George R. R. Martin Talks Game of Thrones Finale and Future Projects

David Benioff, George R. R. Martin and D.B Weiss at Season 8 NYC Premiere. Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic for HBO.
David Benioff, George R. R. Martin and D.B Weiss at Season 8 NYC Premiere. Photo by Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic for HBO.

On his latest Not a Blog post, George R. R. Martin speaks out about his feelings for the final Game of Thrones episode, as well as what projects are in store for him and the showrunners now that it’s all over! How much will his written work differ from the version we’ve now seen on screen? Let’s find out!

On his blog, titled An Ending, GRRM reminisces about his initial meeting with David Benioff and D.B. Weiss over a decade ago.  He remarks on how quickly that time has gone by and how little idea he had at the start that the show would become one of the most popular television series of all time.

He takes the time to thank some of the people involved in what he terms, “a wild ride, to say the least,” including the cast and crew, David and Dan, the team at HBO, headed up by Richard Plepler, and the wonderful Bryan Cogman, referring to him once again as “the third head of the dragon.”

GRRM goes on to discuss what future projects lie ahead for him and the showrunners.  This of course includes Star Wars for David and Dan, as well as what appears to be confirmation by GRRM of Bryan Cogman working on Amazon’s new Tolkien series as a consultang. As well as finishing off the ASoIaF books, GRRM himself has eight(!) TV shows in development – five with HBO, two with Hulu, and one with the History Channel – numerous feature adaptations, and other new projects to keep him busy!

He also touches on what has been one of the most hotly contested topics of the final season: does the show have the same ending as the books? All he gives us is…“Well… yes. And no. And yes. And no. And yes. And no. And yes.”

Thanks for clearing that up George! Of course the books and the show are very different mediums, and GRRM does promise that in his novels we’ll find out what happens to book only characters and plot lines, as well as featuring “unicorns of a sort.” He finishes with his favourite reference to the number of children Scarlett O’Hara had (famously she has three in the novel Gone with the Wind and only one in the film adaptation) and suggests that once he’s written it, “Everyone can make up their own mind, and argue about it on the internet.” Sage advice!


  1. I don’t see how he can possibly finish two entire books with everything else that he is working on.

  2. I love George, but if he plans to use two long tomes to arrive at the same, bitter, dreary, bleak and depressing finale as did the show, then don’t bother. The series would be better left unfinished, in that case.

  3. Jack Hamm,

    I thought pretty much everyone got a fairly happy ending. I was surprised. Dany fans are probably bitter, but as a Jon fan, I’m very happy for him!

  4. Lovely for GRRM that he has so many projects going on. So many not even connected to the ASoIaF universe.

    The Winds of Winter incoming… in … 2023? A Dream of Spring… never.

    Thank gods, old and new, that D&D gave us an ending.

  5. I don’t believe GRRM denial that The Winds of Winter is not over. Let’s remember that 2015 Christmas announcement that ended in that disappointing news that he had failed to finished (as he expected to do by that time) then he said he would not be participating in the Comic Con because he needed the time to finish The Winds of Winter. He never said it with all of the words but he implied several times that he was in the last stages of the book and then the ending never come, I do think he wanted the show ended first and then release his own ending.

  6. I wonder whether that rushed ending was related to the 2016 to 2018 change in leadership of HBO, following the merger or sale between AT&T and Time Warner.

    I can accept the ending, but it was so rushed and not completely consistent with the established tone and themes. No explanation of the religions – did they just die out?, the red god, the seven, the lord of light, whatever?

    There wasn’t any satisfactory explanation of how that motley group ended up at the dragon pit? If the remaining “lords” of houses, why Brienne, why Arya? If it was heroes of the battles – and thus Brienne and Arya – why the other random men? I just contrast it with the sober and beautiful ending of the red lady, walking out in the snow.

    After Drogon left, the closing scenes were almost comic in nature. It just lacked the tone of the show.

