Clob said, more or less. They have to film everything there before they depart on Saturday. And they don’t shoot in chronological order.
Not to mention that sunset (+ the wind and her body language) was waaay too intimate for a first meeting political convo.
And I’ve seen way too much of Dan and David’s work (Troy for example) to know I’m not overthinking this.
Luka Nieto,
Luka, how am I not friendly? I appreciate you and this batshit crazy paranoid ass fandom so much! I mean look how you’ve spoiled us these past weeks. It’s amazing! And I’m grateful! Truly! Thank you so much. But I honestly don’t know what message you are talking about. Honestly.
Yep, I agree, makes total and absolute sense. If they’re shooting on a boat in the next few weeks, we’ll know for sure.
Of course they wouldn’t fake entire filming schedule on those sets, but throw in a misdrection here or there is not out of the realm of possibility. If I were a director, I’d fake film Jon stabbing or kissing Daenerys on that beach to freak out the internet.
Yeah, I’m sold on this! Now I hope that it comes to pass lol
Sorry ! I thought I hid that part, doesn’t seem to have worked. I’ll request deletion. Relax will you ?
I covered it and gave her a warning. Sorry about that 🙁
Irina Stark,
People have a fair expectation of safety when going into the comments, especially after such a direct warning in the article itself, so I think it’s only logical if they freak out.
Luka Nieto,
Sorry, very sorry, won’t happen again ! I don’t know why it didn’t hide it in the first place !
Adults also missbehave, on occasion…
The comments section is getting too intense sometimes. Let´s all just disagree, but having fun all along the way!
Last thing D&D or Sophie cares are shipper wars. It’s only small portion of fandom. Jon and Dany meeting is logical, expected and well they can’t hide it. Doesn’t means they’ll end up together. Two main characters for war of dawn are bound to meet, share scenes, even one on one.
Irina Stark,
It’s fine, just be careful next time. I’ve screwed up the spoiler-tagging many times myself in the past. It’s just particularly touchy when it comes to these apparent leaks. The tags are: (spoiler)text(/spoiler), but with “[]” instead of “()”.
Or holding hands. Something more romantic. These leaked scenes are fairly normal.
The brownish one has “wings”.
In that scene it seems she’s wearing the black one but without the silver or the red cape.
That could very well be the case .. Her timing is on point. I’m wondering when Sophie and the rest start filming in Ireland. They were still in England today.
MOD EDIT: Irina, the spoiler tags have NO spaces. If they do, they won’t work.
Luka Nieto,
“The Unsullied were extensively used in a Dragonstone set, Gaztelugatxe”
No offense or trolling intended, but could you give more details on “extensively”? I saw one photo, but I do admit that I might have missed something. Thank you in advance.
Exactly! It makes a lot of sense. Now I’m looking forward to that, lol.
I really don’t see D&D going through all that trouble just to mislead a few disgruntled fans. I don’t think they care that much lol. Also that’s a personal pic of Sophie and Kit, which has no bearing on the show, whereas the leaks of Kit and Emilia on set are very indicative of what’s to come for both of their characters. But let’s just say they did want to misdirect fans complaining about Jon and Dany being too predictable, they could at least have Sophie post something of the two of them in character. I think people are reaching.
Those who read the leaks from awayforthelads in real time, when he was posting them (in replies to people) can confirm that he was changing his spoilers as he was replying to them. Like initially Cersei was
As I’ve said before, the leaker obviously knows something. In fact, it seems increasingly clear they know a lot. But that doesn’t mean they know everything 😉
dreamshade and everyone else,
I would prefer it if you took discussion of the reddit stuff to our forums. Many people do not want spoilers that extensive and it’s very hard to avoid them in comments. Thanks.
Yes, there are definitely four different days. In the first one its the brownish leather outfit, in one of them its the all black outfit with a whiteish liliac cape, in the departure scene she has a red cape and in the scene where it’s just her and Jon there is no cape at all.
They were used for a whole day of filming, escorting a few characters up the stairway, not just in the background, and with Grey Worm himself on the scene. That’s what I meant by “extensively”. Probably should’ve said “prominently” 😉
Luka Nieto,
OK. Thank you for clarification.
BTW, they planned some kind of night shooting: have you any idea, when it is happening?
Just to be clear. Iam not saying it’s impossible to happen, same as Jon/Dany. We got some evidence that this “ship” has some legs. Cinematic choices in their scenes, something from the books. It doesn’t look like SanSan is gonna happen. Some fans particurally Jon/Dany ones likes to dismiss but I won’t be so sure,. Iam not fan of either of them but both have a chance. if they want to do it.
Last year i was obsessed with the tower of joy filming so one day they were filming the fight scene and they showed an actress dressed in white running toward the fight. People started saying ned accidentally stabbed lyanna when she tried stopping the fight. I believed it since neds memories were of lyanna laying in a bed of blood with fever. Then i saw 2 women sitting outside where the men were going to fight.
