Episode 296 – Winning the Emmys
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Peter Diiiinklage wins!
Finally, Best Drama
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Color me surprised that the season that relied less on the books and even lesserer on the author’s input than any other season won big.
and i’m still wondering how Season 4 didn’t won Best Drama, and Peter Best Supporting actor …
Breaking Bad.
I’know but still… :/
That was the last chance for BrBe. GoT got it this year, and D&D have 3 more chances until 2018.
I don’t think it matters for which season the show gets Emmy.
That was the last chance for BrBe. GoT got it this year, and D&D have 3 more chances until 2018.
I don’t think it matters for which season the show gets Emmy
Looks like Linda’s tweets on Twitter slamming GoT’s Emmys have caught Bryan Cogman’s eye. I hope it doesn’t let it deflate him; great guy doing great work.
I hope not. She’s straight up crazy, no constructive criticism whatsoever.
Just to answer the Game of Owns guys question about Tracy Morgan: Yes, he’s a GoT fan. During S4 when we found out Littlefinger was involved with the murder of Joffrey and Jon Arryn, he tweeted: “My man, Littlefinger”. Needless to say, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has no idea what’s going on now, but, yes, he’s a fan.
I wonder how Linda reconciles GRRM’s being clearly over the moon about the award,since he just posted a picture of his Emmy sitting in a place of honor on his shelf. Also, I assume if you’ve gotten as far as Cogman has in the film biz, you’ve developed pretty thick skin. I kinda hope they take her tweets and read them aloud in the writer’s room whenever they need a laugh.
Whoever this Linda person is, to hell with her. So, she doesn’t like the show, huh? Her loss. It’s charming to see how deservedly delighted GRRM is. What would she do, undo HIS joy in the public acclaim for the show they so malign to serve HER overblown pride?
I’m personally amazed by this benevolent looking man with the white beard: totally from his mind, his vision and his imagination has come this “world” that enchants and engrosses millions of people on a daily basis. His creation is responsible for employing thousands of people, inspiring and infuriating millions more. Following the creation and delivery of this TV show occupies a portion of every day for me and the rest of you. To negate his happiness in receiving awards for Game of Thrones, just because she doesn’t approve of the show is really low.
Congratulations George and HBO
I just made the mistake of going to Linda and Elio’s personal Twitter and I find their behavior utterly appalling. The personal insults and constant degrading of something George R. R. Martin is clearly so proud of is really beneath them. Their self-righteousness really turns me off as a fan.
Akash Singh,
Don’t want to be that guy, but the Linda & Elio account is only run by Linda aka all the views on that account are Linda’s. Elio runs the Elio & Linda account and actually seems quite happy about the Emmys.
Again, I do not try to defend Linda’s behavior here but Elio is always criticized with her while his views are a lot less extreme. He deserves some criticism for even allowing what Linda does but he is certainly less moronic than she is.
Allowing… I don’t like how she behaves or agree with her views, but I will defend anyone’s right to have and express their views… to imply that a MAN should control what a WOMAN says and does it highly condescending and irritating. Ultimately she is her own person and makes her own decisions – he could counsel better, but never control her …
I’m glad that Cogman finally saw just how crazy Linda is. They shouldn’t give them any episodes in advance to ”review”, nor should they invite her to any events, where she continued to go, even if she hated the show from S2.
And hopefully, Martin will be informed of this and take action, she is damanging his reputation just as much.
Yes, i know what you say, but I believe that the awards should go to the best quality show at the time.
I’m a huge breaking Bad fan, I consider it number 3 tv show in history, maybe number two, but let’s be honest here, no show in the history of this planet come close to Game of Thrones. Game of thrones just play it on a complete different level. Got creates the big picture, a whole world, a whole system. BB though nearly perfection is limited by the premise.
But for god sake, homeland and mad men won against GOT….. That’s something that doesn’t make any sense.
