Emilia Clarke and Carice van Houten hint at Jon Snow’s future in Game of Thrones season 6

GOT509_120314_HS__DSC2800[1]More than a week past the Game of Thrones season finale and people are still buzzing about the shocking apparent death of Jon Snow in the episode’s last scene. In two new interviews, cast members Emilia Clarke and Carice van Houten offer their thoughts on the show-stopping finish to season 5 and what could happen next year.

Van Houten opens up about Jon Snow and season 6 while talking with the New Daily.

Of her turn in the finale, she says, “You’ve seen her clock Jon Snow, which is a great ending because you think, ‘Uh oh, what’s going to happen there?’

“You feel that she is concentrating more and more towards Jon Snow … there are slight hints that something’s going to happen,” she also tells the New Daily.

The actress adds, “I was doing ADR [for season 5] the other day and then the producer was there and he was saying something that I’ve heard before, which is quite spectacular, for next year, which I really can’t say anything about.”

Her co-star Clarke shares how shocked she was over Jon’s end in a video interview with MTV’s Josh Horowitz.

“I read the script and I cried,” Clarke says. “I called David and Dan, and I took Kit out for numerous drinks, and was like, ’What the… what the… you’re leaving me?’”

The actress insists that she truly doesn’t know whether Kit Harington has left Game of Thrones for good or will be returning.

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Pressed to hazard a guess, Clarke wagers, “If i had to bet, I would say there’s a 50/50 chance,” of Jon Snow returning.

Check out the full MTV interview:

Sue the Fury: I don’t think anyone actually believes Jon is dead for good, at this point. Do they? Hmmm. What else could Melisandre be up to at the Wall, if not resurrecting Jon Snow?

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of WatchersOnTheWall.com


  1. Melisandre will definitely be bottling up Jon’s blood at the wall to be used in a ritual to revive the true king Stannis.

  2. “You feel that she is concentrating more and more towards Jon Snow … there are slight hints that something’s going to happen. I was doing ADR [for season 5] the other day and then the producer was there and he was saying something that I’ve heard before, which is quite spectacular, for next year, which I really can’t say anything about.”

    Resurrection confirmed.

  3. Omg,seriously Carice,they need to fire her(jk of course) but they seriously should put a leash on her,she did it last season saying Jon and Mel will meet again and now this which is more serious .

  4. I think they might have a good solution for when he returns :

    They just slap a fake mustache unto him and let him wear a tophat. Then call him MR seymour and keep pretending that’s really not Kit Harrington as Jon Snow.

    I think people will definitely fall for that and it certainly targets the same audience that liked Dorne.

  5. Prediction: Melisandre’s Shadow Vag Baby would have finally slithered its way up North. It get absorbed into Jon’s body and he returns from the dead.

    You’re welcome.

  6. JonSnow25,

    She never said they will meet again. That was what a lot of people assumed from a joking interview question about who of the men she’s worked with was the best kisser and that got spinned into a theory of how Mel and Jon will meet and kiss.

  7. I don’t understand.. if CVH is referring to a JS resurrection type thing then is that not completely the opposite of what KIT And the show runners were trying to do which is make people think Jon is done for good?
    Unless she is hypothesizing
    ORRRRR Trolling the fans

  8. “I read the script and I cried,” Clarke says. “I called David and Dan, and I took Kit out for numerous drinks, and was like, ’What the… what the… you’re leaving me?’”

    The Mother of dragons plying Jon with alcohol and flirting tsk tsk

  9. Please, Carice can say whatever she wants and D&D won’t be able to do anything to her. SHE CAN SUMMON DEMON SHADOWS REMEMBER!!!


  10. trarecar,

    I truly doubt it. I think Kit was just talking shit when he said that.

    It’s pretty much an open secret at this point that Jon is coming back. All the necessary ingredients for his resurrection are there in both the books and show. George already hinted at it in interviews a few years ago, and now Carice is doing it. I don’t think there’s much point in doubting or arguing about it anymore.

  11. Melisandre is going to take Jon Snow’s body & Long-Claw and ride south. Find Stannis… And his head… Hold them all together on the pyre and burn herself with them as the ultimate sacrifice to Rhalor. Ramsay spots this and can’t resist anyone out-crazying him, so he jumps in too.

    Azor Ahai will rise with Jon Snow’s face, Stannis’s character, Melisandre’s tits, and a flaming ‘sausage’ shaped Sword.

  12. I’m pretty sure that ALL the actors on GoT received strict instructions on what to say during these kinds of interviews. Although this might seem like a contradiction to what D&D said, I’m sure this is actually a planned controversy.
    Remember when Aiden Gillen said that LF and Sansa’s relationship from season 4 onwards would be very much like “father and daughter”? This couldn’t have been further from the truth and most likely was a deliberate distraction of the viewers. Unless Aiden Gillen has a very twisted understanding of what constitutes a father-daughter-relationship, that is… 😉

  13. trarecar,

    It makes me wonder if a rebirth of some sort will mean a new actor will play the role.. since Kit is adamant he wont be in season 6
    I really hope not cause that wont have the same effect.

    I cant see it being delayed for a whole season. No possible scenario makes sense to me. And we are only 20 episodes away from the end. I cant see how they can delay anything any more.

