This week is pretty much all about the home release of Game of Thrones Season 5. The season is newly available on DVD and Blu-ray, dragons are flying in cities across the U.S., and we’re embracing the fun with a few giveaways here at Watchers on the Wall.
It’s time to announce the winner of our Monday giveaway, to find out who will be the lucky fan receiving Game of Thrones: The Complete Fifth Season with all its sweet extras, on DVD.
Let’s get right to it! We’re happy to announce the DVD Giveaway Winner is….
Rachel Reilly!
Congratulations, Rachel! Season five is yours, and you didn’t even have to take it with fire and blood. Just typing.
Thank you to everyone who entered and participated so enthusiastically!
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I am really regretting breaking up with Rachel now… granted, it’s probably not the same person…
Congrats, Rachel!
Hail to the Queen!!!!!
I said the same thing … *sigh*
Congrats 🙂
Omg I can’t believe it! So happy! 🙂 thank you!
Rachel Reilly,
What?!? You are supposed to say: “I’ve never won anything before in my life!” I am pretty sure that it is obligatory.
March 17, 2016 at 1:00 am
I was just looking at that still of Jon Snow bleeding out and I noticed that all the blood and stab wounds are around the stomach area.
Not only is there no blood where the heart is…there isn’t even a cut in his leather vest where his heart is
It´s so hard to decide! but, Cersei´s walk of atonement was one the best WTF moments from season 5, I think I can pick up that one has my favorite moment from GoT season 5
Congratulations, Rachel!
The only reponses I have ever had in this forum to my weird theories…..even the one 7 months ago about Tyrion releasing the dragons…..and attempt at a little humour….are bashes from regulars here that think they know more about g0t than anyone else…I find that rather insulting
Hoe door.
Well done Rachel…I won a King Joffrey doll last year which is not likely for me. I never seem to win money though, not that I’m a gambler – not that I win all that much. Hope you enjoy watching the “goodies” on the blue-ray.