Emilia Clarke and Maisie Williams on Game of Thrones, women and feminism; Liam Cunningham teases “carnage” in season 6


Emilia Clarke appears on the cover of the new issue of Glamour magazine, and discusses the show’s female audience, fan interactions, the ever-present nudity question and much more.

Glamour notes a report stating that women are 40 percent of the Game of Thrones audience. Emilia has a lot to say about the show’s strong female viewership, which bucks the stereotype that women don’t like fantasy.

“I love that so many women watch the show,” she says. “If you look at Game of Thrones on face value—blood, tits, dragons, swearwords—you’re like, Oh, this must be for guys. But if you take that away, the story lines are fascinating depictions of the struggle for power. And women are in on that conversation!”

Her interactions with fans have been varied- some sharing their empowerment, and some perhaps less so. The actress says, “This gorgeous girl once said to me, ‘Watching Khaleesi makes me feel like I can be a strong woman.’ I remember being like, ‘That’s proper.’ That is a wonderful thing. Then there are times with certain dudes where I’m like, ‘You’ve seen my tits. OK, sure, you can have a selfie.’ Awkward!”

As is almost inevitable in interviews with female cast members, the subject of nudity on Game of Thrones arises, and whether or not the show is equitable with it. When asked whether we should see more male nudity, like with Khal Drogo for instance, Emilia explains:

“I saw his member, but it was covered in a pink fluffy sock. Showing it would make people feel bad. It’s too fabulous. No, I don’t know why. But I’d like to bring your memory back to Mr. Michiel Huisman [Khaleesi’s love interest in seasons four and five] and I copulating for the first time, which began with me saying, “Take off your clothes,” and then you got to see his perfect bottom.”

Clarke appears in this playful video, and discusses her ideal future for Daenerys (it does also involve penises) and so much more in the complete article, so check out the interview at Glamour!

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Maisie Williams talks to Entertainment Weekly in a new interview this week as part of the magazine’s ongoing extensive coverage of season 6. She curses those blind contact lens and gets excited about stunts (“I’m so happy I’ve got some again,” she says), but most of all she teases season 6 and addresses the complex issue of handling controversy.

“Every year I think, ‘This is really cool.’ But this year, as I opened the scripts, it’s so exciting because nobody knows what’s happening. They’re going to hate it, but love it, and I can’t wait.”

Explaining why she thinks people “hate it,” Williams say, “Just that they don’t know what’s going to happen. I know the showrunners don’t take [criticism] personally any more and that’s nice. People are outraged by last season, but they secretly love it too – because they don’t know what’s really going on.”

The actress gives a long and thoughtful response to the question of dealing with outrage surrounding the show and the GoT/feminism discussion. Maisie explains that when she was first asked about whether Arya was a feminist, she didn’t even know what the word meant. Which is reasonable since, as EW notes, she was “like 12,” at the time.

After someone asked her about feminism when she was younger, Williams says:

[S]omeone explained it to me. And I remember thinking, “Isn’t that just like everyone?” And then I realized everyone is not a feminist, unfortunately. But I also feel like we should stop calling feminists “feminists” and just start calling people who aren’t feminist “sexist” – and then everyone else is just a human. You are either a normal person or a sexist. People get a label when they’re bad. Because it works the other way, as well. A lot of men have it hard too. On the show specifically, it’s always been a constant debate because women are treated badly on the show, and they’re treated well on the show. But it’s the same as the boys and the girls and the men and the animals.

Williams admits it can be difficult to speak up on issues, being in the public eye with so many watching. Why? “Because you all got pitchforks and you’re ready to kill us!” She says, “It’s scary if you say something wrong.”

Maisie speaks more thoroughly on the subject in Entertainment Weekly, so visit their website for the complete interview.


Liam Cunningham is featured in The Hollywood Reporter talking up the new season 6, and dodging spoilers while offering a revving up readers.

As for his exciting appearance in the trailer, where he’s grabbing the sword Longclaw while hanging out with Jon Snow’s  body, Cunningham says, “Why I’m taking it, and what I’m going to do with it, one will have to wait and see, but it’s a very wonderful and clever sequence.”

The actor seems stoked for season 6, raving about the new scripts. “I’m the one screaming ‘WTF! OMFG!’ when I read the scripts,” he tells The Hollywood Reporter. “My personal judge is when I get the ten scripts [for the season] and lock myself away to read them. If I can put them down, things aren’t going well. But this season, there wasn’t an episode in the bunch where I went, ‘Where is this going?’ It was full of intrigue, full of newness, and filled with wonderful characters. We have quite a few new people on board this year, and as usual, there’s carnage with characters going down. There are parts of it that are business as usual, and I mean that in the very best sense. Then there are parts that are stylistically very new.”

Cunningham goes even further, alluding to the show ending and saying, “This year, we pushed the limit even more, because we know it’s going to come to an end soon. It has to. […] This show is bigger than the lot of us, the sum of its parts. To do justice to the finish of this story is very important, that we can walk away with our heads held high, that we can do no more, that we did as much as we could.”

Read more about Davos’s relationship with Melisandre and season 6 in the Hollywood Reporter!

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of WatchersOnTheWall.com


  1. Kudos to Maisie for telling it like it should be. 🙂

    Why do I picture Liam locking himself away in the cells with ‘Shireen’ translating scripts for him? 🙂

  2. Freyjoy,

    Jesus, they’re doing GitS live action movie? Only heard about Akira.
    Hollyweird, stay the f away from the classics.

  3. Im going to open a can of worms here…. because I for one am pretty sick of the “oh we can’t show mens dicks on television but we can show women’s tits and lower frontal nudity”. Seriously Emilia? How will it make us feel BAD? And then she backs it up with, “It’s too “fabulous!”….. well maybe ..if they are always having an ERECTION they MIGHT be fabulous, but I highly doubt that most male actors would have an erection in that sort of environment. So in truth, it seems to me, that men have inferiority complexes and/or are just too fragile to take any criticism of scrutiny of their nudity. The mentality that women are so much freer being nude in front of the camera is also another lame excuse. Women are just as apprehensive being nude as men. Even more so because we are always being judged on our physical “beauty”. I love this show but this is one issue I can’t stand. If you want to continually show nude females then show mens penises. Fair is fair and really if we are going to call this an ADULT entertainment show… then show the dicks. I mean if Emilia has embarrassing moments in front of male fans then men should have to suffer the same feelings.

  4. Why the hell is Davos even doing with Jons body and his sword? Why does it look like the mutineers are trying to get his body so eagerly and what’s the point of protecting his body like that?

    I hope we find out episode 1.

    Going to be a dank season. (Yes, I said dank)

  5. Nodor:

    It gets worse, ScarJo was cast as the lead…

    I heard a rumor that PeeWee Herman was also going to make an appearance in 601. And the actual title for 601 is “PeeWee Under the Circus Tent”.

  6. Dallas:
    I just want to know the episode names
    Just one! Please!!!

    I wonder if they will only be released prior to the episode airing each week?

  7. The only guy (if you want my opinion and I know you all do, hahahaha) on this show whom I want to see naked or semi-naked is Huisman, although who knows, maybe Rory McCann has a gorgeous chest and bottom (as Emilia refers to it, ahhh the British terms). I have no desire to see Kit’s bod; Jon Snow seems like a kid to me. Nicholai is a handsome guy but no interest there either – maybe it’s the character…

    Women in general don’t get turned on by seeing the frontal lower parts on a guy – it’s about the bottom, the shoulders, neck, chest, arms, stomach…so no frontal lower nudity is ok. It’s really ok. I don’t want to see a guy’s privates, thanks! Let’s just leave that out. When I watched ‘Magic Mike’ and the male strippers were running around sticking their crotches in the women audience members’ faces, it was…bizarre… Someone forgot to tell them what turns a woman on is not a crotch in her face!

    Now don’t attack me – these are just my views.

  8. I checked the HBO schedule and there’s no title for the premiere episode. What is everyone talking about?

  9. I was bored and decided to watch Clash of the Titans on netflix and Liam Cunningham and Roy McCann were in it! Sadly they were in such a shitty movie. (This movie came out in 2010 though)

  10. Tootie,

    Regarding your “women in general” statement:

    Just because you don’t like seeing certain body parts over others, that doesn’t mean all women share your views and want the same things you do.

  11. I’m sure we’ll know much more by the weekend premiere. The odds that one of us will be there is quite high, considering we’re all massive fans.

  12. Connor:
    Episode 1 is obviously titled Darude – Sandstorm.

    Someone has been watching Lawrence of Arabia recently. 😉 Oh wait, that was me.

  13. Flayed Potatoes,

    Pretty sure the proposed title, “Ghost in the Shell,” was just a little joke. About Ghost inhabiting a certain “shell.” I’ll give you a moment to contain yourself…

  14. They’re so secretive about season 6, they won’t even air the episodes starting on April 24 to keep things unspoiled…

    Dicks are good for doing the deed, not to be oogled at, not the flaccid forms at least. They’re not aesthetically pleasing. I don’t wanna see wieners flopping like a third leg on my TV screen. Female body parts, on the other hand, are practical and pretty to look at.

  15. Flayed Potatoes:
    I checked the HBO schedule and there’s no title for the premiere episode. What is everyone talking about?

    I think we are just trying to have some fun. You know? Lighten it up a bit?

  16. Tootie:
    The only guy (if you want my opinion and I know you all do, hahahaha) on this show whom I want to see naked or semi-naked is Huisman, although who knows, maybe Rory McCann has a gorgeous chest and bottom (as Emilia refers to it, ahhh the British terms). I have no desire to see Kit’s bod; Jon Snow seems like a kid to me. Nicholai is a handsome guy but no interest there either – maybe it’s the character…

    Women in general don’t get turned on by seeing the frontal lower parts on a guy – it’s about the bottom, the shoulders, neck, chest, arms, stomach…so no frontal lower nudity is ok. It’s really ok. I don’t want to see a guy’s privates, thanks! Let’s just leave that out. When I watched ‘Magic Mike’ and the male strippers were running around sticking their crotches in the women audience members’ faces, it was…bizarre… Someone forgot to tell them what turns a woman on is not a crotch in her face!

    Now don’t attack me – these are just my views.

    First of all just so you know Im not here to negate your point nor am I attacking you. Just responding in a polite conversation. My point is NOT that I want to be turned on by seeing a penis. And it’s perfectly fine if you don’t care to see any naked actors bodies except the one of your choice. My whole point in my comment isn’t equality for the sake of excitement. BUT equality for the sake of equality. And so the argument is then we should suffer seeing females naked and NOT men just because men are sexually excited to see naked women and that what? Gets more male viewers? Then you are pandering to a crowd of 12 year old mentality, who care more for the sexuality of the show instead of the plot lines and over all story arcs. Just when I thought we were moving past this sort of pandering…. sigh.

  17. I love how ‘strong female characters’ are questioned on their feminism. It’s even more amusing considering that any medieval incarnation of feminist philosophy probably had a meager influence in the middle ages–you know, the time period by which Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire is inspired. I applaud Maisie Williams’s circumvention of these hack questions, which are designed to hold her captive while she is screened and tagged as “feminist” or “victim of internalized misogyny.” I also praise her inclusion of male characters in the pantheon of nuance that is Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire. Good for you, Maisie.

    As for the penis-to-tits ratio, find a way to cope. Male nudity will never garner as much attention as female nudity. It’s not about what’s equal–which is often confused for fairness–it’s about what’s demanded. If the audience in large part demanded an increase in male nudity, it would have happened. The fact that they–penises that is–aren’t shown more frequently must mean that a significant portion of the audience–including the 40% portion who are female–are either indifferent or averse to seeing penis. Or maybe Weiss and Benioff dislike the sight of penis. Game of Thrones is their beast, now. And if the penis-to-tits ratio isn’t much of concern to influence whether [you] watch the show or not, why should it be a concern to them?

  18. flintstonewielder:
    Ice Spider,

    A Hodor! to that!

    Ice Spider,

    A Hodor! to that!

    Hell yeah… tired of hollywoods double standards… oh hey chickie… yeah you…drop your clothes because ummm yeah we have a bunch of dudes we need to keep watching the show….. seriously?? And I find it mildly HUMOROUS that no men are responding to these comments which proves my whole point. Men’s insecurities about seeng dicks on television is the truth.

  19. Have we actually seen any fish lips in the show? Like in full view? Maybe from some extra a couple of times. We’ve seen more schnitzels. It’s mostly the booty and the jugs we get to see.

  20. Seth:
    I love how ‘strong female characters’ are questioned on their feminism. It’s even more amusing considering that any medieval incarnation of feminist philosophy probably had a meager influence in the middle ages–you know, the time period by which Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire is inspired.I applaud Maisie Williams’s circumvention of these hack questions, which are designed to hold her captive while she is screened and tagged as “feminist” or “victim of internalized misogyny.” I also praise her inclusion of male characters in the pantheon of nuance that is Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire. Good for you, Maisie.

    As for the penis-to-tits ratio, find a way to cope. Male nudity will never garner as much attention as female nudity. It’s not about what’s equal–which is often confused for fairness–it’s about what’s demanded. If the audience in large part demanded an increase in male nudity, it would have happened. The fact that they–penises that is–aren’t shown more frequently must mean that a significant portion of the audience–including the 40% portion who are female–are either indifferent or averse to seeing penis. Or maybe Weiss and Benioff dislike the sight of penis. Game of Thrones is their beast, now. And if the penis-to-tits ratio isn’t much of concern to influence whether [you] watch the show or not, why should it be a concern to them?

    I love how ‘strong female characters’ are questioned on their feminism. It’s even more amusing considering that any medieval incarnation of feminist philosophy probably had a meager influence in the middle ages–you know, the time period by which Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire is inspired.I applaud Maisie Williams’s circumvention of these hack questions, which are designed to hold her captive while she is screened and tagged as “feminist” or “victim of internalized misogyny.” I also praise her inclusion of male characters in the pantheon of nuance that is Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire. Good for you, Maisie.

    As for the penis-to-tits ratio, find a way to cope. Male nudity will never garner as much attention as female nudity. It’s not about what’s equal–which is often confused for fairness–it’s about what’s demanded. If the audience in large part demanded an increase in male nudity, it would have happened. The fact that they–penises that is–aren’t shown more frequently must mean that a significant portion of the audience–including the 40% portion who are female–are either indifferent or averse to seeing penis. Or maybe Weiss and Benioff dislike the sight of penis. Game of Thrones is their beast, now. And if the penis-to-tits ratio isn’t much of concern to influence whether [you] watch the show or not, why should it be a concern to them?

    Funny… really? So when we as females DEMAND to see more penises and dicks because yeah we like to see mens dicks too.. then what? We are to be silent because of your lame argument? The more we speak out and say hey … we deserve to see the dicks too.. the more we are told to “find a way to cope”… yeah… thanks for being a 21st century guy. Another dude who wants to hold women down in their thinking and progressive attitudes. And I will also argue that if GoT showed male penises that would raise the bar and get more attention then it wanted. Are you kidding me… it is over due and high time hollywood stop throwing this lame excuse out because men are in charge and are insecure… why don’t YOU GET OVER it and accept the fact that women are going to start demanding we get equal views of male nudity as men get for female nudity. Who says women don’t like male nudity? I do.. please do not speak for me.