Haven’t heard of any night shoots, but I’d love to hear where you did. I have a terrible memory, so I might have reported on it myself and forgotten 😛
I remember I speculated that Gaztelugatxe would have night scenes because they added beacons, but I don’t think they shot at night or lit the beacons at all.
Geralt of Rivia,
I don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble but aside from a brotherly forehead kiss there is literally nothing that could link Jon and Sansa romantically. For all they know, he’s still her brother and he probably always will be.
Love ya Luka and all – but this thread is making me chuckle right now.
Irina Stark,
That Northern girl is so interesting to me. The boy, too. I wonder what kind of scene they could be involved in. Alys Karstark would be a great little nod to the books. Maybe Jon has to deal with the Karstarks and Umbers now they’ve been defeated.
Cersei’s Brain,
Me too. As we say in Spain, me río por no llorar. I laugh because I’d rather do that than cry 😛
Irina Stark,
I thik Sansa absorbed parts of Alys’ arc from the books and Arya from the original outline. Simply being sheltered by Jon at Castle Black. In the show, do we have evidence that Jon will end up with Dany? Like, solid undeniable. One could argue. In the books plenty hints vague or sneaky. Just like Arya.
Benioff said something to context “their as Jon and Sansa relationship will be very important for the future” could mean a lot of thing such as romance but it would be weird like Sansa is basically Cat 2.0 as things are, Jon Ned 2.0 and this another aspect Jonsa(i hate these nicknames for pairings) fans pointed out. How they look like them. Also Littlefinger’s actor Aiden Gillan or Gillen said how his parentage could change things. God knows what it means. Also interesting he might know about Jon’s parentage a lot more than we think. but that is for another debate.
I don’t remember everything from the earlier posts but I think in one post it was reported that a
I’ve heard of it too. From what I understood it’s a departure scene, as in the Dany team could be leaving Dragonstone.
It would make sense since tomorrow they will probably end all Zumaia scenes.
After party she looked like she enjoyed herself and I can’t call her hot, she’s to young,I’m to old.
ETA: Thanks.
Luka Nieto,
I know, I am sooo curious to see what’s going on in the North. We’ve all been so absorbed by what’s happening in Zumaia that everyone seems to be forgetting that the most important stuff will happen in the upper region of the map.
I mean, winter is here amirite ?
I think this is a likely scenario.
A question, did you “see” his postings changing too? Like in his posting history, one day in a post there as information A and suddenly the next day it was change to information B. Because I´m quite sure I observed this in a few cases when re-reading his posting over the period of a couple of days.
He edited his postings.
If I remembered correctly, in the picture with two boats there is a fur pelt in the boat, why?
Irina Stark,
You heard about night shooting? Where if I may ask. If true this must be tomorrow.
Geralt of Rivia,
The night shooting has been exaggerated. Initial reports of the DS set noted the braziers that had been installed presumably for a night scene, but in fact the scenes weren’t at night. They may use filters or may not.
The report was a
As much as I would love to see Jon ride a dragon (Rhaegal!), I think it is too soon and wouldn’t be believable, yet. He and Dany don’t know about his Targaryen blood so why would she offer him a ride on one of her dragons? If anyone has earned a ride, I’d say it’s Missandei. As she told Tyrion last season, she’s been around the dragons long enough and often enough that they trust her. I think this scene on the beach is just Dany introducing her babies to her new friend, Jon.
Teresa Ehling,
I agree. He may have to go to the dark side (the insane Targ side) to win the war but once it’s done I expect he’ll still be a Stark of the North and go back home to rule over Winterwell. I hope anyway.
Regarding the rumors on potential night shoots that have been discussed in this thread …
The reports of that there would be night shoots at Itzurun Beach (specifically, an arrival scene on the beach) were discussed in this post from October 20. https://watchersonthewall.com/exclusive-photos-zumaia-plus-major-spoilers-weeks-season-7-filming/
As of yet, it’s unclear whether or not they will actually happen.
The other rumors about night scenes were for Gatzelugaxte. They were speculation-based, fueled by the prop beacons that were reported on in this post. They never came to pass. https://watchersonthewall.com/filming-continues-barrika-next-locations-ready-action-preparations-malpartida-character-returns/
The report about the upcoming scene in which a major character
(to be filmed at Los Barruecos) was discussed in this post on September 29. https://watchersonthewall.com/new-report-brings-game-thrones-spoilers-galore/
So it could be a
Going back to the pictures in the article, can anyone identify who the director is for the beach scenes? I would be nice to figure out in which episode Jon meets the dragons. Aside from Miguel Sapochnik, I don’t know what any of the GOT directors look like, so I can’t even tell if the director of this scene is even the pictures.