    Anyway, I have been mulling this over and that’s what I concluded in my own mind as a possible reason – when the HBO CEO was forced out, the showrunners didn’t have the backbone or the backing to complete the series in a truly satisfying way. Maybe they checked out a bit because they are moving on to Star Wars, and maybe the creative vision became muddled in the absence of the leadership that HBO had previously had. I don’t know, but I am just wondering – and the end was shortchanged.

  7. More nonsense from the Master of Whisperers and Coin. Can’t wait until the next groundbreaking Wild Cards anthology!

    Anyone know what the Vegas odds are on who will finish their next installment first? Martin (Winds) or Rothfuss (Doors)?

  8. Haven’t started the books yet, and likely will wait until he releases the next one.
    This was a show that seemed to reach the immersion level of its book version, with superb visuals to aid our own imaginations. Yet, if all I’d ever seen of the show was season 8, not sure I’d have gone back to see more episodes, or cared about the hollow characters. But perhaps. The cinematography and music were mesmerizing!

    Now I want to know how all the prophecies fall into place and we’ll need GRRM doing the explaining.

  9. Bones

    I thought pretty much everyone got a fairly happy ending. I was surprised. Dany fans are probably bitter, but as a Jon fan, I’m very happy for him!

    I’m glad you liked it. I did not. Yes I adored Dany, as I found hers to be the most interesting story in the series and, also, I found her character to be the most interesting of all.

    The ending was simply unsuccessful, to me from an artistic point of view. Others will feel differently, I suppose.

  10. Also, considering where the 5 novels are now – Jon Snow just murdered, Stannis (yeah, remember him?) about to take on the Boltons; Cersei just having completed her walk of shame – how in the seven hells does the dear man think he can bring it to an end in just two more books?

    It took the show three more seasons, two of them quite rushed. And the books will have at least one or two major and a couple of minor storylines not in the show to complete.

    Sorry, the man is a bit deluded. He doesn’t owe us anything, it’s his story, not ours, but still, jeesh!

  11. I’m glad George talks highly about D&D.

    Jack Hamm,

    Bitter, bleak? The ending was one of the most positive aspects of the whole saga. Every Stark is where they are the happiest.

    The people who remain alive in westeros finally got a king and a way of electing them that is better then what was before. It was not bleak it was the complete opposite.


    Please don’t call George a jerk. Hes a very sweet fun guy in my opinion.


    I think it’s good that he has projects. I think somehow that will help him finish the books. I think george is a workaholic. So those projects could be his day offs. And he can start with a fresh mind the next week. So maybe it helps.

  12. Bones:
    Jack Hamm,

    I thought pretty much everyone got a fairly happy ending. I was surprised. Dany fans are probably bitter, but as a Jon fan, I’m very happy for him!

    I’m a Jon fan, but seriously, how happy is he ever going to be ? His soul was split by having to kill Dany. He’s going to be miserable for a long while, if not the rest of his life.

    And I’m no Dany fan, but there’s no way not to be bitter about her ending.

  13. Nick20,

    I’ve hates Dany almost the entire series. I said she was a villain in season 3. I’m happy for Jon because he’s sacrificed everything for the good of everyone else. He gets to leave all that behind and be a free man.

  14. Lady MarMar:
    No explanation of the religions – did they just die out?, the red god, the seven, the lord of light, whatever?

    Nope, they all still have followers just like real life.

    If the remaining “lords” of houses, why Brienne, why Arya?

    Because Jon was imprisoned and Brienne is Sansa’s sworn shield.

    If it was heroes of thebattles

    It wasn’t.

    I don’t know, but I am just wondering – and the end was shortchanged.

    The battles took so long to shoot that if they added any more material, the season would have been delayed for another year.

