Season 6 is over. Long live season 6. You’ve been fantastic sleuthing partners through each episode, and we’d like to ask you back for another jump into oblivion— into season 7! Thank you again for the detailed responses and thoughtful conclusions, it would be an honor to have you join us in the offseason read of A Feast With Dragons.
After the cut, you’ll find questions we’ve asked ourselves and will be disputing as the show records. Let’s do this.
Listen to “The Winds of Winter” here.
What do you believe?
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
For good measure..
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
That’s it. Let us know what and why in the comments below! Make sure to listen for your thoughts, theories, and input once this episode is released.

1. Evil Disney Queen
2. Waiting on HR
3. Bad News Bears ASSEMBLE!!
4. Watching with the rest of us (and Ghost).
Cersei as Queen and Qyburn as her hand is as entertaining as it gets,can’t wait to enjoy all the scenes in King’s Landing next year.As for ally’s,Cersei has none available at this point.Her line “House Lannister has no rival.” is now “House Lannister has no ally.”.Qyburn needs to come up with some really impressive technological advancements ASAP.
I have one interesting note that I read last night while reading a feast with dragons. Aemon is dying and telling Sam he was wrong about Azor Ahai, and noting that Stannis is also wrong in being Azor Ahai – he says that sure, Stannis has Targaryean blood – AS DO HIS BROTHERS, which made me think about Gendry. Does this mean that Gendry has Targs blood also?
I really hope they give him a break from all that rowing and bring him back into the story! He’s going to look like popeye if he does return! Not that he didn’t before… what a beefcake!
1. Queen cersie is not ruling for a very log time for sure
And i strongly believe that jaime won’t kill her…it would be tyrion who would kill her
2. The main role of bran next season would be to find a way to defeat the white walkers
3. Sam will research about his father’s sword and will find out more about the white walkers…he may return to the north by the end of season 7 or by the start of season 8
4. Jorah will find a cure
Brienne will continue serving sansa
They should have showed us some
Scene of white walkers….and gendry storyline is over
Massive disappointment that the WW weren’t in the finale.
BriPod are now stuck rowing with Gendry.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
A reign of terror, pure and simple.
As for the Lannister allies? They don’t have many. Whatever smaller lords in the Westerlands they had to begin with. The Tyrells/Targaryens/Iron Islands/Dorne are clearly together. The North sure as fuck doesn’t support them, and the Vale has also rebelled. That basically leaves the Freys, and they’re a disaster. Even with Black Walder and Lothar dead, Walder had like a ton of kids, so someone will take over. Cersei has the Kingsguard and whatever military exists in the city, the Mountain, and Qyburn.
And I don’t see how Jaime/Cersei ends well next year.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
He will travel south of the Wall, conveniently forgetting about being marked by the Night’s King, and bring down the goddamned Wall. Jon and the North will mostly be fine until this happens. And Baelish one way or another is going to die next season.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Yes. And argue with the officious twits running things at the Citadel.
Never understood why some people keep bringing Gendry up.If they would have needed him on in the show they would have kept him.He served his porpuse and they gave him an exit,he’s not relevant for years now.
1. Disaster upon disaster as Olenna withdraws Tyrell food wagon. Can see show!Tarly allying with Cersei and some Stormlords.
Jaime will kill Cersei with his sword and forge a new Lightbringer!
2. He’ll feel urged to go to Castle Black with the information. Jon will get it in the midst of raging war just after he meets Dany for the first time. Complicated feelings will follow.
3. He’ll burn them all.
4. Happy to not be in King’s Landing.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
With Dany and essentially the rest of the 7 Kingdoms quickly approaching, Cersei’s reign on the Iron Throne won’t last long. She has no allies within or outside of King’s Landing. Her closest ally, Jamie, will likely go into a self imposed exile. The prophecy may hint at him killing her and it may be romantic storytelling, but i don’t know if I can see him going through with it in the end.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I feel Bran will understand the sort of impact this news will have on him and his family. I don’t think he will even tell him immediately. If the story does progress to the point where Bran, Jon, and Dany meet, then that would be an appropriate time to spill the beans on his parentage. I just can’t picture Bran laying down on some snow and saying, what’s up cousin?
If the truth does in fact break out?
I’d say it won’t have much of an effect at all. He has Stark blood and was raised by Ned. Also, the North admires the man Jon has become as he avenged the Red Wedding and was victorious over Ramsay.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Unfortunately for Sam, He’ll be just as sober as he has always been. Though, i can see him learning some vital info on the history of whitewalkers and how to combat them.
I have a bit of a theory on dragonriding, and how one becomes a rider. I think not only having the blood of the dragon (created by an ancestor who did blood magic long ago, or refreshed by new blood magic as Dany did to hatch them) is needed, but a dragon needs to see a potential rider as commanding other people. Dany couldn’t ride Drogon until he saw her in the fighting pit in Meereen, he took her to the Dothraki Sea and didn’t obey her afterwards probably because he realized he was mistaken in thinking Dany was in control there back in Meereen. So he waits for her to take command of all the Dothraki before coming to her again and finally bonding with her forevermore.
Now Jon is King in the North, he is commanding whatever armies of the North (and perhaps Vale and Riverlands in time if they all unite) so if Jon does meet up with Viserion or Rhaegal, he’ll have proven himself a strong leader of men, so that whichever dragon he meets will bond to him. Showing strength is a necessary step prior to dragonriding.
It would make sense for the Kingslayer to become a Queenslayer as well (that would sound kind of funny). But what if they marry first? She is the qeen now, and the faith is done, so why not bring back sibling marriage?
Other than that Cersei will most likely be the queen of Kings Landing and not much else. Dany won’t want to burn it down when she arrives, so that conflict might still be interesting.
Jon’s parentage is a big question for me story wise. I just don’t now how this would matter. I still don’t think neither prophesies nor rightful claims will play a huge role, other than maybe for propaganda. The Targaryen bloodline might be important for Dragons though, and if that’s the case Dany and Jon are the last people to continue that line.
As for Sam: The obvious possibility is that he will find something important, now that he has access to Wikipedia. I hope it’s not some secret weapon, that would be boring. That valyrian steel sword has to go somewhere though, or will Sam the Slayer wield it himself?
1. Cersei’s rule will be “nasty, brutish, and short.” The Lannisters will have the solid support of Ser Pounce, as long as they keep feeding him. Jaime ain’t givin up that stuff, yo. Crazy chicks are great in bed. I think it’d be hilarious if the valonquar turns out to really be Tyrion, just like Cersei always feared.
2. Bran will drag himself to Winterfell like Lancel trying to blow out candles on his third birthday. Jon may need some extra time reorganizing his tree on, but he’s still got Stark blood, a man-bun, and goo-goo eyes from Lyanna Mormont. The North has a severe shortage of eligible bachelors carrying Valyrian steel at the moment, so he’s King in da Norf as long as there is a Norf to be King of.
3. Sam. Based on the look he gave those books, he’ll finish his homework assignment just in time to hand it to the spiky-blue Yul Brynner as he passes by Oldtown on zombie Ghost.
I want a Gendry and Arya reunion at least. I really liked their scenes together. Cersei’s reign is going to be a disaster I think. People will starve, turn to crime, and be generally miserable. It’s going to be glorious drama if all that is going on while Dany sails up to KL. If Cersei decides to try to use the wildfire card again Jaime might step in and stop that.
1. The rule of Queen Cersei will be the most frightening thing that we have seen in this show. However, it won’t last long. She will have no allies and the common folk will not take kindly to having their sept blown to bits. Mad Queen Cersei will go even madder when she finds out about the armada sailing her way. Jaime will kill her much in the way he killed Aerys. I predict that Cersei doesn’t make it past episode 3.
2. Bran has to get to Jon and share this info. The immediate question isn’t whether it empowers the North but whether it empowers Jon. It really may be more than he can handle right now. (I think that Jon is hoping for a vacation in the Summer Isles.) And based on that interview with IHW, it sounds like Bran doesn’t quite have the complete story (which would be helpful).
3. Heartsbane will eventually need to head North, presumably with Sam. He clearly will not have time to read many of the books in that magnificent library. I’m torn between him finding a reveal about the WWs and one about Jon’s lineage. (Maybe Ashara Dayne is an elderly librarian.) Will Euron head to Oldtown? Will Gilly and her baby have anything to do? I’m stumped.
4. Jorah ends up in Oldtown, just to add my confusion. Brienne and Pod will find the BWB/Hound. Arya will eventually join them.
The WWs are sitting and waiting. Here’s a question about the WWs: how many of them are there? Did the COTF create just one – the Night King? Are the rest of them Craster’s sons?
1. I think there will be a lot of tension between Jaime and Cersei, probably a falling out finally. But I think ultimately she is going to be kicked out by the Dany/Dorne/Tyrell alliance, which already looks far stronger than the forces the Iron Throne controls. (Just the Lannister army and maybe the Stormlands and half of the Riverlands armies?)
2. I think even if Bran tells Jon about his true mother, they won’t discover the father until much later on, during a critical climax of the story. They’ll probably keep his mother a secret, but even then I’m not sure if the loyal North houses will care at this point. They accepted him as a bastard, basically legitimized him vocally. Why would they care that he’s Lyanna’s kid? Lyanna was a beloved daughter of Rickard Stark. Most of the north loved her, and the Mormonts even named a kid after her.
3. Sam is going to bury himself in books and studies, but I’m not sure he will ever finish his training to be a maester before Winter reaches the south. I think his purpose is to discover something in the library, some crucial bit of game changing information that could save everyone.
1. Stalin and Maleficent’s hate child… basically. Soooo Lannister twins murder-suicide is definitely on the menu, right ?
2. If we do get another Stark reunion so soon, maybe Jon will head towards wherever his auntie and firebreathing cousins are and say : “So. I have good news and bad news… Good news : we’re family. Bad news : the human race is about to be destroyed.”
3. Drink and learn things. Maybe find THE CURE. #SamSavesJorah2k17
4. Jorah = heading to OldTown ? (see above).
Brienne = in Winterfell, hiding from the bearfucker.
Podrick = Trying to convince Brienne to stop hiding from the boy she thinks is cute.
The White Walkers = behind a tree, waiting for Uncle Benjen to leave the kids horseless in the middle of nowhere.
Gendry = minding his own business, but The Red One or Littlefinger might want to use him to overthrow Cersei… Maybe he’ll get a comeback alla Rickon = he’s alive ! Wait. No. He’s dead.
I’d really like to see Season 7 borrow a narrative device from The Godfather, Part II and use flashbacks to tell the story of Rhaegar and Lyanna as it runs parallel to the stories of Dany and Jon.
Also, has Eursei been officially coined yet? lol
1) Cersei’s rule will be fueled by getting revenge against those that have wronged her. I see her having an ” off with their heads ” type of rule. There are no allies for the lannisters. Jamie will try to reason her back towards sanity, but this may not work and lead to him killing her.
2) when Bran finds Jon he will tell him, I’m not sure how this will impact jons plans. The north will initially distrust Jon, thus allowing LF an opportunity to insert Sansa and himself into power.
3) As we have seen the history of Westoros through Brans visions, we will learn more through Sam’s findings inside the books of Oldtown. And yes, he will get tanked and put another baby inside Gilly!
4) Jorah was looking for a good dermatologist; Pod and Brieanne were in route to Winterfell; and Gendry is sipping an umbrella drink somewhere.
Thoughts? The void….darkness…the great nothingness until season 7 returns. Lol.
1) Cersei is gonna either make a muck of everything and die to Jaime or Arya or unite the westerland and the now Tyrell-less Reach through fear and tyranny, and possibly a certain Greyjoy alliance involving a great c*ck to combat Danaerys forces and die to her.
2)Bran gonna make a b-line for Winterfell saying howdy to the boys in black–i don’t think the wall will fall,to White Walker grip magic–and tell Jonno what’s what. This will unravel the North for a moment, but will lead to a Starkgaryen alliance and a Sansheon reunion.
3) Wouldn’t be surprised if they pull a Bran and have him gone till season 8 or the finale. But maybe Maester shenanigans wouldn’t hurt. Don’t know what he’ll find in that library that they don’t already know. Unless it is something really dumb like a literal sign pointing to the stocks wildfire in king’s landing or dragonglass in Dragonstone, or just a line stating “dragons, yo. They burn sh*t”, none of which would warrant a trip to the south.
Other than that I don’t know, And it’s exciting!
1. It’s going to be brutal. That look on Jaimie’s face was one of remembering the Mad King, and that shit is going to go down since she’s on the Throne. Jaimie is definitely the Valonqar, who will have to kill the woman he loves to save the more lives.
2. Well we know what that scene meant because of endless R+L=J debates and theories, but does Bran? Did he hear something else, or did he just see his father take a baby from his dying sister? I don’t think that it will unravel or empower the north at all. He has Stark blood regardless, and it will do more to ally Jon to Dany when the time comes, rather than make things worse.
3. He’s still going to go through the training, and end up back at the wall (if it still stands) or grand maester (if it falls).
4.Travel time. Brienne and Pod are on their way back to Winterfell, Jorah is off seeking his cure, and Gendry has lost a paddle and is now just going in circles. Not everyone has teleportation abilities like Varys….
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Madness…Euron Greyjoy is going to be pissed and he’s going to show Cersei he’s big cock. ;)….Not yet. Its going to be like dealing with one Ramey’s mad dogs. You can’t make any sudden movements.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I do think Bran will try to tell him but I wonder if Littlefinger knows and will use this info to try and get Jon out of the north? I think the truth will rock everyone but in the end he’s still a Stark and Ned’s blood still run’s though his veins. They need him to fight the Night King not Sansa and her letter writing skills. And they may can use his new found family to borrow some dragons and keep Aunt Dany from stomping the north into the ground like she’s going to do in the south.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
I think he’s going to find out Jon needs some dragons.
Side Note: I worry what will happen IF Sansa does team back up with Littlefinger against Jon…Think Arya would kill her?
1. Cersie’s time in the throne will be like a “cooked down” and intensified version of the mad king’s, much shorter and much more violent. She will most surely make more enemies by killing/attempting to kill basically anyone who so much as looks at her cross. She will be violent and make awful decisions. Basically she’ll be an overflowing, boiling cauldron of bitter hatred and self righteous rage. I would like to see Jaime take her out but something says Tyrion will be the one to do the deed. She will be taken out though, nobody can survive long with that many enemies pulling together like a pack of ravenous wolves to feast upon their flesh.
