Sophie Turner on the struggles of growing up in the public eye and keeping show secrets

Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen) and Sansa (Sophie Turner) in Winterfell / Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO
Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen) and Sansa (Sophie Turner) in Winterfell / Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Growing up is a tough thing to do for most people. But what about the added stresses of having to mature through your teenage years and into a young adult while starring in a groundbreaking and immensely successful show that has propelled you into the international spotlight?

Sophie Turner is someone who has perhaps had a slightly different experience growing up than you or I. In a recent interview with InStyle, Turner opens up about her experiences playing Sansa, and more specifically, how she’s managed to cope with the intense pressure of maintaining a public persona right in the middle of maneuvering through those awkward and difficult teenage years.

Her secret? Off-screen bestie and fellow Thrones star Maisie Williams:

“[Game of Thrones] has been amazing and hard. To have [Maisie] who understands what you’re going through, who’s the same age, who came from pretty much the same background – that is so rare. And we’ve had the same struggles in terms of dealing with body image and puberty and growing up in the public eye. But I found my strength in her, and I think she found her strength in me.”

Another struggle Turner has faced over her years on Thrones is the difficulty that comes with keeping the show’s secrets, well, a secret. Says the actress: “I have to be careful because I’m such a blabbermouth. I’m so passionate about the show, and it has been my life for so long that it’s become real to me. So whenever people ask me about it, I want to tell them everything!”

She may indeed want to divulge all to us hungry fans, but to our dismay, she and the rest of the GoT gang have certainly done a good job keeping many of the show’s secrets under wraps. But maybe she can tell us just one little thing about the upcoming season? Please, Sophie?

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  1. It’s invaluable to have a friendship like theirs during all that time, and right from the get-go.

  2. “A natural blonde who’s been masquerading as a redhead all these years out of fealty to fantasy novelist George R.R. Martin’s original description of her character, she bleached her nearly waist-length tresses to portray a troubled teen in the upcoming independent drama Huntsville. “I got to cover myself in tattoos, and I had an Alabama accent—it was such a change,” Turner says. “It killed my hair. I would never normally do it. I loved having that red hair and feel like it’s part of me now.”
    It raises the question, of course: Which color has more fun? “I used to think blondes do,” she says, tilting her head back with a knowing smirk that Sansa would appreciate. “But now I think that reds have more fun.””

    So it sounds like to me, it wasn’t the red dying that killed her hair like people previously thought, it was the bleach blonde she did for Huntsville that killed her hair. She was probably recommended not to dye her hair for quite a while than. That’s why you can see her roots in photos but it sounds like she will go back to red after her hair becomes healthier whether or not that will be before GOT finishes or not who knows.

  3. I’m sure Sophie and whoever else like Kit and Maisie etc, will be hard on them once the series is done, being at the same job for years really does give you a sense of comfort. I’m sure they will all do great afterwards

  4. So glad she has had Maisie as a support, and seem to remember she has a very supportive family – I can’t imagine how I’d take it if thousands of rabid adult fans were screaming about how much they hated me and/or the character. She’d have to deal with it, without complaining because heaven forbid an actor say something about how maybe certain fans go over the top. She has grown up into a remarkable young woman, and a fine actress who we no doubt will see in other projects in the future

  5. For some reason Sophie reminds me of Mischa Barton and Maisie of Rachel Bilson. I don’t know why but I hope neither of them go the way of those two.

  6. IG Stark:
    For some reason Sophie reminds me of Mischa Barton and Maisie of Rachel Bilson.I don’t know why but I hope neither of them go the way of those two.

    not up to gossip on them, I be hoping they don’t go the way of Lindsey Lohan or Amanda Byanes (sp?)

  7. Ypsilon,

    heh, other people have suggested it before you! LF might well cajole Sansa to assert herself, as she does have the claim over Jon given the rules of primogeniture. However, this is another thing that southerners like LF do not know about the northerners: they are not quite as hung up on legitimacy as the southerners are. For all of the fan-fiction about LF’s omniscience, both show and books show us more than once that he is blinded by southern “knowledge” about the North: and because LF does not know that he really is ignorant about the North, he is going to make more mistakes where northerners are concerned. Sansa, too, has southern rather than northern sensibilities: and this could make it easier to persuade her to try to become Lady of Winterfell.

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