An animated Game of Thrones prequel might be in the works


HBO is not lacking for Game of Thrones spinoff ideas, it seems. In addition to House of the Dragon, the Dunk and Egg adaptation and a possible Robert’s Rebellion series, there might be yet another prequel in the works. The twist? This one would be animated.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, an animated drama set in the world of Game of Thrones is in the early stages of development. Though HBO reps have declined to comment, “multiple sources” report that writers’ meetings are currently underway.

The possibility of an animated show set in Westeros or Essos is really quite tantalizing. To be honest, the first thing I thought of was the Game of Thrones anime trailer some very talented fans made a few years ago, but in all seriousness, animation can often free a show of budgetary restrictions and expand its storytelling options. After all, animating the Doom of Valyria would cost about as much as animating a boring Small Council meeting.

I like to think, therefore, that if this series comes to fruition (I’m staying cautiously optimistic; the axing of Blood Moon burned me bad) it will  explore parts of GRRM’s world that would be too expensive or logistically difficult to depict in live-action. What are you hoping for?


  1. I was kind of getting the sense that the animated show might end up being the Robert’s Rebellion series, though I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s something completely different.

  2. Ten Bears,

    We don’t even know when this takes place I’m not sure why so many people are thinking this is an animated remake when we have no clue.

  3. Fireblood87,

    Yes I know. I was simply responding to the question, “What are you hoping for?”


    Maisie Williams has extensive voice acting experience, including in other animated shows like “gen:LOCK” as Cammie and the movie “Early Man” as Goona.


  4. Whoever had this idea I want to thank !
    After reading the ASOIF series twice I imagined an animated version for adults.
    Any of the stories in this universe would fit perfectly!
    Although, I must say (again) that the casting for GoT was as close to perfection as it could have been.

  5. If George ever finishes the books, an animated remake would be the place to go. Book!Euron is an anime villain already.

  6. Iul,

    Yes but there is no indication this is a remake in animation. I see way too many people jumping the gun thinking this is ASOIAF when we have no clue what this story will be or if it ever happens.

  7. Ten Bears:
    … or this:

    Nice! Did you ever see Alita Battle Angel?
    It would be cool to see this type of life like animation. I think it’s called “performance-capture animation.” However, in this movie they mixed live actors with the animated actors. I enjoyed most of this movie, especially at the beginning as Alita tries to remember who she is… It lost me a bit in the last act.

    This bar room fight isn’t nearly as good as the classic Chicken scene, but it’s still pretty cool

  8. i think if theres anything. itll be the continuation of GOT in a way. thats the only reason to go with the “animation” route. that the actors doesnt want to be involved anymore. but they need to fix the “main” show so people will hyped up with the spin offs. other than that i dont see people cares tbh

  9. Tron79,

    ”Nice! Did you ever see Alita Battle Angel?”

    I’d never seen that… until now. Pretty impressive! At first I was thinking that girl had rather big eyes, and didn’t realize until about ~ 60 seconds in that “she” was animated via motion capture. (Presumably, with technology similar to that used in “Avatar.)

    I wonder though if a GoT animated series will use tradition “cartoon” animation. At least until pandemic restrictions are eased, it would seem that it would make sense (and be more cost effective) for voice actors to record their respective parts remotely after artists draw and animate the “cartoon” versions of the characters.

    Then again, what do I know? I’d envision an animated series to appeal to both children and adults, if that’s possible. (Can you say, “direwolf pups”?)

  10. Musical Interlude
    for January 28, 2021

    Thirty-six years ago today, on January 28, 1985, an all-star roster of performers gathered after the American Music Awards ceremony to record USA for Africa’s anthem “We Are the World.”

    For three video links from Jan. 1985 + accompanying commentary, see two-part entry in Comment Section under December 16, 2020 post, “Learn the art of Water Dancing with Game of Thrones star Miltos Yerolemou!”

    For now, here’s the second of the three clips (without commentary):

  11. An animation sequel or continuation of the main storyline would be the worst.

    I hope to see a real sequel someday.

  12. -smh-

    the oversaturation begins.

    A f*cking GoT cartoon, really?

