Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7: The Broken Man

Siege Riverrun

Spoiler note: The discussion in this post is primarily for non-book readers as well as viewers who have NOT been spoiled by leaks (book fans can discuss the show-only here). We ask that all Sullied book-readers refrain from posting spoilers in the comments here, veiled or otherwise. No spoilers, at all! This show is best viewed without knowing all the surprises beforehand or afterwards, so please be respectful of your fellow fans. Thank you! 

Just when you thought that Maesters behind rocks didn’t exist, well, you would have been correct still. Because… it was a Septon.

Greetings from the one true kingdom of Game of Thrones fandom. A man goes by the name of Oz, and once again we are sincerely thankful you’ve decided to consort with us.

The jury is still out on how the entirety of Season 6 will be perceived by the masses as we have three more episodes left to absorb. But one thing is certain… it will be remembered as the season of memorable character returns. And The Broken Man fulfilled its duty in keeping up the trend.

Grab a bucket of chicken and let us discuss…


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Right off the Bat

Ian McShane. Enough said.

But, no. This is Game of Thrones, where ambiguous deaths and assumptions get you in more trouble than defying the Many-Faced God.


And then there was a Hound, alive and well, and helping an unnamed group of people in construction. What the fuck’s a Lommy? And we haven’t even heard the damn theme song yet.


That Weird Talk with Your Pastor About Needing to Have Sex With Your Husband

Marg and the High Sparrow/sex advisor have a chat about the need for lying in the King’s bed. Marg seems to be playing this game beautifully and the Sparrow seems to be buying every bit of it.

But when the Sparrow brings up the Queen of Thorns and the need for her to follow Marg’s lead in order to avoid punishment, Marg springs to action and tells Grannie Flowers to go home.

Have I mentioned that I am done with the “good faith” crap with the Sparrow? If the intent of the writers is to build up a disdain for this guy, well, mission accomplished. Pryce sells it like a champ and has somehow made me look forward to his demise more than anyone else at this point. That’s a compliment.


And although I believe that the faith militant will be abolished, somehow the Sparrow will avoid death, maybe even by Margaery’s mercy (even though she is clearly playing it out).


Later on, Cersei would confront the QoT about their common issue and about her leaving KL, which ended up being a perfect time for Thorns to throw Cersei under the bus regarding her “stupidity.”

Regardless of if the faith militant is exterminated or not, and if there was ever any doubt about it, this scene pretty much sealed the fact that the Tyrells and the Lannisters’ relationship has gone far beyond the point of repair.


Jaime and Bronn

Finally, the return of Bronn occurs as Jaime and the Lannister army approach Riverrun. Jaime and company arrive in time to catch the Frey’s attempt at retaking the castle. After it fails miserably, Jaime informs Lothar that he is in charge with a gold hand backslap for Black Walder as a consolation.

Later, Jaime would parley with the Blackfish only to learn that he has no intention of leaving regardless of the consequences.


I’m not sure exactly how I expected this to play out. My hopes were that the Blackfish would reason with Jaime about everything that led to the current state of affairs and that the two would come to some sort of mutual agreement on how to move forward.

One of the outliers here is a reminder of how Jaime promised Catelyn to return Sansa and Arya in exchange for his freedom, which Blackfish directly inquires about. Maybe this comes into play with how the quest for Riverrun concludes. The other outlier is Brienne, who just so happens to show up in a scene with Jaime in the preview for next week.


Rallying the North

Jon and Sansa begin their mission of building an army with the Wildlings and making sure that they are on board. Unsurprisingly, Wun Wun’s opinion has a lot of pull.



Next on the tour was Lyanna Mormont of Bear Island, a little girl who is apparently done playing with Barbies. After Jon and Sansa speak to her to no avail, the only man that can sell ice to Wildlings steps up and seals the deal. Albeit, Davos secured a grand total of 62 men, but it was 62 more than what they had.


But the Glovers were having none of it and send the trio away empty handed. Jon tells Sansa that they are essentially out of time in attempting to garner more support.

Sansa then notices a raven and decides to send a note for help. I can only assume it is for Littlefinger and the knights of the Vale. I mean, you can’t have Lysakiller in only one episode in a season, can you?

Ain’t no Party Like a Greyjoy Party

The Greyjoy fleet stops off at an unnamed hooker and watering hole where Theon looks more uncomfortable than a slug at a salt convention.

Yara takes notice, licks a boob, and then tells Theon that if he does not come out of his current state that he may as well slit his wrists. Theon completes the Pyke version of the drinking game and agrees to come out of his stupor to help Yara.

This scene also puts to rest any speculation on where they are headed, which conveniently helps Dany with her “lack of ships” issue.

Yara then leaves to go lick the other boob.


Arya Dead?

Oddly not laying low in Braavos, Arya finds a Westorosi captain and makes an offer to secure transport home.

But shortly after the deal is made, Arya is approached by the Waif disguised as an elderly woman and is stabbed multiple times in the stomach (Talisa/Jon style). Arya falls into the water below the bridge and temporarily escapes.


I don’t know exactly how much blood you can lose from an abdominal injury before dying, but it is hard to imagine that Arya’s story comes to a close in the streets of Braavos after all we have seen her go through.


In fact, it would be a shock, which makes the scene even more of a head-scratcher. But hey, we’ve seen someone on death’s doorstep survive before, right?



You’ve got to hand it to George, or D&D, or whoever deserves credit, but making most of us viewers take the bait on the Hound likely being dead did a pretty decent job.

Regardless, Sandor Clegane is alive and has found himself in the service of a Septon named Ray. This Septon was apparently hiding behind the famous rock when the Hound had a bone sticking out of his leg following his battle with Brienne and nursed the wounded mutt back to health.

The Hound is encouraged by the Septon that his life holds meaning and that the Gods have a plan for him. Sandor states that he has done some bad things and questions why the Gods didn’t punish him, to which Ray answers that they already had.


While telling a story, the group is approached by riders who are most likely members of the Brotherhood Without Banners. Later, the Hound questions Ray about being warmhearted to the riders (reminiscent of a conversation the Hound had with Arya about decent actions that would get her killed).


Indeed, the group is later slaughtered and Ray is hanged.

This situation puts the Hound out on his own. More on this below.

Even worse, it means that we only got McShane for one episode. And that is a tragedy in itself.

Episode 607 Personal Awards

Favorite Quotes:

“I wonder if you’re the worst person I’ve ever met.” -Olenna

“You’ve lost Cersei. It’s the only joy I can find in all of this misery.” -Olenna

“That’s like saying I have a bigger cock than anyone in the Unsullied army.” -Bronn

“And a Lannister…” -Jaime “Don’t say it. Don’t fookin say it.” -Bronn

“Good thing we’re friends, or we’d be fucking you in the ass right now.” –Bronn

“If they’re half as ferocious as their lady, the Boltons are doomed.” -Davos

“Bargaining with oathbreakers is like building on quicksand.” -Blackfish

“Do you have two years, Kingslayer?” -Blackfish

“Nothing on the Iron Islands has an ass like that.” -Yara

“It’s never too late to come back.” –Ray

“I’m a fucking Septon. What was I supposed to say?” -Ray

Best Return Character: Without question, the Hound (with the Blackfish coming in a close second). Oh, and always Bronn.

Owning it like a Badass Award: The Young Lady Mormont, and Olenna’s conversation with Cersei.

Ow, That Shit Hurts Award: Arya getting stabbed (what’s the affinity with the abdomen?)

Jackass Award: Glover was up for the award, but his reasoning for not helping Jon and Sansa made perfect sense. So the award goes to whoever killed Septon Ray and his group (presumably the BWB).

Overall Thoughts: When a character returns from hiatus in a series, arguably the most important aspect is the timing of the event. In this case, the Hound returns and just so happens to be in the company of a religious man who saved him.

In the meantime, King’s Landing is under siege by the faith militant. Cersei is up for a trial by combat where her champion will undoubtedly be Frankenmountainstein. The Hound’s story emphasized that he was still alive for a reason and that the thing that kept him alive was hate. Is this setting up the greatest trial by combat ever?

And why would the Brotherhood kill a peaceful religious faction, even if they were hungry? Is this the same brotherhood that we witnessed in Season 3?

Overall, loved the episode. But as I said yesterday, I’m ready to get punched in the mouth again.

What say you? Chat it up, chicken lovers. And may there always be peace in your realm. –Oz

Find Oz on Twitter.