Also, the second to last pic is the best. It looks like Kit lost his grip on the big dragon head and Emilia is having a laugh at his expense. I love the idea that she’s an old pro with the dragon props while Kit is just learning and struggling with them.
I guess it’s possible that the night shoots (if they are still planning on doing them) occur tomorrow or Saturday.
Conleth news is my favorite news. Thanks for that.
I wonder if it could be Theon
I think it was Shakman. He has that hat Bluen one, I think. He is supposede to be directing 5 and probably one more judging by his constant presence, like Mylod was there earlier.
Guys, come on. None of you are new. COVER YOUR SPOILERS. If they weren’t in the post, you need to cover it.
I cannot stand that pic of Sophie Turner with Kit. She looks like some petulant, gaunt, vacuous model. Kit looks a bit silly too, though very handsome. They were probably having fun when the photo was taken, but it still bothers me.
I agree…. I have to chuckle at the crap that’s been posted by some regarding the filming and that some of it is simply ‘trolling’ to throw people off to what’s really going to happen. It costs a fortune to ship all that equipment out to Spain and they ain’t going to waste time and money doing that. What these leaked images show when filming – is THE REAL THING (minus the CGI) of what we’ll be seeing when S7 airs.
A thing which really surprises me is why the police/HBO security haven’t shut down Santa Klara’ country house for the duration or thrown out all the paps and reporters who are using it as their base! They have fenced/taped off areas which overlook the bench and places where the public can gain access, but that that place is ‘open season’ for those who want to get photos of what’s going on… Its ‘GoT Leak Central’ and the owners must be making a fortune from the paps and allowing them to use it 🙂
Stark Raven’ Rad,
They just had fun. Totally normal from them.
Is this English?
Sorry Sophie. After this week, I’m over Jonsa.
You miss one day and you are left with tons of post to catch up.
Iam starting to believe Matt Shakman may actually direct more than one episode and that Mylod or Alan may be the one who will be directing one episode..i hope its mylod but it may also be alan if he only get episode 6 ..
I couldn’t agree more. However, it seems that it would make more sense for Jon to have more connection to Rhaegal rather than to D**g*n.
They both look like they’re attempting ‘Blue Steel’, and failing. ?
As the Rolling Stones used to sing…
Well, Jon Snow said out all night long
He made me cry, he done Qhorin wrong
He broke Ygritte’s heart, that’s no lie
The North is melting, and now it’s Mance’s turn to cry
Because I used to love Ygritte, but it’s all over now…
I think I figured out what most peoples problem with a romance or love ..
All they expect out of romance is each one attached to the hip and always clinging to one another and engaging in PDA and giving farewell kiss and so on..
If these are reasons Then its their own fault because ASoIAF will never do something like that and nor the people who want romance is expecting something like that..
Could not have said this better myself. True words ?
I couldn’t agree more.
Geralt of Rivia,
The link isn’t working. Can you send it again?
So it just struck me …it’d been said that cersei may use people of KL as human shields so dany can’t take the city
And goes on to a secret mission with davos to meet Jamie and have him switch sides ..but jamie doesn’t do it.
And this makes jon goes to another mission of catching a wight ..
Iam not even sure why they are going into such hardships when it can be done so simple
If its really happening and dany faces the threat of cersei burning whole city with wildfire ..then all one has to do is use Varys’s expertise ..
Varys knows all the secret passage ways of KL …and i still believe he holds the control of his little birds and not qyburn ..all he have to do is tell dany and tyrion about secret passageways..
Prepare a strike team with some good fighters ..
Have davos smuggle them into KL and capture cersei and qyburn
City can be taken as easily it can be
Rememebe Blood and Cheese from dance of the dragons anyone
The Dragon Demands,
Love the info,
I don’t think Dany will ever give up her dothraki riding pants and boots to be honest but she will embrace her Targ heritage more. At least she’ll be able to ride dragons easier with pants, can’t imagine her riding a dragon with Sansa’s dresses.
It was really sad to me what Michelle Clapton said about that “, Clapton explained months earlier that even though it isn’t usually visible on-camera, Daenerys was always wearing Dothraki riding trousers under her long gowns in Season 5. Daenerys was always wearing riding leggings under her dresses since Season 2, but previously they were at least somewhat visible – in Season 5 Daenerys switched to much longer gowns which hid them almost completely. The idea is that in the back of Daenerys’s mind, throughout her life she has always had to be prepared to run for her life at a moment’s notice, one step ahead of assassins sent by Robert Baratheon, etc. Thus Daenerys is always hypervigilant, never taking off her riding pants so she is always ready to make a quick escape.”
The fact that Dany has never really felt safe is depressing, hopefully one day she gets that.
That’s definitely Rhaegal. o_o The size of that prop’s head isn’t as big as Drogon’s. I can’t wait to see this event unfold!