    Or hes gone forever and CVH is on crack… and this:
    “He was saying something that I’ve heard before, which is quite spectacular, for next year, which I really can’t say anything about.”

    is about something else.

    whats ADR?

  14. Vladimir Bolton,

    I doubt that had anything to do with instructions. Gillen was just trolling interviewers that year. Given that the show had already established Littlefinger’s sexual interest in Sansa so blatantly, I don’t see what the point would have been.

    Carice has always been a bit of an anomaly amongst the cast in terms of media forthrightness. For instance, she’s the only castmember who ever tweets/Instagrams photos from the set.

  15. Robb Snow:

    I truly doubt it. I think Kit was just talking shit when he said that.

    It’s pretty much an open secret at this point that Jon is coming back. All the necessary ingredients for his resurrection are there in both the books and show. George already hinted at it in interviews a few years ago, and now Carice is doing it. I don’t think there’s much point in doubting or arguing about it anymore.

    There are about 10 months worth of points in doubting and arguing about it. 🙂

  16. Really? People actually care about this? Jon Snow is dead! Everybody talks about how little else is happening for 9 episodes. Jon Snow is alive! Everybody talks about how little else is happening for nine episodes. If the first 5 series hasn’t already made you yearn for real narrative, you’ll love it either way.

  17. Dolorous Methuselah,

    Maybe until set photos start appearing.


    Well, considering how this subject has dominated the comments sections of every article on this site since the finale, yes, I’d say people care. A lot.

  18. Mustafa. S.:
    Melisandre is going to take Jon Snow’s body & Long-Claw and ride south. Find Stannis…And his head… Hold them all together on the pyre and burn herself with them as the ultimate sacrifice to Rhalor. Ramsay spots this and can’t resist anyone out-crazying him, so he jumps in too.

    Azor Ahai will rise with Jon Snow’s face, Stannis’s character, Melisandre’s tits, and a flaming ‘sausage’ shaped Sword.

    The most perfect thing I have ever read

  19. JonSnow25:
    Omg,seriously Carice,they need to fire her(jk of course) but they seriously should put a leash on her,she did it last season saying Jon and Mel will meet again and now this which is more serious .

    *puts on tinfoil hat*

    Maybe D&D and/or HBO have told her to hint around. Jon is one of the main reasons people watch the show. A lot of people could lose interest if they thought Jon is truly and permanently dead and Kit was really permanently gone. Wouldn’t it be in their interests to keep hope alive for fans and keep the debate going by having contradictory information coming out of the camp? Surely they want fans fishing around for hints and waiting around for the inevitable resurrection.

    *takes tinfoil hat off*

  20. It could be that Mel can’t resurrect Jon… so she puts him on ice and goes to find the Brotherhood. Eventually returns with them and they realize they need a sacrifice. Theon, having taken the black by then, volunteers himself.

    And the circle is complete.

  21. From 2011:

    ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So why did you kill Jon Snow?
    GEORGE R.R. MARTIN: Oh, you think he’s dead, do you?

  22. Deesensfan,

    They want the resurrection to be a surprise (as much as it can be). Obviously, they’re going to try and convince everyone Jon is dead dead.

  23. weirwoodtreehugger: *puts on tinfoil hat*

    Maybe D&D and/or HBO have told her to hint around.Jon is one of the main reasons people watch the show.A lot of people could lose interest if they thought Jon is truly and permanently dead and Kit was really permanently gone. Wouldn’t it be in their interests to keep hope alive for fans and keep the debate going by having contradictory information coming out of the camp?Surely they want fans fishing around for hints and waiting around for the inevitable resurrection.

    *takes tinfoil hat off*

    I don’t have a problem with them doing that. But hopefully they are devoting most of their time and effort to working on scripts/story lines, etc. I’d hate to think GRRM’ s work habits have infected them. 🙂

  24. Mel’s going to try to resurrect Jon and cock it up like everything else she does… the Wall is going to fall (“something that I’ve heard before, which is quite spectacular, for next year, which I really can’t say anything about”)… then Jon *will* be resurrected by the Night’s King as his army begins its march southward.

    The last hope for Westeros is going to end up being the Boltons… LOL

  25. I have a feeling the resurecting scene will be amazing and it could be heartbreaking. Shireens death could save him but if not maybe Sansa and Theon get to castle black and they see Melisandre cant save Jon so Theon volunteers. If this happens I could just see Theon crying but not because of the pain because of his regret also I think once Jon comes back Sansa and Jon’s reunion is something I was wanting for a long time.

  26. Jeez, these are pretty big spoilers! There are lots of theories as to how Jon will be resurrected, and Melisandre’s involvement seems pretty likely, but I don’t want it revealed until it happens!

    Man, I hope George gets TWOW out before next season.

  27. JonSnow25:
    Omg,seriously Carice,they need to fire her(jk of course) but they seriously should put a leash on her,she did it last season saying Jon and Mel will meet again and now this which is more serious .

    Who cares, I like her giving these little tidbits.

  28. D&D: “Carice, please don’t hint at possible plotlines for Season 6. Remember last year?”

    Carice: “Yes, I do. What of it?”

