Watchers on the Wall Awards: Funniest Scene of Season 7

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We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: for a gruesome drama packed with tragedy, Game of Thrones is often hilarious. That’s why we pay tribute every year to the funniest scenes of the season, with the Funniest Scene category in our Watchers on the Wall Awards. Our readers have taken on the difficult task of narrowing it down to just five finalists in the category, and come up with this stellar list of scenes that put a big smile on our faces in season 7.

The final nominees for Funniest Scene are:

Gendry introduces himself to Jon Snow honestly

The Hound and Tormund discuss their mutual acquaintance Brienne

Samwell’s Poop and Soup montage at the Citadel

Dany is introduced with a host of titles; Jon is merely “King in the North”

Sam and Bran’s awkward reunion with scrolls and Three-Eyed Raven references

The complete results from round 1 voting in this category can be viewed here!

Final round rules: Cast your vote for the winner in our Funniest Scene poll. In the finals, fans have one vote to cast. At the end of 72 hours (Wednesday 12/27/17 at 12PM ET), the scene with the most votes will be the winner! The results of the poll will be revealed during the live Watchers on the Wall Awards ceremony- specific date to be announced in the near future!

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. Dany is introduced with a host of titles;

    Jon is merely “king in the north”

    I love the timing and spontaneity of Ser Davos Seaworth.

  2. I love you Davos, but I have to go with Tormund and Houndie. “You DO know her!” I feel like the Tormund/Brienne thing was a moment that absolutely blew up to the surprise of D&D, and they’ve run with it. All great scenes, I know Sam’s montage wasn’t appreciated by everyone, but I found it different, sympathetic and amusing.

  3. Funniest Scene – Samwell’s Poop and Scoop montage at the Citadel

    The others were all funny, but this is the scene that had me in laugh-out-loud stitches. It was beautifully edited, I must admit, however it was John Bradley’s fantastic performance that really made this scene for me. He is as great at showing the comedic side of Sam as he is showcasing all other sides of his character.

    Tormund and the Hound meeting and discussing Brienne was a close joint second for me, along with Gendry and Jon’s first meeting.

  4. Funniest scene for me was Davos’, this is Jon snow line. Such a obvious funny scene to write yet it still made me literally lol.
    I’ll chalk that up to Liam’s understated humor.

  5. My fave for the whole season was Jon & Tormund.

    “You’ve never been in the South.”
    “I’ve been to Winterfell”
    “That’s the North.”

    But Tormund and the Hound was almost as hilarious! The WHOLE scene actually.
    “Dick. I like it.”

    From the others the irony of situation and Davos’ delivery of Jon’s short presentation was precious. Too bad we can’t vote for more than one.

    Also: Happy Holidays to all.

  6. Gendry’s intro to Jon was…weird. I think Jon made it weird by looking down at his hands or feet through most of it. It was just…awkward. Davos’ line, “Yeah, don’t mind me. I’ve only managed to live to a ripe old age,” was funny, though.

    Sam’s poop and scoop montage was different, to be sure, but my sensitive stomach can’t vote for it. In fact, I fast-forward through that scene during any re-watch.

    The Hound and Tormund scene was cute.

    Sam and Bran reuniting was a great scene for me. I loved Sam’s face when Bran produced a scroll after telling Sam that Jon and Dany were on their way back to WF. I even liked the way Bran presented the scroll. He was almost human in that scene.

    The winner for me is Titles vs. Title. Aside from the obvious comedy of it, Tyrion helps make that scene, too. His expressions were perfect, and perfectly funny.

  7. Shocker! (For me, that is.*) None of my top candidates made the cut:

    • Sandor, et al. tease Gendry for “whinging.”
    • Bored Sandor uses zombies for target practice.
    • Sandor banters with and bashes Thoros and Beric on their way to the farmhouse.

