The Winner of the Game of Thrones Monopoly Giveaway!

Game of thrones Monopoly funcom

We’ve had a fun week here so far, with the Watchers on the Wall Awards and today’s announcement of three guests for Con of Thrones 2018! Now there’s even more, as we proclaim the winner of the Game of Thrones Monopoly Giveaway! After a week’s worth of entry-gathering for the beautiful collectible game, it’s time to pull a winner and let the empire-building begin for one lucky fan.

The entries came from our comments, Facebook, and Twitter, far and wide. The winner of Game of Thrones Monopoly is…


Congratulations on bringing home the win. For those of you who didn’t win this week, you can swing on over to to check out their wide selection of Game of Thrones gifts for yourself! Thank you all for entering, and have a wonderful week!

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. I am the Dolorous Edd of giveaways. I never win.

    But thanks to Sue & Co. for giving stuff away, and keeping us engaged in the off-season.

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