Apple Unveils New Trailers for Enhanced Editions of A Song of Ice and Fire

A Game of Thrones Enhanced iBook

This fall, the twentieth anniversary of A Game of Thrones brought to readers new versions of the book that started it all. The Illustrated Edition,Β released in October, includes seventy-three illustrations from AGoTΒ featuring the characters and events of book one of A Song of Ice and Fire. Random House announced in September that in addition to the beautiful illustrated version, we could now look forward to enhanced digital versions of the series, with annotations, character maps, helpful trivia and audio clips narrated by actor Roy Dotrice.

This week, Apple unveiled three new trailers promoting the digital versions, available exclusively on iBooks, featuring some lovely animation and a few words from the man himself, George R.R. Martin.

The first three books in the series are currently available for purchase as enhanced digital editions, for $11.99 each. A Feast for Crows is expected to be released on February 2nd of next year, and A Dance with Dragonsenhanced iBook version is scheduled for March 30th. Pre-orders are now open for both books, for $11.99 as well.

A peek at the covers:

Game of Thrones ibooks

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. So cool that all of the digital versions will be available before Con of Thrones! My sweet hubby just gave me a tablet so I can load all the digital versions instead of lugging around all my paperback copies anymore!

    Happy Holidays, everyone!

  2. All three videos are quite good, my fave being “Hard Choices.” I really like the pen and ink style.

  3. Merry Christmas to Sue, Oz, Petra, Axey, Nate, Marc, the rest of the team and to all of you, fellow fans, who contribute to make this amazing site to be what it is! May there always be bread and wine on your table, dragons and direwolves on your side! Thanks for keeping magic alive!

  4. If you have not read the books I would not recommend starting now. Otherwise you will be left hanging like the rest of us with a half finished story. If I had known the story was not complete I would not have read the books four years ago now.

  5. mau,

    My bad! And to Luka, of course! You worked hard and brilliantly, Luka, to kept us informed. A Westeros wars field reporter πŸ™‚

  6. What’s Xmas without a spoiler? Well, Ser Jorah is the prince that was promised AND Kris Kringle!

    As my friends down Texas way say, Merry Christmas y’all.

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