    Actually, I think I may have forgotten to nominate one of my favorites, because the joke didn’t hit me until much later:

    • At the Crossroads (S7e2) a distracted Arya, channeling the Hound, chugs ale and eats like a slob; after spearing a pie off Hot Pie’s serving tray and tearing into it….


    Arya: “Mmm. This is good.”

    Hot Pie: “You like it? The secret is browning the butter before making the dough. Most people don’t do that ‘cause it takes too much time.”

    Arya: “I didn’t do that.”

    Hot Pie: “You’ve been making pies?”

    Arya: “One or two,”


    * Either “funny” is subjective…or I do not have a properly developed ability to recognize “humor.”

  8. 1. The Hound and Tormund discuss their mutual acquaintance Brienne That was hilarious – I rolled up laughing 🙂

    These lines especially –
    San: “You want to suck my dick?”
    Tor: “Dick?”
    San: ” Cock!”
    Tor: “Ah – dick – I like it”

    San: “I bet you do!”

    Close runners up being:

    2. Samwell’s Poop and Soup montage at the Citadel

    I rolled up during that scene also. It got to point where it was difficult to separate the shit from soup!

    3. Dany is introduced with a host of titles; Jon is merely “king in the north”

    I liked the pregnant pause after Davos says, “This is Jon Snow” and then “He’s king in the north”. Even Tyrion had a smile after Missandei rolled of Dany’s titles and Davos came back with just that 🙂

  9. “Poop and Soup” made me let out a “whoop”! Yes, it was disgusting, but it was agolden (brown) montage and worthy of classic comedy going back to the silent era. It also gave John Bradley a chance to add in some physical comedy. By the way, listen to the Ep 1 commentary for Gwen Christie to utterly lose it while watching this scene! GoT has so much black humour, it was long overdue for some bedpan humour.

    And now bring me some figgy pudding. Happy Christmas, lads and lasses.

  10. I can’t believe I was the only one who nominated “Gendry introduces himself to Jon” and now it’s in the top 5! Tormund telling The Hound about Brienne The Beauty was my favorite.

  11. “Poop and Soup” for the craft itself.

    I went from a little bored, to what is this?, to okay they are obviously playing with us, Bravo lol

    It is obviously an homage to a particular style of comedy that took a lot of thought and effort to pull off and JB does a wonderful job earning his paycheck on this one! It was a nice way for the scene to do its job, but also didn’t feel out of place and kept what could have been a boring montage fresh, interesting and funny.

  12. Although the Hound n Tormund had me chuckling, the Poop n Soup n Wretch bit floored me. A surprising toe-tapping, rhythmic delight to introduce the season. The astute beauty of the Citadel’s library and astrolabe in stark contrast with the undignified duty of an apprentice. The montage was cynical and callous but with great perspective.

  13. Rygritte:
    I can’t believe I was the only one who nominated “Gendry introduces himself to Jon” and now it’s in the top 5! Tormund telling The Hound about Brienne The Beauty was my favorite.

    • In the final poll I too clicked the 🔘 next to Tormund & the Hound comparing notes about Brienne.

    Please do not think I am being rude when I ask why “Gendry introduces himself to Jon” was funny. Obviously enough viewers felt the way you did and voted for your nominee.

    What’d I miss? Jon and Gendry said they’d seen each other’s dad once. Gendry told Jon he was shorter than Ned; Jon told Gendry he wasn’t as fat as Robert. If this was intended to be a “bonding” moment. it came off a little odd for me, because not once did Gendry mention his relationship and shared experiences with the one person for whom they both had deep affection: Jon’s sister. (Gendry was with her continuously since leaving KL together with the NW on S1e10 until midway through S3 when Melisandre bought him from the BwoB for freaky king’s blood leech sex.)