  21. Ice Spider,

    You do have a point dear, but on the other hand they do have a product to sell and 60% of their audience appreciates the occasional female nudity, so…
    Don’t get me wrong but women still have so many unresolved equality issues that nudity is one of the last that concern me. I’m telling you, if I could get the same salary as my male colleagues I wouldn’t mind showing up for work butt-naked every Friday (let’s call it casual Friday or something!).

  22. phantomstrife:
    Have we actually seen any fish lips in the show? Like in full view? Maybe from some extra a couple of times. We’ve seen more schnitzels. It’s mostly the booty and the jugs we get to see.

    If you are talking about seeing the actual “lips” of a female on this show then you are missing the point. How many full frontal nudity shots have we seen of women vs men? Listen.. if you want to be real and honest then it’s proven truth that the shots of full frontal nudity of the major male characters has been zero… how many of the major FEMALE characters have shown full frontal nudity. Seriously? We had to go to the LIPS conversation?

  23. Tootie,

    Yup, you’re entitled to your opinion for sure. ‘This woman’ doesn’t find asses remotely attractive, but an ‘I’ve been broken 5 times’ nose? Hell yeah. There really isn’t a standard. The whole ‘leave something to the imagination’ is much more of a turn on to me as well, male and female.

    Seeing boobs doesn’t bother me, and neither does seeing Theon’s or a random heckler’s willie. Or not seeing either. All good.

  24. “we know it’s going to come to an end soon.”

    Two seasons left (not counting S6) is pretty much confirmed.

  25. Connor,

    Good lord! that god awful Clash of the Titans, they thought just by featuring geek mythology they can produce God of War.

  26. Ice Spider,

    I didn’t get the impression Emilia was being serious. Since they specifically mentioned Drogo, it seemed to me like She was just joking around about Jason Momoa being very well endowed. I mean, “fluffy pink sock?”

    Personally, I find flaccid peni kinda funny-looking, especially if the guy is in motion, and the thing is flipping and flopping all over the place. Really, they make me laugh when they’re…at rest.

  27. Sou:
    Ice Spider,

    You do have a point dear, but on the other hand they do have a product to sell and 60% of their audience appreciates the occasional female nudity, so…
    Don’t get me wrong but women still have so many unresolved equality issues that nudity is one of the last that concern me. I’m telling you, if I could get the same salary as my male colleagues I wouldn’t mind showing up for work butt-naked every Friday (let’s call it casual Friday or something!).

    LMAO… appreciated… but for me its the double standards we have to endure.. I agree we have a lot of issues to deal with as far as equality BUT in all fairness this article is about this show.. and so we are talking in terms of this show only … NOT the inequality we endure in the real world.. Im only stating the truth.. men are obviously threatened by this type of talk and its always the same argument.. “get over it.. we are in control.. so we get our way…” smh… IJS.. people don’t like to hear the truth and this double standard needs to end in television.

  28. Daughter of Winter:

    Good lord! that god awful Clash of the Titans, they thought just by featuring geek mythology they can produce God of War.

    If they make a God of War movie based on the game, I think Jason Momoa would make a great Kratos.

  29. Nymeria Warrior Queen:
    Ice Spider,

    I didn’t get the impression Emilia was being serious.Since they specifically mentioned Drogo, it seemed to me like She was just joking around about Jason Momoa being very well endowed.I mean, “fluffy pink sock?”

    Personally, I find flaccid peni kinda funny-looking, especially if the guy is in motion, and the thing is flipping and flopping all over the place.Really, they make me laugh when they’re…at rest.

    Well I appreciate your response. Thank you.. and yes… they are funny looking and honestly that is probably the reasons for insecurities amongst males. I mean if their “maleness” is decided upon their virility and that is projected into culture by hard penises then yes.. I can understand their “fear” of being shown when they are flaccid. But women have small breasts which many females find hard to accept because of cultural stereotypes and women who have aged and have sagging breasts must endure that same “fear” of being mocked or laughed at … my point again is if you are going to portray a show in being REAL… and being a real adaption of life … then in reality we see mens penises all the time … and the proportion of the major female characters who have had to go full frontal is just ridiculous to their male counterparts

  30. Nymeria Warrior Queen:
    Ice Spider,

    I didn’t get the impression Emilia was being serious.Since they specifically mentioned Drogo, it seemed to me like She was just joking around about Jason Momoa being very well endowed.I mean, “fluffy pink sock?”

    Personally, I find flaccid peni kinda funny-looking, especially if the guy is in motion, and the thing is flipping and flopping all over the place.Really, they make me laugh when they’re…at rest.

    Well yes, esthetically they are not … hm… well not very pretty. At rest, as you say.
    Plus the fact that a young slim woman, as most actresses on this show, would not really have to fear about criticism about their bodies. Ok some may say that they have small breasts or chubby thighs or whatever, but I mean, no big deal. A guy shows up fully naked and EVERYONE would comment on the size of his penis.

  31. Lots of men and women love looking at penis, flaccid or hard.
    Lots of men and women do not like looking at penis, flaccid or hard.

    Both statements are true.

  32. Mack:
    Ice Spider,

    Well said. Too many women don’t understand what feminism, sexism etc is all about.

    Thank you for responding.. I appreciate your input. Refreshing when a real guy can say that we deserve to see male nudity too…. so tired of the BS that comes out of mens mouths.. “oh…that would just be too harsh” …. or “people don’t want to see that”.. really? If you are going to throw female nudity at me on almost every show then please do the same for male nudity. I feel like we are living in the 50’s when they had to try and HIDE women’s pregnancies on television. Just so stupid and primitive thinking.

  33. Dallas:
    Ser Emerson of House Alves,

    But isn’t the red carpet premiere this Sunday? Surely they’ll at least release the title of episode 1…

    Have they even officially announced the Red Carpet premiere for Sunday? It’s 4 days away and they’ve said nothing.

  34. The idea that the penis is not good looking is somewhat debunked by the existence classical art.

    David, anyone? Eh?

    Modern culture may have inculcated some of you with a dislike of the penis aesthetic but historically it is one of the most popular designs and its imagery continues to live on across all sorts of marketing campaigns and rockets ships going to the moon.

  35. richarddecredico:
    Lots of men and women love looking at penis, flaccid or hard.
    Lots of men and women do not like looking at penis, flaccid or hard.

    Both statements are true.

    This is true… yup. But we are talking about the reality of the show- like as in real life men are not conveniently posed to hide their dicks from their lovers eyes. Like I said in a previous comment.. I feel like we are in the 50’s again with having to HIDE a woman’s belly because she was, God forbid.. “with child”. And this is after all paid TV.. so if you are watching it you should be open to seeing both male and female nudity. Sorry FULL FRONTAL nudity.

  36. There is a cultural irony here regarding male nudity since it is almost the exclusive domain of males to be showing their junk to people in public as exhibitionists.

    Not so many women seem to be into that. Seeing it or doing it.

    I have no problem with more male nudity and I do suspect many males are very uncomfortable about it, for reasons expressed above…. men not nearly as strong as women (in western culture) when it comes to being judged on their body.

    Guns, shaped like penis … coincidence? I think not. Even the terminology gives away the relationship …. ‘cocking the gun’ , and what not.

  37. Ice Spider,

    I understand the principle behind what you’re saying, and I know everyone has a different view. I will say, however, any thought I ever had of wishing full male-frontal was more prevalent, even if only in the spirit of fairness, went away after watching Oz. I never knew I could become so totally over seeing peni.



    That video had me literally laughing out loud!!!

  38. Tootie,

    I mostly agree with this. Personally, I don’t like seeing dicks. I’m also glad that we don’t typically see vaginas. However, I think that exposing the audience to penises is good. It helps us to even things out, especially given the disproportionate number of naked female bodies we see. I honestly believe that this kind of exposure, attractive and less attractive parts of both sexes, and particularly the attractive parts of men and women, can make a difference in the way we typically fetishize the female body. Evens the playing field and helps us to accept the human body for what it is. Also just my opinion.

  39. Ice Spider,

    Agreement on the cultural weirdness of having to hide pregnancy.

    Something wrong with people that they feel this needs to be something to be hidden. And its not just men ….. Something horrible was done to them as children to make them think seeing a pregnant woman is something to be shunned.

  40. Sou: Well yes, esthetically they are not … hm… well not very pretty. At rest, as you say.
    Plus the fact that a young slim woman, as most actresses on this show, would not really have to fear about criticism about their bodies. Ok some may say that they have small breasts or chubby thighs or whatever, but I mean, no big deal. A guy shows up fully naked and EVERYONE would comment on the size of his penis.

    EXACTLY which would produce crazy ratings right?? I mean if you are going to start showing mens dicks on GOT then your ratings are going to go out the roof… so my WHOLE point is that insecurities within male mentality is the real reason they are not shown. Im sure I can’t be the ONLY female who would appreciate a full frontal shot of our major male characters. PLEASE… give me JON SNOW naked…. smile.

  41. Tootie: ootie

    Here comes a woman who happens to share your view, and of course other people are free to have their own opinions, too!

    I think it’s only fair that people compare female breasts to male chests, as well as dicks to vaginas. People mix things up in this debate…probably because women’s low parts are very well hidden from view and men not, I guess, so it’s not aesthetically symmetrical when it comes to the comparison?

    I personally don’t enjoy seeing too much close ups of lower parts of neither sexes, it’s too medical lol and not very beautiful to me (though enjoyable to own them! Poor Reek :p) but I have no problem seeing it, and supporting it when the exposure happens for interesting purposes, such as the guy who taunts Cersei during her walk, etc. As a woman, I love seeing BOTH women and men getting naked on the show. I loving good opportunity to enjoy human bodies in a show with good story.

    I respect Emilia for her portrayal of Dany, but I find her more of a sweet young celebrity than a serious intellectual, so I enjoy her with a light heart. I applaud too, for Maisie’s words about not using labels but hearing people’s actual opinions on the subject.

    lol, it’s kind of awkward to talk about private parts on m first comments on WotW. I’ve been lurking here for ages. Love the comments section, much more friendly than other GoT forums. Thanks everyone.

  42. Connor,

    Jason indeed is excellent for the part, that being said i really don’t want to see another masterpiece in gaming ruined by Hollywood. just look at Hitman, Resident Evil, etc. But i do look forward to World of Warcraft (at least for Ramin’s work) and Assassins Creed (Fassbender is a good choice i believe).

  43. Ice Spider,

    Well, as I already said, you have a point.
    Still, I would prefer not to see any nudity, be it female or male.
    But, as stated earlier, they want to sell. And quite a few men want nudity or else they pass. Whereas women don’t make male nudity a precondition; let’s face it, many of us make such a big fuss about Jon Snow’s curls, for heaven’s sake. Can you imagine men drooling over Daenerys’ blond mane? But they can certainly admire her breasts…

  44. There is definitely something patriarichal at play in these decisions of who goes nude in a film/show.

  45. Nymeria Warrior Queen,

    I never watched that show so I can’t identify with what you are saying. But thanks for the thoughts and input. I know its not going to change because men in U.S. (or most men in general) are never going to be secure enough to show their dicks as often as women must show their breasts and genitalia.

  46. richarddecredico,

    But look at the size… Men in antiquity did not all have such little things. It is just that normal or even big ones were considered well, anti-aesthetic (if that word exists in english).

  47. Sou:
    Ice Spider,

    Well, as I already said, you have a point.
    Still, I would prefer not to see any nudity, be it female or male.
    But, as stated earlier, they want to sell. And quite a few men want nudity or else they pass. Whereas women don’t make male nudity a precondition; let’s face it, many of us make such a big fuss about Jon Snow’s curls, for heaven’s sake. Can you imagine men drooling over Daenerys’ blond mane? But they can certainly admire her breasts…

    Maybe it’s a generational thing? Idk… Im definitely of the persuasion more females are into seeing full frontal male nudity because its much more accepted. Especially if you are 40 or younger..

  48. Ice Spider:
    Funny… really? So when we as females DEMAND to see more penises and dicks because yeah we like to see mens dicks too.. then what? We are to be silent because of your lame argument? The more we speak out and say hey … we deserve to see the dicks too.. the more we are told to “find a way to cope”… yeah… thanks for being a 21st century guy. Another dude who wants to hold women down in their thinking and progressive attitudes. And I will also argue that if GoT showed male penises that would raise the bar and get more attention then it wanted. Are you kidding me… it is over due and high time hollywood stop throwing this lame excuse out because men are in charge and are insecure…why don’t YOU GET OVER it and accept the fact that women are going to start demanding we get equal views of male nudity as men get for female nudity. Who says women don’t like male nudity? I do.. please do not speak for me.

    There is no you “as females”; there is only you. And I’m sorry that you’re not getting your fill of “penis-watching”–believe me, I am–but unless you’re willing to organize a boycott, expressing your gripe, then all you’re really doing is complaining. I’m not criticizing your desire to see more penis, regardless of which aesthetic it caters to; I’m criticizing the notion that you believe “equality for equality’s sake” has anything to do with producing [good] television. The Game of Thrones audience grows every season while maintaining the current penis-to-tits ratio. You, presumably as a heterosexual female, may want to see more penises, but a significant portion of the audience either don’t care one way or another about seeing more penises, or don’t want to see more penises. I’m pretty confident in notion that the staff behind Game of Thrones know more about the audience than you. You may think I’m disparaging you, but I’m just bluntly telling you that the amount proportion of male nudity will never be equal to female nudity even if the female audience grows.

  49. Elena: Here comes a woman who happens to share your view, and of course other people are free to have their own opinions, too!

    I think it’s only fair that people compare female breasts to male chests, as well as dicks to vaginas. People mix things up in this debate…probably because women’s low parts are very well hidden from view and men not, I guess, so it’s not aesthetically symmetrical when it comes to the comparison?

    I personally don’t enjoy seeing too much close ups of lower parts of neither sexes, it’s too medical lol and not very beautiful to me (though enjoyable to own them! Poor Reek :p) but I have no problem seeing it, and supporting it when the exposure happens for interesting purposes, such as the guy who taunts Cersei during her walk, etc. As a woman, I love seeing BOTH women and men getting naked on the show. I loving good opportunity to enjoy human bodies in a show with good story.

    I respect Emilia for her portrayal of Dany, but I find her more of a sweet young celebrity than a serious intellectual, so I enjoy her with a light heart. I applaud too, for Maisie’s words about not using labels but hearing people’s actual opinions on the subject.

    lol, it’s kind of awkward to talk about private parts on m first comments on WotW. I’ve been lurking here for ages. Love the comments section, much more friendly than other GoT forums. Thanks everyone.

    Welcome to the discussion and so happy you felt you could contribute… I was like you for a very long time. I just read because I didn’t feel like I could say anything being so new to the GoT world and this website. It’s always interesting to see people extend themselves and reach out for the first time. 😉 I find it very liberating for some reason. Makes me happy inside!!

  50. Sou,

    You’d be surprised by the amount of criticism both slim and full-figured women receive. Actresses in particular. And it is a big deal because it’s mostly women (and in this case actresses) who are at the receiving end of this criticism. All you have to do is look at tabloids and online articles, where you constantly see criticism masked as fake concern when an actress or singer has gained or lost a certain amount of weight.