**SPOILER NOTE: The Management of this fine site would like to remind you that spoilers (book or leak) are not allowed in Unsullied posts. This includes spoilers that may be covered by code or otherwise. Personally, I appreciate feedback from Sullied and Unsullied alike, so long as they do not include any type of hinting or conversation related to the written verse. However, spoiler coded comments do tend to lead to further Sullied conversation and for that reason, we ask that you please refrain from posting any SPOILERY content whatsoever in Unsullied posts. Thank you for the coop. -Oz


  1. Seriously???

    This is meant to be the Unsullied recap and in the very article itself you include spoilers from the preview for next week’s episode???

    Thanks a lot for that. I really appreciate it.

  2. Great recap Oz, as always!

    Really enjoyed the episode, even if it is a set-up episode, I thought it was better then last weak and perhaps even EP1.

    It is clearly, the calm before the storm.

  3. Sue the Fury,

    Has he? Never noticed it before.

    Well, I guess that means there’s no article on this site that I can read or comment on between episodes that won’t include spoilers.

    That’s a shame.

  4. “And why would the Brotherhood kill a peaceful religious faction, even if they were hungry? Is this the same brotherhood that we witnessed in Season 3?”
    I think the guys we saw were simply deserters of the BwB who figured out that stealing from the peasants was more profitable than protecting them.

  5. Predicting this week’s Beautiful Death:
    – A hound looks at Septon Ray’s hanged corpse.
    “I’m done with fighting”.

  6. Excellent buildup episode. Such a severe injury to Arya’s stomach. I’m sure it’s not, but I do wish it was or is a propetic dream she’s having. Jon, Sansa and Davos killed it, and Bronn’s back!
    Can anyone tell me which season Cleagan and Arya spend some time with the BWB? Need to show the BF.

  7. “why would the Brotherhood kill a peaceful religious faction, even if they were hungry?”

    One reason would be religious differences: Lord of Light vs. the Seven.

    Although they certainly seemed a more decent bunch back in S3.

  8. Someone answered my question up above. Thanks. Also, who’d have rhought that a 10 yr old girl could be such a badass. How exactly is she related to Jorah again?

  9. Seriously though, fuck the High Sparrow 10 ways to Sunday. He’s a hypocritical, scheming, sexist piece of shit and he needs to die yesterday. I haven’t wanted someone to be stabbed in the eye as much as this in my entire life. I don’t understand how Marg keeps her cool – she is a freaking genius.

  10. I loved this episode. I love the more tame, story telling episodes sometimes… especially when I feel like the last three are going to be massive. Every single story line is now set up for a massive conclusion, and for some I am so curious to see where they are going… especially with regards to:
    – Arya
    – Riverrun/ Blackfish
    – LF and that stuff
    – The hound and the BWB….

    Watching the cold open was very weird. I thought I was on the wrong channel. Then I saw the necklace Ray was wearing, the seven pointed star, and the music. I knew it was GOT…. but I was so confused. Seeing the hound made me so happy. I truly loved this opening.

    And to be honest this episode was extremely solid in its cinematography and was just a treat for the eyes. Perfection! And the dialogue was just wonderful. Cannot wait to watch again.

    One scenario, this is all part of Arya’s plan – faking death, or that wasn’t Arya, or something.
    Another scenario, they are showing us that Arya still has some weaknesses (arrogance, vengeance, etc) that cloud her judgement.

    The BWB are a changed bunch. They no longer protect the innocent like they used to. The guy was lying. Or, he noticed the seven pointed star and killed them for religious reasons. Either or, im intrigued about the importance of all this, and where the hound is going? I pray for a hound arya reunion. Lol. Also, the BWB guy looked a lot like Euron. I was speaking with my brother (VERY CASUAL VIEWER) and he was like why did Theon’s uncle slaughter these people. LOLS

    KL – Cersei WILL kill them all on her own. It is known.

    Riverrun – FUCK yes the Blackfish. I am loving all these character returns. I really hope Jamie dies if he is going down the path of annoyingess again. I hope that blackfish will go an help Sansa 🙁 🙁 It must mean something that he mentioned Sansa and Arya.

    The North – Loved the wildlings scene. My boy Jon is killing it. So happy to see him try to get everyone on their side. The scene with Lyanna Mormont is one of my favorites EVER. And I am not going to lie, I tear up when Glover put Sansa in her place. The things he said about the Robb and everything that has happened, though true, were hard to hear. I am annoyed of the reaction of the Northern houses, but they have every right to feel this way. You can expect to have all this support just because your name is Stark. Not after everything has gone down. Ned and his ancestors earned their name. The new Gen stark has not.

    Also – I have expressed already, I hate LF.. and hate that Sansa has asked for his help. I don’t think this show needs any more drama and if they are trying to create that between Sansa and Jon, I wouldn’t be too pleased. And I am easily pleased when it comes to GOT.

    Yara and Theon – Good stuff. Hope they get to Dany before Euron. If they don’t, that would be unrealistic. lol

    Cannot wait for next week.

  11. With Tommen converting everything over to the Faith, including the Kingsguard, I don’t think Cersei will be allowed to use FrankenMountainstein for her trial by combat because he also represents the Faith now technically. Unless he gets dismissed from the Kingsguard as well, I don’t think we’ll have a Cleganebowl in a trial by combat at least

  12. House Stackhouse,

    Thank you. And to all you go contributors, I’ve been reading the articles and discussions for 2 years and just love everybodys input. Can never get enough GoT!

  13. There’s been complaining about this being the “worst” episode. I personally found it to be more quiet, but also an episode the most grounded in reality. No dragons, no magic (Wun Wun notwithstanding), just groups of humans trying to trying to save their loved ones, trying to survive, trying to move on from their haunting pasts.

    I’ll quote someone on Twitter when I say that if Lyanna Mormont had those dragons two years ago this story would be over by now. They really know how to cast talented children actors. Cheers to Bella Ramsey!

    As much as I love the big moments this show throws at us, I find myself truly drawn to the quiet moments upon rewatches. I couldn’t take my eyes off McShane, and McCann got a new costume! It’s so good to see Sandor.

    One liner of the night for me was Bronn’s interruption of the unofficial Lannister words. I’ll probably mutter “Don’t fookin’ say it” under my breath every time I hear that phrase from here on out.

    Also, I am not a violent person, but I really want to see FrankenGregor go ham on some sparrows.

  14. Another great post, Oz. Laughed out loud at these comments:

    “Grannie Flowers”
    “Theon looks more uncomfortable than a slug at a salt convention”

    Agree that Arya’s scene is a bit of a head scratcher.

  15. No one can say cocksucker like Al Swearengen. I mean Ian McShane. It’s a pity he wasn’t allowed just one . God I love that guy.

  16. Dee,

    Can you just imagine a Hound/Arya reunion where they face of against the Mountainstein and Cersi? All in One. Love it!!

  17. I started crying like a baby when arya got stabbed but then I was like this is a girl who once tricked a faceless assassin into helping her escape (from harrenhall), there is no way she is dying like that!!

    And is there a rule that girls named lyanna are supposed to be awesome?? Young lyanna definitely was and lyanma mormont is a serious competition to arya in the badass department!!

    And I was ecstatic to see sandor clegane. BWB are seriously gonna get whipped!!

  18. Episode 1 is still the worst of the season for me. This episode was great.

    They appear to purposely be teasing and building up every story line to unleash a 3 episode steady climax.

    The acting in this episode was great again. When we look back on how awesome 8, 9, and 10 are we should be thankful for these last couple of episodes.

  19. I’m honestly finding the what ifs of Arya’s survival in this episode more headache-inducing then Bran’s wobbly time-y wiem-y visionquest. She’s not goin’ down like that but…so.many.possiblities.

  20. Sue the Fury,

    I have participated in Sullied threads, yes. But I’ve increasingly limited myself to the Unsullied recap because it’s the only place where you’re less likely to have people blurting out everything they know is going to happen from the books, the trailers and everything in between.

    I guess I’m just disappointed that there really is absolutely nowhere on this site where you can avoid being told what’s going to be happening next week or throughout the series.

    And I will genuinely be reducing my visits to this site in between episodes as a result.

  21. They made a Point of showing how the Waif girl turned the knife in Arya’s abdomen. I Believe Arya will not be with us season 7. A turning knife is a killer. Of course, people have come back from Death Before on this show. But normally, a turned knife IS Death.