    D&D: “You pretty much confirmed that your character will stay at the wall last year, way before that was to be made public. Please, no hints this time…”

    Carice: “But what about Jon Snow? He’s totally not dead, we can’t leave a cliffhanger-ending unresolved for about one year .”

    D&D: “Yeah, he isn’t, but…”

    Carice: “The Fans need to know!”

    D&D: “Please, no hints…”


    Sonetimes I think that dialogues between these folks would really occur like that, otherwise I just can’t explain Carice’s open-heartedness concerning plotlines. She’s practically shattering her secrecy-contracts everytime she’s on those huge public events, her hints are always REALLY revealing. GoT definitely wouldn’t be the same without her, Carice van Houten, secret angent of the fandom for information acquisition. 🙂

  29. Simeon: I’ve been saying that for the past 3 seasons…

    But now it’s somewhat more urgent. At least the past 3 seasons were mostly based on already published material, with only minor potential spoilers for future events.

    If we get a publication date announced, even if it’s for late 2016 or something, I’ll probably hold off on watching the show until I can read the book first. I’d like to get as much of the original story unspoiled as possible.

  30. Boromir,

    I definitely won’t hold off watching — it would be a futile attempt to avoid spoilers, anyway. If (when?) Jon is resurrected, do you think you could somehow avoid finding that out? Good luck with that! Hope you’ve got a nice cabin off the grid somewhere to hang out in for a few months/years…

    I would have preferred reading the novel first, but if it’s not ready, I’ll gladly watch the show.

  31. I think Emilia is honest about the 50-50, I don’t think she knows about it (yet).
    Carice is just amazing and I love that she doesn’t give a damn about spoiling possibly important things for the next season =)
    I mean, she may be trolling us but I’m more of the idea that she’s just trying to be vague!

  32. Obviously, Melisandre is going to use her hypno-boobs to convince Ser Aliser to name himself King of Castle Black and Tormund to name himself King Near the Wall, and she’ll have a threesome with them and create a super-shadow demon baby that kills the Night King, and then all the white walkers and the Others die and everybody lives happily ever after.

  33. Emilia has read the books, and wants to get some hint about the ADWD cliffhanger from Kit. Sadly, he still knows nothing.

  34. Emilia is even more beautiful with her new haircut.Is that even possible?

    Queen of the Keys,

    I can imagine D&D will try not to include any of his potential scenes in the script for majority of the cast.Only for those…who will be relevant like Carice,Liam maybe etc.Cast read the scipt before the each season.It contains not only their scenes,but for the rest of the show as well.Just to avoid any potential slip up,from any of the actors on the show.

    Finn Jones threw script out of anger,because of one scene in Ep10 and it was most likely Jon’s death scene…he said something like: “how can you do this to that character” Jon didn’t deserved this ending.Emilia obiously read it too,Liam etc.Some of the actors prefer not to be spoiled like Sophie or Kit himself this past season.I can see them trying to avoid any of that so everyone can be surprised,if he eventually comes back.

  35. Knight of Storm’s End,

    I quite prefer Carice and Emilia’s approach to answering questions about Jon’s fate, than D&D and Kit’s way of dealing with it. This is the biggest cliffhanger for the bookfans, and Kit just goes and says “I’m not returning, blah blah blah”. If they said it was 50-50, it would maintain the cliffhanger status better. Right now it’s easier to think they are lying to make it the big shocker of season 6. I’m more certain of his comeback now than I did before the finale aired.

  36. Simeon,

    Haha, that’s what I mean; I fully expect Jon to be resurrected, but I don’t want to know how beforehand. Just like I don’t want to know how his parentage will be revealed, or how Dany will get back to Westeros, or any of the other plot points that have been foreshadowed. I don’t mind waiting a few extra months if it means I get to read the original story first.

    Book 7 is a lost cause, of course.

  37. Sean C.,

    Not that it was ever credible in the first place. Seriously, I think the ‘cliffhanger’ should have just been the resurrection itself and the Birth of AA, (which would for once that season give viewers some faint cause for something resembling hope,) because this is just silly.

    Unless they had a deal with Martin not to ‘spoil’ the Big Reveal for him…

  38. Boromir:

    Man, I hope George gets TWOW out before next season.

    Ding, ding, ding! My theory is that is exactly what the producers are trying their best to do – delay, dither, and obfuscate – giving GRRM a chance to get the book out before the show reveals JS’ fate. Though many things have been changed from the book’s plot lines, this one is too big and too important to change overly much, so to have the show do the reveal before the books would not be the preferable option for anyone.

    Having said that, it’s pretty obvious the show is still going to end well before GRRM is able to get the second chapter of the last book finished, so it’s just putting off the inevitable.

  39. Simeon: Mel’s going to try to resurrect Jon and cock it up like everything else she does… the Wall is going to fall (“something that I’ve heard before, which is quite spectacular, for next year, which I really can’t say anything about”)… then Jon *will* be resurrected by the Night’s King as his army begins its march southward.

    Love the idea of the Wall falling as a result of Mel’s attempts. 😀 Her messing up everything will be complete. Hopefully she can produce a shadow baby with Jon’s body before she puts him carefully in an ice cell. Then we can have Shadow Baby in Season 6 until Jon returns.

