Tommy Dunne and Bald Move Join the Con of Thrones Line-up!

Tommy Dunne COT

Con of Thrones announced today that Game of Thrones weapons master Tommy Dunne and fan-favorite podcasters Bald Move have joined the lineup for Con of Thrones 2018!

They join an already-stelllar lineup of guests including Game of Thrones cast members Hannah Murray (Gilly), Sibel Kekilli (Shae), Miltos Yerolemou (Syrio Forel), Esmé Bianco (Ros), Kate Dickie (Lysa Arryn), Sam Coleman (Young Hodor), and Aimee Richardson (Myrcella Baratheon), along with Game of Thrones sound designer Paula Fairfield, and popular podcasts A Storm of Spoilers and The Ringer’s Binge Mode.

Dunne has been with Game of Thrones since the very beginning, even appearing on the show in two separate cameos- once in “Winter is Coming”‘s notorious shaving scene, and later in the season 4 opener, “Two Swords,” where Dunne’s expertise was on display as Ice was melted down. In addition to serving as GoT‘s weapons master for the entire span of the show, Dunne’s work as an armorer has been seen in films such as Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, V for Vendetta, The Mask of Zorro, and many more.

Bald Move COT

The fellas at Bald Move, known for the Game of Thrones Podcast, are returning for another round of Con of Thrones fun, and we’re thrilled to have them. Bald Move, consisting of Jim Jones and A.Ron Hubbard, were huge favorites at last year’s con. The duo will be bringing back their brand of insight, humor and wit, and will be featured on an array of panels at Con of Thrones 2018.

Autograph and photograph experiences with special guests are now on sale. Programming news and even more guest announcements are just around the corner, so stay tuned!

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This will be the second year for Con of Thrones, the premier convention for fans of Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, and the epic worlds of fantasy author George R. R. Martin. This year it will take place at the Hyatt Regency Dallas in Dallas, TX, May 25-27, 2018. Tickets are on sale now at!

Con of Thrones is produced by Mischief Management, and we at Watchers on the Wall are proud to be the official programming partner for Con of Thrones. For more about Con of Thrones and to receive updates, visit the official Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and of course the Con of Thrones 2018 website!

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. NICE! Super looking forward to hearing what Tommy has to say. Great News Sue. Thanks for keeping the HYPE TRAIN rolling!

  2. Awesome additions to an ever-growing list of impressive guests! Can’t wait to listen in on the Bald Move podcast — one of my favorites!

  3. I’m a big fan of Bald Move, but last year I had pretty bad luck and my own panels coincided with all of theirs, so I didn’t get to see them. This time I aim to recitfy that! They’re great.

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