Several Game of Thrones cast members met up today at the Mindshare Huddle event with Thronecast host Jamie East: with him are Finn Jones, Gemma Whelan, Natalia Tena, Miltos Yerolemou, and Jessica Henwick. More photos below show the cast enjoying some adorable micro pigs.
Jones’s new ultra-short do caused some speculation from fans. There’s no indication whether or not it has anything to do with Game of Thrones at the moment, however. It could simply mean that Finn is done filming for season 6 and decided it was time for a new look. Fans will undoubtedly wonder if there’s more to it- if this is connected to Loras’s situation on the show. When we last saw him, his character was still under arrest by the Sparrows and in danger.
Ah, just what we needed: #HairWatchRedux
(Joking. We really don’t need that.)
Back in a @GameOfThrones kind of day..! #Thronecast pic.twitter.com/hoW4w5wSNR
— Jamie East (@mrjamieeast) November 12, 2015
All men must pose! Just bumped into these good folk in the Syfy lobby @skyatlantic @SkyUK @mrjamieeast #GoT pic.twitter.com/2ChfeZF1t3
script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js">— Syfy UK (@SyfyUK) November 12, 2015
Who new a micro piggy's cry was so loud ?? @FinnJones @NatTenaLady @WhelanGemma @JHenwick @miltosyerolemou #micropig pic.twitter.com/T3l1YTOTFf
— Laurence Wreford (@LaurenceWreford) November 12, 2015
Enjoy the cute close-up version of Finn with a pig:
East posed with Natalia again for a pig pic of their own:
Thor “The Mountain” Bjornsson has been posting from Belfast all week. He met the WWE’s Charlotte while the company was performing in town:
You smahsed it out there to night @charlottewwe ! #wwebelfast #WWEDivasChampion A photo posted by Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (@thorbjornsson) on
New Dothraki actors Joe Naufahu, Diogo Sales, and Elie Haddad hung out in a pub during their off-hours this week:
As for filming this week, our sources tell us that in addition to the Dothraki scenes being shot, there’s been a good amount of King’s Landing shooting this week in Titanic Studios’ Paint Hall. Lena Headey (Cersei), Anton Lesser (Qyburn), and Julian Glover (Pycelle) were seen filming on set with a few other actors in smaller roles.
Also, does that mean Syrio is coming back??
No door!
Hodor! 🙂
Generally at an event like this, actors are paid to be there. People are booked for an appearance, like a convention. So no, I wouldn’t read anything into which cast members were present.
sue, what about speculating based on Finn Jones’ shortened hair?
Lol I was thinking the same
Tho he might be using a wig
Sue the Fury,
Any Kevan sightings?
I like Finn’s new look 🙂
I wish TV Loras had a larger role, with some awesome fight scenes. GOT lacks swordsman scenes badly, and Loras, in the book, is considered one of the best.
Do you guys think kit shot all his scenes already ?
Use the search function to look for past mentions in posts, please.
If you’re asking about like this post? If he’d been mentioned, I definitely would have included it.
Actually, he’s an outstanding jouster in the books, not an outstanding swordsman. He probably is pretty good with a sword, too: but he’s not supposed to be a young Jaime Lannister or something like that.
And as for lacking “swordsman” scenes, those really should be there only if they are going to contribute much to the story. Otherwise, they are clutter.
Game of Thrones lacks swordfights? I think they are necessary but overdone. I like even the Dorne fight mostly because it isn’t just swords (and axes).
Probably, give he’s quite possibly a faceless man anyway. Valar morghulis.
Fairly sure Finn said he was filming through to December in an interview not too long ago.
It’s like Nicolai’s hair all over again..
Ummm and no comment on Syrio sighting? Whats up with that lol. I find it hilarious that Finn having short hair is somehow a bigger story than the actor who plays Syrio appearing with the rest of the cast…?
eating while I was reading this. Pork shops.
Syrio! I just knew he was still alive! lol
Syrio! Aww, another one we didn’t see actually die, so after all these years I’m still holding on to a shred of hope.
Natalia looks amazing! It’s good to see the other cast members, just whets the appetite for the coming season.
Hiya Syrio!
Perhaps Loras
Makes sense!
Hafthor and Charlotte would create a fearsome brood of … supersoldiers?
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau was too in Belfast this week according some pics with fans on twitter.
