Creating Game of Thrones is a seven-days-a-week gig sometimes. You never know when you’ll see the cast and crew of the show hard at work on making the new season, and this week is no exception. Even series star Emilia Clarke reported for filming on a Sunday, and crews are now back to work on a familiar set.
This morning, Clarke shared a photo of the well-known Harland and Wolff cranes in Belfast, which are found right by Titanic Studios. Clarke says with the photo, “Belfast you are shining for us this morning.”
Yesterday, GoT trucks and the standard pink “GOT” signage were spotted out at Magheramorne Quarry. The disused quarry is home to the Wall and exterior Castle Black set. Luckily, a fan saw the trucks in place and snapped a couple photos:
Activity at Castle Black Set yesterday @IrishThrones @WiCnet @WatchersOTWall pic.twitter.com/eQwE07c35i
script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js">— Alina (@fashionablle) October 2, 2016
Who else might be joining Clarke at the studio today? Probably her usual crew- Nathalie Emmanuel was spotted this morning at a Belfast hotel, along with John Bradley:
Either way, it’s great to see activity resuming at the Wall. With Jon Snow’s story shifting a little south to Winterfell, I was curious how much of Castle Black we’d be seeing this year. Bran was last seen near the Wall, and it’s inevitable that the White Walker army will reach it- will they breach the Wall and bring it down in season 7?
Was surprised to see Emilia working on a sunday when they usually get breaks plus they said they’ll film until february. Though she was the least one to arrive in Belfast this year so that’s why.
I think there will be two Wall scene in season 7. The first and the very last.
First: Bran and Meera goes through and Edd helps them.
I really hope Bran’s ability worth this sacrifice. Maybe when he learn to control the visions he can share those past events for anyone with a single touch.
King in the North!!
I think it will be coming down but maybe bit till the end of the season. I am honestly thinking that Bran will arrive at castle black thinking Jon is there but ends up having them send a raven to Winterfell so Jon can come back to the wall and he can explain what’s been going on. It would be way quicker for Jon to travel than for Bran to. Maybe they bring Bran back to winterfell but I think it more likely that Bran stays at the wall to be there waiting for the Night King. There is supposed to be a weirwood tree growing right inside the Night Fort and there are secrets hidden there so seems like an important place to visit (and perfect place for Bran to set up shop since he will have shelter, a weirwood, etc) and big enough to hold a large force.
I’m curious to see what the first scene of season 7 will be. It was easy to guess last year’s scene, but now it seems they could go in several different directions.
Has Dinklage been spotted recently?
Arya Serious,
Jon already left the Wall. He won’t be coming back.
If the NK attacks the Wall and Bran stays there, he dies. He won’t be waiting for the NK. It’s easy for Bran to get to Winterfell with help from the Night’s Watch (horses, food, etc.). He’s not circumnavigating the globe. There are no hints or forshadowing that there’s some weirwood growing in a random castle, not to mention it would be boring to keep a main character doing nothing except waiting. There’s already a weirwood at Winterfell and that’s where Bran’s going.
Jack Bauer 24,
I believe we saw one fan pic of him at the airport in Belfast.
Flayed Potatoes,
I think the Tourney Of Harrenhal would make an excellent opening scene
Flayed Potatoes,
I agree with your opinion. Unless the KiTN will take all of his forces to the wall to defend the North, it would be logical for Bran to go to Winterfell and combine forces and knowledge. The KW is pretty much gone; Ed and Co. are done for unless they retreat south to Winterfell.
Flayed Potatoes,
“Don’t knock it down while I’m gone” might imply that Jon is going back sometime, but if that’s gonna happen it’s gonna be after the Wall has fallen, otherwise I don’t think they would have had Jon saying that to Edd. But I agree, there’s no reason for Jon to go to Bran, when Bran would be much safer and would probably want to go to Winterfell instead of staying at Castle Black.
Speaking of Edd, has there been any sightings of Ben Crompton? I’d hate if Dolorous Edd would die when the Wall falls– since he’s our only named character (I think?) there now, I hope he gets to escort Bran to Winterfell.
