Game of Thrones Attrition: Five I Wish Were Still Alive

mero3O’ come all ye faithful, and welcome to your favorite Game of Thrones theme park, The unofficial home of the unprofessional.

As we continue to settle into the new homestead and get our alumni pics hung on the wall, a man was reminded about just how many characters have been ousted on the show and the unbelievable amount of attrition (and subsequent changes) that we the viewer have been forced to endure.

Here is a list of five that came to mind and wish we could have seen a little more of (even if they were bastards, or womanizing pricks, or both). And worry not… my list will not be filled with the common names so many have chosen in the past.

And even if it did, it is known that you can’t have a reputable website without some kind of list hidden somewhere. It’s an internet regulation for crying out loud. So here is our first one (that I know of). Enjoy. And feel free to add your own in the comments. There are plenty to choose from…

The one rule for this list is this… they must be confirmed dead in the show.

  1. Mero

Although Mark Killeen only appeared in one episode (Second Sons) and Merowas given a minimal amount of screen time, he was able to make us hate and abhor the Titan’s Bastard without much effort at all. As lewd and disrespectful as he was to Dany, Missandei and any other woman he was around, it would have been fitting had he been granted some kind of horrific gratifying death scene at the hands of Daario or Selmy or anyone else for that matter, rather than just the plunking of his head on the ground from a sack. Regardless of the how, Mero would have been an interesting character to keep around as Dany continues her meandering through the Slave Cities.

4.  Styr

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styrWhen the Thenn’s were introduced in Two Swords, one of them stood above the rest, literally. Yuri Kolokolnikov ended up being a great selection for the Magnar of Thenn even though I admittedly was rooting for Joseph Gatt (Thenn Warg) when I learned of his casting. But to be honest, I am Unsullied and didn’t even know what the hell a Thenn was. Nevertheless, when Yuri walked around the corner to meet Tormund and the music hit, you knew this was some badass, scarified dude you didn’t want to mess with. And although his death scene was arguably fulfilling (the hammer in the skull from Jon Snuh), a man would have no complaints if he had been chosen to return.

  1. Locke

For those of you who have read my “contributions to GoT life” posts in the past, you may knoahnow that I am something of a big Noah Taylor supporter. So I was thrilled to learn that he had been cast on GoT as some guy named Locke. In terms of longevity, I am somewhat surprised his character made it in the series as long as he did (8 episodes over two seasons). Maybe I can’t get over the fact that he was killed by a warged Hodor when I always thought he would go down in a spectacular sword battle or at the paws of his own fookin’ bear. Either way, I hate to see him gone. A little more Locke would have gone a long way.

  1. Lysa

Many of you are aware of my affinity for Lysa (may she forever rest in peace). So the only shocking thing about her inclusion on this list was that she did not take the top spot (for what it’s worth, she was only a few make-believe Oz-points away).

kateMost identify “crazy” and either turn the cheek from it and commence to riding in the opposite direction, or they embrace it and understand that while “crazy” may in fact be the appropriate term, there is typically a reason why said person has ended up in such a state. Kate Dickie only appeared in five episodes over the span of four seasons in GoT. But in her absence in Seasons 2 and 3, did you ever forget who she was? Or her general disposition? Or her son? Not to mention the repercussions of her actions with Littlefinger (which, by the way, justify re-watching the entire freaking series again)?

I will miss my dear Lysa. Robin will miss Lysa. Thrones will miss Lysa. And a man still holds on to hope for an interview with the lovely Kate.


  1. Robert Baratheon

Whenever I think about Robert, I can’t help but see him as a younger, drunken version of Santa Claus before finally slowing down, marrying Mrs. Claus, having iced tea take the place of the 90 Proof, and making toys while his beard hair matured to gray. In other words, he seemed like a jolly old elf (most of the time).

Unfortunately for us, Robert died all too soon and before Lancel was able to locate the breastplate stretcher. If you are ever fortunate enough to catch Mark Addy in his portrayal of Fred Flintstone, you will likely never be able to envision him making the transformation to King Robert. But in a testament to Mark, I can’t envision Robert being portrayed by anyone else. Whether he was in a scene as the drinking loud mouth or a dramatic scene recalling the woman he truly loved, Mark Addy made Season 1 fondly memorable, way before Ned ever lost his head.