  15. Are you a fan of the books?
    Let me suck the air right out of your fancy room of high hopes and expectations, with this little Quote:
    “And me? I’m still here, and I’m still busy. As a producer, I’ve got five shows in development at HBO (some having nothing whatsoever to do with the world of Westeros), two at Hulu, one on the History Channel. I’m involved with a number of feature projects, some based upon my own stories and books, some on material created by others. There are these short films I am hoping to make, adaptations of classic stories by one of the most brilliant, quirky, and original writers our genre has ever produced. I’ve consulted on a video game out of Japan. And then there’s Meow Wolf…

    And I’m writing.”


  16. Kevin1989: The people who remain alive in westeros finally got a king and a way of electing them that is better then what was before.

    And the rest of the on-screen main and secondary characters got their dream jobs.

  17. Somewhere between the fast-forwarding of the show, and the excruciating pace of the writing of the books, is where the story should be. 😆

  18. Nick20,

    I am not bitter about Dany’s ending. She chose how her life went in the end, same as Cersei and Stannis. They had many opportunities to get out of the game, to choose a different path. They chose a stupid throne over family, the three of them – well, Aegon’s thousands swords ripped them apart.

    I feel sorry for the likes of Ned who got caught up in a game he never intended to play and his entire family paid for it. But Dany was a willing player and as Cersei put it, when you play the game of thrones you either win or die.

  19. talvikorppi:
    Also, considering where the 5 novels are now – Jon Snow just murdered, Stannis (yeah, remember him?) about to take on the Boltons; Cersei just having completed her walk of shame – how in the seven hells does the dear man think he can bring it to an end in just two more books?

    This is the thing that concerns me the most about his progress. He’s still saying he thinks he will be done in two books, though he did hedge a bit in that update. If he hasn’t even gotten to the point where he knows that Winds ends in a place where it’s impossible to finish with one book after that, when it’s been obvious that’s the case before he started writing it, then how much progress could he possibly have made? I guess since he didn’t accept that the show was going to pass him until it happened he needs to have written the entire 7th book before he accepts that he can’t get to the ending in it.

    But I’m not angry with him about it. I just feel bad for him. I save my anger for David Gerrold. That $%&er is going on 26 years since the last book in his Chtorr series was published and he takes money from his fans to finish it through crowdfunding without producing anything other than lies about being almost done.

  20. I think they try to fool us. Again. It is impossible that the books will not have at least a huge reveal before the end. Let’s not forget that Jon got killed in his quest to unite the living against the dead. During that time, Dany ended up back to basics with the Dothraki.
    Now, Dany died in her quest for the iron throne and Jon is back to basics beyond the Wall.
    This is the end for the Game of Thrones, but for A song of ice and fire it’s just a milestone close to the end.

  21. Jack Hamm,

    A Song of Ice and Fire is not that dreary or depressing. The ending of GOT was also not that depressing if you think about it. Ned Stark’s remaining children lived and took charge of their own lives – Sansa made sure to secure her autonomy, Arya chose to follow her free spirit, knowing that there’s a home to come back to if she so wishes. Whatever remains of Bran chose a role that allowed his siblings the liberty to chose their destinies, because he himself no longer wants. And Jon, who had always have his life dictated by others (raised as a bastard though born a King, elected LC without his input, resurrected by no choice of his own, burden with a crown he did not want, sent to the Wall in exile) finally went beyond the wall to become one of the free folk, people who by the way truly appreciate him. I see a family of his own choosing in his future, something he wouldn’t have had if he became Aegon Targaryen, sixth of his name.

    Also, the Imp became king by proxy. The true winner of the game of thrones.

    If you ever want to read a dreary and truly depressing novel, try A Fine Balance. My lord, I never read so much misery in my life and I’ve read a lot.

  22. Lady MarMar,

    I think HBO wanted more, both more episodes and more seasons, but D&D jumped on the Confederate bandwagon and were looking to the future. I can’t blame them but wish they had handed it off to someone else to finish.