Natalia. Enough said.
I think you are correct. It makes a lot of sense.
Re: Loras and shaved head – wasn’t having that mark that was scarred onto his forehead a sign of him having already done that? His hair was pretty short last year, too. Makes him look older than he originally looked in the earlier seasons, with his chin-length, little boy hair.
Are you thinking of Lancel?
It was Lancel Lannister that shaved his head had the mark of the Seven on his forehead.
I think you’re mixing up Loras Tyrell with Lancel Lannister.
Darn, yeah. Got them mixed up. Thanks. I’m annoyed with myself, I usually have a pretty good grasp of who is who. Loras and Margaery, how could I forget. which means, OMG, Loras’ curls are … gone. Which, in HIS case, makes him look younger. Yikes, yep Pigeon, I guess he went that route.
More like a walk of shame.
Perhaps the Sparrow had his head shorn, like he did with Cersei?
Got excited to see Syrio, for about two and a half seconds. Then realised – no.
Actors appearing at a corporate event are generally paid to. It’s like a convention appearance, so no, it’s not noteworthy. This batch of actors do a lot of conventions.
Those little pigs are so cute. ?
What was Pycelle, Qubyrn (yikes, hate him and his Mountain) and Cersei doing? Sounds interesting. And uuh those little piggies are adorable. Maybe Loras cuts his hair, have it cut by sparrows like Cersei or converts or as you say is done filming. Who knows
Oink, the humanity!
I want those pigs. D:
I love pigs. D:
Hodor’s Bastard,
Yeah, she’s alright looking when she’s not doing weird things with her nose….
I was never physically attracted to Finn Jones up until now… sigh… He looks very manly-licious with short hair.
Sorry for this hormone-filled post 😉
I’m not much of a drooling fan of celebrity folk…but after I saw this interview of Ms. Tena from 2012, I’ve realized and accepted my weakness. That voice… 🙂
I hate it when I do that, and it’s mostly when I’m trying to make some important point or emphasize something, and then it’s like, “Errr….”. I knew what you meant! 😉
I have a crush on Gemma. She seems to be adorable.
I also haven’t given up all hope (maybe 95%) of another Syrio sighting (unless he’s after Arya for leaving the HoBaW). Can you think of another character who “died” in Season 1 who’s still appearing at conventions/public events?
(No Hype train…perhaps a tandem bicycle?)
I prefer to believe that he is still alive and is a faceless man, having taken the face we know as Jaqen to escape and to continue Arya’s training. If the truth is anything other than that, I don’t want to know.
I hope David Cameron wasn’t there.
Aw it’s Osha! Nice to see her again. 🙂
The more the Dothraki actors instagram the more excited I get for Essos…
Jessica looks great,I hope they give her something to do.Leave Dorne with a mission maybe,if she would interact with some main characters she could find herself a nice place in the show.Lady Nym so far was just an extra.
This needs to be quoted.
With this haircut, if Finn did it for the shooting, I really wonder how I’ll be able to keep Loras and Lancel apart. Oof. All those indistinguishable short-haired white guys, it’ll be like in the first season, with all those indistinguishable older white guys.
Maybe a flash back or maybe he survived. It was smart, all the fans want to see him.
cyrio is the faceless man
You're so right! Just like the dothraki.
I snorted into my coffee. Tonks <3
Extend hairwatch range. Finn looks way different with locks gone!
o que acontecue com o loras? acho uma sacanagem eles foram reduzindo cabelo do cara desde a primeira temporada.e que otimo ver o syrios
Hah! Beware though, Furious Sue has many little birds…and they may come with daggers…
Or the “one click and you are blocked” move.
Look, Sue can give us just so much info to protect her sources.
I am completely content with what we get.
Or the “one click and you are blocked” move.
Look, Sue can give us just so much info to protect her sources.
I am completely content with what we get.
And personally, I do not care for your name. Your hint/comparison of Sue being Hitler/Nazi is way out of line and tasteless.
Hau ab, du Idiot.
🙂 Totally got it. Very Ramsay-esque! Information is dangerous though…hence the daggers.
Sausages, anyone?
What if Syrio was there for the flashback scene at The Tower Of Joy. What if Ned remembers him from there, that’s why he want him to train Arya???
“More photos below show the cast enjoying some adorable micro pigs.”