Well said. Besides, there are a lot of romance stories that don’t follow the typical romance tropes. James Cameron’s ‘Terminator’ is a classic example of an atypical romance story. It featured two star-crossed lovers that had defied time and space, ultimately saving humankind by their love. It wasn’t cheesy. And the film didn’t depict their romance as full of roses and love-dovey moments. Their love emerged during extreme circumstances. When Kyle died, Sarah even took her depression to a whole different level, sealing herself up like a stone-cold warrior until John got her to open up again and remember her humanity.
Romance can work, so long as it fits the narrative. Romance is also to be expected during dire situations. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dany and Jon hooked up partly because they wanted to feel human again, to temporarily forget death was around the corner.
Again, I’ll refer to the ‘Terminator’ to reaffirm this position. While Reese had always loved Sarah and Sarah gradually developed feelings for him, the catalyst that brought them together was Death (read: Terminator). Death was around the corner and so they had their night of passion.
Jon will never ride Drogon, so I’d say it’s one of the other two dragons probably Rhaegal. In the book it’s said a dragon chooses one rider and they will be the only one that rides them until that rider dies. Besides both Rhaegal and Viseryion are friendlier and would probably be more cooler around people unlike Drogon who is much more aggressive, the alpha male.
LMAO. I love Kit; I really do. But damn, that pose and face he’s making reminds me too much of Zoolander’s infamous Blue Steel look. XD
Luka Nieto,
About the Leaks:
Stark Raven’ Rad,
I don’t care for that photo either. Not sure why anyone would want to pose with those expressions tbh. But maybe they were drunk.
That part is the only thing about
What is he doing to her skirt ??
Her face is freakin’ hilarious. I love love looove how happy they all look in the photos we’ve seen this week ! They’ve waited for so long to shoot together. Six years man .. wow.
There’s definitely no prop there and her legs are open, lmao
They’re so funny !
Irina Stark,
They are so adorable, they are obviously enjoying filming together. They’ve always seemed to be such good friends, I can’t wait to see that translate onscreen whether that is as lovers, friends or tense allies.
JON PETTING A DRAGON, 100% CONFIRMED! My life is complete. Hallelujah.
This season increasingly looks like a series of meetings on an empty beach.
Maybe the wolf lovers got their wish, and the rest of the season’s budget went to animating, like, 1 minute of Ghost? ?
jon snow and danaery’s targaryon are going to do the “nissa nissa” thing this season, he is going to stab her with his cock…and when he pulls it it out it shall be “lightbringer”….i can just see a scene with jon and tormond not long after that of jon sidling up to him at the latrine and saying…..”you call that a cock???”….then whipping out “lightbringer”
He is just helping her with her dress.
Rhaegal killed Quentyn Martell in the books. So he is not exactly friendly.
But it would have a hint of irony. Like taking up the job of choosing Dany’s Westerosi husband. Killing those he dislikes and being friendly to those he likes
Simple truth is I can’t ?
Davos being there is a mystery in all honesty- given that we know he’s in DS with Jon and presumably leaves with Jon to go North again.
I’m guessing that the guest house are taking pics from their own property and that this extends to the cliff side, in which case they have no right to prevent them from doing it.
What I don’t get though is why HBO havent slipped them 100k or so to stop the filming, or installed large screens to stop the paps seeing anything.
I’m beginning to wonder now if it’s a marketing ploy. I know GOT doesn’t need any publicity but if it keeps the show fresh in folks minds (especially with the larger gap between seasons), then that can’t be a bad thing.
These pics have created a frenzy and have been all over the media and social media after all.
They have and I’m enjoying every minute of it. I’m absolutely not surprised at all and I do think it’s a great marketing strategy to “keep it warm” till Comic-Con and the promos start dropping.
But I bet they did not anticipate the intensity of the frenzy that these photos have caused. Warm is an understatement, the frickin’ media on fire. I can’t scroll one time on a sm feed without seeing something about it.
I remember when the first pic of Jon and Dany dropped last week of him in the coat and her overlooking the horizon, Twitter was down for a couple of hours, Tumblr was literally swarming with season 7 predictions. Count on GoT fans to lose their sh*t and cause a site fail over one photo.
I do think this is possible. All this interest in the social media only helps to keep the buzz ongoing during the off season. Even though I imagine they must be furious with the leaks.
A question: am I imagining this or is Kit (in the third to last pic of him holding the grey dragon head) directly looking into the pap’s camera? If so, he is aware that they are being snapped. In one of the earlier paparazzi pics of Kit and Emilia on the battlements, it looked like he was giving the stink eye directed at the pap as well.
This photo has broken the record for the number of likes Sophie has received so far on her Insta, by a very comfortable margin 🙂 .
They were probably just drunk and having fun, it’s a cute pic. They always look good, even when they are making duck faces…
https://twitter.com/Julien_Reynaud/status/791960120133496832 Photo from today’s filming. I think they’re filming Dany’s arrival to Dragonstone !?
