Game of Owns: Imp and the Queen

Episode 281 – Imp and the Queen
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Finally, it is time to share tale of the chance meeting of Lion and Dragon, in the lower pits of Meereen. In Northern Westeros a lady carves her fate, strategic tools at the ready.

Discussion Topics
Tyrion and Dany
Sullied and Unsullied
The lower pits
Our brave Lannister
Sansa and Theon
The newlyweds
Listener Owns



  1. I’m halfway through so far. I dunno if you realise by the end, but..

    Ramsay was not in the broken tower. Reek looked across at it through the blizzard, with the heroic Ironborn music playing, but he never actually went there – instead he just went up an entirely separate, unspecified set of steps that leads to Ramsay’s quarters (wherever that may be) with the sole intention of informing him. You can sort of tweak that something’s not entirely right during his ascent of the stairs when the music suddenly goes darker.

    The whole thing was a film trick.

  2. lol yeah, you realised like 2 minutes later. Or at least considered the alternative anyway. Ignore me!

  3. There’s a surprising amount of people who interpreted the scene in the same way. Very odd, since the room Ramsay was in was fully decorated.

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