Well, the good news is that someone who shall not be named here on the front page (just in case you, for some reason, haven’t watched the episode, yet chose to visit a Game of Thrones website) got what they so rightfully deserved.
The bad news is that the Wall is coming down (but not our Wall, by God), Jaime and Cersei won’t be making incestuous love anytime soon, there is a dragon shooting Blue Curacao from his mouth, the Night King knows how to ride said dragon, and the f’ing season is already over. Happy Monday, kiddos.
A man returns once more to bring you the Unsullied, unbelievable epic season finale recap before the long dark night encapsulates us all. To prepare, I suggest we all take our clothes off, and learn how to do it Targaryen style…
Welcome back to the final finale of Game of Thrones finalists. A man is in a strange mood as he writes this as so many exciting things have taken place this past weekend. We did something crazy and ask you wonderful people to help out the Wall (Watchers on THE Wall) from having to inundate you with blue dragon-fire video ads.
We also announced our partnership with Mischief Management to bring you the second annual Con of Thrones taking place in the land of Cowboys in May of 2018. If you can come, I feel confident promising you a memorable experience and that you will meet some of the finest people that ever graced this beautiful planet.
A warning about this recap… I’m not going to sift through every single line of dialogue that transpired in “The Dragon and the Wolf.” Otherwise, you would be reading until the next season started. But, we will hit the high notes and discuss as we always do below. Don’t just lurk today… join in the convo or at least say “hello.” The Unsullied comments are the friendliest area in the Kingdom. It is known.
The Worm and the Horde
We haven’t seen Grey of House Worm for a while and were curious as to his status. But luckily for us (and Missandei), the Worm is alive and well with the rest of the Unsullied and a shitload of Dothraki.
Jaime and Bronn assess from the walls of KL and discuss fighting for family (although it is difficult to have a family with no cock) and that they are about to be the downtrodden.
Jon, Tyrion and company approach the city (noticeably without Dany). Jon (the northern country boy) questions why anyone would want to live crammed into a city. Meanwhile, the Hound goes down to kick the box to make sure the dead guy is still, well, dead.
The Meeting and the Minds
No time is wasted in getting right to the issue at hand. On the way, we get a handful of fantastic reunions. Tyrion and Jorah discuss the reason the dragonpit was built in the first place. Then, Bronn and Tyrion. Then Pod and Tyrion. Then…
The Hound and the Big Woman
I really enjoyed the way they played the reunion out between Clegane and Brienne (although it was quite brief). There was no typical, fuckless Hound calling Brienne a “big, dumb bitch” or otherwise. It was more a show of mutual respect for what they were trying to do at the time… protect Arya. The scene also acknowledges that the Hound was pleased to hear that Arya was still alive.
Tyrion and Bronn then have dialogue with Tyrion questioning Bronn’s allegiances and reminding him of an old offer he made if he wanted to join them. Bronn reminds Tyrion that he is the one that got them all there in the first place and was doing just fine.
My guess was that Dany would come swooping in on a dragon. Ozzette thought it was down in the hole. Bronn and Pod didn’t stick around to find out.
Cersei enters, but before we get anywhere…CleganeBowl? No. But it’s coming.
Dany swoops in (Oz wins the bet with Ozzette) and the fun begins.
Jon and Tyrion begin by attempting to explain to Cersei the serious nature of what is coming. When Cersei questions Dany’s true intentions, the Hound brings up the box and kicks it over.
I was concerned that the reveal of the dead soldier would be cheesy with no realistic influence on Cersei. But the way it was handled seemed a perfect way to get her attention (and to get Qyburn’s mind pondering what to do with a dead, moving hand).
In the meantime, Euron says “fuck this.”
Cersei seems to recognize the danger and agrees to a truce on the condition that the King in the North will not choose sides. Of course, Jon already has and like Jim Carrey, can’t tell a lie. As a result, Cersei leaves without an agreement. Jaime is begged by Brienne to reason with the Queen. And Jon gets chided for being honest.
Tyrion insists that he is the only one that can fix the situation and opts to go meet with his sister. I’ll admit, I seriously wondered if he would survive this.

The Lion and the Lion
This was a fantastic scene between Tyrion and Cersei discussing the deeply rooted issues between themselves and their dead family members. Once again, Dinklage and Headey are simply superb. This scene deserves an analysis of its own.
Luckily, the Mountain doesn’t split Tyrion in half and he offers up some wine. But will Cersei drink? She then admits to not thinking about her worst impulses or making the world a better place, but rather her family. And Tyrion realizes she is pregnant. On the surface, this looked like Cersei had turned a corner on her priorities due to her unborn child. But this episode was almost an hour and a half and way too long for her to be rational (or truthful).
Tyrion approaches with Cersei and company in tow and Cersei agrees to march her forces North to help in the Great War.
The Wolf and the Dirtball
Sansa discusses Jon bending the knee to Dany with Littlefinger and LF mentions that an alliance between the two makes sense. LF then reminds Sansa that Jon can be unnamed as King. Sansa reveals that Arya is a Faceless Man. LF: “What’s the worst thing she (Arya) could want?” Sansa: “To kill me.”
The stage was set for a Winterfell climax to all of this sister bickering. But let’s come back to this…
The Wolf and the Dragon
Look… if you are going to set up sex between the two prettiest people on the show, one of them can’t be riding a dragon. I guess they both could be riding a dragon. And then riding each other. But those pointy things on the dragon could, you know, be uncomfortable in certain areas if you were naked. A Sleep Number® ship bed sounds much better.
Theon seems to be reborn again as he speaks to Jon and then takes out an Ironborn who has no respect for him when he suggests going to rescue Yara. Great scene when Theon kneels down for the salt water. Theon vs. Euron is coming.
The Oz and the Lysa
Oh dear Kate, we’ve been waiting on this day for so long, ever since the tragedy that was the “moon door push” heard round the world. They called your name many times. More than they have in years. Finally, someone outplayed the player. Sansa learned the Game. The Finger got fingered.
Thank you, Sansa. My dear Lysa’s death has been avenged!
My only regret is that Varys and Littlefinger will never meet again face to face. They kept LF around long enough to have a big character death at the end of S7. And it was worth it.
The Lion and the Mad Queen
Meanwhile, Cersei confronts Jaime and reveals her true colors once again when she tells him that she was not serious about sending their army and banners to help Jon and Dany. Jaime argues that he made a promise and reasons that this is a fight between the living and the dead. And although Cersei seemed to have a change of heart earlier in the episode stemming from her pregnancy, she will not help Tyrion or the north and is convinced that there will be little left of her opponents once they fight the army of the dead.
Cersei brings up the Iron Bank and the Golden Company, hiring them to fight alongside her army when the time comes. She reveals that Euron didn’t leave a chance to marry the Queen but rather he sailed to Essos to retrieve the GC.
“You conspired.” “No, you conspired.” “No one walks away from me.” And after Cersei threatens Jaime with the Mountain, he is gonnnneeee.
Fittingly, as Jaime leaves, it begins to snow in King’s Landing.
The Wanna-be Maester and the Three-Eyed Raven
Sam and the fam make it to Winterfell and Sam goes up to meet with Bran. Bran reveals that Jon is not the son of Ned, but rather the bastard of Rhaegar and Lyanna. But Sam tells Bran of the annulment between Rhaegar and Elia and Bran goes to witness the marriage of Jon’s parents. And then Jon’s real name is revealed: Aegon.
Aegon Jon and Dany do the dirty Targ dance, and the rest is history.
The Night King that Rides
With time about to run out, we are taken to Bran under his favorite tree which can mean only one thing… White Walker radar time!
Beric and Tormund overlook Eastwatch and after seven seasons, the dead are finally knocking on the Wall door. But when you have a dragon that breathes Blue Curacao, you don’t have to knock. You just blow that shit down with your dragon breath.
I can only assume that Tormund and Beric were on the side of the Wall that was still standing. That would be two shitty ambiguous deaths, and the North is going to need Tormund and Brienne’s monster babies to beat these odds. Along with Beric’s flaming lightsaber.
Episode 707 Personal Awards
Favorite Action Sequence: The dead soldier in front of Cersei was pretty intense. But the Wall coming down was spectacular, even if the scene did seem brief.
Favorite (or significant) Quotes:
“Men without cocks. You wouldn’t find me fighting in an army if I had no cock. What’s left to fight for?” –Bronn
“What’s in there?” “Fuck off.” –The Hound’s favorite phrase, to a Lannister soldier
“I was only trying to protect her.” “You and me both.” The Hound and Brienne
“Seems every bad idea has some Lannister cunt behind it.” “And some Clegane cunt to help them see it through.” The Hound and Tyrion
“You know who’s coming for you. You’ve always known.” –The Hound to the Mountain
“Can they swim?” –Euron
“I’m grateful for your loyalty, but my dragon died so that we could be here.” –Dany to Jon
“The more immediate problem is that we’re fucked.” -Tyrion
“A dragon is not a slave.” –Dany
“Has it occurred to you that she might not be a reliable source of information?” – Jon to Dany on being able to have a baby. Translation: “Let’s do it and find out.”
“His name is Aegon Targaryen.” – Lyanna
“You stand accused of murder. You stand accused of treason. How do you answer these charges, Lord Baelish?” – Sansa
“I’m a slow learner, it’s true…But I learn.” – Sansa
Favorite Sequence: Euron getting the hell out of dodge was pretty funny, even if he wasn’t really going home. But learning Jon’s real name was awesome. And both of the scenes between Tyrion/Cersei and Jaime/Cersei were superbly done.
