Game Of Owns: Go West, Young Griff

Episode 362 – Go West, Young Griff
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A game of cyvasse, or two and Tyrion Lannister’s struggle with the Prince of Sorrows cast a large shadow over Lord Commander Snow’s campaign at the Wall.

A Dance With Dragons: Jon V, Tyrion VI
From our A FEAST WITH DRAGONS reading order.

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  1. Really enjoyed Jon & Tyrion’s chapters. I didn’t get a chance to listen to the whole podcast yet, just Martin’s tweeting for a possible Winds of Winter start up marketing campaing (I WISH!), and Jon’s chapter analysis but wanted to comment before I forget about Jon.

    Not sure I agree with Jon’s “arrogant towards Bowen Marsh” description, that one of the commentators makes. I mean in the beginning of the chapter the exchange between the two proves that feeding the wildlings has been discussed before and a decision was already reached by the LC and he intends to follow it. Marsh starting to stir up the same argument while ready to travel to Mole’s town to distribute food, makes Jon shortly reexplain himself and his reasons for courting the wildings for manpower. He actually took the time to do it. Again. I don’t see the arrogance.

    Frankly, the whole thing just paints Marsh as more of an asshole who cannot take orders… I mean NW is not a democracy.

    Chapter does wonderfully set up the conflict and the stabbing of Jon Snow.

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