2. Bran will tell Jon about his parentage after they reunite in Winterfell. (They fucking better reunite!) The news may initially shake up the north but it seems to me that Jon will “give” Sansa the north. Sansa will then be the Stark that the north rallies behind.
3. Sam will make what will be possibly the most important discovery about westeros/planetos that has been made in thousands of years. He may even be the first Maester to perform “magic” in thousands of years. Maester Lewin didn’t mention that way back in the early seasons for nothing…
4. Brienne and pod are on their way back to Winterfell, Gendry is dead and at the bottom of the sea 😉 and the white walkers are camped out near the wall playing cyvasse waiting for Meera to drag bran through…
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
I think her rule in King’s Landing is very much based on fear. I think the whole city is in a state of shell shock, people might even be fleeing the city. And outside KL I think Cersei’s “rule” is very weak. Dorne and Reach are in war against her, Riverlands is in a state of power vacuum, North and Vale are independent of the Iron Throne, and Iron Isles, well, they are Iron Isles. Westerlands are of course still in Lannister control – and I have a feeling we might see Casterly Rock next season, there was a reason for that namedrop from Daario.
What comes to alliances, I think the strongest possibility for Cersei is Euron. I don’t believe they’ll marry (it’s a possibility though, I guess), but I think Euron is going to invade Reach, so at least they have a common enemy. Then again, Euron’s endgame is Iron Throne so their alliance isn’t on a very steady ground – unless they marry.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
Bran will come south of the Wall, which will be the key for the Night King’s army to pass the Wall (due to the mark). What comes to Jon’s parentage… I really don’t know what are they going to do with that now. Bran knows that Howland knows, so there’s that. But I’m not really sure if any of this will really matter to Jon. His endgame surely won’t be the Iron Throne, because he knows how big of a threat the White Walkers are.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Well obviously he’ll find out something important – there has to be a reason for his journey. At the same time, I think he’ll be there to see Euron sack the city, and perhaps he’ll manage to escape. I’m hoping for Marwyn the Mage, but I’m not sure if he’s needed in the show.
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah has probably just been wondering around, finding the cure. I’d assume he first went to Volantis, and perhaps has now started his journey towards Oldtown. Brienne and Pod… I think they’ll be going towards North. Maybe they’ll see Arya on the way? Or perhaps the BwB and Hound? White Walkers are marching towards the Wall. And Gendry… I’m pretty sure we won’t see him again. What would be his purpose for the story anyway?
Lady J,
Robert’s grandma was a Targ. That’s why Rhaegar spoke of “cousin Robert”. So Gendry is 1/8 Targ.
1. Cirsei will team up with Euron to form a new power couple. Fear will rule the day in KL .
2. The truth about Jon will remain hidden until S8. Unless Howland Reed appears. The north will fight to stop it but the wall will come down.
3. Sam is like a kid at Disney land. Just try to make him leave. He will head back to WF because he knows Gilly will be safe with Jon. He will find out how to defeat the WW
4. Staying Alive…the best way to survive the great game is to keep moving #gendryknowshowtosurvive2016
1.) Cersei’s reign will be short lived and savage.
2.) Bran’s job is to stop the NK. I believe Howland Reed is the one who will deliver the news of Jon’s parentage to Jon. He didn’t send his two children north of the wall to protect Bran for nothing. He knows what’s coming and Jon will need him.
3.) Sam will find out some cool stuff I imagine that will help. I think part of my answer for question #4 can illuminate.
4.) I think Jorah heads straight for Oldtown. Why? If I had greyscale, I’m heading to where the largest concentration of maesters happens to be. Jorah meets Sam. Sam fixes Jorah. Jon has Jorah’s family sword and is the uncle of the best character in Westeros. Sam, Tyrion, and Jorah help in Jon meeting Dany. Sansa is cool with Tyrion because he was always decent to her. Sam and Jorah team up and then crazy stuff happens that leads to Dany and Jon fighting the WW menace together.
If Gendry has some role to play it might fit well next season. There is no legitimate claimant to the Iron Throne and there is a woman on it that no one wants there. So it’s the right time for Robert’s bastard. The question is who finds out and who can support that claim. The only ones who knew that Gendry is Roberts bastard were Ned and Melisandre… Well Melisandre is still alive and she has the Brotherhood.
The most likely scenario will be Cersei marrying Euron. Jamie is going to kill Cersei. It will be Tyrion who saves Jamie from execution from Dany.
I see that by the end of Season 7, every single character will either be in Winterfell with Jon Snow or King’s Landing with Dany.
Once Jon makes a pact with the white walkers…. We will see a battle between the King in the North and the Queen in the South.
For people who don’t think the White Walkers will fight with the North….
1) Thanks to Sam, the North will have enough dragon glass to kill the walkers. This will force the nights king to make a pact.
2) GRRM has always said this is not a battle of good vs evil like LOTR. So the WW being the end game makes no sense.
3) Both the North and South each have natural small councils. It makes no sense to have duplicates if they aren’t going to be fighting each other.
Season 7 is the North vs White Walkers until they merge and Dany vs. Cersei. Season 8 is Dany vs Jon.
We finally get to see what happens when the North doesn’t bend the knee and decides to fight the dragons.
Cock Merchant,
I’m actually thinking Storm’s End will be introduced on Dany and co’s way up to King’s Landing, which would be a good time to reintroduce the last Baratheon heir.
What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Cersei doesn’t have a lot of allies at the moment. Possibly Euron? But I don’t think Jaime will completely give up on her yet. It’ll be a process, and there will be a moment where he has to choose: good Jaime (follow Brienne) or bad Jaime (follow Cersei).
Can the Lannister forces hold off Dany and her armada? Unlikely. But Cercei still has an ace up her sleeve: more wildfire. She only blew up the Sept, but the stashes are supposedly under the Red Keep too. Even if Dany succeeds, will there be a throne left to claim?
I for one would love to see Cersei on the run. Outside of her brief trip to Winterfell way back when, have we ever seen her out of KL?
What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I hope they don’t drag out the big reveal, with so few episodes left. Hopefully Bran makes it past the wall and down to Winterfell. At the Winterfell weirwood tree he learns the rest of the story – that R was the father and perhaps that a marriage took place before the birth. Presumably, she must’ve been “kidnapped” for longer than a few weeks since she gave birth during this time. Howland needs to make an appearance soon too.
I don’t know if the North will care so much (he’s still half-Stark) but Jon will. He loved Ned, and as much as it should be a good thing that he finds out his parentage, it’ll be a blow to find out Ned wasn’t his father.
What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
He’ll learn how to defeat the White Walkers, and then rejoin Jon and gang in time for the final battle. Here’s hoping this doesn’t drag out too long like Braavos/Arya.
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
I don’t believe Jorah will appear next season. The following, maybe. Brienne and Pod should make it back to Winterfell early next season. I suspect S7 will wrap up and bring together a few more story lines and solidify the political landscape in Westeros before the White Walkers breach the wall (which I suspect will be the end of next season, freeing up S8 to focus on the battle for survival).
Gendry now has a strong claim to the throne. He’ll reappear next season – early. Probably reunite with The Hound first. Hopefully to later reunite with Arya, and then the Starks. Remember, Ned tried to help him. Because Dany may see him as a threat. Jon doesn’t aspire to the iron throne, even if he may end up there.
We also don’t know who Gendry’s mom was (unless it’s spelled out in the books). But she has yellow hair…could that mean something? (Long shot I know, but just for fun)
Cock Merchant,
Also, that is probably the story reason that Red was sent south instead of executed. Her and Arya will hopefully reunite with Gendry, and this will right some of Red’s wrongs against the Baratheon name.
Jon Targaryen’s Father confirmed by HBO!
What I mean by #2 is that showrunners wisely used Bran’s visions of ToJ to show audience truth about Jon’s parentage. I don’t think that is the best way for Jon to find out. I think I would rather see showrunners use it as a way to introduce present-day Howland Reed to the audience and make the reveal to Jon of his parentage at the same time. Kill two birds with one stone. Jon finds out who he is and audience gets to have a connection to awesome character we’ve been waiting YEARS to meet.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
I truly don’t think her reign will last long. There just isn’t enough time left in the series for her to put up much of a force. Maybe the Night King will take a liking to her and transform her into his White Walker queen. 😛 I can’t see her retaining much support. She may start out with some bad apples, like Randyll Tarly, but I can see him being one of the first to fall to Daenerys’ sweep. I can’t see Jaime killing her either.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I think he may keep it to himself for a while fearing that it will unravel everything. Maybe he eventually has a vision that forced him to let it be known and it will aid in uniting all of the 7K with he and Daenerys.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
How many years does it typically take for students to become a maester? He doesn’t have the time however long it is. Once he sees that he has little time I bet he focuses everything he has on how to defeat the NK.
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
I hardly ever ship, but I do ship Gendry & Arya, so there’s that relevance for me. It also brings Robert’s words to Ned back around in an unintended way, “I have a son. You have a daughter. We’ll join our Houses.”
Jorah will probably just show up before the endgame looking like Shireen.
Brienne and Pod are simply riding back to Sansa and will get there eventually.
Hiccup Targaryen,
I am not bothered (Jon’s parentage never really did it for me) but it’s a little strange to use a graph after the season for the reveal, right? Maybe, they thought more people would “get it” and when they didn’t, released the graph? I do like the graph. Very useful.
Something to think about with Queen Cersei….
If she and Jamie are actually Targs ( so says the theory)…. Then technically a Targ has always sat on the Iron Throne. Robert Baratheon had Targ blood. So would have all 3 of Cersei’s kids with Jamie.
The Bastard,
I’d really hate it if the story turns out that way. I personally don’t see it going that way, but if it does I believe I’ll be very pissed.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
The citizens should run away from King’s Landing. I really don’t see what the Lannisters could do to defeat Danny & allies, unless Qyburn learnt how to control a dragon. I suppose Jaime will stay by her side because otherwise she would be completely alone. Maybe he will kill her when she tries to burn the rest of the city.
Something must happen before Danny arrives to Westeros. I do expect a Storm and they will loose a part of their army, but Danny’s main weapon are the dragons. I actually expect the Knights of the Vale to leave Winterfell and make an alliance with Danny.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I suppose Meera will have to look for help at the Wall because she won’t be able to move him by herself, so I expect Jon will go to look for him.
Maybe Bran won’t tell Jon until he knows all the story and he will look for Howland Reed.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Sam will learn about Valerian Steel, dragon glass and hear about the arrival of Danny and go to look for her help.
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah will look for Quaithe’s help to cure him, Brienne & Podrick are without horses walking to Winterfel and they will meet The Hound IMO. The White Walkers are getting ready to invade Westeros. Gendry is in the Riverlands with Hot Pie and they will meet Arya next season.
Tycho Nestoris,
It was pretty much a given logically as why else would Kings Guard be at TOJ and not to mention all the foreshadowing in the show but nice to see an explicit confirmation. The only thing I wonder about now is the diagram also shows an “abducted” connection between R & L and no “married” connection. I was always leaning towards they fell in love and secretly married and there is plenty of show foreshadowing to suggest that as well. But in the diagram explicitly shows not married and abducted. Guess we shall see next season…
This isn’t really about the questions but… I love that there are still these nine central characters that have been in the show since the pilot and they’re still around and they’re still the main players in this game: Sansa, Arya, Bran, Jon, Jaime, Cersei, Tyrion, Theon and Dany. Everyone else (except Benjen, more or less) has died, but they’re still around and running the show. It’s funny how the Lannister siblings are a generation older than the others but fit in so well – perhaps that’s due to the fact that their role was to be Tywin Lannister’s children rather than to truly assume their own identity.
Which also leads me to question no. 1…
I think a lot of what’s going to define Cersei’s rule and Jaime’s reaction and actions is about identity. Is this who she truly is? Has she always been this person, has she been broken down to get to this point or has she finally stopped with all pretences and assumed her true self? A lot of commenters and reviewers have mentioned how she has finally gained what she always wanted – power and self-determination – and yet has lost everything in the process. Is there any humanity left after what she has done? Was there any beforehand or has it been destroyed by what she has done?
Can Jaime still cut himself loose from Cersei? He has always been defined by what others expected of him – he made massive, life-altering decisions to please Cersei and be with her, he was his father’s golden heir and subsequently the disappointment, he pledged his life to the Kingsguard at seventeen, etc. so almost all choices have always been made for him… except the choice to kill Aerys of course… – and there have been very few glimpses of the Real Jaime, if he even exists. He has never really lived life without his sister’s presence to guide his decisions and he tends to mold himself to whatever people he loves need him to be and want him to be. It’d be interesting to see him actually assume his own identity and to discover his motivation beyond ‘Cersei needs me to do this/I need to return to Cersei’. What’s his objective?
I think understand why the show kept him at Cersei’s side and did not have him cut ties before, as much as his narrative arc has irritated me since season 3 ended, because the long-lasting devotion to her is going to make the upcoming fall-out that their last scene introduced even bigger.
That said… I’m not sure if the show is going to delve into it so much but this is all I can think of when I’m considering the ‘Jaime kills Cersei 2k17’ theory… it sounds awesome and I’ve been waiting for it for years but to think that it might actually truly happen within a few episodes blows my mind. It has always been kind-of there, in an abstract Shakesparean sense, as something that would make dramaturgic sense and be full of dramatic irony, but to actually HAVE IT HAPPEN or to at least get to the point where it might as well happen is huge to me. I don’t know if anyone feels the same way. It’s just so unbelievably tragic. I really want it to happen but also really not just because of how terrible it would be? But also how epic?
I’ll stop rambling now, but that situation is doing my head in because there’s just no good outcome at all, certainly not for Cersei, and there is no way I can see Jaime not be broken by this.
1. Cersey’s reigh might be longer than it looks at the moment. She might team with or even marry to Euronmight play a weird Francis Dreak and cause a big problem to Daeny’s Armada.
2. Bran will meet Jon pretty soon. He was left ingodswoodMeera outside the CB, so Meera will go there for help or some watcher will simply come out of the bushes. Then Bran will go to Jon. Littlefinger may play a major role in confirming R+L as well as the fact of their marriage. BTW, we haven’t found out who was LF’s friend in the North and that friend will probably play some role in the northern plot too.
3. Sam’s discovery will probably be based on identification of some spelling error. Gilly might be involved too (see/sea).