The “Ow, That Shit Hurts Award” does NOT go to: Theon’s crotch
Jackass Award: Farewell, Littlefinger. You made us think. You made us cringe. You filled our lives with philosophical and motivational speeches. You were also one hell of a brothel owner. But we never trusted you. And you finally answered for my dear Lysa’s untimely demise.
Overall Thoughts: I’ve got so many. And (un)luckily, it looks as though we will have plenty of time to dissect it between now and Season 8.
When Jaime says “I don’t believe you” to Cersei, did he not believe that she would have him killed? Or does he not believe she is actually pregnant? Or does he not believe anything that comes out of her mouth?
Cersei played the Game this season almost to perfection. The fact that she is still alive is a testament alone. All of the odds were stacked, yet she still sits on the Throne. And, I doubt she is pregnant.
I have many questions about where Jon and Dany go from here, relationship- and power-wise. We can analyze this and multiple other things in the year to come. But for now, considering that we know Jon’s true name, will we start referring to him as Aegon?
We’ve got nothing but time now. The long, dark night is here.
What say you, good readers? Speak loudly below. Let your thoughts be known.
Please take a moment and read this message and consider supporting the Wall. We want to be able to do more for our readers and our writers. Anything is appreciated.
A man will return soon for his off-season shenanigans. Visit often! The Wall needs you. Invite a friend to join us. And may there always be peace in your realm. –Oz
Follow Oz on Twitter.
**SPOILER NOTE: The Management of this fine site would like to remind you that spoilers (book or leak) are not allowed in Unsullied posts. This includes spoilers covered by code or otherwise. Personally, I appreciate feedback from Sullied and Unsullied alike, so long as they do not include any type of hinting or conversation related to the written verse. However, spoiler coded comments do tend to lead to further Sullied conversation and for that reason, we ask that you please refrain from posting any SPOILERY content whatsoever in Unsullied posts. Thank you for the coop. -Oz
Wun Wun
Cersei looks straight Disney evil queen now. Shades of Michael Corleone also, in being strong for her family, she is losing it.
I’m looking forward to your Looking Forward. Also, your wishlist – what would you *like* to see happen before the story ends. (As opposed to what you predict *could* happen.)
e: for instance, I have a whole wishlist. I hope that DnD are working off one that’s similar to mine!
Lysakiller is finally dead!!! So happy for you Oz!
Oh my what an episode! Winter is Here!
So many great moments in this episode!
I thought the whole meeting was really well done and they took their time with it. All those little reunions on the side was a treat as well. Peter and Lena are so good, really enjoyed their scene together. But of course Cersei has other plans. Can’t wait for next season to see it all unfold.
And finally Jaime left Cersei. Was about damn time!
And the sequence that followed with the snow falling in Kings Landing was beautiful and the music was haunting.
Theon being beaten was quite brutal and when he gets the upper hand I saw old Theon again as he smiles when that guy was kicking him between the legs.
Littlefinger finally got what was coming to him! This was so satisfying
Jon Snow is Aegon Targaryen!!
That whole scene was amazing. The cross cutting between Rhaegar and Lyanna’s secret wedding and Jon and Dany giving in to their feelings was just really well done. I liked the fact that the whole sequence spelled out doom for Jon and Dany and that this is wrong. The music and Tyrion outside looking worried with Brans voiceover. Really loved it. Always been against them being a couple and still am, but I really like what they have done with it. This can only go wrong. Can’t wait for the moment when they both find out the truth!
I feel so bad for Jorah. He knew what would happen if they travelled together. He desperately tried to keep them away from each other.
The Wall has come down! That was stunning! Westeros is doomed!
Such a phenomenal episode. Now the Long Wait begins 10/10
Only one season remains. *sniff*
Great recap as always Oz!
Actually felt sorry for Littlefinger. Credit to Aidan Gillen’s acting.
Kind of shameful that, in a feature length episode full of big dramatic moments, my favourite was the Hound telling the Lannister soldier to fuck off.
That doesn’t look like Richard Dormer in the pic above (with Tormund).
Also, can we talk about what a dirtbag Rhaegar is to just ditch his wife and two kids to run off with a hot piece of wolf tail?
I’m curious as to where Jaime will end up. My guess is The Wall and the Lord Commander of the NW. Cersei can’t legally touch him there.
Maybe the reason Ned “never talked” about Lyanna is because he saw her for the homewrecker she was.
Ser Hogwyn,
Yes, you know that LF knew he was screwed when he asked Royce for help, that’s a desperation Hail Mary if ever there was one.
I loved this episode, and frankly this season. No doubt it moved into epic fantasy territory, and likely GRRM will tell this story very differently, which is great actually for the book readers.
I was really withholding judgment on the story line at WF, and, having watched all the Season 7, Ep 1-6 WF scenes before the Finale, I am actually to my surprise pretty satisfied with how it turned out, despite a narrative whose gaps were necessary for visual story telling.
Sorry for the obsessively long post, but my interpretation of the Sansa-Arya-LF narrative goes like this:
1. LF continued to have his sights set on joining the Vale to the North and sitting on the iron throne with Sansa at his side.
2. LF is increasingly running out of time to make this plat happen as Sansa continues to deflect his efforts to involve her in his plots, Jon shows threatens LF and will eventually get back to WF, the emergence of the Dragon Queen could leave him off the throne forever, and the dead create a singular focus that undermines his ability to divide those he wants to manipulate. He starts making riskier plays.
3. Sansa recognizes LF as a threat, but is keeping her friends close and her enemies closer, keeping LF nearby to retain support of the Vale for the North and to ensure that he does not plot against her. (She may also be somewhat ambivalent towards him, as the last scene in Ep 7 suggests.) They are constantly fencing with each other, including in a number of scenes this season where Sansa appears to be falling for his plotting.
4. Arya’s return has injected instability into both of their efforts.
5. Arya knows that LF (not Sansa) is the enemy, but because she has history/no longer knows Sansa or fully trusts her, she is trying to figure out if Sansa would succumb to LF’s scheming and betray Jon.
6. Sansa is not sure about this new “weird” Arya, and of course Sansa does harbor latent ambitions to lead (some of which are logical, eg, I need to keep the North together if Jon fails to return), which plays into Arya’s suspicions.
7. LF sees Arya as a threat and tried to neutralize her by inserting Brienne into the mix, which would have ended in a situation that weakened Sansa’s position one way or another, driving her closer to LF. Sansa heads off that play by sending Brienne to KL (still weakening herself), but there may be secondary reasons at work in removing Brienne as a barrier in case she does have to move on Arya.
8. While Sansa and Arya both see LF as dangerous, their approaches differ. Sansa thinks she can control him and is playing the long game based on her experience with political intrigue and will only move against LF when she has to and when she has him positioned so she can retain the support of the Vale. Arya is concerned that LF’s plotting is designed to undermine House Stark in the short term. Strip away all the menace, uncertainty and mistrust and this is the heart of their conflict.
9. Arya attempts to force Sansa’s hand in Episode 6 by frightening her, even suggesting she could become her and do the job herself, but then hands her the dagger to see whether she will use it on LF (figuratively: the dagger represents Arya, so Arya is saying, turn on LF and I will help you destroy him).
10. Sansa decides that Arya is not out to kill her (yet) and truthfully tells LF in Ep 7 when she learns that Jon has pledged allegiance to Danerys that Arya would never let usurpation of the North happen.
11. During that conversation in Ep 7, LF, thinking he has Sansa well positioned, underestimates her and tries to undermine both Jon and Arya in the same conversation. Playing LF’s “game” Sansa recognizes that the “worst” reasons would have Arya end up as Lady of Winterfell, something that she knows Arya never would want. She then applies the game against LF, and concludes that LF is firmly and actively behind the efforts to divide House Stark, and is becoming increasingly bold and dangerous. (I loved the call back of equating his behavior with their Mother and Aunt to what he is doing now.)
12. Based on this rising risk, Sansa decides that her effort to keep LF close and use his own tricks against him has come to an end, he is too much of a threat to House Stark, and she should adopt Arya’s plan: Kill LF now.
13. Off screen, Sansa plans to move on LF; this could include investigating things with the Maester, plotting with Lord Royce (who finally gets his comeuppance on a man he despises), in addition to talking to Arya and Bran (who reveals the depth of LF’s perfidy). (It would have been fun to see this, but the decision was to try to maintain dramatic tension until the end; I am okay with that, although I think everyone saw this coming.)
14. And Sansa validates Arya and her life experiences by letting Arya be the one who “wields the sword”; Not exactly Starkian, but they kind of both passed the sentenced, didn’t they? (Loved the call back to Grey Worm killing the slave masters with the same dagger move!)
15. Sansa moves forward and now has yet more agency – she is finally free of LF and his manipulations, has moved beyond her “training” by him, and is ready to go beyond the “trust no one” political intrigue of KL to the need to rely on the “pack” to survive. Not sure where she goes in season 8 though.
16. Arya also sees that in order to succeed in the world she has returned to, she also needs to work with others. But there is more to her story.
Some might complain that this is all a forced and that much was left ambiguous and also unseen, but I ended up liking this version of events. Sorry for those who had to scroll by it!
So much more to talk about this episode! I am really interested if Tyrion’s story line goes off in a different direction in season 8. But this post is way too long already!