  22. Dee,

    It did look like Euron.

    And wow… how beautiful was Bear Island? I wonder if they have a Sandals.

  23. Loved the episode, so, rant time.

    Is Jon actually gonna march on Winterfell with 2400 men? If Ramsay has 5000 (let’s be generous and say 4000 because Stannis’ attack killed 1000), PLUS the Karstarks and the Umbers, what exactly are the odds here? Isn’t it said that 500 men can defend Winterfell against 10.000? Even if Jon somehow manages to miraculously beat Ramsay in the field, the rest of the castle garrison will still easily hold Winterfell against whatever forces Jon has left. Hopefully he teams up with Littlefinger before the assault.

  24. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    Again, trailers, previews and any promotional spots released officially by HBO have always been fair game. Do you turn off the set during the credits every week? Or are you viewing from a location that does not roll out the preview immediately following the episode?

  25. Nice recap, Oz.

    I will say that I don’t think Jon & Sansa are getting enough screentime right now to give their story arc – which really is the most important one right now – proper justice. (And their story arc is the most important right now, along with Bran’s.)

    One aspect in which this is striking is the way in which Sansa’s character growth is more halting than expected. She knows what she wants now, and she’s cajoled Jon into helping her, but she’s really out of her depth in knowing how to get it. That’s understandable, but she keeps chafing at Ser Davos’s advice and efforts – even when it’s painfully obvious that he’s been right at every turn. Jon is damned lucky to have him on hand. He knows how to fight, and how to lead in combat, and he knows the Wildlings, but he’s also out of his depth so far navigating the feudal politics of Westeros (doesn’t help that he’s a bastard), and Ser Davos supplies a lot of that deficit (and gravitas).

    Whereas you get the feeling that Lyanna Mormont probably could browbeat Lord Glover into re-shoeing her horse if you gave her enough time.

  26. Oz of Thrones,

    On HBO Canada, its a hit or miss if they play the previews, but my sister asks me to turn off after credits cause she doesn’t like to see the previews for the following episode hahaha

  27. This is for Oz, I’ve tried to reply to you a couple of times now but the comments weren’t showing up on the thread.

    No, I don’t watch it on TV so I do not see the previews. And I think you would be surprised by how many people don’t watch them, even if they’re watching on TV.

    I’ve tried to say a couple of times in comments that don’t appear to have been published that if previews are fair game then, fair enough, I’ll stay away from these articles.

    But you have not mentioned significant revelations that were revealed in the previews in your previous Unsullied recaps (e.g. Littlefinger and Sansa meeting up, Bran coming face to face with the Night King, etc).

    And given that the Unsullied articles are bookended by statements such as “No spoilers, at all! This show is best viewed without knowing all the surprises beforehand or afterwards, so please be respectful of your fellow fans” and “…we ask that you please refrain from posting any SPOILERY content whatsoever in Unsullied posts”, I was simply surprised to suddenly be confronted with spoilers from the previews in the article itself.

  28. dragonmcmx: Is Jon actually gonna march on Winterfell with 2400 men? If Ramsay has 5000 (let’s be generous and say 4000 because Stannis’ attack killed 1000), PLUS the Karstarks and the Umbers, what exactly are the odds here?

    If this was the books, we might be able to calculate odds here, since Martin actually spends time digging into that. The series usually skips over that sort of thing, preferring to spend its limited screentime on character development. (The odds in abstract are against the Starks, but probably not by as much as you think; and Jon is probably right that waiting another few weeks to line up several hundred or even two thousand more men will be more than offset by the crippling effects of heavy snow and vanishing provisions.)

    The campaign is essentially plot armored from start to finish anyway. Jon & Sansa have to win, but have to do it against steep odds and after great struggle, to make the victory seem more earned. The tactical and strategic details of how it happens are beside the point; though it is getting hard to avoid the conclusion that the Knights of the Vale will play a role in it, now that Sansa is desperate enough to (it seems) beg Littlefinger for assistance. Which is Sansa’s way of admitting that Ser Davos has been right all along, even if she can’t say it openly to Jon or Ser Davos.

  29. Nice recap, got a bit of a chuckle

    Seems Arya really got the knife stuck in – and then twisted so despite the amount of times she’s stabbed she’s being made to suffer

    Either way stabs like that are often fatal?

    Got a laugh at Bronn not allowing Jaimie to finish the Lannister debt line, missed these lines, needs some “Winter is coming” from the Starks ala Ned and Benjen season 1 too – “don’t fookin/ say it”

    I did get a laugh or rather notice the irony out of how the “empty” experience of what led the High Sparrow to become bare-footed etc a few episodes ago in his story is exactly the scenario required to fix Theon Greyjoy, “drink the ale” and pass around some women etc etc

    High Sparrow is a cunning one, can’t tell if he’s legitimately fooled by Margaery or if he told her that QoT is a target in order to get her out of the city and consolidate his hold Eg he’s allowed her to walk in and out of the Sept in the past, a bit like Jaimie, where Jaimie got evicted so there’s two of the smarter rivals no longer in KL

  30. rhymeswithweak:
    Episode 1 is still the worst of the season for me. This episode was great.

    They appear to purposely be teasing and building up every story line to unleash a 3 episode steady climax.

    The acting in this episode was great again. When we look back on how awesome 8, 9, and 10 are we should be thankful for these last couple of episodes.

    I thought the last episode, episode 6 was the worst.

  31. Ramsay's 20th Good Man,

    Obviously, I meant no harm. And you are correct… I usually leave the speculation on the preview to the Looking Forward post. But not always.

    To be honest, I was surprised they included that tidbit in the preview for next week as it is quite spoilerish. But it was also too glaring to omit, and it was likely to come up in the comments regardless.

  32. dragonmcmx:
    Loved the episode, so, rant time.

    Is Jon actually gonna march on Winterfell with 2400 men? If Ramsay has 5000 (let’s be generous and say 4000 because Stannis’ attack killed 1000), PLUS the Karstarks and the Umbers, what exactly are the odds here? Isn’t it said that 500 men can defend Winterfell against 10.000? Even if Jon somehow manages to miraculously beat Ramsay in the field, the rest of the castle garrison will still easily hold Winterfell against whatever forces Jon has left. Hopefully he teams up with Littlefinger before the assault.

    Well, tbf it’s not so much the amount of men but if you can catch the enemy flat-footed a quick action can be quite decisive, eg an escalade, where the Army marches up, everyone presumes there will be an elongated siege but then all of a sudden the ladders come out and they stream over the Walls

    Eg the Blackfish seems to have re-taken Riverrun with an amount of Tully Soldiers numbering in the “hundreds”.

    In Jons case, no need to build siege equipments if you have a Wun Wun to knock down certain gates, the Ironborn taking Winterfell show how potent a surprise attack can be in the past to someone who understands it well, Theon in that case and Jon and Sansa now

    The other factors include the longer they wait the more time Ramsay has to ambush their position, or the weather turns again – both of which severely hampered Stannis so there’s only a very small window of opportunity

  33. I just rewatched a couple of Arya’s scenes from S4 E1 and S5 E2. Then rewatched the scene of Arya walking through the dockside area in S6 E7.

    While technically not spoilery–just a theory based on what I saw in those episodes–I’ll say no more here unless asked by Oz or Ed in Chief. Anyone interested can repeat my exercise or look to a comment I made yesterday in Sue’s Open Discussion post.

  34. pras,

    He definitely is but Tommen intertwining the Crown and the Faith screwed Cersei even further I think. Tommen wouldn’t let one of his Kingsguard fight again the Faith I don’t think

  35. Ghosts Lunch,

    “High Sparrow is a cunning one, can’t tell if he’s legitimately fooled by Margaery or if he told her that QoT is a target in order to get her out of the city and consolidate his hold Eg he’s allowed her to walk in and out of the Sept in the past, a bit like Jaimie, where Jaimie got evicted so there’s two of the smarter rivals no longer in KL”

    My thoughts exactly. By which I mean I can’t tell either. Also possible he told Margaery that QoT was in danger in order to see how she would use that info. HS wants to know if, when push comes to shove, she is still more loyal to family than faith.

  36. ATrueFool,

    So watching those scenes, you may have learnt something about what happened with Arya? (without saying anything – just clarifying your comment)

  37. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    Technically, we’re all Unsullied now because we’ve gone away from the books so, unless you’ve gotten an advance copy of “The Winds of Winter” you’re as unsullied as the rest of us.