Oh come on! Don’t get all SJW. I’m sure he meant that Elio should at least say “Hey um…could you not insult people that treated us with respect from the beginning?”. Maybe “allow” wasn’t the word but you get the point.
She just seemed so unhinged by the Emmys. writing that “the Emmy voters smoked all the crack” and called the show “pandering shit” and THEN calling Sue the Fury “a delusional nutcase” and “a pathetic nobody” without any provocation. I really think she needs medicine.
How do you know? Has he commented on it somehow? I have to see that…
EDIT: Is this it? How can we know it’s about Linda?
Cogman said he was “just astonished at the bile. THE BILE!” and that pretty much sums up Linda’s Emmy tweets, unless there was someone else that he knows -well and personally enough to be affronted by their comments- who was tweeting horrid things about the show at that time.
I think she is the one for whom the phrase “vituperative shitwitch” was coined.
Although it may have been me that coined it, just now
Yeah, having seen the Tweet replies and such, it does make sense. I’m pretty sure he’s talking about Linda now. Hopefully it reaches GRRM’s ears.
I didn’t think he was talking about her. He said someone who he thought was a friend. I do know Elio and him know each other through interviews and research on ASoIaF but friends? Maybe he overstated it.
She is mentioned by name in the Cogman’s Tweet convo or whatever, and links to her other less than charitable views of the show and its creators are there. Cogman has not corrected anyone that they have the wrong person.
He’s talking about Linda.
He corrected in another comment, ”Someone who knows a friend”, Linda is going mad on twiter, I say it’s a safe bet he talked about her.
Sweets, they explicitly mention the tWoIaF-co-authors in that tweet. Cogman did not deny. Wake up and smell the roses. Please !
EDIT: Dang – why was Cumsprite quicker ? DANG !
I am an internet lolyer, I make it my business to know where the wank is. Well, hobby really. It’s very sad.
In one of his Tweets replies, Cogman clarified “well, maybe not friends, but ‘friendly with.'”
Get a life ! Linda has one !
Why thank you, Flintwielder! I’m completely awake, you lot are just late with the B. Cogman twitter.
I read that Bryan Cogman tweet at the time he posted it. I didn’t follow the conversation because there wasn’t any at the time. I didn’t think he was talking about Linda. But I read now the conversation that followed and it looks like he did corrected the friend part.
Which means, you yourself were *late* with the tweet, pumpkin. You gotta keep on top of things, sweets, gotta keep on top.
I can’t be bothered with 17 tweets in, 3 hours late clarifications. Which is why I’m counting on all of you good people to followup and bring the news.
And I was NOT late. I was early.
I love to hate Linda. Queen of book purists.
They are the few, we are the many!
It’s amusing to read the rantings of the book purists. Season Five was vastly superior to Feast of Crows / Dance of Dragons and got rid of a lot of chaff (or held off onto some parts until Season 6 where they’d be more relevant to the story).
And Season 5, while not the best season ever, was not the worst GoT season either. I’d rank the seasons like this: 4>1>5>3>2.
Season 4 should’ve won Best Drama, but unfortunately it went up against the final season of Breaking Bad. I watched both shows, and as much as I loved Season 4 of GoT, I would’ve picked Season 5B of Breaking Bad as well. That was a heck of a thrill ride.
Either way, Game of Thrones’ dominating performance at the Emmys was well deserved. And looking at all of the Season 6 news, I fully expect GoT to rack up even more Emmys next season. (Best Casting should be a lock until GoT ends, IMO.)
Why would she say that? How spiteful. Obviously I don’t know Sue personally but I’m sure she has mentioned the odd occasion when she has not been fully in agreement with the adaption from the page to the screen (though it’s not for me to say what Sue has done or said). I seldom look on the Westeros site these days (I used to like threads such as GOT cast in other things and even the one fancasting characters with people from all time [even 1930s/1940s actors]) – there doesn’t seem to be much of a “fun” aspect there anymore.
Mind you there were some folk who were really upset that “Mad Men” didn’t win more categories (it’s no secret I don’t care for that show).