And how happy would you be in an arranged marriage?
Enjoyed the recap Oz, especially this cheeky translation –
“Has it occurred to you that she might not be a reliable source of information?” – Jon to Dany on being able to have a baby. Translation: “Let’s do it and find out.”
Please don’t make that curtain call for Aidan Gillen… I have a strange feeling we’ll see him again (and no, he’s not “undead”)
“Jon Targaryen or is it Aegon Snow or Aegon Targaryen?”…”nah, Jon Snow is just Fine”
We’ve seen time and again on this show how political marriages go… There was probably not much of a “home” to be wrecking.
Howdy Ozzy…will miss you until next season but I have four observations.
1. I agree, what did Jaime mean when he said “I can’t believe you”? Did he doubt she would allow the mutant to kill him or was it a general statement of disgust, like I can’t believe you’re doing this shit.
2. Jono and Daeny had sex…he had sex with his aunt that he now out rules for leader of the pack. Sorry for those shipping, but for me? Eww. And I don’t think Daeny is going to take this reveal well.
3. Littleshitfinger was finally played at his own game and I clapped and cheered, it went down perfectly.
4. The bad guys have a reanimated dragon that spits blue fire and Eastwatch is toast. They are here!!
(okay 5 – was that the same actor that played Viserys that just married Lyanna? If yes…WHY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD???)
Is it season 8 yet? *tears*
This is one of those episodes that I’ll need to watch a few more times. There were so many different things going on, but for whatever reason, the one thing I focused on after the episode ended was Tyrion’s concerned/pissed off look during boat sex. I guess he is concerned that their relationship could have serious consequences, but I’m not really sure why he’d be so unsupportive. After all, he’s the one who wants Daenerys to find a husband in Westeros for political alliances and secure an air. I don’t know…kind of confused on that one.
All I know is that I enjoyed the fook out of this episode.
And I wonder what the view from Castle Black looked like when Viserion blew that chunk out of the Wall.
I assume that Beric and Tormund survived, but how the hell are they going to get out of there? They’re surrounded by The Army of the Dead.
Could Tyrion possibly be upset because he really wanted Dany to “break the wheel” and now she’s not? In other words, in E6, he alluded to some sort of democracy as the succession plan after Dany’s rule. He referenced the Kingsmoot and how Lord Commanders of the Night’s Watch are chosen. If Jonaegon and Dany make a baby (which almost seems assured at this point), that baby is the new heir. The chance for a complete system overhaul is vanishing…and that disappoints Tyrion.
Tyrion should’ve seen the “Targ tangle” coming though. I mean, despite some ill-fated plans this season, he’s pretty good at making observations and “playing the game.”
Tamwell Sarly,
I suppose so. I can understand the concerned look, but he actually looked pretty pissed off too. Was just a weird moment to me.
It was probably just an intense blue glow on the horizon from Castle Black. Bet it felt like a prolonged earthquake though. Wouldn’t be difficult for them to figure out what happened I bet. They, along with Beric, Tormund, and any other survivors at Eastwatch seem trapped now though. I suppose those at Castle Black could make a beeline straight to Winterfell ahead of the NK and undead army. Not sure how Beric and Tormund can though.
We’ll see, but I have a feeling Jon will still go by Jon no matter what Sam and Bran tell him. He might even keep the Snow. And he doesn’t seem the type to care about sitting on the Iron Throne.
Tyrion has pretty strong feelings for Dany too. I mean, they aren’t as blatant as Jorah’s. But, perhaps there is some underlying jealousy being displayed by Tyrion in that scene?
That’s exactly why he stands a good chance to sit on the Iron Throne. He didn’t care to be Lord Commander and he became LC. He didn’t care to be King in the North and he became KitN.
Tamwell Sarly,
Didn’t Peter Dinklage say in an interview that Tyrion is smitten with her?
The actor playing Rhaegar is named Wilf Scolding. He does look quite a bit like Harry Lloyd (which I expect was intentional), but I think it was the hair and the fact that we never got a direct shot of his face that contributed to the striking resemblance more than anything else.
So much for Sam not paying attention to Gilly about “Ragger” getting an annulment and re-married, eh?
Also, the scene proves Bran is far from knowing everything. It seems he may need to be prompted in order to know where to look in his visions.
Not sure, maybe. I can’t claim to keep up with all the actor interviews. But, yes, while not overt like Jorah or Daario, Tyrion does seem to display underlying affection for her. I’m sure he’s got strong feelings for her, but keeps them to himself because he knows it’ll never happen.
I know most folks were feverishly hoping for Littlefinger’s demise – I’m not sad that he’s gone and I don’t have any complaints about how it went down in the show.
I guess a small part of me was thinking he’d have a larger impact on the end game though considering how much of a (behind the scenes) force he was in the events that lead to all the “chaos” that happened in the earlier seasons.
I was wondering if people who haven’t read the books know enough who Rhaegar is. I read the books, so for me it’s obvious. But I noticed some people on YouTube and Facebook are really confused.
I had expected Rhaegar would be mentioned a little more this season to make it clear to everyone.
And where is everybody? Why do I have 7 out of 30 of the comments (now 8/31)? Usually this recap is hopping and I would think it’d especially be that way after that finale!
I haven’t read the books and know exactly who Rhaegar is. Rhaegar has been mentioned and even emphasized numerous times over the seasons. I even figured out R + L = J early on in season 5 based on all the hints the show was giving. I would think that those who may be confused are casual viewers who don’t pay close attention.
I thought the same thing at first with the Targaryen brothers. Viserys Targaryen was played by Harry Lloyd and Rhaegar Targaryen is being played by Wilf Scholding. Both are pretty cute in “real life”!
I’m really hoping Tormund and Beric survived. I was personally surprised by Rhaegar’s appearance but it’s nothing out of the ordinary for siblings to resemble each other, so it wasn’t a disappointment for me. The music was great in this episode and I’m so happy Jaimie is finally done with Cersei. To answer your question, I think Jaimie was probably saying he doesn’t believe Cersei will kill him. Now to find something to do every Sunday night to kill time!
I don’t hate Rhaegar, however I do think our point of view on this matter is very much prejudiced by the story without cause. There is no evidence that Elia was a bad person. I would love to see the divorce case between them with Davos Seaworth as the attorney for Elia and Littlefinger for the Dragon Prince, that would have been a hoot.
With Jon and Dany, we finally have a romantic couple with less on-screen chemistry than Lisa and Mark from The Room.
I tend to agree that AeJon will release his claim — he is the shield, not the crown. Yet this will cause all kinds of new tensions within him, starting with not being the son of Ned Stark (a huge part of his identity). And what if he and Danerys disagree on the way to pursue the war against the Night King? Or deal with Cersei’s treachery? Might his status affect how he deals with those disagreement given that he is the rightful heir? I think this development will raise questions for him about what honor demands and what it means to be the shield that protects the realms of men.
I actually think it is very interesting to look at it from Dany’s point of view. I am sure she also believes she has earned it, but much of her claim is because she is the rightful heir. How will she respond to finding out she is now second in line? Will she accept it, particularly from Jon? Her brother tried to use and abuse her — how will this alter the way she looks at AeJon? If she reacts negatively, it is sad to think of her losing happiness she was gaining.
And how does she view her family’s history of marrying close relations? Do we know what she thinks of her family’s past history in this regard?
1. S4 – 9,33
2. S7 – 9,22
3. S6 – 9,1
4. S1 – 9,1
5. S3 -9,06
6. S2 – 8,99
7. S5 – 8,88
Yes – I’ve speculated something like this, from the way Bran was suddenly coming out with some key point about the person talking to him. Similarly, we can assume that Baelish was on his mind and hence he saw the key points that came up at the ‘trial’. And now, more about Lyanna and Jon.
I thought Rhaegar was OK, though for a second did also think he was played by Harry Lloyd. But I didn’t like the wig – it was too much like (mad) Viserys and in my opinion should have looked more ‘groomed’ or at least cared for, and either shorter or (my preference) longer. Which is about my only quibble really.
AeJon – I like it 😀
I think this identity tension may be what the conversation between Theon and Jon was prefiguring…
Screwed up the reply… what I was thinking, “but oh, there’s a pretty solid reason she’d have for believing, I’m sure her and Daario were not practicing birth control back in Essos”
Back to that wig – imo it needs to imply the relationship between Rhaegar and Viserys, but also the differences, so I’d have gone for longer hair, maybe tied back though with a few front bits escaping to show the ‘Viserys’ connection while the whole was indicating that this was a person of culture and fame. He was a musician (according to Barristan) and a fighter, Viserys being neither of these.
(But then, several commenters have written of the wigs being the weakest point of the presentation, as I recall. Hair seems to be difficult, whether as wig or as Direwolf’s.)
If the prophecy about Cersei is true…. then A Game of Thrones does not believe life starts at conception. She already had 3 golden crowns. She has to die before the 4th one is born.
What struck me was:
1. He’s the Commander of the Army, he’s the Head of House Lannister, her claim to the throne is a bad joke (I’d be surprised if no one on her side had to restrain a laugh/smirk where she referred to Dany as a usurper) – if he told the army to ride north with him, it (or at least a large chunk) would have done so.