That’s probably it because Conleth just arrived yesterday and they have to finish all Dragonstone scenes today. I’m excited to see her outfit.
I’m guesssing Kit and Liam have the day off today and it’s just Dany’s crew
Them disembarking is the only scene I don’t see having been filmed so far ! I expect to see Gemma and Alfie today as well unless they “dropped them off” in Pyke on their way here
I think they are filming her arrival today
Irina Stark,
Conleth never left Spain. It was Jacob who left some days ago and he is back again in Spain 🙂
Yeah, if Theon and Yara are not part of the scenes depicting Daenerys’s arrival on Dragonstone, then it would suggest that they part prior to this point.
Overall, they have filmed numerous scenes to take place on the Dragonstone beach – not to mention those on the stone steps from last week – to me this suggests that a significant amount of screen time is going to be devoted to Dragonstone in season seven.
I’d guess she’s wearing that brown leather dress from the Bakio’s filming no? We’ll see.
It would be really helpful if characters on Game of thrones would change clothes more than characters on cartoons but what can you do lol
jon will open his own zoo with so many “animals”.
https://twitter.com/Julien_Reynaud/status/791970020326723587 Daenerys. The Unsullied army is there too 🙂
Thank you for all those pic you posted in your comments.
I`m really amazed how you manage to find all that stuff.
Am i the only one who favors Viserion?
So they are finally filming her arrival scene..
Which mean we can get a clear look into that costume which we didn’t get ..
ghost of winterfell,
I don’t think you are imagining Kit directly looking into the pap’s camera. There was another photo of the same series where Kit was holding a camera and photographing paparazzi himself, so yes: they know what’s happening.
However, there are scenes that didn’t leak. For instance, there should have been some scene at the grotto of san juan de gaztelugatxe, there were rumors about some landing scene to be filmed in Zumaia at night time (if the rumors are true, they should have filmed that yesterday night or it’s still to be filmed tonight). Those scenes might be pivotal story-wise or they might contain some crucial hints.
Do we have proof for that in the leaked scenes: yes, Tyrion going to KL on a suicide mission is a pretty good hint.
However, the plot leak makes us to think that the loss of westerosi allies will have no effect on Dany’s power: she will be chilling on Dragonstone, burning Tarlies, neglecting the WW threat, and forcing Jon to bend the knee. And this “story” is partially supported by some of the filming leaks: dragons are flying around, Dany’s entourage is present, and no-one cares about the bloody Sand Snakes. But something is off, because Jon is taking front and center and bashing Theon like a boss. And Ceresi is still in control of KL.
So in general I want to say that the loss of westerosi allies should affect Dany’s powers in a major way, and that Jon will come as a savior. Of cause, I don’t see Dany taking the role of damsel in distress: no way, but even a strong woman need a savior sometimes (see Ygritte in the Climb, for instance). And of cause, Dany’s salvation may come at the cost of some major problems in the North. Sorry for being repetitive, but all of us get repetitive sometimes.
West of moon,
Correct me if i am wrong but i think ,in the books , it’s the dragon that chooses the rider .It would be awesome if Rhaeghal “recognize” Jon.
https://twitter.com/gav947/status/791955825640091648 Someone spotted Alfie in Belfast City airport
Yes, looks like it’s Danys arrival or one of the scenes right after the arrival: not only Dany, but also Varys wears the same outfit we saw them wearing at San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, and the composition of the team is the same: Dany, Tyrion, Varys, Missandei, Grey Worm, some more Unsullied probably. BTW Varys’ outfit is from Ep 610, so makes sense to guess that they have just arrived.
In the books Ned asks Varys to send a letter(while he is held a prisoner).He then asks Varys to not read it but Varys says that he can’t promise that .We don’t know if Ned wrote that letter.My opinion is that he wanted to tell the truth to Jon before he dies.
Yeah I don’t think Theon and yara land with her
Meanwhile, while all the attention is focused on this location, filming elsewhere, especially N.I. is going unnoticed.
The buildings in that walled city on Gotland have similar stonework and roofs to Dubrovnik, wintery K.L. filming, yet it is cold and snows in Dubrovnik in January and February, so why switch locations.
Oh, great! So, Theon will be coming to Dragonstone later, after Jon, presumably in Ep 5 (the scene has already been filmed). So, my question is who is leading Dany’s fleet to Dragonstone. I can imagine the Dothraki acquiring some basic sailing skills, but it would be cheesy, if they are turned into super sailors out of the blue, and I don’t believe the show-runners could take this way.
Everybody look so cold, especially the cast and then there is this guy barefoot!!! In every group there is always a person who seems to be completely immune to the cold (or heat).I always wanted to be that person ,i never was.
