Pilou Asbaek on Euron’s potential alliance, Sophie Turner on Sansa’s hardships, and Jacob Anderson on tiring eunuch questions

Euron Greyjoy on Game of Thrones

Another day, another round of interviews with the Game of Thrones cast. Pilou Asbaek speaks to Entertainment Weekly about Euron Greyjoy’s prominent role in this season, Sophie Turner discusses Sansa’s struggles and strength with Parade and Marie Claire, and the Daily Mail has a chat with Jacob Anderson about the question he’s asked constantly because of his role as Grey Worm, the eunuch Unsullied commander.

Game of Thrones has received criticism for its handling of the Greyjoys storylines, and particularly for the introduction of Euron – many fans felt he didn’t look or act the part of the charming but murderous psychopath. Asbaek tells EW that his character will have a different feel this year, saying, “He’s much more just f—ing enjoying himself this season. He’s more charming. He takes himself seriously, but not too seriously.” Co-executive producer Bryan Cogman agrees. “He brings a different energy to the show,” Cogman says. “He’s the kind of guy who will kill you and steal your girlfriend.”

Euron may be stepping into the villainous shoes recently vacated by Ramsay Bolton, but Asbaek is quick to point out the differences between the two. “Ramsay was a great character and to me was 100 percent evil. I think Euron is not. I’m more like a hooligan.” He goes on to stress that Euron knows how to manipulate, saying, “The guy you met at the Kingsmoot is not the guy you will meet on his ship — he’s different with different people to get what he wants.”

What Euron wants seems to go beyond settling for kingship over the Iron Islands. With a Daenerys alliance off the table, Euron is looking for someone who can help him win the Iron Throne. “For Euron, the question is, ‘Who gives me the best odds?’ Is it the dragon mother? No. Is it with Cersei? I think it is,” Asbaek admits. “Dany is still trying to be a good, decent, honest person. Cersei sold her soul many years ago. Maybe that’s why Euron likes the idea of her.” Look out, Jaime.

Read the entire interview at EW.

Sansa Stark

Sophie Turner has been a busy woman with two interviews posting today. First, she talks to Parade and gives us a taste of what to expect for this season. “There’s less feuding. Characters are coming together. There are alliances formed by people who haven’t met each other or haven’t seen each other in a long time.” Perhaps some Starks are coming home to roost?

Turner also looks back at her most challenging (and controversial) scene – Sansa’s wedding night with Ramsay Bolton. “The rape scene was pretty difficult. For obvious reasons, it was an uncomfortable day on set.” Turner feels she is well in tune with her character despite – or perhaps because of – the tough situations she’s had to endure. “I pretty much am very deep into the psychology of the character, so I find her decisions pretty logical and perfect responses to the situations that she’s in or that she’s been through in the past,” she explains. “She surprises with her strengths a lot, like just how strong and resilient she is throughout all of her situations. But none of her decisions tend to surprise me.”

In an excerpt from the Marie Claire August cover story, Turner reveals that playing Sansa has taken a toll on her, emotionally. “I just completely gave everything to her, all of my emotions,” she says. “I never used to cry when I was younger. Now I cry all the time – I am an emotional human being.” Turner isn’t the only one affected by Sansa’s difficult journey; she recalls writer Bryan Cogman’s reaction to filming Sansa’s wedding night scene. “He just sat there going, ‘I am so sorry.’ They had known me since I was 13 and they were like, ‘This is so wrong.‘”

For more, head over to Parade and Marie Claire.

Grey Worm and Missandei

Playing a eunuch on Game of Thrones can lead to some annoying questions, explains actor Jacob Anderson. His character, the stoic Grey Worm, would likely handle them in stride, but Anderson gets tired of hearing one in particular. “I get penis questions every single interview I do,” he gripes to the Daily Mail; apparently, people believe life imitates art in his case. Anderson jokes, “There you go, there was no penis questions and now I’ve made it all about penises.”

