Maisie Williams says beautiful things about Sophie Turner and “accidentally spoils” Season 8 on The Tonight Show

Game of Thrones Season 8 Arya Surprise Dragon

As a guest at yesterday’s The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Maisie Williams had some truly delightful things to say about her best friend and castmate Sophie Turner. She then took a trip down memory lane, from her early days as Arya Stark to blood-covered, pizza-fueled adulthood. Oh, and she also “spoiled” her character’s fate. Oops!

“My first day on Game of Thrones,” Williams reminisces, looking at a photo that Fallon shows of little Maisie that the actress herself once shared on Instagram. “It is really crazy looking at a photo like that, because, to me, you live your life and then it’s not really until you look back to ten years ago and you realize ‘everyone’s seen me grow up.'”

Williams also shares her first experience working adult hours without supervision, which happened to be the assassination of Ser Meryn Trant in season five: “I was sixteen, I was alone, I just left school… and they said ‘we’re gonna have to do some overtime.’ For me, that was the first time I was ever doing that, so it was really, really exciting. So, when they do overtime, they bring in pizza,” she excitedly explains. “And I come out, I have this dagger in my hand, a nightie on, and I’m covered in blood, having just stabbed this guy in both of his eyes, and… I walk out, I grab a slice of pizza, and I remember thinking: ‘This is my life… I’m so glad I left school.'” Laughter ensues!

“Ms. Sophie Turner. My best friend, indeed,” she says of her co-star, with whom she’s shared this whole Game of Thrones journey. “It’s been so nice having someone of a similar ageβ€”and genderβ€”to go through this crazy life together, because it is really strange growing up in front of the public. To have someone in the darkest times that you can call, that knows exactly what you’re going through… just keeps you sane.”

As for Williams “accidentally spoiling season eight,” well, you’d better watch the video, because there’s very little which a transcription or description could improve upon:

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Now, that was fun, wasn’t it? And a little terrifying, if you forgot what day yesterday was and bought into it. But don’t fear: Arya will be with us well past episode two… at least up to episode three! Look, she’ll probably be just fine, at least until the finale. Possibly.


  1. Epic! I knew it was an April Fools prank before I saw the second clip – and her acting still had me feeling sorry for her! Talk about committing to a role.

  2. I must be the only person who actually WANTS Arya dead. As quickly and painlessly as possible.

  3. It’s amazing how fast time flies.
    Maisie surely did an amazing job in the show and I can’t wait to see her reuniting with Jon !

  4. Broken Wolf,

    Yes. You are the only one.

    #ASNAWP πŸ‘ΈπŸ»
    #LastWomanStanding πŸ’‰πŸ‘ŸπŸ‘ŸπŸ’‰
    #AGirlisAryaStarkofWF πŸ•πŸ”ͺ

  5. I gotta say, I’m really diggin’ Maisie’s harajuku fashion vibe. I love it! I feel there are just a lot of hilarious moments like Maisie coming out of her trailer still bloodied and exhausted pulling overtime then just having pizza. There was probably a lot of that going on filming the S8 battles. Vacant and exhausted eyes staring into nothing, disheveled hair, blood and dirt caked onto faces, then just having a slice of pizza.

  6. The interviews are in full force now. Here’s the master list

    Kit and Emilia will be on the Graham Norton show on the 12th to add to that list.

    Sophie and Maisie were on “Good Morning America”. Joe Jonas on set and knows the ending he had to sign an NDA.

    Emilia will be on Colbert tonight.

    New interview with Nikolaj and Jerome–jerome-flynn-13679.html

  7. I bet Maisie and Jimmy had at least a good part of the audience going with that little prank. What an actress! I could feel my heart rate jump up a bit even though I knew it was a joke the whole time. Thanks for the almost-heart attack, Maisie. πŸ™‚

    Ten Bears,

    I love that Maisie’s story about killing MFT has given us new emoticons for our ASNAWP! Arya Stark — stabbing eyes, eating pizza.

  8. What a fun April Fool’s from Maisie and Fallon. πŸ™‚

    Though I’m sure there will be a huge number of people out there refusing to believe it was a prearranged April Fool’s, and concocting all kinds of tinfoily theories of how and why Arya dies in S8E2. πŸ˜‚

  9. Dark Sister,

    Thanks for the link to the new stills. Can’t wait to get to my computer to have a proper look. Looked pretty good even on my phone.