Of course, it goes without saying that the path to where we currently stand would be drastically altered if many of these had not met their demise when they did. Yet, a part of me longs to see them again if not for one more scene, just for the hell of it.

Let’s stroll down the lane of memory. Who is not on this list that you would include? Comments are open.

And better yet, if you feel like contributing a little more than a comment, then send a reader submission for the one character you wish was still alive.  Email your submission to [email protected] with the subject line: Attrition.

Our Features editor Bex and I will go through and pick five random submissions to be included in a follow up post of Reader Picks. The rule is the same… your submitted character must be confirmed dead, and your write-up should be somewhere between 100-150 words.

And don’t forget to invite your GoT fanatic friends to join us and help us build the wall. Support is always appreciated, especially when supporting the bottom.

Thank you for helping us make WotW such a great community in such a short amount of time. This Wall was built for you, but we must continue to grow stronger. Help us spread the word, and may there always be peace in your realm. –Oz

“Unbowed. Unbent. Unsullied.”

You can find Oz on the twittersphere here.

And remember, no spoilers on this post!


  1. Hodor!!!

    Damn, second time in like a week. Velti’s on fire y’all :p

    As to your picks Oz. Imo both Bobby B and Lysa have run their course and it was a damn good run. I do agree with your other picks. Mark Killeen was awesome as Mero (Can’t they do a Dan Hildebrand for him?).

    All in all I think he got the screentime he needed, but I wish he could have gone out with an onscreen fight at the very least. Preferably against Barristan Selmy, because the viewers need to know that Barristan is the OG of remaining fighters on GoT. Perhaps he should have escaped Daario’s ploy and travelled to Meereen and become their champion. Take Daario out the fight and let Barristan kill him and we would have gotten the fight we craved 😀

    more in next post

  2. Styr was a character I would have loved to see a proper on screen version of. The actor was intimidating, but the character was a cartboard cut-out sadly. I hate to say it, but he was definitely better in the books, which is strange because he wasn’t anything special there really.

    It’s more that the Thenns as a people were more interesting than the standard evil cannibals we got on screen. I would have loved a greyer version of the Thenns. After all, they were trying to escape an icy genocide.

    I think the show made a mistake with not expanding on that (Martin could have expanded on that to of course), it would have made the Thenns far more human adversaries. The fights would have been a lot more engaging, because you would be rooting for both parties essentially. And it wouldn’t have taken up much more screentime than they got already.

  3. In the books, Santa Claus is married to Mary Christmas, but I guess you unsullied wouldn’t know, would you?

  4. Mark Killeen’s screen time was much too short. He was perfect…lewd and inappropriate but perfect nonetheless. I love his scenes. The casting for the smaller roles like Mero is usually spot-on and it is one of GOT’s strengths.

    Mark Addy is always great. He played a completely different sort of character in “The Full Monty” and was amazing, of course.

    My list would include Viserys. Harry Lloyd really nailed it. Loved his last feeble plea to Dany before getting his crown.

    And of course there is Oberyn…sigh. A common choice, I know, but I still long for what could have been.

  5. Pyp

    TV Quorin Halfhand- since he basically berated Jon for 1/2 an episode and then died

    Doreah, because, um, the actress who played her was amazingly hot

  6. And then we get to Locke. After Dany freeing Astapor and Jaime’s bathtub confession, Locke was my favourite part of season 3. I was never a big fan of Vargo Hoat (the character Locke replaced) and Locke was superior in every way.

    Apart from Noah Taylor (the man is always awesome, he makes any character better), the thing that I really adored about season 3 Locke was the shades of grey. He was undoubtedly a vile person, but I loved his anti-nobility stance (a position that is pretty rare in the source material). This was what I wanted to see of this show, because Locke was far more complex than Vargo Hoat ever was.

