George RR Martin Reacts to This Year’s Hugo News!


Yesterday’s announcement of the Hugo Award nominations brought good tidings for Game of Thrones, with TWO nods for the show! GoT picked up nominations for “Best Dramatic Presentation – Short Form,” with the episodes “The Door” and “Battle of the Bastards” in contention against some stiff competition this year.

Today, George R.R. Martin reacts to the news enthusiastically, as he always has a lot to say about the Hugos! He also adds some interesting trivia to the awards news. On his NotaBlog, Martin says:

Personally, I’m thrilled to see that two episodes of GAME OF THRONES were nominated in Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form: our two Emmy winners, as it happens, “Battle of the Bastards” and “The Door.” I know David Benioff and Dan Weiss will be also been thrilled, along with our cast and crew and all the good people at HBO. Helsinki is a lot closer to Belfast than the US, so there’s even a chance that David and Dan might fly in for the ceremony (shooting schedule permitting), as they did for Loncon. If they can’t, the lovely Sibel Kekilli will help me represent GOT on the night, as Ron Donachie and Rory McCann did in prior years.

Of course, we face some hellacious tough competition. “Leviathan Wakes” has also been nominated, the finale of season one of THE EXPANSE, along with “San Junipero” from BLACK MIRROR, my favorite episode from that terrific show. And of course there’s an episode of DR. WHO in there, as there always is, along with a sixth nominee that I’m unfamiliar with, as yet. As it happens, there were three episodes of GAME OF THRONES that got enough votes to make the final ballot, but this year a new rule went into effect, limiting each series to no more than two nominees. That’s the DR. WHO rule. It’s been needed for years, and I’m glad to see it in place, but it’s one of life’s little ironies that the first show it bites is not DR. WHO, but GAME OF THRONES. But one must not be greedy. It IS an honor just to be nominated, and a double honor to be nominated twice, so thanks to all the fans out there who gave us one of their votes.

The Hugo Awards website confirms that “The Winds of Winter” was the victim of this “Doctor Who” rule, and that the season six finale did receive enough votes to be a finalist in the category.

The Winds of Winter ineligible

I would have preferred “The Winds of Winter” as a nominee over “Battle of the Bastards,” personally, but either way, two nods is fantastic so we can’t complain about Game of Thrones being limited to two! And Martin isn’t kidding about the competition. Black Mirror‘s “San Junipero” is an instant classic and I’ve heard wonderful things about The Expanse.

Good luck to Game of Thrones and Benioff and Weiss at the Hugo Awards!

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Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. Nice to know Winds of Winter was actually nominated 🙂

    Its still the finest episode they ever put out.

    But Battle of the Bastards seems to be the shows and Miguel’s choice when it comes to awards.

  2. I love it that GRRM shouts out at The Expanse, Black Mirror and Doctor Who !

    Very tough competition indeed !

  3. The Expanse is amazing, definitely the best science fiction since Battlestar Galactica with probably the most diverse cast on tv right now! While I think that GoT will win this time, I would be so happy to see The Expanse win because it’s so underrated and it could use more recognition. The whole list is filled with amazing shows, so whoever wins, I’ll be happy!

  4. Really pumped after reading all of that.
    Amazing how Game of Thrones could have had three episodes in there if it wasn’t for the doctor who rule XD
    The Door
    Battle of the bastards
    And The Winds of winter are all fantastic episodes, can’t wait to see who wins.

  5. The one show for me that fills my Game of Thrones fever really is The Expanse. It has similarities to politics, great acting, great story, although there are some flaws to the story but heck that is minor to what they dish out dramatically every week. It has back story. I’m interested in the other shows mentioned too, especially if they are deserving enough to be in all the same league. Anyone who hasn’t seen The Expanse, give it a chance!

  6. I think that it is funny that they call it the Doctor Who rule! I know that some of the Doctor Who websites did push people to nominate episodes. The amusing thing is that Doctor Who fandom has something very similar to the “purist” vs. “everyone else” split, in that there is a vocal contingent who thinks that everything about the new show is awful and that the original series is Thor’s gift to TV. If you visit one of those groups, then you’d get the impression that this was all of Doctor Who fandom: and yet the people who fail to recognize that the New Series is “not canon” and a travesty still can stuff the ballot box!