2. He rode off without Bronn? Is Bronn really gonna hang around in Kings Landing with no buffer between him and Cersei? Perhaps, based on what he said at the Dragon Pit he seems to have misread the Cersei situation. He doesn’t see facilitating the Tyrion/Jaime meeting as a “betrayal” – Jaime was free to do what he wanted to do, could have seized or killed Tyrion. It’s not rational to view facilitating that meeting as a “betrayal”- but Cersei is NOT rational- Bronn doesn’t quite grasp that.
3. His argument with Cersei was all about “I gave my word”- which she sees as moronic- he had another argument he did not use- if no Lannister Armies ride north, they’ll all know IMMEDIATELY she lied, they’ll know she lied long before Euron can sail back with reinforcements, at the very least she needs to send a column or two to keep up the ruse.
You are wrong, sir, Missandei will always be the hottest on this show.
i haven’t read the books but its VERY clear who raeghar is
I rejoice with you now that justice has finally been done for Lysa. My only regret was that in slashing DirtballFinger’s throat he did not receive punishment commensurate with the suffering he caused.
“All over in an instant. Where’s the punishment in that?”
– S. Clegane
Ok, I finished watching the episode some time ago and I really don’t understand all the negative comments I encountered on open chat. Because this episode represented everything I love with TV shows in general. If I described the previous episode “epic”, I will describe this one as BEAUTIFUL! Not sure where to put it on my rank list but surely among the top 10.
Really, this is the vibe I always hope to get when it comes to any TV series… the vibe that gives me many special feelings. I could sense Podeswa was involved, especially in snow-falling scene. I can feel my own review will be huge and I will try to do my best with it (my usual forum thread). And for this episode, I promise I will make a video review as well.
Thank you, Oz, for this review of yours and I especially liked your style of writing here. It was such a pleasure to read it and I’m sure I will tune in for more of them next year if you continue making them.
Overall, I want to praise this Unsullied thread. The comments here are always a pleasure to read. A special mention again goes to Dee for her always positive attitude towards the show and of course to other members who bring positivity to the site. Some of them here, some of them on other threads. Our mutual time on the site is coming to an end again and it will be time for Lord Parramandas to return back to his chambers and re-emerge when it’s time to continue (and finish) the journey when the last couple episodes of the series air.
Any way, enough of my rambling. With best regards from Lord Parramandas!
Agree with you. I also think he has feelings for her. Heh, with al these men falling in love with her they could have called this show There’s Something About Dany.
Well, in S1 ShowCersei did mention a black-haired son (aka King Robert’s son) that died very young, and wasn’t included in Maggy the Frog’s prophecy. In medieval times, due to the incredibly high infant death rate, many children weren’t considered “official” and didn’t even receive names until they were at least two years old. So yeah, there was already precedent.
E7 is a perfect illustration why everyone should avoid stolen script “leaks.” I saw people on the other thread complaining that certain scenes were “missing” or didn’t play out as they expected.
To be cont….
I’m so happy I managed to avoid the leaks. Overall, I enjoyed this season more than ever.
Tamwell Sarly,
The Wolves of Winter,
Well, in Martin’s original draft of ASOIF, Tyrion and Jon were in a love triangle, but with Arya. The series now has Dany instead, I guess.
Love the description – and I’m glad your wish came true in this episode Oz. 😉
New rating record!! 😀 Long live GoT!!!
That was quick. Why don’t they do that every week? So they just skipped right over the 11’s. 🙂
I luuuuuuuuuved this episode. I jumped up and down, cheering and clapping, when Arya swiped that dagger through Littlefinger’s neck! (And thought of you, Oz, knowing you would be happy to have your girlfriend avenged!).
And that ice zombie dragon was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen! The special effects were nuts! I’m just praying to R’hllor that Season 8 doesn’t open with undead Beric and Tormund rising out of the ice with bright blue eyes!!!
The Hound and Brienne bonding over their love of Arya was everything. Wouldn’t that be a rom-com meet cute? They fight to the death at their first meeting, then years later end up a couple? No, I’m not shipping them, but it would be funny.
Oh, if only the Hound had kicked that box just a few inches closer. I would have loved to see that wight’s fingers grabbing Cersei’s throat!
I said it few weeks ago. hahah I knew it. 12+ million.
15 million for the last season.
Yes!!! Celebration time!
Hey Oz, nice review!! And how about the Lady Lysa namedrop! Twice no less!
Well, the curiousness of Rhaegar’s striking resemblance to Viserys was mentioned already (seriously, I though I was somehow looking at Viserys and that the whole story is even much crazier for a moment).
Now what do you think is Viserion breathing? Is it an even hotter flame than his brothers (thus tinted blue instead of red or yellow)? Or something else entirely?
Also I believe Beric and Tormund stayed on the inland part of the Wall, thus they’ll probably run as fast as they can on it to alert Castle Black and then all go south.
Well, the only tiny thing that bothered me in this episode is that Jon was given a name “Aegon”. Rhaegar already had another Aegon. I wonder who chose the name… Lyanna or Rhaegar?
Lord Parramandas,
I assume Aegon needed to be the name of the PTWP, so Rhaegar/Lyanna named all male children Aegon? I dunno. Not sure.
I was wondering about Bronn too. Maybe he’ll catch up to Jaimie next season? At least I’d like to think that! Maybe Cersei is assuming she’ll have the Golden Company by the time people realize she isn’t sending armies to help them.
Haha, could be. Well, there were several Aegons in Targaryen past.
I loved this episode, and my favorite character at the moment might be Cersei, who is now officially Tywin with tits.
-She knows that she’s not needed for the battle vs Walkers, and she knows why: she’s too weak.
– She knows that Dany’s decision to spare her is irrational and strange, and she realizes she needs to take advantage of that. If Dany ever moved against her, she’d be dead.
– She knows that she will eventually BE dead, if she loses more men helping Dany against the Walkers.
– So she does the rational thing: agrees to an alliance (after faking reluctance to get Dany’s side to believe her) while sending Euron to get her more men. Her sole hope is that Dany and Jon defeat the Walkers, suffering so many terrible losses that once they’re done, she can move in and defeat what’s left of them.
It’s a Tywin move, and I miss Tywin. Slimy and evil as she is, I admire Cersei.
edit: it would have been a pure Tywin move if she had eliminated Jaime, who knows her plans.
…and this was a GREAT episode.
JUST WOWW!!! i have only watched it once so far, but my first thoughts to this episode was that it was F’n Amazing!!! I loved every minute of it!!! Plus, I had forgotten most of the spoilers by the time the ep’s aired anyways and i didn’t read any posts for a few days, or look at any of the promo pics (if there were any) of this ep, just so i could actually be surprised and see it all for the first time in action, and i was NOT DISAPPOINTED in any way…. one of my fav eps!!
its funny to me, because I actually thought LF had gotten to Sansa!!! and that she was about to charger her own sis with treason, etc.. and then when she said “Lord Baelish”, my mouth dropped open and i said YES!! about damn time!!! i just wish Brienne had been there to see it!! she would have been proud! oh, and Ayra doing the execution, that was fantastic… wonderful scene..
i loved how Jon handled the weight scene… letting it almost get Cersi, and then his demonstration.. you could clearly see all of their minds working and thinking about that shit in front of them!! haha. Jon is nothing but honorable, even if he didnt bend the knee to Cersi, and i like that cersi said that she would trust his word.. nice touch.. just shows that Ned Starks legacy and what kind of man he was, did leave an impression on other people.
quick question… can someone clarify how Jon and Dany are related… my BF and i were having this discussion… not sure if its they are cousins, bro/sis.. i just cant remember who her father was off top of my head.. and we know R+L=J.. sorry if this is a stupid Q.. or if someone has already talked about it.. i haven’t had a change to read the other comments, or the Sullied recap yet..
i have been a regular reader of WotW, just don’t comment much..
Tamwell Sarly,
Good point, breaking the wheel and forming something like a democracy would be easier without an heir in the way. I think we see multiple emotions from Tyrion in that scene and disappointment is definitely one of them.
Good assessment of Cersei and I was right there with you until the end (even though she’s still not on the level of Tywin). Tywin would not have eliminated Jaime. Tywin was cunning and shrewd, but he was always about the Lannister name first. Tywin simply wouldn’t have pushed Jaime away in that manner. He would’ve kept him in the fold by asserting his fatherly dominance over him, like always.
Dany’s dad is the Mad King Aerys Targaryen
Mad King had 3 kids – Rhaegar, Viserys, and Dany
Rhaegar (“Raggar”) married Elia Martell, divorced her, then married Lyanna and had Jon (“Aegon”).
So… Since Dany’s oldest Brother is Jon’s dad, she’s his aunt… Wincest?!
Tyrion’s concerned / pissed off face when Jon and Danny finally get together on the boat…
I wonder if that’s perhaps because he knows who Jon Snow really is.
He’s always had a penchant for books and his primary purpose is “to know things” (as well as drink).
Perhaps he knows he is Aegon Targaryen?
In the books Tyrion is involved in the whole Young Griff storyline and figures out who he really is. Maybe this is D&D’s nod towards that?
Jennifer D,
Reviews like this one are always a delight to read for me. Great job!
All appreciation from me. Appreciation for this website and appreciation to HBO and everyone involved in the making of such an incredible show.
Some of the behind the scenes videos really bring it home as to the levels of skill, attention to detail, and professionalism which go into bringing this story to the screen. The actors bring the characters to life with all their nuances, their flaws, their redeeming qualities and to such an extent I almost feel as though I know them personally. I’m not usually a fan of fantasy, never have been, but such is the quality of this drama that I’m completely hooked whereas once I would have eye rolled at a story with dragons, and magic, dismissing it as too far fetched for my taste.