    Oz has ALWAYS referenced the previews in these recaps because they’re officially released by HBO. The previews only give a glimpse as to where the next episode is going and sometimes they reference a future episode. That doesn’t make us all Sullied here because we watch them.

    I’ve read the books and it’s an easy thing to refrain from posting anything about them in the Unsullied recaps because … oh, yeah … I mentioned it before.

    Take a chill pill, Lovey, and enjoy the repartee here. It’s a fun place to be.

  38. Dee,

    Yes. More precisely, I think if you have a clear picture of the earlier scenes in your head when you watch the most recent scene, something will be obvious to you that was not obvious to me on first watching live.
    And that will in turn make what is likely to happen next fairly obvious, hence the concern about spoiling people who would prefer a more natural reveal.

  39. Bear Island is beautiful, oh my god.

    Arya’s scenes though…

    First, why is she walking around in broad daylight? (Maybe interesting to note that the way she walked around Braavos was best described by Varys in the beginning of this season, ‘like a rich person’)

    Surely she she had to know, or have some inkling, that the Faceless Men would be after her? She makes no attempt to covertly book voyage back to Westeros; anyone could have overheard. I’m left wondering if that’s what Arya wanted and if she has a plan that the FM/The Waif are playing into (the latter clearly thinks Arya’s dead, which would lull her into a false sense of security…)

  40. Benjen,

    I’m in the” there will be no trail by combat for cersei ” camp coz I think king can’t deny mountain the right to fight for cersei …I don’t know the official rule ..but if king had that power then trail by combat would be quite redundant ….and I think high sparrow knows this ….and he also knows there is no one in seven Kingdom who can beat that guy …even if there is y take a gamble ….so I think he will ask tommen to deny this right to cersei ….but is that possible ….I don’t know ….but this sparrow dude can work it out I know

  41. Ramsay's 20th Good Man,

    I’m pretty sure you’re being simply passive aggressive. When they’re talking about no spoilers, that’s usually focused on over enthusiastic book readers and known leaks/filming spoilers. No need to get your knickers in a twist over 30 seconds of purposeful misdirection.

  42. This is to Oz again. My direct replies aren’t being printed for some reason.

    No worries. I’ll tread extremely carefully if I read these recaps in future. But I might decide to steer clear just in case.

  43. dragonmcmx,

    Well, they do have a giant. But the best thing going for them is that Ramsey is in charge now, not Roose. So maybe Ramsey will be stupid and come out to meet them on the field like he did with Stannis.

  44. Lyanna_Targaryen,

    Which part of revealing that two characters who have not seen each other for a couple of seasons will be meeting up in the next episode is misdirection, exactly?

  45. hexonx,

    Not stupid as much as proud.

    He will want to prove to the other Northern houses he is a strong leader. Ramsey’s pride won’t let him stay behind his walls while Jon sieges the castle.

  46. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    you can tweet at me @deesensfan and I can check to see if there is mentions of the preview and then give you an “all clear” or “stay away” or post a comment asking before reading! someone can let you know!

  47. I don’t get why people are upset that Sansa bitched out Jon for marching without enough soldiers. She personally saw Stannis’s army slaughtered by Bolton men from that tower, and Jon is just making the same mistake.

  48. Another great episode!

    This really is the season of lost characters returns. Now I am waiting for Gendry.

    While I was initially worried for Arya, it does seem there is a lot more to this. Why would she walk around in the open like that? Doesn’t make sense to me.

    Really loved all the great build up for the next three episodes. Can’t hardly wait! I am excited and scared at the same time!

    Thank you for another great recap Oz!

  49. Ravyn,

    Yeah, but he is also doing the ”right” thing by marching quickly and not letting Ramsey be the one to decide how/when/where they fight.
    He also won’t do the same ”mistake” Stannis did, staying to long risking getting caught in a storm.

    But both have strong points to make in my opinion.

  50. Mihnea: Not stupid as much as proud.

    A bit of both maybe. Either way it’s not like we have time for a siege.

    Based on the Season 6 trailer there is a big battle in the field, so …

    Using spoiler code above for something from the season 6 trailer.

  51. Dee,

    That’s kind of you to offer, but it’s okay. I’ll just be careful if I read the articles from now on, like I am on other parts of the site.

    I just wasn’t expecting to see any information from the previews in the article since I thought these articles were completely spoiler-free and since I hadn’t seen any mention of the trailers in the past.

    I’ll be on the ball in future.

  52. Canis Dirus,

    No, I just did a quick search for the old recaps and took a quick glance at the old previews having now seen the full episodes.

  53. After Arya is stabbed and walking through the streets I’ve seen most people seem to think she is looking for someone to help her but the way she flinches anytime someone gets close to her I think she’s looking out for the Waif or another FM to finish her off.

    Also, does anyone think it was more than the 3 BwB that finished off the commune? I mean since they weren’t armed I suppose it would be possible but I would think a few of them could have got away.

  54. Mihnea,

    I don’t think so.
    Hes not important in the story right now. My prediction before the season started was that Sansa would rise to Queen in the North. But I didn’t think we would see Rickon this year either. So when they brought him back, I still stand by my prediction and for that to happen he has to die.


  55. Mihnea:

    Yeah, but he is also doing the ”right” thing by marching quickly and not letting Ramsey be the one to decide how/when/where they fight.
    He also won’t do the same ”mistake” Stannis did, staying to long risking getting caught in a storm.

    But both have strong points to make in my opinion.

    Yeah, Jon has no good choices now, and he knows it, even if Sansa doesn’t. It’s not just the risk of more snow; it’s that he can’t provision this army forever (and he’ll start having defections if they wait too long with little results to show for the effort).

    There are all kinds of strategic questions left out of this Cliff’s Notes treatment of the Stark Campaign right now, and I guess you just have to accept that. Stannis raced south to beat the snow, and he lost; Jon is racing south now to beat another wave of snow, and it looks like he’ll succeed – which makes Stannis just look like the victim of bad timing (and troops that can’t deal with cold weather as well). Likewise, what is Ramsay doing all this time? We have no idea. The longer Jon takes to assemble an army, Ramsay can be undertaking his own efforts to consolidate his own support or undermine Jon’s efforts. But again, we don’t get to see any of that. The North storyline is getting short shrifted.

  56. pras:

    I’m in the” there will be no trail by combat for cersei ”camp coz I thinkking can’t deny mountain the right to fight for cersei …I don’t know the official rule ..but if king had that power then trail by combat would be quite redundant ….and I think high sparrow knows this ….and he also knows there is no one in seven Kingdom who can beat that guy …even if there is y take a gamble ….so I think he will ask tommen to deny this right to cersei ….but is that possible ….I don’t know ….but this sparrow dude can work it out I know

    I hadn’t thought of that (i.e. Cersei not getting trial by combat) but bearing in mind how Cersei’s scheming has backfired to bite her in the rear end the last couple of seasons that does make sense.

  57. I think the mouth punch is coming episode 9, but the next 3 episodes overall will be pretty crazy I think. “I choose violence” and the Riverrun seige next week.

    Also, favorite quote was from Bronn “Don’t say it. Don’t fucking say it” 😀

  58. Dame of Mercia,

    I don’t know the official law for trail by combat …can it be denied or not but if high sparrow says it’s not happening ..I don’t see anyone raising questions ….take trail by combat out of the equation …..cersei is trapped exactly what high sparrow wants coz …The last person between him and his agenda right now is cersei …or so he belives at least. ….(((Margaery is playing on his side …In his view probably ))….He wants to take her out best way to do it ,,,,,don’t give her trail by combat

  59. Well, not crazy about this episode, without being able to explain why.
    Still liked it though.
    Marg plays it so well that I was half expecting the HS to make a pass at her. Glad that Lady Olenna got the message.
    I never thought it possible, but I pitty Cersei. Her prospects aren’t rosy, especially since I don’t think she will be granted a trial by combat after all.
    Jaime… well, I pitty him too. Not impressed, as the Blackfish eloquently put it.
    But for him being played by such an attractive man, I would be very much looking forward to his demise so that we can go on with the story.
    Sansa’s bringing in Littlefinger… Not that I blame her, but not so sure that is a good idea. Why does she hate Davos?
    The Greyjoys… still can’t get interested in them.
    Arya is by no means dead.
    And the Hound… He is back, and I am excited, but this whole episode seemed like an Ian McShane tribute. As if they wrote it with him in mind, wanting to give him as much show time as possible. Or maybe it is because this is McShane, and he always shines. Kind of stole the show for me.
    But what on earth happened to the Brotherhood? When did they get to be plain bandits?