  7. I’ve heard nothing but good things about “The Expanse.” One of these days I have got to get off my lazy arse and watch it while sitting around on my lazy arse.

    That goes for “The Last Kingdom” as well.


    The fourth Beatle. Before that he produced albums by the legendary British comedy trio The Goons.

  8. “Helsinki is a lot closer to Belfast than the US, so there’s even a chance that David and Dan might fly in for the ceremony (shooting schedule permitting)”

    Filming has been done for 2 months, hasn’t it?

  9. Jack Bauer 24,

    The ceremony is 11 August. That’s probably still early for actual season 8 filming but I suppose they could be on the road gearing up for it.

  10. Clob:
    Jack Bauer 24,

    The ceremony is 11 August.That’s probably still early for actual season 8 filming but I suppose they could be on the road gearing up for it.

    True. I would think they would keep the same filming schedule as Season 7, so start in September.

  11. Catspaw Assassin: The fourth Beatle. Before that he produced albums by the legendary British comedy trio The Goons.

    Ringo might beg to say “fifth.” (And Pete Best might just punch you.)

    Sadly, Sir George died last year. He was not quite the 5th Beatle in that he never actually wrote their music: but his arrangements contributed as much to their work as a good editor contributes to a well-done novel. And that is to say: he was a BIG part of the Beatles! He also introduced the Beatles to a variety of musical styles with which they were unfamiliar: McCartney in particular took to it like a plant takes to sunlight.

    They would not have been as great without Sir George.

    (Shall we call GRRM Ser George to make the distinction clear?)

  12. Wimsey,

    Among many contributions, George Martin composed the score for Eleanor Rigby, wrote and played the piano solo on “In My Life”, and added the string quartet to “Yesterday”, so he’s pretty damn awesome in my book!

  13. Wimsey,

    According to the National Gallery of Art’s website, Francesco di Giorgio Martini was born in Siena in 1439. He was not only a painter and sculptor, but also an important architect, theorist, and military engineer. He died in 1501.

    Valar Morghulis maestro.

    PS — don’t forget Stu Sutcliffe and Billy Preston! 😉

  14. Catspaw Assassin,

    Oh, that’s true. However, the Beatles themselves had very little to do with the movie! They were supposed to do the voices, but they never got around to it. They have their weird little cameo in the end, but other than that, it was a “Beatles Name Brand” project.

    Catspaw Assassin: Stu Sutcliffe and Billy Preston!

    Touché! Didn’t Preston do the electric piano on Get Back? Good stuff!

    Clearly the George Martin name works for artists.

  15. Mr Derp: George Martin composed the score for Eleanor Rigby

    Eleanor was all Paul. Martin transcribed the quartet for Yesterday, but that was based on what McCartney gave him on guitar. Part of the reason why McCartney did Eleanor Rigby’s music on his own (he was studying classical music at the time) was because he was a little miffed that people thought that Martin composed rather than arranged Yesterday! One bit of trivia is that George Harrison co-wrote the Eleanor Rigby lyrics with Paul & John. It is a great song on both counts (lyrics and music).

    I do remember reading that the keyboard on In My Life (which might have been a harpsicord) was basically Lennon telling Martin what he was hearing: supposedly John kept cajoling George to get it “More Bach” until George played what John was hearing in his head! (Because, you know, “More Bach” explains things so clearly to me…..)

    But that is a huge part of these artistic endeavors: getting the vision in the artists’ heads onto tape, paper, film. The importance of producers, conductors, directors and editors cannot be understated: the artist makes it, but those guys make it happen.

  16. Wimsey,

    From what I’ve read and seen, Martin took credit for composing the string ensemble in Eleanor Rigby. Whether he’s telling the truth or not, I don’t know, but it’s out there.