To me that’s testament to a job incredibly well done. I’m usually quick to find fault in details and plot lines and feasibility but although this show has its critics, I’m much too caught up in the rich storyline and the all too real characters on my screen to find it bothers me very much at all.
My only nitpick in the finale was Dany saying that ahe believed she couldn’t have children because of the curse of a witch who murdered her husband. In the show, that part of Mirri Maz Duur’s prophecy was left out. Ooops.
My favourite scene was Theon and Jon, it made me cry. Theon’s struggle has always tugged at my heartstrings even while I was busy hating him during his betrayal of House Stark. That’s how good Alfie Allen is.
The dragonpit scene must have been so difficult to write and produce with all those characters present and their history with each other and yet their interaction both verbal and non verbal was all there. To have the Hound raise a smile and acknowledge he cared about Ayra was really satisfying.
I never had the issues a lot of people had with the Sansa/Ayra/Littlefinger conflict but perhaps a scene of Sansa going off to speak to Bran before the gathering in the hall would have helped it make sense. To see Bran sitting alongside Sansa and have him say he had seen LF hold a knife to Ned’s thought, confirmed to me that Bran had been the one to step in and put paid to his sisters’ doubts about each other.
Perhaps I’m wrong, that’s just how I connected those dots anyway. I’m sort of used to the show not having the screen time to explain in depth and the viewer having to work it out.
I’ve seen plenty of people on twitter who now think Jon is Dany’s brother! Not really sure how you’re ever going to have such a complex story understood by viewers who didnt grasp that Rhaegar was Dany’s brother after all this time.
Given the reveal of Jon’s true identity, I can’t wait to see how this plays out. I can’t help but feel desperately sorry for Jon who always strives so hard to do the right thing and is fundamentally a deserving person. It seems cruel that he has finally found love and it’s going to result in yet more heartache for him when he discovers who he really is. Poor guy could do with a break for once.
How to defeat the NK and his army plus the Dany/Jon tangle does leave loads for speculation in the off season! I just hope we aren’t waiting til 2019. 🙈
Apologies, I’ve rambled on a bit.
Haha, if you think this is rambling, I wonder what would you say for my own reviews…
You made some very great points and I can say I agree with pretty much everything. I always enjoy reading positive reviews like this one.
Rhaegar is CONSTANTLY mentioned all throughout the show buddie….
Could be, but there doesn’t seem to be any sign/hint/foreshadowing that Tyrion knows the truth about Jon. Plus, why make it so dramatic that we are finding out via Bran and Sam when Tyrion knew all along? Tyrion is politically smart and (usually) great at strategy, but he isn’t a bookworm in the show. Plus, the only book that gives any indication of Jon’s true parentage was at the Citadel, a place that Tyrion wouldn’t have had any access to.
You are right, I can see why she might believe it. But coming out of left field here, does Dario have any kids anywhere? If mentioned on the show, I missed it. Is it possible he could not father a child? (Is this going too far down the rabbit hole?)
Someone on another thread mentioned that the witch from season 1 said only death can pay for life. Dany has now lost one of her dragon children so maybe it is time for her to become pregnant again. I could go with that.
*Gasp* The valonqar! I mean, that wight could be someone’s little brother! Lol.
Tamwell Sarly,
True! Tywin would never have eliminated a Lannister; he even kept Tyrion alive, going so far as to offer him to the Night Watch instead of executing him. Nor would Tywin ever leave himself vulnerable to another person, the way Cersei did when she let Jaime ride off. Still, it’s fun to have a decent human villain on the show, esp now that Littlefinger is dead. The Walkers are too purely evil, if that makes sense. Tolkien’s Sauron is complex, compared to these guys.
Thank you, Sansa. My dear Lysa’s death has been avenged!
Yes, it has Oz, a few years late, but avenged for sure. I chuckled when LF turned to Lord Royce and demanded safe passage back to the Vale. That’s when I knew the girls had plotted – Sansa had to have gone to Lord Royce ahead of time and told him the “story” of what happened to Lysa. She must have also filled him in on what happened to her at Ramsay’s hands, which would have made the older man furious.
Lord Royce never liked LF. If anyone remembers, he was very rude to LF, both before and after Lysa’s death. He apologized to LF when Sansa told her original fake story, but still held the Sneaky One at arm’s length. He did, however, seem to give his all to teaching Robin how to be a soldier, regarding him as the rightful heir to the Vale.
Then came the day when LF returns to the Vale from all his adventures, after turning over Sansa to the Boltons, and Lord Royce strongly confronted him about it. LF got huffy and threatened to have him thrown out the moon door. Lord Royce, understandably upset, backed down. But he never forgot the threat, obviously.
Then LF asks for his help. Lord Royce rightfully says “I think not.” Always before, LF’s brazenness when confronted has carried him through. But all his mistakes and all the underhanded dealings bubbled to the surface this time, like fermenting garbage, and he was stumbling on every evil deed he did from years ago. And he cried like a woman – he always detested crying women. Somewhere, Ros the whore was cheering, too. I know Lysa and Catelyn were.
But have we gotten any indication from Tyrion that he’s assuming Dany will conquer the 7 Kingdoms in the name of democracy? I don’t think he’s really mentioned or hinted that democracy is what he’s all about, so I doubt that’s why he’s looking all pissed off, but who knows. It’s kind of a mystery at this moment.
Thank you Lord P. I will go check out your “ramblings” 😊
I think Season 8 may turn out to be the one which could cause the most criticism. How can they possibly bring this story to a conclusion that’s been described by the author as “satisfying”. As many people as there are who will like the end, there will be many that won’t. Ah well, that’s the way it is.
Perfectly put! A great reminder of LF’s past misdemeanours. Such a creep!
My reviews are on forum thread “Lord Parramandas’s written reviews”. I haven’t written the one for today’s episode yet… possibly tomorrow when I’m more “fresh”.
As for the ending… in various TV shows cases, the audience’s reaction of the ending was really polarizing and yes, it will probably be the case here as well. People already complain there are not enough twists and stuff (ignoring the show is about the characters). I’m almost sure I will enjoy it though… I enjoyed everything so far.
Lord Parramandas,
I’ll check them out!
I think the unpredictability is something that you can’t expect much of when you spend a lot of time on fansites reading probably every possible scenario. Casual viewers I know seem to get surprised frequently. It’s still unpredictable for me as although I can’t resist spoilers, I have no clue as to how they will play out the final season.
What an amazing episode! I was on the edge of the seat many times especially during the Jaime and Cersei heated argument. I thought that was the end of my boy. I’m glad Jaime decided to keep his promise and it’s been his issue his whole life. “They make you swear and swear” it’s what he told Cat back when he was a prisoner. Which oath matters in the end for him. I love that last shot of him riding north with the snow in the background.
Littlefinger death was so poetic I love it!
That talk between Theon and Jon was so good!
Arya and Sansa scene on the top of Winterfell was beautiful. So many great moments in this episode.
Podrick calling Tyrion his lord hah
I give you Greetings! First post:
I’m not pleased by how blithely they hopped-over Lord Royce of The Vale of Arryn being present
Unless, the books have that covered…?
Tamwell Sarly,
I think Tyrion’s concerned expression show how very complicated he knows things are guaranteed to further become! What romance timeline is without ups and downs? And Tryion’s been the wrangler of the Mother of Dragons, now the whole endeavor will be ten-times more difficult.
“I chuckled when LF turned to Lord Royce and demanded safe passage back to the Vale.”
Power is an illusion, seems LF forgot his own little discussion with Cersei way back in season 2. He got Royce to bend to his will last season only because SweetRobin’s presence made the Moon Door threat credible.
LF had no power in that room, he needed to stay alive long enough for someone he’d bribed/compromised to help him escape, even volunteer for the Wall. Trying to ORDER Royce to escort him back to the Vale when he was allowed to speak in his defense was a panic move that pretty much sealed his fate, he wasn’t getting out of that room alive after that.
Thanks – yes, he was a creep, yet I thought for a long time he’d manage to slither out of the ooze of all his evil deeds, and emerge at the end from some hiding place his ill-gotten gains bought for him, like a snake from beneath a rock. It happens so many times in real life. It’s a good thing for us fans that the writers decided his fate was otherwise. I clapped when he was handily sliced by Miss Arya, with Bran, Sansa, and Lord Royce looking on in approval. I almost wanted Sansa to say “you told our father not to trust you. We took your advice, Lord Baelish.”
That’s a matter of opinion, for me it will always be our dearly departed Margaery.
Misdemeanors…and felonies. F*ckwad killed people who didn’t deserve it, just to create “chaos” he could exploit:
1. Ser Dontos
2. Jon Arryn
3. Lysa Arryn
4. Ros
And then there are those who died because he betrayed them:
5. Catelyn
6. Ned
And countless casualties of the Stark-Lannister feud he manufactured, including
7. Septa Mordane
8. Jory
9. Syrio
10 – ?????
Who did I forget? Oh yeah, Joffrey.
Anyone else?
Welcome. Please stay for the off-season. I think Lord Royce’s attitude that he wasn’t about to help LF came from a combination of personal animosity he had against the sneak for threatening him when he questioned how Sansa ended up with the Boltons, plus anger at the stories Sansa obviously must have told him, plus amazement at things Bran must have revealed. Royce never liked LF to begin with. Add in all the damning evidence, and the reasons for his refusal to help the snake seem clear.