    Also, saying that they shouldn’t worry about criticism because they’re slim implies that women who don’t have that body type should worry because their body is not welcome or desirable, when in fact we should be inclusive of all body types (male and female). There is beauty in both male and female nudity.

  51. No show has shown more flaccid penis then Spartacus.

    In fact, in one episode there was a gladiator with such a huge one it got him killed for it catching the interest of some noblewomen lol.

    Take that GoT!!!

  52. Again, we have seen more penises than vaginas on GOT.

    And no, tits aren’t the equivalent of a penis. The equivalent to a topless actress is a shirtless actor. And we have seen plenty of those too.

  53. Elena: lol, it’s kind of awkward to talk about private parts on m first comments on WotW.


    Welcome to the Wall! 🙂

    Ice Spider,

    It was a great show…extraordinarily brutal, but really good. Were I to give it a secondary title, though, it would probably be “Penises on Parade,” or “Dicks on Display,” or “Plenty of Peckers,” or “Tons of Tallywackers.” 🙂

  54. Flayed Potatoes: All you have to do is look at tabloids and online articles, where you constantly see criticism masked as fake concern when an actress or singer has gained or lost a certain amount of weight.

    This happens just as frequently to actors too, you know?

  55. Seth: There is no you “as females”; there is only you. And I’m sorry that you’re not getting your fill of “penis-watching”–believe me, I am–but unless you’re willing to organize a boycott, expressing your gripe, then all you’re really doing is complaining. I’m not criticizing your desire to see more penis, regardless of which aesthetic it caters to; I’m criticizing the notion that you believe “equality for equality’s sake” has anything to do with producing [good] television. The Game of Thrones audience grows every season while maintaining the current penis-to-tits ratio. You, presumably as a heterosexual female, may want to see more penises, but a significant portion of the audience either don’t care one way or another about seeing more penises, or don’t want to see more penises. I’m pretty confident in notion that the staff behind Game of Thrones know more about the audience than you. You may think I’m disparaging you, but I’m just bluntly telling you that the amount proportion of male nudity will never be equal to female nudity even if the female audience grows. And I am pretty sure you NOT wanting to see MORE penises has EVERYTHING to do with your heterosexuality. I know my homosexual friends LOVE seeing dicks. So if you are going to play the heterosexual card here… well if the show fits.. you know.

    I don’t feel like you are disparaging me. Quite the opposite. But I also KNOW from speaking to females (yes I have LOTS of female friends).. they say they would want to see MORE male nudity on this show and others. Women just are not always as vocal as to what they want and women are much more acquiescent to mens wishes then to their own. So although I understand your “argument” I respectfully disagree with you. Most females in the generation below me are good with seeing male nudity. Im guessing this is something sort of like hiding women’s pregnancies in the 50’s – men will eventually have to grow up and start showing their body parts too. It has NOTHING to do with my heterosexuality or not. Im just an open person who likes seeing the realness of life being portrayed onscreen. And why do I need to orchestrate a boycott? Why can’t I express myself on this venue when the article addressed the issue we are speaking of? Again.. please do not try to just politely shut me up because you may not like the thread of conversation. Just don’t comment. I really just wanted to see what others thought and if they thought like me or not. It’s called a DISCUSSION.. 😉 Im always curious to see the thought processes esp since the viewership on this site is international.

  56. zod:
    Again, we have seen more penises than vaginas on GOT.

    And no, tits aren’t the equivalent of a penis. The equivalent to a topless actress is a shirtless actor. And we have seen plenty of those too.

    Anatomically, yes: the male chest to the male is the equivalent to that of the female’s to the female. As for as the “sexualization” of each is concerned, no they are not equivalents. And that’s kind of the point.

  57. zod:
    Again, we have seen more penises than vaginas on GOT.

    You must have missed all the female prostitutes on the show then.

  58. Arthur:
    No show has shown more flaccid penis then Spartacus.

    In fact, in one episode there was a gladiator with such a huge one it got him killed for it catching the interest of some noblewomen lol.

    Take that GoT!!!

    That sounds great…. lol

  59. Cant wait for the titles !

    By the way, guys, do any of you remember how long before the airing they appeared on HBO schedhule in past years ?

  60. I was hoping those “leaked” episode titles on google were real. lolol Only because episode 10 was titled “Valonqar” The rest of the titles sounded legit though….oh well…. only two and half more weeks before we find out 🙂

  61. richarddecredico:
    There is a cultural irony here regarding male nudity since it is almost the exclusive domain of males to be showing their junk to people in public as exhibitionists.

    Not so many women seem to be into that.Seeing it or doing it.

    I have no problem with more male nudity and I do suspect many males are very uncomfortable about it, for reasons expressed above…. men not nearly as strong as women (in western culture) when it comes to being judged on their body.

    Guns, shaped like penis … coincidence?I think not.Even the terminology gives away the relationship …. ‘cocking the gun’ , and what not.

    Yes.. agreed whole heartedly. I have spoken to many men regarding this and they flat out they say it makes them “uncomfortable”. I say WHY? Anytime you are uncomfortable with seeing nakedness it’s because of your OWN insecurities. Men are just too insecure to admit it. Hence the negative feedback that most men will make when this subject comes up. It would just be so refreshing to hear men say the truth.. so to you fine sir I say THANK YOU for being REAL!!

  62. Flayed Potatoes,

    Please post a picture of a vagina we’ve seen on GOT. They’re naked, but you can’t see anything. As for the main actresses, they’re all wearing merkins.

    On the other hand, we’ve all seen Theon’s, Olyvar’s, the wine merchant from S1’s, the gay dudes in the brothel from S5’s flaccid penises.

  63. Nymeria Warrior Queen: Hahaha…

    Welcome to the Wall!

    Ice Spider,

    It was a great show…extraordinarily brutal, but really good.Were I to give it a secondary title, though, it would probably be “Penises on Parade,” or “Dicks on Display,” or “Plenty of Peckers,” or “Tons of Tallywackers.”

    Lmao… I will have to check it out …but I honestly barely have time for GoT.. esp since Im so ensconced in it.. I spend a lot of time doing research and surfing to find out as many little bit of tidbits as I can. Yes.. I am a rabid fan.

  64. phantomstrife:
    Have we actually seen any fish lips in the show? Like in full view? Maybe from some extra a couple of times. We’ve seen more schnitzels. It’s mostly the booty and the jugs we get to see.

    Fish lips? Are you really so ignorant of human anatomy or did you imagine the iron born are a fleet of fisher folk and you haven’t seen enough of their catch of the day?

    The topic Ice Spider, was discussing was the inequity between the full frontal nudity between male and female actors.

    If by “fish lips” you mean labia, you’re as likely to see those in a full frontal shot as you are to see the sphincter on an ass shot.

  65. Ice Spider: I don’t feel like you are disparaging me. Quite the opposite. But I also KNOW from speaking to females (yes I have LOTS of female friends).. they say they would want to see MORE male nudity on this show and others. Women just are not always as vocal as to what they want and women are much more acquiescent to mens wishes then to their own. So although I understand your “argument” I respectfully disagree with you. Most females in the generation below me are good with seeing male nudity. Im guessing this is something sort of like hiding women’s pregnancies in the 50’s – men will eventually have to grow up and start showing their body parts too. It has NOTHING to do with my heterosexuality or not. Im just an open person who likes seeing the realness of life being portrayed onscreen. And why do I need to orchestrate a boycott? Why can’t I express myself on this venue when the article addressed the issue we are speaking of? Again.. please do not try to just politely shut me up because you may not like the thread of conversation. Just don’t comment. I really just wanted to see what others thought and if they thought like me or not. It’s called a DISCUSSION.. Im always curious to see the thought processes esp since the viewership on this site is international.

    And whose responsibility is it that these women are not as “vocal” about their own wishes? (Not that I agree: you’re actually being quite presumptuous there.) Female bodies are more sexualized than those of males. It only makes sense that female nudity is more prevalent–and the numbers show that. This has nothing to do with an aesthetic for parity. It’s about catering to the disparate numbers and taking advantage of it. And the broadcast of female nudity suits their–the Game of Thrones producers’–interest better. (If it didn’t, then they would entertain an alternative because it yield a greater benefit.)

    And I’m not trying to shut you up. I’m characterizing your participation in this discussion. If you want to complain, then by all means, complain.

  66. Nerd:
    “Where is my buttplug?”

    Seriously, I can’t believe it took this long for someone to acknowledge this statement. I was already quite amused by Clarke’s video, but the surprise of that comment had me lol-ing.

    As for the discussion on nudity fairness…
    If showing nudity of any kind serves the greater good of the story, then anything goes, imo. I feel like the reality is that the lower body is covered more often than the upper body. Breasts reside on the upper body; gonads, below. Breasts are always going to be shown more than penises. I don’t believe that someone should be keeping count of lower female to lower male nudity and keeping it even. I believe in storytelling and if nudity serves a purpose, use it as needed. If it’s only used when trying to show a scene as it would naturally appear, then we shouldn’t have a problem with it. If it is used gratuitously (Littlefingers brothel Season 1), perhaps some of us shake our heads at it.
    Finally, at least on GoT, haven’t the penis shots all been prosthetics?

  67. Ice Spider:

    Hell yeah… tired of hollywoods double standards… oh hey chickie… yeah you…drop your clothes because ummm yeah we have a bunch of dudes we need to keep watching the show….. seriously?? And I find it mildly HUMOROUS that no men are responding to these comments which proves my whole point. Men’s insecurities about seeng dicks on television is the truth.


    I’m not responding to your comment, not because I’m ” insecure about seeing dicks on television” (Wtf?!), but because I find this type of SJW’s discussion tiresome and I don’t want to be part of it.

    I just don’t think that any writer or TV show must exist to serve some type of agenda or to fill a quota.

    If they want to promote sexism, misogyny, racism, fascism,.. that is their right. The writer can do whatever he wants.

    With GoT and every other show I care about the story and the characters, not about the representation of women, children, animals,minorities,…

    There is too much politics in everything in the West. I care about the show, not a political discussion.

  68. Jack Bauer 24,

    Haven’t they been offering a free trip or something to the red carpet premier? I thought it was this Sunday… Please don’t tell me I’m making this up because I was really looking forward to hearing something/anything about the first episode.

  69. I understand why actors are quite apprehensive about going full frontal. No matter what, they’d be overscrutinised or ridiculed. The society has placed a shlong as a symbol of manhood. A guy can be handsome, tall and muscled, with a mean six pack and a firm butt but if he lacks something down there or even if he’s anything less than(relatively) thick and big, he’ll face taunts. The standard is that a size does actually matter in the eye of the public who can’t judge the subject on his bedroom skills, so they judge on what they see. Female bodies are also scrutinised, but what we see in GOT is mostly butts and boobs. The beauty standard for women is a broader concept. A woman doesn’t have to have big round tits to get a good rating. Many guys prefer smaller boobs on a woman. Actually a woman looks better with normal-sized natural breasts rather than two fake-ass big balloons. Same goes for the ass. There are numerous beauty standards for women in many cultures. In some, Rubenesque proportions are held as the quintessential determinant of physical attractiveness, in others it’s size 0. In some, it’s all about being leggy and thin, in others it’s being small-ish and curvaceous. Some view a natural look and style as two values to aspire to, others prefer doll-like features (with a ‘kabuki’ face as a cherry on top). A guy’s manhood doesn’t have that luxury, it’s pretty much the same standard everywhere.

    The actresses who get their clothes off mostly have bodies that correspond with those standards, so I doubt they’re too anxious.

    Anyway, it’s a moot point as GOT is mostly geared towards men, the majority of the fanbase is male, so the female to male nudity ratio will remain unequal.

  70. Seth,

    I’m kind of confused.

    On one hand, I have so-called feminists telling me to “free the boobs”, that breasts aren’t sexual and shouldn’t be considered as such in the name of equality.

    On the other hand, I have another group of so-called feminists telling me that boobs should be considered as sexual as a penis… in the name of equality.

    Which one is it, then?

    As for as the “sexualization” of each is concerned, no they are not equivalents.

    And yet, we have females on this very thread who admit being turned on by nice-looking male chests.

    Believe it or not, male torsos ARE sexualized. Have you seen the comments from some female viewers about Gendry’s abs? Or Jon’s? Or Robb’s?

    Why do you think there are so many shirtless scenes of good looking dudes in the Twilight movies (which are mainly aimed at a female audience)?

    Female boobs are the equivalent of male chests. To claim otherwise while talking about “equality” just reeks of hypocrisy and double standards.

  71. mau: Hell yeah… tired of hollywoods double standards… oh hey chickie… yeah you…drop your clothes because ummm yeah we have a bunch of dudes we need to keep watching the show….. seriously?? And I find it mildly HUMOROUS that no men are responding to these comments which proves my whole point. Men’s insecurities about seeng dicks on television is the truth.

    I’m not responding to your comment, not because I’m ” insecure about seeing dicks on television” (Wtf?!),but because I find this type of SJW’s discussion tiresome and I don’t want to be part of it.

    I just don’t think that any writer or TV show must exist to serve some type of agenda or to fill a quota.

    If they want to promote sexism, misogyny, racism, fascism,.. that is their right. The writer can do whatever he wants.

    With GoT and every other show I care about the story and the characters, not about the representation of women, children, animals,minorities,…

    There is too much politics in everything in the West.I care about the show, not a political discussion.

    Blah blah blah blah…. you don’t want to participate in the conversation so I DRAGGED you into it? Don’t worry we get why you men are so “tired” of this conversation. Kinda like you get so tired of hearing we should get equal pay for equal work. Well be prepared to be REALLY tired of it.. because I guarantee you more women are going to be speaking out in the distant future. No intended harm meant but seriously Im TIRED of men being TIRED of hearing what women want. One day very soon you are going to wake up and find yourself in a very bad spot when women decide they have had enough BS double standards.

  72. Flayed Potatoes,

    I was not saying that dear.
    I was saying that women nudes in GOT or other commercial tv are mostly young and slim. Hell, most of them have small roles that exist just for the nudity scenes. For commercial reasons, granted. They are the ones that do not have to worry too much.
    Of course I am aware women do not all have the same body type, nor should they. And I know they get a lot of “concern”, as you say, if they gain or lose weight. But I am not talking about that. I am talking about particular women, on this particurlar show.
    There is one thing though that bothers me and you reminded me of it: tv including GOT nudes are your typical “beauty” nudes that may induce inferiority syndromes to real life women.
    So, now that I think about it, maybe we should start showing more dicks on tv, exceptionally big ones, so that men viewers also get their fair share of inferiority syndrome!!

  73. Dallas:
    Jack Bauer 24,

    Haven’t they been offering a free trip or something to the red carpet premier? I thought it was this Sunday… Please don’t tell me I’m making this up because I was really looking forward to hearing something/anything about the first episode.

    This is correct, red carpet premier is on the 10th.


    I am hoping we have someone with eyes and ears on the ground there…when I say “we” I mean someone from WotW to see if there are any leaks, at least of the episode one title…that would be great.