Jack Bauer 24,
Exactly. D&D know by now that this is the most popular show in the history of… anything…LOL! And there is intense interest among fans. These photos just increase the interest and the excitement they don’t “ruin” anything.
These pictures just confirm the meet ups we were hoping for, and that we knew, in some cases are inevitable. The bonus of seeing Gendry and Ser Jorah was a wonderful surprise. It’s great to see our hopes confirmed, but we still don’t know the real storyline or the important plot points so there isn’t any harm. If anything this just makes people more excited.
Funny. I always thought Varys might be the one to know about Tyrion, if in fact Tyrion was half Targ. But it never occurred to me he might know about Lyanna from Ned. I have thought that it was Littlefinger who knew that at the very least, Lyanna & Rhaegar ran off together because they were in love.
I have a question: Wasn’t there some rumor or theory that in the crypt of Winterfell, Ned had a stone carved with Jon’s name and his parents’ names? Hiding in some dark corner ? If Bran were to tell Jon what he knows, Jon might confirm it with a visit to the crypt?
Jon with a dragon…..I can’t wait to see that interaction! But will he know why he has a connection with it? Will he know by then? I’m seriously obsessed….
Roz’s Ghost,
Or the Dragonstone Grotto could be a Rhaegar/Lyanna flashback .. Does anyone know of Aisling’s whereabouts ?
That could very well be the case and it would make for some brilliant storytelling. I love powerful Dany but I’d also love to see how she handles very stressful situations in her new home.
“I said farewell to a man who loves me and I felt nothing, just impatient to get on with it.
Mark my words, Dany will feel something again when Jon enters the picture. And I bet you saying goodbye to him when he departs from DS will not be easy. Wether they’ll be family or lovers, they’ll be close.
Irina Stark,
According to Aisling’s twitter, she was in Dublin on October 22nd.
I hope you don’t mind my pointing this out, but the phrase is “of course,” not “of cause.” [/Stannis] Sorry, I’m a writer/editor by trade, and it’s been driving me nuts.
Irina Stark,
Daario was just the reboumd guy .I am happy he is gone .He made me cringe everytime he shared a scene with Dany (show and book)
Completely agree. I think you are correct here about how these leaks and filming spoilers don’t add up.
Stannis approves.
Yeah, pretty sure that’s it. I’m writing the article already, but it’s not pressing news and I’ve heard they’re filming something interesting in the afternoon.
The Greyjoys comprise only a fraction of Daenerys’ fleet. The other parts are made up of the fleets of the former conspirators of Meereen (see 6.09). It’s spelt out quite clearly there. 😉 I imagine they were able to lead themselves on the seas quite adequately – they didn’t need Iron Islanders…………
Luka Nieto,
What Luka whaaaaaat?
OT I’m off to the movies to see Dr.Strange. I’m not into superhero movies but I love Brendadirk Cramplescrunch lol. I’ll tell you guys if I liked it.
Bookwise the Tyrells can call upon the Redwyne fleet , which is as big as the Royal fleet, not clear on the show if those ‘Tyrell ships’ were Redwyne flying Highgarden colors , but that fleet would be bigger than the Ironborn. Not sure in the books just how many ships Dorne had. From the last scene in S6 seems there were more refitted ‘Master’s Ships’ than were in Slavers Bay, but then is not clear how many of those there were actually. Seemingly Dany’s fleet , even without the 100 Ironborn, was bigger than any combined Westeros fleet.
Irina Stark,
Totally agree, especially taking into account that Dany has just realized how much she loved Jorah. And Jon is basically Jorah’s younger (and more attractive) version: also quite and brooding but very reliable and capable of unrequited love and/or self-sacrifice. So, though I expect Dany taking an aggressive stance in the beginning due to seeing Jon as a potential threat, I equally expect her to change her attitude quite fast.
Thank you really. Still have to improve my English.
Luka Nieto,
Something interesting?? Aahh…I am very interested now to know what it is 🙂 .
ghost of winterfell,
And as someone who only speaks one language (I don’t think my elementary level Spanish counts as speaking, hehe), I admire anyone who knows more than one. 🙂
That was my impression just from the ending scene of Season 6. I imagine the part of the fleet that has ended up on Dragonstone, is comprised of the Masters’ fleet; the Greyjoys had split up to go after their Uncle (and run into trouble), and the Martell and Tyrell fractions were busy elsewhere.
Jack Bauer 24,
This was about the dumbest article ever trying to debunk possible spoilers. To use Sibel as their example was just grasping at straws.
And Jeor Mormont’s raven on his shoulder.
She must have atleast 500 to 600 and other three combined to give the remaining ..
And I think that will be hard for some to accept the fact..
Luka Nieto,
You tease…can’t wait
Kit probably left Spain as Zumaia was his last shooting in Spain, Then it is Sevilla/Italica and don’t know what else. Jon is probably not needed for this.