    The article below suggests they tanked the show because they were upset that Confederate got shelved after the bad PR around the announcement, but I think that’s unlikely. I do think that it solidified their desire to move on, and they got mentally distracted by Star Wars. GoT is the kind of franchise that requires you to be fully immersed in both the story you’re writing and the lore behind it all, and any distractions are bound to take away from that needed focus.

  23. Thanks for clearing that up George !
    “Well… yes. – For Gendry
    And no. – For Bran
    And yes. – For Arya
    And no. – For Jon
    And yes. – For Tyrion
    And no. – For Dany
    And yes. – For Sansa”

    7 Answers for 7 Characters. Like I said…Thanks for clearing that up George !

  24. Bones,

    You shouldn’t be. His life has been full of overbearing sorrow that would mentally crush most people.

    It’s difficult to see how he would ever recover, but the point of his ending is that, as with each new Spring, there is always new life and hope.

    But we’re not supposed to feel happiness at his ending, his ending encapsulates the bitter sweetness of the entire series.

  25. As for finishing my book… I fear that New Zealand would distract me entirely too much. Best leave me here in Westeros for the nonce. But I tell you this — if I don’t have THE WINDS OF WINTER in hand when I arrive in New Zealand for worldcon, you have here my formal written permission to imprison me in a small cabin on White Island, overlooking that lake of sulfuric acid, until I’m done. Just so long as the acrid fumes do not screw up my old DOS word processor, I’ll be fine.

    Next Worldcon NZ is July 2020

  26. Lord Freddy Blackfyre,

    IMO there are two possibilitys:

    1.) He already finished WOW as you say and just waited for GOT to end, or

    2.) He thougt he finished WOW just to learn that things he plotted in WOW don’t work in a way to come to his planned end in ADOS without a “GOTS8-Rush- or Out-of Character-Feeling”… With only two volumes left, he has to write his books from the end to the start. He has pretty much pressure to handle, a weaker book will destroy his ASOIAF-Legacy.

    Hope, you are right 🙂

  27. Nick20: Kevin

    Maybe see it more that he will be more happier in the real north after what happened instead of in a place where he is constant being reminded about what happened?

    And as for Dany, yes she had a bitter ending, but you can’t look at an ending for one character, else I could go that Ned had a bitter ending, or that Jaime had a bitter ending. But the show is not just one character. Of all the characters in the final only one had bitter, the rest sweet, meaning it was mostly sweet.

  28. talvikorppi,

    Well I watched a lot of shows and this ending was more sweet then most I watched. I know a comedy that ended more depressing then this one.

    Even for the show itself that ended most seasons in horror, Ned beheading, Red Wedding, Shireen etc this episode only had the death of a character that would become a tyrant of the whole world. So that means her going is overal more sweet, and every other characters got what they always wanted, Jon peace, Sansa ruling, Bran being useful, his first seasons were about him not feeling useful as a cripple, Arya seeing the world wonders, Sam being maester and having a family etc. It was very sweet ending. And an ending with the possibility of a sequel over 10 years.

  29. kevin1989,

    Many of the other seasons actually ended on a positive note (many of which were Dany related), Ned’s beheading, Red Wedding etc. were not the curtain call for those seasons. I would put this season end in about the middle on the positivity/bleakness spectrum. It was neither bleak, nor overwhelmingly positive, even if you are a Stark fan.

    Unfortunately, the idea many have that this is a “sweet” ending seems to overlook the fact that these characters have memories and lingering emotions, including regrets, as does the audience (and we are meant to share these emotions with the characters).

    Jon may be going north, but burdened with grief, which has dominated the formative and prime years of his life. He didn’t look like a happy camper when he arrived at castle black. His face looked drawn and burdened.

    Tyrion may be the de-facto winner of the Game of Thrones, but he has lost his love and Queen (Dany) in circumstances worse than death, and then actual death and his siblings. How much confidence does he actually have that he will be good at it? He has an awful lot to fix on the ground.