    He had the potential to be one of the greats really. Sadly, all that potential was squandered in season 4, when they made him just an evil buddy of Ramsay. A stupid one at that, seeing how he died. Such a wasted opportunity, I would have loved to see the grey Locke from season 3 expanded on. I hoped they would turn him in the adversary of Mag the Mighty (instead of Grenn), after a season where he turned good for lack of a better word. We sadly didn’t get it. Such wasted potential.

  7. The Scot-loving estrogen freak in me wishes Robb was still alive because…well, eye candy. He’s the kind of eye candy that were he normal candy he’d make your teeth hurt in the best possible way.

    The realist in me says Viserys, though. He brought the sad, desperate crazy like none other. He was a dickpimple to everyone who met him but he was amazing at it.

  8. Great choices Oz!
    For me, the character I wish was still alive is Viserys, I love Harry Lloyd. It’s a shame he only had 6 episodes but at least he had a memorable death 🙂

  9. Btw is there a deadline for contributions? I think I might take a stab at one, but I don’t have the time today 🙂

  10. Harry Lloyd made me wish Viserys was sticking around longer, when in the book, I couldn’t wait for that little jerk to be gone. But Lloyd was so great in the role, I wouldn’t have minded if they’d stretched it out a bit.

    Shout-out to every character who was killed early like Irri, Rakharo, Pyp, Grenn, and the presumably dead ones like Pyat Pree and Xaro Xhoan Daxos. It’ll be interesting to see how season 5/6 play out with certain characters getting removed early on.

    They could have done so much more with Locke, I agree. I love Noah Taylor, LOVE him. Sigh.

  11. Khal Drogo!!!!! I need more of my moon and stars.
    I also really miss Maester Luwin , he had a great death scene though.
    Of course Tywin, Charles dance is amazing in everything, a great loss.
    Hell, I have to put Joffrey on the list, never has the world loved to hate one character more.

    And to top my list off, we need to have the Red Viper back, more Oberyn is needed for sure.

  12. Probably Irri; the poor girl will died for no reason in the show. Also, why have Dany keep her title of “Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea” if her khalasar has zero people?

  13. Doreah was the hottest girl on the show thus far, even if she became a bitch at the end, and Mero was the hottest guy, even if he was a dick. I miss them both.

    Rygar was an annoying. I’m glad he/she is gone.

  14. Yoren. He had an awesome death scene, but it would’ve been great to see him at The Wall for all the season 4 stuff. A conversation between him and Edd would’ve had a lot of potential.

    ETA – uh, what TD just said.

  15. I can’t agree about Robert. If he had remained alive, the entire plot of the story – the War of the Five Kings etc. – would not exist. Generally, I can’t ever say that I would like characters to be still alive even though they have played their role in the story.

    I do, however, think that Catelyn’s story still had some potential for the future, it would be cool she was still around in some form…

    Oh, wait…

  16. Mine is the Furry,

    Doreah was the hottest girl on the show thus far…

    Roxanne definitely was one of the three Goddesses of show GoT, don’t forget Natalie (Missandei) and of course Carice (Melisandre), I pray these last two survive till the end; at least you can watch Dominion on Syfy to get your Doreah fix. As for a Lord Badass of GoT who has kicked the bucket, Francis Magee (Yoren) has my vote.

  17. Oh yeah, Irri and Dany’s Dorthaki in general. It seems like Dany is just Unsullied, Barristan and Mel now.

  18. I’m going to pick Yoren too. He was pretty awesome and had some great lines. Pyp and Grenn as well. Uhg, my heart broken twice for them. Robert is definitely an obvious choice too… he was too damn funny.

  19. Why is it not surprising that you (Oz) had Lysa on this list? 🙂 Still crushing on her I take it?

    Attrition and rare longevity are a huge part of ASoI&F. Survival of the fittest and shrewdest, but hardly by natural selection.

    I would be in favor of an Unsullied post that pondered the whereabouts and activities of those presumed dead and/or disappeared on the show… Benjen, Lancel, Blackfish, Ducksauce, Gendry….Nymeria…. etc. 🙂

  20. Annara Snow:

    I do, however, think that Catelyn’s story still had some potential for the future, it would be cool she was still around in some form…

    Please don’t. Let’s not make this show any sillier.

