Game of Thrones Season Seven Wins Three Webby Awards

706 - Beyond the Wall - Frozen Lake - Wight Viserion

Game of Thrones has scooped a hat-trick at this year’s Webby Awards!

The Webbys celebrate excellence on the Internet and are presented annually by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. As reported by Billboard, this year Game of Thrones picked up gongs for Best Trailer, Best Digital Campaign and Best Overall Social Presence. Guess people really enjoyed that melting block of ice on Facebook… riiight?

This is the third year in the row Thrones has picked up the Best Overall Social Presence award, but the first time it’s won for its trailer or digital campaign. Last year it also picked up a Best Unscripted (Branded) award for a featurette on the Battle of the Bastards.

Congratulations to everyone on the digital team! You can check out the full list of winners here.


  1. Ten Bears:
    What the f*ck’s a “Webby”?

    He was my friend. Polliver stole my sword and stuck in right through his neck. Wait… no, that’s not him. 😛

  2. Clob: He was my friend.Polliver stole my sword and stuck in right through his neck.Wait… no, that’s not him. 😛

    He’s still got it.

    Got what?

    My sword. Needle.

    ‘Needle.’ Of course you named your sword.

    Lots of people name their swords.

    Lots of c*nts.
    …. Hey! Get back here!

    My brother gave me that sword.

    Get back here!

    He killed my friend Webby.

    I don’t care if he ate your Webby. We’re not going in there.

  3. Ten Bears,

    Best god damn scene of the entire show. Especially if you add in the chicken hunt inside the inn 🙂

    “I understand that if any more words come pouring out of your c*nt mouth, I’m going to have to eat every fucking chicken in the room.”

  4. Jaehaerys,

    From start to finish, that last segment of S4e1 remains my favorite of the entire series. The banter, the acting, the insults, the dialogue. the action… perfectly written, directed and acted.

    Perfect symmetry too:

    Arya starts off wanting a horse of her own; they’re both hungry but Sandor says “five horses, five men – more than I feel like killing on an empty stomach.” Then Arya sees Needle and goes to retrieve it.

    By the end that 8-9 minute segment, having killed all five soldiers between them, we see Arya riding on a white horse with Needle tucked in her belt, and Sandor riding right behind her wolfing down chicken [pun intended].

  5. Clob: He was my friend.Polliver stole my sword and stuck in right through his neck.Wait… no, that’s not him.

    Thanks for the laugh haha.

    And they deserve it in my opinion. One of the best production work in television history.

  6. I was thinking about season 8. They should use that song they used in season 2 for a trailer, from florence and the machine. And the whole song, and the first half only scenes from the past. “I will be death before the day is done” showing scenes from red wedding. And halfway through new scenes.

    for me it was the best trailer song and the text feels like GoT.

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