    I love cartoons, but, yea, I don’t know about this. Would this be a cartoon aimed towards kids or adults? Anything GoT related that’s aimed towards kids would be pointless, IMO. It’s not a show for kids. However, it’s hard to pull off an animated R-rated cartoon as well, so I just don’t know about this idea. We’ll see how it develops.

    We already know about Robert’s Rebellion. I don’t think we need every scene regurgitated in order to justify more GoT-related content. Have some dignity.

  13. Ten Bears:
    Musical Interlude
    for January 28, 2021

    Thirty-six years ago today, on January 28, 1985, an all-star roster of performers gathered after the American Music Awards ceremony to record USA for Africa’s anthem “We Are the World.”

    For three video links from Jan. 1985 + accompanying commentary, see two-part entry in Comment Section under December 16, 2020 post, “Learn the art of Water Dancing with Game of Thrones star Miltos Yerolemou!”

    For now, here’s the second of the three clips (without commentary):

    I will say that this did a lot of good and brought a lot of much needed attention and support to a horrible situation, but….yuck….That song is just cringy in the worst way.

  14. Mr Derp,

    ”I will say that this did a lot of good and brought a lot of much needed attention and support to a horrible situation, but….yuck….That song is just cringy in the worst way.”

    Yeah, I don’t disagree about the song itself.
    But Cyndi was adorable, wasn’t she?


    She faced a little blowback years later when she gave her unfiltered opinion about the song, echoing your appraisal.


    While I’m not one to critique The Boss, and I recognize Bruce Springsteen has had numerous monster hits over the years… Why did it sound like he was grunting rather than singing in that “We Are the World” video? That, for me, made the song execrable rather than passable.
  15. Mr Derp:

    the oversaturation begins.
    A f*cking GoT cartoon, really?
    We already know about Robert’s Rebellion.I don’t think we need every scene regurgitated in order to justify more GoT-related content.Have some dignity.

    “Dignity”? It’s all about the money, money.

    🎶“Seems like everybody’s got a price
    I wonder how they sleep at night
    When the sale comes first
    and the truth comes second” 🎶

    “Price Tag” (2011), Jessie J [audio]

    … and because I couldn’t resist the Game of Thrones tie-in:
    “Price Tag” – Jessie J, live at the Isle of Wight Festival, 2012
    🧟‍♂️🧟🧟‍♂️ 🏝🧟🧟‍♀️🧟

  16. Mr Derp: I will say that this did a lot of good and brought a lot of much needed attention and support to a horrible situation, but….yuck….That song is just cringy in the worst way.

    “we are the world” and “feed the world” are among the biggest music crimes of the eighties. and there was a truckload of music crime comitted those years.

    here’s a “cover” of “we are the world”. the more negative reactions i get for posting this, the more you are in danger of meeting the polish version of this song. it will give you the grayscale!

    on topic: i cannot wait for an animated version of any GoT related stuff. as much as cannot wait for a remake of “Princess Mononoke”, “Persepolis” or “Watership Down” with living actors of whatever species.

    don’t go there, HBO! when the milk is red you have milked the cow too hard.

  17. after having been so rude on the idea of animated GoT related stuff, i have to calm down a bit and see it from the other side. as much as a remake of “Grave of the Fireflies” with living actors could become a mindblower (given they find the two most talented child actors, one of them a toddler), a mockumentary-like animation of “History and Lore” of the 7 kd could be good. at least not worse than “Walking with Dinosaurs”…

    i don’t see the format of animation stand up to GRRMs storytelling. but for a compressed history overview, it might be the right format. so thumbs up for this one, and don’t worry: there is no polish version of “we are the world”, as there is no Poland at all. no, wait…

  18. Again…milk, milk awaaaayyyy at the carcass of GOT. The wholesale destruction that AT&T has wrought on Warner Media in general, but HBO in particular is something to behold and a warning lesson to all content creators and IPs around. Beware of what you wish for.

    AT&T, a crummy, dismal company, known more for swindling their customers than anything else, has desolated the creative ecosystem that had been carefully build over the years at HBO. Most of the talent has jumped ship and fled. This is what happens when you hand over control to a money grubbing, greedy, morally bankrupt entity like AT&T , that has no creative output or visionary inclination of any kind.