    Sansa may be Queen in the North but it cost the North a generation of young men who have died in the wars down south and with the NK. She also lost her family, save Arya and Bran. She knows that freedom for the North (even though it involved doing all the right things) cost Jon everything (notice how he doesn’t say he forgives her, when she asks for forgiveness).

    It has ended well for Bran, but as viewers we have no longer have any emotional currency with him.

    The only character where I would say it’s a truly happy ending is Arya. She’s grown up as a lone wolf, exacted revenge, returned from the darkness, has the love of her remaining family members and gets to do what she has always wanted to.

  30. kevin1989: Maybe see it more that he will be more happier in the real north after what happened instead of in a place where he is constant being reminded about what happened?

    And as for Dany, yes she had a bitter ending, but you can’t look at an ending for one character, else I could go that Ned had a bitter ending, or that Jaime had a bitter ending. But the show is not just one character. Of all the characters in the final only one had bitter, the rest sweet, meaning it was mostly sweet.

    It really is a skewed analysis to say every character but one had a happy ending, given what has been televised for past 8 seasons and what that has meant to the characters that actually survived.

    Dany (and Jon) was the catalyst of the events of the last two seasons. Without her, Cersei would still be in power and Sansa would be sniping away up North, Olenna would be sniping away down South and/or the NK would have wiped everyone out. Of course her ending means more in story terms than Ned Stark’s (can’t believe you would make that comparison with a character that went in S1, LOL). Of course her ending has more significance, her arc (intertwined with Jon’s) has been the dominant narrative force in the story since the finale of Season 6 back in 2016!

    The only characters to be as significant as Jon and Dany since then have been Arya and Tyrion. Of those, only Arya’s ending was truly uplifting.

  31. Iul,

    Delusion is never a good thing i’m afraid, it’s time to accept the fact that at least for the main characters, this is how things are going to go in either medium .

  32. Kevin1989,

    So thats why my post was removed….well, then what would you call someone who keeps making promises that he doesn’t keep for the last 10 years????? he may be a sweet fun guy, but he’s been jerking us around….I am disappointed, and think this show would have ended much more successfully if it actually had material to adapt from. But haven’t believed him in a very long time, and at this point just shrug my shoulders and accept that it won’t happen. End of story (really)

  33. ash,

    I think the true moral of the story is, don’t sell your book series to be adapted until you actually finish it, a memo for all the future writers there

  34. They had six hours for this final season. I expect these last two books of mine will fill 3,000 manuscript pages between them before I’m done…and if more pages and chapters and scenes are needed, I’ll add them.

    Yeah, we’re never getting the end to this story in print.

    Did it never occur to George that he might have to find a way to end it in 3,000 manuscript pages? If you never impose a deadline on a work of fiction, this is what happens.

  35. HousePotterz,

    The man still doesn’t know for sure if he is going to finish it in 7 books and you’re doubting him about the manuscript pages ? That’s the least of the problems .

  36. Iul,

    I love how you conveniently only picked the endings that you didn’t like as not happening, i swear some of you are borderline parody

  37. Jack Nabble:

    The man still doesn’t know for sure if he is going to finish it in 7 books and you’re doubting him about the manuscript pages ? That’s the least of the problems .

    I interpreted that quote differently from you, it seems. Either that, or I did not make myself clear.

    I believe there is no way in the Seven Hells that George can finish this story in seven volumes. Even if he were to be ruthless in his killing off of secondary POVs and consolidating storylines*, he couldn’t get from where he ended in ADWD to where the story ends as we’ve seen on the show.

    *Two things he has never, ever done before.

    This blog post is either him keeping up a facade that he knows is false, OR he is still engaged in massive self-deception.

  38. Jack Nabble,

    “Delusion is never a good thing i’m afraid, it’s time to accept the fact that at least for the main characters, this is how things are going to go in either medium.”

