If you’ve ever dreamed of flipping through a weighty volume of detailed photographs and sketches of Game of Thrones‘ gorgeous costumes and reading the brilliant insights of the show’s costume designer, Michele Clapton … well, your dreams really do come true, sometimes.
HBO and Insight Editions have released a sneak peek of the fourth installment of their 2019 publishing program, Game of Thrones: The Costumes. By all accounts it is everything a Westerosi fashion aficionado could ever want.
From the practical, layered fabrics of Winterfell to the finery of King’s Landing, the costumes of Game of Thrones play an integral part in transporting viewers to the land of Westeros and beyond. Game of Thrones: The Costumes, written by Michele Clapton and Gina McIntyre, celebrates the incredible artistry involved in creating each outfit, with beautifully detailed photographs of the costumes and behind-the-scenes details.
Feast your eyes …
Game of Thrones: The Costumes will be released on November 12th and priced at $75.00. The other three books in HBO and Insight Editions 2019 publishing program are:
- Game of Thrones: The Storyboards (Spring 2019, $60), Art by William Simpson, lead storyboard artist for Game of Thrones; Written by Michael Kogge
- The Art of Game of Thrones (Fall 2019, $75.00), Written by Jody Revenson and Deborah Riley
- The Photography of Game of Thrones (Fall 2019, $75.00), Photography by Helen Sloan, principal unit photographer for Game of Thrones; Written by Michael Kogge.
Michele Clapton is the costume designer. Deborah Riley was the production designer and art director.
Now these are the things that make me happy.
Michele Clapton is phenomenally talented and an EMMY NOMINEE
You can follow a story of GoT through costumes alone.
What I find really great about costumes since begging is that she didn’t just copy Medieval Europe’s style. Clapton created some completely unique. GoT had it’s own style.
It’s like Star Wars or Harry Potter. It can be recognized instantly. Even when you see a costume of random extra, you know it’s Game of Thrones.
I think she has won some, is that right? So well deserved; hope she ets one this time.
Me want!!!
This is the book I’ve been waiting for.
The most amazing thing with Clapton’s costumes is that they too have a story to tell. They progress as their characters progress, and become a statement that goes along with the personal stories of the heroes. Eg the scale-like patterns on Daenerys’ costumes become more pronounced season after season after her dragons are born and red creeps in from season 7; while Sansa initially takes influences from Cersei, she then chooses murky colors to state her inner mourning and her costumes resemble those of her mother, to end up encased for protection against her abusers in season 7. Cersei’s costumes declare her empowerment being queen by her own right. That dragonpit costume with the back resembling, as they say, a scorpion (imo it looks more like a snake-cobra maybe), in which case it is telling that Tyrion’s costume in that scene has some sort of spikes that reminded me of hedgehogs.
I wish them all the best; they are very talented people and have a lot to give to the industry and to art in general. Costumes are art.
I think I’ll buy this one. I also wanted to order the storyboards book, but I just found out that doesn’t include season 8 and also not everything from season 7. So I guess I’ll wait for a complete version…
This looks great.
Looking at the sketch of Dany in her white coat, I noticed some striking differences.
The sketch has Dany looking very menacing. She has a prominent red cape and the hemline is cut sharper in the sketch (it shows more of Dany’s legs and has a higher curve). When I saw this coat on Emilia, I didn’t get the same sense of menace. Also the cape seems to be built more in like a scarf and not nearly as prominent. Emilia looked awesome in the coat, but the sketch gives me a different vibe. Part is also how they sketched Dany’s face with a more menacing expression.
Ever since I have watched season 1 I have wanted this! OMG! I can’t believe it!! 🥰
Michele Clapton is a genius and I feel so privileged to be able to purchase a part of her art.
I can’t wait to get this!!!
Not only is Clapton a genius whose work was an integral part of the visual world of GoT, her work contributed profoundly to the believability of, and hence viewers’ immersion in, the show.
I miss GoT so much.