  74. Ice Spider,

    James Brown said it best, ” This is a man’s world”. None of the main female characters ever show their vaginas though. When Emilia showed her boobies she was a nobody, but once she became popular, she signed a non-nudity clause, lol. The female genitalia goes in, but a dick is just dangling around, it can be very distracting to the viewer. Hell Cersei decided to use a body double because she was uncomfortable with nudity and I think just gave birth recently. A woman showing her breasts is nothing because men show their bare chest all the time. It’s society that has made female breasts which is just filled with fat to be this incredibly sexual thing, so you can take your anger out against society and not the show.

  75. I know nothing about feminism.
    I am a male.
    I’d love to see more male nudes including their dicks on the show. I acknowledge there are more female nudes, and this lack of balance makes me wonder why.

  76. zod:
    Ice Spider,

    We’ve seen more dicks than vaginas in GOT, so I don’t really see what you’re complaining about?

    Agreed. This will all be settled once someone compiles a comprehensive nipple count. Then it will be clear that males actors are showing far more than their female counterparts on GoT.

  77. zod,

    Of the top of my head I remember: Ros (twice in season 1 with Theon), the prostitute with Pycelle in season 1, Myranda and that other girl Ramsay sent to seduce Theon, the prostitute with Bronn at Blackwater, the prostitute with the Unsullied in the season 5 premiere, one of the prostitutes Joffrey got from Tyrion, Osha (she even got a brazilian lol), Lena’s body double. Pretty sure I’m missing some other scenes in LF’s brothel.

  78. zod:

    I’m kind of confused.

    On one hand, I have so-called feminists telling me to “free the boobs”, that breasts aren’t sexual and shouldn’t be considered as such in the name of equality.

    On the other hand, I have another group of so-called feminists telling me that boobs should be considered as sexual as a penis… in the name of equality.

    Which one is it, then?

    And yet, we have females on this very thread who admit being turned on by nice-looking male chests.

    Believe it or not, male torsos ARE sexualized. Have you seen the comments from some female viewers about Gendry’s abs? Or Jon’s? Or Robb’s?

    Why do you think there are so many shirtless scenes of good looking dudes in the Twilight movies (which are mainly aimed at a female audience)?

    Female boobs are the equivalent of male chests. To claim otherwise while talking about “equality” just reeks of hypocrisy and double standards.

    Whilst I would agree with you on your main argument of boobs vs male chests ratio’s .. I would venture to say that the SEXUALIZATION of the differing body parts is why more important. Sorry but women’s breast are considered THE sexual focal point on a woman..(why do women go to great lengths to enlarge their breasts?) where the male PENIS is considered the main focal point (erected that is). Men are not gazing into women’s EYES when they first see them… although of course there are ass men vs breast men, MOST men are overtly sexualized by seeing naked breasts. I would argue that is NOT the case for women. We may think that is attractive and it makes us want to see MORE. But seeing an erected penis is by far going to get a female interested… as long as the dude doesn’t open his mouth and say anything stupid. (THAT was a joke dear male friends).

  79. Ice Spider: Blah blah blah blah….you don’t want to participate in the conversation so I DRAGGED you into it?

    Yes. You dragged me in, because your psycho-analysis of every guy here was very ridiculous to me.

    Someone doesn’t want to respond to your comment and that means that that person is insecure? Maybe I just don’t care for that topic?

    Don’t worry we get why you men are so “tired” of this conversation.

    I’m not speaking for all men, I’m speaking for myself.

    Kinda like you get so tired of hearing we should get equal pay for equal work. Well be prepared to be REALLY tired of it..

    Those are important issues, but GoT is an entertainment for me. I just don’t want to participate in political discussion about GoT. As I said, I think politics is really affecting art in the West. We now have so many quotas that need to be filled.

  80. Watchers of no Trailers: Agreed.This will all be settled once someone compiles a comprehensive nipple count.Then it will be clear that males actors are showing far more than their female counterparts on GoT.

    Ok some of you are in clear denial. But ok whatever…

  81. zod:
    Again, we have seen more penises than vaginas on GOT.

    And no, tits aren’t the equivalent of a penis. The equivalent to a topless actress is a shirtless actor. And we have seen plenty of those too.

    One would sincerely hope we’ve seen more penises–even one penis would have to be a greater number, since you would need a speculum to view the vagina.

    I’ve seen a far greater number of naked women on GoT, whether you want to count from the chest up or from the groin up. The women are also engaged in more explicitly sexual situations. Will showing more naked men bring more audience members? I suspect we’ll never know, because there is a Hollywood bias against male frontal nudity and a bizarre Puritanical attitude about the beauty of the human body versus shameful sexuality.

  82. Ice Spider: Sorry but women’s breast are considered THE sexual focal point on a woman.. where the male PENIS is considered the main focal point (erected that is).

    I’m pretty sure my erected penis and I have always considered the lower part of my female partners to be the main sexual focal point, for some reason.

  83. zod,

    You are totally right. Those pursuing equality actually display double standards themselves. There is no feministic outcry when there are ripped dudes walking around shirtless in movies/shows, but there is when chicks get the boobs out. Equality should mean no outcry for either or outcry for both from the prudish standpoint.

  84. Do people really want to see flaccid penises more often in GoT? I might be a straight male, but is that really attractive for women? I also don’t really like seeing vaginas on GoT, but I have no problem with breasts, chests, bottoms. You can call me insecure all you like, but I just don’t like seeing genitalia all over my screen. And to be honest, I don’t really see much need for it either, unless it is an essential part of the scene (which it very occasionally is e.g. Walk of Shame).

    I thought both Maisie’s and Emilia’s comments were great, and I loved Emilia’s video. She’s just so cute in it.

  85. Ice Spider,

    I was just being silly. Anyone with an internet connection can see whatever they want…

    Wasn’t the fashion in Qarth to leave one breast exposed? That wasn’t reflected in the show… and I think because it would have been gratuitous.

    I do not, and will not, condone a comprehensive nipple count analysis of our favorite tv show. I’m loving the discussion though! 19 days!!!

  86. phantomstrife:
    Maid of Tits and Dragons,

    replace the word with a vagina, the broad view in full frontal, and my point still stands, happy now?

    I was never unhappy, but thanks for asking. However, you are still wrong. There is far more female nudity including gratuitous sexualization on GoT.

  87. Dallas:
    Jack Bauer 24,

    Haven’t they been offering a free trip or something to the red carpet premier? I thought it was this Sunday… Please don’t tell me I’m making this up because I was really looking forward to hearing something/anything about the first episode.

    Yeah Omaze is doing the donation campaign, which closes tonight and the winner will be announced Thursday https://www.omaze.com/experiences/GameOfThrones-2

    I haven’t seen any posts on social media from HBO or the GoT accounts promoting the premiere though, which is weird.

  88. Maid of Tits and Dragons: One would sincerely hope we’ve seen more penises–even one penis would have to be a greater number, since you would need a speculum to view the vagina.

    I’m not a native speaker, so “vagina”, the P word and the C word were my only options to call that part of the female anatomy. I just thought that, out of the three, “vagina” sounded the less vulgar, even if not entirely accurate.. wouldn’t you agree?

  89. Ice Spider:
    Im going to open a can of worms here…. because I for one am pretty sick of the “oh we can’t show mens dicks on television but we can show women’s tits and lower frontal nudity”. Seriously Emilia?How will it make us feel BAD? And then she backs it up with, “It’s too “fabulous!”….. well maybe ..if they are always having an ERECTION they MIGHT be fabulous, but I highly doubt that most male actors would have an erection in that sort of environment. So in truth, it seems to me, that men have inferiority complexes and/or are just too fragile to take any criticism of scrutiny of their nudity. The mentality that women are so much freer being nude in front of the camera is also another lame excuse. Women are just as apprehensive being nude as men. Even more so because we are always being judged on our physical “beauty”. I love this show but this is one issue I can’t stand. If you want to continually show nude females then show mens penises. Fair is fair and really if we are going to call this an ADULT entertainment show… then show the dicks. I mean if Emilia has embarrassing moments in front of male fans then men should have to suffer the same feelings.</blockquote>

    I haven't read any further down, but I feel as if I need to address this. For one, men don't typically have inferiority complexes about their junk. Whenever I took/take showers in a locker room, you don't size each other up. If they showed Momoa's slong on the show, it wouldn't grasp mens attention. This is where Emilia makes a judgment error. If Emilia thinks that Momoa's member would apparently grab male attention and would make us question our own, she would be wrong as we would be looking at Emilia. And I doubt that Michiel would think about female fans: "oh jeez, she's seen my butt.. Awkward…" I really doubt that your wish for men to "suffer the same feelings" of awkwardness would be achievable. The fact that Emilia's still bothered by nude scenes she did six years ago, when random male fans approach her for a selfie is very alarming in my eyes.. I mean if that's the mental image she immediately places on what I assume she means to be plain heterosexual men, then that's awefully shortsighted. If they walk up to her looking at her chest intently, that would be different, but she makes a very general male/female-distinction here.

    That being said, if you think men aren't physically judged, then you're sadly mistaken. Because I haven't heard a woman say "dat Daario's butt wasn't what interested me about this scene". It's all they were talking about. I'm not very muscular, but I'm well aware that the more muscular guy in my sports team will get a lot more female attention. Men are judged just as easily, it's just that selfimpose a lot of that judgment on themselves, as a man, I've heard tons of stories that women dress up to show off to other women, moreso then for men.

  90. mau: Yes. You dragged me in, because your psycho-analysis of every guy here was very ridiculous to me.

    Really.. psycho-analysis? I was speaking in generalization because its appropriate. I never said ALL men.. I said MOST men and if you didn’t get that part of my conversation then you are thinking with your OTHER head. Either you are part of the problem or part of the solution. And as I see it you are part of the problem.

    Someone doesn’t want to respond to your comment and that means that that person is insecure? Maybe I just don’t care for that topic. I’m not speaking for all men, I’m speaking for myself. Those are important issues, but GoT is an entertainment for me.

    My point also is that they have a responsibility to ENTERTAIN all of it’s audience members not JUST the prepubescent 12 year olds.

    I just don’t want to participate in political discussion about GoT.

    How is this political? Its cultural… its NOT political to show tits or ass … so it shouldn’t be political to show DICKS.

    As I said, I think politics is really affecting art in the West. We now have so many quotas that need to be filled.

    I live in the US.. so I have a right to criticize any producers or directors or any other person in power in THIS country who continues to use female sexualization to bring in male audience members.. but refuses to do the same for its female counterparts based on male insecurities. You are so bane. Read on… men are insecure and fixated with the size or lack thereof of their dicks.

    Well, aside from perhaps the actor himself perhaps not wanting to get it out on camera, the US seems to have a bit of a problem with male nudity. Male nudity is certainly rarer in film and on TV. Game of Thrones is completely full of female nudity, but really lacks the male equivalent.

    And here …ONE More article to prove my point..

  91. Ice Spider,

    It’s great to see that you’re more than willing to tar all men with the same brush, as well as claiming you speak for all women, when actually you’re just a single individual. You assume that it’s only men who are tired of this SJW nonsense, when nothing could be further from the truth. Obviously sexism, inequality, discrimination, oppression, are all real issues suffered by real people on a daily basis. But to endlessly debate depictions of the genders on TV as though it were the equivalent of say, the treatment of women in countries like Saudi Arabia is utterly ridiculous. There’s no sexism at work here, just creative choices on the part of the show’s producers – though plenty are happy to impute “sexism” to them, too, based on their own expectations of what constitutes an “equal” portrayal.

    As for the articles about men and insecurity – are you seriously trying to insist that this applies to 100% of men? Because no, as a man I can very emphatically say this does not apply to me, at all. I’ll strip off anytime, IDGAF! 😛

  92. Ser Oromis Locke:

    Maid of Tits and Dragons: One would sincerely hope we’ve seen more penises–even one penis would have to be a greater number, since you would need a speculum to view the vagina.

    I’ve seen a far greater number of naked women on GoT, whether you want to count from the chest up or from the groin up. The women are also engaged in more explicitly sexual situations. Will showing more naked men bring more audience members? I suspect we’ll never know, because there is a Hollywood bias against male frontal nudity and a bizarre Puritanical attitude about the beauty of the human body versus shameful sexuality.

    Thanks.. my point exactly.

  93. Watchers of no Trailers:
    Ice Spider,

    I was just being silly.Anyone with an internet connection can see whatever they want…

    Wasn’t the fashion in Qarth to leave one breast exposed?That wasn’t reflected in the show… and I think because it would have been gratuitous.

    I do not, and will not, condone a comprehensive nipple count analysis of our favorite tv show.I’m loving the discussion though!19 days!!!

    Lmao… no … no nipple counting here either… 😉 Dick counting? Wink … yes

  94. What’s with the society’s obsession with everything being politically correct? Screw that.

    Also, it’s all just entertainment. It’s not to be taken that seriously. Why make a big deal out of it? Why are people so bothered about the nakedness on screen? Actors and actresses have the same body parts as we have. I’m not at all bothered about any nudity ratios, I care about the plot, the acting, directing etc. If there are more boobs than male chests, or vice versa, in a show or movie, I say whatever, have it that way. It’s too insignificant a thing to me. I’m not aspiring to be a spokesperson for a movement or speaking on anyone’s behalf. Whining about such things on a site doesn’t really matter at the end of the day.

  95. Ice Spider,

    Whatever. I just said that you can’t tell me why I’m not responding to your comment because you just can’t know why.

    I’m not insecure, I just don’t care about that topic. That’s it. I didn’t even say that I don’t want more dicks on TV. I want them. I’m just not interested in this discussion, because I care about other thing when it comes to Got.

    Please don’t act as you can read my mind.

  96. Ser Oromis Locke,

    When I see another man with a six-pack, I’m happy for them, because they obviously worked towards it, but I wouldn’t want one myself really, because I’m inherently lazy and wouldn’t have the discipline to work out enough/I eat too much junk food. I’m happy being reasonably fit, and have the muscles in my legs for cycling instead, but if other men want to have six-packs which must be a lot of work to maintain fair play to them. Similarly, if someone was happy being overweight then I’m not going to criticise them. And it should be the same for women too. As long as you yourself are happy then that should be the end of it.

  97. zod: I’m not a native speaker, so “vagina”, the P word and the C word were my only options to call that part of the female anatomy. I just thought that, out of the three, “vagina” sounded the less vulgar, even if not entirely accurate.. wouldn’t you agree?

    I understand about the non-native English speaker, I hope I wasn’t offensive, and if I was, accept my apologies.
    I really wouldn’t agree about the three terms though, only because I don’t find any of them offensive.

    I think male or female, shoulder to groin shots show bits that some will find offensive, some will enjoy, and some will ignore. I wish there was more parity on the show and in media in general.

  98. Hear! Hear! I am totes on board with equality in the buck-ass naked department!

    In the spirit of this, since the glans of the male member is biologically analogous to the female clitoris, there should be a one-to-one ratio to full spread lady parts. Yup, what the industry refers to as the “hot, wet, split beaver”.

    The lady actresses have some catching up to do before we achieve true equality of nekkidness.