    Boromir: If we get a publication date announced, even if it’s for late 2016 or something, I’ll probably hold off on watching the show until I can read the book first. I’d like to get as much of the original story unspoiled as possible.

    That would be very interesting for show watchers like me: if the book came out a month or two after season 6 ends, and many book readers held off on watching and didn’t participate in the internet discussions at all. 😀

  40. joffreysbleedingeyes:
    From 2011:

    ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So why did you kill Jon Snow?
    GEORGE R.R. MARTIN: Oh, you think he’s dead, do you?

    This is an outrage. How rude of GM to spoil the show like that. Very unprofessional. What an asshat.

  41. What had happened was… “After a long night of Hardhome, Olly didn’t like the Wildlings. So he had gutted me and set me on fire. But you know I didn’t die… I had crystallized. And now I’m a glamazon, BITCH ready for Azor Ahai.”

    – Jon Snow, S6

  42. Kay,

    Haha, we’d finally be out of your way! Everybody wins! Although show watchers and book readers are on the same page now (so to speak)… we don’t know what happens next season either!

  43. I want Jon to come back as Super Shredder. Then push down the wall all samson style while Vanilla Ice rocks out in the background. That is all.

  44. Cumsprite: This is an outrage. How rude of GM to spoil the show like that. Very unprofessional. What an asshat.

    It’s unacceptable but certainly not unexpected. He’s been spoiling the show since the 90s. I mean I already knew multiple major plot lines before I even knew the show existed. Totally irresponsible of him.

  45. It’s probably best to just go ahead and read TWOW if it comes out before Season 6. You risk being spoiled by online trolls otherwise, who will no doubt be out in full force post-release. I’d rather just get the surprises over with in the books and look forward to their portrayal in the show, then have the surprises ruined for both by trolls.

  46. Robb Snow,

    Forget reading it…

    If that Royce Dotrice guy narrates it again go iTunes all the way. That guy is amazing with his voices for each character! =)

  47. Even if generally books are better of shows or movies, I am going to say an heresy here:

    I have always preferred watching the movie or the show first, and then read the book for “insights” and indeepths about the characters.

    I feel that the movie doesn’t spoil my experience while reading the book, because I may know the story but the book offers some thing more.
    Instead if I see the movie AFTER reading the book, I don’t enjoy the movie so much.

    All this to say that I really don’t understand people saying that watching the show will spoil the book.
    I know, I am in minority here.

  48. Turncloak,

    That’s great. But I am more concerned about the writers. I really want D&D to write all the episodes, especially given that the scripts have probably all been finished already and there is no book now. 5.05 and 5.06 were misfires for me; 5.06 in particular, was just bad and boring, for the most part.

  49. Turncloak,


    I love how D&D reward directors from previous seasons who have done great jobs.

    Miguel brought us Hardhome and because of how awesome that was D&D are giving him a chance to deliver the final 2 episodes of season 6.

    If Hardhome is a clue, I’d say we are in store for 2 amazing episodes!

  50. spencer,

    Exactly you pointed out something I’ve always had in my mind : jon and sansa reunion i mean the two of them never been close to each other ( unlike jon and arya) but i eagerly want that to happen since this season specialy just think about how epic it’ll be if happens it will probably be my most favorite scene of the whole show

  51. Maceless Fan,

    Say that to my face bitch,i bet you don’t have the guts ! So how funny how losers like you act tough behind their keyboards yet would shit their pants in real life,i have met plenty of your kind and while their hospital bill may have been high at least it was worth it breaking their bones .

  52. Btw, a little off topic but if Stannis is dead, whose supposed to take down the Boltons? I mean unless Rickon rallies the North, who else would bother?

  53. Turncloak,

    Miguel doing 9 and 10? Interesting. I’m guessing another Hardhome-tier battle (or two) is in the works. White Walkers assaulting the Wall? Ironborn invading Oldtown? Yes please!

  54. Maceless Fan:

    I don’t give a shit how much Lost went off the rails in the last season, bring on Jack Bender!!

    in this case he is directing the middle of the story next year, so we should be fine. Hehe

  55. NewJeffCT:
    Obviously, Melisandre is going to use her hypno-boobs to convince Ser Aliser to name himself King of Castle Black and Tormund to name himself King Near the Wall, and she’ll have a threesome with them and create a super-shadow demon baby that kills the Night King, and then all the white walkers and the Others die and everybody lives happily ever after.

    Except Jon Snow.

  56. Kundry,

    I am generally the same, but I am also a person who enjoys spoilers and doesn’t feel that they detract from my ultimate viewing experience (at least, not enough to give up the fun of reading/hunting down spoilers, lol)! But I can certainly understand people who are not the way I am, and want to come to the books/episodes with all the surprises still in store.

    Also, I wonder if people overestimate the difficulty of avoiding GoT spoilers on the internet. After all, most of my friends who do not watch the show or read the books seem to know next-to-nothing about it (even Ned’s death, in most cases). All they usually know is “there’s that blonde dragon girl,” or other things along those lines. If you have the willpower to avoid GoT-related parts of the internet (WotW, reddit, GoT-related youtube videos, etc), you’re probably safe?

  57. My name is Jon Snow. I was The Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch until I was murdered by my own brothers. But I have been brought back to life as someone else…as something else.

