The actors who have arguably become the stars of Game of Thrones in the last few years, Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington, may have finished—or may be about to finish—filming season eight, which would mean every scene with Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow has been shot… and that Game of Thrones may be wrapping up very, very soon!
We don’t know whether Clarke is officially done with season eight or not, but in any case she appears ready to say goodbye to Game of Thrones, as well as the cast and crew and the country of Northern Ireland, which has housed the production for so many years:
In the caption, Clarke begins by explaining the immediate context of the beautiful photo: “Hopped on a boat to an island to say goodbye to the land that has been my home away from home for almost a decade.” Then, she thanks the show: “It’s been a trip, Game of Thrones. Thank you for the life I never dreamed I’d be able to live and the family I’ll never stop missing”, followed by a heart emoji and a hashtag saying: “Last season it is”.
She’s right: it is the last season! Though we may still be months away—or perhaps as much as a year—from actually experiencing it, the reality of it is starting to hit those of us who follow the production closely, as production wraps up for one final time. How will we know when it’s really over? There will be clues: Emilia Clarke is saying goodbye; Liam Cunningham recently said he’d cut his beard as soon as he was done shooting, sparking another “hair watch”; and now the original hair watch subject returns!

Kit Harington has always maintained he would only keep his long locks as long as he was playing Jon Snow, so fans obsessed over the length of his hair a few years ago when his character supposedly died—in the end, he did get a slight hair cut, but it was in-universe, as part of Melisandre’s weird ritual. At any rate, it stands to reason we’ll see Harington cut his hair for real this time, and that will tell us when he’s done filming. It doesn’t just have to “stand to reason”, however, as the actor has told EW so himself:
“I’d like to step away and enjoy the obscurity, cut my hair, make myself less recognizable as the character, and go do and some other things with a completely new look and tone.” How short? “Short-short. The beard will be harder to get rid of. I quite like the beard. I like having the long hair and beard, but it will be like ritualistic thing. I can’t go into my next role looking the same. This role was brilliant, but I’ll need to get rid of Jon Snow.”
So the true Hair Watch returns! And this time he’ll do it for real, so there will be no doubts as to whether Harington cut his hair a bit or it was just a different hairdo. When it happens, we’ll know Harington’s done with Jon and with Game of Thrones… which, given his prominence, probably means Game of Thrones will be done filming too!
Alfie has also had his hair cut short. The end is nigh. 😰
Not that it matters but I read the hashtag as last-season-ITIS. As in a state of mind that is compared to a disease. Like the finality of the show is setting in and making her sick.
More like Kit Hairington, amirite?
… I’ll show myself out.
I wonder if Kit will cut his hair for his wedding or maybe he wants to marry as Jon Snow since that’s how he met Rose/Ygritte?
Nah, he’ll keep it another month or two and people will lose their minds. Oy. Even better, take a lesson from Conleth and don a bald cap. Bwahahahaha.
Yeah, I’m not sure they’re done filming based on Emilia’s Instagram photo from the day prior to the one that’s linked in the article, in which she used #almostover.
But yeah, it seems like they’re in the last week(s) of filming.
I do wonder if Kit will have to keep his hair long for a bit in case of any potential reshoots, but possibly not.
I do remember reading somewhere months ago that GoT would be done filming at the end of June. So that about does it!
Jay Targ,
Maybe she finished the very next?
Who knows.
I’m assuming you mean the very next day? If so, I doubt it. She was at the Beyonce concert in London on Friday, then returned to Belfast on Saturday. And I’m pretty sure they don’t film weekends (some rare exceptions).
Wonder what they will do about a ‘Wrap Party’ …?
Wonder if there will be a ‘show wrap’ …. maybe not under season 8 premiere?
After all it’s been quite a journey.
I do not like him say “I’ll need to get rid of Jon Snow.” that is like what Harrison Ford said when he was don with han Solo. I wish they will do it as William Shatner. He never denied that he was James T. Kirke. That’s what real actor is. they are proud of what they are doing and will not try to forget or deny what they have made.
Whether or not Emilia’s truly done filming yet, her Instagram post this past weekend hit me unexpectedly hard. I’d been telling myself that I was prepared for the end, and for this beloved cast of ours to start heading their separate ways. Game of Thrones has had an incredible run, and it was time for the sun to set (in the west, where it’s supposed to) on this story that we’ve loved deeply and followed religiously – especially on this website – for so many years.