  99. Cosine:
    Ice Spider,

    It’s great to see that you’re more than willing to tar all men with the same brush, as well as claiming you speak for all women, when actually you’re just a single individual. You assume that it’s only men who are tired of this SJW nonsense, when nothing could be further from the truth. Obviously sexism, inequality, discrimination, oppression, are all real issues suffered by real people on a daily basis. But to endlessly debate depictions of the genders on TV as though it were the equivalent of say, the treatment of women in countries like Saudi Arabia is utterly ridiculous. There’s no sexism at work here, just creative choices on the part of the show’s producers – though plenty are happy to impute “sexism” to them, too, based on their own expectations of what constitutes an “equal” portrayal.

    As for the articles about men and insecurity – are you seriously trying to insist that this applies to 100% of men? Because no, as a man I can very emphatically say this does not apply to me, at all. I’ll strip off anytime, IDGAF!

    UGH… how do people really NOT get it.. we are NOT talking about 100% of men.. or women here.. we are GENERALIZING… the fact is that MOST men are insecure about their dick size. I don’t give a rats ass how many men deny it.. you can go online and see for yourself all the articles on it. I took a class on male/female sexualization and the psychology of it and men are just way more fragile then women period. When it comes to their EGO on their dick size. Why do women always have to stroke your egos about how BIG you are if you are NOT preoccupied with it? Seriously.. Im ONE woman speaking here but when we get together you don’t think we talk about how insecure you are about your dick size? 9 out 10 of my female friends would concur… their sexual parter had to be assured he was BIG enough to please her. But this is not the point.. the point is the show and it’s lack of showing full frontal nudity for its major male roles. Lets stick to the point please.

  100. phantomstrife:
    What’s with the society’s obsession with everything being politically correct? Screw that.

    Well its NOT a political issue… its a cultural one… again that is the point. Europe and Japan has no problem showing male dicks on it television shows. I know I lived in Japan. The amount of male nudity was incredulous to my native US eyes…

    Also, it’s all just entertainment. It’s not to be taken that seriously. Why make a big deal out of it? Why are people so bothered about the nakedness on screen?

    We are NOT bothered by the nakedness but the unequal nakedness of showing male penises.

    Actors and actresses have the same body parts as we have. I’m not at all bothered about any nudity ratios, I care about the plot, the acting, directing etc. If there are more boobs than male chests, or vice versa, in a show or movie, I say whatever, have it that way. It’s too insignificant a thing to me. I’m not aspiring to be a spokesperson for a movement or speaking on anyone’s behalf. Whining about such things on a site doesn’t really matter at the end of the day.

    Lol…. whining? No.. it is just a discussion. Whining would be… whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy oh whyyyyyyyyy can’t we have more DICKS on the shoooooooooooooow. That is whining. Having a lively discussion is just that… discussing. You don’t have to agree with me. I never said anyone had to agree with me.. I wast just stating facts. Sorry if you or any other male person on here is offended that I spoke of facts.

  101. Ice Spider: Lets stick to the point please.

    You want that can of worms you opened closed now because you don´t like where the discussion is going ? Tsk, tsk.

  102. Cumsprite: I am a grower, not a shower. And I am not ashamed. I have even posted my true dimensions in chat. No one believes me, but they are hard numbers.

    I was in that chat. Soft estimates rather than hard numbers, I´d say.

  103. mau:
    Ice Spider,

    Whatever. I just said that you can’t tell me why I’m not responding to your comment because you just can’t know why.

    I’m not insecure, I just don’t care about that topic. That’s it. I didn’t even say that I don’t want more dicks on TV. I want them. I’m just not interested in this discussion, because I care about other thing when it comes to Got.

    Please don’t act as you can read my mind.

    Sorry if you thought I acted like I was reading your mind. If you think that then my deepest apologies. I was generalizing as I said before. I don’t think I mentioned you by name but if I did then please accept my apologies. I just find it funny how men always want to avoid or skip over or forget this cultural issue. And it’s NOT something I made up in my mind. There is plenty of evidence online to back up my statements. I provided a few articles to another poster but I really just wanted to voice my opinion/facts. You are entitled to yours. Have a wonderful evening.

  104. flintstonewielder: I was in that chat. Soft estimates rather than hard numbers, I´d say.

    Lol.. too funny… I would venture to say that you are not in the norm in that dept. But awesome points for your openness….

  105. flintstonewielder: can of worms

    I see what you did there!

    Cumsprite: I am a grower, not a shower. And I am not ashamed. I have even posted my true dimensions in chat. No one believes me, but they are hard numbers.

    Dammit! I missed it.

    Wait…I do seem to remember you posting some negative numbers.
    I’ll just be generous and say the water must’ve been cold that day.

  106. Ice Spider: Lol.. too funny…I would venture to say that you are not in the norm in that dept. But awesome points for your openness….

    Always here to assist, my dear. You can´t get knowledge out of publications only.

  107. Oh. I got really excited for a moment because the number of comments shot up in this thread since the last time I saw it and I thought, “Ah! There’s been some really exciting news, like a new trailer or Sue’s managed to find out some more juicy info from her sources,” but no. Ah, well. I haven’t read the comments, but I hoped nobody’s started ripping off heads yet.

  108. I have no desire to get into this whole nudity debate, other than to say ya’ll are forgetting about the gay fan-base.. I for one wouldn’t mind seeing some more “D”, flaccid or not, I don’t care 😉

  109. flintstonewielder: CRAP ! Didn´t know about that one ! And me being depressed for the last 5 years.

    Yeah … I guess that “bone” they threw out was suppose to appease us? Hmmmm NOPE.. I want to see Sir Jaime’s privies.. please… or if JS comes back he will do just fine. Shit I will settle for Bronn but I really don’t want to see his noodle. I won’t hold my breathe.. but we can only hope D&D will grow some balls and show some dick.

  110. Dallas:
    I have no desire to get into this whole nudity debate, other than to say ya’ll are forgetting about the gay fan-base.. I for one wouldn’t mind seeing some more “D”, flaccid or not, I don’t care

    Well I did mention ALL of GoT fan base. So I did mean to include the homosexual community too. I just didn’t say it specifically.

  111. Name *:
    Oh. I got really excited for a moment because the number of comments shot up in this thread since the last time I saw it and I thought, “Ah! There’s been some really exciting news, like a new trailer or Sue’s managed to find out some more juicy info from her sources,” but no. Ah, well. I haven’t read the comments, but I hoped nobody’s started ripping off heads yet.

    LMAO… sorry… just dick conversation here… 😉

  112. Nymeria Warrior Queen: I see what you did there!

    Dammit!I missed it.

    Wait…I do seem to remember you posting some negative numbers.
    I’ll just be generous and say the water must’ve been cold that day.

    Too right!

    Under proper conditions according to the geographic distribution of willy-metrics I can’t hang with the Hungarians, but I am certainly in the same time zone. Long enough to jazz with, but not thick enough to be arrogant.

  113. flintstonewielder: Always here to assist, my dear. You can´t get knowledge out of publications only.

    Truth indeed… but until more men are going to openly admit their penis size I will have to rely on publications.. or my own experience.. and I certainly do not even want to go there …

  114. Ice Spider: Yeah … I guess that “bone” they threw out was suppose to appease us? Hmmmm NOPE.. I want to see Sir Jaime’s privies.. please… or if JS comes back he will do just fine. Shit I will settle for Bronn but I really don’t want to see his noodle. I won’t hold my breathe.. but we can only hope D&D will grow some balls and show some dick.

    Bronn ? Damn. Really.

  115. Ice Spider,

    We’ve seen Theon, Hodor and a few male extras flash off their penises (prosthetic or not). You’ve got dick on GOT. Which main actresses have gone full frontal? None I believe. Boobs, bottoms, legs and abdomen don’t count. It’s not full frontal if the lower region is covered.
    When a scene called for a main actress to do it, they superimposed her head on some woman’s body.

  116. It is pathetic how much social media has turned “feminism” into a pop culture trend. It is bad enough you can’t go anywhere on the internet anymore without have to read about it,whether it be people promoting,praising,criticizing, defending it but now you can’t even read about GoT without having to constantly hear of it. The internet has had horrible effects on the so called progressive movement which is now dominated by dumbed down superficial nonsense with a heavy focus on pop culture.
    James Hibberd is usually good but he sucks this year. Every EW article “is GoT sexist? “is GoT feminist?””how about the female characters?”, and then of course you get the same repetitive generic response from the cast members about the strong female characters and how empowering they are because what else are they going to say when promoting the show. I was hoping for some new interesting details about the upcoming season not this crap.

  117. There are a surprising number of children, puritans and/or people with strange problems around here. It’s just a penis, guys. Let’s bring in a few of floppy cocks to the show! You’ll survive.

  118. “9 out of 10 of my female friends concur that their partners needed affirmation about their big dicks”. What I’m reading is: “female friends find it important to denounce their male partners in front of their female social peers in order to not seem less emancipated then those social peers.”

    Really, I don’t know any guy who has asked their girlfriend if they’re big enough.. To be brief, men are insecure when they aren’t getting any, but that has nothing to do with how they are hung in their perception.

  119. Ser Oromis Locke,

    Kinda. But what the men are really fishing for is the comforting knowledge that they are more endowed than their partner’s previous lovers.

    It’s why I stick to virgins.

  120. Wow, curious discussion here. Tits and dragons, and dicks.
    I’ve had many open and honest conversations with female friends over the years and I always felt women are much more concerned about a man’s brain than the size of a man’s penis.
    Anyway, sure, I believe that some of us may feel insecure. But I think there’s also lack of experience. Women are more comfortable dealing with female nudity in tv shows/movies than man with male nudity – for obvious reasons, I think!
    Because of that, I feel woman are more mature when dealing with female nudity. Sure, there’s man’s insecurity but also lack of experience and maybe a bit immaturity when dealing with other man’s parts. Give us time, ladies. 🙂
    As of GoT that we all love (well, most of us), bring on the nudity, female or male, as long it serves a purpose other than appealing to male adolescents full of testosterone. What I don’t like is gratuitous nudity, be it female or male’s.

  121. Ice Spider,

    Dude you must be a pervert coming on here to request main characters to show their dicks, can you actually hear yourself? How many main female characters have shown their pussy on the show? Have we seen Dany, Cersei, Margaery, Sansa, Brienne, show their pussy and clit? The only female characters that have even shown some genitalia are the prostitutes who are usually professional porn stars. There is almost no movie or TV show were the main characters show their genitals, even when it is necessary. It is usually a body double. I know you act like a liberated feminist, but some of your views makes it seem like you have something against men and your pretending to be standing up for inequality.

  122. phantomstrife,

    Ros, Osha, Myranda, and a bunch of prostitutes (definitely more than men and circumstances in which they were objectified). I made a list with some earlier in this post. In case you argue and say that Ros and Osha aren’t main actresses…Hodor is hardly a main actor, either.

  123. Marco:
    Wow, curious discussion here. Tits and dragons, and dicks.
    I’ve had many open and honest conversations with female friends over the years and I always felt women are much more concerned about a man’s brain than the size of a man’s penis.

    Mostly true. Also true: you can’t churn butter with a toothpick.

  124. Nudity has decreased significantly in recent seasons so I am not sure why the media still loves to bring this up but on the this issue it should pointed out that only 2 main cast members have gone full frontal, Alfie and Natalie Tena. Virtually every instance of frontal female nudity is done by an extra yet some are demanding the male leads show their dicks.

    If women want to see mens dicks then why don’t they ever seek these images out? Why was Playgirl mag such a failure bought only by gay? Why the constant complaints about dick pics? Can you image men complain about getting unsolicited naked pictures from women? The truth is even women see more beauty and sex appeal in the naked female form. No better example then tumblr where you will regularly see women reblog images of naked women but almost never of naked men. Human genitalia in general is not very pretty but lucky for women theirs is tucked away creating a more aesthetically pleasing image unlike a naked man with his dick and balls hanging out. That is also the reason why female and male frontal is not equivalent because a women is rarely actual exposing her genitalia to the world like a man is.

    Female sex appeal has far more market demand than male and that is especially true when it comes to nudity. This is why male models make a fraction of what female models do. But it is much more fun to ignore these difference in market demand and male and female sexuality so one can decry “sexism”. By ignoring these difference one could also claim that the lack of male prostitutes or strippers compared to female is due to sexism instead of the lack of market demand and appeal which is of course not true.

  125. Lord of Bones,

    The actresses who play Osha and Myranda aren’t professional porn stars. Also, there are many movies and TV shows with full frontal nudity. Examples of TV shows: Oz, Shameless, Spartacus, Sex and the City. There is also no need to insult people just because you disagree with them.

  126. Ser Oromis Locke,

    Very true. A lot of women talk too much about the personal aspects of their relationship to friends and maybe close family members. Most of the time they focus on the negative things the man does and are prone to emasculating the man in front of their friends. The funny thing is when the friend uses all this information against the woman or her boyfriend/husband they get offended. But they were the one to give all these private information about the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of their husband/boyfriend. Most men never talk about their girlfriend/wife in this manner to their family or friends. If it was a random woman they just slept with, then it could happen, but a woman they claim to love and hold dear, it is a totally different issue.

  127. Cumsprite: Mostly true. Also true: you can’t churn butter with a toothpick.

    Can´t churn it but it will still ferment to cheese.

  128. Flayed Potatoes,

    Nobody gives a shit about Osha and Miranda. I watched Spartacus and most of those actors are not high profile. Oz was a show about a male prison, so we were definitely going to see a lot of male nudity. If Ice Spider lady wanted more naked men, there are a lot of avenues for that. My problem with her is that her viewpoint seem to be driven by personal agenda. She keeps generalizing everything and making it seem like men are just insecure losers who are ashamed of their penis size, lol. It is pretty ridiculous. From my experience people that talk like that are usually sexually frustrated women or women who have a complex against men in general.

  129. Lord of Bones:
    Ice Spider,

    Dude you must be a pervert coming on here to request main characters to show their dicks, can you actually hear yourself? How many main female characters have shown their pussy on the show? Have we seen Dany, Cersei, Margaery, Sansa, Brienne, show their pussy and clit? The only female characters that have even shown some genitalia are the prostitutes who are usually professional porn stars. There is almost no movie or TV show were the main characters show their genitals, even when it is necessary. It is usually a body double. I know you act like a liberated feminist, but some of your views makes it seem like you have something against men and your pretending to be standing up for inequality.

    Well I’m not a pervert. I can assure you of that. And I most definitely like men. My points seems to be understood by rational people. If you think I have any objective other than what I stated then your mistaken. But to each their own.

  130. Lord of Bones,

    So? It’s still unequal representation, whether you care about them or not. Or you don’t care about them because they go against your arguments?

    I’m not asking to see NCW’s dick, but if they can cast all these minor female characters and female extras for nudity, they can do the same with male actors. Get some more male prostitutes, for example, or male clients as extras to even up the nudity ratio. There are many scenes in brothels with undressed women next to fully dressed men.

    Actually, quite a lot of the full frontal female nudity on the show doesn’t contribute at all to the plot. What was the purpose of that prostitute sitting naked on Bronn’s lap at Blackwater? If the show wants to show nudity regardless of whether it is necessary or not, then do that with both sexes and do it equally.