    Ok. Come up with answers (for yourself) for the following questions:
    Why Jon Snow had to die ?
    How would things have been if Winds of Winter would have been published ’till now ? – Having key moments like Jon comes back, The Wall comes down.
    Why did Jon Snow had to come back ?
    Dany has to light 3 fires. The fires are lighten when she is at her lowest: When her husband died, when she “went back” to the dothraki sea and… still to come.
    The wheel has been broken. Dany and Jon can’t be together (as Dany mentioned) as long as the Iron Throne exists. Their story is hugely tragic in the tv series. It makes sense for it to be tragic in the quest for the throne (game of thrones). It can stay like this of course…it’s fantasy, anything can happen.
    Do you feel like their story is complete ? One is dead, and the other spends the rest of his life questioning “do you think I did the right thing ? – It doesn’t feel like I did”.
    Does Bran’s quest lead him to ruling kingdoms ??? I’ll give an answer to this one. Bran should become something like the opposite of the NK: A day king…
    But of course George can close Jon, Dany and Bran exactly like in the tv show. Jon will dream (nightmare) of spring – how would life have been with Dany, she enjoys afterlife with Drogon and Bran rulezz.

  39. Jack Nabble,

    “I love how you conveniently only picked the endings that you didn’t like as not happening, i swear some of you are borderline parody”

    They are not conveniently picked. They are 7. See if you can find through these names a mother, a father, a smith, a warrior, a stranger… and so on.
    Ahh… forget about it. It is borderline parody.
    You did not understand yet that there is no right answer… It’s fantasy, it’s magic !

  40. theres82:
    Lord Freddy Blackfyre,

    IMO there are two possibilitys:

    1.) He already finished WOW as you say and just waited for GOT to end, or

    2.) He thougt he finished WOW just to learn that things he plottedin WOW don’t work in a way to come to his planned end in ADOS without a “GOTS8-Rush- or Out-of Character-Feeling”… With only two volumes left, he has to write his books from the end to the start. He has pretty much pressure to handle, a weaker book will destroy his ASOIAF-Legacy.

    Hope, you are right 🙂

    Or there is a third option. He has seen the reaction of “fans” this year and really doesn’t fell like dealing with it. He doesn’t want to deal with the petition that inevitably comes for a “competent” writer to rewrite the final book into one that satisfys the “fans.”

  41. Iul,

    Well, Martin has said times and times again that he doesn’t like endings which ties up all things for every character because real life doesn’t work like that, war will still be a thing,hunger will still be a thing,petty fights between different factions and politics will still be a thing, writing something like Jon and Dany married, put all their difference aside and ruled happily ever after is dishonest with what the story has been since the beginning, take Ned Stark for example, he lost his father, brother and sister and also his one true love Ashara Dayne, his living brother got sent to the wall and he was forced to marry his brother’s fiancee while taking on his nephew as his bastard son, if Robert’s Rebellion would have been the main series that would have been seen as a miserable ending for him, however he managed to live with it and live a happy life until the events in GOT, Jon is going to find happiness and possibly love amongs living with the wildlings, Arya will be happy exploring the seas, Sansa will be happy rulling and protecting the North and Bran will be happy keeping things in order for as far as he can.

  42. George compares himself to a gardener quite often and I can see that based on his novels. Problem is the story that started out as a sapling with a few main branches has gotten away from him and grown into a tree with branches still growing. With all the new POVs in the last two novels alone it’s going to be extremely hard to wrap it up in just 2 books. 3 is probably more realistic and I think he knows this. He’s probably having issues with TWoW being too large but not wanting to split it into two volumes like AFfC and ADwD as a lot of people didn’t like those novels as much as the earlier 3. I did not mind them, honestly, and Theon’s ADWD chapters are some of the best of the whole saga. I don’t care if George takes 4 books to wrap up the story as long as he is honestly working on a conclusion.
    Just chop the fucking tree down, George. Chop it down.

  43. Bones,

    I am not happy for him. Why should I be? He lost everything saving the Starks. He was banished in the North to have Bran, who is no longer Bran, sitting on the throne. Great reward. Somebody needs to shake him up and tell him to forget the ranger and become the king he was destined to be.