  58. thornofhighgarden,

    My mother and father are show watchers only… Was speaking to my mother today, my father works offshore, so they were saving the finale ’til he was back home, but between it airing and him coming back she logged on to Yahoo and had the whole For the Watch spoiled for her on their front page.

  59. Ser Florian,

    Ugh! Maybe it’s just that people who are not GoT fans tune it out/ignore Got-related news on instinct, as I do for shows I don’t watch. I don’t know anything about Breaking Bad except the basic premise, even though everyone and everywhere was buzzing about it a few years ago. It may be impossible not to notice if you are a GoT watcher or reader. =/

  60. Fringe’s legacy lives on by delivering GoT with awesome directors. First was Alex Graves who everyone loved until the Sept scene and now we have the superior Miguel Sapochik.

    Could we get John Noble or Anna Torv on GoT?

  61. Turncloak,

    Sapochnik again is great, and I like seeing another X-Files alumnus (Sackheim) to replace Nutter.

    I’m already #GETHYPE for Season 6!

  62. Ser Florian,

    Haha some part of me knew that but because Sansa was portrayed as such a non-threat in season 5, she didn’t come to mind right away. I hope that that changes next season. Littlefinger is obviously going to try to take Winterfell, but I doubt that Sansa would join him at this point. And what about Theon? He’s not anyone’s prisoner, what will he do?

  63. Maceless Fan,


    Anyway, I know it is a cliffhanger per se, but how is it a cliffhanger if it’s “so obvious” what’s going to happen.. Makes me wonder

  64. IF the Boltons are brought down, it’ll be by Theon. It’s perfect, really – not only will he be responsible for the downfall of his captors and torturers, but he will also be the one to win back Winterfell for the Starks, after having been the one to cause them to lose it. Perfection!

  65. Maceless Fan:
    Btw, a little off topic but if Stannis is dead, whose supposed to take down the Boltons? I mean unless Rickon rallies the North, who else would bother?

    You have your answer right there. Plus Sansa, LF and the KotV of course.

  66. Now is the time for the Starks to unite and conquer Winterfell! Davos will go find Rickon with Sansa and Brienne and then they’ll unite the North against the Boltons, while Jon learns about his parentage… End of Season 6 could be Rickon and Sansa in Winterfell, Jon going south, Dany landing in Dorne and the WW breaking the Wall. Season 7 will be even more awesome!

  67. Rygritte:
    Maceless Fan, I couldn’t remember if he and Cat discussed it

    It wasn’t discussed because they left Bran and Rickon’s fate unknown to Robb and Cat. The reason Robb did it in the books was because he “knew” that all his full brothers were dead.

  68. Greenjones: You have your answer right there. Plus Sansa, LF and the KotV of course.

    Yeah but I can’t imagine that Rickon factors into Littlefinger’s plans. If anything, he’s detrimental to them.

  69. Maybe when Ghost alerts Mel to Jon in the snow, Davos smuggles them out and head towards Tormund, same as Sansa, Theon, Brienne, Pod, and Stannis. When they all meet, Mel gives Jon

    the kiss of life

    and Jon accepts Stannis’ offer to become Jon Stark, thus Jon Snow is dead. Like so dead. Like OMG dead.

  70. Simeon,

    That scene also was there to rehang the “who is Jon’s mother” and “Everyone knows that bastards cannot be trusted” guns on the wall. In a way, thst scene did more to develop Jon than anything else: the level of hatred that Catelyn bore for Jon was palpable.

  71. Carice didn’t say shit. She said thee were hints that something was going to happen. Well, yeah, we all saw season 5 didn’t we?

    Then she said something will happen that she heard before. So? What’s that? Jon Snow resurrection confirmed? I don’t think so.

    Carice just says some vague things, and just because she’s at the wall, everyone thinks she spoiled a Jon Snow resurrection.

    I’d say she a master of tease.

  72. The Golden Hand:
    I want Jon to come back as Super Shredder. Then push down the wall all samson style while Vanilla Ice rocks out in the background. That is all.

    I think Jon Snow will be reborn as Edward Scissorhands. He won’t have far to go since the resemblance is already uncanny. And each finger will be a Valyrian steel dagger. “Call me Longclaws, Bitches.”

  73. Felt Pelt:
    I miss the names Slovis, Marshall, Nutter, Sakharov.

    Isn’t it really odd that Nutter is representing GoT at ComicCon and not directing this season? I wonder why that is. Do you think he has other functions this season?

  74. joffreysbleedingeyes,

    ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So why did you kill Jon Snow?
    GEORGE R.R. MARTIN: Oh, you think he’s dead, do you?

    I don’t see why people always latch on to this. Even if he really did kill Jon Snow how do you think he would respond to that question? “Well I killed Jon Snow because…”
    He wants his fate to remain mysterious so of course he would answer like that. If the interviewer asked him “So when do you plan on resurrecting Jon Snow? GRRM would have responded “Oh, you think he will be resurrected, do you?”