  131. Lord of Bones:
    Flayed Potatoes,

    Nobody gives a shit about Osha and Miranda. I watched Spartacus and most of those actors are not high profile. Oz was a show about a male prison, so we were definitely going to see a lot of male nudity.IfIce Spider lady wanted more naked men, there are a lot of avenues for that. My problem with her is that her viewpoint seem to be driven by personal agenda. She keeps generalizing everything and making it seem like men are just insecure losers who are ashamed of their penis size, lol. It is pretty ridiculous. From my experience people that talk like that are usually sexually frustrated women or women who have a complex against men in general.

    First off please keep it civil. I have never attacked anyone on here for differing pov. In MY experience people who “doth protest too much”.. Usually are hiding insecurities. If you have issues with the truth then take that up with a psychologist. Sorry your penis feelings got hurt.

  132. Lord of Bones,

    She’s very much on target.

    As a 56 year old man I suspect I do not fit into your paradigm regarding who feels the same way she does.

    I suggest you are equally wrong in most of your other ‘takes’ here.

    The world is not what you think it is. Maybe as you grow up you will get to see it for yourself, and for what it really is.

    Good luck!

  133. Flayed Potatoes:
    Lord of Bones,

    So? It’s still unequal representation, whether you care about them or not. Or you don’t care about them because they go against your arguments?

    I’m not asking to see NCW’s dick, but if they can cast all these minor female characters and female extras for nudity, they can do the same with male actors. Get some male prostitutes, for example, or male clients as extras to even up the nudity ratio. There are many scenes in brothels with undressed women next to fully dressed men.

    Actually, quite a lot of the full frontal female nudity on the show doesn’t contribute at all to the plot. What was the purpose of that prostitute sitting naked on Bronn’s lap at Blackwater? If the show wants to show nudity regardless of whether it is necessary or not, then do that with both sexes and do it equally.

    You can’t reason with unreasonable folk. Thanks for speaking the truth.

  134. After reading all posts for about one hour now^^, I just wanted to comment that I as a European male personally think it is refreshing and authentic to see nudity in GoT (for whatever reason; surely I am attracted by sex scenes, as well, yes).

    Obviously, I wouldn’t mind to see both more male and female nudity if it fits in the depiction of the show (be it in a brothel or Loras’ walk of shame in S6 😉 ) – I like the openness of the show. I just think the reason why male actors do not usually show their dicks in movies or TV is because talk about the length of the penis will never ebb away. In contrast to what you see of the vagina on TV where the truly intimate parts (that could be judged for the shape, size, color etc.) remain hidden, the penis will only be judged as ‘wow, how big!’ as in the case of Hodor’s prostetic shlong or ‘wow, how not-superlong’ in all other cases, meaning, only by its length. (You realize that when taking into account how everyone of us remembers every cock + size in GoT instantly when this topic comes up: Hodor, Olyvar, Theon, etc.)

    One could, of course, wish for more equality of nudity on TV for one obvious reason: to overcome exactly this reduction of the penis on its length. But then we should see small, normal, big, thin, thick, flaccid, and hard penises. Otherwise, men will start getting even more inferiority complexes and become fully neurotic (as porn industry already made us). I therefore think an outcry for more equality should – if this is at all appropriate for a TV show which I might doubt but ok why not- be accompanied by a demand for more ‘natural’ nudity including the ugly.

    But do we esthetes really want to see that? And if not, is our wish for more nudity then not hypocritical?

  135. HermionePond,

    Heh, not only that, but the joke is backwards. It is sort of like the bad joke where Joe says “I am hard of hearing” and Jim says: “What? I can’t hear you!” Um, deaf, Jim, not mute…..

    Now, if the title was “Snow, Doggy Style,” then they would have done the joke appropriately….. 😀

  136. Flayed Potatoes,

    The thing is if a character like Osha says she wouldn’t do nude, she can be easily replace. This is why I say she doesn’t count. Emilia came in showing her boobs, but now she says no mas. She can do that because has bargaining power on her side now. I agree that there probably needs to be more male prostitutes, but I think a lot of the homosexual activities were more discreet. Loras got a way with it because he was heir to highgarden (at least on the show).

  137. JemFX,

    Or maybe we remember those instances of full frontal male nudity because they were so scarce compared to the women. I don’t think I can count or remember all the times we got female full frontal in King’s Landing, for example.

  138. Ser Oromis Locke:
    “9 out of 10 of my female friends concur that their partners needed affirmation about their big dicks”. What I’m reading is: “female friends find it important to denounce their male partners in front of their femalesocial peers in order to not seem less emancipated then those social peers.”

    Really, I don’t know any guy who has asked their girlfriend if they’re big enough.. To be brief, men are insecure when they aren’t getting any, but that has nothing to do with how they are hung in their perception.

    How many men would ADMIT to you they had these conversations with their partners. SMH. Women don’t speak about their partners issues to put them down we do it because women are about relationships. Understanding them and making them better. If MEN would talk half as much as we did they prob would understand much more. Unfortunately machoism is alive and well still.

  139. Nymeria Warrior Queen,

    Perhaps that’s the real reason for fewer full frontal scenes with dudes. Nobody associated with GoT wants floppy p33n footage synced with Yakkety Sax in a parody video…

  140. I’m sorry Emilia Clarke can be in the downward dog she’s still a plain Jane to me

  141. richarddecredico,

    You have to be more specific on what part of her argument is right and on point. I don’t know how you can agree with a woman is here generalizing how men view their private parts. It’s like me coming on here and saying all women are emotional and can never have a rational thought.

  142. Ice Spider,

    Luka Nieto,


    Agree on all counts. I’m a het female, and definitely enjoy looking at male bodies. Not D in particular (more of a torso and butt girl myself), but whatever. I certainly wouldn’t say no to seeing more of Kit. I think we can all agree that het women are not a monolith (nor are gay men or feminists) and we all have different tastes. I’m rather amused by the poster complaining that he’s “confused” by feminists wanting one thing or another. We can want different things, yeah? It’s not “hypocrisy” or “double standards.” It never ceases to amaze me how scared *some* (I think a very small proportion) men are of feminists in general.


    You’re entitled to your opinion of course, but your use of a rather disgusting and derogatory analogy for labia/vulva made me disregard the rest of your comments. Feel free to not give a shit about that, but I felt compelled to let you know.

  143. Lord of Bones,

    So it’s ok for everyone here to use examples like Olyvar and Hodor (whose actors are as replaceable as Osha’s) to say that women had their share of male nudity so they shouldn’t complain. But when female characters like Osha or Myranda are brought up, suddenly they don’t count. The male actors who play those characters are just as replaceable.

    Male prostitutes can engage in many activities, not only homosexual ones, so there are ample opportunities to show them. The scene where Ellaria and Oberyn are picking their partners is a good example, since it showcases their bisexuality. They could have easily thrown in some male prostitutes next to the women, for example, especially since the point of that scene was also to show how sexually liberated Dorne is compared to the other kingdoms.

    I also mentioned male clients, who can be with both male and female prostitutes. That can be an opportunity to even up the ratio.

  144. JemFX:
    After reading all posts for about one hour now^^, I just wanted to comment that I as a European male personally think it is refreshing and authentic to see nudity in GoT (for whatever reason; surely I am attracted by sex scenes, as well, yes).

    Obviously, I wouldn’t mind to see both more male and female nudity if it fits in the depiction of the show (be it in a brothel or Loras’ walk of shame in S6 ) – I like the openness of the show. I just think the reason why male actors do not usually show their dicks in movies or TV is because talk about the length of the penis will never ebb away. In contrast to what you see of the vagina on TV where the truly intimate parts (that could be judged for the shape, size, color etc.) remain hidden, the penis will only be judged as ‘wow, how big!’ as in the case of Hodor’s prostetic shlong or ‘wow, how not-superlong’ in all other cases, meaning, only by its length. (You realize that when taking into account how everyone of us remembers every cock + size in GoT instantly when this topic comes up: Hodor, Olyvar, Theon, etc.)

    One could, of course, wish for more equality of nudity on TV for one obvious reason: to overcome exactly this reduction of the penis on its length. But then we should see small, normal, big, thin, thick, flaccid, and hard penises. Otherwise, men will start getting even more inferiority complexes and become fully neurotic (as porn industry already made us). I therefore think an outcry for more equality should – if this is at all appropriate for a TV show which I might doubt but ok why not- be accompanied by a demand for more ‘natural’ nudity including the ugly.

    But do we esthetes really want to see that? And if not, is our wish for more nudity then not hypocritical?

    Thank you. Refreshingly HONEST! I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m for more natural beauty too. I understand the argument that people only want to see beautiful people. But that’s because we are so PROGRAMMED that way. I can’t even get into the psychological aspects of that part of it. I’ve already been called a man hater and god knows what else.

  145. Flayed Potatoes,

    You bring up very good points, especially relating to Elaria and Oberyn scene. The problem is that we haven’t seen a lot of female clients in the brothels. Most of the higher class ladies seem repulsed by whore houses on the show. I think they should have hired at least two or three male extras for that scene with Elaria and Oberyn to make more diverse.

  146. Lord of Bones,

    Littlefinger was always bragging about his brothel covering all the bases on the show, so it should have delivered the goods via extras….while his business was still running. All that sexposition in five seasons….wasted. RIP brothel.

    Maybe Essos will deliver…

  147. Speaking as a male, I’ve never understood the fascination with dick sizes. I mean, really? Who cares??
    So yeah, while I’m not rooting for more full-frontal male nudity on the show, I’m certainly not against it. Go ahead.

    As for female nudity… honestly, that actually doesn’t do much for me either. It doesn’t really increase how attractive I find them…
    So, I would be fine with them doing less of that.

    Honestly, this just isn’t the sort of thing I pay attention to in movies & shows. I watch GOT for the story and characters.

    Overall, I just don’t think I know enough about this whole issue to make a statement on it as a whole. All I can do is say what nudity does (or doesn’t do) for me personally.

  148. BigMac:
    Speaking as a male, I’ve never understood the fascination with dick sizes. I mean, really? Who cares??
    So yeah, while I’m not rooting for more full-frontal male nudity on the show, I’m certainly not against it. Go ahead.

    As for female nudity… honestly, that actually doesn’t do much for me either. It doesn’t really increase how attractive I find them…
    So, I would be fine with them doing less of that.

    Honestly, this just isn’t the sort of thing I pay attention to in movies & shows. I watch GOT for the story and characters.

    Overall, I just don’t think I know enough about this whole issue to make a statement on it as a whole. All I can do is say what nudity does (or doesn’t do) for me personally.

    Thanks for your input. I understand this vein of thought does not apply to everyone. In general though the show caters to men’s sexual egos. The innuendos are absurdly obnoxious.

  149. Lord of Bones:
    Ice Spider,

    Well sorry if I came across as harsh, but I just don’t buy into the sincerity of some of your arguments.

    It’s all good. I just wonder your opinion on why the show is always talking about “the size” of penises if men are not obsessed with it? I mean we don’t hear lots of talk about the size of a woman’s vagina?? IJS.

  150. BigMac:
    Speaking as a male, I’ve never understood the fascination with dick sizes. I mean, really? Who cares??

    Well sorry to burst your bubble but we women care. Just like most men want a piece of arm candy. We Prefer a bigger twizzler. Sorry to be so frank.

    So yeah, while I’m not rooting for more full-frontal male nudity on the show, I’m certainly not against it. Go ahead.

    Well in reality it’s not going to happen bc Anerican men have a huge hang up about it. The show I think tries to stab fun at men with all the offhanded comments of the size of men’s ducks.

    As for female nudity… honestly, that actually doesn’t do much for me either. It doesn’t really increase how attractive I find them…
    So, I would be fine with them doing less of that.

    Well I know that almost every man I’ve talked to said they would prefer a pretty partner versus plain or outright ugly.

    Honestly, this just isn’t the sort of thing I pay attention to in movies & shows. I watch GOT for the story and characters.

    I would venture to say that you are in the minority in that aspect. Albeit a healthy viewpoint. Being interested in the complexities of the relational aspects between men and women I took classes and asked lots of questions. I find it so interesting the denial of men in this area. Data proves otherwise.

    Overall, I just don’t think I know enough about this whole issue to make a statement on it as a whole. All I can do is say what nudity does (or doesn’t do) for me personally.

  151. “[S]omeone explained it to me. And I remember thinking, “Isn’t that just like everyone?” And then I realized everyone is not a feminist, unfortunately. But I also feel like we should stop calling feminists “feminists” and just start calling people who aren’t feminist “sexist” – and then everyone else is just a human. You are either a normal person or a sexist. People get a label when they’re bad. Because it works the other way, as well. A lot of men have it hard too. On the show specifically, it’s always been a constant debate because women are treated badly on the show, and they’re treated well on the show. But it’s the same as the boys and the girls and the men and the animals”

    This. Maisie Williams gets it. Non-feminists aren’t inherently sexist; in the UK only 7% of people consider themselves feminist, yet it’s obvious that the other 93% aren’t all sexists. I’m glad she’s said this.

    Also, does anyone hype up a season better than Cunningham? Damn that man’s good. I can’t begin to describe how excited I am for season 6!

  152. Ice Spider,

    Maybe the men you know are obsessed with other men and their Dick size, but that doesn’t apply to the men that I hang around. It is probably because a lot of those men you are referring to watch too much porn, where everything is exaggerated to the max. Nobody talks about the female genitalia because you can barely see it in full view. You have to be in a really intimate position to inspect and judge it. With the male genitalia it just hangs and dangles around for the world to see, it can be very distracting.

  153. On a completely unrelated note:

    I have neighbors who are currently outside on their deck, playing an amplified guitar…the same licks over and over, ’cause they can’t get it right, with two chicks singing horribly off-key.
    I’m about to go over and ask them to do the whole neighborhood a favor and either unplug the damn guitar and mics, so the entire neighborhood doesn’t have to hear it, or go inside and close the doors.
    Either that, or I’m going to open all my doors and windows and crank some Black Sabbath. Maybe “War Pigs” on endless loop would get the point across…


    Ok, sorry to interrupt the genitalia discussion…

  154. HBO needs to put Clarke and Williams on tight leashes. Clearly they deliberately chose magazines that spoil the plot. Clarke’s interview with this supposed “Glamour” magazine (yeah, right, like this really exists) clearly is her way to tipping us off that glamours are going to be huge plot elements this year. And Williams’ interview with a clearly fake “Entertainment Weekly” magazine is meant to tell us all about the importance of the mummers: we pretty much know now that the Blackfyres, the Hound, Stannis and probably Young Griff are all in the mummers troop.

    I mean, how much more obvious can it be?


  155. As just one woman, I think that flaccid penises are ridiculous, flapping around here and there. I also think that this is precisely the reason we need more on screen. Also because if I meet a guy and it turns out he’s made insecure by what he sees on screen… well, my tits aren’t as perfect as Tyene’s, either, and I have to live with that, so get over yourselves, gents.

    So, count one for onscreen penis.

  156. This place was a fantastic replacement for that wretched other place I won’t mention that I used to frequent. Now? Nah. Great for the news though. Comments? Best avoid at all costs. A frequent piece of advice by the way on many of the other sites in this fandom when WatchersonTheWall.com is talked about.