  60. I’d say that the Blackfish strikes a deal for his men to head north to help Sansa. Jaime just wants the fook out of there and the Blackfish has to know it’s a losing battle. Knowing that he can help his great niece may be a good enough consultation prize and perhaps set them up for taking Riverrun back later. Better odds than staying there anyway. If Brienne can strike a deal then this should be over next week. Jaime doesn’t care where the Blackfish goes. Let the Frey’s deal with them at the crossing. Perhaps they meet up with Littlefinger and destroy the Frey’s before making their way up to Winterfell for episode 9. Securing the crossing from the Frey’s would help a lot in preventing help coming from the South and strategically would make a lot of sense.

  61. Ulph demands Bloodmoney:
    They made a Point of showing how the Waif girl turned the knife in Arya’s abdomen.I Believe Arya will not be with us season 7. A turning knife is a killer. Of course, people have come back from Death Before on this show. But normally, a turned knife IS Death.


    I thought twisting was for pain – also from books i’ve read I think it can break the suction of the flesh on the sword, so soldiers would have to turn the sword to get it out of a stabbed body – but in terms of being for pain, in this case making Arya suffer

    My thoughts are is the Waif has got her in the Liver or something, somewhere which is inevitably fatal but can take a while to bleed out (which is what the Waif wanted, a slow death)

    Seems Arya is in a fair bit of trouble,

  62. Ramsay's 20th Good Man,

    Oh man, give it a rest.
    As much as I understand your wish to stay unsullied (I try the same thing since season 6 has started), there is absolutely no way to avoid spoilers completely (although technically a preview is not a spoiler).
    You can try staying completely way from the internet for a couple of weeks, and even that is not 100% safe.

  63. I though Blackfish’s (paraphrasing) “I assume you’re here about your oath to my niece, but I don’t see Sansa or Arya here…then I assume you’re here to resume your captivity?” was one of the coolest lines in the history of the show.

  64. Just to put my two cents into this conversation. I also do not watch the previews so as not to have anything spoiled. But, I am a book reader and enjoy reading the articles and comments so inevitably I do end up reading some spoilers from the previews. I try to quickly skip that comment if I can. It would be nice not to have preview spoilers in the article itself but it won’t stop me from reading either way. I enjoy Oz’s writing too much. BTW, what happened to your pre-episode article? I haven’t seen any since the Prince piece?

  65. Sou,

    Why are you replying to me an hour after my last post, after the matter has already been settled, and telling me to “give it a rest”? Take your own advice, man!

  66. I’d like to address those with concerns that Arya’s stabbing is “unbelievable” with an anecdote.

    I was stabbed repeatedly in the gut, and once to my right arm, many years ago, by someone who wished to take what was mine. I was then left to die, but I didn’t, my will to survive kept me going and I had to travel two miles for help… bleeding all the way… and it was certainly not an easy journey, I was down a steep canyon, and the climb was excruciating. But I knew I wasn’t going to die that day. I was lucky, the stabbing did not hit a major organ, and despite losing a ton of blood, it was not fatal. I’m here today… wow, 12 years later. Never underestimate a person’s will to survive. Arya will do what she must to survive this, and having lived a similar situation, it takes no suspension of believe at all for me to buy it.

  67. I loved the episode except for the Arya stabbing. Why? I didn’t like it because of how other stabbings earlier in this season seemed less brutal and yet were fatal. Areo Hotah being prime example. That’s not to say I liked that stabbing either. It felt haphazard and not well thought out. Areo and Price Doran’s stabbings only exacerbated my disdain for Arya just walking about the city brazenly and throwing bags of coin around. She deserved to be stabbed by someone she didn’t know just walking up to her unawares.

    That being said, do I think there will be a good reason this played out this way in a later episode this season? I sure hope so. I have some thoughts on what was really going down, but I much rather would have seen a more careful Arya in this episode frantically trying to stay concealed from the Faceless Men whilst trying to get back to Westeros. It played out in way too odd a fashion for there not to be a crazier plan in play here that hopefully we will see come to fruition next week.

  68. Sou,

    I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if this execution was as much of a test for the Waif as it was for Arya. By causing Arya a slow and painful death it should also lead to her being dismissed. Jaqen seems to know all.

    Is it also possible that the water in the House of Black and White may heal as well as kill? It cured her blindness. Maybe the water isn’t a death sentence at all. Maybe it’s along the lines of a fountain that grants your innermost desire. This is decided by whomever takes the water from the fountain. Hence why the faceless men can use it as a poison or why it cured Arya’s blindness.

  69. MoDo
    June 6, 2016 at 1:38 pm

    Quote: “I’d like to address those with concerns that Arya’s stabbing is “unbelievable” with an anecdote.

    I was stabbed repeatedly in the gut, and once to my right arm, many years ago, by someone who wished to take what was mine. I was then left to die, but I didn’t, my will to survive kept me going and I had to travel two miles for help… bleeding all the way… and it was certainly not an easy journey, I was down a steep canyon, and the climb was excruciating. But I knew I wasn’t going to die that day. I was lucky, the stabbing did not hit a major organ, and despite losing a ton of blood, it was not fatal. I’m here today… wow, 12 years later. Never underestimate a person’s will to survive. Arya will do what she must to survive this, and having lived a similar situation, it takes no suspension of believe at all for me to buy it.”

    I think my issue with it was that in context of other stabbings previously in the season and in seasons past have been fatal and seemed to do way less damage. I do think Arya had a plan and that it will be revealed next week why she isn’t dead and why that stabbing wasn’t quickly fatal but her stabbing flies in the face of Areo Hotah who is a HUGE dude taking one knife to the side of the back and immediately falling down without a fight. Arya takes three or four stabs to the gut, performs a head butt and jumps off a bridge and stays underwater long enough for the Waif to think she’s dead? In context of felt out of place. This of course is my opinion, but I think it’s totally reasonable at this point to have found the stabbing not being fatal as being poorly done. I am for sure hoping that gets rectified next week in showing that she was allowing it to happen to fake her own death.

  70. MoDo,

    Damn. Good on you for making it out. That also reminds me of Paul Pierce a NBA player that was stabbed something like 20 times in the arms, chest and stomach. Not only did he survive but he also went on to have a (possibly) Hall of Fame NBA career.

  71. HaHaHaHa!! “Licks a boob”……..classic Oz!! Great recap as usual!!! Loved all your fav quotes and all your awards….spot on!!!! Loved the episode and Ian McShane, Lyanna Mormont, and the return of the Hound!! Was shocked about Arya, but not worried! I think everything played out as it should have because to do everything by the book, just not enough time. I LOVED the cinematography as always in this episode! Kings Landing is finally getting interesting again! I know it was another set-up episode and even for that is was sooooo good! Last season, episodes 8,9 and 10 were the game changers for that season and I’m sure this season is headed in that direction! Can’t wait!! The BEST season for me and we’ve only seen 7 episodes!!

  72. ManderlyPieCompany,


    I think my issue with it was that in context of other stabbings previously in the season and in seasons past have been fatal and seemed to do way less damage. I do think Arya had a plan and that it will be revealed next week why she isn’t dead and why that stabbing wasn’t quickly fatal but her stabbing flies in the face of Areo Hotah who is a HUGE dude taking one knife to the side of the back and immediately falling down without a fight. Arya takes three or four stabs to the gut, performs a head butt and jumps off a bridge and stays underwater long enough for the Waif to think she’s dead? In context of felt out of place. This of course is my opinion, but I think it’s totally reasonable at this point to have found the stabbing not being fatal as being poorly done. I am for sure hoping that gets rectified next week in showing that she was allowing it to happen to fake her own death.

    Areo was to be taken down fast, judging from the reactions to the delivery of the letter. Assuming the SS knew where to hit a person to kill them quickly, thats what she choose to do.

    However the Waifs attitude made me feel like she wanted Arya to suffer.Her actions are in line with this, she even made sure Arya knew it was her before killing her off and as a FM the Waif must knew where to hit someone for a quick kill.

  73. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    This was meant as a friendly advice, the internet is a dangerous place if you want to avoid spoilers. That was all there was to my previous post.
    But I see you are not in a friendly mood. So, whatever.