It seems like Westeros.org is best ignored (at least by those who don’t think it’s the greatest think since sliced bread). Although the website wasn’t my cup of tea and I didn’t agree with a lot of what I read there I was willing to cut the runners a bit of slack because they had given ASOIAF a lot of support before it became as known as it is now. If they hate GoT the show so much it’s pretty easy not to watch it. I could understand perhaps checking one episode now and then (if one had taken against the show) to see if had (to them) improved but to continually hate watch – I just don’t get it.
Sue wasn’t even involved in the conversation (somebody mentioned her in relation to Angry GOTFan) and she was insulted. The toxicity of her attitude drove me away from their site, as the forums are full of enablers and haters. They can have their spiteful corner of the ‘net, it’s just a shame they can’t simply ignore what they don’t like; it has to be hissed from the rooftops.
It should also be noted that Linda is under the impression that the show is now taking material from the book she and Elio wrote with Martin, World of Ice and Fire, because the new book isn’t out yet. Basically, she wants everyone to know that they’re adapting her work now! That’s how off the reservation she is, that she thinks she can take ownership of this franchise that Martin started with his hard work, and D&D are contributing to with their own labor. She sounds a bit like the Kathy Bates character in Misery, frankly.
Does this Linda person post on the Westeros forum?
I have been there once or twice, but it’s too big for me to start reading it all now.
Grandmaester Flash,
She owns it, with her husband Elio.
Yes, but does she post there? And if so, under what name?
Wow. Lindaaa reached a new low, and I didn’t know she could get any lower.
Moving on: Thanks for this special episode, GOO crew. It made me smile all over again. I still can’t get over Lena being the only one not to win her category, especially since that was the one category where I thought a win was possible, but that just goes to show what I know.
If you haven’t seen Cogman’s tweet to Lena, I think it’s worth taking a second to read. I love all the support and kudos she’s getting from so many!
Seriously? Actually, I think I’ve seen her say something of the sort on Twitter before, but I reckoned she couldn’t have meant it.
Grandmaester Flash,
I’ve only ever seen Elio post. He’s far more reasonable. Even if he holds the same opinions as Linda he doesn’t spew them all over the place and call people terrible names for disagreeing.
Thanks for putting things in context. Also I should have said ‘thing since sliced bread’ not ‘think’.
Well said and I wholeheartedly agree!
It was very sweet of Peter Dinklage to call her out during his win, too. Lena definitely deserves something; she feels like a foundation stone of the show by this point, and her performance is always fantastic, even if she plays a very flawed and often hateful woman.
Before I forget: Anybody here hoping that Mr. Martin take some action re Linda or wonder why he keeps silent on the subject, pls stop acting so entitled. Mr. Martin is not your bitch and can do whatever he pleases. If that includes being on close terms with a raving lunatic, it´s his damn right.
Uh, yeah, this. English is not my first language.
I think I saw it on Vulture. It was a few months ago around the time there was a rumor that D&D had access to WINDS. She blasted out that she had spoken to someone with intimate knowledge of WINDS (I assume Martin or someone in the publishing house) and that the producers had no knowledge of what was in it, and, in fact, were taking stuff from the book she co-wrote with GRRM.
I think that was pretty much quashed when he blogged (after Benioff said they got the Shireen sacrifice scene from GRRM) that he “has no control over what other people say”. That seemed to be the all-around “leave me out of your bitching” disclaimer.
Got to listen to the podcast on the way home! Thanks 🙂
I agree it goes a long way to the fantasy genre recognition and I’d just like to make a note that while HP didn’t get the Academy Award recognition some believe it deserved, LotR sure made up for it though it is THE odd bird in the Oscar winners category (I knew one of the guys was an HP fan I just didn’t realize there was more than one in the crew 😀 )
Also thanks for the audio on “Martin going to the Emmy parties”. He’s giggling like a schoolboy. I don’t know how Linda feels but he sounded happy as hell.