4. Thoros will replace Mel as a red priest in the North. Arya and Sandor will go to KL for Cersey and the Mountain and team up with Jamie.
1. Cersei’s reign can’t be long unless Dany will be sailing for hole season. Since Lannisters have no allies, they’re doomed. Valonqar is Jaime.
2. Important think is why it mattered for Bran to know about Jon. Probably he will see more and realize that Jon is prince that was promised and that he is the weapon against the night king. But I think, Howland Reed will break the news to Jon. And He will feel he can’t be KITN. But what do I know? I really expected He would decline the title.
3. They know that dragonglass and Valyrian steal kill WW, so Sam must find something else. Maybe some prophecies? He won’t have time for drinking with all those books around.
Brienne and Pod may be on their way back to North.
White Walkers are like winter, it’s coming but it will take a while. Before that they need to do so much. If wall is going down, it will go down in the end of the next season.
Gendry? He was the one who got hit by bell.
+ Did Vale declare indepence and their king is Sweetrobin, or did they choose Jon as their king as well? And will Arya have some of LSH’s storyline? Don’t feel like she’s going to North immediately, there are more Freys for sure. If Rivermen rebel again will they side with North? Since Jon is not Cat’s son.
Sam might found out how to make Valyrian Steel….
1. It will be a short-lived one. I think Euron will approach her instead and they’ll form an alliance. Jaime probably will at the very end of next season. It would be too easy if he eliminated a threat that quickly!
2. He will definitely let Jon know or have someone else tell him. It might be an issue for the North at first. Jon is a humble person after all. It might even be hard to accept unless there’s some actual evidence or person to do some convincing.
3. He’s bound to find some useful information out amongst all those books. Maybe about the white walkers or the cure for greyscale.
4. Off camera and happy to still be alive!
Hiccup Targaryen,
“It was pretty much a given logically as why else would Kings Guard be at TOJ and not to mention all the foreshadowing in the show”
For the forum folks and book club, yes I agree. I can’t speak for everyone but my bro is unsullied and after ep he thought Robert was the R in R+L until he asked some questions and thought more about it. It may just not have clicked with everyone immediately. I saw Sixth Sense with knowledge that the twist was, “He’s dead (not who specifically, just “he”) and I still didn’t get immediately.
I agree about the abduction. It’ll be fun to see if that plays out further. I don’t see enough time for the Jon/Iron Throne angle but maybe “trueborn” is important for other reasons (fireproof?).
1. Cersei will use Frankenmountain to terrorize the populace of King’s Landing. Her reign will be a freefall into ever-increasing incompetence, violence, and paranoia. I think we’ll see her first worrying about the Dorne-Tyrell alliance, then getting news of the impending Dany-Tyrion landing, and we’ll watch her make ever-more-stupid-and-terrible decisions, until Jaime finally kills her. That look he was giving her at the end of the episode was definitely the look you give to that person you’ve been completely infatuated with, but then discover is actually a total asshole. Things are not going to end well.
2. Jon’s parentage is most significant in terms of the Dany/dragon plot, so that’s where it will become important. The North will continue to follow him because he’s a Stark – clearly they don’t care that he’s a bastard, that he broke his oaths, or, ultimately, that he let the Wildlings in. Seems a bit far-fetched to imagine that they’d be angry enough to throw the North back into chaos over a Targaryen paternity. They’ve got bigger problems to worry about, imminently bearing down on them from north of the Wall.
The fact that Jon’s a Targaryen will be significant primarily in reunifying the North and the southern kingdoms in the face of the White Walkers. Not sure exactly how the reveal will play out, but Bran will travel south to Winterfell next season. Maybe they summon Howland Reed to verify the story. The whole situation will be well spiced with Littlefinger’s machinations – I have to hope that Sansa will retain enough integrity to play LF and eventually kill him, instead of allowing herself to be manipulated into starting a Stark civil war.
3. Sam will discover the secret of how to extract that piece of obsidian from the Night King and ultimately destroy the power of the WW. Bonus: Gilly’s literacy and enthrallment with learning new things pay off when Sam somehow circumvents the cranky librarian and sneaks her in, and she’s the one who actually finds the solution, while Sam is distracted by fascinating but irrelevant books on other topics.
4. Brienne and Pod, the Hound, and the Brotherhood spent the final episode making their way, offscreen, towards a meeting that will occur at the start of next season. Arya will eventually meet up with them too. Mel will eventually reach the Brotherhood and will carry news of Jon’s resurrection south – she may become his prophet, rallying people to his cause, and/or she may be the major conduit by which news of Jon eventually reaches Dany and crew. It’s significant that she’s gone south, and her first stop will be the Brotherhood. The White Walkers are keeping an eye on Bran and waiting for him to go through the Wall so that they can follow. Jorah’s stumbling around trying to find a cure, but he’ll fail, and will bring greyscale to Westeros to add to the chaos of the dragon invasion and the ice apocalypse.
This is what happened to Gendry!!!
Tycho Nestoris,
EDIT: nvm about fireproof, that’s got nothing to do with marriage lol. Unless, the prophecy says the SoIaF have to be married. IDK
Ha I am thinking something more like this:
Cersei assumes the role of lead villain. She and Qyburn institute a reign of terror on anyone and everyone she even suspects of disloyalty. This drives Jaime away. In the end when KL set upon by the weight of the Dany allies at her doorstep she tries to go full Mad Queen and light the rest of the wild fire caches. Jaime has to repeat his history and fulfill the Valonquar prophecy.
I think the show is going to go for some kind of IMO dumb storyline pitting Sansa against Jon and LF using that to his advantage. I think Bran somehow arrives just in time to reveal his information to them both maybe in the presence of Howland Reed who confirms everything which ends the manufactured feud and results in the end of LF.
Sam’s taking Heartsbane is a huge “hung gun” for his storyline. He learns more about Valyrian steel, dragon glass, and the history of NW, WW and the Starks. I imagine he will be interacting with a “Marwyn” like character to explore the greater mysteries while all the other Maester’s mock his stories as fairy tails.
Now that the season has ended I also wonder what happened to the original teaser line from Bran when he says “They have no idea what’s going to happen” That line never appeared in the episodes. Maybe that was a one off just for the teaser? Going to be a very long 10 months…
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like?
More powerful than it should be.
Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters?
No one should. What does Cersei have to offer? A marriage? She’s just proved that allying with the Lannisters through a dynastic marriage won’t save you from death by wildfire. So there’s literally no upside to being on her side, and no downside to opposing her, because she’s going to kill you anyway.
Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow?
Tell him.
Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I doubt R+L=J will ever become public knowledge. The revelation will be a purely personal one for Jon.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown?
Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Sadly, no.
At the moment I’m obsessively exploring Greek tragedy, Shakespeare and hubris in the world of ASOIAF, so my take on your questions would be this:
1. Cersei obviously is our new Queen MacBeth. So of course her reign will be a reign of terror, but she cannot die before she has a glimpse of the demons she’s been suckling. I hope they follow through with theie Throne of Blood theme and shoot her only wrapped in shadows.
2. Is Bran the third dragon rider? if this is his endgame then the whole telling Jon stuff should be over quickly as they have to get him to where Dany is. Bran will forever be wary of hubris after being responsible for Hodor, so according to my pet theory he will spend the last episodes being productive in terms of the narrative.
3. Sam. Sam will have to dig up some secrets, maybe why the children were so threatened by the Andals (I say agriculture, hence the ice magic)? I think Sam will take on so.e sort of messenger role, informing the other characters of their impending doooom.
4. Gendry is dead already. Sorry. So is Jorah. In my dreams Tormund, Brienne and Arya go to Tarth and found the Westerosi School of General Badassery. But Arya will not survive (Shakespeare teaches us that you MUST NOT bake your enemy’s children into pies and feed them to him. Bad idea in terms of narrative karma), so it’ll be a Tormund and Brienne and roast chicken situation. I can live with that, too. Pod will have to be paid off for his loyalty and commitment. I wish him a sandsnake and a nice dig by the sea. The Hound will find redemption in religion, I’m calling it. He’s going to be the Jessie Custer of Westeros.
And the White Walkers … they will be gone but Sam the blithering idiot will write a detailled history of the Wars of Winter and some other idiot will create new whites a few centuries later.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
It will be terrifying yet entertaining.
Nobody. Unless Euron is bored building his ships or something.
Of course.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I think he won’t tell him immediately. Bran will plant his ass in the Winterfell godswood to get confirmation on who the father is (and maybe on whether there was a wedding or not). I doubt the North will stop following Jon though. They elected him despite being a bastard and he still has Stark blood and with the support of someone like Bran he should be good. Jon basically needs to meet Dany on the same level in terms of rank. Bran will tell Jon or make the news public when it is absolutely necessary.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Read and hopefully discover how to make Valyrian Steel.
4. Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Playing fetch with Ghost and Nymeria.
The scenes in early episodes of the starving, angry populace actually attacking the royal family in the streets are harbingers of things to come in Kings Landing under Cersei’s rule. Unless she and Jaime can find stashes of gold somewhere with which to buy supplies for the city, and actually use that money to aid the people, I think that utter mayhem is a foregone conclusion. They might have been able to broker another loan from the Iron Bank, but the last deal with the IB was brokered by Mace, who is now permanently indisposed. The city will descend to chaos.
After seeing that look of shock on Jaime’s face while viewing her coronation, I at first thought he would be totally disapproving, maybe even taking the army and leaving her; after a review of a scene from Ep 6, I don’t think he’ll leave or disapprove. He might even be in admiration that she had the nerve to get the job done:
JAIME: He’s sending me to deal with the Blackfish. Apparently Walder Frey can’t manage it on his own because he’s 400 years old. He’s sending me with an army to the Riverlands in a siege that could last months.
CERSEI: Better you’re elsewhere at the head of an army than in the Sept’s dungeons.
JAIME: I’m not going to the Riverlands.
CERSEI: What then?
JAIME: I’m going to give Bronn the largest bag of gold anyone has ever seen, have him gather the best killers in Westeros, take them to the Sept and I’ll remove the High Sparrow’s head and every other Sparrow head I can find.
CERSEI: You can’t.
JAIME: He has our son, he stole our son! He’s torn our family apart. How should we treat people who tear us apart?
CERSEI: We should treat them without mercy, and we will. But if you kill the High Sparrow you won’t leave the Sept alive, and without you, this is all for nothing. Stand at the head of our army, where you belong, where father wanted you. Show our men where their loyalties belong, show them what Lannisters are and what we do to our enemies. Take that stupid little castle back, because it’s ours, and because we can.
JAIME: You will stand trial soon. I need to be here for you.
CERSEI: It will be a trial by combat. I have the Mountain. They’ve made us both stronger, all of them. They have no idea how strong we are, no idea what we are going to do to them. (Kisses) We’ve always been together, we’ll always be together. We’re the only two people in the world.
“We are the only two people in the world.” That’s how she views the world, she’s concerned with meeting the needs of her and Jaime, especially now that all her children are gone. Jaime will be saddened by the death of Tommen, but mostly resigned to it. He might disapprove of the collateral damage, but generally deadened to its impact. That little light of goodness that shines when he’s near Brienne is always extinguished in Cersei’s presence. If he overcomes Cersei’s influence, I will be very surprised. Maybe Bronn will convince him to run for safety when the people revolt, or maybe Bronn will just run to save himself. But I think having Cersei and Jaime go out in a blaze of glory together will be the end shown for them. When he killed the Mad King, he delayed his destiny for a few years, but maybe death by wildfire was always his destiny.
At any rate, I think conditions will be ripe for Dany to come to the rescue, especially with food from Olenna.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Well hello, Euron…
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I see Bran and Meera seeking out Meera’s dad (Howland Reed). They’ve got a higher calling to respond to and getting waylaid at Winterfell would be complicated, given Bran is the legit heir. As noted above, HR is the missing piece of Bran’s vision puzzle and they wouldn’t have included him in the flashback, or introduced Meera and Jojen as his kids if they weren’t going to bring him in somehow. He might also be the bearer of the intel that gives us insight into why Jon’s parentage is important for the overall plot.
On the subject of Starks…. I can’t be the only one noticing the parallels between Jon and Aegon I… In the show version, when Arya was hanging out with Tywin at Harrenhall, they talk about the conquest and Arya reminds Tywin that it wasn’t just Aegon who conquered the 7 Kingdoms – he did it with his two badass sister-wives by his side. So… Jon has two pretty badass sister-cousins, amirite? It’s a bit of a departure from what everyone’s been speculating, but maybe a three-headed wolf faces down the three-headed dragon?
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
He’s going to find some long-lost prophesy that a Living Son of the Wildling Craster will be the key to the NK’s defeat… which would explain why Craster kept sending his baby sons to the WWs… Baby Sam saves Westeros!
For good measure..
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Earlier in the show they took the time to point out that Shireen’s grayscale was cured, so I call that a foreshadowing of Jorah’s salvation, as it serves no other purpose.
Awww. nooo. I kind of like the theory I’ve read here and other places that he’s instrumental in forging Valyrian steel. I’ve always thought of him living happily in some little town, avoiding red-heads. And if Jorah dies, Pigeon will have apoplexy and the headlines in her town will read “Game of Thrones character causes seizures!”
That works too. 😉 Hey, ya gotta have a sense of humor, right? *nods*
1. Queen Cersei is an incestuous, amoral sociopath, one who now rules by absolute fear and control, marked by paranoia and isolation, and unshackled from the children than kept her grounded. Worst, she is not as smart as she thinks she is – a trait that Lady Olenna and Tywin, her father, snidely remarked. They should know – they are formidable leaders of their houses who can spot weakness from a mile. Her rule will bear the same cruelty and capriciousness that she employed to sit on the Iron Throne. She is now queen of the ashes (ironically, not Littlefinger). The city and kingdom will spiral. Which is good – it will be ripe for the taking. Enter, Varys.
2. Euron Greyjoy will ally with the Lannisters. He can’t have Daenerys, so he will make for Cersei to sit on the throne. His fleet will be sent to intercept the Dragon/Serpent/Rose armada. Two unhinged rulers together make for an awesome Season 7. I would like to see Lena Heady and Pilou Asbek toe to toe on the same space!