  75. I think they both could be right, if Kit left the show, but Jon aka Azor Ahai didnt. If I was the showrunner and wanted to fuck with the minds of the fans to not spoil something like this with its huge expectations I would do it like this: Kill Jon, exchange the actor and have him admitt it beyond doubt. Then next season, hire a new actor for Jon Snow and have him reborn as Azor.
    There… both are right and the buzz keeps swellling until next year.

  76. Rygritte:
    Did Robb mention making Jon is heir in the show?

    No but Catlyn had a word about it with Robbs whatshername wife about how she prayed to the gods for the lil baby Snow to get better and they would make him a Stark but she didnt deliver on her promise.

    I think its a setup for Cat being the one proposing Robb make Jon his heir off-screen.

    Blackfish could be the one to deliver the news.

  77. would love to see the army led by the night’s king cross he wall and face the boltons, imagine the terror esp on ramsay. that would be worth watching

  78. Emilia looks amazing with her new hair do, it really suits her. 🙂

    I do think the Boltons will very likely fall next season, things have been going way to good for them for too long. Perhaps the fact that they lost Sansa is sort of a premonition or a precursor to the start of their downfall or the start of their problems.
    Littlefinger and his army of the Vale might win a battle against the Boltons. But to some degree that might be a bit troubling, in the sense of the narrative. We have seen how much Stannis’s army struggled in the North, it might be a bit unrealistic if Littlefinger who is not even a battle commander suddenly sweeps in with his Southern army and trounces the Boltons. But the show might just ignore these little details, and Littlefinger might just win the battle.
    Whoever the winning party will be, Melisandre will be involved. She did mention two different visions, one was that she saw the Bolton banners coming down and burning. And the other vision was that she saw herself walking on the Battlements of Winterfell. Her visions are always true she was just backing the wrong horse.
    In my opinion it just seems like the most logical solution that Jon would be the one to battle against the Boltons, if he is resurrected.
    Jon could unite the Wildlings, and they would be perfectly suited to fight in these conditions. On their way to Winterfell they might get some support from other Northern Houses. Davos could still find Rickon, and Sansa & Theon could join up with Jon. Brienne and Podrick could also join. Littlefinger could also join Jon with the soldiers of the Vale. They have a lot of different story plots to follow next season, it would really be the simplest for them to place all of these characters together in one plot line. But I dont know, this solution almost sounds to easy and too good to be true.

    Obviously Sansa could unite some of the North against the Boltons, if Jon will not be the one to do it. But it is difficult to say how Melisandre would suddenly start working with Sansa. Perhaps she just gets a clearer vision and go to Winterfell when she sees that it will fall against the Boltons? Or perhaps the Boltons attacks Castle Black and takes Melisandre with them, and Sansa and the Northern Lords then attack Winterfell. It is difficult to say how exactly it would unravel.

    Elainwe: I think they both could be right, if Kit left the show, but Jon aka Azor Ahai didnt. If I was the showrunner and wanted to fuck with the minds of the fans to not spoil something like this with its huge expectations I would do it like this: Kill Jon, exchange the actor and have him admitt it beyond doubt. Then next season, hire a new actor for Jon Snow and have him reborn as Azor.
    There… both are right and the buzz keeps swellling until next year.

    People are taking what Kit said to seriously, when he made those comments the season six script wasn’t even written yet, he really might have thought that he was not coming back at that stage. But who knows he could also have been lying.

    It would be a terrible idea to change actors, out of all of the options available changing actors would properly be the worst decision.
    People generally just dont like casting changes, a lot of people still has an issue with the Dario change and he isn’t even such an important character or a character that is well liked. Honestly it would be better for them to kill Jon off completely then to change actors. If his looks has to change then they can give him a blond wig or something. It woudn’t even make sense within the story, blood magic is important, it is Jon’s blood or King’s blood that is the important thing. If Jon changed bodies then he wouldn’t have the same blood anymore.

  79. Brock Landers: No but Catlyn had a word about it with Robbs whatshername wife about how she prayed to the gods for the lil baby Snow to get better and they would make him a Stark but she didnt deliver on her promise.

    I think its a setup for Cat being the one proposing Robb make Jon his heir off-screen.

    Blackfish could be the one to deliver the news.

    That would be an interesting idea. It is never actually clear who Robb named in the will, there is some speculation that he might have named Catelyn as his heir, but the clues does seem to point towards Jon.
    The situation around the Neck is so interesting, it would be perfect if Howland Reed and the Northerners with him could reach Winterfell with that will. GRRM has stated that the issue of the will, will be resolved in the future. But sometimes I think that Howland Reed must be immobile or something, it is just so strange that he hasn’t appeared yet, there would have to be a very good excuse for his absence. I have even wondered if Ser Arthur Dane might perhaps have been hiding out with Howland Reed for some reason.
    But they might just ignore the story of Robb’s on the show.

  80. Wait so she didn’t know what happens?? I don’t know man, when the show is such a big part of their life, especially of the young actors how can they not read the books??? Or at least go to a wiki and read the story? :)) It’s unbelievable.

