Watchers on the Wall’s Take the Black Contest – Day Two!


โ€“This contest is now closedโ€“

The Wall can be a cold and unforgiving place, so we Watchers need to find some way to keep ourselves entertained. But, since we can only remember half the words to “The Rains of Castamere” and none of us can play the harp, a good, old-fashioned sing-a-long is out; as is a brief trip to Molestown (too poor), or a foray into the Haunted Forest (too scary).

So instead, we bring you, dear readers, a celebration of you, our black brothers (and sisters) in arms with a week-long giveaway of some of the finest merchandise in all the realm!

Each day this week, we will be giving away a fabulous prize graciously donated to us from The Noble Collection, which is world-renowned for their high-quality merchandise and prop reproductions.

Today’s prize is their Longclaw Letter Opener which is made from real steel, measures an imposing 9 inches long, and typically retails for $24.50.


So, what do you have to do to win this little guy? Well, it’s definitely less of a commitment than avowing yourself to a life of celibacy and limited clothing options!

To enter the drawing, comment on this post with which of the Seven Kingdoms you hail from AND fill out the Rafflecoper below! You can select as many of the entry methods as you like, but take note that doing things like liking WotW on Facebook and Twitter or tweeting about the giveaway will give you additional entries into today’s contest.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The drawing ends at 11:59 PM EST tonight, so make sure you get your entries in early! And, don’t worry if you don’t win… we’ll be back with another giveaway tomorrow!


  1. I used to have a German penpal. Her name is not important right now but what IS important is that this was back before the internet. Before electronic mail. Before penis porn became superfluous. Back when you would put your name and address on a little card attached to a helium filled balloon and release it in hopes that someone would find it and write you a letter – the anticipation and the excitement of receiving a response far outweighing the joy one receives from an excessive amount of “likes” on a Facebook status update.

    Anywho back to my Deutsche fraulein penpal. We exchanged your typical pleasantries, how old we were, where we were born, what are home town is like, what music we listen to, that sort of thing. Finally after the third or so letter I received I finally asked for a picture of her. I kept thinking that she looked like the blonde German girl that Rusty fondles in European Vacation. Well in her next reply she sent her school photo. Though not blonde, she was very pretty, and left me wanting more.

    Which leaves me to the moral of my little post here. I’d rather receive boobie selfie pics than a fucking balloon with someone’s address on it and what the fuck will I use a letter opener for?

  2. If I’m being honest, I’m Tully-colored and river-faring. But I’m going to ignore that and say Dorne! It’s where I get my post-modern views and predilection for spicy food.

  3. I’m from The Reach. Seems like a pretty sweet place to live, and hasn’t been quite as massacred (yet) as some of the other kingdoms.

  4. I’m from the Reach.

    Well, technically from Oldtown, which you may or may not consider to be culturally part of the Reach. But geographically it definitely is.

  5. Dorne. Winter doesn’t really come, it’s all nice weather, girls are everywhere, and they are more tolerant. We also resisted Aegon 1, and that gives us style points!

  6. IRL I am from Scandinavia, so I can call myself northern and am no stranger to winds of winter.

    Therefore I say Dorne ๐Ÿ˜‰ Most liberal, progressive and warmest. Also, not participating in the war yet.

  7. The North, through and through. I’d love breathing the cold morning air, wandering through the vast forests, mountains, and tundras, and listening to the howling of wolves at night. Most of all, I’d love not having to put up with any of those nonsensical southern gods. Perfect.

    Having said that, assuming that I somehow made it to old age (highly unlikely in Westeros, even if I declined all wedding invitations), I might have my eye on retiring somewhere warmer. Dorne would be nice. Or even the Summer Isles. I can dream, anyway.