Jack Bauer 24,
Dude you either be so naïve or just trying to troll people.
I agree and I don’t. Of course (see, I am learning), so of course, anyone sailing with 1,000 ships can and should be expected to have a bunch of experienced captains capable of saving the day after Euron attacks and captures Yara. But the show needs an established character to play a hero, and if Theon is not playing that role, who is left? Don’t kill me please, but my guess is Davos: he is an experienced sailor, and he knows Dragonstone and more importantly the Shipbreaker Bay, which might be crucial, if Dany encounters Euron in the Narrow Sea and has to bypass him. Moreover, the pictures from Jon’s arrival scene showed Jon arriving with his men and Davos meeting him on the shore. OK, he could have come by another boat and disembarked 5 minutes earlier, but still Davos is build as a supporting character with a valuable knowledge and skills, which means that those skills and knowledge have to come into play at some point.
And is it too far stretched to assume that the first thing Jon does after learning about Ceresei’s coronation and the southern rebellion intending to replace her with the Dany will be summoning Davos and telling him: “Look, you managed to secure 62 men from Lady Mormont, now go and secure me 3 dragons from the Dragon Queen (and pick some obsidian on your way back”? IMO, such scenario is worth to be considered, even if it proves to be wrong at the end.
Geralt of Rivia,
We don’t know this at all.He might have other things to film.
I hope you not be dissapointed like me ……….. Cumberbatch is an amazing actor but the movie is not so good ….
We waiting Luka ……….
Well, there’re no good pictures yet. When there are, we’ll publish 😉
Luka Nieto,
We are going through serious withdrawal symptoms here! We have been utterly spoilt by great filming news AND pictures continuously for the last few days, and your earlier tease has upped the anticipation level even more. Waiting patiently ………. 😀 Keep up the GREAT spoiler reporting!
Long time lurker here. Have been keeping up with all of the comments section the past week and I do not know if I totally missed this, but a key person has been missing from this group.
Geralt of Rivia,
Grey Worm and the Unsullied last filmed in Gaztelugatxe last week, for Daenerys’ arrival in Dragonstone. Today Grey Worm and the Unsullied reappeared, in Zumaia, filming what is apparently the same scene, but before (still in the shores of Dragonstone, before going up the castle.) As for why none of the Unsullied are present in any of the other scenes, it’s probably that they are elsewhere, probably at war. Doesn’t mean Grey Worm is dead, no.
Have some filming pics:
Name *,
THANK YOU! 😀 Awesome scene , and perhaps a clue to some whys that I’ve been wondering about. Perhaps not.
Name *,
Name *,
What the ? …
These pics are really confusing me.
I think the cast are just messing around. Either because they were having fun or because they knew that there was a pap taking pictures of them. I can’t imagine Dany and Varys being that… emotive. 😛
Ok emila natalie and conlith just messing with us in that one photo..lol they know we are watching lol
They’re having fun.
Name *,
Iam sorry but what’s happending here ..
Maybe the pictures were snapped at just wrong moment, but some of those are just hilarious. I hope the scene doesn’t look that funny when it airs because I don’t think it’s supposed to be.
Name *,
Yeah, it looks like this performance was intended solely for the pap lol.
Lmao, Emilia, Nathalie and Colenth are totally trolling in one of the photos.
Name *,
Okay, that makes much more sense. I should know better than to pay any attention to the Daily Mail. Just look at the pretty pictures, lol.
This is the cast getting a little revenge on the paps. Perhaps at the behest of D&D after their sad little attempt to throw us off the trail yesterday.
Geralt of Rivia,
ghost of winterfell,
So a little revenge on the pap by the cast? 😀 Sounds good. For a moment I was thrilled at the prospect of some drama involving my fav. human character, but I guess not. Sigh…..
LOL they plunked the Daily Fail. You know when GW is smiling it’s a done deal. ?
Not sure if anyone brought it up. The pictures with the boat, is that Jorah at the rudder? Can anyone with good eyes take a look at them?
Grey Worm was seen in San Juan de Gaztelugatxe with Dany, Varys, Tyrion, and Missandei, and today he appears in Zumaia (IMO, the two scenes will be combined, because all the actors wear the same costumes). But the scene is interesting: Dany, Varys, and Missandei run towards something with their hands stretched, Tyrion looks sad… We really need a video to see how it plays out: the photos may be a bit misleading, but it looks like something bad is happening.
There is a new article about today’s filming, please move that conversation to it 🙂
Thanks for the replies about Grey Worm everyone. I am little worried for him.
Geralt of Rivia,
How does that work exactly ..
He goes on a mission to convince everyone but when the mission is finished and needs to submit his evidence. He doesnt show up to make his case or sends his advisors ..
I was actually going for a scene where tyrion decides to end his life by jumping of the cliffs..