I loved this episode, because there were so many payoffs. I loved seeing Jaime break with Cersei. I loved the Rhaegar and Lyanna flashback. We saw the Wall fall. We learned that Bran can tune into the past with some direction. I enjoyed the talk between Theon and Jon. My absolute favorite scene, however, was the court at Winterfell. My gut told me , despite the naysayers, that the “pack” was working in unison, with Sansa taking lead- as she should, as Lady of Winterfell. I expected that reveal, but the scene exceeded my expectations. It was perfectly executed- no pun intended. Sophie and Maisie did an excellent job in their roles, convincing so many fans there were serious issues between the sisters in previous episodes. They also nailed their performances in this one. And Aiden Gillen was fantastic; I felt a twinge of pity for Littlefinger, intermingled with my desire for him to receive his dues. Finally, some justice for Ned, Cat, and Lysa!
Cersei was at last interesting again. Excellent scenes with both her brothers. I was really worried about Jaime though. I thought “if he dies, I will personally bite the head off of all those who say that there are no more important character deaths in GOT”.
Glad Jaime got away, at last. Honoured his word, this time.
The lovers couple, well, forgive me for saying that, but I thought it was boring. And why would John also be named Agon? What was the deal with Rhaegar calling his sons Agon?
Speaking of Rhaegar, I thought it was Viserys. Could have used a diferrent wig I think. Unless they wanted as to remember Viserys. It might turn out that Agon Jon finally sits on the Iron Throne after defeating the dead but is so out of his mind that decides simply to “burn them all” in the seven kingdoms, just out of precaution. Talking about bittersweet endings.
All in all, it was a good episodes, with some corny moments (the worst being Bran-Sam and their combined revelation), but my award goes to the Stark sisters, especially Sansa. She’s actually my best hope against the Night King. She will think of something!
Ten Bears,
Yohn Royce came close to getting the chop thanks to LF. His “I think not” must have been very satisfying lol.
*SPOILER NOTE: The Management of this fine site would like to remind you that spoilers (book or leak) are not allowed in Unsullied posts. This includes spoilers covered by code or otherwise. Personally, I appreciate feedback from Sullied and Unsullied alike, so long as they do not include any type of hinting or conversation related to the written verse. However, spoiler coded comments do tend to lead to further Sullied conversation and for that reason, we ask that you please refrain from posting any SPOILERY content whatsoever in Unsullied posts. Thank you for the coop. -Oz”
There is no NW anymore.
He didn’t talk because his pal Robert would not take kindly to a Targaryen heir and he promised his sister to protect the child.
Not to mention that there is no way to get down, unless they walk to the next fort of the NW hoping it is not infested with wights.
Nothing personal, but there’s a separate post for book readers. I’d just as soon not have to waste time reading about Griff, Gumby, Kermit, or other characters deemed extraneous and therefore excised from the adaptation.
I have not read the books but I believe the show makes it perfectly clear who Rhaegar is. The Mad King’s son, Daenerys’s elder brother, married to Oberyn Martell’s sister, that he divorced after falling in love with Lyanna Stark. He had a son with her and let his best soldiers guard them while he was in battle, where he was killed by Robert Baratheon. I don’t know if there is more in the books, but in no way the show allows for any misunderstandings, unless we are talking about people who don’t pay attention, only started watching the show last season or are pretty dumb.
NK is a smart guy, and like Jon understands the “new math”: -1 human killed = +1 Dead soldier >> net gain of +2.
Jon observed at outset of e7 that the 1,000,000 people crammed into KL is greater than population of the entire North; and I think Roose once said the square mileage of the North exceeded combined area of the other 6 kingdoms.
(cont ..)
Mr Derp,
(cont from above…)
So, NK might deem KL a higher value, target rich environment and head straight for KL rather than screw around marching his zombies through sparsely populated areas in the North.
I think Army of the Dead ~ 100,000.
Tormund and Beric are just two guys. I wonder if NK, like the Borg, might just ignore them.
it’d be like if the NK & co. invaded the U.S. via an ice bridge from Siberia (instead of a puppet in the Oval Office). They could roam around Alaska for months and pick off a couple of people every now and then – or head straight for Los Angeles and stop at a couple of major population centers in the Pacific NW along the way.
Ten Bears,
I am not sure about more Littlefinger chaos but Cersei could/should (never would) take some responsibilty for the deaths of her daughter and Tywin.
Tywin because if Cersei didn’t accuse Tyrion of killing Joffery in the first place and influence the people testifying at his trial… Tyrion would not have been convicted and sentenced to death which led to Tyrion finding Tywin with Shea.
If Tyrion wasn’t blamed for Joffrey’s death and convicted Tyrion wouldn’t have requested a trial by combat and Oberyn Martell would not have been killed and so Elleria Sand wouldn’t be pissed off enough to kill Cersei’s daughter…
Cersie plays the game hard but it comes back to bite her time and time again…. The remaining 6 episodes are going to be epic!!!
King Podrick,
The Dragon and the Wolf is better than The Winds of Winter….
better set up for the next season and better overall feeling after watching
re: Stark sisters – I LOVED their concluding talk on the battlements:
First, Arya recited part of the following conversation with her father from S1e3 (which was right after her table-stabbing argument wth Sansa):
Ned: Look at me. You’re a Stark of Winterfell. You know our words.
Arya: Winter is coming.
Ned: YOu were born in the long summer You’ve never known anything else. But now winter is truly coming. And in the winter, we must protect ourselves, look after one another. Sansa is your sister.
Arya: I don’t hate her. Not really.
and maybe Cersei thinks this too and that’s why she (Cersei) did not have the mountain execute Tyrion in the Dragon and the Wolf
Dany swoops in (Oz wins the bet with Ozzette) and the fun begins.
What a breathtaking swoop it was, too. Oh my, that amazing CGI was so excellent: that was absolutely a real dragon easing its way toward the floor of the Pit to allow his beautiful mistress to step down from him and join the festivities. There have been a few detractors saying the dragon CGI in the beginning wasn’t great. I think they have been amazing from the minute we saw them crawling Dany’s naked body, fresh out of the funeral pyre. The went from cute, to clever to totally awesome, complete with facial expressions and personalities. They have totally charmed and amazed me; coupled with the uplifting musical themes, whenever they are on screen is a treat.
I only have one complaint about the CGI – how damned expensive is it that there wasn’t enough money to show Ghost even once this season?!!! Next season better be overflowing with scenes of two direwolves tearing apart Stark enemies, then trotting home to Winterfell. Nymeria better be bringing a bunch of tiny new direwolf hybrid pups at her heels, too, damn it. How do you name episodes after wolves, and only one got to show its snout for about 5 seconds this year? I know, I have at least a year to air this out, but just saying. In the meantime, yeah, the dragons are fantastic. grumble grumble
And in the battlements scene, Arya’s recital of those words flowed seamlessly into Sansa’s quoting Ned [paraphrasing] how in winter, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.
Really wonderful stuff, along with each of the sisters accepting who the other had become, without envy or regret.
My favorite exchange was [again, paraphrasing]
Sansa: You’re the strongest person I know.
Arya: I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.
Sansa: Well don’t get used to it. You’re still strange and annoying.
My proposal: Crowdfunding 66% for WoW + 33% for direwolf CGI
Oh, there’s enough blame to go around.
PS. I remain confused about Sansa calling out LF for lying that the dagger was Tyrion’s when it was really his own.
Does that mean LF armed the catspaw assassin who tried to snuff Bran?
He did see it, in a way. When Dany gave him the “I’m glad you’re not brave” spiel, he retorted by saying she named men that were in love with her, that Jon had been staring at her longingly. That revelation only served to nudge her interest in him over the edge. If Tyrion didn’t want them to get together, why did he say the one thing that would assure her allowing Jon in the door that night? (with those beautiful, soulful eyes, and that throbbing hot body that hadn’t seen any lady action in years, and was finally ready. Jon, I mean.)
LOL, but I don’t want to take anything from WotW. How about we start a petition to get D&D to do a song and dance video to which fans can contribute? Somebody out there is certainly talented enough to pen a “Direwolf Lament.” They can sing that. or something. I’d love to see either of them howling for funds, as they must have howled in the beginning.
I’m usually fairly good at remembering this stuff, but I can’t pin down the real events. Didn’t LF say that he lost the dagger to Tyrion on a bet? and then there was something about Joffrey having given it to the assassin, but I can’t remember if LF actually gave it to Joff, or if Joff stole it from Tyrion’s room. Anybody?
Yes, so did I. It was a relief after all the skulking about by everybody. So many great moments in this episode
This was exactly what I was thinking (only you put it much more succinctly and clearly (and sooner, but I didn’t see it till now) than I did. 🙂
LF did say he lost it to Tyrion when Loras beat Jaime at Joff’s previous nameday tourney, but it was a lie. They didn’t really go into it any further in the show, but in the books:
Thank you!!! Very nice explanation!!
Lord Parramandas,
Well Idk what i said so special, or what made you like the review lol. But thanks!!! This was actually my first review post, ever. And I’ve been part of this site for goin on 2 years. Glad i finally did. And I still haven’t read other reviews yet. With work and life, I hadn’t gotten around to it! I appreciate your comment very much!!