  21. Three hottest male characters no longer with us: Mero, Jory, Benjen.

    Three hottest deceased female characters: Doreah, Irri, Ros.

  22. I think we should really focus on characters we wanted to see more of, not the actors. I adore Harry Llyod’s Viserys, Francis Magee’s Yoren, Ronald Donachee’s Ser Rodrik, etc. but I think the show did their characters more than justice. I’d loved to see the actors again, but from a character point of view they completed their journey in a satisfactory way.

    Locke, Styr, Pyp, Catelyn, the Mountain, Oberyn, Theon’s penis, Talisa, etc. those were all characters that could have used some more time in the spotlight before departing.

  23. Veltigar: I think we should really focus on characters we wanted to see more of, not the actors.

    Characters are embodied by the actors; they’re part of the equation, the reason why people love the character and want to see more of them. Let people say what they want.

  24. Why did nobody say Eddard Stark yet? Too obvious, or is it because it would change the course of events too much?

  25. Sue the Fury,

    ? I see nothing in my post that contradicts the notion that actors are an integral part of a character. If anything, I’m highlighting the actors importance throughout my post.

    Also, what a nice double standard you showcase here. I should let people say what they want, but I’m not allowed to do the same? To add insult to unjury, I never said that people should stop talking about the actors, just that I personally think there is more to be taken into account.

  26. vectner,

    Khal Drogo

    Yep he’s the first one I thought of. Was it in Yaspor (sp) where Danerys saw the illusion of him with their son? That was such a heart breaking scene. The actor was incredible in bringing that character to life. I hated him at first, but like Dany, learned to love him and would love to have seen him a few more times

    I’d also add: Yorren, Benjen, York, Lady and Greywind . Im not including Ned, Catelyn, all the important ones because, well, without their deaths the story would really become a very different one Could be an interesting spin off: GOT in the Seven Hells: a comedy with all the major GOT dead characters, and how they are adjusting to the after life.

    Wow – I do agree with her, its hard to separate the actor from the character, but really, how did you get this from her post?

  27. Using my real name for this one.

    I know I’m biased. But hear me out.

    Ros. At the start of Season 3, we saw her and Shae talking about Sansa. I had so much hope from that scene. Sansa and Ros were two Northern girls, gone to the capital hoping for a fairy tale. And it didn’t happen. I was hoping we’d start to see the parallel between the two of them. Sansa starting to trust Littlefinger as Ros started to get out of his claws.

    I think she should have replaced Shae in Tyrion’s trial scene. Shae had been established so well as being so genuine, and so in love with Tyrion. Ros would have been a great replacement. It would be her revenge for the ‘wrong whore’ incident in Season Two. Shae then could be banished, sent away for Tyrion to forever wonder where whores go. Kill off Ros and Tywin with the same crossbow. A far better death than hanging from a bedpost.

    Just my two cents.

  28. Annara Snow:
    I do, however, think that Catelyn’s story still had some potential for the future, it would be cool she was still around in some form…

    Oh, wait…

    When will you finally get rid of this gigantic troll that is Annara Snow?

  29. I agree with everyone on the list! But I want to add also Maester Luwin and Yoren because they were amazing and I still miss them… and those actors were so amazing!

    (I will not say Ned and Robb Stark because this would be way too unpredictable, isn’t it?)

  30. Mine is the Furry: Please don’t. Let’s not make this show any sillier.

    I agree, it’s good that this show has never featured a person who was resurrected after being killed.

    Oh wait…

  31. Paige [aka GameOverRos]:
    Using my real name for this one.

    I know I’m biased. But hear me out.

    Ros. At the start of Season 3, we saw her and Shae talking about Sansa. I had so much hope from that scene. Sansa and Ros were two Northern girls, gone to the capital hoping for a fairy tale. And it didn’t happen. I was hoping we’d start to see the parallel between the two of them. Sansa starting to trust Littlefinger as Ros started to get out of his claws.