  14. I still think the funniest line of the season is “Didn’t they teach you that at Fancy Lad School?”

  15. Merry Christmas for Sue & the gang and all of you, fellow watchers!
    Happy Hanukkah for those who celebrate! (although I’m afraid I’m a little late with these wishes)
    Happy Saturnalia for Wimsey! 🙂
    And now, back to voting and reading…

  16. Cant see the voting window. Must be my phone blocking it. @mods Could you log my vote for Tormund and the Hound?

  17. I dont get why sams reunion with bran was funny. The Smontage was funny but it was too long and just gross. Wish that the Arya/hot pie convo was up there. So I chose Hound and Tormund (excuse the typos, frozen keyboard again. Why does this only happen on this site?)

    Oh and happy holidays!

  18. Ten Bears,

    I’m sure funny is subjective, but I understand your shock: your choices were very funny imo.

    I voted for Houndie (Pigeon has the copyright) and Tormund as their facial expressions, accompanying their lines, made me burst into laughter and forget how anxious I had felt. And I love them both!

  19. ash:

    …..(excuse the typos, frozen keyboard again. Why does this only happen on this site?)…

    Me too! Keyboard slows to a crawl…or freezes completely. Or the page will suddenly reload, zapping all typed text in the comment box. Very frustrating, and it doesn’t happen all the time. I replaced my phone and upgraded the IOS to try to resolve the problems, but they came back.

    My theories: (1) Certain companies’ ads cause problems. When their ad cycles are over, the freezing eases. (2) I recently learned about “throttling”: Apple, without telling customers, has purposely slowed down certain devices using certain internal operating systems. Apple claims it did so to extend battery life. Many customers complain that’s just a pretext, and the real reason was to dupe customers into buying a new phone. If so…

    Count me among the duped. 😡

  20. I gotta go off the menu. For me it’s between:

    1) A bored Hound winging the rock at the poor WW and nailing it in the face.

    2) An annoyed Hound giving the captured WW (bound and whining) a vicious kick to the ribs.

    3) Tyrion, who’s wanted by all of King’s Landing, being neatly delivered in a row boat then infiltrating the Red Keep just by walking straight in, while Tyrion / Bronn reunion is completely skipped over. This had to be a joke right??????????

  21. LatrineDiggerBrian,

    I’m with you on this.

    • Bored Hound nailing zombie with rock was my #1 nominee (“Dumb c*nt” 💀).

    • I didn’t have “annoyed Hound” kicking Captured Wight in the ribs though. For me, the whole Hound & Wight journey was a continuous dark comedy that made me feel sorry for the poor creature by the end: Punched out, bagged, kicked, punched some more for whining, kicked for moving, impaled on a dragon barb, dumped into a rowboat, chained up and jammed into a crate, and finally, cut in half with a longsword. [Missed Opportunity #1: The Sandor & Captured Wight Buddy Comedy spinoff.)

    • Bronn & Tyrion seeing each other again was awfully cold and perfunctory. Especially on Bronn’s end. [Missed Opportunity #2]. Bronn’s role in setting up the Tyrion-Jaime secret meeting happened off-screen.
    The last time Bronn and Tyrion had seen each other was touching: They acknowledged they had great times together. While Bronn had sold out to Cersei and explained why he was rejecting Tyrion’s request to be his champion vs. The Mountain, Tyrion completely understood, and said (paraphrasing): “I’ll have to beat the Mountain myself; what a song that would make!”
    Bronn’s parting words were something like “I hope to hear them sing it someday.”
    I thought his greeting would be a lot warmer and effusive: Tyrion had not only survived, but was returning as Hand of the Dragon Queen.
    After all they’d been through together, I didn’t understand why Bronn was being kind of stsndoffish to Tyrion on the walk to the Dragonpit. Even Bronn’s response “Yeah, you too” (when Tyrion said it was good to see him again) seemed kind of half-hearted.
    Now, I am NOT complaining. With so many characters coming together for the Dragonpit summit, there simply was not enough time to do justice to every fan’s hoped-for reunion scenes.