    Anyway, I’ve learned to ignore the things Carice van Houten over hypes…

  81. Guys, you’re reading wayyyy too much into this. Carice has given absolutely no indication of anything at all. Sure, she clocks Jon in the finale and something big DOES go down: the dude dies. as for the huge event next season- that could be anything (and not even involving her).
    The producers left this as a huge cliffhanger for dramatic effect and guess what: they succeeded massively! Because now the fandom are going crazy and trying to pick flesh from the bones of some extremely vague comments. Whereas the most logical reason that Jon is coming back is the build up to his story: who else can take the protagonist role at the wall? Jon is the only one who can fill this role. And if the producers wanna keep us all guessing for as long as possible then let them- it’s easy enough for Kit to film the majority of his scenes in the studio if his scenes require green screen. Although Jons death could also support the less popular theory that Davos is AA!

  82. So, I didn’t read all the comments yet so forgive me if I’m repeating something. Say Mel does revive Jon. Does he go after all the perpetrators and kill them? Or does he forgive them. #pleasekillolly

  83. Who says Carice was speaking out of turn? This could very well be what they want her to say.

  84. Sometimes I’m reminded that I’m Emilia’s age and it’s like.

    Wheeere do you get your hair done, Emilia, I will never look half as good as you ever ever ever.

    Gods, I love ‘er. Such a fun young lady.

  85. Mormont:
    Emilia read the books years ago why was she so surprised

    Pretty sure Emilia said in S4 interviews that she only reads the books just prior to filming the relevant seasons, in order to “stay with Dany.” But, I don’t think she said whether she read book 5.

    Kit did read them all right away but as far as I know he’s the only major player that did that.

  86. Lindamon: Ding, ding, ding! My theory is that is exactly what the producers are trying their best to do – delay, dither, and obfuscate – giving GRRM a chance to get the book out before the show reveals JS’ fate. Though many things have been changed from the book’s plot lines, this one is too big and too important to change overly much, so to have the show do the reveal before the books would not be the preferable option for anyone.

    Having said that, it’s pretty obvious the show is still going to end well before GRRM is able to get the second chapter of the last book finished, so it’s just putting off the inevitable.

    Uh…it would most definitely be preferable to the producers. Why would they go through all this effort to hide Jon Snow coming back…they’re the ones with the reveal now. They don’t care if GRRM gets the reveal first…this is one event in what I’m sure is a cluster of crazy events they’re going to reveal first.

  87. My theory. ..it was mentioned that Jon’s eyes change to the lighter color as his body is dying. Olly had similar eyes. Jon has warged into Olly, who walks away with the slumped forward gait of Jon (as Bran was able to do with Hodor) So Kit is gone, but his S+T spirit lives on to be handed off by Melisandre with a fire spell of course to….Gendry, who now embodies the legend who becomes Azor….

  88. Mormont:
    Emilia read the books years ago why was she so surprised

    Because she’s a phoney baloney. Same kind of interview she did in March where she was like

    Really, Jon could be related to me? I have no idea. I never heard that but…wow…that’d be interesting. Really? That’s a theory?

    I like her, but give me a break. The whole damn cast knows that theory and has been asked about it like a hundred times. But even besides that, as you mentioned she read the books.

  89. Melisandre sacrifices the Night’s King (king’s blood!!!) by seducing him, both die in the process to revive Jon Snow.

  90. biobi:
    So, I didn’t read all the comments yet so forgive me if I’m repeating something.Say Mel does revive Jon.Does he go after all the perpetrators and kill them?Or does he forgive them.#pleasekillolly

    I think that depends on if he stays with the Night’s Watch. If so, as lord commander, Jon would do his duty and ask Edd to fetch the block. If not, Jon would leave that decision to the next lord commander. Any lord commander worth his salt would chop of their heads. Mutiny cannot be tolerated.

  91. Kay:

    That’s great. But I am more concerned about the writers. I really want D&D to write all the episodes, especially given that the scripts have probably all been finished already and there is no book now. 5.05 and 5.06 were misfires for me; 5.06 in particular, was just bad and boring, for the most part.

    Just curious, why would you want D&D to write the scripts? The finale of season 5 was probably the weakest of all the episodes of season 5. Definitely the most rushed season finale. I mean, the Battle of Winterfell? C’mon, they could’ve saved that for season 6 and made it epic.

    I’ll forgive D&D for all of the huge, unnecessary, nonsensical changes(like HOTU, or Sansa marrying Ramsay) if they include the BWB and LSH in season 6, though.

    And I heard from a reliable source that TWOW will be released later this year, around Christmas. Fingers crossed! 🙂

  92. So Carice says Melisandre is supposed to do something big and dramatic next season, and Emilia thinks there’s a 50/50 shot? Trying REALLY hard to keep him coming back a secret are we?

  93. Mustafa. S.,

    Dumbest crap i have ever heard and she has not met Arya yet either which it is said she will and i believe she will fight along side Jon and Arya in the end game

  94. Boudica,

    Agree with practically most of this. Mel is gonna be a big player in the endgame its pretty clear she will be part of the Boltons defeat and i think Jon will be the one to defeat them with his army of Wildlings. And most of the NW the mutiners Jon kills himself. Mel will also meet Arya again the scene where they talked was written by GRRM himself. So its clear he knows something and i think they will fight side by side. Mel isn’t even on her list anymore and Mel is likely mayby 500 years old with a lot of knowledge.

    But damn there are some REALLY IDIOTIC theories here. I mean just ridiculous crap some of it.