This unfortunate aspect of Grey Worm’s character hasn’t stopped him from striking up a relationship with Daenerys Targaryen’s trusted advisor Missandei. The two have definite chemistry together, but Anderson won’t play favorites between his love and the dragon queen. “They are both awesome and powerful human women and I think they are great, both of them equally. I don’t like putting people against each other,” Anderson says.

Along with the rest of the cast, Anderson is sad to see the show drawing to an end. Not only will he feel the loss of playing a key part in Game of Thrones, he’ll also miss seeing it on his television every week. “I’m going to miss it as a person that watches it,” he admits. Won’t we all.

Check out the rest at the Daily Mail.


  1. I guess I am somewhat curious to see how Euron interacts with Cersei and that storyline.

  2. Looking forward to Euron this season. Out of everything from the promo material the naval battle is my most anticipated event after whatever the NK is up to.

  3. “The guy you met at the Kingsmoot is not the guy you will meet on his ship — he’s different with different people to get what he wants.”

    I was so worried about Euron in season seven before I read this quote. He only had two scenes in season six: his introduction with Balon at the bridge was wonderful, showing an appropriately creepy and mad Euron, but then, in the Kingsmoot, he acted as a loud buffoon. I hoped it WAS just an act to win over the ironborn, but I wasn’t sure. It’s such a relief to know that was the case.

  4. Luka Nieto,

    Agreed. I’m glad he isn’t a retreat of Ramsey…..I wonder if he will come across as Oberyn a little….a rogue. I always thought that Oberyn had a nice chemistry with Cersei in those few scenes they shared together.

  5. I’m enjoying the PR machine’s spin on Euron’s role for the upcoming season. Hopefully, the character will not disappoint.

    In other news, we have heard absolutely nothing from Alfie Allen at all this pre-season…

  6. I was beginning to think I was the only one who loved Euron last season, after his introduction I was quoting him for about a month.
    Hands down one of my favorite character intros on the show, I had a feeling something was up at the kingsmoot. Can’t wait for Euron to wow me more next season ^^

  7. It makes me a little embarrassed to be a member of the ASoIaF/GoT geekdom, knowing that there are those among us who would actually use a rare opportunity of talking with Jacob Anderson to ask him if he is a eunuch in real life. I thought this was one of those ‘smart’ TV shows we keep hearing about.

  8. I have to admit that as a book reader, I wasn’t massively into the Ironborn arc until The Forsaken chapter from TWOW.

    I have seen Pilou Asbaek in Borgen and A War – and would recommend both – and they are testament to his skills as an actor. I think that show!Euron was hampered by the Kingsmoot dialogue in season six – partly because iirc, some of Euron’s Kingsmoot dialogue was moved into the 602 scene where he kills Balon, something that happens off screen in the books. Hopefully when we see Euron in season seven, it will become clear that he can be manipulative, psychopathic and a complete wild card.

  9. Firannion,

    The day I heard about all the death threats the actor who played Olly received for ‘killing Jon’ was the day I gave up believing that being a GoT fan necessarily correlates with having brains.

  10. Rex,

    We have but it’s been at conventions and con’s, smaller events. He said this is one of Theon’s biggest seasons yet, he also said this about Theon’s journey this season: “Skittish and full of fear…Basically, and then that can kind of, I guess, evolve into rage, which you might see…who knows?”

  11. Mel,

    Thanks. I am aware of all of those quotes, which as you said came from cons and other events he had attended over the past 6-8 months or so. I’m just saying that unlike many of his fellow cast members, Alfie hasn’t been doing any interviews at all throughout this pre-season PR party (I’m talking about all the interviews published within the last month or so).

    I guess I’d really love to hear more about what he’s got to say about Theon in the new season. Alfie understands Theon so well and I’ve always found his interviews a joy to read, because he always has something new to say about his character.

  12. Episode titles and discriptions are up for Episode 1-3!!
    1. Dragonstone

    2. Stormborn

    3. The Queens Justice

  13. Cannot WAIT for Euron this year. But somehow I shall. ❤❤❤

    Ten Bears:
    Yay! Finally! A Sophie T interview!

