From the Maester’s Desk: The Princess That Was Promised
The article contains spoilers from ASOIAF. The world hadn’t seen a dragon in centuries until my children were born. The Dothraki hadn’t crossed the ...
The article contains spoilers from ASOIAF. The world hadn’t seen a dragon in centuries until my children were born. The Dothraki hadn’t crossed the ...
The article contains spoilers from ASOIAF, including a sample chapter of The Winds of Winter. Is he a ham? Stannis Baratheon was the head of the currently extin...
Listen up nerds, Jon Snow’s true name is Aegon Targaryen. Wipe off your glasses, tighten your suspenders, hit your inhaler, and get over it. The mystery has fi...
By Tyler Dean Being a fan of both Game of Thrones and the A Song of Ice and Fire novels it’s based on can be a process of constant equivocation. On the on...
The article contains spoilers from ASOIAF, including a sample chapter of The Winds of Winter. “The Other said something in a language that Will did not know; hi...
Beautiful, and willful, and dead before her time Lyanna Stark. The L in R+L=J. The woman whose memory Robert Baratheon fought for and cherished until the end of...
“I will be queen, though?” asked the younger her. “Aye.” Malice gleamed in Maggy’s yellow eyes. “Queen you shall be . . . un...
In the recent episode Beyond the Wall, Jon Snow, the King in the North (or South, if you listen to Tormund Giantsbane) found himself in a dire situation. Left f...
From the Maester’s Desk is a weekly column about the book-to-show adaptations of the characters, world and other elements from George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ic...
From the Maester’s Desk is a weekly column about the book-to-show adaptations of the characters, world and other elements from George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ic...