I like the sound of Emilia’s last hashtag:
“The Mother of Dragons Sure Woke Up This Morning”
The weirwood at the Night Fort is mentioned in the books. There hasn’t been mention in the show of it but it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
Bran is supposed to be waiting for the Night King when he gets to the realms of men so why go so far south?
And Jon may end up changing his mind. I don’t think that he will just leave all of them to die and handle it on their own. Like screw Edd and all of the black brothers I am just gonna sit all cushy in Winterfell and be King…really?! I think now that he has Winterfell he will switch his focus back to the real war, gather as many forces as he can to battle the WW. And maybe the wall comes down before he makes it there but I fully believe that he will be heading back to the wall at some point. I think his struggle is going to be getting the people of Westeros to understand what is truly coming for them…and probably sooner than later. The truth is the NW needs Jon and he knows it, so how does he reconcile that in his mind? There were only a few men that decided to kill him and they paid for it with their lives. I didn’t say he was going to join them in oath again but I don’t see him just leaving them there to fend not just for themselves, but leaving the entire Kingdom in their hands. Plus there was the comment he said to Edd of “don’t knock it down while I am gone” implying he will be back at some point.
What are those massive cranes used for? It seems odd that Emilia posted a picture of them. I wonder if that’s something to do with a dragon.
Arya Serious,
Indeed, the Night Fort could be an option to Bran, if it has a weirwood tree within its walls. But on the other hand the castle stood empty for centuries, and making it livable will be a problem or at least take time. I can see Jon manning it and organizing some reconstruction works, but nonetheless Bran has to get a comfortable bed and a good care to keep him sharp. Therefore, I think he’ll end up in Winterfell which will be Jon’s headquarters too.
On the other hand, I can totally see Jon making a shor visit to Castle Black. Maybe, that’s where we are going to see in Ep1 bringing supplies and men to Edd and conveniently Bran will be right on the doorstep.
If they were to close the season with the Night King breaching the Wall, then perhaps opening it with a scene at the Wall to book end the season?
In any case, I would guess at Bran, Jon or Tyrion/Daenerys featuring in the first scene.
I may have found a new castmember, but the evidence is circumstancial and it’s probably nothing:
English actress Thandie Newton who’ll appear on Westworld tonight, just tweeted that she will miss the first episode of said show due to being in Belfast.
Now that’s not much evidence, but as far as I can tell, she lives in Malibu and has no other project lined up that would take her to Northern Ireland. It could still be a personal trip, but you may want to run this with your sources.
I think she just captured the sunrise where she was standing
Anyone watching west world tonight?
Hmm, GoT is not the only thing produced in Belfast.
But if she were cast in GoT, who do you think she’d play?
Filming in Spain starts in the beginnings of November, correct? Really looking forward to those spoilers….
On Jon, Bran and the Wall… Jon’s backstory really needs only two-three more scenes from Bran, one introducing Rhaegar (probably the tourney) and one featuring Rhaegar and Lyanna talking about wanting to spawn a messiah to defeat the WW. Third one maybe going into some detail on that.
So, I can see Bran meeting Edd in E1, getting to Winterfell and telling Jon about his parentage around E3, then witnessing the additional scenes in Winterfell around E5-6, right on time for Jon to arrive at some resolution in the final episodes.
Though I never liked the ‘Bran’s mark will bring down the Wall’ theory, so I hope this will be done in a more creative way. I’d love for Jon to be actively responsible somehow, that would be funny to see people’s reaction to that.
Alba Stark,
My guess would be Night’s Watch finding Bran and bringing him to Castle Black, but there are other possibilities as well. Jamie confronting Cersei would be a good option too – that look he gave her in the finale must evolve into something. And finally the most crazy possibility: they continue the KITN scene; the chanting ends; Littlefinger arrises and sais “In fact, Jon is not who you think he is”.
Arya Serious,
Bran is also supposed to go to Jon and tell him about the visions he had of the WW and help him with whatever information he can get via the weirwood (and coincidentally there’s one at Winterfell). Bran is not going to sit around and just wait (I don’t know why people take that line so literally). He also knows about R+L, and you have to expect that this will be an important plot point in the future. Jon will prepare as best he can (maybe send resources and recruits), but he’ll probably also be distracted by the LF and Sansa drama, people not believing in WW, and all the politics going on in the North.