    Part of the problem with these stories is that the facts tend to change depending on who’s telling the story. For example, Lennon said that he wrote all of the lyrics to Eleanor Rigby except the first verse, while others remember that he barely played any part in it at all. Who knows.

    Either way, I agree that the collaboration between the Beatles and George Martin was something special. Just like the collaboration between George R.R. Martin and D&D. Hopefully D&D will have an easier time staying together towards the end than the Beatles did 😉

  17. Mr Derp: Hopefully D&D will have an easier time staying together towards the end than the Beatles did

    I heard there is at least one Yoko Ono campaigning to oust them 😉

  18. Wimsey,

    I watched a documentary once about the making of the movie, and you’re absolutely right, the Beatles had nothing to do with it except for that neat bit at the end as they weren’t expecting much beyond the Saturday morning cartoon (which btw I never missed). The team who made the movie did a bang-up job didn’t they?

    Yes indeedy, that’s Billy Preston stealing the show on the keys. The fabs were playing their scouser heads off on that tune.

  19. He says Benioff and Weiss will try to attend, but if they can’t, “the lovely Sibel Kekilli will help me represent GOT on the night.”

    Hmmm… What’s up with the two of them? They seem to have some sort of “special” friendship. To which I would say, good for him. Writers deserve the rock star lifestyle more than rock stars.

  20. Dame of Mercia,

    I did not know that, Dame of Mercia, thanks! And thanks Mr Derp for the link!

    “I’m cured!” — Major Bloodnok (aka Peter Sellers)

  21. I’ve been feeling quite old lately!!!!

    But then I read this comments section ?

    Only joking guys love the Beatles best of all time

  22. Ten Bears,

    First of all both GRRM and Sibel are married people and second of all you can have an admiration for the opposite sex without being infatuated with them . When Martin went on a book tour signing in Germany, Sibel was his guide since he didn’t know the place very well obviously and Sibel living there and knowing her from the show helped him around the place,that’s all,that’s why he is more friendly to her than the rest of the cast since he didn’t spend so much time with them .

  23. DragonBallfan,

    Not only that but also Sibel interviewed GRRM for a german documentary film TV series called Durch die Nacht mit… (Into the Night with …). Basically, he hosts her and shows her around while discussing many topics.

    She said she chose him for the interview because she really likes and admires him. They seem to have a nice friendship… or at least a very warm relationship.

  24. A Dornish Tyrell,

    Whatever it is, that’s great. Mutual admiration is better – and harder to find – than other interpersonal connections.

    And I know The Grrm Reaper is married. I do not presume to delineate the proper contours of anyone’s else’s marriage.
    I think he deserves adoration, whatever form it comes in.

    Nevertheless, I should’ve been more circumspect about commenting on the nature of his relationship. I didn’t mean to impugn either of them, their marriages, or marriage in general.

  25. If he spent half as much time writing TWOW as he did writing blargs about Hugos and puppies and that nonsense, it would have been released a year ago.

  26. HelloThere,

    Really, miguel prefers epi. 9?? I must go research that. I can’t imagine anyone preferring BotB over TWoW. The finale was an amazing episode. Arguably, the best of the series. Don’t get me wrong, 6×9 was amazing, but the finale blew it out of the rapidly freezing water.

  27. Balerion The Cat: The Expanse is amazing, definitely the best science fiction since Battlestar Galactica with probably the most diverse cast on tv right now! While I think that GoT will win this time, I would be so happy to see The Expanse win because it’s so underrated and it could use more recognition. The whole list is filled with amazing shows, so whoever wins, I’ll be happy!

    The Expanse is the best TV show nobody is watching!
    I was glad GRRM gave the show some hype on his web site, because I was afraid it would not get a nomination nod at all.
    It is the a little similar Firefly but with a much bigger canvas and more intricate story.
    Season 2 has been better than season 1.
    Episode 5 of this season 2 was the best TV science fiction story I may every seen!
    Hope that wins in 2018.
    At least it is green lighted for a third season.