Adorable micro pigs.
Penny and Pretty Pig have been cast.
Your name? Bad form, Sir – bad form! Sue doesn’t need anyone to protect her, she is very well capable of doing such herself. But beware of practical jokes…..they sometimes sink like lead balloons. Just sayin’.
In other news. Pigeon 100% agree with you on Loras. I think he got his head shaved as pretending to join up with the HS group or as a punishment from them.
About Syrio. We really do reach around here. Going all the way back to season one to find some sort of train to ride. I never ever questioned that Syrio died at the hand of Trant that day. He had a freakin’ broom stick to defend with. And how does one all of a sudden relate him as = to a FM? Where was there any sort of shadowing for that? If there was, I sure missed it.
And poof! the hardcore jester has disappeared! Little birds and their daggers. Be afraid..be very afraid!
They are not there for filming.
When I first saw this pic, I mistook Yerolemou for Alfonso Cuaron! (Man, I’d love to see him direct an episode….)
Lady Nym and the other SS are incidental characters in the books, and they should not be more than that on TV.
Hodor’s Bastard,
Another troll bites the dust? No?
Alternatively, you might have ingested too much lead before you read the interview!
But, yeah, she does have a very distinct voice. I seem to recall hearing her sing: I think it is on a special feature on the Order of the Phoenix DVD, where Tena provided a fairly irreverent video blog that included her singing about stuff while playing guitar. She used her relatively deep voice to good (and comical) effect.
Y tu mamá también!
A massive scene being shot at the Wall today. Can’t say anything else at the moment.
Syrio’s reappearance confirmed…
Apparently Kit Harington is also in Belfast right now, according to Irish Thrones
If there is something that the show is not lacking , it is beautiful women. Natalia and Gemma are, indeed, my favorite ones. They are so cute and sweet… Damn, I wish I’d been there.
Hopefully, Loras won’t have a big carving in the center of his forehead.
I believe she has a band and plays the accordion, although I’ve not heard any of their music.
From E10? There was recently a spoiler that they are doing E10 right now…
Sweetpeas love,
The Dothraki will be color-coded for people like me, did you forget? 😀
Sullied by Knight,
Hopefully… Looking exactly the same is the in-universe purpose of the head-shaving/uniforms. I just hope they don’t fulfil this purpose too well.
Dire Piglets! 😀
Who is jack? Sorry for asking.
Clearly, you don’t know jack. (Sorry.)
In all seriousness, who knows? I can buy that there’s a big scene at the Wall.
Don’t know, but it’s a Sapochnik episode. Tons of greenscreen work.
If Jack has proved his bonafides (hey Jack, contact Sue, the site runner if you haven’t), and it is true that they are shooting Episode 10 now (Sapochnik is supposed to), then we could say that Episode 10 contains a big scene at the wall.
Which would lend credence to theories/guesses a possible cliffhanger this year would be the Wall falling down.
Like a lot of people said before……, its too soon to the wall fall.
it is in fact too soon, if we will have at least 8 seasons.
No, there was no foreshadowing of that nature that I caught either. It’s just that Syrio was one of those side characters that GRRM does so perfectly, details so purely, and are portrayed so beautifully by the actors, that you fall in love with them from the moment you meet them and can’t bear to let them go. Something like Hot Pie.
Remember when Hot Pie appeared a few seasons ago after not seeing him for a while? Everyone went crazy, Hot Pie Hot Pie. Syrio is like that, too. Don’t we all wish we had a Syrio in our lives to give us life lessons? I’m sure the lessons he gave Arya saved her life – he was one of the few smart decisions Ned made in KL.
Thanks for saying at least this much!
Felt Pelt,
Mhm, exactly my point. Also, we know that E9 can’t really have a huge CGI scene at the Wall, since E9 is Saintfield. So if it is a Sapochnik episode, it has to be E10.
So, I dunno, the Watch finally abandons its post for E9, and so there is an invasion, or something?
In this Entertainment Tonight video, Emilia Clarke talks about there being no more than 8 seasons, or that 7 may be split into two.
So, I don’t think 8 is a lock. I suspect we are getting 25 more hours rather than 30 and the question is how to split that up. It seems the actors are in negotiations though since she’s discussing it.