“Don’t knock it down while I’m gone” doesn’t mean Jon is going on a trip and coming back. It’s: 1. Jon making a joke and 2. The showrunners giving us hints that the Wall will fall down while Edd is LC.
That would be welcome news! I suppose we’ll have to wait and see…
There is quite a big possibility that you’ll get what you want. I think at some point Jon will be forced to send Bran on the greenseeing reconnaissance mission and the Night’s King will grab him again.
I see no reason why they would need to introduce Rhaegar at all. Any of Jon’s history can come as an expo dump from Bran. I don’t think we’ll need to see Lyanna again either.
Hi Dee, I will be watching. Trying to plug the hole GOT leaves after the season end; hopefully it will be good. Vinyl was a dud IMO. I only watched the first episode a little bit than halfway through. Just wasn’t for me.
Vikings should be back soon too.
I agree, As much as I enjoyed watching Bran’s vision if what happened at TOJ I have to ask how much time those would eat up with a shortened season. I think Bran, Jon and Co. will have to deal with the here and now fairly quickly.
Yup. There’s so much left to cover still and with less episodes each season. We already know who his parents are. More than that should be left to spin-off imho.
I think the first scene will center on Cersei, perhaps with Jaime. She holds the throne and will be the focus of many characters and events this season. In fact, if Lena is lucky, Cersei will be involved in so many scenes that she’ll qualify for best LEADING actress. Other possibilities IMO are a Harrenhal tourney flashback, Dany’s fleet arriving in Westeros, and Jon having a “What do I do next?” parley with Davos, Tormund, and his inner council.
The opening I’d LIKE to see is the BWB eating around a fire, with Sandor sitting across from Beric and Thoros . While Sandor tells a funny story, Arya suddenly emerges from some bushes behind him. As Beric and the others look up, startled, Arya comes up behind the puzzled Sandor and quietly says, “Do you have any chickens today?”
I think there’ll be three Wall scenes. The two you mentioned and another in between where Bran goes back in time and builds the Wall by warging Bran the Builder and warning him of the White Walker threat (also ensuring the creation of the Night’s Watch).
I also think Bran and the Night’s King will have another in-vision confrontation. I think the mark from season 6 has worn off (and only really works if he gets marked when he’s beyond the barrier), but that good old NK will give it another go. So we’ll get a tripsy dream sequence chase scene between Bran and NK where he grabs him again.
The name of the new actress who plays the new northern lady with the sword is Megan Parkinson.
That’s her
Ah, I figured that with all these photos somebody would identify her sooner or later.
Great find! Sadly her management is Independent Talent Group Ltd. which means her CV isn’t immediately accessible.
Because Winterfell is the historic Stark seat, has a weirwood, and is where all the important decisions will be made.
The Wall is coming down. When it comes down, anybody in the vicinity will die. Ergo, the Wall has been meticulously depopulated of important characters.
Good catch! Is it too much of a stretch to think that Thandie might play an older Wylla?
Well, we know she’s playing a northern character. Her accent will be northern so it is 100% confirmed.
She looks older than 16, but I think we would have to assume that she is the character as there is a young boy at the time.
Arya Serious,
I think your mistaken. If there is a tree in Castle black why did jon and Sam venture north of the wall to the say there vows by the weirwood tree where we last saw bran?
A man from the Night’s Watch in a North Face jacket! Bradley you F*ckin’ rule! *two thumbs up!*
The North Remembers…
Andy B:
It was the night fort I was saying had a tree in the books. I think they said you could see the roots in the kitchen?? I don’t remember exactly if that was where it was said but it was at the Night Fort and that was the first castle built on the wall and the only to have the stairs up the side built into the actual wall. Seems important to me. I love this site people get going about this for hours it’s pretty engaging! ?
And I feel like Bran is like a magnet for the Night King right now so would he really want Ground Zero to be his home and the people he loves?
There is a small clip from his earlier vision which I don’t believe we have seen yet where it looks like the NK approaching and you can see his reflection in the ice and you hear Bran yell “he saw us”. I will track down the actual clip if anyone wants to see the exact spot. I know that when NK grabs Bran he wakes up yelling “he saw me” in very much the same manner. But the clip says “us” and the thing he is approaching looks like ice debris to me with the NK reflection in it. This is why I have it stuck in my head that Bran will be somewhere at the wall. Maybe it’s him finding him again in vision though I don’t know.