3. Jamie, by nature, I think is noble. He killed the Mad King and sent his reputation to ruin to save a whole lot of ungrateful people. He will confront his big sister. And kills her. Maggie says I told you so. UNLESS, Arya kills Tyrion, slices his face, wears it, and then gets close enough to Cersie and kills her; thereby, knocking off a name on her list and fulfilling the prophesy in a very tragic way. Maggie says, I sort of told you so.
4. Bran needs to get his ass south of the border. Then he can tell everyone. Bran is the legitimate Warden of the North, while Jon has the stronger claim for the Iron Throne, as Rhaegar’s son. He becomes a unifying figure – north-south hybrid that would unify Westeros against the Night King. Then maybe he marries his Auntie Dany. Unless he prefers Cousin Sansa, the new Lady of the Vale, when she marries and kicks Littlefinger thru the moondoor.
5. Sam will keep playing with his sword. He may end up as Grand Maester Sam under King Jon Targaryen, or as the new Lord of the Reach, since the Tyrells have all been but decimated. That would show his father. He will legitimize Gilly’s son Sam Snow as his own.
6. Jorah is somewhere looking for venture capital to jumpstart a gene therapy start up for greyscale.
7. Brienne and Podrick are still rowing.
8. The White Walkers are still walking.
9. Gendry Waters is still rowing. Unless he was in the vicinity of the Sept of Baelor shining shoes. Then he’s burnt toast. (Side note, it would be cool if he is brought back and legitimized in the end, to head and restart the now extinct Baratheons)
Ser Gerold Dayne,
Gendry came up because it’s the last question in the article – albeit a piss take =)
1) Cersei’s reign? I’m going to go with Not Good. Unless, of course, your name is Qyburn or Ser Gregor. They will remain loyal, along with the little birds, and everyone else in the city will be cowed into fearful obedience. Anyone who is her enemy, or is perceived by Cersei to be her enemy, needs to watch out. And the burning of the Sept of Baelor will serve as a warning to those who seek to challenge her. Cersei’s reign will be brutal but short. Daenerys sails for Westeros, and Cersei has neither the men nor the magic to defeat her army and her dragons. Jaime is the valonqar and will ultimately be driven to kill his sister as he was the Mad King. Again, I doubt he will be thanked for it, and it may not even happen in KL. He may forcibly withdraw her to Casterly Rock. But, in the end, it will not matter. Cersei will die (I think towards the end of season 7) and Jaime will be the one to do the deed.
2) BenjenHands seemed to drop Bran and Meera off close to the Wall (it is in the background if you look closely at the opening shot through the trees). I would guess that they pass through it early season 7 and that by this point Edd would know that Jon has been named KitN. That, plus Edd being able to advise that Sansa is with Jon, makes me think Bran will head south to Winterfell. It would seem that while Bran has identified Lyanna as Jon’s mother, he has not yet identified his father – perhaps he will send a raven south to Greywater Watch to summon Howland to Winterfell to meet his daughter and help solve this mystery. Bran knew that the 3 eyed raven was showing him important things – there had to be a reason for him to take Bran to the ToJ, and once Bran realizes that, he will understand that Jon and his parentage may be important to the forthcoming war. I think he will tell Jon what he knows – after all, he probably realizes that Jon does not even know his mother’s name – the interesting thing will be how Jon and others around him react to the news. If he is still at Winterfell, then LF will undoubtedly see it as an opportunity to unseat the newly-named KitN. I DID find Lyanna Mormont’s choice of words interesting. She said that Ned’s blood ran in Jon’s veins – a callback to both the books, in which Ned told Cat that “Jon is my blood, and that is all you need to know” and the show, in which upon their parting Ned said to Jon “The Starks have manned the Wall for thousands of years. And you are a Stark. You might not have my name, but you have my blood”. I see the R part of RLJ being revealed next season. Bran may have another vision to reveal this, or we could find out via Howland. Either way, I think Jon will be in full possession of the basic facts regarding his parentage BEFORE he meets Daenerys, and that he will struggle over whether or not to reveal it to her. And that is a meeting I see taking place either in the last episode of season 7 or the first episode of season 8.
3) Sam has to find out something significant, otherwise it is a plot hole of epic proportions! I would guess at something relating to the previous Long Night, or the CotF and their “Pact” with man. With Daenerys seemingly heading for Dorne or the Reach (Varys appears to have signed up Olenna, Ellaria and the Sand Snakes to her cause) then perhaps Sam – who identified along with Jon that dragonsteel and dragonglass was used to kill WW – could find out more information on the WW and how to kill them, before meeting up with Daenerys.
As for those missing…………….I like the idea that Jorah will turn up in Oldtown seeking aid from the maesters. We appear to be done with Essos, as Daenerys has left Meereen and Arya has departed Braavos, so it would make sense for the remaining two seasons to take place in and around Westeros. It would be good to see Jorah again, and to wrap up his story arc. I would guess that either he turns up in Oldtown seeking assistance and inadvertently starts a greyscale epidemic, or he rejoins Daenerys having miraculously found some sort of cure through Rhllor (like Book!Victarion did for his non-greyscale arm issue).
Brienne and Pod are, I think, still travelling through the Riverlands. I would like to see an early season 7 reunion between the two of them, Arya, and the group that Sandor Clegane is travelling with. They can all head for Winterfell. LF said that word of the recapture of the castle would spread quickly, and I would love for Arya to get some good news about her family for a change!!!
Gendry………I sadly think that he is still rowing, but if he could reappear somewhere convenient and interact with existing characters (I would prefer Arya, but am open to suggestions) then I think he could have a role to play. He knows about smithing and weapons and that could be useful.
White Walkers – their CGI budget was maxed out, and so they are resting within a PC ready to create as much mayhem as Malcolm did in Buffy season 1. Or, more likely, they are biding their time and waiting for Bran to do something silly again. Like cross beneath the Wall and carry the NK’s mark to enable them to pass in the same way they entered the cave.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Queen Cersei’s reign will be short and bloody. She will terrorize anybody she suspects of being her enemy. The Lannisters won’t have that many allies when Dany lands in Westeros. Jaime will have to stop Cersei from destroying everything.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I think he will try to tell Jon through the Weirnet somehow. I don’t know if it will unravel because they chose Jon because of his bravery and leadership.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
The show will have Sam find out more about the WW.
Sam will need some strong cider after digging through those stacks. After a long day of research, Sam will seek out a local pub and knock back a few. 🙂
@Cock Merchant
“The only ones who knew that Gendry is Roberts bastard were Ned and Melisandre… Well Melisandre is still alive and she has the Brotherhood.”
Don’t you think Littlefinger and Varys knew about him too ? Anyway, he’ll probably be some highly inflammable pawn next season…
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah the Explorer maybe headed towards Volantis to find a Red Priest/ Priestess to cure him.
BriPod are somewhere in the Riverlands trying not to be killed.
The WWs were slowly marching to the Wall.
Gendry still rowing out there somewhere and will run into Dany’s fleet. 🙂
Why would Bran do that? He knows he’s marked now and what that means.
1. I think the reign of Cersei is doomed. With only her and the psychotic Qyburn (she’s killed everyone else!) not to mention the abomination that is The Mountain I can’t see her so-called rule lasting very long. As far as allies I can think of none save for what’s left of the hapless Frey army. The Lannisters still have a formidable force with Jamie at the helm but I don’t think they will last long against Daenarys and her dragons.
As far as Jamie, I think he might just take the Black. Lord knows they could use him!
2. Bran will arrive at Castle Black shortly and on to Winterfell. I feel that the truth of Jon’s lineage will be empowering in the endgame with his being a Targaryan allied with his aunt Daenarys to fight the White Walkers.
3. I hope Sam’s education goes as swiftly as Varys’ time travel. They can really use a maester in the north. As for the cider, I think Sam will have his hands full going to school and being a parent.
4. There were a few characters noticibly absent from the finale (except Gendry). We know that Jorah is off to find the wizard…I would like to see nothing more than him at the head of Daenarys’ army. There is also the Mormont connection to consider in his ties to the north. I think Brienne, Podrick, Gendry, Mellisandre and Arya will all meet up with the BWB’s. A kind of a lightning rod for loose ends.
All I can say is looking forward to next season, next book….I may just take on A Feast with Dragons!
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Cersei will rule with fear. Since Westeros is such a mess and she needs allies, I could absolutely see her making the same promise to Euron Dany made to Yara. Ironborn freedom. Euron wants it all-and he might make that alliance-for a minute. I also think it’s possible-unless that actor needs to go do Orphan Black-that Daario will join Cersei or Euron against Dany. That was a hard break up.
Maybe she’ll take hostages and force lords to follow her. I really don’t put much past her at this point.
She isn’t very good at ruling-she actually hates people-so it won’t last long. But it will be memorable. She’ll either bomb KL with wildfire so Dany can’t enjoy it and hole up in Casterly Rock…or die beside the throne.
Jaime. I hate that everyone expects him to kill her and/or die with her. I want him to go wandering. He can’t choose who he loves, but he can choose what path he wants to take. There are SO MANY characters who’d love to kill Cersei. Let them do it.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North? He doesn’t know the whole truth yet-and that’s a tough question. I think Jon would be heartbroken to learn Ned isn’t his father, but the information of what and who he is is vital to the story.
I can’t even guess-but I hope they give us all the info and the tourney and KotLT etc
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider? Valyrian Steel, Secrets the Citadel has about dragons and histories-maybe even family histories. I think that library looked like heaven-a treasure trove of info. Also I hope he becomes a wizard.
For good measure..
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah-obeying his khaleesi and finding a cure.
Brienne and Podrick-I don’t know but they’re in a rowboat and I’m scared.
WW-waiting for Bran to go through the darn Wall already.
Gendry-Oldtown or Riverlands heading North. OR in a twist-he showed up at the Wall bloody and scarred and looking like he’s seen some shit. He’s also got a wagon load of obsidian. Edd let him take the black and without a word he headed to the forge to start making weapons he learned about on his travels.
He’ll be there when Arya’s brother Bran arrives and Meera will notice his biceps.
Ser Gerold Dayne,
Neither was Benjen or the Blackfish until this year either (or for that matter Osha and Rickon). I think it is part in jest and part in wanting to know what happened. And yes, they will bring him back if they feel like it. At least in the books, Davos put Edric on a proper ship. Dying of dehydration and sun exposure in a row boat on the sea would not be the best way to go. Maybe the leeches were not so bad after all. 🙂
There is one question, curiously, that nobody is asking. Is the Blackfish really dead? We did not see him die or see his body. Edmure is back in captivity, Frey and his 2 oldest sons are dead, so who is in charge at Riverrun? A few men loyal to the Blackfish could well have faked his death and allowed him to escape less visibly than Brienne and Pod, leaving him free to join the Brotherhood or whatever.
I believe in one of the tales of A Dance of Dragons one young lady feeds sheep to a dragon until she could tame and ride it. And the dragon was named Sheepeater or something like that. So, if the tale is true, it is not impossible for a non-Targaryen to ride a dragon.
I do see Cercei marrying Euron as I think that the Iron Throne is what it’ll take for him to pledge his allegiance. I wonder if Euron has the dragon binder horn? Can he control dany’s Dragons? Would make things a bit more even. I guess they also would have the Freys and the Tarly’s on side? I don’t think Jaime can kill Cercei even if he wanted to. it’s a twisted poisonous unhealthy relationship, but it’s the only love he’s known. I think this wildfire plotwill cause a final rift between them and he’ll understand Cercei sent him away so she could do this unhindered and he’ll keave KL. but to do what? Join Brienne? Do something honourable? Can see him at a new location we’ve not seen yet, as lord of Casterly Rock. I think he’ll follow Cercei into death but they’ll be seperated.
I think Tyrion is he little brother who’ll end Cercei.
Regarding Bran, Jon and his parentage. I still don’t think we’ve seen everything yet- the events of the tourney at Harrenhal; the mystery of Ashara Dayne and her pregnancy-getting to see Rhaegar and Lyanna together, I think it was a consensual elopement. Bran has to get the full story before he meets Jon again- might be a long wait by that tree… The wall wont fall as bran crosses, it’ll be cgi worthy of end of season finale is my guess.
Young matches are needed for future generations! So I totally ship Arya and Gendry (maybe legitimised by the crown as a reward for an awesome deed- maybe saving Brienne at the crossroads?).
Can see Sam’s dad and brother dying in battle and Sam and Gilly becoming Lord and Lady of house Tarly’s. Not sure he’ll have time to become a maester but Sam’ll learn some important secret. He is smart and also has a gift for speaking and he could be useful in key negotiations.
1. I’m super excited to see Mad Cersei but she has no army, allies, or dragons to keep her power. There’s only so much wildfire to use as punishment. I think we will finally get the strainedjaine-Cersei relationship. It will eventually come to him killing her but not sure what precipiates it. But I can assume he’s not happy about Tommen’s death.
2. I guess Bran will realize Jon is AA and is theonly hope. Jon will have to give up KITN and let Sansa become queen.
3. Sam probably won’t get much screentime. Probably a montage of reading and potions (like Arya’s training). Then a lightbulb goes off and he realizes how to kill the Others.
4. Gendry, Brienne, and Pod = rowing. Jorah = Asshai.
White Walkers = too expensive to do the CGI for one more ep.
Oh that would be so amazingly cool!!! Can’t wait – hope you do it soon coz once school starts my reading time drastically drops….
Ser Gerold Dayne,
Its just a recurring joke that makes lots of people smile. No harm done.
I agree with you that them going to Howland is a good possibility – but how in the devil are they supposed to get there unless they do stop at Winterfell to get a wagon and some help? I thought that maybe Bran could send a mind-message to Jon or even to someone at the Wall to come get them, or that someone from the NW would find them under the Weirwood and get them to the Wall, but after that, unless they have help, they are stuck.
I’ve seen several people mention that “the mark” (Night King/Bran) will be how the army of the dead will be able to pass through the wall.
I don’t think it’s going to be that easy. We don’t know that the magic in the wall is the same magic that protected the home of the 3-eyed raven. Yes it’s reasonable to assume it could be, but it hasn’t been established that it is.
Plus, the previous mark or connection happened while Bran was physically in the tree. I don’t think he’ll make that mistake again once south of the wall, and we don’t know if that one “mark” was like a season pass to follow Bran wherever.
Plus, why have Benjen mention special magic if it was already defeated? Benjen must’ve known about the tree and presumably how the WWs were able to infiltrate. He’d been working with the Children and the 3-eyed raven, right? Or at least Bran/Meera would have mentioned how the tree-stronghold was breached? And if Bran thought the mark would give WWs free reign to pass through the wall, wouldn’t he stay north?