  95. K Noelle: Just curious, why would you want D&D to write the scripts? The finale of season 5 was probably the weakest of all the episodes of season 5. Definitely the most rushed season finale. I mean, the Battle of Winterfell? C’mon, they could’ve saved that for season 6 and made it epic.

    I’ll forgive D&D for all of the huge, unnecessary, nonsensical changes(like HOTU, or Sansa marrying Ramsay) if they include the BWB and LSH in season 6, though.

    I am not a book reader. I loved the S5 finale. I absolutely didn’t think it was the weakest S5 episode. Jam-packed edge-of-the-seat dark, foreboding feeling. The weakest episodes for me were 5.05 and 5.06 (non D&D ones). I don’t care about the Battle of Winterfell, since Jon or Tyrion or Dany aren’t there! 😀 Oh and I would hate, hate, hate it if LSH ever made an appearance in the show. Ever. Also, I don’t have any need whatsoever to “forgive” D&D anything. Just immense gratitude for bringing this show to a lotta people.
    Not everyone who watches the show have similar views. Diversity of opinions and all that!

  96. Everyone pulling their hair out about CVH’s comments.

    Chill the fuck out.

    I understand this is old news. But it does DnD and GoT good to drop hints and generate buzz and stoke out all the show watchers who didn’t see this coming and were outraged. The word will get out. Kit will be filming (unless he is absent in S6, which I doubt- or if they already filmed his “resurrection” scene for a S6 ep 9 or 10 thing). The word will get out to every casual viewer that nobody expects him to stay dead- the real drama is in the anticipation of HOW the resurrection takes place. I am still under the hopeless Shireen triumph- either that grayscale plays a role, or that her sacrifice will pay off- for somebody, either Stannis or Jon. Stuff like this will be the true surprises of S6. By the time the ep airs, nobody will be surprised of Jon’s return.

  97. random questions/comments: I’m currently rewatching the entire series and I’m at the end of season two…. why would Robb and Talisa have a southern wedding and be joined together in the light of the seven?? I mean Robb is the King of the North right? Talisa is from Volantis, and even if she worshipped the 7, she’s marrying into the north, and to the proclaimed King no less….. just a thought, and it sucks that both times that you think that Stannis may come and inadvertently rescue Sansa, once in KL and again in WF, he fails.

    i know this is so off topic from the article, but forgive me

    now that i think about it, it may have been for the lack of weirwood trees in the south… eh

  98. Kay,

    Thank you for this response. You’re the first person on this site has ever been civil towards me. I don’t condemn anyone for liking the show, or the show and the books, or just the books. It’s not a personal attack. I love the books, and I thought the show did a good job of condensing the books, at least seasons 1-4 worked, for me, but I still miss LSH.

    What irks me is all the GRRM hate on this site. We wouldn’t have anything without his brilliant work. No books, or show. So it bothers me when people criticize him relentlessly on here.

    Thanks for being so nice, I really appreciate it and I’m glad the finale worked for you. 🙂

  99. I love how everybody just assumes that Sansa and Theon got away. Yes, I’ve read the books. But it isn’t like they are exactly following the books. Everybody knows how much Ramsay enjoys a good hunt. So, they could get away or get captured. We shall see.
    Stannis could be dead. But I won’t believe it until I see that his head was actually separated from his body. How many other beheadings have they shown on the show? And they decided they just weren’t going to show that one? Show me proof and I will believe.
    I’ve almost lost all interest in Arya’s story line at this point. Which is sad, because she is such a great character. But I lost interest at the same point in the books as well.
    Gendry is bound to have the biggest biceps in the Seven Kingdoms.
    And as for Jon Snow’s fate… Meh. I say let him warg into Ghost. He’d probably be more useful that way. I’m just not a huge fan of the show version of Jon Snow. I think a lot of people tend to overrate the character because Kit Harrington plays the part. He does a good job, don’t get me wrong. It’s the script that’s the problem and the fact that they only get 10-1 hour episodes. I mean, each book is around 1,000 pages or more. I just think they’ve had to “water them down” too much because of this.
    And I think Tyrion should be King and Varys should be Hand of the King. BOOM! All problems solved. Goodbye.

  100. ” “You feel that she is concentrating more and more towards Jon Snow … there are slight hints that something’s going to happen. I was doing ADR [for season 5] the other day and then the producer was there and he was saying something that I’ve heard before, which is quite spectacular, for next year, which I really can’t say anything about.”

    Resurrection confirmed.”

    Cleganebowl confirmed.

  101. hodor,

    No, the commentor was referring to the fact that Carice did state in an interview that she has a scene with Kit at the end of the season. She was not referring to her scene earlier in the season.

  102. Wouldnt it be hysterical if Mel resurrects Jon only to be stabbed again by the Nights Watch seconds later? I mean, what is to stop Al from doing it again? Burn the bastard I say.

  103. It’s probably because the the tv show doesn’t always follow the books….If it did Emilia would already be off the show

  104. Before dying, Jon Snow wargs into ghost, and a white walker made a zombie from his corpse, Jon returns to his body revived.

  105. I,ve just bought season 5 or have I It only goes as far as “The burning of the princess and then it finishes” Is this all that disc 5 season 5 shows ????

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