This past Monday, Tower of London visitors were treated to a jaw-dropping spectacle as the British Army’s Coldstream Guards performed a rendition of the Game of Thrones theme tune as the show’s own Night’s Watch performed a unique military display.
Reportedly, Sky Atlantic partnered with the British Army to choreograph the spectacle. As you can see in the video below, the crowds had been expecting a traditional changing of sentry duty from the Coldstream Guards as they played ‘The Standard of St George March’ before suddenly switching into the Game of Thrones theme song.
Then, the Night’s Watch emerged from the Bloody Tower (a great Thrones name… or, considering the Tower’s long and bloody history, maybe it’s the other way around), and marched to music from the Band of the Coldstream Guards and put on a dramatic sword performance. The military spectacle was orchestrated by British Game of Thrones broadcaster Sky Atlantic to celebrate the launch of season eight in a matter of days.
Speaking about the role of the Coldstream Guards in the stunt, Sergeant Major Richard Maddocks said: “We play all over the world at all sorts of concerts and events, but this was genuinely a career highlight for all of us seasoned Members of the Coldstream Guards Band. Given it’s a favourite TV programme of many of ours made it an extra special experience. The Night’s Watch delighted and stunned their audience and challenged us into looking our sharpest and playing our military best!”
“We have partnered with the British Army to give fans an unforgettable experience ahead of the launch of the eighth and final series of Game of Thrones,” commented Zai Bennett, Director of Programmes at Sky Entertainment UK and Ireland. “It has been a groundbreaking seven years and the Sky Atlantic team are as excited about what’s in store as the millions of fans and Sky Atlantic viewers who will be tuning into discover the outcome of the final battle between the living and the dead.”

Twelve actors were transformed into the Night’s Watch for the spectacle, by an expert team of stylists and make-up artists. Each actor wore a custom-made costume that took ten weeks to create.
But soon their watch will end…
That is SO much better than Bud Knight.
Sorry, but that was really cringeworthy.
Our soldiers shouldn’t lower themselves to this promotional tat.
I know right! They should be more disciplined, but then, they are a bunch of thieves, rapists, and killers. Oh… you were talking about the Coldstream Guards.
That thought crossed my mind too. I thought it was a tad bit on the cheesy side. Still, a little bit of fun for a change from the norm just this once can maybe be accepted.
This is like “You Got Served”, the cheeky British edition.
I agree, they should lower themselves to invading foreign countries for oil, that’s more dignified !
Yes, British soldiers should be getting back to the basics. Bombing children in Yemen, turning Afghanistan into a parking lot etc.
I think Jimmy Fallon’s sketches are very often pretty cringy … but the sketch with Sean Bean and GRRM was… #WorthIt !
Britain is slaves to the eu, our army is a few guys in fuzzy hats, dohraki would have no problems removing our mad queen
If anything Britain is slave to stupidity, for voting something that they had no idea what it meant and then complaining about it afterwards
Well some people ask for it and they deserve the proper response .
That escalated quickly.
I was thinking the same thing
Is this where the fun party is being held?
Everyone smiling, polite niceties being exchanged?
The actors look fantastic in their fine Night’s Watch attire. Great, great job. Very authentic and well done.
I was reminded, while viewing some of the seemingly shocked faces in the audience, of George V’s famous reaction and command after hearing the band play music from Strauss’ ‘Elektra’: “I do not know what that was, but it is never to be played again.” And also reminded of Benjamin Britten’s remark after hearing a performance of Stravinsky’s ‘Oedipus Rex’: “I liked everything but the music.”
Oh Dear – Brexit has found its way onto WotW! Then again, it does have some resemblance to Got? Theresa May reminds me of Cersei. Hanging on to the bitter end whilst the kingdom around her is falling apart 🙂
I hope it all goes tits up and we remain in the EU! Enough said…
Looking forward to the R.A.F. taking on some dragons. Good luck with that, mates!