  74. ash,

    I think he/she wants to participate in the conversation but will be more weary next time. He/she is already “spoiled” regarding next week’s preview.

  75. MoDo,

    Wow – sorry you had to live with that, mustve been such a hard journey. But very glad you made it! Thanks for sharing – think you’ve managed to calm down lots of worried people 🙂

  76. Starkwho?,

    Is it also possible that the water in the House of Black and White may heal as well as kill? It cured her blindness. Maybe the water isn’t a death sentence at all. Maybe it’s along the lines of a fountain that grants your innermost desire. This is decided by whomever takes the water from the fountain. Hence why the faceless men can use it as a poison or why it cured Arya’s blindness.

    Oh wow – I really like this idea!

  77. Dee,

    I don’t get how he got spoiled if the idea was something he came up with on his own. And my agreeing was not because I know anything, I don’t, just that I saw where he was going…… sorry 🙁

  78. ash:

    I don’t get how he got spoiled if the idea was something he came up with on his own.And my agreeing was not because I know anything, I don’t, just that I saw where he was going…… sorry

    Are you referring to my “Arya” post? If so, I’m happy to discuss my theory, and any related spoilers that anyone may have, as much as you like. I’d just prefer to do it in a different thread, out of respect for people who don’t want that much light thrown on likely upcoming events. I suspect the opportunity to do that will come up soon–looking around the internet I can see that I am not the only (and probably not the first) person to make the same observation.

  79. ash,

    Ash, I think we are confused. I was talking about your other post to Ramsay 20th good man.

    In regards to the Arya theory – I was asking if you did that! cause I will check it out tonight and see if I can figure out what ATrueFool, figured out

  80. From Dee to Oz of Thrones…

    On HBO Canada, its a hit or miss if they play the previews, but my sister asks me to turn off after credits cause she doesn’t like to see the previews for the following episode hahaha

    This must be a thing with HBO in the USA and Canada? I watched the ‘Simcast’ on Sky Atlantic at 2am and again at 3am (SA+1) and didn’t see a preview of next weeks episode. The normal time for viewing in the UK is 9pm on Monday and after that, there is a program called ‘Thronecast’ which does give a preview of the next episode at the end.

    Up to Season 4, viewers in the UK could only watch GoT 24 hours after it had been aired in America. From S5 we now get the ‘Simcast’ , but we have to stay up until the earlier hours for that. Only crazy UK ‘diehard’ GoT fans (like me!) do this 😉

    OK I could simply watch it on Monday night at 9pm, but by that time the web is full of spoilers and I would find it difficult to stay away from the internet and take a peek… So fuck it, haha 😮

    I watch it at the same time as folks in North America do and know I won’t get spoiled. I then do a ‘binge watch’ during the week to make sure I haven’t missed anything. I sometimes do and reading the posts and reviews on WotW often flags subtle things I’ve missed.

    A man just can’t get enough of GoT !!

    There is something strange going on with the website since it was moved onto a different server! Twice earlier I tried to post to this thread and no indication of the post being received? Also still this problem of having to clear the browser cache and history.

    If this is not done, I see no update of new topics that have been started. This never was the case on the old web-server and never had these problem.

    Do other posters get similar problems with this web server?

  81. Dee:
    Black Raven,

    It still happens to me some times

    and to the rest of your comment, youre awesome. a girl appreciates another die hard fan

    Hi Dee – Yep, you’re a real crazy diehard fan like me and I luv’ya posts.

    You must be on this website 24/7 as NO WAY can I keep up with the sheer amount of traffic that gets posted – Now that’s what I call real dedication 🙂

  82. ATrueFool,

    I just had a crazy idea about Arya as well. Plus the fact that she walks in a crowded place with her gut slit open and noone reacts. Does your theory involve a scene at Harrenhal?
    I was ready to share this with everyone but since you are so careful about it, and although it is just speculation, I thought I will be quiet about it.

  83. Black Raven,

    Thank you 🙂

    Its on my phone so when I’m at work 7-4, lunch breaks and post work out relaxation – I keep up with the news

    Usually Mia after the season ends cause I don’t do spoilers

  84. Dee:
    Black Raven,

    It still happens to me some times

    and to the rest of your comment, youre awesome. a girl appreciates another die hard fan

    BTW, regarding my previous failures to post a reply? It seems like something was corrupted in the headers? i.e. where the link is made back to the original poster?

    I could only resend my message by deleting that backward link to you and Oz and why I said – “From Dee to Oz of Thrones…” Good to see that you picked it up 🙂

  85. I’m sure the Arya stabbing has something to do with face-changing. It can’t be her. She wouldn’t be that chill and, especially, unarmed, knowing the Waif was after her. I mean, where the hell was Needle? Did Arya dig it out just to hide it again? And all that money? Pickpocketing level 99 out of nowhere?

    Loved to see the Hound, Bronn and the Blackfish again.

    I don’t know why a lot of people think King’s Landing is boring. Margaery, Olenna and the possibility of the Mountain crushing those religious fanatics are enough for me to get excited about this storyline.

    But none of that matters. Little Badass Mormont is obviously going to sit on the Iron Throne at the end.

  86. Thanks a lot for another awesome review – it is always a pleasure to read your reactions.

    A minor prayer: Could you please refrain from referring to the previews for next week, since that is a bit spoilery?

  87. So the group the hound was with believed in silent death that he never hreard a scream , Arya forgot about the faceless and the north remember , remembered how Robb put love before loyalty . 9 episodes to sort it out.

  88. Dee:
    Black Raven,

    Haha yes I did

    Black Raven,

    yep so you are all with me where ever I go hahaha

    Yep, I’m always lurking around being a ‘Black Raven’ caw caw 🙂

    Ok, just ‘flying off’ to see YET ANOTHER showing of E7 on Sky Atlantic and then see what ‘Thronecast’ have to say about it. Its usually a good laugh and they often have one of the actors as a guest on the show…. Not sure who it will be this week.

    Stay cool -hang loose – and catch up wiv’ya later 😉

  89. Lyanna_Targaryen: I’ll quote someone on Twitter when I say that if Lyanna Mormont had those dragons two years ago this story would be over by now. They really know how to cast talented children actors. Cheers to Bella Ramsey!

    Oh my gosh, YES. The dialogue written for this bright little wonder was so spot-on perfect for the tough 10-year-old female prodigy that Lyanna is, and Bella delivered like a trooper. I felt during the scene that Lyanna, being so quick-witted yet absolutely correct in her assessments of the situation, gave Sansa a nudge in her pride. Lyanna knew when and how to call bull, when and whom to ask for advice, and was clear and eloquent in her decisions.

    These are things that Sansa is still learning how to do. I have no doubt Sansa will achieve that level of competence, especially when seeing first-hand an example of what it looks like, even though that example is much younger than she. I also believe that seeing Lyanna in action is one of the things that nudged Sansa to send the raven to whomever she sent it. My bet is on Littlefinger, but there’s a chance D&D will fool us, although I can’t think who else could be the recipient.

    I ALSO believe that if someone wanted to do a spin-off series that included Bella Ramsey, I’d be happy to watch it. That kid perfectly nailed that little perfect little part.

  90. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    Okay, ONE thing we know will occur for sure. Except, we alreadyknew Jaime was already is at RR from ep 7, and we knew Bri was heading there at the end of ep 5, is it SUCH a huge spoiler that they would be crossing paths given her oath to him? Methinks not. But, you’re allowed to get as mad at the world as you would like. Don’t let me stop you!

    HBO-released content has always been fair game for Oz, reaching back to The Old Site.

  91. Arya —

    I’m hoping that was Jaqen testing the Waif.

    Why were the Bravosi people staring in that manner, but offering no help? Up until now, they have shown Bravos to have it’s share of mean idiots, just like any other place does, but also some lovely, compassionate, helpful people as well. It was totally odd to see the crowd from the perspective of Arya, yet everyone stare at her, offering no help, or even remark, at all.

    Hmm, something’s not quite right. Yeah, Arya was holed up in a concrete bunker at the end of last episode, but now striding through town, la de da, with bags of silver? At first, I thought she had dived into the bay to retrieve her own bag of silver from where she threw it, near where she hid Needle. But the second bag? She didn’t have a second bag of silver. Just in case it is Arya, where could she go? The acting troupe is scheduled for three appearances, with one yet to be made, so she could drag herself to Lady Crane. Uh, I hope that wasn’t Arya or she was playing some sort of trick.