Guess we cant have that
To Gerald of rivia
Irina Stark,
In fact, the only time we saw Varys losing control and running towards something in a similar way was in Ep 109, when he rushed towards Joffrey trying to prevent Ned’s beheading. As for Tyrion’s allegedly calm stance, he may be suppressing his emotions.
As for the photos of the rowers, there are only three of them in a rather big boat and one is dressed as an Unsullied, others are hard to identify, but the boat is clearly undermanned. So, maybe that’s the cause of the distress? Cersei and Euron is sending a message in a form of someone’s dead and mutilated body?
Couldn’t think of any better explanation.
Sorry, wrong assumption. The rowers were bringing in Jorah Mormont.
Geralt of Rivia,
Oh believe me I will be very happy if that stupid thing doesnt happen..
But what else there is to parlay about and the need of having brienne and davos there.
I commented a few days back cause it was becoming jarring. But I don’t think she believed me lol. Her English seems perfect all except for that one phrase 🙂
Jesus… typical Daily Mail. Take a couple of pictures and COMPLETELY twist what is so obviously happening
Thi Targaryen,
Never knew how much I needed this until now:) Can’t wait for that scene!
This is exactly what I was thinking.
I suppose (my supposition only) they might have set people on reddit specifically spreading fake leaks about the parts shot on location, with grains of truth here and there linked to things everybody could have seen. The “paid leakers” then made up other things (which would explain the 1000 versions given on certain things by this awaywiththelads and friends) in order to create more complete “spoilers”/ fanfictions/whatever you call them, to support discussion and flames among the fanatics.
Then the fake damage control.
All the while, fanatics like us will turn into even bigger fanatics by the time the season will air…and meanwhile they filmed what they had to film, they meta-trolled us, and still have the complete and real season plot secret, apart for the scenes shot on location (which they knew we would have captured on pictures & videos).
The “more attractive” is very subjective, though. I find Jon and Jorah both damn attractive, love both their characters, and I would bang them both, BUT…if I had to choose, I would go for Jorah without any doubt. You will find some who say the same, and others that prefer Jon over Jorah.
https://twitter.com/AdriBilbao1/status/792015717742804992 Joe Dempsie already left Bilbao. He is going to a convention in São Paulo, Brazil.
100%. Although I get that Kit is good looking, I think Iain Glen is sexy AF.
Sorry girls. Won’t happen again. Of course.
Bran’s built-in White Walker GPS,
I do agree about subjectivity, but IMO Jorah is too submissive, whereas Jon has a spine and seducing him would be a challenge, so if I were Dany I would prefer Jon.
Definitely, there is a reason why Beyonce married Jay Z, why Obama married Michelle, why Anna fell in love with Vronsky,
People look for their equal in a partner and from the photos I’ve seen this week, Jon is nowhere near the ‘bending the knee and pledging allegiance’ to Daenerys phase yet.
I’d like to see them squabble a little bit, all for the better though. Tough love.
Prophesy is not reliable.
As you see, we could gather many different views on the matter. So it is not that univoque.
Now, for the laugh: do you imagine how hilarious it would be if the “three head of the dragon” ended up to be…Dany, Jorah and Jon, with Daenerys marrying both Northmen? 😀 For the lolz!
(dear HBO, in that case I would gladly sign up for some HD& HQ scenes with the three of them “cementing their union”, you make the price, thank you very much!)
I wonder what happens to that prop dragon head after the filming. I would have that thing hanging on my wall. 😀
HBO already confirmed that Jon is Targaryen. If the things revealed in the “Princess and the Queen” AKA – The Dance of the Dragons or Targaryen civil war are true, this is not a stretch. It may also confirm what many believe and that is that Tyrion is the bastard son of Aerys.
Does anyone know what Bryan Cogman wrote on twitter and then deleted it? angry lashing out about spoilers leaks? What did he say?
Just can’t believe those photos from the Daily Mail were taken from Santa Klara casa rural. They’re just too good, in sharp focus, and not blurry to have been taken by even the high quality zoom lenses the paps use? That is unless NASA have loaned them some of their kit lol 😀
Although Santa Klara overlooks the beach, its quite high up on the cliffs and quite a distance away. To get those photos such as Kit and Emilia with the dragon heads, I reckon someone (perhaps our friend PAP4U) hauled his ass and camera much closer to the beach to get those shots? Some of those photos seem to have be taken from the wall (where the battlements were erected) and close to where the action is taking place?
No your eyes are fine. The larger head is a marker for the actors. The smaller head is so the CGI crew can see the coloration in that precise lighting.
ermagerd indeed
I know this is extremely late to comment as I have been avoiding spoilers all off-season, but after the recent events in the news lately I needed something to look forward to so I finally read this article that has tempted me for so long. This has really brightened my day. Thank you!!!
Wildfire may very well be able to hurt/kill a dragon. And Cersei has lots of it.