Black Raven,
The really unfortunate thing is that the people voted for Brexit. It leaves little wriggle room for a democratic government. It was nuts for the voters to pick the dumbest option available – but that seems to be a big trend among electorates over the last few years.
Maybe the plan is to muddle through and hope for the best. I also bet that Brexit would win another referendum if that was tried. May is in an impossible position.
Let me get back on topic – Using real soldiers to do that skit!?! if so, no wonder these guys voted for Brexit…. they are in this for a lark!
I presume you mean the Coldstream guards, not the Nights Watch. They were actors 😉
Great they managed to get one of the tower ravens into the video! It adds to the ambience. No use for carry messages though? They’ve had their wings clipped so they can’t fly away. If they did so the story goes, the kingdom would fall. A bit ironic as a ‘No Deal’ Brexit would do the same job 😛
If there was another referendum or a ‘People’s Vote’, I think it would go the other way ie. to remain in the EU. The British electorate (hopefully) are now a lot wiser knowing the issues that leaving the EU would bring. Time will tell seeing that tonight the EU have extended the leave date to 31st October.
Black Raven,
Yes, I meant the guys in the fancy hats!
You are very hopeful about the way a new vote would go. I hope you are correct.
I have lost faith in how the people Anglo-American axis are likely to behave. There are many reasons why people who belong to former or current empires develop ridiculous anti-immigrant, superiority and nationalistic attitudes. We are greatness defined, We do not need to work with neighbours, Our role is to dominate you, We are born to rule !!! I think the economic arguments are less important.
I’m from a military family. Trust me, soldiers enjoy showing off and can be as hammy as any actor. 🐷
Ha…that was pretty cool and fun. 😀
Jack Nabble,
of course people knew what they were voting for, that is just remoaner propaganda
Black Raven,
The country is leave with no deal now, only London is the exception,
Time to break the wheel . it mirrors Thrones very well as far as politics and betrayal goes.
It should be some good inspiration to finish the books
That’s a lot of personal opinion that you’re trying to pass as fact there fellow, and don’t go all Nigel Farage on me, i’m not one of his idiot followers who believes all the bs that comes out of his mouth, the FACT that most voters had no idea what Brexit meant is an undisputable FACT, just because you choose to ignore that because it doesn’t fit into your agenda doesn’t mean it didn’t happen . The Brexit vote was very close the first time and i would guarantee you if they would redo it, Nigel Farage and people like you wouldn’t be so high and mighty this time around .
Except the first time the Brexit vote happened it was a very close margin unlike what sellsword is trying to imply an not many people showed up at the polls anyway, not that the consequences are known it would turned out a very strong against vote .
Your comment also shows how closed out you are from what happens into the world, wake up there, this is the real world not a fantasy one, Nigel Farage and his cronies aren’t trying to save you from the evil EU “empire”, they are just trying to gain followers into their home country based on fear and racism just like Trump and his people did in America . And the sad thing is, you dragged countries like Scotland into it even though they wanted none of this as shown in the vote where the majority vote against it but because they are apart of your Union they are stuck and forced to go through it. So congrats for that Mr internet knight warrior !
I’ll just go out on a limb and do a “Patrick Sponaugle”:
“EU” is a really weird way to spell “England and Wales”. 🤔
OT: Loved the performance and would have been thrilled to have been there.
when did the Night’s Watch turn into Vikings? Stupidest promo yet.
You are kidding right? Sorry to bring politics to Watchers but every single reliable poll/indicator shows the general public no longer wants Brexit. The people who essentially conned the pubic like Farage/Johnson etc. should face the consequences in my opinion. At this point I expect a second referendum or a fudge which keeps us in but with window dressing that we’ve actually left.
Jack Nabble,
your insane dude, it was 1.4 million that is not close at all, and people knew exactly what they voted for, to leave the eu and to control our own destiny, FACT
let me guess you want the night king to win, as he is against democracy too
Jack Nabble,
Remoaner loser speak, 1.4 million not enough of a win for you? your funny though