  44. Aurelius,

    Happier then that they couldn’t have make it, or they should have somehow magically undo the horrors they went through in all the seasons. So memories stick no matter what they would have choose. Only dead would have ended those memories and I don’t think that would have been a better option and receive more happier.


    I went with Ned to show you that it’s not only about one character but multiple characters the story.

    The final had 5 main characters left, in which 4 survived and got the best ending that was possible for them at that moment. As you state the horrors that have befallen them would still linger. But how could the final give them a better ending if those horrors happened in season 1 till 7? Isn’t it the problem that in those seasons those horrible things happen that make sure there was no more positive way to end their characters?

    The only bitter thing happening in the final itself with the 4 remaining Starks was Jon killing Dany. And yes he will have to have a hard life living with it.

    As for the Starks everything went their way for once in the whole show. Sansa finally got her reward, Queen in the North, gave the north their independence what she wanted for a while now.
    Arya going on her adventure in which she talked since season 6.
    Bran can be useful with his powers until he dies.

    So how could they have shown a better ending for the Starks then this? I’m happy to see another way, but for me the only way was if the horrors from the first 7 seasons never happened.

  45. ash,

    You won’t hear me that he shouldn’t have ended the books ages ago. He should have ended book 6 before season 6 needed to be written, and he should have ended book 7 before book 7 should be written. So yes his work attics can improve massively. Not going to deny that, and he himself knows that, that no need to use that against him again, because it will not help him to get into a better writing mood. And that judgement should be on the publishers not us, we should be angry at the publishers for not making sure that book was his first priority.

    As for him calling a jerk it’s personal, you’re not talking about his work but about him personally. That should never be said without you knowing him personally. For me he looks like a fun nice guy with a good heart, so no calling him a jerk is uncalled for.

    And it’s even against the rules of this site to call somebody working the show, books, mods, commenters names to insult them. so yes you may find him a jerk, but you should not have utter that here.

  46. HousePotterz,

    He can end the story much faster then we think. Like the whole Dany burning KL to the ground, for the show it needed to be shown, and it was shown for 40 minutes. For the books it don’t have to be that long.
    The whole episode 5 story could be told in 4 chapters.
    1. Tyrion talking with Varys, and him betraying varys and see Varys burn. (Which I don’t think will happen the same in the books but it’s more to show the different in mediums). Short chapter of 10 pages.
    2. A chapter with Dany where she kills the iron fleet and be civil ending the chapter with her thoughts about burning the civilians. 10 pages
    3. A chapter with Jon where he witness the horror that befall the city and him fighting his own man. 10 pages
    Meaning 30 pages max.

    The whole Cersei part will probably different and be shown through the eyes of Cersei herself. Which the cleganebowl will probably contain maybe 3 pages. Her witnessing the destruction of KL and dying maybe 7 pages. That could also be told in 10 pages.

    Meaning that the whole episode 5 is probably very short in the books itself. Action base parts is always longer in the show itself.

    The problem is more his extra characters that were cut in the show that are still alive. But if he decide to kill them in book 6, he could finish the whole season 7 and 8 season in 1 book.

  47. I was taken aback to read that he hasn’t started ADoS.

    When you’re stuck, it often helps to put the difficult bit aside and write an easier bit. Write the part that you can, then you have made some progress and the momentum can carry you through the rest. This is true whether you’re writing a letter, an essay, a story, poem or whatever.

    So given that he’d already determined the ending, why not write the ending and work back? I really thought that’s what he would be doing, and we’d eventually get both books, if not together, at least close.

  48. I’ve given up on the books at this point, though I hope I’m wrong and he does finish them. I’m not as invested in the books as I used to be, with Feast and Dance being a letdown and the show finishing first, but I hope Martin surprises me.