    I think she should have replaced Shae in Tyrion’s trial scene. Shae had been established so well as being so genuine, and so in love with Tyrion. Ros would have been a great replacement. It would be her revenge for the ‘wrong whore’ incident in Season Two. Shae then could be banished, sent away for Tyrion to forever wonder where whores go. Kill off Ros and Tywin with the same crossbow. A far better death than hanging from a bedpost.

    Just my two cents.

    People are already complaining about the show’s whitewashing of Tyrion (and with very good reasons). I can’t imagine how many (justified) complaints would have been if the show had done that.

  32. A good thread.
    I thought that Francis Magee , Yoren, should have been given a different role so we could of had him longer. He was gem!!
    Never seen him interviewed or at a con (I think) … but that true of some many 2nd string and 3rd stringers … like Andy Kellegher, Polliver, in season 2, but hit out of the park in a brief appearance season 4 episode 1.
    Amrita Acharia, Irri, was at a con , way back.
    I don’t think Roxanne McKee was since she had an unscripted, or re-scriped demise which she was not happy with in season 2.

    Lots of the guys mentioned seemingly have not been taped for cons, I guess, and I think they would be great since most the principals have their time taken up these days.

    Kate Dickie was at some con just this last week, google the interview with her.

  33. Vekn: When will you finally get rid of this gigantic troll that is Annara Snow?

    I’m sorry I criticized you for repeating “A Feast for Crows sucks!!!” at nauseam in every possible thread, but making another account just to attack me again is a little pathetic, don’t you think?

  34. Sue the Fury:
    Harry Lloyd made me wish Viserys was sticking around longer, when in the book, I couldn’t wait for that little jerk to be gone. But Lloyd was so great in the role, I wouldn’t have minded if they’d stretched it out a bit.

    Shout-out to every character who was killed early like Irri, Rakharo, Pyp, Grenn, and the presumably dead ones like Pyat Pree and Xaro Xhoan Daxos. It’ll be interesting to see how season 5/6 play out with certain characters getting removed early on.

    They could have done so much more with Locke, I agree. I love Noah Taylor, LOVE him. Sigh.

    Now I barely have to comment because you took the words right out of my mouth (or keyboard). Irri especially tops the list for me. The TV version had more of a personality than the books and Amrita Acharia is great. It really seemed like they were developing her into an interesting character in future seasons and then they went and killed her off. I still don’t know whether to be angry at D&D for pulling that or congratulate them for it.

  35. No one said Syrio, First Sword of Braavos?
    “What do we say to the god of death? Not today!”

    Or is he considered unconfirmed? I wouldn’t mind a little reunion with his favorite pupil…

  36. I wish Jojen was still alive, so he can be turned into hallucinogenic paste in the premiere of next season.

  37. Annara Snow: I agree, it’s good that this show has never featured a person who was resurrected after being killed.

    Oh wait…

    Um.. That was my point. They already did it, no need to add more. I thought you actually had a sense of humor.

    Oh wait….

  38. Oh Maester Luwin! Yes. Add him to my list. I loved all his scenes with Bran… he had a touching and sad end.

  39. WeirwoodTreeHugger: Now I barely have to comment because you took the words right out of my mouth (or keyboard).Irri especially tops the list for me. The TV version had more of a personality than the books and Amrita Acharia is great.It really seemed like they were developing her into an interesting character in future seasons and then they went and killed her off.I still don’t know whether to be angry at D&D for pulling that or congratulate them for it.

    It’s odd , in the books Dany has three Dothraki handmaidens and three Blood Riders… well besides her ~ 100 or so Dothraki following. Oddly the Blood Riders , sort of like ‘substitutes’ seem to be there in S4E1 way in the back ground, even some of her Dothraki about. She had Blood Rider Kovarro
    ( Steven Cole) to the end of season 2, he utterly vanished. (There was also Mr. Dothraki ‘Bread’ , who had a name , I think, he too vanished.)
    Thing I don’t like is Dany does not have , as in the books, a Dothraki reminder within ear and eyeshot. I know , too many speaking roles as is, but my impression is there are too few speaking roles in Meereen right now!