  22. Happy Holidays, all. Somehow being on here offers some solace and a sense of continuance, even if our postings will be only for another year or so. I’m glad you’re here now and wish you well.

    I thought all the choices had their merits, and a lot of you reminded us of some of the other great moments (whinging was one) On some of the other voting threads, posters said their choices were based on whether or not the event would make a difference to future events.
    While I loved, loved the Hound/Tormund Brienne convo, I had to go with the Poop and Soup.

    Bradley is a superb comic actor – the faces he makes are worth a thousand words, and this montage was no exception. As a pampered boy in Horn Hill, Sam had a vision of what being a maester would be – the kitchen duty and latrine cleaning were not part of that vision.

    This smelly disillusionment did a great job of convincing him to give up his training and head back to Winterfell. I have always had a feeling that Sam was going to make some great contribution to the war against the WW. We’ve already seen him deliver the info about Jon – plus he helps Bran focus on where Bran needs to go in his visions to get the truth. Bran needed focus and help with interpretation of what he’s seen, and Sam is excellent for that.

    So, Poop and Soup for being grossly hilarious and having an effect on future events, Brienne convo for second and Fancy Lads for the write-in.

  23. I voted for talkative, empathetic Tormund and grumpy Sandor.

    Ten Bears
    Shocker! (For me, that is.*) None of my top candidates made the cut:

    • Sandor, et al. tease Gendry for “whinging.”,

    Actually I’m pretty relieved that the majority didn’t vote for that one. It is funny. But when you think about it, it’s just shady, imo.

  24. the poop and soup montage was delicious, but it would have been nothing without the switch to whatever that was they served at the crossroads. THAT was the two-second-picture that killed me.

    tormund and the hound were funny too, but i think this was just what we had to expect after all we know about their ways of having conversations. the hound taking care of gendry’s diapers was even better from my point of view. from “ohh, i was naked” / “sounds good so far” to “this guy got killed six times. do you hear him cry?”… just gold! (excuse the lousy quotation, i’m watching the series in german language.)

    anyway, the hound made it to my personal number 1 and 2. with scenes that are not in the final round.

    number 2: the magnificient seven capture their zombie and the hound tries to stop that noise it makes. big hand on zombie mouth, a silent second, and then… slllippp! just this was enough, but it had to be topped by the hound’s disgusted expression before he took another attempt to make the remains of the zombie face shut-the-fuck-up. this was just sweet, and it was a funny intercourse in a scene full of drama and tension.

    number 1 tops this easily: dragon lost, last chance for evacuation, jon snow misses the flight… and the hound stores the luggage: pflrrrp! or however that one little sound has to be written, that one when he fixes the undead to the spikes on drogon’s back.

    there was not too much to see in that scene, but that sound made me go apeshit like a 80 year old girl who finally had a date and a hot night with elvis.


  25. Chicken Generated Image,

    ”the poop and soup montage was delicious, but it would have been nothing without the switch to whatever that was they served at the crossroads. THAT was the two-second-picture that killed me.”
    Did I miss a switchover from Sam’s disgusting montage to food being served at the Crossroads? I thought there was a cut from Sam slicing into Jorah’s oozing greyscale-infected tissue, to someone at the Crossroads spooning out hot cereal (?) from a bowl (S7e2).

    As for the “poop and soup” montage, I see that many liked it. I thought it was just revolting and not funny at all. Maybe it’s my stuffy sensibilities. Showing or talking about disgusting things like excrement, flatulence and vomit doesn’t elicit a chuckle from me. It’s just gross. Teen “comedies” resort to that kind of thing for cheap laughs from their target audience – along with other tired movie cliches such as making stupid face when getting kicked in the balls; getting urinated on by an infant or a dog; or using bodily fluids as hair gel, donut filling, moisturizing lotion, etc. If these kinds of things were funny for shock value the first time someone used them, they no longer are.

