Game of Owns: Episode 318 – Tales of Old Nan

Episode 318 – Tales of Old Nan
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Back, to go forward. Into Feast we move, joining two Stark siblings in their latest and perilous futures.

A Feast For Crows: Arya I

A Dance With Dragons: Bran I

Discussion Topics
NYC festiviites
The biggest battle yet
BCog the Tweet Lord
Important questions
Magic is at work
Bran’s casual dominance
Cold Nan
Family ties
Beneath the Titan
The lone wolf
Inside the House
The kindly man
Owns of the Chapters

Follow the reading order at

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In what other ways are these chapters similar?
What are your theories on Bran’s future?

Who is Coldhands?


  1. You choose the Black Goat of Qohor above Bakkalon, the Pale Child? Luckily Eric follows Him.

    “And the pale child heard, and came again, for the sound of battle is more pleasing to his ears than the sound of wails. And when He saw, He smiled. ‘Now you are my children again,’ He said to the seed of Earth. ‘For you had turned against me to worship a god who calls himself a Lamb, but did you not know that lambs go only to the slaughter? Yet now your eyes have cleared, and again you are the Wolves of God!’
    And Bakkalon gave them all swords again, all His children and all the seed of Earth, and He lifted his great black blade, the Demon-Reaver that slays the soulless, and swung it. And the Sons of Hranga fell before His might, and the great Horde that was the Fyndii burned beneath His gaze. And the children of Bakkalon swept across the worlds.”

    (Because you said you wanted to know more about him, Eric, read ‘And Seven Times Never Kill Man’. His followers are a type of Space Marines, Warhammer 40K style.)

  2. I just found a random video on YouTube with a lot of new images of what it seems a new trailer of season 6 with a lot of new footage: drogon flying over the dothraki camp, the high sparrow talking with tommen, arya in house of white and black, sansa in snow, brienne killing bolton men… Do you think the trailer will be released soon? I leave you the link here:

  3. Simon,

    My understanding is that there really is a new trailer showing on HBO with these images. Has anyone seen it?

  4. Jotastar23,

    Cool! Tyrion is so freaking brave to do what he totally appears to be doing. Poor Theon, he looks so damn sad. I can’t tell about Ramsey. Is that a look of consternation or does he have a bit of that signature smirk going on?

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