  49. Also, the Imp became king by proxy.The true winner of the game of thrones.

    He did, and thank the gods for that. But please don’t call Tyrion The Imp. I hear he hates that nickname……

  50. I’m pleased GRRM passed comment as it finally shutdown some of the haters who claimed D&D made it up. With any luck we will get Winds within the next year but I don’t expect to ever see the final book.

  51. Lord Freddy Blackfyre:
    I don’t believe GRRM denial that The Winds of Winter is not over.Let’s remember that 2015 Christmas announcement that ended in that disappointing news that he had failed to finished (as he expected to do by that time) then he said he would not be participating in the Comic Con because he needed the time to finish The Winds of Winter. He never said it with all of the words but he implied several times that he was in the last stages of the book and then the ending never come, I do think he wanted the show ended first and then release his own ending.

    I don’t think he can do that given he sold the rights to HBO.

  52. Jon Snowed,

    Nah, they will say HBO paid him up and has him locked up in a cell somewhere where he can’t express his true feelings, i mean this are the same people who think the last season has been a failure for HBO despite the fact that it’s the larged viewed season of any series ever on HBO and has driven them tons of subcriptions, i’m sure HBO knew this is going to be a divissive season in terms of critical reaction, but i’m sorry to say it for these people, businesses thrive on money not on critics licking your butt(pardon my french), the final season has made a shitload of money for HBO despite all the whining and bitching, i think that’s what’s hurting them the most and why they made that stupid petition in the first place, they bragged about reaching over a million people signing it(despite the fact that you can sign it with multiple accounts or bot accounts which is why no one takes them seriously in the first place)while ignoring the fact that GOT is watched by tens of millions of people across the globe(maybe even more if you count illegal means), shit even season 1 had more people watching than the amount of people signing that petition, so all in all they just made themselves look like jackasses and instead took away from the seriousness of other real life and more important issues, which does deserve to have millions of people singing up petitions .

  53. Jon Snowed,

    The man himself already made a blog post where he trashed that rumor but some people still prefer to live in their own minds and claim he already has the books finished despite how it makes no sense whatsover .

  54. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the new GOT shows being worked on is Planetos in 10 years… called “a Dream of Spring”…

    Tyrion Jon Snow Sansa Bran Ayra Sweet Robin could return in 10 years to see what has happened and have new conflicts that need to be resolved… Sansa and Sweet Robin?.. Gendry… Storms End etc… Arya stops by to say “Hi”

    The characters are so strong and could make so much money… I think HBO would be crazy not to consider it. There is alot of mystery of Bran and how he played the Game and he is still marked by the Night King… there is a lot of magic to be explained and how much Bran influenced events. Bran said a few times… “You were exactly where you should have been”. or something like that. Meera Reed could return too. Bran could reveal more secrets of the past…etc.

  55. Nick20,

    It’s a bittersweet ending. Frodo’s end. Duty took its toll, as did his wounds (as did Frodo’s), so he’ll never me fully healed. But he’s followed his bliss into the north. It’s a beautiful ending, IMO. Far. far better than what so many fans seem to want.

  56. as well as featuring “unicorns of a sort.”

    Horn-y goats confirmed. 😆😆😆

    Far off, he could hear his packmates calling to him, like to like. They were hunting too. A wild rain lashed down upon his black brother as he tore at the flesh of an enormous goat, washing the blood from his side where the goat’s long horn had raked him.

    – A Dance with Dragons, chapter 3, Jon I

  57. Well I’m glad George spoke out and shut down most of the internet trolls at least. Fairly clear the show and books will have the same ending for the major characters but there will be differences on how they get there and also a lot of differences for secondary characters – I think I saw somewhere that Cogman originally had Jorah surviving but felt his death was necessary to see Dany lose her mind.

  58. Ser Brocolli McBrocolliface:
    I don’t see how he can possibly finish two entire books with everything else that he is working on.

    He will finish Winds eventually but I’d be genuinely shocked if Dream is ever published.

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