Episode 380 – Eastwatch
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A podcast heads North with Mashable entertainment reporter Proma Khosla and Westeros’ finest team of dreams.
Seven thanks to Proma for her friendship and words of ice and fire! Thank you for joining us!
When you play the game of owns, you win or you don’t write us your favorite parts of the new episode. Let us know below!

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What makes anyone think Cersei would want to fight the army of the dead? It’s more likely that she’d want to ally with them. Maybe marry the Night King. It’s not like she cares about humanity. She only wants to win.
Oh, and Hodor.
Thanks for the podcast ep!
Lol I understand why Hannah gave her owns to Gilly & “annulment”! I was freaking out and laughing at WHO is casually finding out the real story lol Hilarious.
I know many wanted this reveal to be something earth shattering and important looking but after Jon with Drogon, what more would or could I want. I frankly wanted a darn book but here I am freaking out at the little things. Like Gilly and her steps.
I got so much the say because even with all the contrived and fan indulgence writing we got from Benioff and Weiss (yes, it’s true it was really bad this ep!!!) I positively LOVED this ep.
My Owns go to Davos for living up to his ripe old age and for being all of us. All the time. “I thought you are still rowing…” I agree with all of the commentators on this podcast. Anything he says on our behalf works! All of it.
My own goes to The Seven:
Jon, the Father who passes judgement
Thoros, the Mother who gives life
The Hound, the Warrior with his big sword
Tormund, the Crone who guides the path
Beric, the Stranger who died seven times
Gendry, the Smith with his hammer
Jorah, the Maiden stuck in the friend-zone forever
Got this from youtube, but it made me laugh out loud!
Hmm for the podcast’s questions regarding Dany’s choices, I understood her decision to kill the Tarlys, I just don’t think she should have used Drogon to do it. I know others have quoted Ned: “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword,” but that has always been strictly a Stark thing and something Ned instilled in his sons. If Dany wants to show people she is not her father, she probably shouldn’t sentence people to death by dragonfire … unless it’s on the field of battle of course.
Tormund: For still having time to ask about Brienne when planning a potentially suicidal wight hunt mission. “The big woman?”
The Hound: For getting everyone back on track. “For fucks sake will you shut your hole! Are we coming with your or not?”
Bronn: For knowing when to quit. “Dragons is where our partnership ends.”
I just want to give a shout out to Kit’s moving performance with that CGI dragon! It’s the scene I’ve re-watched the most of this episode. Gendry, who I didn’t even know I wanted back, but now do because he brings fresh blood and enthusiasm to the group of 7 plus chemistry with Jon is good. Emilia for impressing me with her ability at nuanced acting I finally now can see she has. Seeing her gentle and practical side, that Jon seems to bring out, made me not worried anymore for her decision to burn Tarley Jr.
The Wolves of Winter,
Understandably – it’s pretty damn good! 😉
And on a more serious note regarding the matter of the seven gods…….it’s pretty damn good!
Best bits: Gendry & Jon’s throwback to Robert & Ned. Their instant acceptance of each other was very believable!
I don’t get this podcast. Last week, you were tepid. This week, happier. I literally have no idea what you guys want
Now with more time:
Re: Arya- Sansa discussion of the podcast. I don’t think for them is easy to have a sit-down to talk as Proma suggested. It would no doubt solve a lot of issues, however though it was not addressed in the podcast, Arya has been reading Sansa’s reactions and doesn’t look like she’s trusting her to tell the truth. Her bullshit radar learned at the school of Black & White hit jackpot with her ability to tell that Sansa, though probably uncomfortable, ashamed and unwilling, does in fact desire the North for herself. Sansa doesn’t look like she’s proud of it or is planning to actively ACT on that desire but it is there. LF did his job very very well. Which is why I believe LF has an advantage on her and planned perfectly what email to plant in his mattress…
I really liked the WF plot and scheming and the fact that Petyr doesn’t plan to go out quietly as it looked he would from the previous 4 eps. It’s not him…
Re: Dany’s choices. Bad Dany! Really bad and I’ve seen some doozies in this series. I rooted for her for a while now. The books made me love her chapters (minus a few pages in the last one) because she was a character who fought and erred and learned and stayed to learn how to rule. She was the underdog who fought for the right things. She was fighting for freedom and trying to re-build a system in the vacuum that was left with the minimum of compromise and keeping true to her principles.
But in Westeros there ARE things like “prisoners of war” and/or “hostages”. They get put in cells and don’t get murdered. Robb did it. Sure, behind his back the Karstark killed those Lannister boys, but the point remains. The concept exists. Maybe release the prisoners of war after the war is over and she sits the IT. It’s doable and her decision to burn the Tarlys was wrong. Tyrion knows it, and so does Varys or they wouldn’t drink in the Dragonstone throne room, brooding over the happenings of the Loot Train Battle.
I expected better from her. Yes, I know, I have a high standard for her. It’s because she wants to rule that I have that high standard. I always thought we should have high standards for our leaders. “Don’t burn prisoners of war” is like a basic 101 for me, but I guess not.