Not at Castle Black; at the Nightfort, the abandoned fort where Bran’s party crossed paths with Sam’s party and Sam showed them how to get through the tunnel under the Wall. In the books, the weirwood grows right up through the tunnel entrance.
Could Thandie Newton be our longed-for Alleras the Sphinx/Sarella Sand? In the books I believe she is supposed to be much darker-skinned, favoring her Summer Islander mother, but I’d live with the deviation if we could get that character at all!
Also circumstantial, but if both Nathalie Emmanuel and John Bradley are hanging out in Belfast together, that could suggest Oldtown scenes being shot, after Dany’s party (or a delegation) has arrived there.
I wish more people would get this.
Way too old. She’s older than Pedro Pascal, in fact.
You know the studio used to be a shipyard where the Titanic was
painted (hence the name Paint Hall), right? Those are shipping cranes for loading and unloading cargo. No dragon action.
Dee Stark,
Yep! Been looking forward to it for a while. I saw the original movie in the theater when I was a kid and have always loved it. I’m very interested to see how they modernize the story. Enjoy!
Maybe she won’t be Oberyn’s daughter in the TV version? I wouldn’t mind if she isn’t a Spice Snake – just a feisty Dornish woman disguising herself as a man to get a Citadel education would content me.
Megan Parkinson’s credits are all 2016, so she may be starting out. She identifies herself as a “Yorkshire lass” and is playing in Sally Wainwright’s new telly film about the Brontes (with Jonathan Pryce as their father), so she’ll have no trouble with the accent. I wonder if she’s a Mormont or maybe even Tormund’s daughter, considering the hair colour. Perhaps she’s even a counterpart to the “Val” character from the books.
I enjoyed vinyl .. sad it’s gone.. but too expensive I guess
Cannot wait for Vikings
I’ll be checking this out as well tonight .. never saw the movie
Funny to come across the photo of Nathalie Emmanuel hanging with John Bradley for breakfast as I was just reading about the fan theory about Missandei being a Faceless Man, and another theory concerning Sam Tarly
. It all fits in with the fan theory, which I just made up seconds ago, that the woman between them in the photo is actually Jaqen H’ghar.
Or maybe they were just having brekkie before heading over to makeup.
My first thought was that Thandie Newton could play Sarella’s mother. I recall that there was a casting call for a multi-ethnic baby.
(I’m still desperately hoping for Sarella to rescue the Sand Snake storyline!)
The large gantry crane that Emilia photographed was originally used for ship building when Harland and Wolff were still in that business, but they no longer do much ship building these days. Only refit/repair them and now specialize in offshore oil platform fabrication.
More info here on the large cranes –
I did. It was alright. It’s a little odd and I’m not quite sure how they’ll be able to sustain it. I mean, I can certainly see a story evolving out of it but initial impressions are that it can only carry on so far, as in one season… Maybe they have a good plan for subsequent seasons. I don’t know anything about that, but if it doesn’t go beyond the world of the west it feels like it could get stale.
Just watched it.
Don’t know what kind of ratings this will get, but I thought it was fantastic.
Anthony Hopkins, Evan Rachel Wood and Jeffrey Wright were the standouts in the acting department for me.
Fantastic score by Ramin Djawadi.
Where is the photo of her with a sword? The images posted on the previous thread (and in the Daily Mail) show her entering and leaving makeup wearing a heavy green dress or giving Kit a farewell hug later. Haven’t seen any of her with a sword?
I agree with you
I am intrigued to see where this goes.. but not so sure how they’ll sustain it. I am also not sure how the general population will take it
Acting was amazing and I was intrigued by it and to see what happens next
Ramins score was absolutely amazing and the highlight of the show for me lol!
If you look at the one where she in in the doorway you can just barely see it on her left hip.
Black Raven,
I’m still confused, seeing as the 2 faces don’t even look like the same person.