  8. Absolutely THE NORTH. I feel like like I’m from The Last Hearth, so fighting wildlings is something natural to me.

  9. I’d be a Salty Dornish. I have always had an affinity to the Martells (I’m a Sullied), I hate the cold, my nationality has a Mediterranean background (I’m olive-skinned and of Sicilian-descent, that’s as close I can get to being “Latin”), and I currently live in a hot, humid state with plentiful beach and shoreline

    Not to mention, I’m a proud progressive and feminist, so Dornish law is prettyyyy muuuch as close as you can get to my moral compass in the Seven Kingdoms.

  10. All hail the North and the Starks of Winterfell. Would love to be the first woman to take the Black and be a watcher on the wall

  11. Definitely the north. Or even north of the wall.

    I’m Canadian and I actually like rough winters, can’t stand summer.
    Thinking this way, maybe I’m an Other.

  12. The North. Home to the old gods, the children of the forest, and many fantastic beings. Give me a godswood in my castle!

  13. My loyalties are totally with The North, but in real life I’m a thin-blooded southerner, so I’m gonna have to go with The Reach.

  14. Clearly, I come from the misery that is the Riverlands, which isn’t even one of the Seven Kingdoms. We are just the battle ground where the other Seven Kingdoms fight and slaughter our small folk. So today, the battle seems to be leaning toward the side of Lannisters so I will claim I hail from the Westerlands. Tomorrow, who knows…I do hear that the North remembers…whatever that means. Oh! Some pie does sound nice.

  15. Given my looks, my favored foods, and my pesky equal rights and sex positivity ideas, I am probably Dornish. I would also settle for Westerlands, to be a Lannister banner…woman if for nothing else

  16. The Riverlands – more like my kind of weather than the North or Dorne. And the Tully’s Godswood sounds like my idea of perfection.

  17. The wild North. I’m one of those northerners that melts as soon as you cross Moat Cailin but why would anyone want to go down south anyways, let the southron Knights keep their flowery seat.

  18. Has the winner of the dragon sculpture been announced? I’m totally from The Vale by the way. Always loved the landscape.

  19. Gotta be the Vale. Beautiful mountains, rolling countrysides, not too warm in the summer, and safe from everyone except those pesky mountain tribes.

  20. Dorne sounds fun! Though I kinda like the thought of being a mysterious swampy forest dweller near Greywater… do that’s probably what I would be.

  21. I love the harsh cold. That feeling where the inside of your nostrils freeze and your breath makes icicles on your eyelashes. North. As far north as north goes. Well beyond the wall.

    Maybe not one of the seven kingdoms, but what would I want with those kings anyway?

  22. The North is too damn cold. The Riverlands is too dangerous during times of war. I hate snakes, so no Dorne. The Vale has the mountain clans, which is a negative. Really, the Reach is the only possible answer.

  23. I’m a Southerner living in the North and my children were born here.

    Guess that makes me somewhat like Catelyn

  24. Like i told Axey once on twitter, since i am from the NORTH of Germany, i’ll hail from the North of Westeros as well.

  25. The Vale. Gulltown, perhaps. Isolated enough to be away from war, but it’s a port city so we should have decent supplies of food and clothing. Plus, I could watch the ships coming in from Braavos.

  26. I’m at home in the North, a pale colorless thing more like an Other than a Wildling.

    The sun burns me, so I’ll take my vitamin D as I bundle up and pray that Winter is indeed Coming.

  27. I come from House Mormont amongst the ice and rocks and one of the few houses to have an ancestral weapon made out of Valyrian Steel: Longclaw

  28. But … but I wanna be from Braavos *whines*

    So, I’m choosing Dorne for pretty much the same reasons Phyllis Ashley explained (thanks to her for helping me make up my mind).

    Let’s face it, as exciting as the North can be, it’s not a female friendly place at all. Restrictive clothes, unforgiving laws, the possibilities of being in an arranged marriage with a psychopath—no thanks.
    As for Kings’ Landing, even Fleabottom isn’t safe, due to the chances of being seduced by a horny highborn Ser only to find out that you are now the mother to be of a son who is now number one on the Westeros Most Wanted List.

    So a girl will bide awhile with the Martels, drinking Dornish wine and cooling her toes in the Summer Sea.

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