But after seeing Emilia’s tribute/potential farewell … I realized that I’m not ready. I’m genuinely not ready. I’m not ready to say goodbye to our Khaleesi, to the delightful woman who plays her, or to this brilliant, wonderful show. Even with the actual finale almost a year away, knowing that cast and crew members … original cast and crew members … are saying their farewells right now is a hard truth to come to terms with. And I just watch the show! For the Originals, this was a solid decade of their lives, from the freezing glaciers in Iceland to rainy fields in Belfast to windswept cliffs on the Spanish coast. I can’t even imagine what they’re going through.
As unabashedly excited as I am for the final season, it’s going to be a long journey towards acceptance on my end. If I want to see what’s on the other side of that horizon (or, more appropriately, what’s west of Westeros) without falling to pieces before we get there, I guess I better get started!
That’s how I read it, too, and I think that was her intent.
Ditto to everything you said! 😩😭💔
No Kit don’t say the words get rid of Jon Snow! He will live forever. (If only in my heart)
Hans Svendsen,
Oh shut up!
Every actor wants to be versatile. He’s been doin’ that role for a decade now, he is tired of it and wants to get going with new path in his career. That does not mean he hated the role or that he’s disowning his work!
June 4th 2018
Hans Svendsen,
I agree!
Yeah, I’m sure she meant it as “last-seasonitis,” aka a disease/condition. Her long tags are always difficult to decipher because she doesn’t capitalize the first letters of words. xD It took me a few minutes to realize she didn’t mean “last season it is.” Not that that isn’t true. ;p
Just wondering: For Hollywood movies, they quite regularly do re-shoots later when they notice during the editing process that a scene needs to be changed or prolonged or added. Might they also do this for GoT? And if so, will we then see Jon Snow with a wig? Or Davos with a fake beard? 😉
A man also believes it was intended as last-seasonitis. And as long as it wasn’t bittersweet-itis, a man is good with it.
I am NOT ready for the end. It’s been a great ride and it’s so sad to say goodbye. When I read her post I think my stomach lurched a bit. I’ve met so many great people just by my love of GOT. The show has been a time of emotions for me and although from a personal standpoint I feel sad, I’m happy for the cast that they can now follow other dreams.
The wrap up party was a week or two back in Belfast and they invited a number of former actors too. They also had something out in Seville too so I’m not sure we’ll see anymore parties especially with Kit and Rose getting married soon.
I reckon we’ll have a new post on it soon (since little else is going on), but if you haven’t looked yet Red Priestess does have some KL set images of stuff happening there today.
It’s a shame that gorgeous head of hair has to go, but I understand his reasoning. Even if he cuts it short initially, I bet it will gradually get longer. In pre-GoT photos, it was never buzz cut.
I think I have last season-itis already!
I hear you but equally and like others he is in real danger of being type. Changing his appearance will go some way to helping to avoid that and of course he had short hair before he started on GOT.
He’s an actor. A creative person. He wants to do other stuff, play other roles, and not be type cast into only playing Jon Snow-style roles. That’s entirely reasonable, as is changing his look to help with that.
I wonder what they will give Emelia as a parting gift? Kit has got to be given a replica of Longclaw . Rose received a replica of her bow and Aiden Gillen was given 2 mockingbird brooches.
Carole H,
If I were her I’d want a dragon 😉
I’m hoping that in another three or four days we’ll have beautiful wedding photos of those who were invited and able to attend. :’-D I also definitely hope that the coming years will bring more great work and great projects for many cast members, so we’ll continue to enjoy them in other parts.
Typecasting is a danger, especially for the younger actors who haven’t already established versatility and strength in playing other kinds of roles. Usually after a major franchise like this, they will change their look and go in another direction, which is a wise move considering long-term career goals.
I don’t want to say goodbye to my Khaleesi! :'(
I’m already too emotional with emilia post on Instagram, imagine when they end everything next year.. I will cry a lot.. That’s for sure.. Game of Thrones is being a big part of my life for years and it will be really hard to say goodbye.
Carole H,
Time for ASNAWP thread derailment. 🚂👸🏻
I wonder what they’ll give Maisie Williams as a parting gift in addition to Needle and her VS dagger?
How about Torrhen’s crown? Or just the full-sized Iron Throne?
Wow how great would that be parked in the back yard 🔥
Ten Bears,
Ha ha ha thought you couldn’t resist; but that throne belongs to the King in the North 👑
Also in an interview with NCW he says they have thrown money at the next series so fingers crossed for………Direwolf action🐈🤗
Carole H,
“Ha ha ha thought you couldn’t resist; but that throne belongs to the King in the North 👑”.
Then they’ll reupholster something more elegant for the one true queen.
I keep waiting for it. Thank you for posting. I enjoyed reading. 😀