  28. A Dornish Tyrell: Not only that but also Sibel interviewed GRRM for a german documentary film TV series called Durch die Nacht mit… (Into the Night with …). Basically, he hosts her and shows her around while discussing many topics.

    Did we ever find out if Sibel was in Season 6 as an extra? I guess she has let go of the show by now?

  29. Molestown bastard:
    I’ve been feeling quite old lately!!!!

    But then I read this comments section

    Only joking guys love the Beatles best of all time

    Actually back in the day (I’ll own up to being only a little younger than GRRM) in the UK there was some division as to whether folk liked the Beatles more than the Stones or vice versa. There were of course people who liked both equally (or like my late father hated them both). Back then there were some pop stars who were singers but not songwriters – I think nowadays there are more singer-songwriters. The Beatles were notable in their day for the fact they wrote their own (or a lot of their own – they did cover Chuck Berry “Roll Over Beethoven” and some Tamla-Motown works) songs. I seldom listen to modern pop songs so I can’t judge them.

    I’ve wandered off the topic of the Hugos so I will just wish GoT (or the people behind GoT) good luck.

  30. Whilst we are on the subject of music, does anyone know if the music of thrones concert is being released on DVD for those of us who are nowhere near America.

  31. The Black Mirror episode should win. Battle of the Bastards was terrible and shouldn’t be nominated.

  32. Sue (and others), you really must watch The Expanse. It is very good and definitely not getting the buzz that it deserves.

    Apparently, I’ll have to take a look at Black Mirror, with so many people saying that it should win this category.

  33. Dame of Mercia: Actually back in the day (I’ll own up to being only a little younger than GRRM) in the UK there was some division as to whether folk liked the Beatles more than the Stones or vice versa.

    I know people who consider this a vital question to ask on a first date.

  34. Boojam,

    Was she supposed to be in S6 as an extra? I wasn’t aware of that.

    I remember a rumor a couple of year ago regarding Michelle Fairley visiting the GoT set (which triggered a number of speculations about a certain book character absent in the show), which ended up being unfounded. Maybe this thing with Sibel was just a rumor as well…

    Ten Bears: Mutual admiration is better – and harder to find – than other interpersonal connections.

    Couldn’t agree more!

  35. Clob,

    Oh, I see!!! I missed that since I always try to avoid spoilers.

    I’m glad to see that the cast members of GoT remain friends and keep in contact after they die in the show. 😀

  36. Feelings of dread seeing “Hugos” coming around again. I remember last year, he spends a solid 2-3 months going on and on about it in his blog. You know damn well when this time of year rolls round, productivity grinds to a stand still.

  37. A Dornish Tyrell: I remember a rumor a couple of year ago regarding Michelle Fairley visiting the GoT set (which triggered a number of speculations about a certain book character absent in the show), which ended up being unfounded. Maybe this thing with Sibel was just a rumor as well…

    Was that ever confirmed? I remember something about Fairley being in Belfast for something, but had nothing to do with the show, or that she even visited.
    I mean Rose seems to be with Kit a lot , when she is not working, but not even sure if she has been seen with other cast, in Belfast, during production. Tho that has probably happened.
    Come to think of it, I think it has happened.

    Sibel seems to be kind of a GoT insider ‘groupie’ . We still have no idea why she was in Spain during production of season 6, apparently got an invitation to the set, I don’t think by D&D. I remember seeing an interview with her ,in German, where she was asked the question, she gave a very ambiguous answer. She might have been in a scene , unaccredited, cut out, or she might have just visited the set.

    Sibel even appears in GRRM’s April Fool’s post this month.

  38. Wolfish,

    Yes I did see it, thank you. I have also seen the clips on you tube and it looks amazing, I’m very jealous. Fingers crossed it will come out so we can all enjoy. I am sure it would be extremely popular.

  39. Arkash,

    I just saw all the nominees and saw clipping.’s “Splendor and Misery” is also on there in that category (an album I may listen to a lot, driving, alone…and it creeps me out, but it is so very good). This is a category that is chock full of things I love, and I can’t choose, though, in my heart of hearts, I think I would like the GoT win.

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