Also, I really (really) cannot imagine that B&W + GGRM wouldn’t take an opportunity to crash down the wall. I mean, that would be epic TV!
I also believe the finale for next season will be when the WWs make it south of the wall, by whatever means. Then S8 becomes the battle for humanity.
Good King Joffrey’s Warty Penis,
Did you see how many fricking books were in that library? Oh yeah, there is stuff they do not know. I can see Sam being me as a research assistant tho – staring with one book, reading something interesting that leads to another book and so on and so on till he forgets where he started. Its a wonder I graduated (but Sam will do better than that, probably find how Valaryian steel works, how to control dragons, and where to find more dragon glass…
Lol, that’s some imaginative thinking – I always figured that Sam would find something in those books that would open up the secrects of the WW and the Night King, but totally forgot about old Craster and the deal he made with them. That a Craster son could be an answer could be the key, who knows right now. I like the theory of him studying about Heartsbane, too.
Only one thing: I just hope he doesn’t get so caught up in his studying that he totally neglects Gilly and Little Sam, to the point where Gilly is abandoned to fend for herself. The way Sam just kind of waved her off, in his hurry to get to the library, didn’t bode well for her future. Wouldn’t it be a twist if he’s so lost in his Nerd cloud, he forgets them – and then finds out Little Sam is an answer but can’t find them? He left Heartsbane with her, didn’t he? What if someone steals it from her?
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
It’ll look like an absolute shit show. I doubt anybody allies with the Lannisters, except possibly Randyll Tarly if he’s offered Highgarden and Lord Paramount of the Reach, and whoever the hell takes over House Frey if Arya didn’t release Lord Edmure and House Frey actually tries to maintain control of the Riverlands without Jaime’s help.
Jaime is definitely going to confront her. She’s going to be backed into a corner when Daenerys gets there with an overwhelming landing party and will be strongly tempted to burn down the rest of the city.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
Bran was heading to Winterfell one way or another. The heart tree will be his base of operations from now until the end most likely. I have no idea what the revelation means for the North. I’m tempted to say it won’t make much difference, especially since they seemed to be following the man more than the name anyway. Robb inherited his title. Jon fought for it and earned it. Hopefully, the fact he’s half Targaryen will make for a more palatable alliance with Daenerys since my hunch on the North/South thing is that can seriously be held up by lingering resentment from Theon and Yara ravishing the North all of like two years ago.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
His story may be the biggest mystery. It seems super important for reasons in the books, but we’ve seen none of it so far. It’s the only storyline that hasn’t caught up and given how much they changed every storyline, who knows what they’ll keep and discard? I just hope he doesn’t get attacked by Tarly forces coming to get Heartsbane back and doesn’t have to send Gilly away.
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
I’m starting to think we’ll never get an answer on Gendry. He’s out chilling somewhere with Salladhor Saan and Stannis’ lost navy from Hardhome.
Jorah is probably in Volantis, biggest city and seemingly the best place to look for a cure. Red priests there might be able to help. Brienne and Pod and the Brotherhood should be en route to Winterfell but clearly don’t have Littlefinger’s travel resources, so may not show up until a few episodes into season 7.
Walkers are about to rain down hard. Winter is their time. They bring the storm and the wall is weak. I’m not even sure if Jon will try to send reinforcements up there or just consolidate all northern forces to fight at Winterfell. Their home base, the original tree where the Children created the Night King, is pretty far north, well beyond any place we’ve actually seen somewhere near the crystal fortress place where they were converting Craster’s sons, probably a week’s march for the army of the dead from there to the wall, but maybe only a few days since they don’t need to sleep. I suppose they’re just waiting for now, but I doubt there is anyone left to kill north of the wall unless Craster’s wives are still hanging out somewhere.
I was thinking this as well. Sam and Jorah are both in search of knowledge and likely have much in common. I think they help each other find what they are looking for and I can see that knowledge being pivotal for much that happens as the story reaches its conclusion
Ser Gerold Dayne,
I agree while its fun to create memes and joke about rowing …its painfully obvious his purpose has been fulfilled and not important to the end game..
Elio who co wrote the book confirmed that in order to ride a Dragon you need to have right drop of valyrian may be targ but if you don’t have the right drop you won’t ride she had right drop of valyrian blood and dany had too hence why she succeeded when others failed birthing dragons..we have to see if anyone else has ..
Regarding dawn in another post..iam surprised myself that show is including it ..we have to see where it leads with it in the coming seasons
The Bastard,
WOW! I hadn’t thought about Euron joining Cersei – otherwise what is he going to do? They must have introduced him for a reason this season… Great food for thought!
And Maggie the frog said that the younger queen would take all that she holds dear, which I thought would have just been her children, so I’m wondering what is left that she holds dear?? Jaime? Creepy Qyburn? Zombie Hercules?
The world needs Rick Grimes!
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
I think it will look like fire and brimstone. I suspect that Euron, finding that Theon and Yara have got to Dany first, will ally with Cersei instead, after sacking OldTown. Possibly they will marry, but I think that it will all be shortlived and KL will burn…. when Dany arrives or possibly before. Don’t forget that Tyrion knows about the other caches of wildfire, and he may send in someone on a suicide mission to blow everything up. Hopefully Obara because if I have to watch that jutty chin any further I will scream. I do think though that Jaime will be the one to axe Cersei. That look he gave her was definitely valonqar material!
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I think he will tell him, but I don’t think that what he currently knows will sway anything… Lyanna was much loved and is constantly referred to as very Stark. It is when the Targ link is exposed that it may become an issue, but then it will be too far down the line for the North to turn against him. It will however cause some soul searching for Jon
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
LOL I really hope we see a tipsy Sam… hilarious. I think he will survive Euron’s visit (I think that the Citadel will not be ransacked), Jorah will turn up and Sam will have discovered some way to cure him… maybe this is linked to the big discoveries that everyone expects him to make about the WW and dragons
For good measure..
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah- on his way to Oldtown. He knows that Westeros is in turmoil and that he could conceivably get back into the country without being noticed… meets Sam and is cured and he becomes the bridge between Dany and Jon. Brienne and Pod will hook up with Arya, who I believe will still be disguised. They travel north to Winterfell and Arya reveals herself to Sansa and Jon. I think that they may use her disguise to spy on Littlefinger, and when The Hound arrives and tells them that he was responsible for Neds’s death, it’s goodbye Baelish. The WW are biding their time waiting for Bran to cross the wall. Gendry- I still think that he has a part to play. Remeber that Davos also knows about him and his parentage, and I think that he may have actually sent him to Dragonstone to be hidden. He will come back into the show when Dany lands there before she flys to Kings Landing
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Not much I’m sure. FrankenMountain has to stay at her side. What good is he commanding men on a battlefield? He’s it for the QueensGuard. Qyburn may provide Cersei with a stumbling block or two against Dany. He is suppose to now be in charge of the Underground Varys left behind. The Freys will hold off the North(who aren’t that interested in the South for they know Winter Is Coming) by denying them passage thru the Twins. Jaime has got to go to Casterly Rock and at least hold off the onslaught of Dragons. When all is lost, he will return and confront Cersei one last time.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North
Bran is due to come back to Winterfell. When he comes through the Wall, that will give the Nights King what he needs to break through the Wall. I think he will meet both Jon and Dany(after she arrives North) with the news of Jon’s ancestry. Until that time he will remain the King of the North. Bran is indeed the new Three Eyed Raven. But, he is going to become a Three Eyed Dragon and meet the Night King. He’ll be confined to a wheelchair as Bran and able to fly in the Dragon, much the same as BloodRaven did.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
I at first thought Sam was to head North, but that didn’t hold water. Now, I suppose he will find some new theory about how to defeat the WWs. He meets, greets and travels with Dany and Company. He’ll celebrate with some cider when he has his breakthrough.
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah is seeking out the help of the Priestess with the mask we haven’t seen in some time. She has grayscale under that mark, I believe, and she is going to help him halt his grayscale and return to Dany’s side. Brienne and Podrick are going to make it back to Winterfell. She is going to probably be the one to take down Littlefinger. Arya should be staying in the Riverlands and meet up with the Red Witch. She’ll see Gendry again in one of the finales 7 or 8. The wild card to me are the BWB. I know that Sandor is now part of them. Will Beric continue with his gift or bestow it on someone else? Yara and Theon’s conquest of Euron should be fairly straight up.
Lady J,
What she always held dear and wanted was power and dany is coming to take that away from her
I think he’s definitely dead. Wasn’t it the Lannister men who delivered the news to Jaime?
1 – Cersei’s rule will be entertaining and become one without food. As for allies I’m shipping a marriage with the big C and the night king. As for Jamie it makes sense he will kill her not sure on when. She’d have to be completely fucked for him to do so but as it seems westeros has no prisons for the criminally insane he will have no option.
2. Bran has a lot of shit to work out. I think WF will be the season 7 base but it will fall at the end of the season. I’m picking Harren Hall and the isle of faces for the last stand.
Re Jon I’m not sure if his birth knowledge will cause mayhem or not. I think Bran with use some old god spooky shit to sell this one. It might require a marriage possibly to Sansa. If that is the case it will be to thwart romance between D and J and creat a bitter sweet love that will never be.
3 – Sam will gave an expedited maester training majoring in vsteel, dglass and WW’s – having his prior learning taken into account. It’d be nice to see glass candles but that may not happen. He will go to D when she lands, partly to do as aemon asked, but also to get her to go north. Sam will be the key to an alliance and convincing D Jon is all right. Tyrion will buy in to this as well as into Jon’s parentage. It will be one of those how obvious moments. Sam will also give dads sword back and tell him or his brother to go north.
Question4 . No response
Speculation for season 7 will be so fun and open!
My thoughts:
1. Right now all of the power blocks have a likely internal problem brewing. Jon vs. Sansa’s claim on the North with Littlefinger as an uneasy ally is the one they have made the most obvious, but Cersei just did what Jaime killed the Mad King to prevent, so the Jaime and Cersei dynamic is going to be interesting. In the meantime, there is no way that Tyrion is cool with Ellaria’s murder of Myrcella and Doran, and Daario will likely do something rash to get back to Dany. Count on eash power block encountering serious internal problems in season 7.
2. Cersei’s reign can’t really survive the coming onslaught without allies, and there are not many obvious ones of those lined up. The main possibility is Euron, and only then if he comes to realize Dany is out of reach. Euron will attack Oldtown and Cersei will be pleased by that. Here’s hoping something like a dragon horn emerges to make Euron a truly threatening antagonist.
3. The Riverlands have a power vacuum ATM. Now that the Freys are gone, I suspect Bronn will be given the Twins by Jaime, nominally in Cersei’s name. Riverrun may well turn Tully again if the BWB frees Edmure, or, LF may make a move on Riverrun in Sansa’s name; for him it is a perfect position to play all sides from and would allow him and Sansa to maintain a pretense of loyalty to Jon with a bit more independence. Jaime’s tenuous loyalty to Cersei will mean he is unlikely to dispute Sansa. I actually suspect Jaime will switch loyalty to the Stark cause at some point late in the season, probably after he kills Cersei.
4. Arya’s story is hard to pin down, but I think she needs to encounter all of the BWB, Mel, Nymeria and Gendry again. As for her remaining list; there is really only Cersei and Gregor left. Cersei will be killed by her brother IMO, but Gregor once Cersei is gone….scary.
Agree with all of this.
I think he’s definitely dead. I thought Walder Frey’s two eldest sons were Lothar and Black Walder as well, but knowing he had lots of kids, I went and looked it up.
It turns out Black Walder’s name is Rivers so he’s a bastard son. Lothar is not the eldest son, it’s Stevron Frey, who has only been seen in Season 1 up to now.
Cersei’s forces will be hugely outnumbered by Dany’s so I think she needs an insurgent approach. She should ally with Euron and attack Dany’s forces with a mixture of good intel, raiding, urban traps, ambushes and wildfire bombs. Dany has the numbers but she is an invader and on foreign soil. She doesn’t have a local military general.
The show has built Tyrion as Cersei’s enemy. Jamie is more likely to abandon her in disgust. I think he will head north. There will be a Lannister in each camp – Cersei, Tyrion (Dany) and Jamie (Jon). Unlike the Baratheons Martells and the Tyrells (in the show) that’s how at least one of them will survive to continue the Lannister line.
I think Bran will be careful about the time of telling Jon. The visions aren’t proof to the outside world. I guess we see Howland Reed at some stage.
Gendry might be the only hope of bringing Arya back from vengeance. I’m curious if Arya meets Cersei after seeing that play and thinking of events from Cersei’s point of view. That could be stunning.
I had forgotten that the show might have other Freys still around. Still, I think Stevron will be gone soon enough, and Bronn will get the Twins.
Just been thinking of Jon’s true parentage and their character traits: Lyanna was strong willed, determined and passionate and led by her heart (I think she loved Rhaegar) and Barriston Selmy says Rhaegar was the best man he ever knew, that despite having superior sword skills Rhaegar hated killing and was for the common people. A poet, a musician – a romantic.. Nice to think Jon might have inherited all this from his true parents: compassion for common people/wildlings and a reluctance to use violence/killing – along with his epic swords skills. Although Ned has instilled in Jon the principles of honor; Jon breaks vows of the NW with Ygritte; breaks promises to the wildlings and Ygritte when he returns to the NW and later lets the wildlings through the wall in defiance of all the NW stands for – I think back to first S101 when Ned beheads the NW deserter dismissing his claims about the WW – which were actually true- and I don’t think Ned ever would have done what Jon has done – Jon seems driven to understand and see the bigger picture and do what’s needed and right; not just blindly abiding by rules of honor which I think was Ned’s downfall.
Nah, Sandor, now with the BWB, and Brienne will likely have roles here too. Maybe even Mel. Sandor has changed perspective and has influence on her, and Mel has huge regrets. So will Beric and Thoros no doubt.
You could be right but I think there’s a potential romantic hookup with Gendry which is something Arya hasn’t experienced yet.
The way the show has been pushing the Jon/Ned and Sansa/Cat comparisons this year. Where are they going with this? Is it simply buildup for a Jon/Sansa marriage when Jon’s parentage comes out?
And Dany’s line about marriage alliances. With the Tyrells and Martells extinquished on the show who is left? Jon, Jamie, SweetRobin, Littlefinger? That’s about it. 🙂
Well put. I agree. ?