    The fact that something as vapid and vacuous as Bad Robot has a increasingly larger stake in the content production over at HBO and Warner Media, tells you everything you need to know about the direction they are taking (the fact that Bad Robot is involved at all in the LOTR prequel series over at Amazon Studios is bad enough.)

    Next, get ready for “Robert’s Rebellion The Musical”… coming soon on HBO Max…aka no one is watching…

  19. Fireblood87,

    An animated version of ASOIF is unavoidable.
    But it will not happen in the near future.
    This idea of an animated production will probably focus on a story that would have needed a high CGI budget.

  20. loco73,

    ”Next, get ready for “Robert’s Rebellion The Musical”… coming soon on HBO Max…aka no one is watching…”

    Well, hold on. Maybe that’s not such a bad idea. 💡Just picture it… Vanessa Hudgens as Lyanna Stark, launching into a song about her scandalous decision to run off with her boyfriend…
    🎶“There are Worse Things I Could Do”🎶

  21. Ten Bears:

    ”Next, get ready for “Robert’s Rebellion The Musical”… coming soon on HBO Max…aka no one is watching…”

    Well, hold on. Maybe that’s not such a bad idea. 💡Just picture it… Vanessa Hudgens as Lyanna Stark, launching into a song about her scandalous decision to run off with her boyfriend…
    🎶“There are Worse Things I Could Do”🎶🏜

    Yes, perhaps “Robert the Musical”. You will need to come up with some clever rap lyrics. Lyrics are not my thing…

  22. Ten Bears,

    LOL…well as long as it isn’t on HBO Max…

    Just as an example aside of this, mind you that HBO lost its development deal with Playtone and Amblin Entertainment which are production companies set up by Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman and Steven Spielberg respectively. Together with HBO they produced a lot of great, awards nominated and critically acclaimed programming, most notable “John Adams”, “Band Of Brothers” and “The Pacific”.

    A few years ago HBO and Playtone were supposed to go in production for “Masters Of The Air” (working title I think), a kind of third chapter in that saga of war miniseries…but AT&T took over an decided to go in a different direction…namely CW level programming quality which ticks all the right boxes…and no one watches on account of how awful it is…

    So now all that creative talent left and went over to Apple…which will now develop said “Masters Of The Air” miniseries and lot more projects. All of the established HBO talent was pilfered, in the aftermath of the full acquisition and merger of Warner Media by AT&T, by the likes of Apple, Disney Plus, Amazon Studios, Netflix and even AMC Studios…. I don’t think CBS All Access…sorry Paramount Plus and Peacock count unless you are contemplating career suicide.

    If you had told me a few years ago that HBO Max would be at the bottom of pile of streamers I would have laughed at you…boy was I wrong…though the writing was on the wall…and it spelled AT&T…🥴🤓🤣

  23. loco73,

    ” HBO lost its development deal with Playtone and Amblin Entertainment which are production companies set up by Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman and Steven Spielberg respectively. Together with HBO they produced a lot of great, awards nominated and critically acclaimed programming, most notable “John Adams”, “Band Of Brothers” and “The Pacific”.
    ….but AT&T took over and decided to go in a different direction…namely CW level programming quality which ticks all the right boxes…and no one watches on account of how awful it is…”

    Holy sh*t! I was not aware of that! I’d been wondering why the HBO channels on my AT&T U-Verse subscription rerun the same old middling movies all the time, and if I want to watch a buzzworthy series I’d have to sign up for Hulu, Amazon Prime, CBS All Access, Disney+, Netflix, HBO Meets Godzilla, and a host of other “platforms” and streaming services. (I have whinged about this before so I won’t repeat myself…)

    So there’s been a diversion of talent and a creative drain from AT&T/HBO. I thought I was missing out on some decent shows and series on HBO because I kind of lost interest in TV after GoT concluded and then

    Covid 🦠 + Orange Walder 🦧 monopolized almost all screen time, 24 hours a day.