    I could say the same thing about GoT’s overuse of “cock”, “no cock”, “cockless”, “it’s all about cocks”, etc. ; after a while, it just makes me cringe. [Yes, Bronn, I’m talking to you. Just saying “cock” doesn’t make you witty like you were in earlier seasons.]

    But what do I know? If so many people liked Sam’s montage, I must be missing a comedy receptor in my brain. 🤥

    • Unintended rant over•

  26. Ten Bears,

    I totally get where you are coming from (because for me it’s the same with Gendrys “whinging” scene: In hindsight I don’t like the scene, not all together, but parts, and in the comments were some people which expressed that they found it funny, making me think if it just me…). But put it into perspective and look at the results from round 1 voting. From all the votes, the poop and soup montage “only” got 5,85% of the votes. It’s actually not that much and 396 people out of 6.772 are not that many, the scene just happened to find its way into the finale.

    I can appreciate what the show tries to show with the scene (what Sam did all the time and he already did this for a long period of time) and I laughed a little, but I was also grossed out and did not vote for this scene. I hate when they use vomit for comedy in films and shows, too.

  27. Re: My 9:16 pm Comment, above.

    I should apologize. I shouldn’t comment when I’m cranky, i.e., hung over from Crown Royal whiskey thanks to dear friend in town for the holidays convincing me to imbibe “for old times’ sake.”

    I should also acknowledge the humor inherent in Sam’s montage: Here’s an aspiring wizard, awed by the greatest library in the world, thinking he’s in intellectual paradise – but the reality is that “learning” means starting out doing the behind the scenes grunt work. My dear friend thought being a lawyer would be glamorous, just like on TV. I can remember him calling me late at night when he was first starting out, stuck at the office making photocopies, punching holes, and typing file folder labels: not quite what he envisioned. He saw the humor in it though, and joked about it.

    Anyway, I read my previous comment after it was too late to edit. I would’ve changed it to make sure it would NOT be construed as a swipe at anyone who enjoyed the montage scene.

    (*Switches screens. Starts google search for “hangover remedies”</em*)

  28. Most of the “comic” clips are way too long and contain extraneous, unfunny, generally serious material, like Beric and Jon’s conversation about “the enemy is death” in amongst Tormund’s come-on to “the dog”. Only the “This is Jon Snow.” clip contains just the humorous part. The contest might have done better with heavier editing. Just sayin’.

  29. Funniest Scene: The Hound and Tormund discuss their mutual acquaintance Brienne. Pairing these two off was genius. Kristofer Hivju has become one of the show’s comedic MVPs, and his line deliveries and expressions in this scene are priceless.

    Close Second: Samwell’s Poop and Soup montage at the Citadel. I don’t normally care for scatological humor, but the editing in this sequence was phenomenal. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  30. Ten Bears,
    “Did I miss a switchover from Sam’s disgusting montage to food being served at the Crossroads? I thought there was a cut from Sam slicing into Jorah’s oozing greyscale-infected tissue, to someone at the Crossroads spooning out hot cereal (?) from a bowl (S7e2).”

    you are so right. it wasn’t sam the waiter, it was sam the doctor. and then the switch. to something that looks pretty much like some sort of dish served here in switzerland, wich means: lots of cheese, intense stench.

    forgive me for changing these, it’s just been the third time i watched the dvds. i’m a slow learner.

    your remark about teenage movie humor also has a point. on the other hand, poop and soup could have a hidden meaning, like in: this is the citadel, where you can’t separate soup from poop.

    no, just kidding. no deeper sense in that input/output stuff…

    btw, i like your comments. and i effing love rants.

  31. Now, that is a tough one…

    Gendry’s scene did not do much for me but that may be because the character himself does not particularly “move” me.

    Bran and Sam’s meeting was indeed delightfully awkward but not funny-funny. It was more thematically humourous to me.