    I know, right???? I was really worried we’d go a few hours without. ☹

  14. Chuck,

    Oberyn had chemistry with everyone in every scene he did. Truly a spectacular performance from him that entire season. Him, Tywin, & Lyanna Little Bear steal every scene they’re in.

  15. Miriam:

    The day I heard about all the death threats the actor who played Olly received for ‘killing Jon’ was the day I gave up believing that being a GoT fan necessarily correlates with having brains.

    Yes, its just incredible – In’nit!

    I find it hard to believe that Jacob Anderson gets asked if he really is a eunuch! Some people just can’t separate fiction from reality 🙂

  16. Pilou’s interview sounds promising. I really liked Euron’s introduction scene, and was kind of disappointed by his portrayal at the Kingsmoot. I’m glad to hear that was apparently just an act to impress the Ironborn.

    This show has had so many different kinds of villains (to the extent that GOT has heroes & villains to begin with).

    There are the straight-up psychopaths (Joffrey, Ramsay…)
    The stern, ruthless, calculating patriarchs (Tywin, Roose, Walder…)
    The charming, manipulative schemers (Littlefinger, The High Sparrow…)
    The soldiers who commit unspeakable acts for what they perceive as the greater good (Stannis, Thorne…)
    And of course, the supernatural enemies (The White Walkers)

    Cersei is sort of a mix of the first 3. Euron sounds like he could be too. I’m looking forward to seeing what he brings.

  17. i was rewatching the trailer 2 and i saw something that complete passed by me , and i never saw someone saing it, in the trailer 2 in the scene that yara jumps on the middle of the battle she is jumping on euron, look that there is 1 guy on right open the mouth, its euron, wow, never noticed.

  18. The running joke at the convention was Euron waiting for all those ships in a land with no trees.

  19. BigMac,

    Hey, don’t call the White Walkers villains or “supernatural enemies”!
    Don’t you know that they are the good guys?

    (Poor Night King…stabbed in the heart by a treacherous nymph. “Oh, let me tie you up, I promise it will be fun!” Yeah right. )

  20. Jaehaerys the Icedragon:

    “Oberyn had chemistry with everyone in every scene he did….”

    • Yeah he did. I especially liked his long scene with Tyrion in his cell, telling the story about visiting Casterly Rock as a boy to see infant Tyrion, only to be disapponted when “the freak” was unveiled: “But this is just a baby.”
    The best part of course is Oberyn’s last line in that scene; “I will be your champion.”

    • As you surely know, GoT is also blessed with an actress who’s had chemistry with everyone in every scene she’s done. (Though I guess you can exclude the guy who didn’t have a chance to have a meaningful conversation with her during their encounter because of the rag stuffed into his mouth, and then because he wasn’t in a talkative mood due to post-op discomfort.)

  21. Ten Bears,

    I concur 100%. The Queen of Thorns most definitely steals EVERY scene she’s in. And I do mean EVERY… Karsi was great too. Very talented actress who I would of loved to see more of.

    As for Arya, Maisie has been nothing short of iconic. She was great in season 1 as just a child, and her acting has improved every season. Her timing and tone and facial expressions are just so convincing.

    Lena & Natalie Dormer & others (Fairley & Rigg to name a few) are all accomplished actresses and Maisie’s performance has always been just as engrossing and captivating as anyone’s. Easy to see why she’s a fan favorite. Her acting has never disappointed.

  22. Rex,

    I think Alfie is the most unsung actor on the show. He’s been doing superb work since the very first episode and has never disappointed. His Ramsay-induced Reek bi-polarity is brilliant. The spouse insisted we FF through the torture scenes on recent re-watch and, TBH, I was relieved to do so. Theon will never be my favourite character, but by the gods, Alfie has made him believable, sympathetic, and at times mesmerising.


    Thank you for your succinct classification of GoT villains. It is spot-on,

  23. Hooligan is exactly how show Euron came across. And not being pure evil makes me chuckle, as book Euron may be the most evil character in the series. Two different characters with only a name in common. And that’s fine.

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