Another Comic-Con has come and gone and with it comes new merchandise, cast interviews, and fellow fans sharing in the excitement Game of Thrones has brought us all. It’s the type of event that truly makes being a fan worthwhile and, in today’s digital age, even those who are unable to attend can still make up for it with a little help from your friends at WOTW!
The journey to Comic-Con begins on the streets of New York City where fans arrived in style representing your favorite house sigils on the Game of Thrones shuttle:
Then it’s right to the booths for some new merchandise!
Grab your favorite house plushy to keep you safe at night against all the White Walkers and terrors that pursue.
Rise up like the dead for this new bookend!
Or name yourself royalty with the new King Joffrey crown.
What crown would be complete without a throne? Funko Pop! has you covered with the new 6″ Iron Throne.
For more merchandise from NYCC, head on over to HBO’s online store!
What Comic-Con would be complete without a panel? The lovely Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell), Finn Jones (Loras Tyrell), and Keisha Castle-Hughes (Obara Sand) have some speculations on season 6 and the massive amount of locations used for shooting.
While the panels are under tight security this year, we did manage to find a video of a portion of the panel while Entertainment Weekly (EW) provided highlights.
UPDATE: The full panel is now available online.
Watch live video from NYCC2 on www.twitch.tv
Firstly, Hughes has some words regarding her dearly departed father, Oberyn Martell (Pedro Pascal) and his epic duel with The Mountain:
I found out that I was playing one of his daughters, and I was freaking out when I watched that episode. My roommate at the time was like, ‘It’s just a TV show, why are you so upset?’ Because that’s my dad!
Dormer also chips in saying:
It’s such an amazing, well-choreographed fight, Pedro almost refused to let his stunt double do any of it. He practiced again and again. When you watch that show and you know how much effort he put it into it, only to be…
…yeah, crushed like a grape. It’s heartbreaking, we know, but that’s why we love Game of Thrones.
Obviously the plot details for Season 6 are guarded by dragons so the cast couldn’t say much but they were free to speculate…
Hughes admits she’d love to meet Arya saying “For very selfish reasons; she’s my favorite character” while Dormer would love a chance to play games with Ramsay and test her wits (“Here, drink this”) but Finn Jones by far had the best response:
I think Loras would probably turn Jon Snow gay, I’d like to see that happen. ‘You know nothing, Jon Snow.’ I’d teach him a thing or two.
His comment, of course, received tremendous applause. He also speculates about the end of the saga:
I think there will be a huge battle between ice and fire, I think ice and fire will completely destroy themselves in this great war, destroy all of Westeros, and I think a lot of people will die. Out of the ashes will come the people who will make Westeros anew. Maybe Bran, Hodor, Brienne, Tyrion.
So no Margaery or Loras, huh? Well, at least Hodor made the cut. For more, head on over to EW!
There you have it, folks! Now go grab some merchandise and leave us a comment letting us know what you think!
That’s a great bookend. Other than my Hound figurine and LF’s brooch, I don’t have any GoT merch. Night’s King would be a great Halloween costume.
Finn is great.
hahaha look at this Greyworm doing cosplay of Jon snow.
Finn Jones’ comment will fuel fanfic writers LOL
This is one of the fandoms you can found everything with everyone and in a polygamous way XD
Here is full video of panel. I love the Kermit question.
Pretty sure a Kit Harington/Finn Jones porn would do fairly well 😛 Just saying.
By the way, Pedro Pascal is great in Narcos!
I’m only going to be there on Saturday.
Finn lists the way he envisions the ending. One can presume he has read the scripts for season 6 right? If so could we also presume the four characters listed survived season 6 if they are to be there at the end?
Ace of Mace,
Nice! It must be difficult for them not to spoil anything.
Ser Creighton Longbough,
I really liked narcos can’t wait for season 2
Although in general I’m not very enthusiastic about fan fiction it’s been going on for a heck of a long time and sometimes it can be better than the original. I’m not thinking of ASOIAF or GoT here but back in the early 19th century John Keats wrote a poem called “Meg Merrilies” about a gypsy character who was created by Walter Scott in the novel “The Heart of Midlothian”. I much prefer Keats’ poem to the novel. though of course it wouldn’t be called fan fiction in those days. I don’t know if you are familiar with any of Walter Scott’s work – younger people tend not to be, but his novels have an inclination to ramble; they make Brienne’s travels in AFFC looks like going straight from A to B. The basic stories of Scott’s novels are sometimes okay – “The Heart of Midlothian” (apologies if you are already familiar with it) is based on a true story of a Scots woman who walked from Scotland to London back in the horse and cart days to beg the king for the life of her sister who had been condemned to death (she had refused to lie to give her sister an alibi). Well that’s something of an aside. I know you are not too keen on show Dorne – I was puzzled by show Dorne more than anything. I suppose if they had gone with the book plot they would have had to shorten it somehow but I was surprised they changed Ellaria’s character so much. I didn’t hate season 5 the way you seem to though – it was a mixed bag (well to me it was a mixed bag).