    Sam’s poop and soup (I was tempted to vote for it just for that name alone !) montage was funny to me, I’ll confess. The editing was great and strangely “modern”, somewhere between the intro of Pink Floyd’s Money and Edgar Wright’s rhythmic montages. However, it went on for just a tad too long to get my vote.

    That leaves me with two finalists : Davos’s “Jon” and The Hound and Brienne.
    Now, Davos’s matter-of-fact approach to pretty much everything can make anything hilarious in as heightened a world as Game of Thrones’s. He has a way to cut through the pompous manure that is not only fundamentally funny but also intellectually healthy. That being said, I must vote Tormund and The Hound discussing the wonder that is Brienne. The exchange was delicious, the delivery excellent and the timing perfect. Tormund’s exhilarated admiration, The Hound’s begrudging respect… It takes special men to appreciate the charm and seduction of a woman who can crush their skulls like watermelons !

    PS Just a touch sad that Bronn’s giggling at Dickon’s name is not in there. It was short, cute and completely in character.

  32. Poop and soup for the win!

    * The Gendry scene wasn’t funny to me
    * The Hound and Tormund was really more of a wink-wink hey remember how we feel about Brienne moment. It was just kind of a nod to previous scenes rather than something that honestly made me laugh out loud.
    * Dany being introduced with her titles made second place for me. It made me actually laugh out loud, but i didn’t laugh as much or as consistently as I did with the ol’ poop and soup.
    * The Sam and Bran stuff was interesting, but none of it really made me laugh.

  33. I found moments or punchlines in all of these momentarily funny, but my two favourites stood out.

    The hilarious poop and soup montage (apparently I have a strong stomach because it never made me squamish/grossed out) because of the way it slowly unfolded and told a long story very quickly and efficiently – and had me in stitches. Very good use of the cinematographic art.

    My first place, however, went to the Tormund and Sandor scene. It was so rich and textured – high thread-count is a term a regular commenter here (sorry, forget who it was) used and I and Ten Bears at least have adopted the term – not just some easy laughs about the fandom “Tormienne” ship.

    It was a long, on the surface comedic, funny scene, but it had depth and hints of tragedy. Who can forget Tormund telling Sandor, “But you weren’t always mean, I can see the sadness in your eyes.” And Tormund’s “tragedy” is his unrequited “love” for Brienne. We know Brienne does not feel the same way about Tormund, for her there’s only the one man, the only one who respects her fighting prowess AND understands her obsession with chivalry, honour and oaths. Tormund’s eager confessions of “love” and dreams of “monster” babies are comic but also sad and tragic. The Tormund/Sandor scene was sooo rich, sooo high-thread count. A winner for me.

    As to Brienne’s “beau”, Jaime might not always (actually hardly ever since he killed the Mad King) practice the ideals but they’re ingrained and something Brienne and Jaime share and value. Tormund is a good guy (I love, love, love Tormund, and Kristofer Hivju’s portrayal of him) but he can never understand Brienne’s (and Jaime’s) southron mindset as to the chivalric code. Tormund’s not a kneeler, Brienne and Jaime are.

    Not to mention that in the books,

    Brienne is already fully in love with Jaime, and Jaime isn’t consciously so but all his actions point to it. It’s not what Jaime says or thinks, it’s what he does. GRRM has spent too many reams of pages on this unconventional love story for it to not mean something. Show Tormund fulfills the role of a book character, Ser Hyle Hunt, as a competing Brienne admirer, futile competition to Jaime but something to boost Brienne’s self-confidence.

    I’d love to have a scene with Brienne, Tormund and Jaime in S8!

  34. talvikorppi,

    My first place, however, went to the Tormund and Sandor scene. It was so rich and textured – high thread-count is a term a regular commenter here (sorry, forget who it was) used and I and Ten Bears at least have adopted the term – not just some easy laughs about the fandom “Tormienne” ship.“

    Was it Thronetender who coined the term “high thread-count scene” to describe a rich and textured (and usually character-driven and unhurried) scene?

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