  157. All this talking about dicks… Can a nigga please get another trailer???

  158. phantomstrife:
    Have we actually seen any fish lips in the show? Like in full view? Maybe from some extra a couple of times. We’ve seen more schnitzels. It’s mostly the booty and the jugs we get to see.

    Hehehe – Very funny 🙂 Never heard those terms. Must be American slang? GoT say in comparison to Spartacus has a pretty low dick and beaver count. Spartacus was full of full frontal nudity scenes from both sexes.

    An old joke… I used to have 12 inches but don’t use it ‘as a rule’ LOL 😀

  159. Not to derail the nudity discussion, but reading Liam’s interview got me thinking:
    What if Melisandra glamours Davos into Jon? So we’ll get both actors playing the same role, depending on the pov. Kind of makes Davos’ line in the trailer make more sense…or am I just reaching ’cause I can’t wait for the beginning of the season?

  160. Jack Bauer 24,

    Some interesting comments by IHW here:
    Bran might play the role of the Kingmaker in the quest for the Iron Throne.

    With his extraordinary enabling capabilities, Bran is capable of causing earthquakes in Westeros. I wonder if we will see some supernatural intervention by Bran during the

    Battle of the Bastards
  161. Not that it matters (but it’s so ridiculous I just had to partake), I’m favorable to both more vulvae and more peni in GoT and everywhere else. After all they’re just natural body parts and no one’s perfect (see this as a complaint against the ‘artificial beauty’ we are often being treated to in media).

  162. I don’t care much for nudity on Thrones, male or female, it’s not what I tune in for. It does seem like female nudity is way more prevalent, not only in the show, but the biz in general. Isn’t Alfie the only male actor who’s member we’ve seen so far? I can’t think of any other, main cast or extra, who’s had full frontal nudity shown.
    Edit: Just remembered Hodor had a scene in season 1 where we saw his dingus dangling, but I do believe he said that was a prosthetic.

  163. Nymeria Warrior Queen,

    I had a similar issue with an old neighbor partying and blaring really bad rap allllll the time… Until one day I went to work and left “Du Hast” blasting on a 10 hour loop. Kinda childish I know but I never heard anything after that. 🙂

  164. Darjan,

    It does seem like female nudity is way more prevalent, not only in the show, but the biz in general.

    Because it is far more appealing. Whenever people complain about this they always ignore the obvious difference in market demand. Playgirl mag was a failure for a reason. Female sex appeal has more market demand in general and that is especially true when it comes to nudity. A man has more sex appeal shirtless or in a suit even than he does with his cock flopping around. Even women who are honest would admit they see more sex appeal and beauty in a naked women. I mentioned in my previous comment that on tumblr it is common to see women reblog images of naked women but not men. Instagram is another example of the larger appeal female sex appeal has in society. There are endless amounts of “instafamous” female Instagram models who rack up hundreds of thousands, often times millions of followers by posting half naked pictures of themselves. Sometimes half or more of the followers are other women. Yet they are very very few male models who can get a hundred thousand followers let alone a million.

  165. Demonmonkey:

    I mostly agree with this. Personally, I don’t like seeing dicks. I’m also glad that we don’t typically see vaginas. However, I think that exposing the audience to penises is good. It helps us to even things out, especially given the disproportionate number of naked female bodies we see. I honestly believe that this kind of exposure, attractive and less attractive parts of both sexes, and particularly the attractive parts of men and women, can make a difference in the way we typically fetishize the female body. Evens the playing field and helps us to accept the human body for what it is. Also just my opinion.

    Agreed wholeheartedly

  166. Ice Spider, please. Do less. You dont speak for every woman, your words don’t apply for every man. This new wave feminist BS plaguing GoT has escalated especially after Season 5. Every damn article complaining about the slightest, most insignificant of things. Maisie, Sophie, Emilia, all have voiced their frustration at the mob-like mentality of these kind of people.

    Seriously, look forward to the plot, the action, the drama, the visuals instead of the damn dicks. There’s plenty of eye candy for both genders. And please, stop demanding for them to show “Jon Snow’s or Jaime Lannister’s dicks”. What makes you think the actors are gonna be ok with that?

    I already know your response. “HOW DARE A MAN TELLS ME WHAT TO DO!!!”

  167. Greenjones:
    Helluva comment section here.

    Really, konrad, you little hypocrit? That much worse than that Polish crackpot board where you show your real face ? (booohoohooo LSH boohoohooo).

  168. Wow to think I loved Emilia Clarke in s1 and s3….

    That parody video really accentuates her bad acting and bad line delivery..and this time she’s trying to be funny about it. And the material and idea is funny, but she is not. Yikes.

  169. Oh dear. I did participate last night, but on second thoughts… I really think that this is one of the most silly discussions we ever had on this blog.
    The fireproof/fire resistent one was my #1 so far, but hell, you can’t do worse than 250 posts about dicks.
    (My apologies to those that honestly tried to keep talking about other things, like the premiere and staff. Poor babies.)

  170. Ice Spider,

    Your arguments are completely invalid to be honest, as even you yourself said that “you are not speaking of all men but most men” and that is a ridiculous statement in itself. How do you have any idea what other men are thinking? A study? TV? Read minds? Maybe you have spoken to a few guys? None of these makes you an expert of the male mind and thus to assume what most of a gender is thinking, and it is also laughable that you think you can.

    Just straight up as many other people have mentioned, there have been more dicks than vaginas on GoT. Now that should really be the end of your argument but trying to state that breasts are the same as dicks “You actually said that the breasts were the sexual focus point…” is just wrong and laughable at best… So please stop trying to assume what men think…

    Besides from the fact that it should be the artists choice whether they have a million dicks or 0 in their show and I wish they would stop pandering to all of these political ideals just for the sake of being ‘Pc’ . Another point to consider is I have actually found women to be more vocal than their male counterparts… Especially on forums like this as there is no recourse whatsoever. Yet another assumption on your part I assume.

    So please… Next time you go to type on your phone or computer actually think about your argument, as just wild sexist assumptions against males does not actually constitute an argument. It is actually really offensive and reading through your posts I have found nothing but emotional angry rants about non-existent thought patterns of imaginary men… Once again it is just sad. So please just stop…

    Equality is actually for everyone… Not just feminists.

    Thoughts of a SimpleWatcher

  171. Tootie,

    No attack from this corner, cause those are my views as well. I don’t want/need to see their privates. And I don’t know why some parts can’t remain “private.” (Unless it’s porn of course, which is always available if that’s what someone likes.) But for me, clothes can make the man. Like if they had Jon running around in dockers and polo shirts I don’t think he’d have the same appeal lol.

  172. Flayed Potatoes,

    I don’t think anyone here is stupid enough to believe that ALL women share the same exact views on any given subject. But aren’t we allowed to assume educated guesses on what the “majority” of our own gender is like? 🙂 I thought science always agreed with that concept too…

  173. I think the vast majority of male actors just don’t want to show their dick, because both women and men put too much emphasis on a guy’s package, if all they get is a visual -as opposed to sex with a potentially skilled lover.

    If one of these hot GoT guys “finally” showed their dick, and it’s “only” average, or god forbid, small, I think it would make a lot of female viewers disappointed or make them laugh, and call it small even if it’s not.

    Only big or semi-big would not be ridiculed, so perhaps it’s better we don’t get to see that many.

  174. Aryamad,

    Hello, fellow Rammstein fan! They are my most beloved band. My favourite song is Ohne dich, I can’t watch the video without crying.

  175. Being serious for a moment, but I think that the dick discussion, crass though it may be, is at its heart a discussion about equality. We get plenty of full frontal from one sex, almost none from the other – and I don’t mean just the principal actors, but also the background extras. That feels wonky. There is an imbalance that ought to be corrected. Not to titillate (although I’m pretty sure some people will be), but exactly the other way round – to normalise the nudity and make it, in a way, asexual, as nudity in large quantities usually is. In the forest of dicks, no one can see yours!

  176. phantomstrife,

    But even if that’s true we’re at a time where women are calling out double standards and think we’re due for more equality in this area. Yeah just because! Lol. Growing up always seeing movies and magazines exploiting the female body has gotten old. To be perfectly honest, I’m uncomfortable at times watching stuff like that with my partner. It almost feels like an “intrusion” of sorts. I’m guessing that’s due to the brainwashing I had as a child (parents very religious) because the majority have always seemed perfectly fine with it.

  177. Flayed Potatoes,

    Again, we haven’t actually seen pussy like we’ve seen dick on GOT. Not from the main characters especially.

    And if people specifically want to watch those on screen, go to redtube or something.

  178. HBO CEO of Tits,

    Are we for sure they’re doing 2 more seasons after this one? So we have 5 down and 3 to go. That doesn’t seem exactly “soon.” Soon would be wrapping it up next season.

    Edit: OK yeah from a filming POV it is. Duh.

  179. I don’t like Maisie’s statement about us loving yet hating what’s coming. It scares me. Kind of confirms some suspicions.

  180. Sou,

    Yep yep the voice, hair, face (and outfit) is enough to keep things going. We are not so greedy as men I guess 🙂

  181. Ygritte:

    Yep yep the voice, hair, face (and outfit) is enough to keep things going. We are not so greedy as men I guess

    I think you are, you just tend to appreciate different things more. Voice, hair and outfit are usually not a big deal for men. “We” are more about a woman’s body. Wait, women do appreciate a nice upper body on a man, though….

  182. crass though it may be, is at its heart a discussion about equality.

    Okay, I’m all for equality, when do we start demanding women spread their legs and show their genitalia to the world. You almost never see any actual female genitalia in mainstream entertainment, that is for porn only. A female full frontal scene is equivalent to a guy showing his pubes. Not that I think it is necessary to see labia in mainstream entertainment but that is the real double standard. You don’t see people demanding to see actresses genitalia the way some viewers, critics, bloggers do when it comes to the male cast for “equality”.

  183. zod,

    Done some thinking and counting. I think I’ve seen an old man’s dick, and maybe Kal Drogo’s dick (can’t remember), Alfie Allen’s dick, Loras’ lover’s dick (as far as I remember), Hodor’s dick and another old man’s dick and some naked male butts during the show.

    I believe I’ve seen more naked women than that on GoT, but I could be wrong? That being said, I don’t care about or mind the naked scenes or whether they show naked men or women at all. I don’t think the nakedness is gratuitous in GoT.

    Look, I’m a woman and I’m not watching GoT in order to see independent strong characters and modern political or social or sexual correctness. I’m here to see a realistic period piece set in a supernatural environment.

    Now on to something else unrelated to Zod’s comment:

    It pisses me off when people are disappointed when a character such as Sansa doesn’t turn “violent.” Why would she? How could she? Women are not physically as strong as men so it would be insane to try and go Rambo.

    But that’s not a bad thing. That’s just how it is. We have to use our brains more than our muscles and I am sure we will see Sansa do just that once she’s recovered a bit. That’s neither bad nor weak. In fact women – quite often – tend to cope with trauma better than men. That’s our real strength and why we generally don’t commit suicide as often as men.

    NOTE: Totally stereo typing here – I know that. But D&D are excellent at making this real and I love them for it.

  184. singedbylife,


    Now on to something else unrelated to the comment:

    It pisses me off when people are disappointed when a character such as Sansa doesn’t turn “violent.” Why would she? How could she? Women are not physically as strong as men so it would be insane to try and go Rambo.

    But that’s not a bad thing. That’s just how it is. We have to use our brains more than our muscles and I am sure we will see Sansa do just that once she’s recovered a bit. That’s neither bad nor weak. In fact women– quite often – tend to cope with trauma better than men. That’s our real strength and why we generally don’t commit suicide as often as men.

    NOTE: Totally stereo typing here – I know that. But D&D are excellent at making this real and I love them for it.

    Completely agree! And well said! Just because Sansa didn’t stab Ramsey or something similar doesn’t mean she is weak. It just shows she isn’t the fighting type.

    Not to say all women are like this. They are not, as Brienne proves it.

  185. Ice Spider: HUMOROUS that no men are responding to these comments which proves my whole point. Men’s insecurities about seeng dicks on television is the truth.

    Let me respond by saying that I personally can’t confirm that. I don’t care when I see a penis on TV or in real life. It’s a part of the body and that’s that. Sure, let’s have more of then in show, it won’t bother me. Not to generalize, but in my experience the whole nudity discussion is something you don’t have very often in a lot of parts of Europe, in particular in Germany where I live. – Seriously, naturism is very much a thing here. 😀

  186. Abyss,

    Same thing here in Romania. Mostly as a backlash against censorship during the communist era.

    I myself am neutral on this. I don’t advocate for more breasts or vaginas nor would I be bothered if we get more penises.

  187. Mihnea:

    Completely agree! And well said! Just because Sansa didn’t stab Ramsey or something similar doesn’t mean she is weak. It just shows she isn’t the fighting type.

    Not to say all women are like this. They are not, as Brienne proves it.

    Not to mention, stabbing Ramsey would have gotten her nowhere. How is she supposed to escape a castle full of guards after that? She would only have been captured and tortured even more or killed.

  188. sjwenings,

    The last part was just teasing. I know men and womens brains are wired a bit differently. It may be subtle but its there nonetheless. (Speaking in generalities, nobody take offense please 🙂

  189. I come from a fairly conservative culture where neither male nor female nudity is acceptable. Of all the many problems we face regarding gender disparity, equality in displaying nudity is nowhere in the picture!
    Over 260 comments on dicks, this was a fun conversation to read through 🙂 .

  190. Ice Spider: Thank you for responding.. I appreciate your input. Refreshing when a real guy can say that we deserve to see male nudity too…. so tired of the BS that comes out of mens mouths.. “oh…that would just be too harsh” …. or “people don’t want to see that”.. really? If you are going to throw female nudity at me on almost every show then please do the same for male nudity. I feel like we are living in the 50’s when they had to try and HIDE women’s pregnancies on television. Just so stupid and primitive thinking.

    One thing though, I don’t believe that the only place where BS comes out from is men’s mouths. Equally much BS is coming out of women’s mouths. Where i come from (Sweden), the debate about feminism is really twisted. People forget that feminism isn’t about women, it’s about equality and the right to be who you want and express whatever you want, regardless of your gender.

    I think Maisie was spot on saying,

    “[S]omeone explained it to me. And I remember thinking, “Isn’t that just like everyone?” And then I realized everyone is not a feminist, unfortunately. But I also feel like we should stop calling feminists “feminists” and just start calling people who aren’t feminist “sexist” – and then everyone else is just a human. You are either a normal person or a sexist. People get a label when they’re bad. Because it works the other way, as well. A lot of men have it hard too. On the show specifically, it’s always been a constant debate because women are treated badly on the show, and they’re treated well on the show. But it’s the same as the boys and the girls and the men and the animals.”

    If we always talk about feminism from a woman point of view – we’re missing the point and way too many people reject the subject, especially men, but women too.
    Feminism isn’t something we need to state, it’s people being sexists etc. that needs to be addressed as the problem.

    This is too much OT and please forgive me for going here. I will leave it here and discuss this further in other forums.