Sure,but Obara and Tyene did something in the show,not much,but they said some words and they where there.Nothing for Nym last season so I don’t think it would be that bad if she would have a scene or two.
well, the short hair does not bode well for loras – if he converts to the faith, then there’s a high likelihood that he’s drafted to fight cersei’s champion. 🙁 would prefer if he’d go off to battle euron, but i guess that’ll just be randall.
Oh don’t get me wrong….I loved the character of Syrio both in book and show. It is just odd that anyone that wasn’t shown being killed – but all evidence points to the fact that they were – we start getting the new round of “not really dead”. Now, if folks just said “I sure wish that Syrio was a FM and didn’t really die” I could get that. But actually postulating that he didn’t die with an elaborate theory that holds no water based on both show and book….well, I think you get what I am saying. 😀 Thanks for your insight.
I’ve always just kind of figured that Syrio was
🙂 It just doesn’t seem that far fetched to me.
Well, he could have just cut it like Jaime because his hair got matted and dirty from being a prisoner. If he really converts, I hope it’s a fake out to infiltrate and destroy those maniacs from the inside.
Ser Gerold Dayne,
We also have the tidbit about the Sand Snakes straight from GRRM
I thought the same.
True, I need a Syrio badly right now! Btw, I’m afraid he won’t come back in the show. I hope I’m wrong.
I just wonder though how you came to that thought. Was it something that Syrio said or did or something that Jaqen said or did? I just never made that connection before, never even came close. I guess for me, when it cut away I “assumed” that he was dead and certainly Arya thinks that he was killed by Trant. Who knows, this might be the big “one that comes back again” surprise that no one really saw coming and you got it right from jump. 🙂 Have a great weekend.
Sue the Fury,
I see that makes sense. Thank you for all you guys do keeping us in the loop!
Nothing that makes a really good scientific point, I’m afraid. Just a feeling I always had. Mind you,
Things like Syrio ‘First Sword of Braavos’ vs Meryn off-screen (could easily go either way, but if he threw him in the cells?…), Arya coincidentally catching a ride out of Dodge with Jaqen and their relationship. It always seemed to me that Jaqen could have easily escaped at any point with his talents, but chose not to, chose to be saved by Arya. And the attitude of the other men towards him made me wonder if he had done ‘something’ that made them decide not to mess with him, being prisoners and all. Changed his face, maybe?
Maybe I just like the thought of the continuity of a mentor for her through time, no matter ‘who’ he really is. 🙂
Of course, that would mean that Arya’s revenge on Meryn was
I’ve always liked that Jaqen=Syrio theory, even though it is highly improbable. (Question: Why didn’t Syrio pick up a sword from one of the dispatched kingsguard?) But that S=J theory has the mystical allure that folks from afar have been watching over Arya, guiding her. I rather like that Ned did that for Arya…hopefully her journey proves to be one that would make her father smile proudly.
In the hall of faces, I was almost expecting to see Syrio’s facade among the eerie collection…especially in S5ep10 when Arya was grabbing the faces off of “dead Jaqen.”
Yes, that would have been something! I won’t be particularly bothered if it doesn’t turn out to be the case, but it just seems almost natural to me.
Does this mean the Faith will shave Loras and will make himdo a walk of shame like Cersei?
One would think this warrants a separate article ….
Granted that article will be swarmed with many hate posts like how terrible she is and boring her story arc is. ..
Maybe they are waiting for other articles to do a round up ..
But compare to that of what we had like Natalie dormer interview and others …this could have been made into a separate one ..
I don’t know whether sue remembers but I brought this up last year too …i feel like emilia is been neglected but thats how I feel …I apologize if what I feel is wrong sue
Not at all. There really should be at least two seasons after the Wall falls.
Syrio was an expert at using a rapier or some similar type sword. He probably would have been at a big disadvantage trying to use a much heavier long or broad sword. Basically, using a training sword like he was doing was similar to using a quarter staff. That can be very effective against a swordsman if the swordsman does not cut it in half.
Sure, but lots of incidental characters say things. None of them got anything resembling real character development. The same is true in the books: they could be Tolkien characters for all the development that they’ve gotten.
I am sure that they will continue to be in the background: but, then, a lot of characters will continue to be in the background.
Hmmm, Grand Maester Pycelle is about to blow up the Rebels’ power generators!
there is a possibility that he is one of the faceless men?