  40. Boojam,

    Yes….what happened to all those Dothraki hurling their guts out on the ship deck while on their way to Astapor? They did seem to vanish by the time they got to Yunkai and Meereen. I also miss those Dothraki weddings…

  41. Yoren. The best badass Night’s Watch recruiter in the series.

    I’ve always hated crossbows. Take too long to load.

  42. I’ll keep this simple.



    *Robb Stark

    *Khal Drogo


    And Mark Killeen did a wonderful job in his very brief appearance as ‘Mero’. Now that I think about it, perhaps he was miscast. Maybe he should’ve been cast as ‘Daario’ in the first place.

  43. Honestly… Viserys.

    If he had ever taken a different path and left Dany with the Dothraki and went learning the hard life in a sellsword company. That could have been interesting.

    The character wasnt entirely that dark, Dany recalls her with some fonding when she was a kid and he read her books and Harry Lloyd could have perfectly played a egomaniac getting crushed by the real war and the brutes that live for and of war.

  44. Arkash:
    The character wasnt entirely that dark, Dany recalls her with some fonding when she was a kid and he read her books and Harry Lloyd could have perfectly played a egomaniac getting crushed by the real war and the brutes that live for and of war.

    Not that dark? He was physically and mentally abusive towards her, sold her off as property while claiming he would let the whole khalasar and their horses rape her if it gave him what he wanted, tried to rape her himself before her wedding, threatened to murder her and her child…I mean, need i go on?

  45. Agreed on Mero, Oz. I think it’s a testament to the performance by the actor who portrayed him – a classic Thrones scene-stealer – that we all wanted to see more of the dynamic he brought to the show (albeit a repulsive dynamic) and more of Killeen’s performance, even though it was written to be a minor bad-guy part. That’s what’s incredible about the casting on this show. I mean, the casting of the leads is great of course, but the fact that the minor roles are filled by these spectacular actors few have heard of. In Nina Gold we trust.

    I’ll add to your list Yoren (Francis Magee), who had one of the most badass death scenes on the show. His accent was delicious – I could listen to him talk and say badass things all day.

    But my number one pick can only be Oberyn. *sigh* I think nothing else needs to be said. Robb, Catelyn, Talisa, and Ned aren’t too far behind, but Oberyn is #1.

  46. Holy crap, the comments section on this post is terrible. We all know we’re not supposed to talk about the books on the unsullied posts, right? Good. 🙂

  47. Characters I wanted/ want to see more of without it going against the plotline.

    Grenn, Pyp, Rakharo ( Dany’s Bloodriders seem to have been completely forgotten) , Karl ‘The Fuckin’ Legend’ Tanner, Qhorin, Rattleshirt and Mance (all criminally underused). Plus Ilyn Payne ( not dead so here’s hoping Wilko gets well and come back!) and Qaithe.

  48. TheTouchOfFrost: Qaithe.

    Should have never even made the show, why would they add a character defined by her ability of foresight and prophecy when they don’t even use prophecies. Her scenes in season 2 now make no sense since we haven’t seen her since. She was a mistake.

  49. FunnyShae:

    Not that dark? He was physically and mentally abusive towards her, sold her off as property while claiming he would let the whole khalasar and their horses rape her if it gave him what he wanted, tried to rape her himself before her wedding, threatened to murder her and her child…I mean, need i go on?

    Yeah, that was rather my thought when I read that. His was the first death I cheered in the series

    Re Yoren – I almost cried when his eyes met Ned’s “Baelor” and he turned to see Arya starting to climb down from the statue He protected her from seeing what happened, he saved her ‘you want to live, boy?’ . Poor little girl who would later see so much, including the death of the man who helped her escape

  50. outdoorcats,

    We all know we’re not supposed to talk about the books on the unsullied posts, right?

    Um, I didn’t see this was an Unsullied post; given the topic we’d have nothing but hidden comments if that were so

  51. Mormont: Should have never even made the show, why would they add a character defined by her ability of foresight and prophecy when they don’t even use prophecies. Her scenes in season 2 now make no sense since we haven’t seen her since. She was a mistake.