Well the Frey’s are really a bunch of idiots, so I’d imagine they’ll be in even more of a shambles with Walder Frey dead.
Although, interestingly in the books, Stevron is not like his father. He’s amiable and reasonable.
* The reign of Cersei will be terrible and short. She will be killed by someone’s little brother. But i do not think it will be Jaime or Tyrion. Her BFF Frankenmountain has a little brother, who is no fan of his sibling or Cersei. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Hound kills both Frankenmountain and Cersei.
* Targaryens have a habit of marrying within the family. Jon will either marry Dany, since they are Targaryens or marry Sansa, since he is a Targaryen (or Sansa will marry Dany, making Sansa the Queens Consort, realizing Sansa’s dream).
* The purpose of Sam in this story is clear, finding out that the WW can only be destroyed with valyrian steel, dragonglass and dragonfire, after that he will get a stiff drink.
* WW, Brienne, Pod and Gendry are in transit.
But in the books Stevron is dead, so who knows who is the head of House Frey now lol.
I am really not so into basing my predictions on ‘shipping. Particularly not in Arya’s case. But even if their connection ends up being romantic, it still does not exclude the rest of them from playing significant roles in bringing Arya back to humanity.
And her kill list at this point is short, so in any case very few people need to die still before Arya’s killing spree is complete, at which point she will face a choice of continually adding new people, or taking a different path.
1. I see Cerseis rule being short but bloody. As far as allies I see a possible marriage/alliance with Euron, esp if he was a certain horn. I could also maybe see Littlefinger pledging the Vale to her but never following through with it so Cersei thinks she has more allies than she really does.
2. I’m assuming Bran makes it past the wall and is the reason the white walkers can now get by it as well. I don’t think Jon being half Targaryan will matter much. He still has Stark blood and has given his life for northern causes.
3. Sam will more than likely find some critical piece of information about the Nights King or the army of the dead in general and leaves before he finishes his training taking heartsbane with him.
4. Not sure about Jorah. Brienne and Pod are headed to Winterfell, but I could see them running into Arya/BWB on the way. WW are stuck until bran passes through the wall. Gendry I think is a lost cause on the show but funny to think about rowing endlessly.
Nick Hartley does not sow!
I love this podcast but it’s my first time answering questions here so let’s go:
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Cersei and Euron likely need some sort of alliance to fight the other mad queen who is set on conquering Westeros. Cersei and Euron are doomed to defeat though, hopefully they will weaken Dany a fair bit first. Euron I think will go down a few episodes before Cersei who will be killed by Jamie as she burns Kings Landing with wild fire – I’m assuming Jamie doesn’t make it out of this.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
He’s going to head to Winterfell first passing the wall (allowing the Nights King through inadvertantly), meet Edd, maybe meet Howland Reed. Jon coming to terms with his parentage will be a core part of the Northern arc next season along with a confrontration of sorts with the scheming Littlefinger and Sansa (both of whom may die).
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Euron may attack but Sam will likely find something key about the white walkers and how they were defeated/peace was resolved last time. He may meet up with Dany and convince her to come North also.
For good measure..
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah and Gendry are gone for good. Brienne and Pod meet BWB, Arya and possibly Melisandre next season.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Weak and short lived is my guess. She told Qyburn she wanted “little birds” all over Westeros. In that case, she should know/discover that the North is back in the hands of the Starks, the Vale has declared for the Starks (and LF has betrayed her), Walder Frey is dead (and it’s entirely possible the Freys will blame the Lannisters for the murders as it was the Lannister force who were recent visitors to the Twins), and if all that wasn’t enough, Dorne and House Tyrell are now part of an enormous army heading to Westeros under the command of a Targaryen, assisted by her little brother, who just happens to have three dragons!
She’s been so obsessed with taking control of KL back from the HS, she never thought about the consequences of slaughtering the Tyrells and her own family members, and she hasn’t kept an eye on what is going on outside the city. As Tywin once said, she isn’t as clever as she thinks she is. The QOT was more direct and just called her stupid.
She has no meaningful small council; Qyburn seems to be Hand, master of whispers and Grand Maester. The small council is the smallest ever lol. Poor Jaime, what a mess!
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
However the truth does come out, if it does, I think it will empower the North. There are too many signs on the show that Dany will form an alliance with the North. Tyrion knows you can’t rule the North from KL, even Cersei knows that, as she articulated to Joffrey. Tyrion’ s relationships/interaction with Sansa, Jon and Bran foreshadowed him being the key to brokering an alliance.
The WW will invade from the North so Jon will be looking for an alliance with the South. His goal has been to unite people for the war to come, so a force such as Dany’s would be very welcome from his point of view.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Stumble across something significant no doubt. Maybe he discovers, while trying to discover the key to creating Valaryian steel, that the horn he found with the dragon glass cache is important.
1. The Mad Queen Cersei will rule with terror, and have no allies. By the time Dany and Tyrion at the gates and she realizes no one is standing by her side, she’ll decide to set the whole city on fire. Jaime won’t like that, obviously, and I’m guessing all of next season will build a rift in their relationship. If Cersei is smart, she’ll find another excuse to send him away (perhaps to Casterly Rock) because he will definitely kill her for burning King’s Landing. Another option is she burns King’s Landing and runs to Casterly Rock (the only other option being Jaime killing her after she does the act, and them dying together in the ashes of the Throne room). Either way, the city burning down as well as the Wall collapsing are the two major events slated for the season 7 finale, I’m calling it now.
2. Bran will do everything in his power to get the info to Jon. We’ll have another Stark reunion early in the season after Bran meets Edd at the Wall. I think Jon will then go into some sort of pilgrimage in search of the truth about his parentage (perhaps meeting Howland Reed). Meanwhile, Littlefinger creates a rivalry between Jon and Sansa (who wants to be Queen in the North)- but Bran’s arrival shakes some sense into her, and the news he brings allows her to be Queen in the North while Jon takes the Iron Throne. One way or the other, Sansa realizes Littlefinger’s scheming and has him executed by the end of the season. Meanwhile, Bran will spend a lot of time in the Winterfell godswood- I think we’ll see a couple of Rhaegar/Lyanna visions to drive home R+L=J. He’ll also use his time warg powers to make ancient Statks build the Wall and create the Night’s Watch ahead of the Long Night. The Wall will collapse at the end of the season, probably after the Night King re-marls Bran in a vision. My guess is there will be a chase scene in the dream world between Bran and the Night King.
3. Sam will learn the history of the White Walkers and Valyrian steel and all that, but more importantly he’ll meet Dany. Oldtown will become a major focal point in season 7, and it’ll be where Dany and Euron clash (after Euron sacks it). Sam will proceed to tell Dany of the threat in the North, and direct her and her dragons to the Wall. She’ll promise to march there as soon as she has the Iron Throne (which Cersei will burn). I think we may yet get Sarella and a Faceless Man in Oldtown, depending on how important they are.
4. Jorah will reappear in Westeros since we’re officially done with Essos now. Don’t know where, but the Citadel being Maester-central would be a good bet. And it also realines him with Dany, after getting some cure. BriPod will return to Sansa, and I have no clue what they will do next season. The Brotherhood (and the Hound, being part of it) and Melisandre will meet up with Arya, for sure- as will Gendry. I have no clue what Arya will be up to bext season other than her reunion with said characters. In terms of her list, the last two names are Gregor Clegane and Cersei Lannister- both of which are at King’s Kanding… and yet, by now she’ll learn of her family’s rebirth at Winterfell. She’ll have to face a choice between vengeance and family, and I have no clue what she will decide. The White Walkers won’t do much until the Wall falls, but I do think we’ll hear more of their history/nature through Sam and perhaps Bran as well.
Emilie The Frog,
“maybe Jon will head towards wherever his auntie and firebreathing cousins are and say : “So. I have good news and bad news… Good news : we’re family. Bad news : the human race is about to be destroyed.”
I enjoyed your whole post but this made me LOL 🙂
Lady J,
Didn’t the Baratheon family tree spring from the Targs at one point? I can’t specifically remember, but I’m pretty sure they did. If that’s the case, then Gendry absolutely has some Targ blood in him. Not sure how significant that is though. Gendry could come back and inherit the Storm Land though.
I think Gendry was in KL and decided to go see the trial of the Queen who he believed had sent to kill him.
The Bastard,
You know nothing, bastard 🙂 Well, this is a different take on things. It would be the twist many in the fandom did not see coming I think. The only thing is right now I can’t see Dany wanting to fight Jon and the north, after all he’s very reasonable and I think she would admire his sense of duty in wanting to save Westeros from this threat. Also how would a pact be made when the WW don’t even speak. I read somewhere recently that they are not going to be portrayed as anything other than basically killing machines so there must be something with Bran being able to communicate with them somehow. Maybe Jon kind of comes to the realization that, having died and knowing there’s nothing after, these guy are essentially saying to that god of death “not today” for hundreds (thousands?) of years and he can’t blame them for it. Though how is humanity a threat to them all of a sudden? The resurgence of “magic” in the world? They started heading south before the dragons were hatched. Am I forgetting something?
1. Cersie’s time on the throne will be short and violent. Riots in the streets. Numerous areas in open rebellion. Her only chance for allies might be flipping Tarly to her side. I’m guessing she’ll cause tension in the Targ/Reach/Dorne alliance by making Tyrion aware of who killed his niece and perhaps even Olenna’s role in the PW.
2. Bran will tell Jon when the time is right. He may even ask Meera to go find her father.
3. Sam will have a fat pink mast caused by the library that lasts longer than 4 hours and will need medical attention from a maester.
He’ll also discover that Valyrian steel is created by burning stone men with dragon fire.
Jorah – about to become the most valuable man in Westeros
Brienne, Pod, and Gendry – They’re the Naval Division of the BwoB
WW- just chillin till the script says go south
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Cersei won’t have many allies. Maybe Euron and Littlefinger ? But I think team Daenerys will be weakened by someone else, making it easier for Cersei. Maybe the Citadelle will poison the dragons…
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
Bran will try to reach Winterfell, but he’ll help the White Walkers break the Wall (with his mark that will destroy the spell). Then he’ll reveal the truth to Jon, but that won’t change anything for him. Jon never wanted power (Lord Commander, King in the North…), he will not want to be king of Westeros. But I think when Daenerys comes to the Wall and helps defeat the White Walkers, she’ll die and convince him to be the King.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
He’ll learn that the archmaesters killed the dragons the last time and plan to do the same. He won’t learn much more because Euron will attack Oldtown. I think Sam will then join Daenerys and go with her to the Wall, for a big reunion with Jon.
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
On the road (again).
So many great speculations…
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like?
Well, she is a crazy person with the medieval equivalent of napalm at her disposal so I imagine everything is going to be fine…
I would assume her first priority would be to “unite” (reconquer) the kingdoms. Which will not be easy considering both the south (Dorne and the Reach) and the North have basically declared their independence. My guess is that her first target will be the North : the writers emphasised, through Jaime talking to Brienne, that Cersei still very much wants Sansa dead. Without this pointed reminder, one could have assumed that, with all the stuff that has occured since Joff’s death, the Lion Queen would have moved on. But nope ! Sansa is still one of Cersei’s priorities, it seems, and she is easily “findable”, in Winterfell.
So Cersei is going to go all out, I would imagine. She still has the Stormlands (as the last Baratheon, by marriage), the Westerlands (as a Lannister), the Crownlands (as the Queen). If the remaining Freys fight amongst themselves over the Twins and Edmund Tully does not succeed in overtaking Riverrun, she may count on the Riverlands.
Basically she has a long strip of land that goes east-west in the middle of Westeros while the two people she loathes the most (Sansa and Tyrion) are coming back in force in the North and the South… It is going to rain wildfire.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
Well, the writers made a point of having Lyanna Mormont say “it is Ned Stark’s blood that is running through his veins”, if I remember correctly, just after the viewers and Bran found out that Ned was not Jon’s father but his uncle… They could have written simply “Stark blood” and it would have been fine (and true !)
To us, modern viewers, whether Jon is a Stark through his mother or his father is irrelevant because we give equal importance to both parents. But Westerosi(s)… How many times have we heard those people say “the seed is strong” ? Mothers do not transmit either identity or house; fathers do.
Were the Northern Lords to find out that he is a Targaryen (either legitimate or not, it is hardly relevant, I believe), they might find it hard to stomach. It would take for them to overcome centuries of prejudice and traditions to accept him not as an usurper but as one of them. Not impossible but complicated.
The worst, I believe, will be for Jon personally. He will have to cope with the fact that his very identity, his sense of self is a lie. That Ned lied to him for all his life. That, by his epoch’s standards, he is not a Stark. The only way I can see him deal with that fact in a positive way is if the rest of his family (the only one he has ever known) do not allow it to matter. If, basically, they switch from an archaic definition of family (people tied by blood) to a modern one (people tied by affection). Feasible.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Ah, Sam ! Lovely, adorable Sam. My belief is that Sam will discover that the Maesters want magic gone, forever, and that they have the knowledge to make it happen. I think this is where the show (and possibly the books) are headed. The story started with a quite “realistic” medieval world being suddenly “invaded” by magic (the white walkers, the dragons, etc.) and I think it will end with the disappearance of magic. Maesters are against magic and it seems plausible to me that they would have information on how to combat it (not just how to defeat white walkers but dragons as well).
Sam better start exploring that library for the future of Westeros is in his hands.
