The Winner of Two Full-Weekend Passes to Con of Thrones!

Jon Snow con of Thrones

We’re getting ready for Con of Thrones 2018 in the best way we know how here at Watchers on the Wall- with giveaways and contests! We want to see as many of you as possible in Dallas, TX from May 25-27, so we’re going to keep this party going by announcing our latest winner, of the Jon Snow White Caption Contest. (And then we have another giveaway of a different flavor kicking off tomorrow!)

The winner of 2 full-weekend tickets to Con of Thrones is…



“Snow, Wights, and the Effin’ Dwarf” is the winning caption, because it made us laugh and good wordplay is its own reward. Congrats, Ginevra!

You’re taking home TWO Full-Weekend Passes to Con of Thrones, with all the perks. The Full-Weekend Pass includes access to the marketplace and the packed slate of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire programming including daytime panels and nighttime events, a registration swag bag, guaranteed seating in the Great Hall, and more. (See for full details!)

For those who didn’t win, be sure to stop by tomorrow to enter our next contest, for a prize that anyone can win, even if you aren’t heading to Dallas this year for Con of Thrones!

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. Congratulations Ginevra, your caption is high-larious!

    The night is dark and full of party hardy!

  2. Too funny, Ginevra. Congratulations. Between you and Clob it should be a fun(ny) Con.

  3. Thank you, all! We were shocked and excited. And it’s always great to see you around, Lulu’s Mum!

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