I liked it OK, but I can’t see myself getting emotionally engaged in the trials and tribulations of characters who are mostly androids. It lacked the humor of the original movie as well (I was hoping for a spin on the scene where Richard Benjamin goes into the saloon and orders a dry martini with a twist, when the only thing on the menu is redeye whiskey).
So far the most intriguing part for me was the question raised about what the hidden agenda of the theme park developers might be, beyond making money by providing rich people with amusements. A tantalizing intellectual/perceptual puzzle can somewhat sustain a featurelength movie where the characterizations are thin, but it would have to be extremely well-spun in order to sustain my interest over a whole season, I think.
Jeffrey Wright was very good, I thought, leaving his character’s place on the ethical spectrum ambiguous enough to keep my attention (even if it’s awfully similar so far to Beetee, the character he played in the Hunger Games movies).
Dee Stark,
To me, Westworld lived up to the hype. The pilot flew by for me.
I liked the stuff inside the theme park better than the stuff outside of it, but I’m definitely intrigued to see where the story goes.
Evan Rachel Wood is such a fantastic actress. I had only seen her in the Wrestler where she really popped out to me. I felt the same in WW, she’s on another level.
Ramin Djawadi’s score is already stuck in my head, but need to watch more episodes before I truly get a feel for it.
What did you think?
Black Raven,
Here’s the image of her apparently being fitted for a sword belt and the pommel of a sword can be spotted on it too.
This is why I want to see Jon have flirtation with a brunette or blonde lol. It would be boring for him to have only one specific type. He might love red hair but perhaps he’ll forget about that when he meets a certain platinum blonde. They would look very pretty together. Can’t believe I’m now a Jonaerys shipper 🙂
I know this probably won’t happen, but it would be emotional if Bran and Jon did reunite at the Wall. Remember in Season 1, when Jon told comatose Bran that they’d walk beyond the Wall if he wasn’t too scared. It would be really tragic…
I know it probably won’t happen, with Jon being King in the North now based at Winterfell (for now), but still…
Well, it could happen, if Bran could teach Jon greenseeing somehow. In such case they could make a virtual trip, and I have certain hopes for that based on the information about filming in Iceland involving 6 cast members.
Ive loved her since she was the girl in Mission Impossible II.
Well, the ToJ scene didn’t go out of its way to say Rhaegar was a loving gentle man who loved me. Bran could still think Rhaegar to be a bad guy. That is why going back to see more scenes with Lyanna and Rhaegar or actual scenes showing Rhaegar as this nice gentle honorable man so that Jon and viewers are confirmed that Lyanna was never abducted and raped. instead she chose to go and she was loved.
I would like to see actual visual evidence that Rhaegar was a nice guy who didn’t kidnap and rape lyanna. Still more to learn! 1 to 3 extra scenes is def. not going to eat up the storylines. Remember we are basically only in 3-5 storylines now when seasons 2 thru 5 carried 7 to 9 storylines. They can take time now for those little things because they basically are only in the north, kings landing, and Dany’s crew.
Why am I reading this morning on a bunch of other sites that Jon is going to be marrying Sansa. I usually don’t believe anything that Watchers on the Wall hasn’t confirmed. Also, after reading a couple of these articles it is clearly speclation with no evidence what so ever besides an Alt Shift X video. Of course everyone and their mother thinks everything Alt Shift X says will come true. They are fun to watch and cool info but to many websites take that info as legit spoilers.
I have to agree. I don’t see the tourney happening and Bran can certainly find out more through the “network.” There are really tight time constrictions this year with only 7 episodes (sighs deeply) so I think any information he passes to Jon won’t include flashbacks as to his parentage. I just wonder how long it will take him to TELL Jon who he is…
It’s no kind of a spoiler. It literally was a theory that some shippers have, and then one website wrote about fan theories, and then every other site started writing about the fan theories because that’s what people do now when they want clicks.
Flayed Potatoes,
Agreed! Jon said so himself in their first war council: “If we want to survive we need Winterfell”. I don’t think Jon is planning on going anywhere for awhile. And if Bran’s mark are still on, that means not only him, but everyone in Castle Black has to leave and the best place for them to go is Winterfell.
Because show, not tell. Bran sees things relevant to the fight against the WW, and he will probably keep seeing them this season, because otherwise his travel North really wouldn’t have been worth filming. (All that for four scenes?)