    Less than two weeks to go… I’m getting pretty hyped, trying to get various RL stuff out of the way before the season so I can fully concentrate on the important stuff!

  10. talvikorppi: Though I’m sure there will be a huge number of people out there refusing to believe it was a prearranged April Fool’s, and concocting all kinds of tinfoily theories of how and why Arya dies in S8E2

    Maybe, but I assume most that do that sort of thing are also probably the type of people that read and participate online a lot and should know that we already know she’s in E3 at least.

  11. Broken Wolf,

    I don’t necessarily WANT Arya dead – actually I’d prefer her to survive – but I’m getting so tired of all the ASNAWP adulation that there are brief moments when I think ‘Just DIE, Arya, that’ll shut up the ASNAWPers!’

    Of course it wouldn’t, and it’s a silly reason to wish death on a character I quite like.

    This whole ASNAWP thing is my own fault, anyway. I coined the phrase and acronym, as a critique, trying to explain what I disliked about the way the character seemed to be developing. Arya superfans, bless them, embraced it, and the rest is history… πŸ˜‚

  12. Wow!! I wish I was in NYC. I’m usually not a rope line kind of girl, but in this case I’d be camped outside their hotel !!! I bet it’s crazy out there. So glad that Joffrey, Nedd and King Robert are all there. Good to see Shae…..wonder if Roz made it. …. : )

  13. Yikes that last promo is eerie! OMG … noooooo! Brace yourself, heart be still!

    Thank you to everyone for the links… loving the teasers to death!

    And Maisie… you outshine most everyone, brilliant child of Westeros.

  14. Jack Bauer 24,

    Hey, thanks for the link to the promo!

    Well, that should send the fandom into a frenzy, lol! πŸ˜€

    I don’t think any of that is actual S8 footage but it sets the tone for what to expect. HOLP! It’s gonna be brutal and heartbreaking!

    (To clarify: the ruined WF set might be “real”, that is, they used it to put together this promo, but all those objects ah so strategically placed in all the cold ruin is such a tease!)

  15. Enharmony1625,

    I was green with envy 🀒 when I watched Jimmy Fallon hold up the Arya cover EW GoT special edition. I’d been waiting for mine since March 4th.

    But lo and behold, my copy from finally arrived this morning! After I carefully leaf through it wearing latex gloves, I’m going to seal it in an acid-free storage sleeve for posterity.


  16. Gotta say, Jimmy sold that pretty well too. Maisie’s just so good (she says, for the 1000th time.)

  17. talvikorppi: I’m getting so tired of all the ASNAWP adulation that there are brief moments when I think β€˜Just DIE, Arya, that’ll shut up the ASNAWPers!’

    This whole ASNAWP thing is my own fault, anyway. I coined the phrase and acronym

    Well, even without her (improbable) death you don’t have too much time to left to put up with it.

    Then again… if you hang around for prequel conversations in the months ahead I’m sure TB, others and myself will still be able to turn threads into ASNAWP-centric. πŸ˜‰

  18. Clob,

    haha. I love youse all ASNAWPers, really, I do. I just can’t stand the uncritical adulation, glorification of ASNAWP, making bloody everything about her, turning every bloody comment thread into an ASNAWP thread, haha.

    Fair dos, you and other well-known ASNAWPers have been keeping the WotW comments section alive and running during this long night, and you ASNAWPers comment, intelligently, on other things, other characters as well.

    I hope you and other ASNAWPers realise my exasperation with you ASNAWPing everything is an in-joke. Crikey, I hope the general public also understands that!

  19. talvikorppi:
    I hope you and other ASNAWPers realise my exasperation with you ASNAWPing everything is an in-joke. Crikey, I hope the general public also understands that!

    It’s all good! Nothing wrong with some good-natured ribbing, is there? And on that note, prediction: by the end of season 8, you’ll be one of us. πŸ™‚

  20. Haha Maisie was so fantastic in that second video, I’m sure she would have had a lot of people fooled even though we know from the trailer she’s still alive in episode 3!

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