    Solidarity ftw, and please folks, don’t vote for Trump 😉

  191. One more thing 😛

    I don’t know if it’s possible for you guys to watch it, but if you can find the Swedish humor show Full Patte with subs – watch it!

    They talk ALOT about female/male nudity and dicks in all forms and shapes 😉 Incredibly funny.

  192. Back to the article…

    Maisie explaining why she thinks people will hate some of it:
    “Just that they don’t know what’s going to happen.”

    Do you think she’s saying that because she knows what people think is going to happen and they’ll hate it because that is NOT what’s going to happen? Or is it just a blanket statement because she can’t give away the various reasons we might hate it? I say the former sounds more plausible. 🙁

    Liam Cunningham says about Davos and Mel: “I love this phrase, but they really are very strange bedfellows.” Wonder if this means they end up as literal bedfellows, that would be a direction no one saw coming lol. But if it’s him she gets her robe off for why’s she looking so perplexed about it? Granted, he aint got King’s blood but she could do worse right? Naw, I don’t see any reason plot-wise for it to happen.

  193. Mack,

    After hearing what she said here, Maisie William’s sounds pretty darn rational/intelligent for her age.

    Oh and what’s wrong with Trump? Don’t you know he’s going to build a WALL? We love those around here 🙂

  194. Liam just revealed he survives until episode 10, since i doubt the actors who will not live to episode 10 will get all the scripts. Thanks for easing my heart Liam, now i know my favo will survive to the end of the season.

    And about the dicks. I am a man, i don’t mind it at all (No gay though), since its just a part of the body like boobs and vagina’s are also part of the body and thus its also not strange to see that. Although we can do with a little less of those scenes though, for the younger audience. And i didn’t watch the Ramsey and Sansa episode out of principal, since i am against that sort of stuff.

  195. nick,

    If you didn’t watch the episode that means that you’re uninformed and missed out on a great piece of acting (and no nudity or sex on screen at all.)

  196. Oh, if Emilia Clarke says it than surely it must be true :). Especially considering how “strong” was her character in the last season.

  197. Mack: One thing though, I don’t believe that the only place where BS comes out from is men’s mouths. Equally much BS is coming out of women’s mouths. Where i come from (Sweden), the debate about feminism is really twisted. People forget that feminism isn’t about women, it’s about equality and the right to be who you want and express whatever you want, regardless of your gender.

    While feminism IS about equality… it is because men have an OVERWHELMING amount of unfair power. Men don’t need to be given “equality” since we are the imbalance. We have to work to balance the scale so that all genders have the same rights and opportunities. It is disingenuous to suggest women are a problem in their own attempt to achieve that equality. Men created the inequality BY FORCE. It is our duty as humans to work to end this bigotry created by our ancestors. We are all participants in a many millennia scam to dis-empower women.

  198. Super OT: But, I need some help! Does anyone know how or where I can watch the show in China. I may be there for work for two weeks in May, and I don’t know how I am going to watch the show!!!!!!

    I can watch my HBO online but I don’t think it will work outside of Canada.

  199. GeekFurious: While feminism IS about equality… it is because men have an OVERWHELMING amount of unfair power. Men don’t need to be given “equality” since we are the imbalance. We have to work to balance the scale so that all genders have the same rights and opportunities. It is disingenuous to suggest women are a problem in their own attempt to achieve that equality. Men created the inequality BY FORCE. It is our duty as humans to work to end this bigotry created by our ancestors. We are all participants in a many millennia scam to dis-empower women.

    I do agree with you here, i really do. I think you misunderstand my point though. I don’t think women are the problem at all, i think that HUMANS who misinterpret the word feminism (regardless of gender) makes the debate twisted. It is not about showing the same amount of genitalia in a TV show that makes things equal – it’s our attitude that needs to change.

    What i reacted to regarding what comes out of some women mouths is what Emilia was saying about Michael Huisman [“…and then you got to see his perfect bottom.””]. Like that would make the show, or anything for that matter, more equal? It just adds to attitude towards what men/women should be like, which is part of the problem itself.

    I wish my English were better so I could explain my thoughts in a proper way. My arguments lack too much context since i cannot express my self properly.

    Anywhooo…This is not the place for this discussion, even though it’s a very important one…

  200. Deesensfan,

    You could always use an VPN (or Smart DNS if that works), but HBO went after some people for doing it, beause it breaks the terms of use, so there is a risk. As far as I know it’s not illegal under Canadian or US law (like in most countries), but that doesn’t mean HBO has to allow it or like it. – The thing is, you might need to get an VPN anyway, China is big into content-filtering.

  201. nick,

    Sorry to break it to you, but the (majority of the) starring cast get all the scripts for the entire season, even the ones they’re not in. So it doesn’t mean anything.

  202. Concerning the male genitally question, how about this, the majority of times an actor allows his to be filmed, is because he is well endowed, or healthier that your average Joe. Thereby because a viewer’s attention becomes affixed to the dangling member, the viewer begins comparing it to their own or in the case of a female viewer, to their companions. In a male’s case, this can lead to jealousy, lack of self esteem, or self awareness because they were paying to much attention, leading to anger that the show perhaps caused certain feelings and desires to emerge. Thereby leading to male viewer backlash.

  203. nick,
    “….its just a part of the body like boobs and vagina’s are also part of the body and thus its also not strange to see that.”

    Let me play devil’s (?) advocate. The above is common thought so I’m using your post to spring off of, it’s not personal. If penis, vagina (and boobs in some cases) are “just another part of the body” and not strange to see, why don’t we go around naked? Even in Western culture where there’s much freedom in attire, why are these parts we’ve always instinctively hid? Some might answer by saying we shouldn’t have to, a nudist society would be the natural way. But since the majority of the world is not that kind of society, there must be a basic human desire to protect our dignity in this way, therefor somebody could understandably view the opposite as “undignified.” Here’s what I’m getting at: At some point most of us become used to seeing provocative nudity on movie and TV screens so we view it as perfectly normal. But is it really, when compared to how we interact with others in real life? Think about it, unless you’re a doctor etc., the only person most people see naked is their sexual partner. Does the prude have a point? Well, are our bodies built for sex? Yes. Are the sexual parts the ones we keep covered? Yes. Who ever really sees them besides ourselves? Our sexual partner. Most people don’t expose that part of themselves unless they are having “intimate” relations. So, is it “normal” that we should see,intimately, anyone who “isn’t” our sexual partner simply because producers/writers of visual mediums make us think it is by including it over many years and exposing us to it from our youth? On the surface it doesn’t seem a big deal right, cause it’s only TV, it’s just human beings without their clothes on. But dig deeper and maybe it’s a little more than that? I don’t know. As the envelope gets pushed, there could be a snowball effect. For instance, has the mainstreaming of porn affected how young men grow to view women (no pun intended), how women view themselves, the dynamics of relationships, and thus families? If so, what are the consequences, if any? When all is said and done, do we really even care? Bear in mind I’m not trying to be dramatic but am coming at this from a spiritual/sociological POV.

    I’ve been accused of “thinking too much” many times. This could be one of them 🙂

  204. Deesensfan,

    I don’t know where you’re from but I saw you’ve been to Cuba and now going to China? Girrrl you are lucky to experience these different cultures. Forget about GOT, it’ll still be here when you get back! I know….

    #easiersaidthandone #agirlneedsherfix.

  205. Seth:
    As for the penis-to-tits ratio, find a way to cope. Male nudity will never garner as much attention as female nudity. It’s not about what’s equal–which is often confused for fairness–it’s about what’s demanded. If the audience in large part demanded an increase in male nudity, it would have happened. The fact that they–penises that is–aren’t shown more frequently must mean that a significant portion of the audience–including the 40% portion who are female–are either indifferent or averse to seeing penis. Or maybe Weiss and Benioff dislike the sight of penis. Game of Thrones is their beast, now. And if the penis-to-tits ratio isn’t much of concern to influence whether [you] watch the show or not, why should it be a concern to them?

    Yes – my point – women are mostly indifferent or adverse to seeing penis – so it’s fine that there is no penis! Penis, penis, penis, hahahaha

  206. Deesensfan,

    Well, shit my post got eaten apparently…

    The short version: You can buy them or use a free version of one, which I wouldn’t recommend (most of them are fishy in some way). If you decide to buy one be aware that, while there are a lot of legit uses of VPNs they can also be used for gray or flatout illegal stuff, so I whould advice you to read up a little on the subject, so you know what you are doing when using a VPN and if it is for you. 🙂

  207. Ygritte,

    Hahaha! Youre cute.
    I live in Canada!

    I know I know… forget about GOT… ITS TOO HARD THOUGH! But I guess ill be able to binge watch two episodes when I get back.

  208. Abyss,

    Ah, sounds super complicated. Kinda nervous to use in China also — considering the control on this kind of stuff there. I may have to wait till I get home.

  209. Ice Spider: Agreed wholeheartedly

    Agreed – didn’t think about this, but I totally agree. More penises does mean equality and would be good for men in general to relax about it.

  210. Deesensfan,

    Well, millions of people use VPNs in China to go around the Golden Shield Project and using them is easy as pie, understanding them not so much. 😉 – But if you are not so computer savvy I would say yes, just wait. Maybe not worth it to get into that whole VPN thing just for the short time you’re there.

  211. tyjon,
    Ffs. And how do you think most women feel if they compare their boobs to the onscreen ones? And yet women are expected to endure this.

    Really, there are two equitable options: either PG13 and no nudity at all or R and nudity on both sides. Since HBO obviously took the R option, dicks should be in.

  212. Ygritte,

    I have been going to the German Theatre in my town because I’ve been learning German and it’s good and pleasant practice. I usually buy tickets for the first row or, if I don’t find, in the second, because I want to see the actors’ faces. I have become very fond of this ensemble, they are really great, and the plays are varied and challenging. There have been several plays where it’s nudity on stage, masculine and/ or feminine and always for artistic purpose. E.g., in Cabaret, when the performers are sent, in the end, to Auschwitz and they take our their clothes to go to the gas chambers – a very impressive scene and not because of the naked bodies, but one feels their vulnerability and tragedy. In The Girl in the Goldfish Bowl, the young man who resembles an alien because of his behaviour spends almost all the time on stage in a bathrobe, which he takes off, at some time, and freezes in a full-frontal display of his body. I have seen him in many plays and I admire his acting. I don’t recall how his dick looks like, but the haunted expression on his face. I was surprised when he was naked, but I didn’t mentally measure his organ.
    I have nothing against both feminine and masculine nudity on films and on the stage, but I don’t judge the film/ play from this point of view.
    If you ask about myself, I think only my partner should see my naked body, but I don’t mind if a friend who’s a girl sees it while changing for going swimming.

  213. Ygritte:
    Nymeria Warrior Queen,

    Let’s not make fun of the poor guys too much now…For good measure, I think boobs can look funny flopping around too

    Sure they can, but not as funny as flaccid peni. Anyway, I have to make myself feel better. Yes, I admit, I do have a sort of penis envy. I mean, guys can pee their names in the snow, and women can’t…not really. Believe me, I know…I’ve tried, and it wasn’t pretty. 🙁

  214. Cumsprite: Too right!

    Under proper conditions according to the geographic distribution of willy-metrics I can’t hang with the Hungarians, but I am certainly in the same time zone. Long enough to jazz with, but not thick enough to be arrogant.

    I can personally vouch for Hungarians that’s my descent and I’m swinging

  215. If someone wants a summary of this long but important post I’ll attempt a summary:

    1. Onscreen nudity has been unequal for far to looooonng!

    2. The differences stem from a male dominated industry.

    3. Women have had to endure seeing other women’s naked bodies so men should have to endure seeing other men’s bodies too!

    4. Men and women can both be feminists because being one means gender equality and being a decent human being.

    5. Sexualizing women has been used as a way to oppress them.

    I’d also like to add that, if Emilia has requested that she now refrain from nudity, now that she has more “power” to request such a thing, then why wasn’t she allowed to demand that up front??? Forcing women to be nude is ridiculous and messed up.

    Why is adding more male nudity the answer to the current level of female nudity? It’s not. It’s only a way to keep the current level of female nudity. And when has showing sexual body parts ever been integral to a story??? Never ever. A person can be shown naked without showing private parts. Example, when Osha was undressing for Theon the camera could have cut away before she opened her robe and shown Theon’s expression instead.
    They did this with Darrio. They showed his butt and then placed a table the way of his dick when he turned around to get a drink.

    And no, I’m not prude just respectful of people’s privacy. Until everyone is comfortable with nudity on the screen it should just go away.

  216. Also thanks to Yaga, Ygritte, GeekFurious and especially Ice Spider for your thoughtful arguments. You are a credit to the human race!!!

  217. Sou,

    I’m telling you, if I could get the same salary as my male colleagues I wouldn’t mind showing up for work butt-naked every Friday (let’s call it casual Friday or something!).

    That’s pretty damn funny.

  218. singedbylife,

    It would have helped her morale, though, if she hadn’t bathed and fixed her hair for her wedding day, and night, as Myranda said. If Sansa was marrying under protest, she could have refused to wash for days….weeks prior. Though, Ramsay doesn’t seem to mind bad smells.

  219. Ice Spider:
    Im going to open a can of worms here…. because I for one am pretty sick of the “oh we can’t show mens dicks on television but we can show women’s tits and lower frontal nudity”. Seriously Emilia?How will it make us feel BAD? And then she backs it up with, “It’s too “fabulous!”….. well maybe ..if they are always having an ERECTION they MIGHT be fabulous, but I highly doubt that most male actors would have an erection in that sort of environment. So in truth, it seems to me, that men have inferiority complexes and/or are just too fragile to take any criticism of scrutiny of their nudity. The mentality that women are so much freer being nude in front of the camera is also another lame excuse. Women are just as apprehensive being nude as men. Even more so because we are always being judged on our physical “beauty”. I love this show but this is one issue I can’t stand. If you want to continually show nude females then show mens penises. Fair is fair and really if we are going to call this an ADULT entertainment show… then show the dicks. I mean if Emilia has embarrassing moments in front of male fans then men should have to suffer the same feelings.

    This reminds me a funny scene in Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story… 😀

    After that movie, the director Judd Apatow made a vow: “I’m gonna get a penis in every movie I do from now on. When this writers strike ends, that is my dream. It really makes me laugh in this day and age, with how psychotic our world is, that anyone is troubled by seeing any part of the human body; that is amusing to me.”


    No idea if he kept his promise… 😀

  220. Funny thing is, i asked this question to some female friends. Even among females, the female form is considered more ‘beautiful’, less ‘gross’, more sensual…artsy…less offensive…than male parts.

    Having said that…they have at NO POINT shown pure vagina. They show very RARELY some hair down there on a girl…but never not once a spread leg shot of actual lip viewing.

    Having said that, we have seen females topless. Guess what …we see men topless all the time too. Lack of breasts on men or sexual consideration doesnt eliminate the factual statement of 1 to 1 of part of body shown. Both sexes chest and nipples shown.
    We have seen bare butts of both men and women.
    We have not seen penis….and guess what…we have not seen true vagina.

    So i have no idea what shes saying….oh wait i do “i dont want to be naked on the show…so ill make this a feminism issue to pressure the writers of the show to give me what I want”

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