Anyway, I have a feeling she’ll soon correct herself and Tyrion already made her seek an armistice for now so clearly she’s not ignoring him. I have faith in him and Varys helping her to keep her Fire and Blood in check. I never thought she’ll turn into some crazy woman but she does have a Targaryan domineering side and an arrogance born of knowing she HAS the might on her side. She definitely didn’t need any encouragement from Olenna to be the dragon to the Westerosi sheep.
Lol It’s a wall of text! Well, I did say I have a lot to say.
Good show, but I think they are just going for a wight not a full out White Walker lol
Keep up the good work!
Oh god, they’re bringing Ed Sheeran back? (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
What if The Hound dies, becomes a wight and he is the wight they bring to Kings Landing? UNDEAD CLEGANE BOWL CONFIRMED! GET HYPE!
On the perennial issue of the Tarly burnination, I apparently land somewhere in the middle. Daenerys had every right to execute Randyll. The guy did betray his liege lords, the Tyrells, and helped destroy their house. What do you think Ned or Robb or Jon would have done with him? Given Northern more… straitjacketed sense of justice, I sincerely doubt any of them would even give him the option to bend the knee. The scumbag is a betrayer and oathbreaker. As such, he deserves to die. Death-by-dragonfire may be an unusual sentence, but it’s hardly monstrously cruel. It’s not like you’re tied to a stake and slowly dying in unbearable pain as fire burns ever hotter around you. Dragonfire unleashed directly at a person seems to do the trick in a second or two.
Now, where I have a problem with Dany’s decision, and where she’s veering into morally questionable (to say the least) territory is her treatment of Dickon. Poor lad betrayed no one. He was Randyll’s son and as such had familial and feudal obligation to follow his father and liege lord. The only thing he’s guilty of is refusing to bend the knee to Daenerys which, admittedly, is a pretty moronic thing to do, but hardly worthy of death penalty, especially considering the circumstances. Daenerys could have imprisoned Dickon, or sent him to the Wall, strip him of his lands and titles, she could have even taken Tarly lands altogether and given them to another family (as Sansa advocated with Umber and Karstark heirs). No need to kill the lad.
Catspaw Assassin,
Oh man – you’re a real sniper with your awesome comments today!! 😀
I have a love/hate relationship with your theory, which I think is brilliant, very possible, and OH GOD PLEASE NOT THE HOUND!!! 😉
Dead Dane Walking,
Thanks, and any opinion about Hexonx’s theory?
True – she could have and ideally maybe should have, but what would the rest of the men do then? He is indeed a complete moron, who in spite of first being discouraged by Tyrion, and then gets his father’s approval to bend the knee, still proceeds to say “I will not!”
With the knowledge she has, she cannot view this behavior as anything but a clear act of disrespect and choice of opposition to her cause and future plans. She states the example by burning two leaders (as she’s always done) in order to save the rest of the “common people” – in this case young and relatively innocent sons of famillies all over The Reach and The Crownlands.
Oh wauw – great thought and fantastic setup for “The Undead Cleganebowl”, BUT NOOO please not Sandor!! I really want him to meet Arya at least one last time while having a pulse!
They should snatch themselves an Ice Giant instead.. Two-in-One proving the existence of wights AND giants! Just cut off it’s arms and legs…he don’t need those (get the Lord of the Rings-reference?) 😀
Dead Dane Walking,
If Arya and the Hound don’t meet up again I am so not watching this show after season seven!
How about a wight giant and a zombie mammoth? 😉
Dead Dane Walking,
Yeah, it was too damn funny not to share!
Doesn’t Sansa have to be dead before her face can be used?
I prefer this scenario:
Sansa and Arya compare notes. Brienne gets involved. Maybe Lyanna Mormont shows up and says; “Yeah, my father/uncle/mother was with King Robb when he got that note. No one believed it. You’re a moron if you do.”
They lure Littlefinger into believing he’s safe and then spring the trap. He flees, running through the snow, with Ghost (and maybe Nymeria and her pack, but that’s not as necessary) Brienne and Arya after him.
He loses the group for a second, pauses to catch his breath and then sees a hooded figure in the trees. Something is familiar, so he heads toward it. We don’t see the face, but he does. He smiles.
And then the camera pivots behind the figure, so we see LF’s smiling face turn into one of terror as the figure lowers her hood and we see white hair streaked with auburn. We hear a voice:
“Only Ned…”
Then she lunges for him and he dies of fright/heart attack. The gang catches up to him in time to see the figure walk away in the distance. Brienne stares and the figure raises her hand, as if to provide acknowledgement of an oath fulfilled.
If Michelle Fairley is available, even better. But it works without her.
I have a sneaky feeling the “Are you scared?” line is not Arya confronting Sansa, but Arya and Sansa agreeing on a plan and going forward…
I personally don’t understand all this Gendry love, i’d give Joe Dempsies salary to have just 1 scene with ghost.
Nick Hartley does not sow!