1. Queen Cersei to ally with Euron and Daario
2. Bran may play matchmaker between Jon and Dany, the Dragon has 3 heads, Bran is still called Prince by book Jojen and Meera which makes me wonder if he along with Jon/Dany is the “Prince(s[ses]) that was Promised
Bran will play an important part in Jons Targaryen ascension arc throughout next season, eg Mel will fetch Dawn from Dorne for him and it will be turned into Lightbringer ahead of Season 7.5 or season 8 A Dream of Spring material
3. Sam will hopefully meet Marwyn, I think there’s a strong chance Jagen will go there and do whatever the Pate plotline is, Tom Wlaschida is well liked so a good avenue to make Sams arc more relevant and keep Jagen in the show
The whole thing will probably delve into some deeper and weird mystery stuff, hopefully involving Euron. Would like to see Euron attack Oldtown
As for the others, Gendry will come to play an important part in Storms End,
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
I’m not sure there are any known speaking characters other than Jamie and Qyburn (and the Mountain although he’s not speaking) for her to interact with in KL anymore. They have to either develop new characters or more likely bring in some established ones. I think as far as possible “allies” go all I can think of is maybe Euron, maybe Littlefinger jetting back and outside chance (as an ally) maybe Randyl Tarly.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
Not sure. He’s pretty close to the wall. I kind of hope it’s not Bran going through the Wall with his Night King arm tattoo that breaches it’s magic and leads to it’s fall. But that is at least one possibility. Also not sure how soon the Jon revelation will be known to the Northern characters or what it will cause. I kind of would like for next season to open with Jon telling the gathered Lords of the North something like: “er, thanks for all the King in the North stuff and all but that didn’t work out so great for Rob. Plus I have at least one living Stark sister and another sister and a brother that may still be alive. So, let’s talk about these White Walkers shall we”
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
He’ll need to learn some stuff really fast. Time’s running out, both Westeros wise and show hours left wise. And he’ll need characters to interact with. I hope they introduce
to give him some info that probably only that character can. And maybe Jorah popping up looking for a cure and chat with Sam. And I’m sure there’s a chance ole Randyl may come looking for Heartsbane or at least send Dickon.
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
All unfortunately stuck with old fashioned travelling methods. Probably out of JP fuel. (really, they just couldn’t squeeze anything else into this episode. It was damn near perfect as it was).
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
The Rule will be hard for the smallfolk in Kingslanding.
Euron Greyjoy will ally to Cersei Lannister.
I think Jaime will kill Cersei.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I wonder why Bran would tell the truth to Jon. It doesn’t help him to know he’s not Ned’s son. I think Littlefinger will expose the truth hoping the northeners will abandon Jon. Bran and maybe Howland Reed will confirm it, but say it doesn’t change anything.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
He will discover something important. But I wonder what, because Bran will also know a lot. Maybe he’s just a witness to everything that goes down in the Reach.
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
I think all of them will reappear. Brienne and Podrick will go to Winterfell. The White Walkers will destroy the wall.
And Gendry will meet the Brotherhood without Banners going north and forge the Valyrian steal necessary to defeat the White Walkers.
I guess Jorah will show up in Oldtown, since everyone is in Westeros.
Fully agree with this. I don’t see it mentioned enough, but it’s actually the most likely outcome I think.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
The only person that I can think of that would ally themselves to Cersei would be Euron. Obviously, his plans for Dany have gone down the tube so who else is left? I don’t know if Jaime will “kill” Cersei or just leave, but I think this is where Jaime will have to make a choice and I don’t think he will be able to stand by Cersei after what she did.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I honestly am not certain what Bran will do. I’m sure he knows Rhaegar is Jon’s father. He’s the one who “kidnapped” Lyanna and kept her for a year. We know Bran will make to the Wall but will he head to Winterfell? Can he be the new Warden of the North when he’s the 3 Eyed Raven? I’d like to think Howland Reed will show up at some point, but again, who knows? I do think the truth about Jon will definitely unravel the North again. The Northerners were not fans of the Mad King considering what he did and another Targaryen might not be to their liking, but I do think someone will recognize the power of the combination of Stark and Targaryen blood.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
I think Sam will discover that there is a way to defeat the WW in that awesome library. I don’t know if poor Sam will ever become a Maester. What will happen to Gilly & Baby Sam during his studies? She can’t hang out in that big reception area. Somehow, I think Sam will get to business and get out.
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah was resting up in a clinic after his treatment for greyscale…lol.
Brienne and Pod are still rowing.
The White Walkers are steadily advancing on the Wall.
Gendry, without question, is still rowing. Hope to see him back in Season 7 doing what he does best to arm the North against the WW.
1. Cersei’s power grab was inevitable and has slowly transformed her from a bitter ignored queen into a vengeful force of nature. I expect her to be an absolute tyrant. The Stormlands, Riverlands, and Crownlands are all bereft of traditional leaders – Baratheons, Tullys, etc. I expect Euron Greyjoy to be the biggest remaining player who could unite with Cersei, considering Asha and Theon beat him to Meereen.
2. I think the North could unravel by way of Littlefinger/Sansa. If Brandon were to reveal his true lineage to the Vale Lords and Northern Lords it would give him a claim to all of Westeros, he would be able to give Winterfell to Bran as Warden of the North, and give Sansa the Riverlands and the Vale. Littlefinger will do something.
3. Sam will learn of the Maesters Conspriracy while in Old Town, and will not stay long enough to forge a chain, obviously. Instead will learn of a way to destroy The Others in a less obvious way than obsidian, valyrian steel, or dragon fire. Will drop everything and go back to Lord Commander Tollett. Strong cider and ale will be consumed. Sam will get back to The Wall at the beginning of Season 7, just after it’s collapse, and in a call back to Season 2, will look upon the army of the dead in horror, and then gallop like hell to Winterfell. Maester Tarly will serve Lord Brandon Stark for the remainder of his years.
4. Brienne and Pod will reunite with Arya, Sandor, and go north with Beric and Thoros. I would love to see Gendry back with the rest of the BwB. The merry band of chicken eaters will encounter Hot Pie at the Crossroads Inn, and then run into Melisandrei on the Kingsroad, and Arya will kill her.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Now Cersei is the Jaime from the outline. She even usurped the throne. She has no allies, unless she manages to break a deal with Euron Greyjoy or some family that always envied the Tyrells. Her reign will survive just as long as divergences in Dany’s camp keep them from KL (I’m guessing Tyrion ill have a problem with the SS killing Myrcella). The dragons will fly over an intact Red Keep (as in Bran’s vision in season 4) but then Cersei will set fire to it. I bet the Lannister siblings will all meet one last time n the rock, and Jaime will kill Cersei.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
Benjen left Bran in the weirwood tree just outside Castle Black, where Jon swore his vows, so Edd will find them and take them to Winterfell. Bran will tell him, and Jon, honorable to a fault, will want to concede to Bran, the legitimate heir to Winterfell. No one will care that he’s a Targ because he’s the general they need for the wars to come. I want to see how Dany willl react to him having a better claim than she does.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Find out stuff about the WW.
For good measure..
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah will eventually bring Greyscale to Westeros.
Brienne and Podrick ar going North, maybe meeting the Brotherhood on the way.
The White Walkers are fucking shit up and preparing to bring down the wall.
Gendry is showing up again in a cameo Hot Pie style.
Cersei will give highgarden to the tarlys, and gain their support. Randyll will sit on small council. She’ll maybe gain the support of Euron as well, although Euron’s support will be shortlived, as he wants to be king (I think). Or he’ll marry cersei
Thanks !
I think it’s important to remember just how many characters the show killed off this season. Yes, a couple came back, like the Hound and the BWB, but overall, the writers have really cut down on their supply of chess pieces.
This means that they have room to bring in new characters. Not brand new, like Euron was this season, but new to the show.
I think we’ll see Rhaegar in Bran’s weirnet flashbacks, and I think that Meera will bring him to meet her father, so that the rest of the R+L=J tale can be told. I could see Rhaegar and Lyanna having wed being the next big part of that reveal, along with Jon’s true name.
I also think that Sam is going to get a cast of characters to deal with at the Citadel. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jorah and Euron show up there, to heal and plunder respectively. Perhaps Sam discovers the Horn of Joramun or Dragonbinding (remember: a horn is important enough to be on the cover of the next book) in the library archives, only to have Euron show up and take it from him.
This will give Euron a weapon to use against Dany’s dragons, or he could ally with Cersei and plunge the North into chaos by bringing down the wall.
I expect Randyl Tarly will come into play as well. Now that the Tyrells are extinguished, I would expect Cersei to name Tarly lord paramount of the Reach in exchange for his military support. She doesn’t have much choice.
1. Cersei will rule and all of Kings Landing will fear her. Tension will continue to grow between her and Jaime as he watches her basically turn into the Mad King. When Daenarys gets to town and Jaime meets her and is reunited with Tyrion, he will be forced to make a choice and killing Cersei will be the result.
2. The trick will be how he gets the info to Jon. He’ll reach the wall and before going thru remembers what happened at the cave after being marked by the Night King and what Benjen said about the Wall’s magic. Not wanting to risk dooming everyone if he continues thru. he stays behind by himself and sends Meera thru to go find Jon. Even then it will be difficult information for anybody to process, that probably doesnt get resolved until sometime in Season 8.
3. Sam will nerd it out on those books like nobody has ever nerded out before. Before discovering it is a known fact that Valyrian steel can kill a WW. In the process he learns the secret to forging Valyrian steel and leaves the Citadel to share it with the North who are able to use this info to forge plenty of new swords to defend against the Walkers with.
4. They all spent the episode together at The Red Beard Tavern shooting pool and pounding jugs of Soured Goats Milk…it is much stronger than that grape water you Southerners love sucking on
I am not even trying. I have completely failed in all my predictions but for Walder Frey’s death ( and even in that one I had predicted that he would be killed by Jaime).
I feel too tired to even giving a shot at predicting what will happen next season.
The show has been simplifying things a lot which has been working and I believe it will continue in that vein.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Cersei’s main threat for the next season is obviously Jaime. She will probably do some more tyrannical actions to alienate him even further. I can see Euron Greyjoy and Randyll Tarly being potential allies (the fact that Tarlys are sworn to House Tyrell is not mentioned in the show). Arya and/or one of the sand snakes sneaking into the capital would constitute another interesting threat. Jaime may reach breaking point with Cersei by end of season.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
Bran will realise he cannot get through the Wall now that he has the Night King’s mark. It will be interesting to see what solution he comes up with to communicate with Jon & Co. I doubt the truth about Jon will go public immediately but that is one thing Littlefinger may try to use against him, by portraying him as Targ and therefore aligned with Danys interests.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Sam will eventually be pivotal in helping form a Dany/Jon alliance, being Jon’s only true friend in the South. He will be under threat by his father’s forces next season for stealing that sword, and may find an ally in another sand snake.
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah is now not going to appear until quite late in the show, having found a cure for his disease and ready to battle beside Dany. Brienne & Pod may run into BWB/Hound or Arya and bring them North. (though it will be strange for the Hound to not try and kill her at first sight). Otherwise Brienne may have little to do next season. Gendry may or may not make an appearance at all.
As usual I’m most intrigued by what Arya will be up to.
For good measure… Longclaw + Melisandre + Gendry + Dragonglass = Lightbringer 2k17-18.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
I too think Cersei will be the mad queen, they may give her some of
She may just take Highgarden and secure the Tyrell’s wealth (since she has already declared war on them.)
Defeating her won’t be as easy as we think, Qyburn is an evil genius and will probably come up with anti dragon technology and wildfire missiles. I expect the Red Keep to look like Dany’s HotU vision when it’s over.
I would like very much for Cersei to meet Dany and know _she_ is the younger and more beautiful Queen and see the White Walkers descend on Kings Landing before she dies, just to see the realization come over her that she was wrong.
I believe Jaime will kill her , perhaps murder/suicide. Maybe he is too late and they both go up in green flames.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I think Bran will tell Jon privately- Jon learning who his mother was and that she really did love him will be profound for Jon.
Learning Rhaegar is his father, not Ned will put him through some changes.
I’m actually pretty foggy about how that will play out in general… I think it will help form an alliance with Dany. Jon does not want to be Kot7K but he is AA reborn.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Read books uncover secrets, save the world.
I think the Night King will bring the wall down at the end of Season 7
Jorah? No clue.
Brienne and Pod run into the BWB and Sandor, they all head North,hijinks ensue!
Arya reunites with Nymeria — murder ensues. She creeps up on Mel who sees her true identity because she is magic and something happens, not sure what.
Gendry gets picked up by Dany’s fleet and becomes their blacksmith and Dany’s side piece 😉
Oh I like that so much. In that capacity, he’d be able to have Gilly and Little Sam with him too. That would be lovely. Yes, I think he will be connected forever to the Starks.
There are different things pulling Jamie north. The chance to redeem himself, show his better side, Brienne, maybe to have a good death, maybe to make up for his house’s role in the Red Wedding. That was raised in his conversations with Brienne and Frey. But also if Jon’s parentage becomes known – to do something for a child of Rhaegar. In the books he thinks about Rhaegar and his children.
No, the Tarlys are bannermen to the Tyrell’s.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
As of the end of this season, it looks as though Dany and her allies should roll right over Queen Cersei, so I think something will happen early next season to somewhat even the odds. On Cersei’s end, one of the first things she should do would be to find a compliant High Septon who will blame the destruction of the Sept of Baelor on Targaryan loyalists / followers of R’hllor. Second, she could use a carrot and stick approach to gain the support of other lords. For example, offer Randyll Tarly the Tyrell’s holdings while also bringing Dickon to King’s Landing as a hostage. Since it was already mentioned that both the Mallisters and the Blackwoods are in rebellion, the Brackens could be offered lordship over the Riverlands (assuming the Freys are basically done). Seizing control of the Reach should be a top priority for Cersei, as control over the Realm’s “breadbasket” will allow her to use food as a weapon now that winter has officially arrived. I wouldn’t rule out an alliance with Euron Greyjoy on Cersei’s part, but I think it’s more likely that he’ll be an coincidental/indirect “ally” (just as Balon Greyjoy was). While I think Jaime will eventually turn against Cersei, he will still be in “you and me against everybody” mode at the start of next season.
The other side of the equation is that Dany will likely suffer reverses of some sort early next season. Euron’ Ironborn may attack her armada before it even makes landfall or if they split up. Ellaria and the Sand Snakes will likely prove to be a liability in the long run, especially once Tyrion finds out about Myrcella. (On that note, there’s also the matter of Olenna Tyrell letting him take the fall for Joffrey’s poisoning.) Their presence in Dany’s camp will probably also complicate a Dany / Jon pairing, as they will view him as the product of Rhaegar’s infidelity towards Elia Martell. I think it’s also likely that Dany will get a rude reminder that dragons have vulnerabilities.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
I’m sure Bran will share that info with Jon if and when they meet, but I think the North will have bigger problems. It may further complicate Sansa’s feelings towards Jon if she thinks he is the product of Rhaegar’s rape of Lyanna, so I also expect some Rhaegar / Lyanna flashbacks next season.
Is Bran not interested in finding out who tried to stab him? The show has never answered this.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
He’ll discover all sorts of things about dragons and White Walkers, though I think it is also likely that his studies will be disrupted by Euron’s Ironborn.