    (As if I’d want to watch a multi-season Dystopian Nightmare Sh*tshow series even if it were fiction instead of reality. 🤢 I’m so squeamish I’ve never wanted to rewatch S3e9 GoT “The Rains of Castamere” or S1e9 “Baelor” because I could not bear to see a distraught Catelyn witness her son and daughter in law get butchered, or frantic Sansa and traumatized Arya see their dad get beheaded.

    400,000+ lives lost in the USA alone? It’s almost too much to comprehend…

    Back on topic… Based on what you imparted, I suppose HBO/AT&T is even more motivated to cash in on the GoT Golden Goose, or (to mix metaphors), to milk a dead horse. I hope that is not why we’ve been getting news about possible multiple prequels and an animated series.

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed that HotD’s prospective showrunners blew away HBO’s honchos with their pitch for adapting the “Dance of Dragons” storyline, and that

    a rising star like Olivia Cooke wouldn’t derail her promising career by signing on for a prominent role in a turkey, no matter how much $ she was offered.

    I’ve also got to assume that whatever the HotD pitch was, it was enticing enough for HBO to greenlight it sight unseen and at the same time, jettison a show (Blood Moon) with an accomplished writer (Jane Goldman) and top notch acting talent (Naomi Watts).

  24. loco73:
    Again…milk, milk awaaaayyyy at the carcass of GOT. The wholesale destruction that AT&T has wrought on Warner Media in general, but HBO in particular is something to behold and a warning lesson to all content creators and IPs around. Beware of what you wish for.

    AT&T, a crummy, dismal company, known more for swindling their customers than anything else, has desolated the creative ecosystem that had been carefully built over the years at HBO. Most of the talent has jumped ship and fled. This is what happens when you hand over control to a money grubbing, greedy, morally bankrupt entity like AT&T, that has no creative output or visionary inclination of any kind…

    Gee whiz. While I was aware from personal experience that AT&T has no problem gouging its customers, I did not know it had gutted HBO and caused a mass exodus of creative talent. That is…unfortunate.

  25. Ten Bears: Gee whiz. While I was aware from personal experience that AT&T has no problem gouging its customers, I did not know it had gutted HBO and caused a mass exodus of creative talent. That is…unfortunate.

    I mean, it hasn’t been a total washout. Last year they did manage to put out some good content with limited series like “The Plot Against America” and “The Outsider”. One of the most welcomed surprises was “Perry Mason”, which originally intended as a miniseries, has now graduated into a full-fledged series with a second season reportedly on the way…this one came courtesy of Robert Downey Jr. and his wife and their production company.

    The thing is though…that all those projects pre-date the AT&T takeover and were already in production before that happened. We will see if a show like “Perry Mason” still has a place in the new environment at Warner and HBO Max.

    I won’t be surprised if John Oliver leaves HBO soon and either cancels “Last Week Tonight” or outright or moves the show. Same with Bill Maher and “Real Time” who I’m guessing will exit HBO and retire completely…

  26. I am suffering from prequel/sequel/add-on burnout, and nothing has even come out yet. Dunk & Egg could be fun. House of the Dragon I’ll watch (would have rather had Blood Moon, but reasons, I guess.) But it can stop anytime now. Hee.

  27. Pigeon,

    I think blood moon got axed because it was considered too ‘woke’. That decision received some quiet backlash behind the scenes but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it was a factor in the AT&T takeover. I’m not sure which side was for which but I think it was basically a split over realism/suspension of disbelief threat to the quality of the programming and those who wanted to sacrifice that in the name of diversity/’progress and pandering to their target audience. Wasn’t there some story about an AT&T building being a target of a van bomb attack around election time or something? So not sure if it was a political thing but signs seem to indicate it. A shame the political divide in the USA has even infiltrated the tv/film industry.

  28. I don’t know if anyone has seen it but James Hibberd has just tweeted that there is some huge Game of Thrones news about to drop (only commenting it’s not Winds of Winter) could this be it? He makes it sound pretty major.

    As for the animated series, I think it could be a really cool way of exploring some of the mythical aspects which require a huge CGI budget otherwise. Not sure how this would appeal a broad audience but would clearly be popular amongst the die hard fan base.

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