    I agree.

  52. Mormont,

    Poor Laura Pradelska ,Quaithe , I think D&D were still learning , she got cast
    when , I think , they too much screenplay for season 2.
    Except for , in season 2 , ep. 1 and 2 and possibly 10, all of Dany’s stuff had a re-write
    feel to it, and a hasty one at that, and then what seemed unintended negligence. Maybe it was the begging they had to do with HbO about Blackwater.

  53. Mormont: And Greatjon Umber, who isn’t dead, but may aswell be

    O boy! Clive Mantle, well we know he had a scheduling conflict for another show , that did not make it, could , seemingly, have come back for season 3.
    Unlike Conan Stevens , who’s story , we kind of know, Mantle is a total mystery.

    Say did anyone mention The Mountain? First he worked,
    Then he didn’t , and then again he didn’t !
    Conan could have done season 4, the Hobbit was done, don’t know if HBO blacklisted him or he blacklisted HBO.

  54. Boojam,

    Does anyone know what happened to Clive Mantle??? The Greatjon had a pretty significant role in season 1- losin a couple fingers challenging the Stark boy, and later the first to proclaim him King in the North!! What happened? Anybody?

    Rodrick was a heartbreaker for me. His son Jory as well. Loved both characters as portrayed on the show. Yoren had some great scenes as well, and some great lines. Maybe that’s not what this thread is about- without their deaths certain story lines would not have progressed.

    Mero is somebody who was really well cast and well utilized… for a few minutes. And I do think at least one of Dany’s bloodriders and/or handmaiden’s should have made it.

    Surprising so many Viserys fans out there…. on the many rewatches I have done- and a few with unsullied- I can’t stand his character and can’t wait for him to finally get his crown. Lloyd did a great job of playing a mad, weasely little fuck.

  55. TheTouchOfFrost,

    Omg! Forgot about Quaithe. We could use some more prophecy, especially if

    Bran is going to be tapping the Weirnet

    this season. Plus, I liked her cool mask. But reintroducing her could be tricky at this point. Would Unsullied remember or get her? Hmmm…

  56. Interesting post!

    Personally I would have loved to see more of Qaithe. Who knows, maybe they’ll bring her back. But Laura Pradelska had such a great, eerie presence – I loved her and didn’t find her to be a mistake at all.

    As for characters who actually *died* that we didn’t get enough of I’d go with:

    –Maester Cressen (Oliver Ford Davies) — just a couple of brief scenes, but really could have hoped to get a bit more time with that guy. Really solidly played, and you get the sense that he really did have a good sense of Davos and Stannis.

    –Rickard Karstark – I’d have liked to see him get a bit more time, perhaps in open conflict with some of the other Northern lords. Some of that of course is the result of having no Greatjon for latter seasons, but still.

    –The Spice King – Dany’s story in Season 2 wasn’t very good. They didn’t have a lot of material to work with, and didn’t make it much better, either. I liked this actor, though, and they could have added more complications to make that plot more interesting. She sounds silly bellowing about how she takes what she wants with fire and blood, and he just sorta says “Yeah but not with my ships.”

    –Rorge and Biter – Feel like they could have been kept around as antagonists for someone else for later and longer.

  57. Also as an aside: People *do* realize that Tyrion’s question about where whores go – a frequent refrain from him – is rhetorical, right? He’s not actually looking for anyone.

  58. Greatjon of Slumber:

    –Rorge and Biter – Feel like they could have been kept around as antagonists for someone else for later and longer.

    They did seem disappointingly incompetent in their final scene, rather than being frighteningly dangerous denizens of the Black Cells.

    In a world where summary execution for various crimes is common (particularly for commoners), I can’t really see a logical reason why those two would have been locked in the Black Cells instead of being immediately beheaded, unless someone in power thought they might later be useful for doing some “dirty work” in exchange for their freedom, kind of like a disposable version of Gregor Clegane.

    The book portrayal of them would fit this logic, but Show!Rorge just stood there like an idiot while Arya pointed out where his heart was.