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah’s search for a cure to greyscale will bring him to Asshai or Qarth or the ruins of Valyria.
Brienne and Podrick are still in the Riverlands. The fact that Beric and the Brotherhood are also in the area could mean that Arya could end up being at the center of that book plot line everyone has been waiting in vain for (also note the look she gave Jaime at the Twins).
There had better be a lot more than a dozen or so White Walkers. It seems like most of their army could not make it past a prepared position defended by archers with flaming arrows (maybe the Walkers’ ability to chill the air will be amplified now that winter has arrived?), and it seems like there should be enough obsidian and Valyrian steel weapons to deal with the Walkers themselves.
No idea where Gendry is, but it seems like Cersei should have lots of work for Ilyn Payne.
R+L=J confirmed, by HBO:
I think that Jaime and Cersei will at first experience a lot of conflict with each other, but once Dany and co. show up, Jaime will support her; his tragedy won’t be that he has to kill his own sister but that he had the capacity to be a good man but ultimately decides to support his sister against their enemies instead.
Obvs. Bran’s knowledge of Jon’s parentage has to do something for the plot, so he’s definitely heading south. As others speculate, his passing through the Wall may be the thing that brings it falling down, which is how I imagine the end of season 7 going down.
Don’t see Sam staying too long in Oldtown – angry father + sword needed north = reasons to move quickly. Would worry though about little Sam and Gilly.
We haven’t seen Brienne because somehow she persuaded the Blackfish to come with her and he is not really dead….
And of course we’re going to see Gendry again! Has to happen.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
He will not meet some of the key figures he should meet – especially Alleras. And this matters: The show has claimed to foreground strong women, and the show has been said to have fewer non-white actors than it should. And here we have – by the old gods and the new! – a black woman academic who is also, of course, a very fine archer…
OK, s/he could still appear, but she’s not been mentioned in any scenes and could well have been. I’m saddened – as a woman and an academic – that there is nothing here that could apparently lead to her.
No mention of Tyrion being the third Targereon and riding a dragon along with Darneys and Jon Snow to defeat the white walkers? And where is the hound in all of this – they couldn’t have brought him back for nothing? I had to google Gendry – I’d forgotten all about him. I predict Cersi will marry Euron in order to keep her iron throne and Jamie will kill her in a fit of jealousy.
Question: Why have we spent so much time getting to know Cersei? Will she actually kill Dany? I can totally see her in a winedrunkenhatredfit stabbing away…. If this happens before wird of the WW reaches KL…. maybe that’s a plot twist that makes room for Jon (and Sansa) and opens up for three dragonriders representing three of the houses/major players that we have come to know (perhaps the three sigils representet alongside the dragon on the GoT logo)?
I’m really interested to see how Jaime and Cersei’s relationship plays out next season with her gone totally off the deep end. Will he try to talk her down, then take her out when he can’t?
I’m invested in where Brienne/Podrick are and really hope they come back in a big way next season. I’m in the minority and don’t really care about Gendry, also Gendry/Arya shipping creeps me out (sorry guys, I know it’s popular) so I’m biased in being OK to not see him to avoid more of that.
I wonder if there will be any actual happy couples by the end of this show. My guess is probably no big romantic ones, but maybe some could-work-out marriage alliances.
What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
If logic prevailed Cersie would have no army. Jamie might , should, keep the Lannister army home , and no Lannister banners should pledge to Cersie.
Logic does not always prevail on the show .
I really can’t see the Cersei-Euron thing happening. Of course she really needs allies. But is she gonna put up with Euron’s attitude, his big cock and general cockiness ? Seems to me the only reaction she wants to get from people now is either quiet devotion ( Qilburn, FrankenMountain) or fearful submission (everyone else). Of course Jaime is different, for now. But I don’t think she’s smart enough or hopeful enough to put on patiently with the Eurons and such.
What do you think ? Am I completely wrong here ? I have not read all the comments so I don’t know if anyone is saying this already.
I know I’m jumping the gun but do we have any idea when filming starts for season 7? Has it started yet?
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Don’t know what Cersei expects to do being queen of a Kingdom that despises her with just the Lannister army behind her. Maybe she still hopes Littlefinger is bringing her Sansa’s head and the North. Maybe Littlefinger will end up betraying Jon Snow, but I really hope Sansa can shake Littlefinger’s hold on her dark side and be his demise, because at this point, I think she is the only one who can break Littlefinger. Euron will most certainly have to ally himself to Cersei, because he will have no other choice now that Theon and Yara have won the race to Meereen. Maybe Euron has that damned dragon binding horn that the books have mentioned and he will be able to convince Cersei that he is the only hope she has to defeat the dragons. Her alliance with Euron and her burning of lots of people by wildfire (which was what Jaime had risked his reputation forever to prevent) will make lose her Jaime as well, and before she destroys everything and everyone, Jaime will kill her. The show has an opportunity to make a very powerfull end to Cersei’s arc, but it is a double edged sword, because if they don’t watch that writing very very well, they might end up screwing up that subplot pretty much like Arya’s Braavosi training.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
Bran should be crossing the Wall, I believe. He will try to find Jon at Castle Black only to find Edd in command and no Jon to be seen. After learning that Jon went to take Winterfell back and succeeded he will head down to find Jon (with some horses from the Night’s Watch, I expect) and forget that he is the key for the white walkers to invade. However, I think the white walkers will bide their time until further conflict has hit the kingdoms and men are completely defenseless. I don’t think the truth about Jon will unravel the North, at least not with the houses who have proclaimed him King in the North. They didn’t care he was a bastard, they cared that he lead the North and ended House Bolton like a true northener, so why should they care that he wasn’t Ned’s son? He’s still a Stark by Lyanna’s blood. However, the uncertainty about Kartark’s whereabouts and Littlefinger’s stare with Sansa give me the feeling that Jon and the North will face a conflict, gods forbid something happens to Lyanna Mormont…
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
He will study the higher mysteries and try to find every possible way to defeat the walkers. Don’t know about the cider, but I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of his asshole dad. I don’t like to think about it, but I think Gilly will end up paying for Sam’s choices, I hope Little Sam does make it, though. I also think that Jorah will end up in Oldtown looking for a cure for greyscale while trying to conceal the spread on his arm, because if they get to see how advanced he is, probably he won’t be helped. He will find Sam and maybe we can see a new partnership there. Sam will try to help him, but I’m not sure he will be able to help him in time, I think Jorah might die trying to protect Sam from Randyll.
For good measure..
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah was probably finding a ship to go to Oldtown and find any clues to a possible cure for greyscale. Brienne and Pod are still rowing and I think they will find Gendry (not kidding). The white walkers are Netflix and chilling at the Three Eyed Raven’s till Bran fucks up yet again.
I think Euron will ally with cersei now that he can’t marry dany…
Also, Edmure may be forced to support them under threat to his son’s life.
Maybe this has been posted here somewhere but if it has I must have missed it.
Have we seen this video posted by GOT a couple of days ago about Jon?
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
“I don’t think she quite expected to die…rather, rise again, reborn from the ashes as a dragon, to burn all her enemies. So I cut her throat, just to be sure that didn’t happen…”
Jaime’s only done three good things in his life:
Save King’s Landing from The Mad King’s Wildfire Plot.
Save Brienne from the bear pit.
Save Tyrion from the executioner’s block.
The only way to prove to himself that the first one was truly for the right reasons is if he can do the same thing to his life long lover when she threatens to do something just as bad or even worse.
2. What will Bran do now that he knows the truth about Jon Snow? Will the truth about Jon unravel or empower the North?
He’ll tell Jon the truth. Especially if it means Aunt Dany brings her dragons north to fight the White Walkers.
3. What will show Sam do in Oldtown? Will he at least drink fearsomely strong cider?
Figure out something nobody else has in the history of The Citadel has that will be crucial to saving the world. (No idea what it will be, but it WILL play a big part in saving the world. He’s Sam. He’s the everyman hero to Jon’s Prince Charming. He’s the other half of the equation in J + S = World Saved!)
Where were Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, the White Walkers, and Gendry (lol) in the finale?
Jorah dee Andal: Looking for the cure…
Brienne: Doing what she does best: Missing the moments she might have actually been of some help to someone.
Pod: Shackled to Brienne’s going nowhere ass.
WWs: Walking. You know where to.
Gendry: Conquered Pentos and became it’s King by his own hand, wearing it’s jeweled crown on a troubled brow…
1. Cersei’s reign will be unmitigated disaster. Jaime will try to help her, lead her armies, etc. She won’t marry Euron, both because of Jaime and her horror at being under a man’s thumb again. But they may strike an alliance. Qyburn is not a nobleman nor particularly associated with nobility, so he can’t counsel her wisely in matters of alliance. Yes, they may acquire Randall Tarly by giving him Highgarden, but the Reach people will stay loyal to Olenna. Cersei will turn into the worst kind of despot, be abandoned by all and defeated. In the end either Jaime will either kill Cersei or desert her and later end up killing her, probably to give her the Mercy. He may kill himself too, though it’s more likely he’ll get a chance to redeem his reputation by dying gloriously in the great war.
2. Through Crannogmen greensight, Howland Reed knows Meera and Bran are coming and and he’ll send transport to bring them to Greywater Watch. He’ll fill in the TOJ details for Bran and advise him to tell Jon. He’ll also tell Bran about Ned’s lifelong sacrifice for Lyanna and Jon. Bran will try to reach Jon but have continued frustration, possibly for most of the season. Hopefully, he will get to tell him and Jon will be gobsmacked, confused, disappointed, and disheartened. But he’ll get over it. Meanwhile, the Wall will have fallen either naturally or due to one last overwhelming WW battle where the Night’s Watch is destroyed. By the finale, Jon, Bran, Dany, and their allies will know what the final war will be about and with whom.
3. Sam will never be a Maester; there are more urgent objectives for him. He was bullied and threatened into joining the Watch and luckily (or karmically) found his niche and worked for the right LC. He will immediately tackle the books to learn what kills/stops the WW, how to destroy the NK, etc and get the critical information to Jon. Simply because he’ll be poring over ancient, long-ignored tomes he may also come across the cure for greyscale and take note because of Stannis’s daughter. Perhaps he’ll save Jorah, who is meant to be at Dany’s side. Sam may or may not participate in the War, wielding Heartsbane. After the final battle of the final war, in a fallen world where magic has receded, he will preside over the Tarly estate and make Horn Hill a center of science, culture, and love.
I agree with many posters that Sandor, the BwB, Arya, and Melisandre will come together, though with what outcome I don’t know. There’s a good chance Arya will kill Mel, which she would accept as the Lord of Light’s will. And, like many fans and many of the critics, I’m half hoping Arya will become a more reasonable Lady Stoneheart, Nymeria by her side, leading the BWB like a guerrilla band and destroying Freys and other traitors to the Starks. Snowdog, despite the Shakespearean echoes, in GRRM’s world by killing Walder, Arya was more an instrument of the gods doling out supreme punishment to the arch-violator of guest right. The gods are probably cheering. Personally, I’d prefer that Arya go straight from the Twins to Winterfell to be united with her sister and especially with Jon, whom she loves dearly. In her lowest moment, Needle was Jon Snow’s smile. After rejoining the Pack, she can go back to her List.
1. If Lightbringer is an actual sword, I think its creation will mirror the way Azor Ahai made his. The show has a great deal of characters using the same lines, i.e. “Keep your shield up, or I’ll ring your head like a bell”, Jon Snow to Ollie and Ned to Benjen. Lightbringer will need to be tempered the same way, so either Jon will temper it through Dany’s heart or vice versa. I think Dany will take the hit.
2. Arya will go mad. Ja’quen told Arya at the end of season 5, that if ‘someone’ is using the faces, they are as good as poison. Arya is Arya again and using the faces.
3. Jon will find out from Bran who he is, everyone else will find out who is, when he either rides a dragon or is immune to fire.
About the Wall: I’ve been thinking. Benjen says the Wall is protected from the White Walkers by magic which prevents him from going past the Wall and into Castle Black. If Brann’s been permanently marked by the Night’s King, then he will not be able to penetrate The Wall either. He will be in the same position as Ben Jen. The Wall’s magic will also stop Bran.
I think we will see a lot of flashbacks in Season 7. Not just the Rhaegar & Lyanna stuff, but also Bran telling Jon & Sansa stuff that he “saw” maybe about Ned’s murder, Joffrey, Tyrion, even possibly Ygritte, Mance Rayder, Stannis, Melisandre, etc. things he couldn’t possibly know without special powers.
I think Jaime will try to argue with Cersei to bring her back from the brink, etc. but it won’t work. If she turns on him, he may leave her. Otherwise I can see him staying until the bitter end, even to the point of assembling the Lannister Army to defend Kings Landing, and dying in the process.
Cersei will be the Mad Queen and burn the city herself. Remember the dream sequence of Dany walking around the Iron Throne room as the snow blows around thru a hole in the burned out roof?
Tyrion & Dany will march in after Cersei finishes blowing/burning up everything, including herself. The book’s prophesy won’t be part of the HBO storyline, so Tyrion won’t kill her. Hope Bronn survives to reunite with Tyrion.
I am hoping Bran gets to Castle Black, and then to Winterfell to reunite with Jon & Sansa. He can probably tell Sansa what the future holds for her if she is stupid enough to think she can outfox Littlefinger.
I have a feeling that aside from the Northern Houses, not too many places believe the truth of the White Walkers. It will take something dramatic, a close encounter before any of they accept it.
At some point, the White Walkers will have to breach The Wall and pose a big enough threat that the people of the Riverlands and points South understand what’s happening. Of course once they see dragons, they mayalso believe in the existence of White Walkers.
In any event, I see Tyrion taking a delegation up North to visit Jon once King’s Landing is secure. He will go North to negotiate and instead, get a first hand experience of the threat.
1. What will the rule of Queen Cersei look like? Who will ally themselves with the Lannisters? Will Jaime confront the Mad Queen much like he confronted the Mad King?
Either Cersei joins forces with Euron, or she’s done: reluctant as she may be to another marriage, she is going to need his army and fleet, provided that she survives her next meeting with Jamie. If they do join forces, they might pull a few aces from up their sleeves. Among current GoT players, Euron is by far the most likely to find a strategical use for Qyburn’s proficiency with both pyromancy and necromancy. What is dead may never die, as the saying goes.