    Whichever it is, Maisie did it perfectly, as always.

  92. Sou:
    Anyone wants to place a bet on whether Edmure will talk this season?

    Well spotted

    Maybe his voice dropped in the off-season etc

  93. MoDo:
    I’d like to address those with concerns that Arya’s stabbing is “unbelievable” with an anecdote.

    I was stabbed repeatedly in the gut, and once to my right arm, many years ago, by someone who wished to take what was mine. I was then left to die, but I didn’t, my will to survive kept me going and I had to travel two miles for help… bleeding all the way… and it was certainly not an easy journey, I was down a steep canyon, and the climb was excruciating. But I knew I wasn’t going to die that day. I was lucky, the stabbing did not hit a major organ, and despite losing a ton of blood, it was not fatal. I’m here today… wow, 12 years later. Never underestimate a person’s will to survive. Arya will do what she must to survive this, and having lived a similar situation, it takes no suspension of believe at all for me to buy it.

    Remind me not to go camping with you!!

  94. Does anyone have any theories on what Olenna was writing when Cersei came to talk to her? Curious

  95. Niamh,

    So the group the hound was with believed in silent death that he never hreard a scream ,

    I wondered about that myself. He wasn’t all that far away..and sound would really carry in those flat areas

  96. Cersei’s Brain:
    Does anyone have any theories on what Olenna was writing when Cersei came to talk to her?Curious


    a letter to Randyll Tarly?

    . I don’t know whether to cover it. Speculation based on the fact that I want James Faulkner in more episodes. Seriously, he needs to be more in episodes.

  97. Ravyn,

    Because she not only knows where more men are and never mentions it, but secretly sends a raven for them.

  98. Dee:
    Black Raven,

    Enjoy! I’ve only seen it once can’t wait to watch again

    Hi again Dee – Hope you manage to do some ‘binge watching’ during this week. On Sky Atlantic I think its repeated 4 times during the week (that’s 8 possible times as one can watch it again on the Sky Atlantic +1 channel !!) I usually get in 4 or 5 repeats which is more than enough for anything I’ve missed to sink in 😉

    A ‘crow’ just can’t get enough of GoT, but ravens have always had a reputation of being very greedy birds – caw caw – hahaha 😀

  99. Great episode again, like ep. 4 and 5 (I really disliked last week’s episode).
    Many great returns: Bronn, Sandor, Volantis, Blackfish. Great Davos being Davos, wonderful Bear island with its inhabitants (Lyanna Mormont is all I hoped her to be), King’s Landing getting interesting again after it smashed my hopes last episode, Freys showing inexperience around Riverrun.

    After all the goodness, I’m really kinda afraid some of my favourite characters are soon to depart that world: Wun Wun, Blackfish, Lyanna Mormont, Olenna Tyrrel. I believe I value Wun Wun same as the last few Direwolves, his loss would pain me most.
    I was also very much afraid either one or both of Jaime and Brynden Tully might get killed during the parlay (at least the Freys would be capable of such an act, in certain circumstances even Bronn).

    Btw. has anyone noticed the parallel between Arya walking away from dying Sandor two seasons back and this episode’s ending of Arya (seemingly) dying in Braavos while Sandor walks away from corpses?

    Which brings me to Arya: Her scene was clearly meant to be weird from the very start. She has a different haircut, different clothes, she walks and behaves as a naive child (Arya hasn’t behaved like a child since she departed Winterfell back in Season 1).
    Those stabbings would most likely mean death given what we usually see on GoT, however. Overall, there’s something very fishy about all that…

    Speaking of fishy, let’s get to (or nearer to) the Riverlands: those riders that most likely murdered Septon Ray’s and Sandor’s little community surely didn’t behave like the original Brotherhood without Banners and clearly weren’t ‘protecting the people’. Personally I see two possibilities: 1) They may or may not have previously worked with BwB, but now operate independently as renegades, realising it is the more rewarding service in the short term; 2) They are actively working against BwB by soiling its reputation (leaving Sandor alive as element of chaos/revenge).

    So the group the hound was with believed in silent death that he never hreard a scream

    I had to pay more attention on my second view, but there are screams that he hears and thats why he gets to the camp and finds them dead.

  100. JCDavis,

    Hey! Mind you I will do whatever it takes to ensure our survival!!!!! I wish I would have had company on that long hike. I was alone with $3,000 worth of photography equipment… I didn’t expect to encounter anyone who would wish to do me harm out in the wilderness.

    Thanks to all who have shown support for me. The incident gave me the motivation I needed in life at the time, you don’t know what your life is worth until it’s almost taken from you.

    As for the concerns regarding the difference between how quickly Areo Hotah went down and Arya’s ability to fend off the Waif… I can see that, but I do believe the Sand Snakes wished to quickly dispatch Areo, whereas the Waif intended to inflict pain, a slow, agonizing death. A knife to the kidney or spine would render anyone incapacitated, whereas the gut isn’t as essential nor debilitating. Blood loss is the true danger Arya faces now (and possible internal bleeding if not treated properly) but even then, it would take time. I had several hours of blood loss, as well as a steep uphill climb, and I made it. Arya is a survivor, it’s a testament to her will to survive she escaped.

    The key difference, in my eyes, is the difference between the placement of the knife. Having “faceless man” training myself, you don’t stab someone in the stomach to kill nor incapacitate, you go for vital organs, the heart. the kidney, the windpipe. The Waif knows how to kill, if she wanted Arya dead a few inches to either side could have pierced the kidney, or she could have sliced her throat. The twisting of the knife was very telling that she intended to inflict as much pain as possible before giving Arya the gift. The Waif does not view Arya as a true threat, she was toying with her, where as the Sand Snakes knew they would have one shot to take down Hotah without him fighting, and they struck with precision.

    This was my take anyway. I didn’t find the stabbing to take away from past deaths, such as Hotah’s and Talisa’s, as both execution (no pun intended) and intention of the knife-wielder was very different. Yes, the Waif’s attack was brutal, and similar to Talisa’s, but there were a couple key differences in the attack. While both were caught off guard by the attacker, they differ in a major way. Ayra was sliced at first, whereas Talisa was prison shanked repeatedly, with much less precision. The body reacts very differently to a slice and a stabbing (in a way, this applies to Hotah as well, as he was completely off guard and his mind did not have even a moment to react), Arya’s fight or flight instinct had a chance to kick in as she wasn’t stabbed during the initial attack, and believe me, this does make a difference, whereas Talisa’s and Hotah’s physiological response would be immediate shock. If I hadn’t been approached and attacked prior to being wounded, my fate may have been very different. I didn’t feel the initial strikes, my adrenaline was so high… whereas a few years later I stepped on a nail and it brought me to my knees! I truly believe the mind’s anticipation of danger and injury to be the greatest difference between these stabbings, and why the others were almost instantly fatal while Arya was able to escape. That, and precision in Hotah’s case, and the lack of, in Talisa’s. The same can be said of Roose, I believe he was stabbed in the kidne——- POISONED BY HIS ENEMIES.

    Just some things to consider, physiological responses such as shock and fight or flight play a huge role in such a situation, this is my take! Take it or leave it!

  101. All that said, I do find Arya’s carelessness, and naivety while strolling the streets very odd, but I do not believe it to be a mummer’s farce. I believe she was struck, and is severely injured. She will very likely need help if she’s to survive this… whether it is to come from Jaqen (I doubt it), Lady Crane (maybe…), or some random (OH NO IT’S THE WAIF) is yet to be seen.

  102. MoDo,

    Ya know, Mel hasn’t been around the last few episodes, and she did tell Arya that they would meet again. Think maybe she needed to go to Braavos for something and happened to run into the young stark bleeding, and then well, she’s done it once, why not twice?

  103. Oz wrote:

    “The Greyjoy fleet stops off at an unnamed hooker and watering hole…”

    I believe that there was an establishing shot of the bridge in Volantis (where Tyrion and Varys stopped and Tyrion was kidnapped) so they are nearly to Dany now. Just a little r & r before confronting the Dragon Queen.

    I knew that there had to be something up with that scene–heading off to watch those epi’s now… 🙂

  104. Dee:

    Enjoy! I’ve only seen it once can’t wait to watch again

    Hey Dee, do you like my new avatar? Me with Nevermore – One of the friendly ravens who lives up on the mountain on this island and who likes to pester the tourists for munchies 😮

    Whether he would be any good for flying messages around Westeros, a man cannot say 🙂

  105. I agree–there’s something odd about the whole Waif attack thing. Arya would never let down her guard like that…unless it was a set-up. Yes, she could actually be Jaqen; the physical stance at the bridge is rather masculine. But it’s more likely that, like Margaery, she’s playing her opponent and letting them seem to win until she can unexpectedly strike back with a fatal blow.