  59. Mormont,

    I dunno. I thought she added to the intrigue and mystery of that part of the world. Didn’t do the show any harm…plus who knows if she might pop up again!

    Ashara D,

    With the distinctive look I think she’d be remembered but not sure if there would be a need for her now. Only way I can see them working her in (unless her role becomes a lot more prominent in later books) is if she takes on some of the duties of The Green Grace…who I’m not sure will make it either!

    Also, we need more Greatjon and Maege!

  60. FunnyShae: Not that dark? He was physically and mentally abusive towards her, sold her off as property while claiming he would let the whole khalasar and their horses rape her if it gave him what he wanted, tried to rape her himself before her wedding, threatened to murder her and her child…I mean, need i go on?

    I’m still befuddled at people calling Locke a ‘grey character’, on account of his hatred of the nobility. As though that excuses the intended gang rape of Brienne, or having her mauled to death by a bear for shits and giggles. Don’t get me wrong: I loved the character, the actor, and the changes to the story he featured in (even up to his death at Craster’s), but I fail to see how his upper-class hatred counts as a redeeming quality and not just a nice layer of depth to a horrid person.

  61. Greatjon of Slumber: –Rorge and Biter – Feel like they could have been kept around as antagonists for someone else for later and longer.

    Boy! Gerard Jordan , who played Biter and Andy Beckwith who played Rorge must have wanted GOT in their resumes! I mean in S4 they had like 6 seconds of screen time! I would like to see Jordan at a Con get asked “How was it like to have 1 second of action in GOT in season 4”?
    It was odd to see them back , tho , in the books, they do come back, when it could have been just any random brigands who knew who the Hound was.
    Maybe they owed a tiny bit of contract time from season 2?

  62. The Direwolves.
    HBO’s ‘war chest’ must be brimming now, and the have their most popular show ever (in fact their most buzz-worthy show ever)… the story goes the dragons , dire wolves , and I am sure Mammoth (should have Mammoths)… cost a pretty penny! Still five years in HBO, pop in another million an episode I think you can afford it.

  63. Hodor’s Bastard,

    Yes, the missing Dothraki is puzzling. I understand the need to reduce cast members but the existence of Dany’s small khalasar is important to who she is.

    Their presence and continued support of her will be important, depending on what she and Drogo do with Khal Jhaqo.
  64. mariamb: Yes, the missing Dothraki is puzzling. I understand the need to reduce cast members but the existence of Dany’s small khalasar is important to who she is.

    They kept around small small Dothraki roles in season 2, and her khalasar is still with her, but me think one non speaking role Blood Rider in the back ground of the throne room would suffice , don’t know why that can’t be done.

    Remember in the books her khalasar also effectively is somewhere? George never mentions where they are in Meereen , except for her 6 closest.

  65. Add me to the people missing Yoren; though I guess he had to go for Arya’s story to branch out the way it did. Some time back “Flicks and the City” interviewed Laura Pradelska (Quaithe) and she came across well. I agree she did not have much screen-time but I would not mind seeing her again. I will miss Pip and Grenn because I liked their interaction with Jon.

  66. Aerynsunx,

    I agree Mark Killeen would have made a great Daario. As it stands, he made a phenomenal Mero, but as Daario, we’d still be seeing him.

    I definitely wish Qhorin and Yorren were still alive.

  67. Robin Moss,

    I’ve seen too many people defending characters like Viserys and even twisting things around to blame Dany for her own abuse. They don’t understand that it’s okay to enjoy a terrible character, even sympathize with them, while still acknowledging that they are awful people who have done inexcusable things.

  68. And spare a thought for what we might call ASOIAF attrition – the ones who never made it to begin with. Here are five of my favourite minor characters who never made the cut!

    The Ghost of High Heart
    Ravella Swann, Lady Smallwood
    Maester Pylos

  69. Great post Oz! 🙂

    My two choices:

    Oberyn (he was awesome!! Wish he could have stuck around till the end, just really enjoyed his character).

    Khal Drogo…loved his character too, even though i didn’ t care for him in the beginning.

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