Dame of Mercia,
Reading your post was a lovely way to start a Saturday morning. I continue to be in awe of the depth and breadth of knowledge shared by so many WotW followers — from literature to Catalonian politics.
Oh it’s just that what I studied at school included those two writers, keltia – “Old Meg she was a gypsy / And liv’d upon the moors / Her bed it was the brown heath turf / And her house was out of door…”etc at primary school. At senior school my class didn’t actually study “The Heart of Midlothian” though we did “The Antiquary” by Walter Scott, and I’d been thinking about fan fiction lately. I was thinking of writing an article about fan fiction (not for money – some other ladies and myself each write an article in Pitman shorthand every two months just to keep practising it really and when one has read the compendium of articles she posts it on to the next person). We’re all “mature” ladies because Pitman shorthand is not taught as widely as it used to be. I wrote about “Manners maketh man” in the end.
All of which has little to do with the NYCC – but I’m glad the CC was a success.
Well, if the WotW follower is a spaniard, he/she sure knows about what is happening in Catalonia. Here it is a big deal.
As we thought, the filming in Almeria will involve the Dothraki. Couldn’t spot Emilia though.
Here are some pics from today’s filming. Posted them in twitter cause I thought it would be easier to upload them all:
Ace of Mace,
Thanks for the link!
Filming news seems to have gone from a fast flow to a trickle as of late :/
I have posters from S2 from HBO, 6 characters if anyone wants to buy make me an offer. Still rolled up in the cannister they came in.
High Sparrow,
I understand your point. But as traditional news sources here in the middle of the US don’t give enough attention to international news, IMO, a mention of what is happening in Spain in a WotW post caused me to inquire further. [Thank you Internet]. My post was meant as a compliment to WotW posters (the human ones – rather than the ones Vegoia might be selling).
2 days without any new, soo saddd.
Thank you for the pics. I’ve been looking since 6:00 AM PST!
I enjoyed the panel, anyone know if the other event will be posted? The one with Kristian and Finn?
So true!! 2 days without news is killing me.
This site gives us some bad habits…Let’s just keep waiting (que remédio né?)
Joffrey’s Cunt,
We are addicts lol, withdrawal symptoms kicking in lol
Lol! And WotW is our syringe, and at the moment, it’s out of product 🙁
I watched the entire panel and honestly i was expecting it to be a bit boring considerig there were no primary actors, but natalie and finn were great…they are so funny and entertaining, i love finn he’s such a nerd, lol. And for those who dont want to watch the entire thing, theres also some other interesting things they said, natalie for example was asked if margaery had to do cersei’s walk of shame what she’d do, and natalie said they should wait until next season to find out. Also keisha said she will be back next season….and as posted in this thread finn pointed that the iron throne should be melted in order to use those valiryan steel swords in order to kill the WW.
Joffrey’s Cunt,
Most people don’t use “drugs” with syringes.
Just sayin’ ; )
I think so too! 😉 So Bran, Hodor, Tyrion and Brienne survive Season 6. Not too surprising.
Thanks. I think outdoor scenes at this location will be primarily to have Daario and Jorah sneak in and blend in with the camp at night. Daylight shots would be to establish the scene.
Me neither, I usually smoke them lol… Ever heard of figuratively speaking?
yeah it’s been a slow news week, hope it picks up soon.
We need our news. It is a long time until the season premieres. Every little bit makes the wait a little easier.
We’re only SIX MONTHS away from the season premiere! And only 9 months away from a 10 month wait!
Dat bus doe!
Joffrey’s Cunt,
Hang on, you mean I’m not supposed to inject my marijuana?
Somehow I think we missed the best nugget from this panel and that was when Natalie was asked about Cersei’s walk of shame and responded we are getting into spoiler territory!! She will have to face some kind of trail/atonement of her own early in the season.