    Arya reads people well and understands motivation. Back in Season 2 she outfoxed Jaqen. Now, she knows she must kill the Waif and the best way is to catch her off guard. What better than to let the Waif nearly succeed, then lure her back to ‘finish the job’ and strike her down?

    Arya has always been an actress–assuming names and identities like a player dons a costume. Remember the series of dialogues she had with Tywin in Season 2. Maybe Lady Crane helps her. But if she doesn’t, in Arya’s backstage visits she’s had ample opportunity to ‘nick’ all sorts of props, including the outfit that player Ned tossed at her. So she sets the trap by publicly throwing around a lot of money at a ship’s captain whose boasts will no doubt reach the Waif’s ears. Then she positions herself on a bridge contemplating the Titan’s arse and waiting for the Waif’s ambush. Look at what Arya’s wearing on that bridge–an oversized masculine leather jerkin, one with sufficient extra material to hide things underneath. Before the Waif’s vicious thrusts can do much real damage (I hope), Arya’s over the side and in the canal. Afterwards, she conspicuously staggers up the high street clutching her bleeding abdomen. Presumably she’ll take shelter, perhaps where she lit the candle, but this time with Needle. And the Waif will come, prepared only to deliver the coup de grace to a weakened opponent. Snap!

  106. With regards to the spoiler convo. I too am going radio silence (or trying to). I’ve been on here far too much lol. I ruined a lot of surprises in the season thus far. I’m a UK viewer and they don’t bother with the preview at 3 in the morning lol. They save it for the crappy throneprog the day after which I refuse to watch.

    I’ve been taking a few days to soak up the episode before watching the preview n getting hyped up again. In theory. But this season everyone’s already talking about it the moment the episode ends n it’s like FUUUCK. So yeah this is a nice reminder to just enjoy the show n the weather n get the eff away from it all. 3 weeks is nowt in the grand scheme of things. And will defo increase my enjoyment goin in blind.

    I wish myself luck lol. Cos I’m an addict. I can’t do books atm cos it confusing while show is on n I do that the rest of the year poor old Roy needs a break.


    Random thoughts over

  107. Thronetender,

    At least once you can see the same face twice when she’s walking through the crowd. I don’t know what the hell that mean but initial thought was these are mostly FM. Can they borrow the same face at same time? They reacted very strangely so something is up with that. But why would Jaquen, if this is a test, have his assassins gather round to passively observe the “hit?”

  108. Oz of Thrones,

    Maybe your thoughts on what Arya is going to do next, as well as Sansa’s plan with LF, and maybe whether LF will actually help her?

    You can focus on the Stark sisters next moves.

  109. LOVE the Hound, like seeing those hands of his again and LOVE Bronn being back but is it just me or did it look like he was wearing more makeup than a drag queen?

  110. I haven’t read every comment on this thread yet – and you guys are a smart group – but my take on Arya is…

    A girl must die.

    …to be reborn again as Arya Stark! I think this is the only way JH will let her out of her commitment to be No One.
    I don’t know who’s around in Braavos right now – that we know – that can resurrect her, but my prediction is that No One will die and Some One will bring her back. She’ll wake up and get busy with her plan to get the fook outta Dodge. Remember when Arya said to the Hound back in S4E?…”I’ve got friends in Braavos”…and he’s like, “I doubt it”. Get on home, baby girl, and fulfill your promise to kill everyone on your little list.
    That’s what I hope happens anyway.

  111. P.S. I’m new to this site (gotta lotta back reading to do, cuz Oz, that was a great recap) – but explain to me something…
    What’s the deal with all the whiners who complain about spoilers on sites like this one and on social media in general? It drives me crazy. Don’t go on social media then! And for God sakes, don’t go to a site called “Watchers on the Damn Wall” if you are afraid of spoilers.
    I’ve never understood this. Seems quite simple to me.

    P.S.S. I hope No One else has the username: “Shagga Likes Axes” because that’s my all time favorite line in all of the GoT universe. When I read that Some One is named, “Ulph demands bloodmoney” I almost pissed myself laughing so hard. It reminded me that – deep down – I’m “Shagga” and I like axes.

  112. Hi Oz, like Dee I really enjoy your unsullied recaps. I always have a good laugh at some of your comments – e.g. Yara then leaves to go lick the other boob. – Nice one! I reckon she’s AC/DC and quite happy to bend in both directions 😮

    As others have mentioned, this business of Arya getting stabbed in the gut by the Waif needs to be resolved? In real life I don’t think many people would survive to tell that tale. Guess we’ll have to wait and see how that pans out.

    Looking forward to see your unsullied recap for next weeks episode 🙂

  113. “(what’s the affinity with the abdomen?)”
    Because an abdominal wound basically means certain death. Generally prolonged and painful, but in medieval Westeros, there’s no treatment.

  114. 3eyes,

    Okay well I saw that. I made note of that in my head. But the original poster said to watch those scenes and then rewatch her walk on the dockside in S6Ep07 but she didn’t even use her hands.

  115. Shagga Likes Axes,

    Sometimes, you want to discuss the show with other die hard fans, and still be in the dark (im one of them ). Its not like I am coming on to the website before I watch the episode and ask not to see spoilers (that’s just dumb lol) But I don’t look at filming spoilers/don’t read the books but I like to discuss the show still.

    Now when it comes to previews and photos for the next episode. Expect to see something when you come on a website like this. that I agree.

    Its not that hard to believe.

    As for social media – I don’t go on it before an episode either. Again youre just asking for it haha

  116. Dee,

    Oh ok, thanks – I get a little paranoid sometimes coz I know this is an unsullied post (but still love to read it sometimes more than the sullied!)

    Ok, catch up time, where was I……

  117. Dee,

    Gah its only been 24 hours but now I can’t remember what was going on. Can you link me to that original post so I can jog my memory, pls? Because I think I knew excactly where he was going….(never been much good with directions anyway) 🙂

  118. ash,

    This was their original post

    I just rewatched a couple of Arya’s scenes from S4 E1 and S5 E2. Then rewatched the scene of Arya walking through the dockside area in S6 E7.

    While technically not spoilery–just a theory based on what I saw in those episodes–I’ll say no more here unless asked by Oz or Ed in Chief. Anyone interested can repeat my exercise or look to a comment I made yesterday in Sue’s Open Discussion post.

    and you responded regarding this


    I have no idea, but my gut (sorry) tells me you are on the right track

  119. Dee,

    Thanks. Just watched the episode, and honestly, not got a clue. Saw a quote on FB that fits me right now : Im not losing all my marbles but obviously have a hole in the bag 🙂 (thanks for getting that link fo rme anyhow)

  120. Dee,

    Thanks Dee! I can see why you are the King/Queen of this site…you’re kind, diplomatic, and obviously brilliant. I get it, but I personally seek out these types of discussions and sites for spoilers and other smart observations. Heck, why not. All these theories and predictions will be answered one way or the other…eventually. But I’m greedy and impatient.

  121. Olenna totally rocked it and Lyanna was a star….amazing performance. I burst out laughing when she said ’62’. Still, 62 is better than nothing.

  122. Jorah’s Mormont:
    Olenna totally rocked it and Lyanna was a star….amazing performance.I burst out laughing when she said ’62’. Still, 62 is better than nothing.

    Each of them is “worth 10 mainlanders”. So 620. Biggest contribution Wildlings aside.

  123. ash:

    I wondered about that myself.He wasn’t all that far away..and sound would really carry in those flat areas

    IMO chopping wood is actually quite loud, and you would not hear faint screams. But he does hear the screams whe he stops for a sip of water.

  124. Nick Hartley:

    Because she not only knows where more men are and never mentions it, but secretly sends a raven for them.

    When Sansa writes the letter, there is actually movement behind her, so it is quite possible Jon is coming in, ans she is coming clean with him, but they left it for the next episode for suspense and tension-building.

  125. Hi Oz,

    maybe you can give us your thoughts on the revelations in episode 5 “The Door” and what they mean? More precisely the reveal of a timeloop. Maybe a list of crazy crackpot theories? I know I have mine 🙂

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