So, because of show-not-tell, we need to see Bran see things in a vision. And the next logical thing to look at, given that the last relevant one was Jon’s birth, would be Jon’s parents. The question to ask is, why did they decide to have that unprotected sex in the middle of a war? The answer being, perhaps, Rhaegar was crazy about a prophecy, and Lyanna was possibly his co-conspirator rather than a victim with wide, good for childbearing, hips.
Like you, I was interested in the pilot, and like you, I am intrigued to see where this goes. I also need a few more episodes to see how I feel about it.. I don’t think I will get emotionally attached to the show though. It is weird but interesting at the same time. Visually and musically, it was awesome.
Using spoiler tags for anyone who has not seen the episode :
Anywho, I keep reading articles how HBO is hoping this to be the next Game Of Thrones…. I don’t see it though.
im curious to see the viewership ratings..
Dee Stark,
I’ve heard the coming episodes expand the storyline a bit, hence why I think a lot of reviewers were comparing it to GoT because of the scope of the plot. I could be wrong about that though.
I’m interested in the viewership numbers as well, I hope it did really well because they spent a lot of money on it.
Intrigued as well to see where it goes.
I see..
I also did read that the first episode is strong, and 2, 3, and 4 were not as strong…
Speaking of the Mother of Dragons…. just wondering if I’m missing people (probably am…) but other than the ‘Tyrion is secretly a Targaryen’ theory, are there really only three characters left on the show alive with Targaryen blood (Dany, Jon and Gendry)?
Do the Tyrells or any other family have Targ blood in their history? (Still reading the World history book.)
The Martells have Targaryen blood (the legitimate ones have been killed, but there’s still the Sand Snakes).
Gendry? Why Gendry? lol
Dee Stark,
Gendry’s father is Robert Baratheon, whose grandmother was a Targaryen.
Flayed Potatoes,
oh, okay
information that is not provided in the show, is it?
Dee Stark,
It’s show and book cannon. Robert ended up on the throne in the first place because he had a Targ grandma.
Flayed Potatoes,
I didn’t know that or come to that conclusion based on watching the show only haha
Good to know
Dee stark,
I think it was mentioned in the show but there wasn’t a big emphasis put on it ?. There is really so much more info in the books I am always searching for stuff that I want better explained lol!
It doesn’t matter if it was love or rape. All that matters is Jon’s parentage.
But…but…Jon needs TOLD of his parentage. Right? I mean, do you expect Bran to grab Jon’s arm and pull him into a vision that Bran has already seen so Jon can be SHOWN his parentage?
I just don’t think there is anything more for us to be shown about Lyanna and Rhaegar. The only thing left to happen is for Jon to be told.
I think they also could have easily shot a brief scene at the ToJ with Lyanna telling Ned about Rhaegar (it could have been in the whispered part of the existing scene for all we know) that would take no time to clear up. I wouldn’t mind seeing a tourney but I really don’t think it’s necessary.
Arya serious,
i would love to know when it was mentioned in the show!!
Dee Stark,
I am curious now as well! If I had to place it in a conversation my guess would be one of Tywin’s, Tyrion’s or maybe even Olenna’s conversations but I could be wrong. I want to say a conversation that involved someone talking about Jaime on the throne, Ned finding him there, etc. maybe when someone asked Ned why he didn’t claim the throne for himself. Not that there aren’t a million possible conversations haha! I am going to have to re-watch season 1 now lol!
Arya Serious,
maybe someone here can help out!
Dee Stark,
Yeah I heard that too. But I also heard a lot of people say there is a lot of mystery set up so it’s a lot of “I’ll have to wait and see” how it pays off.
Arya Serious,
I know Robert vaguely mentions it in the Histories and Lore on the DVD extras, but I’m pretty sure it was someone else who mentioned it in the show, too. It wasn’t too ‘in your face’.
ohh okay that makes sense.
Me too!
Ah, cheers for that. I must have missed that photo 😉
Flayed Potatoes,
From Bran’s conversations with Benjen it sounds like he is expected to stay. Bran is basically possessed by a former lord commander of the nights watch. He may even take Johns place.
In the top picture the clouds look like 3 Dragons if you have imagination.