Lord Parramandas,
Me too.. agreed & touche!!! for all the above that you said….
He was, except like many people who hold on to a religious prophecy, he believed in it enough that, since his wife could have no more children, he needed to make more for the prophecy to come true. Doesn’t make him less a dick, but it does explain perhaps what was going on in his head
BTW if the Nighwalker was able to ride the dragon, would that mean he’s a Taregyn? Or does the fact that said dragon is recently deceased have caused all that to be null and void?
No its mentioned several times. Tho given how many times she probably made it with Daario, she probably really can’t.
I’ve watched the episode numerous times now and two things are popping out for me each time. The first being that I’m really, really sick of Cersei and her thinking that she’s so wise and right about everything. Father this, father that… I’m as cunning as he was stuff. I’m so sick of it that I actually dislike the scene when Jaime leaves her simply because of that. I really wished they’d have offed her like Littlefinger. I don’t care if they need her as a living antagonist. They’re going to keep giving her ‘wins’ right up to near the end aren’t they?
The second thing is that I really enjoy the segments from Sam going to see Bran, J&D through Arya & Sansa on the battlements. The whole thing with the music was very nice, and dare I say tender. I have to say it again too, they were selling love between J&D with Bran’s words and the looks they gave each other. They looked like two people that thought they’d never love again but realizing they were wrong. It doesn’t appear like something that was just hormonal desire that would fall apart easily. / The sister chat was needed and I’m glad they did it. We get our Arya back after the weird behavior for a couple of episodes. 🙂
While Daenerys has said she can’t have children a few times, including telling Jon the witch told her, we never heard Mirri tell her that. She did say the words, “when the sun rises in the west and sets in the east…,” but that was her response to Daenerys asking her when Drogo will be as he was. That was the scene when she woke up after she lost the baby. The next time we see the witch is the pyre scene when she’s roasted.
Thanks for another great recap, Oz – nobody does it quite like you!
About the episode: THIS is the GOT I’ve come to love so much! All that was wrong with episode 6 (*) was rectified here: the pacing was great, the dialogue, reunions and reveals were even greater, and the action fit right in.
(* in my personal opinion – let’s not start that discussion again…)
All in all, Season 7 was very good indeed. Sure, I’d have loved to see it fleshed out a bit more at times (same overall story arc in one more episode?), but considering the budgetary constraints, I could generally accept the higher pacing. For me personally, this season didn’t pack a rush-of-blood-to-the-head, jaw-on-the-floor kind of scene (such as beheaded-Ned, Red Wedding, Hold-the-Door,…), but there were still enough highly memorable scenes to lift it far above any other fantasy/sci-fi show or movie.
I’m someone that often doesn’t make it past the third season of a tv series, when repetition and dragging-out-the-story generally kick in. However, I’m still looking forward to Season 8 of GOT as much as ever!!
Now comes the long cold wait, especially since I will once more shy away from any and every type of spoiler. Brrrrr……………
That would be hilarious, if the NK and his army just started a beeline to KL because it is the most populous place in Westeros, he is probably a greenseer/warg and has visions like Bran (seemed like he knew that the Dragons were coming), so I’m sure he has done a few scouting missions to get the lay of the land he wants to attack. Sure a few thousand people might get caught in the horde as they travel south, but essentially they skip all the little castles and head toward the BIG one… all the while Dany and Co. are on boats heading North and they just miss each other, LOL
Jon did comment on how many people lived in KL… a hint at the potential boost in the undead numbers? Probable yes, likely no… but it would be funny
Actually I watched one youtube reviewer predict that Cersei would become the Night Queen, and laughed at it being a ridiculous one… but given this scenario… it could happen, Lena could pull off that heavy makeup too!
…meanwhile, Jon and Dany arrive at WF – there is a little drama with a few more reunions and revelations, before they realize they missed the NK, he already headed south and once they figure it out its too late – the NK has already concurred the unsuspecting south and they are already headed back north – we see some familiar faces, like Hot Pie, Bronn, Ed Sheeran (just to annoy more people)… and Cersei riding on an un-dead Elephant… lol
It’s just unabashed fight for survival after that…
I sensed some real positive vibe in your review and that makes the reading really pleasant for me.
Great episode!
My thoughts on Tyrions concerned face that he might have made a deal with Cersei. We never saw the end of their conversation and all of a sudden she came to her senses and agreed to send her troops. Later we find out she’s lying, but maybe Tyrion knows this already.
Oh and Dany will definitely be pregnant, they were sure building up to it, mentioning the prophecy in ep 6 and 7.
OMG what a finale!!!
Thank you OZ it’s a pleasure to read your review! I was extremely happy too we finally got rid of LF!!! Cheers!!!! I, as others before me, hope that we’ll see Arya using LF face in the future. Oh, man, that will be excellent!
Dee, Dyanna, my Lord (Parramandas) I love your comments and views, I hope y’all stick here for the off season tinfoiling!! 🙂
I’m still in shock that the Wall came down, even though I expected it would. But somehow its falling down as a cliffhanger may be the most dangerous and nerve- wrecking one we ever had. The living are finally in serious trouble! We have been talking about it, speculating about it, waiting for it; and now it’s done, and OMG the agony of what happens next! How will they ever manage to win the NK???!!!
But we’ll have time to speculate about where NK hits next on the long off season.
I loved loved loved every minute of this episode. God, where to start?! The Theon -Jon talk had me in tears. The build up to the Dragonpit meeting was a masterpiece. I feared to the last moment that Cercei might attack them. And despite the fact we were waiting for that wight to appear, my heart was racing as if it was the first time I was seeing a wight in action! And the reaction of both Cercei and Jamie was amazingly acted out.
The Tyrion- Cercei meeting, Brienne – Jamie, Bronn with everyone, Brienne -Hound, Jon with Tyrion and Dany, all dialogues were pure GOLD.
I am starting to think that Cercei is not pregnant after all. She was scheaming with Euron long before the meeting, she touched her belly on purpose in front of Tyrion to let him believe she’s pregnant, because she knows she can manipulate him through his emotions. Now Tyrion will think how to protect her and her child. And she did that to Jamie too.
Brienne and Hound are two of my most beloved characters and it was such a pleasure to see them talk of Arya. I can’t wait for an Arya-Hound meeting.
One of the strongest moments to me was the Cercei – Jamie confrontation. I loved how Jamie summed up in one sentence the reality of things: if Jon/Dany lose the battle with NK, then the NK marches south and ALL humanity dies. ( If Jon/Dany win, they will march and kill them for their betrayal). As Brienne put it, f’ook loyalty This goes beyond houses and honor and oath!’ This is about Life on planetos, people!!
I was losing hope he would ever leave her, but the moment he was walking away from her, and the scene with the snow falling over KL, was amazing. I was shouting ‘FINALLY’ to Jamie! 😀
And then, of course, the Bran/Sam meeting which finally gave us the confirmation about Jon’s- or should I say Aegon’s – parentage! (AND also a small clue to how Bran’s abilities work)
I loved how they mixed the Raegar-Lyanna scenes with Jon-Dany scenes. It gave the right momentum and amount of gravity to the event. It was perhaps one of the most tender and sweet moments we have ever seen on the show. Two people that have experienced loss, and thought they’d never love again, find each other; only it’s at the worst possible circumstance in Westerosi history! And that without knowing about who Jon is. It’s excellent. It’s tragic. It makes me worry about what happens next! It’s nerve wrecking!
Tyrion’s reaction at Jon/Dany union was shady. Doesn’t he like it, because Jon is theoretically a bad match for Dany as he’s a ‘bastard’? He didn’t seem to have a problem with the idea before, he even teased Dany about it. So, I don’t really understand his reaction. Anyway.
Last but not least, NK riding Vicerion, who now breathes blue fire!!! The sequence was excellent, it had me somewhere between ‘oh no, we’re fooked!!’ and ‘OMG!!’.
(Gods I hope Beric and Tormund survive somehow!!!!!)
I’ve wholeheartedly enjoyed this season! Thumbs up to all the people who work for this show, it was awesome.
How can one wait for such a long time until season 8 arrives? Ugh!! I hope that it’ll at least air sometime in 2018! Fingers crossed!!
I’ve taken a while before posting a reaction. I have a lot of strong emotions about this finale. The most pressing being dismay at having to wait so long for the next installment. It’s bittersweet to watch the show sometimes, knowing how few episodes are left to conclude the story. I devour each new chapter and yet dread the ending of this opus. And thus, it colours my perspective. Because I love so many of the characters. I hate to lose any of them. And yet sometimes the story dictates that a character must be “taken off the board”.
I’d felt the melancholic aspect of Beyond the Wall and still appreciated it. This episode took me on an emotional rollercoaster. It finally took its time to let the characters breathe. There were so many moments which resonated with me. Especially on a rewatch. Podrick/Tyrion, Brienne/Hound, Tyrion/Jaime, Tyrion/Cersei. Sansa/Arya and so on.
It was awesome to have certain characters meet again or meet for the first time. So much was at stake.
Highlights: Hound/Brienne bonding like two dysfunctional parents over Arya. Jon/Danaerys’ burgeoning romance. Cersei and Tyrion confronting past wrongs. Jon forgiving Theon. Theon finally stepping up to rescue Yara. Sansa outwitting Littlefinger with help from her siblings. The whole trial and execution was immensely satisfying. Jaime finally leaving Cersei. The Rhaegar/Lyanna/Bran/Jon/Dany love montage. Sansa and Arya bonding in the aftermath (having a had tumultuous relationship with my own sister really made me relate to that whole saga of distrust and grudging respect at the end for them). The wall coming down due to the wight dragon. So much happened.
And yet, so much of it was internal. There wasn’t THAT much action. Still, I loved all of the journeys the various characters took.
I teared up so many times over emotional beats, but I want to give a special shout out to the composer: Ramin Djawadi . His work is phenomonal. Just outstanding in how it draws out different emotions through each episode, be it anticipation, dread, horror, sadness or elation. That scene where snow fell in Kingslanding for the first time in decades, was subtle and beautifully haunting.
I’m still reeling. Basically because I loved the finale and yet crave more. I don’t want this story to end, but the need know what will happen next is so strong. I’m definitely invested in the song of ice and fire. I’m gonna hope for the best and try to wait out this final hiatus.
The episode was a 9.5/10 for me. WoW edges it out slightly, but not by much.
Ahh.. yea well, I’m sick of negativity.. that crap is everywhere and we need less of THAT in the world … and more positivity… imo.. I’m glad you saw that in my post and thanks for the comment!
I still have more thoughts on the show but I haven’t written them yet. 😉
Since we last saw Tyrion speaking with Cersei, revealing that she’s with child, then we see Cersei comply with the other leaders…. Do you think that since Tyrion knows Dany cannot have children, he promised Cersei that when Dany dies, her child will be next on the Iron Throne? Maybe that’s why Tyrion looked so concerned or worried, because he might know she’s about to conceive and his plan is f*cked…
I’m trying to understand the other theory that Tyrion knew this whole time that Jon is/was Aegon…. but I can’t wrap my head around it. What purpose would it serve to hide the truth? Especially since they met S1E1… and their encounter at the wall. IDK I just don’t see that one having much weight to it.
I sort of have the feeling Tyrion will be one of the only surviving characters who goes on to raise Cersei’s child and Jon/Dany’s child together, mirroring Ned with Robb and Jon. The children of two enemy Houses raised up like brothers.
Great review Dyanna 🙂
And all other fellow Watchers on the Wal…(hmmm, wait a minute…)
I agree with you especially with the scene between Jon and Theon: that was for me the best part of the episode. They are characters with striking similarities– both the outsiders in the Stark pack, both looking up to a common father figure who took such different paths. And in this scene it really strikes how incredibly inspiring Theon´s arc has been! Alfie Allen truly owned this scene.
There is one quote of Jon telling him something along the lines “you are both Stark and Greyjoy, you don’t have to chose” and I thought how crazy it would be if that sentence could be spoken back by Theon to Jon in Season 8 like “you are both Stark and Targaryen” (after the big reveal).
Jon / Aegon dealing with this news will be super intense and I am looking forward to it! Howland Reed could still play a part but if Jon starts having identity issues (which is not unlikely, lets face it), Theon could echo back their exchange in this great episode 🙂
Anyways, there is going to be a long night until 2019…
Wow, that really makes a lot of sense now that you mention it.
Tyrion def needed a BIG compromise to convince Cersei to not only a truce but to march her armies North with them, and the last exchange is left in suspense after he rightly guesses that she is pregnant.
Immediately after, we go to Jon and Dani all bubbling up with emotions discussing children (with the Jon quip worth a senior market research manager). This could be another potential hint.
Also Tyrion knows that Cersei´s “only redeeming quality” is that she loves her family more than anything else. She would sacrifice herself for her children at the bat of an eye, we had so many examples in the series.
Guaranteeing her son´s crown could have been the best offer to get her to join the Great War…
However it all kind of crumbles down when you think that in the end she was just plain lying 😉
I didn’t read all the comments, but does anyone else think that Euron MIGHT be having second thoughts for real? I mean, even tiny ones? He’s now seen the dragons and the dead. I don’t care how crazy he is, that’s got to count for something.
The actor was Wilf Scolding, and they made him look eerily like Harry Lloyd as Viserys. Logical, given that they were brothers.
Grayven Reyne,
For some reason, I didn’t expect them to have sexual chemistry… and imo, they don’t. Their onscreen chemistry is warm, but much more friendly high regard than sexytime.
Tamwell Sarly:
Tyrion is very much a bookworm. Revisit his conversation with Jon when they were on their way to the Wall, and Jon asked him why he reads so much. 🙂
You and Ten Bears might enjoy this. No definitive answer, but a nice little recap of the dagger’s story thus far. It was published August 7.
The Night King was created by the Children of the Forest, long, long before there were Targaryens. He was one of the First Men, so if anything, it’s far likelier that he was a Stark predecessor.
Not really. How do you figure? It’s not like Tyrion knew she was lying. So he thinks he’s just compromised with her so that she will fight with the North & Dany, and in return her child will rule after Dany. While all along she plans to have her child sit on the throne anyway bc everyone else will be dead. I don’t see how the theory crumbles just bc she’s lying. Tyrion still thinks it’s all well and good…. until he sees Jon join Dany in her quarters. Then boom… plan is fooked.
LOL, I like my theory. Not giving it up 🙂
David A,
I think your version of the Winterfell storyline is perfect. This is how I see it as well. Very well explained!
Well, we had a curtain call for David Bradley last year, didn’t we? So….
The Rhaegar-Elia marriage was absolutely a marriage not for love, but for political and for prophecy reasons.
Remember, Rhaegar absolutely believed in the whole “prince who was promised” and “the dragon has three heads” thing…Elia could not have any more children. I think that Rhaegar was already looking for a suitable second wife…I don’t think he was looking for a marriage of love at all…I believe that when he fell in love with Lyanna, it was not in the plan, especially because she was betrothed, but he let love replace reason and married her anyway.
A Man Grown,
My feeling is that he won’t want anyone to know at first…and he will distance himself from Dany, with an excuse that it’s not the right time for them to be together, with the Great War here and all…but she will be hurt and not understand…which will lead to miscommunication and some bad decisions. When she finally finds out the truth, it will be a mess.
Grayven Reyne,
Wow, I could not disagree more! I think their chemistry has been there from the first meeting. It definitely ramped up in the dragonglass mines, and you can almost feel the electricity whenever they stand close to one another. I know others agree with you, maybe it’s a perception thing. But for me, the chemistry is very strong!
The Bastard,
Considering that up until recently, even here on Earth life was not considered in most of the world to “begin” before birth, it’s not too surprising it’s that way in medieval Westeros. Heck, even in Catholicism, babies weren’t thought to get a soul until birth, either!
Do you have google? LOL! I am amazed at how many people don’t know how to use google. Or maybe I’m just more impatient than most people…I’ll always google first for the fastest answer, then ask on a forum or look elsewhere if google doesn’t know.
Maybe then they all head for Bear Island and wait out the winter, like Euron recommended, LOL! Once the NK and Co. are all pushed back North, they all come back, build another wall, and it all starts again.
Interesting theory. Yet not far fetched……. it who knows at this point, without The Winds of Winter book and all…
Jist saying. *wink*
But that does make one think…..
***I will say that I’m glad that ONE Targ history and story isn’t as ‘bad and cruel’ as the people ‘think’ he is.. due to the stories they have been told/passed down/overheard, etc.. Lyanna was never kidnapped or raped as the story and people are told to believe…. soo, that says A LOT… IMO…. many of the stories told in this series are stories plain and simple (now coming true) or ‘off, untrue, or false and altered… makes a person wonder what else is….
Are you serious???? Of all the thing to cal me out on , for not remembering her father name or some shit like that you are gonna come at me personally? I thought the point of belonging to a website dedicated to the show and people we care about meant that the people on here could post comment and questions on here without *judgement * or judgemental comments of the likes of you.
Thanks for your support and comment.
and not that it’s any of your business but I have a brain injury and the fact that I asked a question where I simply stated forgive me if I have forgotten or if this has already been said and then you came and specifically called me out on it I thought this was the one place where I could ask questions or follow-up since it’s been a long time since I read the books and I don’t read all the spoilers and I can’t remember every single thing that someone or somebody says or any leaks that are posted so you know what shame on you……. I’m going to keep on being positive and you can keep on with your negativity and you’re pointing out people’s flaws because that doesn’t reflect badly on me that reflects badly on you …. and maybe you should think before you speak or try to call people out sometimes because you don’t know everything that everybody is going through…. I hope you have a fabulous day
Lord Parramandas,
I don’t think all my replies were quoted back to you. Sorry. I am New to the comments section. (Some people don’t seem to like it either). Oh well. No worries. But I did reply to you.. 🙂
Thanks again for your support and positivity. I greatly appreciate it. …
I do remember him reading a lot in the books… I think he quoted about his bro and sister having skills yet he and his big head didnt have a lot of skills, yet he learned to be helpful in that way, of the mind… just saying. ….(damn autocorrect) lmao
Jennifer D,
Jennifer… Alot of folks in here are cunts. But we aren’t all like that. I’m sorry that as a new “commenter”, you were greeted with sarcasm and humility…
But know that you ARE welcome here!!
Thanks.. thats very nice of you. Makes me remember why I never commented in the first place. Smh.
Thanks for that lovely &, colorful and such nicely written explanation…and you did it without being rude that I even dared asked… there are good people in the world
😉 . This is why I asked on here ,on this forum because I knew I would get a funny and very clearly thought out explanation!!! Bravo!!! 👌👍👏